#trave river
besidethepath · 8 months
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A few seabird pictures from yesterday. My first sighting of a red-breasted merganser and a great crested grebe sneaked in amongst all the mergansers
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vestaignis · 2 months
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Озеро Сукко (Кипарисовое озеро), или Голубое озеро — одна из самых популярных и фотогеничных локаций в окрестностях Анапы. Удивительные деревья с узловатыми корнями и приятным смолистым ароматом растут здесь прямо из воды. О происхождении названия озера существует множество предположений. С адыгейского топоним можно перевести как «водоем кабанов». Существует также вариант трактовки «Сукко» как «су» — вода и «къко» – свинья или дельфин. Озеро в Сукко было создано искусственно путем строительства плотины на реке, впадающей в Черное море, что привело к затоплению долины. Этот водоем занимает площадь всего 8 гектаров. Высота Кипарисового озера - 40 м над уровнем моря. Особую известность озеру принес уникальный эксперимент, проведенный в 1934–1935 годах, когда были посажены 32 болотных кипарисов, которые успешно прижились и выросли.  Изначально кипарисы были посажены на сухой земле, однако из-за значительных изменений рельефа территории они со временем оказались в воде. В периоды засухи уровень воды в озере понижается, обнажая обширную корневую систему деревьев. Кипарисы достигают внушительной высоты почти в 30 метров, а их стволы могут быть шириной до полуметра. Роща прекрасна практически в любой сезон: весной свежая листва хвойных деревьев нежно-зелёная, летом приобретает более тёмный и насыщенный оттенок, а осенью полыхает ярко-оранжевым или красным цветом. К зиме деревья полностью сбрасывают листву, обнажая ветвистые кроны — в чём тоже есть своя красота.
Из-за обилия известняковых отложений в зависимости от освещения озеро Сукко может менять цвет от нежного молочно-голубого до насыщенного бирюзового. Голубое озеро не только известно своими кипарисами и кристально чистой водой, но и окружающей его природой. Водоем находится среди лесопарка с дубами и грабами, а с северной стороны его окружают склоны горы Широкая. Рядом также расположена можжевеловая роща, создающая лечебный воздух в этой местности.
Lake Sukko (Cypress Lake), or Blue Lake, is one of the most popular and photogenic locations in the vicinity of Anapa. Amazing trees with knotty roots and a pleasant resinous aroma grow here directly from the water. There are many speculations about the origin of the name of the lake. From the Adyghe toponym can be translated as “pond of wild boars.” There is also an option to interpret “Sukko” as “su” - water and “kko” - pig or dolphin. The lake in Sukko was created artificially by building a dam on a river flowing into the Black Sea, which led to flooding of the valley. This reservoir covers an area of ​​only 8 hectares. The height of Cypress Lake is 40 m above sea level. The lake became especially famous due to a unique experiment conducted in 1934–1935, when 32 swamp cypress trees were planted, which successfully took root and grew.Initially, the cypress trees were planted on dry land, but due to significant changes in the terrain, they eventually ended up in water. During periods of drought, the lake's water level drops, exposing the trees' extensive root systems. Cypress trees reach an impressive height of almost 30 meters, and their trunks can be up to half a meter wide. The grove is beautiful in almost any season: in the spring, the fresh foliage of coniferous trees is soft green, in the summer it acquires a darker and richer shade, and in the fall it blazes with bright orange or red. By winter, the trees completely shed their leaves, revealing branched crowns - which also has its own beauty.
Due to the abundance of limestone deposits, depending on the lighting, Lake Sukko can change color from delicate milky blue to rich turquoise. Blue Lake is not only famous for its cypress trees and crystal clear water, but also for the nature that surrounds it. The reservoir is located among a forest park with oaks and hornbeams, and on the northern side it is surrounded by the slopes of Mount Shirokaya. There is also a juniper grove nearby, which creates healing air in this area.
Источник: https://kukarta.ru/ozero-sukko,//ezhevika-travel.ru /tur/ozero-sukko-foto,/turistexpert.ru/rossiya/anapa/kiparisovoe-ozero/,//kiparisovoe-ozero.ru,/blijehotel.ru/articles/kiparisovoe-ozero/, /experience.tripster.ru/sights/kiparisovoe-ozero-sukko/, /www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g3226223-d2331079-Reviews-Sukko_Lake-Sukko_Krasnodar_Krai_Southern_District.html.
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xexyromero · 6 months
bola na trave não altera o placar. fem!reader x pipe otaño
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fem!reader, pipe otaño x reader, fluff.
cw: pipe é meio babaca no começo!!!
sinopse: "poderia fazer algo do pipe onde ele fica revoltadíssimo e chateado com a derrota do river em algum campeonato e não tá afim de papo com ninguém. maaas, a leitora (alheia a chateação dele) tá muito empolgada com alguma coisa e fica tagalerando pra ele, até que ele perde um pouco linha e manda ela ficar quieta ou algo do tipo? daí coitado se arrepende na hora mas ela não vai perdoar fácil assim."
wn: ficou aquela coisa bem melosa e melada heheeh espero que goste! desculpa a demora!!!
você abriu a porta do apartamento com muita dificuldade, os braços cheios de compras de supermercado e duas mudinhas de plantinhas que roubou no meio do caminho para casa.
pipe estava sentado no sofá, vestido com sua camisa do river, digitando alguma coisa no telefone. você estava tão animada com o que tinha acontecido pela manhã, além de estar afobada com a quantidade de coisas equilibradas em seu braço, que mal teve tempo de prestar atenção no semblante sombrio do argentino.
"ay, amorzinho! você nem sabe!" começou a tagarelar na medida que ia dispondo as sacolas em cima da mesa de vidro. "lembra aquela série brasileira que a gente estava assistindo na netflix?"
ele murmurou alguma coisa, mas você seguiu ignorando. às vezes, quando ele estava no telefone, era mais difícil de conseguir uma frase ou palavra completa mesmo. não porque era ignorante - só não era bom em fazer várias coisas ao mesmo tempo.
a recepção morna não te parou.
"simplesmente encontrei a atriz principal no supermercado aqui do bairro! uma querida - super solícita, conversamos em português mesmo e ela me deu um autógrafo. acredita? me senti uma menina de novo, quando encontra uma ídola!" com as sacolas organizadas, você começou a retirar os conteúdos e ir separando na mesa a partir da gaveta e parte do armário onde ficariam. "ela disse que meu cabelo era lindo e me perguntou dicas de shampoo! SHAMPOO, pipe!" você riu, alheia. "e você nem acredita no que ela falou sobre-"
"você não consegue ficar quieta por cinco minutos?" pipe vociferou, interrompendo sua fala.
na mesma hora, seu coração caiu. sentiu as lágrimas brotando no cantinho dos seus olhos (muito obrigada, tpm!). largou a tarefa que fazia, colocou as duas mudinhas no aparador e marchou em direção a porta.
pipe percebeu a besteira que fez, mas infelizmente, não a tempo. ele se levantou do sofá na mesma hora que você virou, largando o telefone nas almofadas, enquanto partia atrás de você. tentou se colocar no meio do seu caminho, "amor, me desculpa! me desculpa! é que o river perdeu e eu estava falando com o simón e..."
"não se preocupe, babaca. pra você eu vou ficar quieta pra sempre." empurrou ele para o lado, não com força, mas com firmeza. procurava a chave de casa com raiva nos bolsos. não ficaria no apartamento um minuto a mais.
"por favor! me desculpa!"
você deu apenas mais um olhar irritado, abriu a porta do apartamento e fechou na cara dele, com toda força que tinha no seu corpo.
quase correu pelo corredor do prédio em direção ao elevador, com medo que ele viesse atrás de você. ao entrar pelas portas de metal, o alívio de ter "fugido" deu lugar as lágrimas e os soluços que saiam livremente, sem seu controle.
quando o "ping" conhecido indicou que você havia chegado no térreo, encontrou a figura esbaforida de pipe descendo o último degrau de escada do prédio.
"amorzinho, por favor, me desculpa." o argentino falou em português, na tentativa em vão de te amolecer. você queria respondê-lo, mandá-lo para aquele lugar, mas permaneceu em silêncio. negou sutilmente com a cabeça. "eu fui grosso e estúpido. pra começo de conversa, eu nem estava te ouvindo direito. me desculpa mesmo!" ele segurou suas mãos, beijando a pontinha dos seus dedos, te olhando com aquele olhar suplicante.
você suavizou. era um babaca, mas pelo menos sabia reconhecer quando pediu desculpa. deixou um sorrisinho, ainda que mal humorado, escapar dos lábios.
o que rendeu um sorriso de mostrar os dentes no rosto de pipe. "eu vou guardar as compras e fazer um jantar delicioso pra você!"
bom, pelo menos ganharia algo de volta.
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queersrus · 11 months
Hello!! ^^
Can I request names, pronouns, and titles inspired by doctor who? I’m currently hyper fixated on the show!! Thank you so much!!
yes!! i was fixated on dr who again for a bit idk why i didnt answer this sooner i love dr who <3
assuming you want the entire show for a theme not just the doctor themself ^^
doctor, doc, dalek, dan, danny, davros, dodo, donna, doom, dregs ace, ada, adipose, adric, amy, ashad, ashildr, auton barbera/barbara/barbra, ben, bill, brian, boe captain, charles, clara, cyber, chaplet, cassandra jack, jackson, jones, jackey/jackie, jamie, jo, joseph, judoon, jane harkness, holloway, harriet/harriett/harriette, harry lovelace, lewis, leela, liz pond, potts, pink, peri, polly write, warp, willfred, william, who yates, yasmin oswald, one time, traveller, tardis, tyler, two, three, ten, twelve, thirteen, taylor, tempora, temporal, tegan noble eight, eleven, empty, elizabeth five, four, fourteen grace, graham, grant sullivan, shaw, shelley, song, sally, sparrow, sara/sarah, sea, seacole, six, seven, steven, susan, space ian, ice, idris k9, kamelion, kandy, karvanista, katarina, kate macra, mara, martha, mary, mel, mickey, mire, melody nickola, nine, noor, nyssa queen, queenie victoria, vicki, vincent river, romona/ramona, rory, rose, ryan universe zoe
the doctor, the doctors companion, the companion, the tardis, the time traveller, the time lord, the immortal, the dalek
(prn) who travels through time, (prn) who time travels, (prn) who fights aliens, (prn) who's seen the future, (prn) who comes from the past
1st pov prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ti/time/times/timeself tri/trave/travels/travelself spi/space/spaces/spaceself di/doc/doctors/doctorself ti/tardi/tardis/tardiself sci/fi/scifis/scifiself ci/com/companions/companionself whi/who/whos/whom/whoself di/dale/daleks/dalekself
2nd pov prns: you/your/yours/yourself
to/timer/timers/timerself tro/traveller/travellers/travellerself to/tar/tardisr/tardisrself spo/spacer/spacers/spacerself sco/fir/scifirs/scifirself do/doctor/doctors/doctorself co/companionr/companionrs/companionrself who/whos/whoms/whomstself do/dalekr/dalekrs/dalekrself
3rd pov prns: they/them/theirs/themself
ti/time, ti/me, time/times, timey/wimey, time/travel, time/traveller travel/traveller, trav/el, trav/eller, travel/travelling, travel/travels, traveller/travellers tar/dis, tardis/tardis', tar/tardis spa/space, spa/ce, space/spaces sci/fi, science/fiction doc/tor, doc/doctor, dr/drs, doctor/doctors, doctor/who who/whos, wh/o, who/whom, who/whomst, whom/whomst co/companion, companion/companions, compan/ion, com/panion da/lek, dalek/daleks, dal/dalek
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goalhofer · 14 days
2024 olympics Jamaica roster
Ackeem Blake (Kingston)
Oblique Seville (Kingston)
Kishane Thompson (Mitchell Town)
Andrew Hudson; Jr. (Clermont, Florida)
Bryan Levell (Frankfeld)
Sean Bailey (Spanish Town)
Jevaughn Powell (May Pen)
Deandre Watkin (Kingston)
Navasky Anderson (Spanish Town)
Orlando Bennett (Kingston)
Rasheed Broadbell (Kingston)
Hansle Parchment (Morant Bay)
Roshawn Clarke (Kingston)
Jaheel Hyde (Spanish Town)
Malik James-King (Kingston)
Jehlani Gordon (Kingston)
Zandrion Barnes (Port Antonio)
Raheem Hayles (Springfield, New York)
Romaine Beckford (Port Antonio)
Tajay Gayle (Kingston)
Carey McLeod (Kingston)
Wayne Pinnock (Kingston)
Jaydon Hibbert (Kingston)
Jordan Scott (Portmore)
Rajindra Campbell (Ocho Rios)
Ralford Mullings (Kingston)
Traves Smikle (Kingston)
Roje Stona (Lucea)
Tia Clayton (May Pen)
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce (Kingston)
Shashalee Forbes (Mandeville)
Niesha Burgher (Yallahs)
Shericka Jackson (St. Ann's Bay)
Lanae-Tava Thomas (Kingston)
Junelle Bromfield (Black River)
Nickisha Pryce (Hayes)
Stacey-Ann Williams (Kingston)
Natoya Goule-Toppin (Mandeville)
Adelle Tracey (London, U.K.)
Janeek Brown (Kingston)
Ackera Nugent (Kingston)
Danielle Williams (Golden Spring)
Rushell Clayton (Bath Mountain)
Janieve Russell (Christiana)
Shiann Salmon (Kingston)
Kemba Nelson (Montego Bay)
Alana Reid (Jamaica Ferry)
Stephenie McPherson (Kingston)
Andrenette Knight (Hayes)
Ashley Williams (Christiana)
Lamara Distin (Jamaica Ferry)
Chanice Porter (Mandeville)
Ackelia Smith (James Hill)
Shanieka Thomas-Ricketts (Content Gap)
Kimberley Williams (Morant Bay)
Lloydricia Cameron (Kingston)
Dannielle Thomas-Dodd (Savanna-La-Mar)
Samantha Hall (Spanish Town)
Nayoka Clunis (Excelsior, Minnesota)
Yona Knight-Wisdom (Leeds, U.K.)
Ashley McKenzie (London, U.K.)
Josh Kirlew (London, U.K.)
Sabrina Lyn (Kingston)
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delightstay · 20 days
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clickexpedition11 · 6 months
7 Best Tanzania Wildlife Safaris in 2024
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Tanzania is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, making it a top destination for wildlife safaris in 2024. Here are seven of the best Tanzania wildlife safaris to consider for an unforgettable adventure:
Serengeti National Park Safari: Known for the Great Migration of wildebeest and zebras, the Serengeti offers a remarkable wildlife spectacle. Visitors can witness predators such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs in action, making it a must-visit destination.
Ngorongoro Crater Safari: The Ngorongoro Crater is a natural wonder and home to a high concentration of wildlife. Safari-goers can spot the Big Five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhino) along with flamingos and other bird species in this unique ecosystem.
Tarangire National Park Safari: Famous for its large elephant herds, Tarangire National Park boasts diverse wildlife, including giraffes, zebras, and various antelope species. The park's baobab trees and scenic landscapes add to its allure.
Lake Manyara National Park Safari: Nestled between the Great Rift Valley's escarpment and Lake Manyara, this park is known for its tree-climbing lions and diverse birdlife, making it a paradise for birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts.
Selous Game Reserve Safari: As one of Africa's largest game reserves, Selous offers a remote and untouched safari experience. Visitors can enjoy boat safaris along the Rufiji River, spot hippos, crocodiles, and a plethora of bird species, and witness the reserve's abundant wildlife.
Ruaha National Park Safari: With rugged landscapes and a lesser-known status compared to other parks, Ruaha offers a more exclusive safari experience. It's home to large herds of elephants, lions, leopards, and an array of birdlife amidst stunning scenery.
Mahale Mountains National Park Safari: For a unique safari experience, Mahale Mountains National Park allows visitors to trek through lush forests to observe chimpanzees in their natural habitat. The park also offers stunning views of Lake Tanganyika, adding to its allure. These seven Tanzania wildlife safaris in 2024 cater to different preferences, from witnessing iconic wildlife to exploring diverse ecosystems, ensuring an unforgettable safari experience for every trave
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tajimran9 · 7 months
Taj Mahal tour by superfast train From delhi
Introduction: The Taj Mahal, one of the world's most iconic monuments, stands as a testament to love, beauty, and architectural excellence. For travelers seeking a convenient and efficient way to explore this majestic wonder, a Taj Mahal tour by superfast train from Delhi offers an unforgettable experience. With the speed and comfort of modern rail transportation, visitors can embark on a seamless journey to Agra, immersing themselves in the splendor of the Taj Mahal and its rich cultural surroundings.
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Boarding the Superfast Train:
The journey begins at one of Delhi's bustling railway stations, where travelers eagerly await the arrival of the superfast train bound for Agra. As the train pulls into the station, excitement fills the air, and passengers board the sleek, modern coaches, eager to embark on their adventure.
As the train departs from Delhi, travelers settle into their seats and watch as the urban landscape gives way to the scenic beauty of the countryside. With each passing mile, they are treated to panoramic views of lush green fields, rustic villages, and historic landmarks, all set against the backdrop of the majestic Aravalli Mountains.
Arrival in Agra:
After a comfortable journey, the superfast train arrives at the bustling railway station in Agra, the gateway to the Taj Mahal. As travelers disembark from the train, they are greeted by their guide, who will accompany them on their tour of the city.
With eager anticipation, travelers set out to explore the wonders of Agra, starting with a visit to the iconic Taj Mahal.
Exploring the Taj Mahal: As travelers approach the Taj Mahal, they are awestruck by its breathtaking beauty and grandeur. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture, renowned for its symmetrical design, intricate marble carvings, and stunning gardens.
Accompanied by their guide, travelers enter the Taj Mahal complex and marvel at the monument's gleaming white marble facade, which seems to glow in the sunlight. They wander through the lush gardens, serene reflecting pools, and ornate marble chambers, soaking in the timeless beauty and romance of this iconic monument.
As they explore the Taj Mahal, travelers learn about its fascinating history and the architectural techniques used to create such a masterpiece. They admire the intricate details of the marble carvings, which depict floral motifs, geometric patterns, and verses from the Quran, and gain a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship of the artisans who built the Taj Mahal centuries ago.
After spending ample time admiring the Taj Mahal and capturing photographs to commemorate their visit, travelers bid farewell to this architectural marvel and continue their exploration of Agra.
Visit to Agra Fort:
Next on the itinerary is a visit to Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage Site that offers a glimpse into India's rich history and architectural heritage. Built by Emperor Akbar in the 16th century, Agra Fort served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors.
As travelers wander through the sprawling complex of palaces, courtyards, and mosques, they are transported back in time to the golden age of the Mughal Empire. They explore the Diwan-i-Am (Hall of Public Audience), Diwan-i-Khas (Hall of Private Audience), and other architectural marvels, marveling at the intricate carvings, beautiful marble work, and panoramic views of the Yamuna River.
Cultural Interlude and Lunch:
Between visits to the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, travelers have the opportunity to indulge in a cultural interlude by exploring the bustling markets and culinary delights of Agra. They may shop for handicrafts, textiles, and souvenirs at local bazaars, or sample delicious Mughlai cuisine at a traditional restaurant, savoring the rich flavors and aromatic spices that characterize the region's culinary heritage.
As they enjoy a leisurely lunch, travelers have the chance to relax and reflect on their experiences thus far, savoring the memories of their journey to Agra.
Return to Delhi:
As the day draws to a close, travelers bid farewell to Agra and board the superfast train for their return journey to Delhi. As they watch the countryside pass by from the comfort of their seats, they reflect on the beauty and grandeur of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, grateful for the opportunity to experience these iconic landmarks on a Taj Mahal tour by superfast train from Delhi.
A Taj Mahal tour by superfast train from Delhi offers travelers a convenient and efficient way to explore the wonders of Agra and immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of India. From the breathtaking beauty of the Taj Mahal to the historic charm of Agra Fort, every moment of the journey is filled with wonder and awe. So, for those seeking an unforgettable adventure, a Taj Mahal tour by superfast train promises an experience that will stay with them long after they return home.
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paramedicabroad · 9 months
Hanseatic City of Lübeck
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Join me on a virtual journey to the enchanting Hanseatic city of Lübeck, a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled along the shores of the Baltic Sea in Germany. This medieval gem invites you to stroll through its cobblestone streets, marvel at Gothic architecture, and delve into a rich tapestry of history that has shaped the city for centuries.
Discover the legacy of Lübeck as a prominent member of the Hanseatic League. As a key trading hub, the city played a crucial role in shaping maritime commerce and cultural exchange during the medieval period.
Stand before the iconic Holstentor, a medieval city gate that serves as a symbol of Lübeck's historical strength and prosperity. The twin-towered gate, adorned with red-brick Gothic architecture, welcomes visitors into the heart of the city.
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Wander through Lübeck's Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that boasts a well-preserved medieval urban layout. Admire the gabled houses, picturesque courtyards, and Gothic churches that grace the cityscape.
Marvel at St. Mary's Church, a Gothic masterpiece that dominates Lübeck's skyline. The church's soaring spires and intricate details make it a testament to the city's architectural prowess and historical significance.
Indulge in Lübeck's famous marzipan, a sweet treat that has been crafted with precision and passion for centuries. Visit Niederegger, the renowned marzipan manufacturer, to witness the artistry behind this delectable confection.
Immerse yourself in the Hanseatic Museum, where exhibits transport you back in time to Lübeck's Hanseatic glory days. Explore the maritime artifacts, trade routes, and the stories of merchants who once navigated the Baltic Sea.
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Stroll along the banks of the Trave River, where the city's skyline is reflected in the tranquil waters. The riverfront offers a peaceful escape and breathtaking views of Lübeck's historic architecture.
Partake in Lübeck's vibrant festivals and cultural events that celebrate the city's rich heritage. From the medieval market to the Christmas markets, these events bring the past to life and infuse the city with a sense of festivity.
In conclusion, Lübeck beckons us to traverse its medieval streets and harbor fronts, where every cobblestone tells a story of Hanseatic glory. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it stands as a testament to the enduring beauty of maritime cities and the cultural richness they harbor. When you're ready for a digital sojourn through time, Lübeck promises to captivate and inspire. 🏰🌊🇩🇪
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simonhkshin · 10 months
River Water - Delaware River #delawarewatergap #newjersey #travel #trave...
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theeagertraveler · 10 months
The 4 Most Underrated Historic Cities in Germany!
Germany is often associated with bustling cities like Berlin and Munich, but there are hidden gems in the northern region that are brimming with history and character. These cities are part of the Hanseatic League of Cities, and they offer a unique perspective on Germany's rich heritage. Here, we'll take you on a journey through Muenster, Osnabruck, Lubeck, and Rostock/Warnemunde, the four most underrated historic cities in Germany.
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1. Muenster: Germany's Cycling Capital
Just an hour and 20 minutes by train from Dusseldorf Airport Station, Muenster is a city that deserves a 2-3 day stay. The historic marketplace, Prinzipalmarkt, is a must-visit, and during the summer, the Aasee offers a solar boat ride to the All-Weather Zoo, known for its conservation efforts. The renovated Hafen (harbor) is perfect for dining and entertainment, and Muenster is home to the first and only Picasso Museum in Germany.
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2. Osnabruck: A Journey to the Past
A short 20-minute train ride from Munster; Osnabruck transports you to medieval times. The city hosts a wine festival in early August and boasts a captivating Botanical Garden for research enthusiasts. The Felix Nussbaum Museum displays the works of a renowned German-Jewish artist and recounts his harrowing experience during the Holocaust.
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3. Lubeck - The City of the Seven Spires
Lubeck stands out with its stunning Brick Gothic architecture, surrounded by the river Trave. The European Hanse Museum is the world's best-engaging museum dedicated to the Hanseatic League's history. Don't miss Lubeck's marzipan, with a visit to Niederegger, where you can see life-sized marzipan statues. Explore the charming alleyways and visit St. Mary's Church, Germany's third-largest church. A harbor cruise and the Duckstein festival by the river complete the experience.
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4. Rostock and Warnemunde: Seaside Delights
Rostock is a short train ride from Lubeck, and from there, a quick transfer takes you to Warnemunde, a beloved seaside resort. In mid-August, the Hanse Sail Festival showcases the city's maritime heritage. Explore the iconic lighthouse and the Teapot restaurant, famous for seafood. You can also take a ferry from Warnemunde to Rostock to explore Germany's oldest university town.
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Concluding Remarks If you seek an authentic slice of Germany, away from the crowds of Berlin and Munich, these historic cities in the north offer an unforgettable experience. Let Preethi, the dedicated travel blogger and photographer from TheEagerTraveler.com, guide you towards your next remarkable adventure. Explore the hidden treasures of Muenster, Osnabruck, Lubeck, and Rostock/Warnemunde and immerse yourself in Germany's rich history and culture.
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Flight cancelations and hummingbirds.
Classic story of a girl meeting a guy, falling in love, girl living in a new country for 6 years then having him break up with her over facetime when she is in another country, during a pandemic after they buy a house together. 
This is how I found myself back in Birmingham, England after being away and struggling through life for three years. A beautiful and wonderful friend was marrying her beloved and they had asked me to officiate the wedding. I had previously considered the whole country of England to be dead to me but one can not say no to love. I packed my things and wrote one heck of a sermon for the wedding. While writing it I saw a hummingbird. I asked a Qu'wutsun friend of mine if hummingbirds meant anything special on this land. He said it was good luck before a trip. I felt like I had my ancestors on my side and took off to England. The trip was wonderful. Re-connecting with so many people and visiting these old places that felt like they were taken from me- it gave me the closure I didn't think I needed and didn't expect was waiting for me in the west midlands.
  Leaving was a bit trickier. There are no hummingbirds in England.
I am no stranger to airport struggles so I try to go into a travel day without too much stress, I know there will be enough coming my way! My generous and gracious friend drove me to the Manchester airport, a 90 minute drive from her lovely river side home in Yorkshire and I have to admit I was sleepy. Tired because we went mountain biking and had a BBQ the day before and it was 8am but also because the two week trip was emotionally exhausting. Connecting with some of my most precious friends for two weeks really was a dream but it had left my social and emotional battery completely flat. I had no charge nor did I have anything left in the tank to even try to start... clearly I don't know how engines work. We talked in the car, soaking up the last little bit of in-person connection that we would get for the next while and in the middle of the ride I got a message from Air Canada saying my flight was 30 minutes delayed. No problem, I thought, gives me just a bit more time for security and a coffee. We hugged good bye and I said farewell to the English sun- something that had JUST come out in my last departing days. Manchester security was a thing to behold. New signs were up around x-rays explaining all the things that were considered liquid: hair gel, lotion, mascara, solid lip balms, solid deodorant.. wait... I have my travel packing to an art and travelled only carry on for this two weeks, but that was only possible because most of my traditionally liquid things are now solid- shampoo, deodorant, moisturizer- and really if something is a solid, how can it be considered a liquid? I was too far in line to change anything and I didn't have enough room in my 1L bag anyway. I assumed secondary screening would be inevitable. But then I noticed a video screen that showed off how many other people either didn't understand the rules or were hoping to get by with a cheeky "whoops!, didn't understand that a solid was a liquid, mate!" The screen said that 90% of bags going through this queues x rays were failing and needing secondary inspection. I looked past the human metal detector and saw lines and lines and lines of bags waiting for security to go through them under the watchful eye of the less than patient Manchester travellers. 35 minutes later I waved to the security agent who lifted up my bag and asked who it belonged to, I went over and he asked if I could open it. I opened up the pocket that kept my solid deodorant and he told me they consider this a liquid. I said, I was sorry and didn't realise that. My purse had also been flagged and he asked if I had a laptop in it. I did not but I did trave with a small collapsible keyboard. I often didn't even take it out anymore at airports because no one seemed to care when I showed them. I took it out of my purse, and he wiggled it, jiggled it, tested it for explosives and said it was fine. I was then allowed on my way. I was still about 90 minutes early for the flight so I went to get a coffee. While in line I heard our Air Canada flight was delayed another hour. Hmm, guess I will get this coffee for here, I thought. Another announcement said it would be delayed another 2 hours. There was really nothing else to do but have a cookie with my coffee so I did that. I then walked to a comfy chair in front of a screen and had a sit down. Listening to a podcast and playing some silly phone game, I glanced up at the screen and apparently the flight was delayed another hour. I took out an ear phone and heard an announcement saying my Air Canada flight had been cancelled and we should make our way to an info desk. A woman beside me remarked to her travel partner that she would be 'fumin!!' if this happened to her. I glanced over and said: jeez, it's annoying, eh? She asked if I was on that flight, I said yes and she sat their stunned that I wasn't melting down. I told her there wasn't much to do, may as well see what they have to say. I walked off and joined a few hundred people standing in line that presumably started at an Air Canada desk. Another announcement told us they had no information but they would in 40 minutes. We looked at each other confused. So do we stand here? or sit down? Or something completely different. I updated friends in England that their country was obsessed with me and it looked like I would be here for a bit longer. 40(ish) minutes later we were told to go to gate 208 to disembark and eventually get our baggage. We didn't really know what that meant but we walked towards gate 208. Some people brushed past each other, racing to who knows what. This got rolled eyes and a few heavy sighs until one woman slipped past the wrong couple. The Northerners had no time for this nonsense and told her there was no point in rushing, we weren't going anywhere. She had no time or his antics and told him to piss off. He told her to piss off even louder. I looked at a stranger beside me and laughed: this is great! We got to the gate and were told to sit and wait. We twiddled our thumbs, muttered under our breathes and generally zoned out. Suddenly an Air Canada agent said we could collect our bags. After that? Who knows. We went to baggage and I promptly left since I didn't have any to wait for. There were no agents waiting for us so I thought maybe going to Departures would make sense? Perhaps there was an Air Canada desk that could help. The Air Canada check-in desk was about to be a ghost town as the agents hurried away, I quickly asked where their info desk was. They told me there wasn't one. ... okay. They said maybe ask a Tui Agent? I waited for the mass of stranded passengers to come upstairs, feeling very accomplished and cool that I would be the first person in line when they got there. I found the Tui desk and honestly I have no idea what was happening but a woman was angrily counting out pence and handing them over to the agent. It was taking ages and I was seeing no stranded passengers so I went to a different desk and asked if maybe it made sense I was up in Departures if my flight was cancelled. Bless Virgin Atlantic because the agent told me she had no idea but if this happened to Virgin they would put us on coaches to bring us to a hotel and those would pick us up downstairs at Arrivals. As I walked back to Arrivals and recognized someone who also came upstairs. She had a cute tattoo of a dog with hearts around it, I decided she would be a safe person to ask wtf. She told me someone told her to come up here and find an agent. We both went back to Tui where the strange interaction was STILL happening and waited in line. We continued to be the only people waiting and I said it was questionable we were the only people who got this right and we should go downstairs. We went downstairs and some Air Canada agents were standing in a circle. "Hi! I don't know what I'm doing" I figured acting like a complete boob would help me get as much information as possible. They asked if I was a stranded passenger and I tried not to be sarcastic. They pointed to two coaches and said we could get on. Where are we going? I asked. They did not know. I went to the first coach and asked if we just get on. The driver asked what hotel I was going to. I said I didn't know. He laughed at me and said I really should know. I pointed to the AC agent and said they told me to come here. He yelled to them that we really should know what hotel we were going to. My mood was wearing thin. Should we just get on? I asked. He walked away to make fun of the situation with the other driver. We got on the coach. England was in it's first full day of a heat wave so the bus was approximately 1000 degrees. As we all settled into the bus we remarked how we didn't know anything other than it was very warm. Would we be paying for the hotel? For food? For the coach even? Who knows?! We start to drive around airport city, past a few okay hotels and stop in the middle of a traffic circle outside the parking lot and hedge around the Delta Marriot. The coach driver opens the door. Someone says- are we here? He says, yes, and gets out to open up the baggage compartment. We all look around at each other most of us letting out exasperated laughter. This is amazing I laugh as I look around at the traffic trying to get navigate around us. We exit while being parked in the middle of this traffic circle and walk through a hole in the hedgerow, through the parking lot and into the lobby. We are welcomed by the staff and told that dinner would be from 6 to 8. I quickly head to my room to lay down and have some alone time. I turn on the TV to find either a reno show or a baking show- the only things one can watch in a hotel room- unless its morning then breakfast news or 24 hour news networks are permissible. I unpack some of my bag and find liquid eye drops, two gel lip sticks, mascara and moisturiser. All things more liquid than my solid deodorant. My phone buzzes and it's a text from Air Canada. I have a new flight! In two days. I laugh out loud.. now people will be fumin! I go to dinner and see my tattooed friend, she has made another friend and we eat together. Burgers for them, curry for me. And a complimentary glass of wine! Spare no expenses, they did! People are on their phones with baby sitters, dog sitters, cruise lines, hotels, spouses, travel agent and anyone else who will hear their pleas. I sip my wine and tell my new friends about my time in England. One is Canadian just coming from from a cruise and the other is English just going to Canada for a visit. We all feel we can take it as it is. A free night in a hotel isn't the worst thing. The next morning I wake up for breakfast, stuff myself to the gills with beans, toast, marmite and coffee. I then go back to sleep for a few hours. This two weeks had taken so much out of me, I didn’t mind this stop in purgatory. I meet my friends for lunch and we discuss our plans for the day. I am happy enough to sleep, read and use the hotel gym. None of us are particularly interested in spending 40 quid to get into city centre. I am so exhausted from my trip I really see this as a nice sleepy get away. I check out the prices in the mini bar. A can of wine is 10 quid, about 20 Canadian dollars. I stick with my free drink with dinner. Wednesday comes and we find out some passengers were sent earlier to Dublin, Europe and America so they could get to their final destinations without clogging up one flight path. It does seem that two nights in a hotel continues to be not a hardship, just weird. I ask the front desk if a coach will pick us up again or if we take the airport shuttle, I'm told a bus at 9am will pick us up for our 12:05 flight. There is a lot of chatter amongst all us stranded passengers about how bad communication is with the airline. No one knows anything unless we talk to the front desk. information trickles down like wealth is meant to. 9am comes and there is no bus. 9:10 we see a bus but it's not coming in, it's idling down the road. While it's not in a traffic circle, it's just as goofy. I go down to see if it's ours. It is. I wave to everyone and say: follow me! There is less frustration in the air but no one seems to trust we will be making it out. At every step we have been confused, left in the dark and forced to ask the poor front desk staff if they know anything. They have been so kind and added the times of the meals at the end of every single one of my queries, clearly they know my heart. My new travel friends both seem nervous about security and timing. I assure them it will be annoying but we will not miss this flight. I pack as well I as I can but my deodorant won't fit in my small clear plastic litre bag so I again am okay with waiting, this time the screen tells me that only 5% of bags are going through secondary screening. The agent asks me to open my bag, I make the same joke about my solid being more solid than liquid and apologise again. This one is as impervious to my charm as the last. Me and my stranded friends are on our way. We get a coffee and head to the gate. We are told our plane is having some issues and will be delayed 30 minutes. Then we are told there is a longer delay. There is then an announcement that anyone who is a stranded passenger should go to another gate as there is another Air Canada flight leaving just after ours. Bewildered, 50 of us walk to the other gate and ask what is going on. The gate agents tell us we are at the wrong gate. We tell them we know, but were told to come here. They tell us we were not. I tell them it's improbable that 50 of us misheard the announcement. They get on a walkie talkie and confirm with our original gate. We wait 5 minutes as there is rapid fire walkie talkie conversations. Then an agent from this new gate stomps to our original gate. After another 5 minutes of what looks like some emotional conversation he comes back and said there was never an announcement we need to go back. We go back and the gate agent loudly tells another passenger she never said that. There are a few remarks about gaslighting but we sit back down. The maintenance something something gets resolved and we start boarding. We all hold our breathes and after another 20 minute delay, the doors close and we start to head to Canada.
And that is the story of why I slept for three days after visiting the United Kingdom in September and why I think we should introduce hummingbirds to every country in the world.
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Exciting RADAMIS II NILE CRUISE try our charming Nile Cruise between Luxor and Aswan, Explore Luxor the city of oldest and most Ancient Egyptian sites, you will have a chance to discover the treasure of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Karnak, High Dam and variety of Egypt attractions will be waiting for you.
Radamis II Nile Cruise Tours, Experience the magical atmosphere on board with Luxor and Aswan Nile Cruise; discover beauty of Luxor and Aswan attractions, first you will visit East Bank Temples such as Luxor Temple which is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex and was built by Amenhotep III but completed by Tutankhamun and Horemheb and then added to by Rameses II.
 Radamis Nile cruise Holidays,If you want to have an amazing and wonderful tours to explore the most historical sites in Egypt; World Tour Advice is offering Nile Cruise Luxor Aswan where you will have the chance to choose your Nile Cruise between different fancy Nile Cruises with high facilities. Sail between Luxor and Aswan and enjoy the nature of the Nile River while exploring the main sightseeing between the two great cities.
Radamis II Nile Cruise from Luxor to Aswan or vice versa, a distance of 220 kilometers on board Radamis II offering 3 , 4 or 7 nights depending on Radamis II Nile cruise schedule,Unlock the mysteries of the Egypt history and trivia during Nile cruises Tours : 3 nights From Aswan every Saturday,4 Nights from Luxor every Tuesday, If Egypt Nile Cruise are a dream of your life time, It is unthinkable to wait, Join our Nile cruises holiday with Radamis II and reveal secrets of the history of Egypt across the serene Nile, this is your chance as World Tour Advice presents the best Nile cruise packages ever! From great value Nile cruise holidays deals to the extreme luxurious Nile voyage experience, we have a range of Nile cruises ships and itineraries to fit every budget and every type of probing trave
Sailing Schedule time :
All Mondays:  Radamis II start sailing from Luxor to Aswan for 4 nights/5 days
All Fridays: Radamis II start sailing from Aswan to Luxor for 3 nights/4 days
Radamis II Cruise 4 nights
Every Monday: Radamis II Nile Cruise Itinerary – 4 nights from Luxor to Aswan
Day 1: Embarkation in Luxor Meet and assist by World tour advice Tours representative upon your arrival at Luxor airport, train station or Luxor hotels. Then a direct transfer by private air-conditioned vehicle to board MS Movenpick Radamis II Nile cruise. Enjoy your first Lunch meal a board, then meet your tour guide, start a guided tour to visit the biggest temples ever erected in the world Karnak complex and Luxor Temples. Back to your ship for afternoon tea and dinner,at night free time to walk in the city or Sound and light show in Karnak temple, overnight stay on board in Luxor. Day 2: Luxor Nile Cruise Tours Breakfast on board the Radamis II Nile cruise boat, followed by a guided tour to Luxor West Bank, go to visit the Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut Temple at El Deir EL Bahari, ruins of Amon Hotep III mortuary temple including the Colossi of Memnon, Back to the ship for lunch and an afternoon tea during sailing towards Edfu. Dinner and overnight a board MS Swsiss In Radamis II in Edfu. Day 3: Edfu & Kom Ombo Nile Cruise Tours Breakfast on board the MS Radamis II Nile cruise ship, then your tour guide will take you in a guided tour by horse carriage to go to visit Horus Temple in Edfu, Back to the board, sailing to the south to Kom Ombo. Enjoy Lunch on board. A guided tour to visit the temple shared by the two gods Sobek and Haroeris ( Kom Ombo temple ). Sailing to Aswan, dinner and overnight stay. Day 4: Aswan Nile Cruise Tours Enjoy your Breakfast on board the MS Radamis II Nile cruise, then enjoy an early tour to visit Aswan sightseeing, Aswan High Dam, Hatshepsut Unfinished Obelisk in the very old Egyptian granite quarries, tour to the majestic Philae Temple on one of Aswan beautiful islands, you will arrive it by sailing by a small motor boat,then visit the Botanical Garden on Kitchner island. Overnight stay on board in Aswan. Day 5: Aswan – Disembarkation Disembarkation after breakfast aboard MS Radamis II cruise. If you want to add an optional tour to visit Abu Simbel from Aswan Transfer to Aswan airport, train station, Aswan Hotels.
Itinerary 3 Nights
Day 1 Aswan - Embrace Aswan and Nubia culture - Nile Cruise Holidays
Embarkation to Radamis II Nile cruise ship before Lunch, start an amazing tour to scout the fabulous High Dam, the Granite Quarries where you will see the unfinished obelisk of Hatshepsut, Feast your eyes by watching the glory of Philae Temple, sailing on the river Nile by Felucca around Kitchener's Island & Agha Khan, finally return back to your Radamis II Nile Cruise, Relish your yummy lunch on board Afternoon tea, Enjoy music in the cruise lounge, Dinner and overnight on board Radamis II Nile Cruise.
Day 2 Kom Ombo Edfu - Nile Cruise Holiday
Now it is time not only to taste the flavor of a tasty breakfast on board, but also to feast your eyes at the time your Cruise Sailing to Kom Ombo, scout the striking Temple of Kom Ombo, The temple is shared by two gods Sobek & Haeroris in Kom Ombo proceed sailing to Edfu, Unleash your inner adventure and visit the ravishing Temple of Horus in Edfu visit the  Temple Lunch will be served during sailing time to Esna afternoon tea, Dinner on board, Enjoy Galabeya Party show, Overnight in Luxor.
Day 3 Luxor West Bank tours - Nile cruise holiday
Enjoy your yummy tasty  breakfast on board, sailing from Esna to Luxor, Unleash your soul during your excursions to unblock secrets of Pharaohs, Tour to Valley of the Kings, Next visit to Valley of the Queens, proceed to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, known now with the name of El-Deir El-Bahary, finally Worldtouradvice tours guide will escort you back to Radamis II Nile Cruise, Lunch included on board, Afternoon Tea, Belly Dance Show, Enjoy music in the lounge, dinner and overnight on board Radamis II Nile Cruise in Luxor.
Day 4 Luxor East Bank Tour
Disembarkation from Radamis II  Cruise after tasting the flavor of your yummy breakfast on board, it is the time to beguile your eyes by a tour to the fabulous Karnak Temple with its huge Pillars hall known as the forest of pillars, then stir t scout Luxor temple, then worldtouradvice will transfer you to Luxor airport or railway station for final departure
For more info
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·         Website
·         https://www.worldtouradvice.com/
·         Mobile and what’s App:
·         002 01090023837
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 188
Devil May Care/The Angels Take Manhattan
“Devil May Care”
Plot Description: Dean shocks Sam when he opens the Impala’s trunk to reveal he’s kidnapped the King of Hell. Meanwhile, Abaddon rises with plans to take over his role.
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: oh, we START with Dean dragging in a corpse, but it doesn’t seem like anyone else is dying
I really hope she has even ONE episode where she doesn’t get brutalized…
Ok maybe it wasn’t Dean dragging in a corpse, just some shmuck recruited by Abaddon. Love that ❤️ she’s back
I don’t like whatever’s going on in this bunker now. You don’t get to keep both Kevin AND Crowley there
Honestly, yeah. That’s probably the best way to torture Crowley: leave him alone in a dark room with no one to make snide quips to
I would 100% accept her as queen. She’s as cruel as she is beautiful
Abaddon is having so much fun and I love that for her
I can’t believe Kevin 1) chose Solo as his fake last name (I actually can) and 2) basically blackmailed the military officer
ABADDON HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG EVER. Everything she’s done is completely right
Nooo…honestly, it was inevitable, but you shouldn’t have left Kevin and Crowley alone in the bunker. He’s just a KID, and Crowley’s a centuries old demon. I can’t even blame him if he gets manipulated into freeing Crowley
PLEASE. I’m begging. Just ONE episode. A little holy water splash is fine but she’s already been through so much at the Winchesters’ hands
I……….she could possess me any day. I wouldn’t want to actually do the things she’s threatening to make Dean do should she possess him, but the way she talks about it 🥰🥰🥰 I’m very normal about her
I still don’t trust Ezekiel.
Fuuuuck. It does look like…oh, Crowley’s still here. But where’s Kevin??
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, he’s gonna think that this is Dean only needing him because he’s useful…..omg, ok, so turns out if Kevin cries, I cry. He’s needed cuz he’s FAMILY. Eat your heart out, Fast and Furious franchise
Godddd, when will the secrets STOP?!
“The Angels Take Manhattan”
Plot Description: the Angels are back, and this time they’re taking over Manhattan
This little girl’s got no business playing peekaboo with a Weeping Angel. The fuck
Wait. That’s not how they work. You disappear from your timeline…you don’t…you don’t make it back to your same timeline, do you?? And meet your old self? But…I guess…wibbly wobbly timey wimey
I’ve been to that rock they’re sitting on.
Oh. Oh Rory. Oh dear, sweet Rory who has apparently never been on the internet????? “Only [the Doctor] could fancy someone in a book”??? Good thing ao3 is down. It’s completely blow his mind to bits. Then again, just send him to any character tag here and same difference
And I had my picture taken at that fountain
Of course the protagonist of the book is actually River. (I remembered the author even now but I forgot the main character was River)
That giggling though. Creepy
Omg. Okay, I like all the weird time travely stuff. It’s one thing to go to one destination but it’s another to get a book from the past and then influence that book by going even further into the past. Just. Delightful
Ohhhhhhh the Doctor’s freak out about saying goodbye to Amy…telling River to get out of the Angel’s grasp without breaking her own wrist, to change the future that’s already been written. AND SHE WANTED TO LET HIM BELIEVE SHE HAD 😭😭😭
I can’t believe Amy just had to watch Rory die again…this time as an old man
Amy’s love for Rory is so beautiful and endearing, and it’s so dumb they ever made us doubt it
I know this is supposed to be an emotional moment but the music is killing the mood
Except now we’re back in that graveyard……and I know what’s gonna happen and I hate it
It was the right thing but it doesn’t make it less heartbreaking. She’ll take any chance to see Rory again. Every time
Donna🤝Amy: gingers who tell the Doctor to not travel alone
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stocklivemarket · 1 year
If you are thinking of traveling to Budapest, Hungary, you are in the right place. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, has a very rich history dating back to the millennium BC. Hungarian tribes who came to Eastern Europe towards the end of the 9th century established the Hungarian Kingdom. Once even part of the Roman Empire, Hungary established its own kingdom after the empire collapsed. It later became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During the reform period (1825-1848), the city experienced its first development boom. The Hungarian National Museum and the Chain Bridge connecting the two banks of the Danube were also built during this period. With the unification of the three cities of Buda, Pest and Old Buda in 1873, an unprecedented development took place in Europe. After the Second World War, the country, which was dominated by the communist regime, passed to the parliamentary regime in 1989 and was declared a republic. About a third of native Hungarians live outside Hungary. In particular, the native Hungarians living in Romania had to leave the country during the war. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCJ7Us_R7pI[/embed] In the 1960s and 1970s, a major construction work was started, especially around the castle, with the opening of the Elisabeth Bridge to traffic, the development of the underground network, the renewal of the old city centre. The city has started to develop in terms of tourism with the hotels opened both around the castle and on the banks of the Danube River. Soon there was a surge in tourism, known as 'goulash communism'. Visitors came to the city from Eastern and Western Europe as well as the USA. Europe's first underground railway network was built in the city, which currently has a population of two million. The country, which joined the European Union in 2004, started to develop after this process. Today's Budapest was formed in 1873 as a result of the coming together of Buda, Pest and Old Buda. The Buda part of the city was established on the hill to the west of the Danube River and forms the historical district of the city. In Budapest, which consists of 23 regions, the regions are also numbered apart from their names. The city's parks, the UNESCO-protected Andrassy Avenue and the Opera House were built together. Heroes Square and the Hungarian Art Museum were built specifically for the 1000th anniversary of the foundation of Hungary. In the same period, the Parliament Building was built at a great expense. The city, which suffered a lot of material and moral losses after the Second World War, was in a very bad condition in the 20th century. The city, where most of the original buildings were destroyed, has been spectacularly rebuilt. However, traces of bullets from the war are still found on some buildings. The buildings around Buda Castle, which is the most popular and historical part of the city, bear the traces of baroque architecture. The historical texture around the castle has never been touched or destroyed. Hosting many festivals, the city has been recognized as the largest arts and cultural center in Central Europe. The Budapest Spring Festival, which attracts visitors from many parts of the world, has been held since 1981. Budapest's largest museums and art venues are always opened with this festival. The festival is celebrated not only in the concert halls of the city, but also in parks and squares. Another big festival is the Budapest Summer Festival. It attracts enthusiasts with a rich cultural program for 12 weeks. Especially in the open-air theater on Margaret Island, very special opera and theater works are staged. Varosmajor Open Air Theater is located in one of Buddha's favorite public parks. In the venue where the famous names of the music world meet, Hungary's traveling theaters are also staged as well as Budapest theatres. The world-famous Sziget Festival is one of the biggest popular music and cultural events in Europe. The Sziget Festival attracts tens of thousands of international visitors to Budapest every August.
With its unique atmosphere and location, Sziget Festival is one of the most popular events in Budapest. In the country where many famous scientists grew up, the famous Hungarian inventor Erno Rubik, the creator of the Rubik cube, is one of the scientists who grew up in Budapest. Budapest has one of the most important spa cultures in Europe. There are many hot springs and baths in the city with Roman, Greek and Turkish architecture. Known as the 'City of Baths', Budapest is the only city in the world rich in thermal waters with healing properties. Budapest is a city where you can enjoy traditional baths dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries. Rudas, Kiraly and Veli Beige baths, which are among the best baths, are from the Ottoman Period. In Budapest, where there are very good universities, the education period of universities varies between 3 and 4 years. The oldest university in Hungary, the University of Pecs, was founded in 1367. Where Is Budapest? Let us share with you some of the things you need to know when traveling to Budapest. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is located in Central Europe. Budapest, Hungary's largest and most populous city, is the seventh largest city in the European Union. When To Go To Budapest? A humid climate prevails in Budapest, one of the most popular cities in Central Europe. In the city, where the temperature in summer is close to twenty-five degrees, the winter months are quite cold. Visiting the city in the winter months, when the temperature is below zero degrees, will make it very difficult to travel. In the city, which receives the most precipitation in autumn, popular periods are divided into two. The number of tourists increases exponentially until the end of the summer months in the city, which started to become active with the rising temperatures in March. Especially the months of June, July and August are the most crowded and popular periods in the city. However, those who want to enjoy Budapest in a calmer and slightly cooler weather can also prefer the period from March to May. Best Places To Visit In Budapest Budapest, a large part of which is under the status of UNESCO World Heritage List, is known as one of the most beautiful cities to be seen in Europe. Defined as the “Queen of the Danube” from thermal spas to museums, Budapest has magnificent locations that will appeal to all kinds of travelers. We have compiled places to see in Budapest, the pearl of Hungary, with the magical atmosphere of the Danube River, which has inspired many artists. Buda Castle The place where the Buda Castle, called the castle, is located, is a cultural point with the oldest history of Budapest. This hill on the Danube is definitely a must-see when you come to Budapest. In the northwest of the town of Kale is the Hungarian Military History Museum, which contains 28,000 artifacts from the 15th century. After the museum, it would be a good choice to visit the Music Museum, which is very nearby, and see the works in neo-baroque style. There are also very famous caves in Budapest, which is rich in natural riches. The cave, which was accessed from the Labyrinth entrance of Buda Castle, was later strengthened. The cave, some of which have wells where red wine is produced, has a rather mysterious appearance. There are many historical artifacts and monuments in Trinity Square on Tarnok Street, parallel to the castle. The baroque-style Trinity Monument in the square was built in 1691 in memory of those who lost their lives as a result of an epidemic. This monument, the Buddha Monument, which represents the center of the Old City of Buda, lost its function when Buda and Pest were combined. The Hungarian wine house in the cellar here offers its guests the best wines of Hungary. Mathias Church, located in the Castle Square, has gained a very good appearance as a result of the help of famous Hungarian artists for its restoration. Famous Hungarian artists such as Karoly Lotz and Bertalan Szekely participated in the restoration carried out in 1895-1903.
The Fishermen's Castle was built in the last period when the Mathias Church was renovated. In the castle, which has 7 towers, each tower represents a Hungarian tribal leader. The reason why the Fishermen's Castle was built is that fishing was done near the Castle Square in ancient times. Every corner of the Castle Square, where the history of Buddha began, is worth a historical monument. While visiting this place, it is almost like a journey in history. Castle Square is one of the must-see places in Budapest. Thermal Pools In Budapest, which has natural thermal pools besides its caves, the pools are the focus of attention of local and foreign tourists. Budapest is built on a hillside consisting of about 125 thermal springs. These waters, which were never used until Roman times, started to be used with the Ottoman Period. These thermal pools, which have been found even in nightclubs in recent years, are generally used for healing purposes. There are many baths from the Ottoman Period such as Kiraly, Rudas and Veli Beige. These baths, where the old architecture is preserved, are very popular. Consisting of thermal baths and pools, Szechenyi Bath has 18 separate pools. These are thermal pools, steam baths, fitness pools. All pools are suitable for both men and women and children over 14 can also use it. One of the Ottoman baths, Kiraly Bath attracts the attention of many local and foreign tourists. In recent years, this distinction has been abolished in the bath, where men and women were served in separate sections in the past. The Kiraly Bath, with its building showing traces of Ottoman architecture, is open seven days a week. Most of the baths offer serious medical treatments as well as services such as massages and a red wine bath. You must specify these preferences when purchasing tickets. Each of the baths, which are quite clean and popular, has a different architectural structure. Some of the baths, whose opening hours vary according to the days, are only open at weekends. Baths can be used for about two hours on weekdays and one and a half hours on weekends. There are also special terms of use that vary accordingly. Budapest Fine Arts Museum With a history of hundreds of years, Budapest is a very rich city in terms of historical artifacts and works of art. The Fine Arts Museum is just one of Budapest's museums. In the museum, where the largest collections of Old Masters are exhibited, there are also paintings by famous Italian, Spanish and Dutch artists. There are also high-ceilinged exhibition halls where large paintings are displayed with its magnificent and impressive building dating from the 19th century. In the museum, where smaller works are exhibited in custom-made cabinets, there are also large halls that have been carefully prepared in terms of architecture, such as the Renaissance Hall. After hosting Hungary's collection prepared with painting, drawing and special style printing techniques in 1870, the museum, where Egyptian art works and antiques are also exhibited, also includes an old sculpture gallery, an old painter's gallery and modern collections. The palace next to the museum is the city's contemporary art museum and hosts many traveling exhibitions. He donated a collection of Hungarian artist Victor Vasarely's most important works to the museum. Known as the best of the museums in Eastern Europe, the Budapest Fine Arts Museum attracts the attention of tourists. It was merged with the National Hungarian Gallery in 2008. The combination of these spaces, which have works of different styles, drew quite a reaction. This project, for which a very high budget was allocated, was not accepted by the Hungarian art authorities after it was realized. The museum, located in Heroes Square, was closed to the public in order to be restored in 2015. There are also paintings from the 13th century in the museum, which is expected to open in March 2018. Danube River Cruise The Danube
River, whose Hungarian name is Duna, starts from the north of Budapest and continues to the south, and its width is about 640 meters. Reaching the shores of 10 countries, the Danube is the soul of Central Europe. Home to countless cultures and civilizations, the river is an ancient trade route and buffer zone. The Danube is the second largest river in Europe after the Volga. The Danube River, which determined the borders of the Roman Empire, served as a bridge connecting many nations. The river, which has inspired many artists, has also gained world fame with its wines. There are many things to do to enjoy the view of this majestic river. It would be a good choice to stroll along the banks of Buda and Pest of the Danube before meeting the stunning architecture of the city. Steel statue shoes, located on the banks of the Danube River near the Hungarian parliament building, were made in memory of the Jews who lost their lives during the Second World War. The monument with 60 pairs of shoes was designed by director Can Togay and sculptor Gyula Pauer and completed in 2005. Boat trips are another way to explore the Danube. There are numerous tourist boat trips in Budapest. Trains from Vigado and Buda on the Pest coast stop by the city's many beautiful shores. Guidance is provided in many languages on tours organized by many excursion companies. The ships that cruise the entire Danube River also offer the opportunity to stop and tour in places such as Margaret Island. You can also taste Hungarian wines on private Danube Boat cruises offered by Taste Hungary. Budapest Parliament Building A magnificent example of neo-gothic architecture, the House of Parliament is over 100 years old, combining Renaissance and Baroque characters. Located in Kossuth Square, the Parliament Building is located on the Pest side of the city. With its style that smells of history and art, it is a must-see for every visitor to Budapest. The design of the building began in 1880 and it was officially inaugurated in 1896 on the 1000th anniversary of the founding of Hungary. Budapest Parliament Building, completed in 1904, is famous for being the third largest parliament building in the world, with 691 rooms, 20 kilometers of stairs, and a height of 96 meters, which is the same as the St. Stephen's Basilica. No expense was spared in the construction of the building and approximately 40 kilos of 22-23 carat gold were used for decoration. Welcoming around 700,000 visitors each year, the Parliament Building is one of Europe's most impressive and busiest tourist attractions. With a tour that lasts about 50 minutes, you can witness the luxury of seeing the privileged rooms of the Parliament. You can start with the red carpet-covered stairs at the entrance and continue the tour with the most impressive floor, the magnificent architecture of Imre Steindl. The Holy Crown of Hungary (St. Istvan's Crown), a replica of which is exhibited in the Hungarian National Museum, is definitely one of the works worth seeing in all its splendor in the Parliament Building. Among the places included in the tour and you will see are the Main Entrance Hall, the Holy Hungarian Crown and Crown Jewels, the National Assembly Hall, the Great Cupola Hall. During the tour, photography is allowed at other points, except the Great Cupola Hall, in order to protect the Holy Hungarian Crown. During the general session of the Assembly, visitors are allowed to watch between 8 and 10 am on the first day of the week. The Parliament Building is one of the most magnificent buildings in the world, which should be seen by travelers who love art, history and tourism. You would not be able to visit Budapest without seeing the Parliament, which reveals the wealth and beauty of the 19th and 20th centuries. Budapest Fisherman's Bastion Undoubtedly one of Budapest's most popular tourist attractions, the Fisherman's Bastion was designed as a watchtower in the 19th century to offer the best panoramic view in the city.
The majestic building, with its imposing 7 towers on the hills of Buda, is known more as a historical Budapest tourist attraction than a rooftop bar. With its ornate design, romantic Danube River and unique views of Budapest, it is not difficult to understand that the Fisherman's Bastion is the most popular tourist attraction recommended in the city. Although its architecture, which resembles a trench that feels like it was built to be protected during the war, strikes the eye at first, its modern structure was never designed with this in mind. The Fisherman's Bastion, built between 1895 and 1902, is one of the must-visit places in Budapest with its appearance as if it were straight out of Walt Disney movies. Inspired by medieval times, Bastion refers specifically to the early medieval times (of Neo Roman origin). The venue, which is open day and night all year round, continues to serve with its cafe and restaurant. With its dazzling view, the Fisherman's Bastion is waiting to enchant its visitors with its refreshing cocktails, beers and wines in summer and, on the contrary, heart-warming drinks in winter. A romantic and private dinner, a touristic visit, relaxation with a sip of drink, you can find all of these at the Fisherman's Bastion. Designed by the Hungarian architect Frigyes Schulek to create an airy and accessible space, the Fisherman's Bastion represents the 7 tribes that make Hungary Hungary. Nowadays, this magnificent structure is mostly enjoyed by tourists. Fisherman's Bastion, where many organizations are held, is the point-and-shoot place for those who want to see the city from a bird's eye view. The Fisherman's Bastion has a view of the Danube River coastline, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as the view of Buda Castle. The best of Budapest's rooftop bars await you, with a historic setting and a breathtaking view. St. Stephen's Basilica St. Stephen's Basilica (Budapest Cathedral), built in memory of Stephen, the first king of Hungary, is the largest church in the country with a capacity of 8,500 people. Although it is a 'Cathedral' in the architectural sense, in 1931, Pope XI. It was given the title of 'Little Basilica' by Pius. Construction of the basilica began in 1851 and was inaugurated in 1906 by the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph. The collapse of the dome during its construction in 1868 caused the basilica to be completed late. After the architect Jozsef Hild, who designed the original plan, died in 1867, one of Europe's leading architects, Miklos Ybl, took over the business. Ybl, who designed new plans after the collapse of the dome in 1868, unfortunately could not see the completion of the basilica when he died in 1891. But all the plans were implemented as he planned. St. Stephen's Basilica, designed in Neoclassical style by the first architect Hild, was completed in a Neo-Renaissance style in line with the plans of the second architect, Ybl. The height of the dome is 96 meters, just like the Budapest Parliament Building. The fact that the basilica has the same height as the Parliament symbolizes the balance between church and state in Hungary. The first king of Hungary, St. Stephen is the patron saint of the church. His mummified right hand is hidden in a glass bell on the left side of the main altar. The interior of the basilica, decorated by the most famous artists of that time, is truly worth seeing. The most important work of art is the mosaic-based oil painting of Gyula Benczur. EspeciallySt. It should be noted that the work where Stephen holds the crown and asks Meryem if she will be the protector of Hungary is quite remarkable. Stephen's Basilica with the largest church bell in the country, weighing 9.5 tons, climb 364 stairs or take the elevator to the observation deck for a panoramic view of Budapest. (Open from April 1 to October 31). Do not go back without seeing the magnificent St. Stephen's Basilica in Budapest's Deak Ferenc ter square.
Margaret Island Margaret Island, which we can define as Budapest's Central Park, is an island located in the Danube River between Buda and Pest. Margaret Island, known as 'Rabbit Island' in the Middle Ages, was used as a noble hunting reserve. Following the Mongol invasion, Hungarian King Bela established a nunnery on the island and vowed to send his daughter Margaret there if he could save the country from the Mongol invasion. After the Mongols left the country, King Bela kept his promise and sent his 11-year-old daughter Margaret to the monastery, so the island was named after Margaret. It is possible to reach the island by boats that tour the Danube River. Another option is to take the tram number 6 to Margit Bridge and arrive at the island after a short walk. Located between the Arpad Bridge and the Margaret Bridge, the island spans an area of 96.5 hectares, 2.5 kilometers long and 500 meters wide. If you are traveling with children or your family, walking around the island may not be a good option. Therefore, you can choose various vehicles with rental options on the island. You can rent a bicycle from the operators at the end of Margaret Bridge or try different options such as golf carts and electric scooters. Now the island has become a public park connecting the city with the Margaret Bridge. Margaret Island is an ideal place for the locals of Budapest to spend the afternoon relaxing, exercising and walking. The island, surrounded by greenery, offers a little escape for those who are overwhelmed by the noise of the city. Margaret Island, located in the heart of the Danube with its water parks with slides, a water tower and magnificent nature views, is a must-see paradise in Budapest. The charming water tower on the island was built in 1911 with its elegant decorative curves and ornaments in the Art Nouveau style. The tower, which is the source of water to Margaret Island, was opened to visitors in 2012. Margaret Island has since not only hosted the Budapest Summer Festival, but has also been used as a showroom for art and exhibitions. Climbing the tower and being mesmerized by the magnificent view of Margaret Island and Buda hills is another reason to visit this place. Having been to Margaret Island, it would not be possible to return without entering the famous thermal pools of Budapest. If you are tired of the relaxing thermal waters, you can prefer the adventure pool, wave pool and slides on the island. The Musical Fountain, the Dancing Fountain, the historical ruins of Margaret Island, the Japanese Garden are other beauties that must be seen on the island. Szechenyi Chain Bridge Beautiful during the day, beautiful at night! Let's start with the fairy tale story of the bridge that connects Buda and Pest, which is divided by the Danube River. British engineer William Tierney Clark, who built the Szechenyi Chain Bridge in Budapest, was so confident in his work that he said that if any fault was found on the bridge, he would throw himself off the bridge. One day, a little girl started to cry because the lion figures on the bridge had no language. Learning of this mistake, Clark threw himself from the bridge into the arms of the Danube, as he had promised. However, since the bridge was not very high and the weather was hot, engineer Clark managed to escape unharmed. Completed in 1849 and the oldest of seven bridges over the Danube, the Szechenyi Chain Bridge is 375 meters long and 16 meters wide. This unique bridge is located in the middle of Budapest, between Szechenyi Istvan Square (formerly Roosevelt Square) and Clark Adam Square. Although there are many bridges in Budapest, this bridge, which is considered the symbol of the city and dazzling with its night lighting, is a beauty that should be seen. The Szechenyi Chain Bridge is worth seeing, especially with the fireworks displays during the Hungarian National Celebrations on August 20. Considering that approximately 12 million tourists
visited Budapest, the capital of Hungary, in 2017, the number of tourists passing over this bridge can be described as millions. Let's not forget that the Chain Bridge, one of the most romantic spots in Budapest, is used as a place where brave men propose marriage. With a view of Buda Castle, Hungarian Parliament Building and Gresham Palace, a walk in the sky witnessed by the stars is more than enough to make the Szechenyi Chain Bridge unforgettable. Do not forget that you are standing on this magnificent bridge and winking at the banks of the Danube, which belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Heroes Square Held in 1896 to celebrate the thousandth anniversary of the founding of Hungary, Heroes' Square (Hosök tere) is the city's largest and most impressive square. Located on the famous Andrassy Boulevard near the City Park, the square is surrounded by two important buildings, the Fine Arts Museum and the Budapest Art Hall (Art Palace). The Budapest Millennium Monument, located in the middle of the square, was erected here to commemorate the 1000-year-old history of the Hungarians. Archangel Gabriel (Gabriel) standing on the central pillar, holding the Holy Crown of Hungary and the holy pilgrimage of Christianity. On the stand just below the column, there are 7 Hungarian leaders on horseback. Statues of kings and other important historical figures stand on columns on either side of the middle column. The most logical way to reach Heroes Square, one of the most visited spots in Budapest, is to use the metro line. In the city, which was opened in 1896 and has the oldest metro line in the world, you can choose the M1 metro line to go to Heroes Square. The square, which hosts many political organizations, was created by the famous sculptor Zala György. If you have time, make sure to see Heroes Square once during the day and once at night. It is impossible not to be enchanted by the magnificent sculptures. If you want to witness Hungarian history more closely when you come to Budapest, do not come back without stopping by Heroes' Square. Vaci Street Vaci Utca Street, which is parallel to the Danube River, is one of the most beautiful pedestrian shopping streets not only in Budapest but also in the world. It can be said that the street is one of the must-see streets in Budapest with its colorful atmosphere, cleanliness, attractiveness and customer service quality in the stores. Let's take a brief look at the history of Vaci Utca Street. In the Middle Ages, Budapest was surrounded by a city wall typical of that time at the point where the current Deak Ferenc Utca Street is located. When Vaci Utca was first built, this was a central boulevard where one of the entrances of the city was located and which turned into Vörösmarty Square over time. Vaci Utca Street, which was established during the 18th century, and the great buildings are still standing in all their glory. It is known that the history of many mansions along the street dates back to the 19th or 20th century. When it was first established, Vaci Utca was a popular location for wealthy families of the city. The street is now teeming with retailers, shopping malls, gift shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes. On Vaci Utca Street, which is known as one of the most exclusive spots in the city, you can eat delicious Hungarian desserts and relax with a glass of drink. Come all the way to Budapest, take a walk on Vaci Utca Street and enjoy feeling like an old Hungarian nobility. Terror House Museum After surviving two bloody regimes, it became clear that it was time for Hungary to do something in memory of its victims. At the same time, it was time to reveal the troubled times of Nazi and communist Hungary. In December 2000, the “Central and Eastern European History and Society Research Public Foundation” purchased the building to establish a museum to showcase these two bloody periods. The Terror House Museum, created by many architects working in different fields, was completed in February 2002.
The decorative black frame, striped walls and granite floors at the top of the building immediately distinguish the museum from the billiards on Andrassy Boulevard. Terror House Museum manages to attract attention with its spirit and design details in accordance with its historical importance. Visitors are provided with a wealth of information about the floors and rooms of the exhibition at 10 touch points. The museum, which is the only example of its kind, has turned into a monument in the building, which was established to commemorate those who were held captive, tortured and killed. While presenting the fearful times of the country in a concrete way, the museum also tells people that the sacrifices made for freedom and the suffering are not in vain. After all, the struggle against the two most brutal systems of the 20th century ends with the victory of the forces of freedom. If you want to understand what Hungary has gone through throughout history and witness its painful past, you should definitely visit the House of Terror Museum in Budapest. Pinball Museum The museum, which contains 130 machines from the ancestors of the pinball (tilt) machines of the end of the 19th century to the latest models of the 21st century, is a must-see museum in Budapest. As stated by media channels such as the BBC and New York Times, Europe's largest pinball exhibition, with its 130 machines, reveals the entire history of this game. You can try the pioneers of the first pinball games of the 1940s and the exciting latest machines at the Pinball Museum. Located in the basement of a building in Budapest, the museum is a pinball paradise, unearthed by a fanatical team of pinball enthusiasts. In addition to the dozens of machines on display, the only Hungarian-made rare Mesovonat machine stands out for its superiority in the museum. In this unique museum, which has its own cafe, many different activities such as birthday parties, meals, teamwork and New Year's organizations can be held. For travelers who want a change instead of seeing magnificent historical buildings and sights in Budapest, Pinball Museum is definitely a different place to visit. Entertainment awaits you in full swing at Europe's largest ongoing interactive pinball exhibition. Central Synagogue (Dohany Street Synagogue) Known as Dohany Street Synagogue, Great Synagogue or Tabakgasse Synagogue, the synagogue is the largest in Hungarian Neolog Judaism and in Europe. It was built on the site of the home of the father of Zionism, the Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl. To get acquainted with Jewish Budapest, the Central Synagogue is definitely the right place to start. Established between 1854 and 1859, the synagogue was designed by the Austrian architect Ludwig Forster. The synagogue, which has a total capacity of 2,964 people, measures 53 meters in height and 26 meters in width. In the design, where the Moorish architecture of North Africa prevailed, Byzantine, Gothic and Roman styles were also used. The Central Synagogue, located in the 7th district (Erzsebetvaros) of Budapest, is one of the most visited spots by tourists with its magnificent architecture and historical-smelling design. It would be a good move to visit the Hungarian Jewish Museum right next to it, where Jewish clothes and traditions are located. Hungarian State Opera House The Hungarian State Opera House, which was decided to be built in 1873, was built by the famous architect Miklos Ybl as a result of the public tender. The construction, which started in 1875, was completed in 9 years despite minor delays. The opening, to which the Emperor and King Franz Joseph were invited, was held on September 27, 1884. Miklos Ybl's neo-Renaissance palace has remained unchanged for 130 years and has been a favorite of opera and ballet lovers. Every year, thousands of visitors enjoy visiting Budapest's most impressive 19th-century national monument. The Hungarian State Opera House
is shown as one of the best opera houses in the world with its acoustics and a hall with a capacity of 1,200 people. In front of the building is the statue of Ferenc Erkel, the famous opera composer, pianist and conductor. Erkel is the composer of the Hungarian national anthem and the first musical director of the Opera. As the Opera House is under restoration and partially closed until 2020, visitors on the Opera Tour can take a short guided tour and see the splendor of the building's interior decoration up close. These tours also include a short concert. Tours are available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. You can visit the Opera House during the day to discover its magnificent architecture. Also, watching a performance at the Opera House will be one of your unforgettable experiences. So when you visit Budapest, you should definitely watch an opera at the Opera House. There is no doubt that it will be an experience you will tell your grandchildren about. Transportation In Budapest When you travel to Budapest, you should also know how to get there. You can reach the city center from the airport with lines 51 and 38 by train and line 200 by bus. Trains and buses run until 23.45 at night and are reasonably priced. The journey takes about 30 minutes by both means of transportation. Those who will arrive in the city after 23.45 at night can use the 900 bus line, which operates between 23.45-04.45. The center and historical places of Budapest are very suitable for walking. Traffic is restricted in Pest and Castle Hill, the center of the city. However, Budapest has an extensive transportation network that offers a wide variety of possibilities. There are tram and bus lines spread all over the city. There is a metro network that is fast and makes transportation very easy, and there are HEV trains that provide transportation to the suburbs. The most suitable metro lines to reach the touristic places of the city are the ones numbered 2-4-6. It is also possible to reach every part of the city with red open buses. All means of transportation terminate towards 11 pm. You can use the night buses named E to travel at night. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); For those who want to visit the Danube River, it is possible to watch the beautiful view of the city from the Danube River in Budapest, where Danube River ferry services are organized. Tickets can be bought from the metro line, as well as from newsstands and street stands. Budapest Cuisine Your trip to Budapest continues, if you can't decide what to eat, then it's time to talk about what to eat in Budapest. When you come to Budapest, it is a must to taste the local cuisine of Hungary. There are restaurants, cafes and small local shops all over the city. It is also possible to see the traces of the Ottoman period in Hungarian dishes. Some of the delights in Hungarian cuisine are hearty soups, stews, sweet cakes and pastries. Hungarian dishes are often flavored with local spices. The soups of Hungary, where meals always start with soup, are quite famous. Meat soups, such as the world-famous goulash or sweet fruit soup, are the most popular. Goulash, which is made in different styles in all parts of Hungary, is sometimes made with green beans and sometimes just vegetables. Meat dishes are usually served together with potatoes, pasta or rice in Hungarian main dishes. It accompanies the meal in pickles or salads consisting of seasonal vegetables. Pörkölts and paprikas, the most famous meat dishes, are made from beef, pork or mutton. Hungarian-style sour cream is also served with the meal. Borjupaprikas is also among the flavors that must be tried. Stuffed Cabbage and fried foie gras are some of the famous Hungarian delicacies made during Christmas or Easter holidays. Since there are so many vegetable dishes, in Budapest, where vegetarians can find suitable dishes, Foleks is the best of vegetable dishes.
Among the famous Hungarian wines, Tokaji is one of the favorites of travelers. Cafe and Restaurant Suggestions Arany Kaviar, Costes Downtown, Babel Budapest; It has a very distinguished menu of Russian, Eastern European and Central European dishes. The restaurant, which also has a large selection of wines, is one of the most luxurious in Budapest. Töltö, one of the more affordable restaurants, has pizza, burgers and other food options along with local delicacies at Bors Gastro Bar. Book Café - It is one of the most preferred places to drink coffee. New York Café - Located on the lower floor of a nostalgic building near the Oktagon, the café is a must-see, especially with its interior decoration. Hard Rock Café - One of the ideal places to go for delicious dinners at the standards of Hard Rock Cafes all over the world. Shopping In Budapest Wouldn't you like to beautify your Budapest trip with shopping? Shopping in Budapest is quite different and enjoyable. The reason for this is the stores where there are many boutiques and special design products in the city. Although shopping areas, markets and shops are spread all over the city, it is much more famous and different in the center. Budapest's shopping center is located in the city center of Pest. Vaci Street is the most famous shopping street in Budapest. The pedestrian-only street starts from Vörösmarty Square. Vaci Street, which has many restaurants, cafes, shops and boutiques, has been a frequent destination for tourists for shopping. Very close to this street, the street full of shops called 'Fashion Street' is located in Deak Ferenc Utca. The street with world-famous stores and this area in general are ideal places for shopping. Other shopping areas of Budapest are the main streets in the city center. One of them, Andrassy Street, is a place with the most glamorous and expensive shops. Design products are very popular in Budapest. The monthly design market (WAAP) showcases the city's local fashion. Budapest Design Week, held every October, and Budapest Fashion Week, held every April, are an important part of the city's interest in shopping and fashion. You can also see the special creations of talented Hungarian designers in Budapest's famous 'The Room' shop. The Central Market Hall is the largest indoor market in Budapest. There are many stalls selling a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, food and crafts. Budapest Nightlife Budapest's nightlife is very active and lively in every period. The city offers its visitors an excellent entertainment opportunity with laser shows, light shows and popular clubs and concert venues. You can encounter a different concept every time you go with the concepts and food options that change every week. Having fun with a boat party while watching the beautiful view of Buda and Pest on the Danube can be one of the best options. Boat parties dominated by popular music attract tourists with their affordable prices. Fröccsterasz is one of the must-see bars with its lively and diverse alcohol menu, which is especially popular among the young. With its large terrace, delicious food and warm ambiance, it always attracts the attention of tourists and locals. If you visit the bar in winter, you can continue your entertainment in the open area with the advanced heating system. Prices are moderate in the bar, where you can feel the authentic breeze of the famous Erzsebet Square. Akvarium, one of the best nightclubs in Budapest, is a very good meeting point for the city's art, music and excellent nightlife. One of the most attractive features of the club is that there is a large outdoor pool in the venue. The club, where there are live concerts, exhibitions, special dance events, is the center of entertainment with its open air environment and excellent sound system. Prices are moderate in the Akvarium, where food is also served throughout the night. If you want to see everything about Budapest, you should definitely see TUTU Budapest.
TUTU, which embodies the atmosphere of the multicultural city, promises a very active and different entertainment with its nightclub theater, dance house, music and sound system. Szimpla, the club that hosts magnificent concerts of world-famous musicians and is always full, has received full marks from its guests. The interior design is among the firsts of Budapest with its structure reflecting the post-modern culture. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Having fun in Corvinteto, which has a large open space and alternative music dominates, is also among the options. The entertainment that started in the evening shows itself with the movement of the dance floor later in the night. At the club Ötkert, which is never empty on weekends, it is necessary to queue for entry at 11 pm. Even if the party takes a long time to start, the fun can be continued inside. Budapest will be the right choice for those who love classical music or opera. With its historical and magnificent stone building, the State Opera is definitely worth seeing. Lukacs Bath, one of the most popular venues in Budapest with its thermal pools, is open from February to May. You can increase the dose of fun by having a drink in the large pool and jacuzzi at Lukacs, which has a large bar. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Apart from all these, some places may cause problems for tourists in the invoice part. Before choosing venues, it would be good to see if there are any warnings to avoid unpleasant consequences. When you travel to Budapest, do not leave without tasting the nightlife! Budapest Festivals Budapest offers entertainment to its visitors throughout the year with festivals, cultural events, concerts, exhibitions, fairs and national celebrations. You can make your holiday much more dynamic with big events such as Budapest Spring Festival, Sziget Festival and Budapest International Wine Festival. Spring Festival (April) It is the biggest cultural event of Hungary and Budapest with classical music, opera, jazz and local music. Numerous venues throughout the city welcome both Hungarian and international artists. The festival is growing exponentially every year. More than 50 shows and exhibitions take place during the three-week festival. The festival has become one of the most important cultural events in Europe with a series of opera, concert, ballet and theater performances. Many tourists come to visit the city during this period to see the festival, which is used in more than 40 places and takes place in public areas. The Great Chess Festival has also become a part of the Spring Festival. Chess Festival, which is considered as a part of Budapest culture, takes place with the participation of world famous chess players. Sziget Festival (August) One of the biggest and most important cultural and music festivals in Europe and Budapest, Sziget Festival is held on Buda Island on the Danube. The festival, where world-renowned musicians take the stage and more than a thousand performances are exhibited every year, is seen among the top 5 festivals in Europe. The festival, which also takes place with the participation of Hungary's famous local artists, is one of the largest open-air events in Europe. It is possible to have a great time during the festival with a wide variety of food stands and different entertainment options. Since the tickets of the festival are sold out very quickly, it is necessary to act quickly when ticket sales start. Budapest International Wine Festival (September) The Budapest Wine Festival offers the perfect opportunity to taste world-famous and award-winning Hungarian wines. It is possible to taste the wines of other countries during the festival. The festival, which can attract the attention of even those who are not very interested in wine, also attracts attention with its high quality and special dishes by famous chefs. It also reflects the cultural side of Budapest with its cultural programs, concerts and workshops.
Budapest Public Holidays New Year (January 1) National Holiday (March 15) Labor Day (May 1) Saint Stephen's Day (August 20) Republic Day (23 October) Religious Day (November 1) Christmas (25-26 December) Useful Information For Budapest Emergency Assistance: 104 Fire: 105 Police: 107
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