#treat Dain when it comes to Kaeya
reginrokkr · 1 year
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Just finished playing Caribert's AQ right now and I have many impressions that I'll write here, subject to be expanded more once I put my thoughts in order (will be posting a small guide to myself of the topics I'll discuss in more depth).
✦ Firstly, about Kaeya. In all honesty it's been a great relief to me to see that eventually he isn't the prince of Khaenri'ah. As I mentioned several months ago here, regencies are a temporary substitution for the actual king in succession and they aren't inheritable. Hopefully for Kaeya lovers out there, his implication in the lore didn't disappoint as I find it really interesting for multiple reasons: 1) he's a descendant of the Abyss Order founder Clothar Alberich and 2) the fact that he, who doesn't seem to be a pure blood Khaenri'ahn (ironically, I've talked about this with a couple of friends because his pupils were different from Dain's and later on to Halfdan's, but I wanted to keep off mentioning this here until we see more Khaenri'ahns to make a bolder statement, it was good to see that it was cleared up), was born to begin with and he seems to have aged well over past Caribert's age and look relatively fine (I say relatively because there is a lot missing here) is a miracle in itself. Specially considering that it's stated that any kid born from Khaenri'ahn blood and someone else pertaining to the reign of the Seven (I'll get to this on a different point) will be born in suffering until inevitably they become a hilichurl.
✧ Secondly, it was very interesting to see the notion of pure blood Khaenri'ahn and how the eyes are a very good lead to tell one from another apart (in this case Kaeya being the only one thus far, I believe). It's even more interesting that there is this differentiation vs the reign of the Seven as this would seal the deal about Khaenri'ahn people belonging to the Era of the Saints and that something must've happened for them to turn their backs to the gods. I'll go longer in a separate post for this concept. Oh, and the different curses and how it was actually teased in We Will Be Reunited: curse of immortality for the "great sinners", the pure blood Khaenri'ahn, and curse of wilderness to those of mixed blood to become hilichurls.
✦ Thirdly, the abyss twin (I'll refer to them as Lumine from now on as that is what seems to be canon in promotional material released by HYV for convenience sake). Scaramouche had teased in his own AQ that "The reason why there are records about your sister in Irminsul... it might have something to do with Khaenri'ah. Apparently, Khaenri'ah was her first destination when she arrived in this world. Plus, she only came to this world because the heavens responded to the summoning." Said summoning being this strong wish to control the Abyss as "if not even the gods can, if Khaenri'ah could, then they'd be able to control everything" and since Lumine was referred as the Abyss herself, this may imply that both she and Aether came to Teyvat via the Abyss (this calls for speculation that the actual true sky may be the Abyss, I'll also be talking about this in a different post). One thing that I don't buy is the fact that she was made princess of Khaenri'ah just like that. I get that this is coming from a position of worship I believe, as people thought that she would bring them new strength and hope, but it's something that I can't help but think that once again is about this factor of the twins having to interfere in everything, partly due to self insert purposes even though Lumine wouldn't count as this, but they're related. Moreover, it's a bit funny to me that Khaenri'ahns would turn their back to the gods but would trust an alien lol (again, I'll go deeper about this in another post but it's reminiscent of how the Second Who Came arrived to Teyvat and I'd dare to put my finger on fire to say that they came from the Abyss too, will expand on this at a later point). To conclude this point, I believe that Lumine must've contributed to the descent of the gods to Khaenri'ah hence she may be doing what she's doing these days out of guilt among other reasons (this is a deduction based in one of Dain's quotes in Collei's miscellany, will get into that in this other post).
✧ Fourth, about the Abyss, Fortune Lector, the Sinner, Clothar and Caribert. This utterly amazed me entirely and I can't wait to make some research to some sources of information to tie better my thoughts on this. I also have some suspicions about who this Sinner may be, but for obvious reasons it's speculating as it can be someone we haven't been introduced to yet. 1000/10 about this. All I'll say is that I know I'll have to look again into the heralds and lectors' descriptions alongside another series of items, so hang in there for me on that one. It's promising.
✦ Lastly, about Dain (lmao). Sorry, it's a bit funny to me that Dain is like the least here and I did wish there was more about him for how little screentime he has and only once a year. But let me tell you that I'm very curious about the fact that despite not having lived what Lumine did, his subconscious and instincts told him that something happened there. Not only that, but guess what direction he took to investigate more when he left both times? Exactly, the direction Caribert took when he left the cottage. I was also interested in how erosion affects him too. Oh, but also— where the heck was Dain 500 years ago if he did go with Lumine to Sumeru too? How the hecky the Aranara just talk about her? I knew something wasn't right when I decided to go divergent in that regard.
This is all for now. It may look like it's a lot but after revisiting the information I want to revisit, there will be more coming up. Overall this quest was great despite my major discrepancy with Lumine being the princess of Khaenri'ah, but as for the rest it was a really great ride. Can't wait to see Dain for his next yearly outing next year 😔
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dawndelion-winery · 9 months
Tripping Into Love
Clumsy confessions and the silly things they do for you
Ft. Capitano, Dainsleif, Diluc, Kaeya, Pantalone
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He knows better than to charge in without a plan
At least he thinks he does, which is why he's begrudgingly forking over a hefty portion of his personal funds to Pantalone in exchange for information about you
He didn't stop to think how odd it might be for him to know things about you when you've never told him
Honestly, the only reason you probably haven't told him to piss off for being a creep is because you like to think you know him well enough to know he wouldn't have any unsavoury intentions
That and his reputation as the esteemed captain
He does panic when you question where he got the information from though
He doesn't know Pantalone have you a heads up simply to have the joy of watching Capitano squirm
"Did...didn't you?" Capitano stammered. "Perhaps I heard it from someone else, I could've sworn I'd heard somewhere that these were your favourite flowers."
You were cackling internally, of course, knowing his informant. Not that you'd tell him that; he could stew in his panic for a while longer until he finally mustered the courage to ask you out explicitly.
You were only joking when you said he should act more knightly
Sure he'd said there was no point since the fall of his nation meant all titles and status were irrelevant
But that's pretty hard to believe when he's practically bending over backwards for you
It was hard not to notice his efforts, honestly, with how curt and cavalier you knew he could be
Yet there he was, offering you his knee as a footstool for your comfort
"Dain, this isn't what I meant when I said I'd love to see you get on one knee."
You looked at the bough keeper quizzically. In return, he only gave you his usual, impassive expression as he insisted. "You're tired, it is a knight's due duty to ensure his companion's comfort."
You'd protest if it hadn't been for the faintest of blushes dusting his uncovered cheek, his gaze averting subtly in a momentary flicker. So you sat on his thigh, resting your head on his shoulder with a soft thanks as you shut your eyes, leaving the ex-captain swallowing hard as he stilled his aching heart.
Mondstadt's most eligible bachelor? Or most rizzless?
Sure, he's got the money to send you gifts and little tokens of his affection as he courts you
And yes, it's sweet to receive bouquets and desserts that remind him of you
What's less than ideal is the love letters he sends
You find yourself compared to the most questionable of descriptors that you're not sure if he likes you
I mean, did he seriously compare you to his deceased pet tortoise?
Years of living like a social recluse has scuffed all sense of tact he might have had
"Master Diluc-"
"Just Diluc is fine, love."
You blinked slowly, noting the way a faint blush crept up his cheeks, thinking he was slick with sneaking in a little pet name for you (he wasn't). It was hard to tell him relating you to the soil in the winery wasn't the most romantic declaration of his affection when he seemed so proud of himself. Admittedly, you were somewhat proud of him for coming out of his shell to court you too. But this!! This wasn't it.
"I don't need you to try to be poetic, Diluc, a simple 'I think you're lovely' is enough."
Remember those poetry lessons he got from Venti? (Well not really but still)
Venti was peerless when it came to his songs, so naturally, you were quite enchanted with his performances
And of course, why wouldn't Kaeya think serenading you would be a good way to win your heart?
Unlike Diluc, he's much more delicate with his words, weaving them to flatter you best
Yet it's not quite what piqued your interest in him
Sure, it's poetically romantic and all, but it didn't really feel like him
It was moreso his banter with his estranged brother that you found endearing
"Care for a refreshing beverage on this fine day? My treat, of course, the Angel's Share has a new series of fruit mocktails that are just perfect for the weather, and I'd love to try then with you."
You hadn't expected master Diluc himself to stop the both of you at the entrance - well, he stopped Kaeya, at least. "Isn't it a little early for you to be drinking? As I recall, it's office hours for the Knights of Favonius right now."
"I have the day off, am I not allowed to drink in the company of my lovely companion?" Kaeya quips, gesturing to you.
"So you're being a bad influence?"
"We're not here for alcohol."
Diluc looked at Kaeya doubtfully, glancing in your direction as though to gauge if Kaeya was bluffing.
Oh woe is you who has to see Diluc burning holes into the back of Kaeya's head as he moniters his brother on a date.
Money can buy anything.
Except your affection, it would seem
Sure, you enjoy the gifts, and it's nice to be spoilt
But he wants you to look at him the way he looks at you
Worse still is how he's conflicted about making use of his intelligence network to dig up information about you
"it'd ruin the process of getting to know (you)" he says
Which leaves him squeezing time into his schedule to spend with you against his better judgement
He's totally not slaving through his work to make time for you
He's nothing if not opportunistic though
Will most definitely take advantage of any concern you show
"Eyebags? No, no, I doubt I have those, but if you insist, why not come a little closer to check?"
All you'd said was he looked a little tired and haggard, and suddenly he has you in his chambers, sitting on his satin sheets as he lays his head in your lap. After all, if you were so concerned about whether he was resting, surely you wouldn't oppose helping to make sure he got a good sleep, yes?
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Taglist: @myluvkeiji @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @cxlrose @astrequa @eowinthetraveler @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @moonbyunniee @greyrain23 @heavenlyfloof
Commissioned by @monstersealclubber
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Genshin Cuddles HCs: Part the Second (Kaeya, Dainsleif, Zhongli)
Is it any coincidence that I'm tired again while doing cuddles head canons? Probably not. I imagine I get really clingy and cuddly towards the end of the day.
But apparently not as tired lol
CW: A little angst, fluff
A/N: As per the last one, reader is presumed to be short because this 100% self insert
kaeya x gn!reader, Zhognli x gn!reader, Dainsleif x gn!reader
(PS. If you want tagged for certain kinds of content, hit me up in the asks. I'll be happy to put together some taglists)
To be honest, on first starting to date Kaeya, you'd think that he would be a huge tease (I mean, it is Kaeya)
But when it comes to stuff like cuddling and mid winter snuggling, it's usually quite the opposite.
After all, Kaeya is far more serious and earnest, I think, than he allows himself to let on.
Cuddles with Kaeya come in three forms
The first is him big spooning and you little spooning. He absolutely loves being the big spoon. You're so small in his arms and it feels wonderful to know that you trust him like that.
When big spooning he really loves to bury his face in your hair and trace little gentle shapes over your skin
Other times things are reversed. He really never thought that he'd enjoy being the little spoon, but he trusts you without reservation. These are moments where he has no responsibility, instead just lets you take care of him
He frequently falls asleep like this, which really warms the heart. It's moments like these where he'll let you take off his eyepatch and set it to the side
What he doesn't know is that when you do, you usually press a little kiss to the scar
Then there's the third kind
These are almost exclusively late at night, when even the strongest masks start to lower.
Sometimes he'll reach out for you, pulling you into his embrace. He'll hold you like you're fragile, like he's afraid you'll break. it's in these moments where he'll whisper in your ear the most genuine words of love
They would be the warmest moments, but in those moments you hear a truth he never speaks. He's terrified of losing you, that you--like everyone else in his life--will not find him worthy of keeping
All you can do in lose moments is lay your head on his chest, letting him wrap you in his arms, until he's convinced that not only are you still here, but that you're not going to leave him
Dainsleif, I think, is surprisingly good at cuddling
I was honestly surprised in 3.5 when we saw a very gentle side of him and I think that would apply to his significant other
Seriously, the man has lost everything. He's gonna treat his s/o right, no matter what
For Dain, and for you as well, cuddling is a way to relieve stress
It really doesn't matter the position either, as long as you're sharing warmth on cold nights
You can't count the number of times you've curled up against a rock--though you find that's not the most comfortable spot for really anything--laying your head on his chest, just listening to his heart beat
It's just as often that you find his head in your lap, blond hair splayed out while you rub circles into his scalp. The touch is soothing, grounding him in the moment
Of course, there are times when you curl up under a blanket, limbs tangled together, pressed so close you can't tell where you end and Dain begins. Those are almost desperate in nature, as if warding on the ever encroaching nature of time. It's in these moments that Dain finds himself scared, and intent on branding these memories in his mind
Compared to Dain and Kaeya, cuddles with Zhongli are the fluffiest things on the planet
They usually happen at two times of day, with some exceptions
It's not uncommon to start the day with cuddles in bed. You'll wake up to find a pair of strong arms holding you close and a pair of molten gold eyes watching you sleep.
It never fails to make you blush, because he looks at you like you're the entire world. Which is really rather flattering given the power and status of the man currently giving you this ridiculously soft smile
The other time you two cuddle is at the end of the day. Sometimes it's inside by the fire. Other times it's outside looking at the stars, but you almost always end up wrapped up in each other
So many nights, you're tucked under is arm, or laying your head on his lap while you listen to the stories from the past or random every day advice
It's really soothing. He's got the beautiful deep voice that is almost magnetic.
The exception to the rule is when you're upset. There are times when something happened during the day, or you wake up after a nightmare and all you want is to be held and reassured. And he's good at that too. Grounding you, centering you.
Of course you do the same for him, though, given his personality it is very rare. But there are times when the past catches up to him, where an event he is incapable of forgetting weighs on his mind. He's found that your touch, your embrace, you holding him the same way he loves to hold you, makes it a little better
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meili-sheep · 1 year
I'm slowly loving the Crepus slander 😂
That what if Crepus comes back to live thing, how does Kaeya react and do when he sees that Crepus is an asshole to his very own son?
I'm just hungry for protective Kaeya shit 🗿👌✨
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You know I have several essays about why he sucks?
And I've been considering researching child psychology and finding papers to scientifically prove he's a bad dad, like legit. I have some experience writing academic papers, and I might as well put this knowledge to good use.
Let me also tell you about my story with Kaeya. I used to hate him because of Venti's Story Quest and his own quest. Because in Venti's his line in that was so fucking outta pocket and unnecessarily hurtful just to "Please drink responsibly"
It didn't help that I was exposed to "fanon" Kaeya a lot. And that's a whole other mess.
So I was like, you know what. Let's change this around a bit. And I started to think of him more how I think of Ayato. Someone who recognizes that they are bad and keep doing bad things because it still causes a good outcome. And Kaeya gets a sprinkling of the depresso and over protectiveness of Diluc because he recognizes how much he hurt Diluc, and he never wants Diluc to be hurt again.
And you know with each update with him in it. My vision of that keeps getting clearer and more backed up. I did kind of do an "I told you so post" when his conversation with Dain happened, and he said, "I think my dad just left me there to be happy."
I think Kaeya is very protective of his brother.
So Crepus coming back. And now, being an adult and Kaeya can see how poorly Diluc is treated. And how favored Kaeya is. (Because he had to be favored IMO) Especially since Kaeya is still a knight.
Kaeya would be like
"No, no, no! Hold the fuck up. You should be showering and spoiling your son! Not me! He's been hurt by everyone! And he can still find it in his heart to try and save them! To be kind. You don't get to praise me when I am not even proud of this job. But I am damn proud of Diluc! He's doubled the winery's income and made drinking better for everyone! He's sweet and kind and the best person in Mondstadt. And I won't allow you to come here and shit all over him just because he doesn't were some stupid uniform anymore!"
And while Kaeya normally likes to keep his distance from Diluc. (Insecurity and feeling of not deserving to be there) I think while Crepus is around, he would stick closer to Diluc's side to butt Crepus out. Because while Crepus being there would bring out a bit of the younger Diluc, Kaeya would see just how fragile and trusting young Diluc was and how much Diluc is still that person in some ways. But He could also see how Crepus keep constantly failing Diluc. In giving him an unobtainium goal to reach and making it feel Crepus's love is tied to the goal.
So yeah, he'd let Diluc nowhere near Crepus.
There is also the back from the dead angle, which is how Kaeya would probably play it off to Diluc because god forbid they actually tell each other their honest feelings.
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mango-jpeg · 10 months
some fantastic notes
started writing this end of June '22 + into July/August but stalled out so i put it away to write birthday fics instead
(i think i stalled out in part bc i had a complete outline - since i was following the movie i knew all the scenes of the fic before i wrote it - and that makes writing very boring. i like knowing the ending, at least vaguely, but the fun comes from discovering the scenes as i write..)
picked it back up in June '23 for.. literally no reason. i think it was like 9pm and i suddenly HAD to write more. then put it away to write my exams lol
(i'm pretty sure i wrote meeting the gang + razor pov + first chase + 1/2 lunch break scenes + dainsleif scene (+ assorted bits) in '22)
when i picked it back up i watched Twister to write basically scene-by-scene, which made it very easy to fill in bits where i was like 'aaaand now they all say things about tornados ¯\_(ツ)_/¯'
chiscara and the sumeru characters weren't in the original draft, and i added the eyepatch stuff, but the basic shape of the story didn't change bc it's just the plot of Twister but they have magic powers lol
it seemed unavoidable that i'd have to do multiple povs to mimic the movie. originally kaeya wasn't gonna get a pov at all but last minute i thought,, as a treat,,, he could close it out
have i mentioned lately how much i enjoy coming up with bg relationships and backstories that are never fully explained in the fic. bc i think it's my favourite thing. btw rosie & dain are having just thee worst sex
after a lot of very stupid googling i decided to just swap to the usa dictionary on gdocs and call that a believable portrait of 90s america
i know margaritaville as a brand/restaurant experience didn't really exist in the 90s but i liked that reference and didn't want to pull it. also didn't want to bother finding a 90s equivalent sry
now i can confidently point to oklahoma on a map(´∀`)
had a lot of difficulty coming up with a title (as usual), but settled on the BNL song ((if i had to justify this pick beyond 'words sound good together' it's 90s music for divorcees))
most of the Murderbot series, while writing
most of the elemental logic series, while editing
deliberately uncivil, the klk megamix ever
forcefield by TPC
bnl are me
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teataglia · 2 years
Tea!! Ship your moots with characters they normally don't self-ship themselves with!!
ooo yay!! i like dis idea A LOT hehe i hope you all like it toooo < 3 srry this took so long oopsies i am v sloww
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@anime-fanfics-i-write + dwight sugawara ;; i actually think you guys wuld be so so sooo cute, like he would indulge your every whim and treat you like the princess you are!! he wuld always have your fav dish cooked up n ready every time you come home!
@stygianoir + diluc ;; diluc is the SWEETEST lover and, unlike dain, he is not immortal so you guys could actually grow old together and yall wuld be the cutest old couple I M O
@lexstacy-fics + bokuto ;; HE'S BIG N KIND w very few thoughts floating around in his dome piece n he wuld love your bright pink theme, he wuld be so into supporting yu n your writing it's the cutest thing (or your irl choso <3 hehe)
@im-a-loser-fight-me + osamu ;; ok hear me out, he is not your usual gentle giant type BUT he is STRONG and wuld be very gentle w yu..... but also wuld not be afraid to toss you around a bit if you catch my drift ;)
@hotlinetakami + aizawa ;; he's daddy. lololol, he def gives the best hugs and when yu 2 are just cuddling on the couch, moving seems impossible
@21-06-1996 + TSUKISHIMA KEI ;; another bean pole that likes to read! lmaoo he's so annoying but in the best way and would looove taking you out on lil cafe dates no matter how much he denies it
@b-achiras + itachi uchiha ;; GAWD him, he he he wuld absolutely love you forever, till the end of time, he's like THE ultimate sweetheart. he would also be so overprotective of you bc hes scared to lose you :(( but that just means more quality time!
@kazuwhora + hange ;; looking into my crystal ball n seeing a lot of late night tired cuddles, hange coming home late from work and just collapsing into your arms and you hold them soooo tight, promising to never let go, delivering lil cups of water to each other to make sure you're both hydrating < 3
@festive + kaeya ;; thinkin about romantic candle lit dinners, him being a gentleman and holding the door for you, pulling your chair out for you to sit, kissin the back of your hand n everything, all that cute stuff >:3
@twbachira + shinichiro sano ;; the sweetest baby, this guy knows sacrifice and he would do absolutely anything for you, loves you as deep as the sea and as tall as the heavens, also takes gr8 pics of yu, like 100% best photographer and hypeman
@haithanist + childe ;; he'd be such a lil obnoxious tease! and so cute! he would spoil you rotten! ahhh im just thinkin about him wrapping you up in a big scarf in the winter!! and throwing layers of blankets on you!! so cute!!
@dark-mnjiro + draken ;; he wuld take such good care of you, he just loves you so so so much < 3 hes very protective and will be by your side in minutes, just say the word, love physical touch of any kind (his fav is keeping his hand on the small of your back when you're in public, subtle but makes a statement :D)
@rczc + akaashi keiji ;; hes my baby boy but i just KNOW you would cherish each other, and youd be the prettiest couple, like youre stunning n hes beautiful?? i am not wrong (nothing but the best for BOTH my angels)
@oomiya + oikawa ;; he acts like such a flirt but in reality he'd be the biggest nerd 4 YU!! he would be so enthralled, utterly head over heels n theres nothing you can do to stop him, he wuld love to show you off, but like subtly and tastefully ofc
@kentoangel + gojo ;; hot, hot stuff. you both are sizzling n steaming, n he knows how to treat you right. he would learn all your likes n dislikes so quick, he wouldnt ever want to fuck it up w you, like ever ever, so he's constantly checking in, v considerate of him mhm
@garoujo + mitsuya ;; YOU ARE BOTH THE SWEETEST, i personally think its a match made in heaven, like he’d actually worship you, you are his angel - his deity, he's so observant it's scary, if yu mention smth once in passing he will remember it for the rest of his life
@bbiemilk + kazuha ;; he wuld love to take it nice n slow w yu, stopping to enjoy the smaller things in life, like how the flowers change colors in the fall, reassuring yu that b4 yu know it, it’ll be spring again!
@iitoshi + seishu inui ;; i for one think you two would hit it off, hes so straight forward, but around you hed get a lil shy its so sweetttt <33 like he wuldve had to work up the courage to ask you out ^.^ and then he’d treat you like the royalty you are
@sleepy3 + yuta okkotsu ;; sweet angels, the love radiates from your entangled bodies as you lie together in the sun, only a simple cat nap, but neither of yu wuld want to be anywhere else :3
@shcyc + jean kirstein ;; he's my hubby but you deserve each other (nothing but the best), n like he's just a lil sweetheart and i think yu guys wuld fall madly in luv, he's like funny n everything too ehehe
@munsonsins + issei matsukawa ;; he's hot and i will say it, just going off vibes alone you guys wuld be a very smexy couple, he's tall n nice n knows how to take a joke so don't go easy on him ;)
@thetempleofnyx + kakucho ;; THIS MF SWEETHEART ugh, he might be a lil rough around the edges but i promise he is the kindest most gentle baby there is < 3 n he wuld be so loyal, major heart eyes 4 yu 2
@satorhime + reiner braun ;; he is a lil cray cray in the beginning but like, he is literally just a big teddy bear, buuuut that's not found out until later, but like just trust me on dis one, he wuld cherish yu so so so much
@touyyes + choso ;; he is big n beefy n he will luv yu till the end of time, he's a large guy w a large heart n large eyes that are only 4 yuuu, im thinkin like slow dancing in the living room or him making your fav food for dinner mmmm yummy
@maginxlia + nanami ;; he's a gentleman thru n thru, will spoil yu and spend every free waking moment he has simply doting on yu, checking, double checking, n triple checking that you're safe and happy < 3
@dear-itto + thoma ;; even tho he accidentally fed your hubby beans, thoma means nothing but the best, he wuld wait on yu hand and foot, if you even think about wanting smth, boom he already got it for yu, he's that guud :3
@soshiina + kita ;; HIM < 3 he is so sweet and cute and husband material!! just thinkin about him comin home after a long day of FARMING, all tired n you're there! waiting for him w open arms! n he receives the biggest, warmest hug, n maybe a nice massage if youre feeling up to it !
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
Dain quest 3 finally done. 
Lore points: 
Khaenri’ah was started by one bloodline, and those descended from it are considered “pure-blooded.” They seem to have been the nobility. 
When the Cataclysm went down, the pure-bloods like Dain were cursed with immortality, while anyone descended from people who worshipped archons turned into a hilichurl. 
Khaenri’ah people blame Celestia and the archons for all this. 
It seems to be some time later, potentially years after the Cataclysm, that Dain and the sibling traveled together. 
The sibling was already considered the Prince(ss) of Khaenri’ah before the Cataclysm and was worshipped due to Khaenri’ah nobility at least believing that the sibling has the power to control the Abyss. 
Kaeya seems to be of mixed blood, but it’s unclear why he’s not a hilichurl. He claims to not remember anything of Khaenri’ah (vaguely supported by Dain’s observations). He was curious about it as a child but now says that he cares about it less and less. 
The hilichurl child (Caribert) of an Alberich ancestor (Chlothar) either became or became part of the Loom of Fate. 
Whatever is under hilichurl masks is horrifying. 
There is some kind of Abyss entity called the “Sinner” that instills instinctive worship in both hilichurls and humans. It called the sibling a flower that bloomed from sin but is pure. 
It seems like the Abyss Order was trying to invoke it via the Defile Statue back in Dain quest 1. 
Traveler says they and their sibling traveled between planets for countless years. 
Paimon says “just you wait, Heavenly Principles” when declaring our determination to find out the truth, so we are in some manner treating the Heavenly Principles as an opponent. 
Chlothar Alberich is confirmed after the flashback to be the founder of the Abyss Order. 
Despite being called a curse of “immortality,” your body still breaks down under it. Eide mentions that his eyesight has worsened, and Paimon pointedly comments how Dain’s senses are still very good. However, it seems like the damage to one’s mind is more potent. 
Chlothar did eventually die, so it seems he found some way out of the curse. 
I think those are the relevant points. 
Now, in terms of the quest quality... it’s bad. 
I do think a lot of people will think it’s good, because it’s Dain, and it’s sibling stuff, and it has a lot of new lore details, and people will say it’s trying to do horror. But we’re two years into the story, and they still haven’t put out anything that’s actually good, so I’m unwilling to praise some theoretically potential that isn’t being even slightly lived up to. 
First, this quest is insanely contrived at almost every step. 
Kaeya just happens to be in Sumeru on a puzzling excuse (researching local alcohol... for the Knights, who definitely do that). He just happens to decide to start talking about his background, which he himself says he doesn’t like to do. Dain just happens to be nearby and overhear. It just so happens that some of Dain’s previously unmentioned missing memories have come back. It just so happens that the Traveler is affected by the leylines in a specific way that lets them relive their twin’s memories. The twin and Dain just happened to have stopped for the night at the house of a former Khaenri’ah noble. Dain just happens to have left the twin alone for an extended period of time. The twin for some reason decides to insist that they want to go inside this total stranger’s house and start poking around. There just happens to be a super cursed cave with an Abyss god nearby. Etc, etc. 
Not only are the plot points themselves extremely contrived, they’re also written in the clumsiest way possible. It’s extremely painful to deal with. 
Second, the twist is extremely stupid, unnecessary and just stinks of them thinking they’re hot shit for thinking it up. You could have just played the sibling from the start, especially since the quest inexplicably locks you from changing your party. But as always, Genshin only gives you the relevance after the quest is done. 
Third, the writing in general is full of the usual Genshin issues. 
We continue to be extremely heavy-handed about stuff like “Paimon is our good frend :) the bestest friend :) we love Paimon :)” Like, it’s SO obvious that they’re setting up a stupid twist later. You can tell.
Kaeya is here pretty much purely to set up an entirely different character... a flashback NPC. Because we all love that. Welcome to Kazuha round 2. 
The quest plays up how awful and horrifying the hilichurl situation is, how this hilichurl is literally just a child trapped in the body of a monster, how tragic it all is... and then you can fight hilichurls in the domain. Cool! And then you can go on your usual daily commissions where Paimon suggests drowning some of them. Very cool! Remember how Alice gruesomely murdered so many of them? Wasn’t it funny? 
Etc, etc. 
I know people will say that’s very cool that Genshin is poorly aping horror with the whole hilichurl curse, Eide’s madness, the evil god thing, the sudden revelation that you’re living your sibling’s memories, etc. But like, the tone is so poorly done. 
AND, just to be clear, it is transparently clear that, as horrible as the things that happened to Khaenri’ah’s people are, they brought it on themselves. 
Eide’s unhinged rants are exactly like the crazy worshippers of the dead gods, who insist their deity was killed by an Archon. You can tell it’s the same writing as Wan’yan, the eremites, even the extremists on Watatsumi. And they were all wrong. Their gods were in the wrong (or the worshippers themselves, with Havria), and the Archons did nothing wrong, ever. Yeah, Eide says that gods cursed Khaenri’ah’s people, but let’s be real. He admits they were already trying to control the Abyss via the sibling in some fashion. This is all self-inflicted, and the story is very happy to show you how selfish and ungrateful Eide is. 
Honestly, the whole experience was dragged out, poorly implemented, and unpleasant. 2/10 at best. Also, Lumine’s JP voice is so soft and breathy, it’s really annoying to listen to. 
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outivv · 3 years
Boy do I have an angsty request for you :D So The Boys confess their love to their crush, but she asks them if they take her for a fool, because she believes that they're using her as a substitute for someone they couldn't have. Like Zhongli with Guizhong and Dainsleif with Lumine, etc. She doesn't believe they love her because she's been in a toxic relationship like that before, and it left her heartbroken. Just sum angst with maybe sum comfort. Also congrats on 801 followers! \(≧▽≦)/♡
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Synopsis: it’a happened a few too many times, being used as a replacement. So when (idk insert a character from the tall boys group) confessed to her, she doesn’t believe it.
Warnings: angst, and mentions of a toxic relationship, I also made y/n a bit... bitchy(?) in the beginning of kaeyas part. Flat out I made them kinda rude.
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: zhongli, Diluc, childe, kaeya, and Dainsleif
Pronouns for reader: she/ her (I assume that’s what you wanted... if not then I apologize)
A/n: I am in love with this request oh my god. Zhongli and guizhongs relationship pains me so much, like all of the fanart and headcanons for them it just ahhh. Makes me so sad. But aside from that, thank you for congratulating me it means a lot ☺️. It’s a lot of fun seeing how far I’ve come, and with that I hope you enjoy and take care of yourself! Remember to eat something if you haven’t and drink water you amazing human!!! <3
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— zhongli —
Zhongli built up the courage to confess to you while stargazing one night. Only to have his hopes and dreams crushed. You though he was lying? He was using you? Why would he ever do such a thing to someone he admired and loved?
“I know your past relationship with guizhong... I’m not an idiot zhongli. I know that you’re going to use me to get over her.” You said coldly with a deadpan expression.
He didn’t understand... how could you think that he’d hold on for that long. He loved her once, but then... then he didn’t. It was hard to explain his feelings, but he knew that it was different with you. He didn’t know how to express that though.
Zhongli pondered for a second before saying, “I wouldn’t do such a thing even if I still loved her. I’ve moved on, and I want to be with you now. My words are true and are straight from the heart.” You still were hesitant though.
You wanted to be with zhongli, but were too scared to be. Past relationships made you have trust issues when it came to giving someone access to your feelings. Because you’d let them in only for them to move on from you weeks later. You were the recovery girl, the practice dummy, only there to get their confidence back.
Zhongli wouldn’t treat you like that though... would he? He could see the gears in your head turning with worry, so he cupped your face in his hands and said, “I would never say something I didn’t mean. Especially something as serious as this.” And kissed your forehead.
Butterflies formed in your stomach at the closeness, and you could feel yourself getting emotional. You hugged him tightly, and nodded, a way of saying that you trust him. He wouldn’t take your trust for granted.
— childe —
Childe wouldn’t like to admit it but he’s had few partners in the past. Being more focused on fatui work, and not wanting to hurt anyone. You had him wrapped around your finger though. He’s never felt this connected, and emotionally attached to someone. It took him a while to sort out his feelings but here he is, confessing to you.
As soon as the words left his mouth he felt a weight lift off of his shoulder, only to be replaced with a nauseous feeling growing in his stomach. “Childe... I know what happened with your last partner. I’m not going to be a replacement.” Replacement? Is that how you thought he viewed you...
Before he could think he said, “no! It’s not like that you’re way more than just a replacement! I haven’t spoken to them in ages, I don’t even know where they are now... how can I still be in love with them.” He made a valid point. You still were cautious though.
Not wanting to get your heart broken again you took baby steps. Your heart was fragile, and surrounded by walls to protect it. It took a lot to break down those walls, but maybe, just maybe could childe do it.
“I haven’t felt this attached to someone, I know that sounds stupid, or cliche, but that is truly how I feel.” He said pouring his heart out. He took your hands into his and looked into your eyes, his own bright blue ones full of love and honesty.
“I’ve loved you since I first saw you. I tried to get your attention many times, and now I finally have it, do you really think I’d lie about anything that I’m saying?” He said, his voice hushed, and his face painted with a smile.
You muttered a no, looking away from his intense gaze. “Well there you have it!” He shouted, a contrast to his previous attitude. “Do you believe me now?” He gently grabbed your chin to make you look at him. He smiled goofily waiting for an answer. How could you saw no to him when he looked so excited?
— kaeya —
Kaeya has been with many lovers in the past, none of them were serious relationships, he never quite found the right person. Until you.
It took a long time for kaeya to confess to you, afraid to get rejected, and break an amazing friendship he built up. His fear was proved to be correct when he confessed to you though. “Kaeya I know about your past lover. They wouldn’t shut up about you...” you said your arms crossed “I know that I’m just the rebound, they still talk about you after months, clearly they still like you. Why go for me when you can go back to them hm? You’d probably do it in a week anyways.”
Wow... he didn’t know you thought so... horribly of him. For once kaeya was speechless, he was so hurt that he couldn’t think straight. “I wouldn’t go back to them even if I was forced to. Why would you think that of me...” Kaeya said speaking the truth. He hated his most previous lover, they were a god awful person, so he left them.
“That’s what everyone does. They get with me, and then leave when they’ve regained their confidence and go get the girl that they originally wanted, or go back to their ex.. as simple as that.” You said coldly. You were treated like a doll to be tossed around, and mistreated until the person got what they wanted from you. You weren’t about to get your heart torn to shreds by someone you came to love.
Kaeya was shocked even more by your words. Were you really treated that way? He felt angry, and hurt all at the same time. He looked at you apologetically, and pulled you into a hug. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Ever. I wouldn’t take this long to confess to someone if I didn’t really care about them.” He said putting his hand on your head. You could feel tears pricking your eyes at his sudden show of affection. You’ve come to trust kaeya with your life, so his words meant something to you.
“Seriously it took me ages to do this.” He said with a chuckle, an attempt to lighten the mood a bit. You let out a laugh yourself, pulling away from his hug and rubbing your eyes. He truly did know how to put a smile on your face.
— Diluc —
Diluc contemplated his feelings for you for months. He didn’t want to get his own heart broken, and he never had been in a serious relationship with someone. He’s never wanted to be in a serious relationship with someone. He was the most sought after bachelor in all of mondstadt, and he had no interest in anyone. Until you.
He wanted to make sure what he was feeling was love, and not a... strong yearning to be your friend. Oddly enough he���s never had that feeling either.
He confessed to you one night, showing you a beautiful sight of the ocean from stormbearer point. He oddly loved the ocean, so he thought it was a perfect place to confess to you. Sadly you rejected him. His heart sank and he felt embarrassed.
Though he held his composure, and asked, “I... I see. May I ask... why?” He wanted at least some sort of explanation. He thought he was owed that at least? “Diluc. You’re the most sought after man in all of mondstadt, you could, or better yet would, leave me in a week.” You said bluntly.
He.. didn’t understand. He had paid no mind to any of the people who wanted him, and finally he had some sort of attraction to someone and they say he’d leave her in a moments notice? Why would he ever do that? “I’ve... I haven’t felt this way about anyone. Why would I leave you for someone I don’t even like?” Diluc said confused.
You looked at him sadly and coldly, “because you can.” You said shortly “you can, and then you’d be just like everyone else.” Everyone else? What did you mean everyone else?
Diluc walked closer to you, and put his hand on the back of your head saying, “I don’t know what you mean by everyone else, but I can assure you I’m not like them. I’ve never felt anything close to this until I met you.” His words were from the heart, and you could tell.
Diluc was a man to speak what was on his mind, and to speak the truth. Even he knows not to play with someone’s feelings. He wouldn’t go out of his way to cause someone pain, he’s too familiar with the feeling himself. He would only treat you with the utmost care, and you could relax and let your guard down around him.
— Dainsleif —
Dainsleif is a man who has seen many people in his lifetime, only truly growing romantically attached to you. He loved once in the past but... they turned out to be... on the wrong side.
Traveling with him for about a year made him trust you, as you trusted him. It also made him love you, as you hopefully loved him. He confessed one rainout night as you took shelter in a ruin in liyue.
He could feel his jaw drop and his heart sink when you said, “dain... I can’t... I don’t want you to leave me... I... I care about you. A lot. And I don’t want to lose you.” Your voice was shaky and sad. His heart broke hearing it.
“Why would you lose me? I want to stay with you, that’s why I’m saying this.” He said starting to get worried. You looked at the ground in front of you, snuggling into the blanket you had wrapped around your shoulders before saying, “that always leave... so I left for once. I left my hometown and started traveling with you...” your voice started to crack as tears started to form in your eyes. “I don’t want to go back there. I want to stay with you, and travel and...” you cut yourself off with your own sob.
You truly cared about dain, and you’ve grown rather attached to him. But you had an inkling feeling that he’d leave you like your past lovers. His heart broke for a second time that night, and he scooted closer to you wrapping his arms around your smaller frame, and kissing the top of your head.
“I wouldn’t leave you. Especially not when I’ve come this attached to you.” He said kissing the crown of your head once more. You have felt more at home traveling teyvat with Dainsleif than you have in the very twin that you grew up in.
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ayuen · 3 years
Gnostic Chorus - theory time!
Not really, just something that bothered me for a long time. From the first moment I saw this one story it did not left my mind and sometimes new information we get fit... so I decided to have a little fun and write down my own thoughts on it. And since we have little to no information about Kaeya... about that a little later, well, let’s treat it like my little headcannon that may turn out not true but is so fun, so here we go :D
Also some spoliers? about newest Archon quest I guess? it may turn out long, I’m just in a mood for it, so you have been warned. 
So the story starts with this glorious kingdom, established among the heavens:
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Khaenri'ah was like Dain said: 
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He says nothing about them being underground. 
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And well, they didn’t have a god, so these words can be understood differently, like Khaenri'ah being among kingdoms in a heaven in garden of gods.
Next we have this line about a crowned heir, will come back to her later. 
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She was tasked to search for the genesis pearl...(genesis makes me think about creation - so here another idea for a possibility like remember Khemia? maybe she was meant to find it, but somehow forgot who she was? And stayed as a ruler of  Khaenri'ah? well, let’s leave it for another time) from the kingdom of darkness. 
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So lets’ stop here. There is this theory that Teyvat is upside down. 
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Which could mean that what we consider top is actually bottom. So if the lore in the books talks about Khaenri'ah as an underground kingdom maybe it’s just misinformation? Maybe not but if we take into consideration how recent Kaeya’s love poem isn’t without a doubt translatable, truly who can trust in everything that’s written about historical events in the pieces in the game? But if it was in fact turned upside down... also this quest and the theory of a fake sky? From  The Crisis Deepens. This would be too much to write about it, also I read all about it, bc I wasn’t playing the game at the time so yeah, it’s on youtube in any case.
So from newest Archon quest we have this: 
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I know it doesn’t say out right that there is someone above our sibling leading Abyss but whatever Paimon says something, it is relevant so we can take it into consideration. Will come back to it in a moment as well. 
And here comes Childe, Tartaglia, I don’t have him so here a part of his story: (And why did I bring Childe?) Well, first we have his story where it’s said that he learned how to fight from a woman in the abyss:
Story 4
“That 14-year-old boy got lost in the snowy forest.
Pursued by bears and wolf packs, he lost his footing and fell into a bottomless crack in the earth's surface.
There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. There, he would meet a mysterious swordswoman...
Or perhaps one should say that this dark realm had sensed the burning ambition in this boy's heart.”
“In those three months, the swordswoman taught Tartaglia how to pass through the Abyss unhindered, and more importantly, nurtured the ability to stir up endless havoc from within Ajax's trouble-mongering nature.”
Also a really nice post on reddit about his transformation.
Also there’s another one:
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For those who prefer to see it all in one post. And in the story line our sibling who leads Abyss is Lumine, it does not fit her fighting style. even before coming to Teyvat she was using a sword, so her style wouldn’t change much, even after traveling through every nation. 
So I’m assuming it’s another person who is higher than Lumine in a hierarchy in the Abyss. So remember this Crowned Heir that was supposed to find the Genesis Pearl? What if she did in fact ended up in the Abyss, she believed to be a queen of the darkness.
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Which would also explain why our sibling is not called queen, but princess:
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We don’t know how she may ended up in there, but we also know that The Abyss equals ppl from Khaenri'ah. Than why Dain is against Abyss order? 
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Like who laid this curse upon him? Not Gods I think, so maybe the queen of the abyss? Since abyss mages fear her more than they fear painful interrogation...
Also The Abyss order and Dain are on different sides. Why? We don’t know what happened there for sure. 
There are also theories (also on youtube) about the cycle and the truth of the word. What if the Genesis pearl is just a knowledge of this word? What if this crowned heir figured it out? And decided to destroy Celestia? And forgot about her orgins, forgot Khaenri'ah? What if what Abyss is trying to do have really not much to do with revenge for for destroying  Khaenri'ah but for all the destruction that Celestia did? What if Dain is on other side because he doesn’t need to fight this order? He doesn’t like gods for what happend to Khaenri'ah but we don’t see him rushing to harm them either. But that’s topic for another occasion.
Coming back to this “theory”. 
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The second crowned heir taken on the path where the first have stumbled. 
Here also why I think it’s not about our siblings. We don’t know from where they come from, true. We know they were traveling together, maybe they where searching for something? Maybe they are royals? Now we know nothing about it. We know that:
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I’m not putting the whole exchange here but from this we know that our sibling was not send by someone to find something our sibling failed to do. We don’t know what is this destiny Lumine/Aether talks about.
From the Gnostic Chorus we know this about first crowned heir:
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But as we see in the newest Archon quest, it’s from Aether being on the side of the Abyss because I play Lumine.
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He/Lumine didn’t forget who they are. From this we can see they also searched for their new home, maybe their last one was destroyed too? Maybe that’s why Lumine sides with people from Khaenri'ah? 
But anyway...
Who in the story have a task to do? Who was send with a clear mission we know nothing about? Who is a person about which we actually know less than about Dain? 
Yeah, Kaeya.
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We know his father abandoned him at Down Winery with a mission of being their “Last hope” (I will be not posting pictures here about it, this post is long enough). There is a lot of theories about him being a prince or some royal since theories about Dain being a sword are confirmed (see theories about Alberich) not to mention the names of his talents that led us to this conclusion long ago.
For for sake of this theory let’s say that Kaeya is a prince send to find Genesis Pearl. Wouldn’t it fit that he makes friends with criminals? Who is better for a information network? 
Not to mention, he told the truth to Diluc, if he was a treat wouldn’t he kill him? or at last told about him to others? Diluc was respected at the time, who wouldn’t believe him?
So maybe his goal is not to destroy Mondstat?  
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I always was wondering about this one. What major decision? maybe I’m thinking here too much from experience, maybe it’s not common approach... but his father left him in unknown land, with strangers. With a mission on his shoulders. And Mond gave him a loving family, Crepus, Diluc other ppl who love him, as it is stated on official side of Genshin Impact. 
Why would it be a hard choice to choose between happiness and duty? Like I said maybe it’s not a common approach, but what does some old kingdom mean when you have a found home? Shouldn’t it mean more? Is it really that hard of a choice?
But what if he have someone to save? Someone he cares about? or loves? Who isn’t guilty but lost? 
You probably can tell where I’m going now with it right?
What if he will have to save his sister? Ok, some will say Aether have to save Lumine from Abyss order but does he? Is she kept there against her will? did she forget about him or their goal? or is she just waiting for him so they can really reunite and continue their journey through words?
I know that this messes with my “theory”:
Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail|Genshin Impact
But Dain is against Lumine? He is against the whole Abyss Order, why would be stop us from getting or sister and getting away from Tayvat for good?
The thing that doesn’t fit is that he seems to be talking to Aether here with “You who set foot into this word. Your journey has reached it’s end but one final doorway remains.” And yeah, Aether is travelling, prob the reason why most of NPC call us Traveler instead of using our name. But it can be taken about kaeya as well, if we consider the fact that he come from Khaenri'ah and now he is in Tayvat, which is not considered to be a part of Tayvat. 
Ok, it’s longer than I thought... and I still wanted to put her more but oh well.   
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sir-huffman · 3 years
14, 15, 20
50 character questions [ Accepting ]
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14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
Huffman lives alone for the most part. However, he does tend to house those who don’t have a place to say and has offered the following people a spare key to his home should they wish to stay there as, honestly, Huffman is rarely home.
Pray for Huffman’s soul should the three/four of them decide to stay in Huffman’s home all at the same time. This is what he gets for giving out his house key to freely.
Gio ( @d.ikiyvter ) - Huffman had offered a key to his home after a few encounters with the clown and learning that, well, the lad barely had enough mora to support himself because he spends too much of it on Fontaine perfumes. As such, Huffman doesn’t mind the little rascal to stay in his home - at least it’s then being used from time to time. However, this by extension makes Venti ( @m.elodicbreeze ) also roommate...ish. They are kind of a package deal.
Kaeya ( @c.yroknight ) - Kaeya was one of Huffman’s oldest roommates and has a permanent key to Huffman’s house that he’s been holding for years now. That said, Huffman always feels relieved when he finds the captain sleeping in his bed, it puts Huffman at ease knowing that Kaeya is at least getting some sleep and staying out of trouble.
Dainsleif ( @g.enshin-collection ) - Huffman eventually will be offering Dainsleif a key to his home if he hasn’t already and this is through a series of long talks and spending time with one another. There’s a sort of kinship the two share, something that can’t exactly be explained but...Huffman is always glad to see Dainsleif when he’s in Mondstadt regardless. At least by Dain having a key to his house, Huffman knows the traveler has a comfortable bed to sleep on.
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
No one really. Huffman doesn’t invest too much in people and has learned to not take too many things to heart. However,  if anything it might be the mention of his father...but even then he never had a deep connection with his father at all. 
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
Huffman isn’t much of an animal person. However, he does admire canines and working dogs more than any other animal. Perhaps he can give some admiration towards wolves as well, but wolves are not domesticated like dogs and thus aren’t privy to being friend with humans.
But Huffman personally wouldn’t want a pet. He wouldn’t have the time to spend with them and it would be a disservice to the animal for keeping it locked up in his house. As such, he prefers to keep a treat or two for the canines around Mondstadt and will gladly pet them should one come up to him.
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hematomes · 2 years
u throw anything at me and ill shrivel up and die regardless of what was thrown /lh
i have the strongest desire to build lumine (geo) but i. cannot bc im in the middle of kaeya and rosaria’s builds for quick swap melt fjfj
ahdjfjfjfjfjj i don’t like hurting. i like hurting kaeya /lh sorry kaeya but. here we can go get u a nice drink afterwards kay
HELP THATS VALID and yes he would treat u like garbage but somehow i get the feeling that that’s only drawing u in more ajsjdj i do not believe ive rlly met choso yet but. ill be on the lookout for a pathetic wet dog of a man <3
i. mechamaru deserves so much. LET HIM BE OKAY DAMMIT and pls yes he should go on a date w miwa <3
watching mai and maki simultaneously cleared my skin and damned me to hell. the kin spiral was so intense that i don’t even wanna say i kin them bc if i open that can of worms it’ll never get shut,, AND YEAH. WHEN MAKI LEFT. I WAS LIKE. BYE IM FALLIN APART IM DISINTEGRATING LIKE PAPER IN THE RAIN
women’s wrongs <3 i. need more mei and utahime content. jjk manga pls feed my addiction
WAIT GEGE HATES HIM? THATS SO FUNNY AJEJDDJ and nanami is. my favorite. my. pets his head gently i don’t like overtime either buddy /lh AND WHAT. HIS VA IS DAINS JP VA?? IM GONNA LOSE IT AJDJFJFJ I DONT EVEN CARE ABT VA STUFF bc i’m not like you i don’t have a voice ki— BUT ?? YELLS THATS SO GOOD
ok actually that's valid
FELT... the urge to build a character but ur already busy building 67 others like come on hyv... more resin
HELPPP kaeya hiding in a little corner praying u won't find him only for you to drag him away and make him experience the horrors of existence
honestly yea.... fictional man who would treat me like an old rag? sign me up. but it's also bc of the unrealistic voice in my head telling me i could be their special little thing and get special little treatment. there's smth about murderous ppl being soft w their s/o that drives me completely insane
U MET CHOSO ACTUALLY he's the 3rd brother with the cursed womb at the very end of the anime. oldest brother actually. he's playing some board game w mahito and geto while yuuji and nobara kill his brothers LMFAO
dw we don't have to talk abt kinning.... it's fine ur safe........
nah fr u can't have women with such potential and then no impact like..!!!!! arg. utahime <3 some ppl ship her with gojo and honestly it's so funny to me like. agreed. but also w mei bc women
HE DOES LMAO HE'S ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED THAT THE FANDOM LOVES GOJO SO MUCH,,, tbh id start a family w nanami. it would be us and a cat, maybe also a dog . please.
YEAH IT'S DAIN... <333 ZBSJAJ leave my voice kink alone it's . i. voices are important ok
0 notes
Klee-sitting (ZHongi
Klee-sitting (Zhongli, Dainsleif, Tartaglia)
In honor of Klee’s appearance in the newest event, here’s some Klee sitting head canons
Not the worst baby sitter Klee has ever had
his patience serves him well
Instead of telling her to keep a handle on her treasures he teaches her how to choose her targets wisely
I can see him standing off to the side with a smile, watching her blow something relatively  safe up
She gets to use her treasures and not get grounded
After that he takes her back to Liyue harbor and treats her to a meal Jean’s money, the traveler made sure to mention Zhongli’s, eh-hem, financial issues 
He makes sure to teach her a bit about Liyue customs while they’re in the harbor
If Klee stay’s in Liyue over night, Zhongli tells her a bed time story, likely one that no one has heard in several thousand years
He needs a vacation, we all know this
And since he’ll never take an out and out vacation, let’s do the next best thing, sic Klee-sitting duty on him
I mean, it won’t result in the Good Hunter’s stove being blown to pieces
Honestly, Dain seems like that one uncle or cousin that really isn’t comfortable with kids but gets saddled with babysitting duty anyway and he was going to say no. He really was.
But then Klee gives him her puppy dog eyes. Those puppy dog eyes could melt anyone’s heart, and Dain is no exception
So he says yes
Dain doesn’t put her in an excessive amount of danger, but Klee does learn some practical knowledge that Jean has had a chance to teach her
He’s also very vigilant when it comes to Klee’s pyrotechnics. Once again, she doesn’t end up grounded
It ends up being an alright day for both, though Klee is happy to go back to being Kaeya’s charge
Dain won’t say as much, but that day was one of the most exhausting days he’s had in the last several hundred years, but also the most fulfilling mission accomplished
Wtf? Who’s idea was this? Is there no one else who could have taken on the job
This is a worse idea than letting Kaeya Klee-sit
Not that Tartaglia would be bad at it. On the contrary, his younger siblings and his own immaturity means he’s well equipped for the task
That being said Tartaglia is chaos incarnate and would happily help Klee find shit to blow up
Hiding treasures? Tartaglia-niisan is here to help
She’d end up grounded and somehow Tartaglia would find him self in the same position. A Fatui Harbinger grounded by The Knights of Favonius’ Acting Grand Master lol
On the other hand, Klee would never be safer.
Tartaglia values the preciousness that is innocence and Klee is the embodiment of innocence, so nothing would get close enough to hurt her. He’s bust out his delusion if he had to and he doesn’t usually like doing so
Of the three Tartaglia is also the most likely to be well suited to baby sitting. Old enough to know better supposedly but he definitely doesn’t care. Sure, they might be grounded, but it would also be the most fun either of them have had in ages
On the chance that they escape Jeans wrath, or before receiving it if Tartaglia is spending several days Klee-sitting, he definitely does the bed time story thing. 
Ok, I think he’d be a great baby sitter, since he has so much experience with kiddos, but... RIP Liyue and Mondstadt. The chaos, too terrifying
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reginrokkr · 5 months
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Anonymous asked: In the past few days I saw more people open to share their ship preferences for their muses, but most of the tiers (more like all of them) don't include Dainsleif yet. So question for the mun! what do you look for in order to ship? and if it's easy for you to respond, who would you ship Dainsleif with?
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I hope you know what you're in for, nonnie— as this is going to be a ride that may contain some salt.
What I look for first and foremost when it comes to shipping is plausibility. Yes, I'm aware that some muns may go like "oh, I like this character so I'd like to ship them with my muse and see if that works" and that's perfectly fine. I am no different in having these thoughts myself, but 95% of the times I ignore them for other reasons that will be stated later. Dain himself is a complicated muse with unique circumstances and background. If the likelihood of him not interacting with a great part of the cast in ways that it becomes meaningful and under normal circumstances is high, you can imagine how it must be the case of shipping.
Which leads me to the next point: because of Dain's complications it is hard to build something with strong foundations that won't crumble at the earliest scenario of him not providing what's expected in a healthy relationship. He has many ghosts of his past and the present time, a mission that was given by someone else or self-imposed that goes above everything —even himself, as he clearly states that doesn't relish his solitude in Shenhe's miscellany or that he knows about the heartache of the Adepti in Xiao's miscellany, which clearly belies the fact that he's ignoring things he would've preferred for himself for the sake of a grander scheme than himself—, a great trauma of the past that intertwines with self-hatred and guilt. He won't accept easily that someone in the know of all these things would still choose him. There is the Abyss that can warp his senses even if he's done a great job for the past centuries in remaining sane. There is a curse that goes with a chronic physical pain and even more ghosts to add in his mind that exist or the abyssal factors of the curse will ingrain in his mind. And there is the possibility that the Sinner is part of said ghosts in his mind, given that he might be the one who narrates Dain's introduction based on Chinese word choices to say who the author is.
In order for a ship to work with him, the other part has to be aware of all these things and even so be willing to stay by his side —more metaphorically-speaking than personally, because they'll be in for long periods of absence from Dain's part alone and most certainly that other person will have their own responsibilities too—. I love to ship romantically as the next person as much as it looks like I'm adding layers and layers of difficulty to do that, but I don't want to step over key aspects of what makes Dain who he is just for the sake of shipping at risk of making it incredibly shallow and without substance. Because one of the things that I look for in a ship is also development: for every muse in particular and in a personal way and together as a pair.
This is why I'm terribly iffy about ships that not only erase Dain's autonomy, but also ignore completely his own principles for the sake of shipping such as Dainsleif / Kaeya when the latter goes the Abyss road and in all this design Dain is just someone who is there without any word in anything other than to serve. Yes, he was a knight that served royalty in Khaenri'ah. But he isn't some mindless puppet who would throw away everything he worked for or the honor of others who he believes is being walked over unfairly like, guess what, the Abyss Order does. And something in a similar vein happens with the ship of either Lumine or Aether as the Abyss counterpart of the Traveler and Dain in a romantic ship, only that I've seen worse here to the point where they would do with him as they please and treat him unkindly while ignoring completely that he's not only an intelligent individual with vast knowledge, but also strong whose power is indirectly praised by someone of the likes of Skirk.
The last thing I look for in a ship (but not any less important) is communication. Extensive communication with the mun. For one I like to build ships from the very beginning and see how they evolve over the course of time and events our muses are subjected. But I'm also aware that we're adults with responsibilities and priorities other than a hobby that might make this incompatible, and still the interest of creating a meaningful ship is there. Which is why, for me, communication is equally as important as the aforementioned points. If I can't talk with the mun, how am I going to know their feelings on what's happening as our muses progress? There is a void left in my chest at the thought that I can't gush about things that happen with my RP partner in question which I have encountered in the past when I was less experienced in RP and more driven to what the majority used to do— but it simply doesn't work with me. If we won't be able to do things from scratch in a linear way, I want to have the opportunity to talk to my partner and at least build it through extensive discussions. Later on we can always jump in various points of our muses' timeline to observe in IC ways how certain things go. But... communication is simply a must to me. And if I happen to not mesh well with the mun for whatever reason (but still not to the point where IC interactions becomes incompatible, as we can still do IC things without necessarily ever talk if that's how it works between us) or lack that chance to talk things through with them... as much as I hate to say it, I won't ship it no matter how compatible our muses are.
Lastly, and this will be complicated to say so I'll just stick to what I've found the most compatible with Dain to have solid examples. The most 1:1 character I've found that Dain can be compatible with in Genshin is Neuvillette, without a sliver of doubt. There are others that would work well and that I don't necessarily ship (although I wouldn't turn the other way if it were suggested to me) like Xiao. Another 1:1 character I've found compatible with Dain that hilariously is all the way in HSR is Blade.
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