#trellis yarn
millionsnife · 2 months
tes is. not the smartest cucumber plant, i am afraid.
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professorpski · 2 years
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Vogue Knitting, Fall 2022
This issue is full of color and offers some 17 patterns with 3 jackets, 5 cardigans, 5 pullover, 1 vest, 2 cowls, and 1 scarf. The cover offers a rich, red Lace Diamond Jacket (I am not sure on why a jacket rather than an open-front cardigan) by Deborah Newton which has a lace pattern and combines North Light Fiber’s 2 lace-weight yarns: Spring Street which is wool and Forever Lace which is alpaca/bamboo. Although a lace pattern, it is only 2 out of 4 for difficulty.
The menswear offering is the Doric Pullover by Lily Chin in Woolstok Light, a fingering yarn of wool by Blue Sky Fibers. It is a gorgeous columned patterned, but I suspect that making the columns at the lower edge the narrowest width would be more flattering to the male physique. That change would allow the breadth of the shoulders to be emphasized.
If you are feeling like playing with color, the Octet Vest by Brandon Mably is an intarsia pattern of diamonds done in Rowan’s Felted Tweed which is a blend of wool, viscose and alpaca. It is a 3 out of 4 for difficulty. You can imagine all kinds of different color possibilities in this 9-color garment. Of course, you could choose darker tones or limit the number of colors if you find it overwhelming. As it is, it is a party in a sweater.
Shirley Paden designed the red Feminine Cardi (apparently we are feeling British this month) made of Plymouth DK Merino Superwash which is a wealth of detailed stitches with a shawl collar and a 4 out of 4 for difficulty. Paden also fosters knitting designers with her 2022 Design-A-Long contest and you see here the work of one of the winners, Christine Jones, with the Embrace Cardigan in yellow in Valley Yarn Superwash Sport, a wool yarn. Another winner is the Trellis Cardi by Fuyumi Ambe in a classic cream color is in Trendsetter Yarns Merino 8. Both of these are 3 out of 4 for difficulty.
In addition, there is an article by Meg Swansen on designing a shawl, articles on new products, and on new books, and interviews and articles on designers and dyers. Unfortunately, the photos in the technical article on twisted stitches mentioned on the cover are too small and unclear to be of much help.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 6 months
Meet my OC Spider-Weaver (Spider-Woman, Earth 50513)
For the next few paras I’m gonna rant abt my spidersona :D this might not make any sense at all bc I’m just rambling at this point but here we go anyway! (a small warning, this is going to be a LONG post)
All images are from Pinterest!
TW: Mentions of death, some queerphobia/homophobia (judgemental aunties suck)
Name: Nikita Raina (pronounced Rhi-na like rhino but with an ‘a’ at the end instead of an ‘o’) (yes she’s South-Indian and yes this is me projecting)
Alias: Spider-Weaver*
Basic stuff to know:
-She’s loosely based off of a golden silk orb-weaver spider! I’m not going to attach an image but if you don’t mind staring at spiders then I suggest you look them up, they’re actually really pretty!!
-She’s been learning ballet since she was 3, picked up gymnastics for 2 or 3 years and then quit
-Complete empath
-INCREDIBLE at knitting/crocheting/macramé knotting - basically anything involving thread + working with your hands. She literally works magic with yarn. She crocheted matching gloves for all of the Spiderteens one day after finding out that Hobie’s universe is COLD and his fingers are COLD and if she’s going to be holding his hand when it’s like that then she’ll freeze
Fighting Style:
Her fighting style is more aerobic and dynamic than the regular Spider-Man swings; she incorporates jetés and leaps from ballet into it while also using mid-air somersaults and other high-speed flips she picked up from gymnastics. She also teaches herself kalari adimurai (a South-Indian martial art similar to kalaripayittu) later on so she uses a few moves from that as well.
*The reason behind her alias being Spider-Weaver is that her web style has more of a lacy crochet feel to it than a regular spiderweb. This is what one of her webs would look like:
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Her webs are bionic and on her web shooters she has built-in settings for the thickness and stretchiness of the crochet web. For example:
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She can also switch up the style of her webs depending on how she feels yk? Like if she’s not vibing with any of the more plain ones she can switch to ✨ fancier ✨ stitches like
Arcade Stitch:
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Lacy Stitches:
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Fan Trellis Stitch:
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And lots more. She’s basically got almost all crochet stitches as different settings on her web shooters. An added bonus is that they’re not only unique and quite pretty, but they’re also stronger and more durable than the average single-thread (unwoven) webs.
(canon events will be in red)
-She was bitten at 13. Her older brother (he’s 20, they have a 7 year gap) Ravi figured out something was wrong fairly early but she played it off as nothing, put his worries to rest and found her way as Spider-Woman on her own
-She was best friends with her universe’s Gwen Stacy since they were in kindergarten. She started freaking out few years into their friendship (they’re in middle school now) once they had become basically inseparable because she started feeling giddy and bubbly and getting butterflies around Gwen.
-Poor girl was basically terrified because her aunties (mostly her mother’s sisters) would constantly pressurise her by asking her if she had her sights set on a boy yet or discussing how her marriage to a boy would go once she was older - those prodding conversations and speculations only reinforced her fears that she wouldn’t be accepted and instead would be frowned upon if she told her family that she had a crush on a girl. So she became more withdrawn and distanced herself a little, so as to not to lose the favour of her family.
-Nikita is 14 at this point
-One day she accidentally told Ravi and she went quiet, expecting him to shame her or mock her but instead he just hugged her and told her he loved her no matter what, and guess what,, he’s queer (pan) too :D
-Fast forward to a few weeks later after an almost-death scare as Spider-Woman fighting her dimension’s Vulture (she slipped up, miscalculated a leap and almost got herself killed) she finally worked up the courage to tell Gwen because it seems like she returns her feelings too! So she goes up to her and they hug and they’re talking and she’s about to confess- But noooo
-Green Goblin attacks in the middle of the school day, during a student art & drama exhibition thing (the parents are all there) and hahaha guess what Gwen’s right in the middle of it
-So Green Goblin basically splits the school building in two and she’s on the terrace and she falls down almost 15 feet because the whole thing’s cracked and Nikita doesn’t have enough time to swing to reach her since there are so many people and she’s on the far, far side and-
-Gwen hits the ground at full force. Niki gets there just in time for her last breath and it’s a little bit like the Gwen-Peter 65 scene from ATSV (Niki’s Gwen slowly figured out that she’s Spider-Woman, she just didn’t say anything) yeah I might write out this scene sometime idk
-She manages to deal with Green Goblin for the moment but she loses her dad in the chaos too (basically instead of losing her uncle she lost her dad)
-So she lost her best friend and her father in one go
-She closes herself off and withdraws completely into herself and distances herself from everybody (except Ravi),, & starts going to ballet more to take her mind off things and to get lost in ballet, with the graceful, controlled movements so she doesn’t have to think of how everything’s gone wrong
-During the mourning period she and Ravi grow closer; they both start leaning more on each other and are able to tell each other anything
-Ravi has also started training to be a cop at this point
-Her relationship with her mother grows slightly strained and shaky the older she gets, because of how closed off she’s become
-Fast forward to when Nikita is 16 and a half and the Vulture attacks particularly viciously one day, right on the bridge (the Brooklyn Bridge variant in her universe)
-Her brother (who is now a police captain, despite being a little young) is in the middle of the maelstrom of cars being flung and buildings at the end collapsing. He - a police captain close to Spider-Woman - dies saving a child from falling rubble.
-That does a number on Nikita mentally and she just. Shuts herself down in terms of feeling emotion for a bit
-Like she just goes numb, like she’s in denial about how many people she’s lost in such a short time
-Terrified to make friends or get attached because her losing someone she cares about deeply seems to be a recurring pattern
-The only one she has left is her mom, and she’s grown really distant from her
-Little bit irrelevant but she takes up psychology. She studies how the emotional part of brain works, studies some basic therapy and other think-y stuff like that, and some of her Spider-Woman ‘jabs’ (not really but I can’t think of a word for them rn) are things like “did something formative happen to you as a child? yeah I thought I sensed some childhood trauma, would you like to talk about it?” And stuff like that (she’s pretty genuine about it too, if they start talking instead of just attacking her then she will sit down with a mug of chai and just listen to them rant)
-Anyway fast forward to a year and a half later when she’s 18
-Jessica Drew ends up following an anomaly she’s been tracking into Nikita’s dimension, the anomaly manages to get the upper hand on her and has almost overpowered her when Nikita finally swings in (probably during/right after a psychology exam too) and uses the element of surprise + her speed to get the upper hand on the anomaly and web it up
-She was recruited into the Spider-Society by Jess after she saw how capable and quick-thinking Niki could be. She saw her as someone who could be a useful asset to the society.
-It’s there where she met Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, Margo, Miguel and Peter B. + a few other spiders she became friends with (I’ll expand on their relationships in a different post)
Suit design:
(I will be drawing this out properly sometime soon, don’t worry!! Feel free to skip this part if you think it’s too complicated ^^ I really have no idea how to describe it in a simpler way lmao)
-mainly shades of gold, black highlights
-on her arms there are black “cuff” markings like a golden silk spider’s legs
-on her wrists she has black bangles (more like cuffs bc they fit around her wrists, they aren’t loose & dangly)
-wears black fingerless sleeves, they look a little bit like Gwen’s but they have black splotches (a little bit like spray paint blobs) instead of spiderwebs
-has a black spider on the front of the suit
-wears a necklace! it’s colourful and has some mismatched colourful beads on a chord and two pendants in the centre, one pendant is a paint-splashed red electric guitar, the other pendant is one of Hobie’s rings
-wears black ballet pointe shoes
-the eye outline is black, the ‘eye’ inside is pastel golden
-black 🕸️ patterns on the side of both of her shoulders (like painted pauldrons)
-Along with the super-strength, super-speed and accelerated healing of the average Spider-Person, she can sense emotions and thoughts.
Not mind-reading exactly but if she focuses hard enough she can sense whatever emotion is radiating out of that particular person’s mind (she used to get very overwhelmed in middle school bc of the sheer amount of envy and insecurity and other emotions in raging hormonal teenagers’ brains and somehow studying psychology helped her figure out how to tune it out a little bit, since every time she can sense too much of intense emotions it��s like constantly blowing a dog whistle around a dog,, and she also gets horrible migraines and headaches from it)
She can even read thoughts if the emotion associated with it is strong enough.
An added ability that stems from being able to sense emotions and thoughts (to some degree) is that she can sometimes predict the moves that an enemy might make before they actually make them. It’s not 100% accurate every time but it’s still pretty useful
I’ll write out her relationships (everyone already knows that Hobie’s no. 1 on that list lmao) and the world descriptions later, but for now here’s the character that’s been living in my head since I saw ATSV :D
Oh also she’s besties with @hobiebrownismygod ’s sona Maitreyi :D desis gotta stick together yk (putting this here so I don’t forget to mention it in the relationships post ^^)
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sarahdawnsdesigns · 25 days
If you're looking for the Garden Trellis Fingerless Mittens on Etsy - well yes, I do have the pattern available in my Etsy shop,, as well (and yes, they're on sale there, too!)
Finish a pair of Mittens by the end of May and you can enter to win a prize in the crochet-along!
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lesbiancolumbo · 1 year
What are you knitting right now?? I just finished a giant sweater in time for summer & am gonna make a cotton tank top soon
i haven't worked on it very much in the last six months due to the last six months of my life sucking in the personal and professional sense but it's a red scarf that i'm making with leftover yarn that i used for my mother's hat and it's this pattern :)
it's turning out amazing but the pattern is so complex that it's not something i can easily work on while watching something so it's been slow-going. i do want to get back into it tho. i envy your ability to make sweaters and tops!
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losfacedevil · 11 months
I found some super cool trellis/ladder yarn at Savers today, now the question is what the heck can I crochet with it?
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demon711 · 2 years
i pulled a frayed string
from my edges,
and followed it all the way
to the end;
then burnt the unraveled
to keep what i had left.
all this time,
i was made of yarn.
i remember when it started:
i felt Fear blossom in me
like a crooked dogwood tree.
renewed, but all wrong.
all thorn; no petal.
i felt it lay roots, grabbing,
growing, in my abdomen.
i felt it spread through me-
using the branches of my bones
as if it were ivy dancing up a trellis.
when Fear is first born;
it tastes of nothing but fire and copper.
Not too bad, but Bad™️
all the same.
Fear is unstable;
a baby star always is.
It comes;
It goes-
you know,
blood tastes an awful lot
like copper too;
which makes absolute sense to me now.
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pluchionlinestore · 2 years
5 Best Ways to Style Throws: A Ready Reckoner
Throws are stylish and versatile in any room, and are ideal for curling up with on the couch or as an extra blanket on the bed. But, as the temperatures drop and the throws come out, how should they be styled?
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kae1crafts · 7 years
Crazy Week
This week - like many- has flown by.  I’m not sure exactly what all was accomplished but will attempt an update.  
The Newsletter is completed and we received word that it is printed so it can be distributed on time.  YEA!!!
I’ve been helping a friend with a project and I think we are in the final stages of it.  I’ve been learning how to use text boxes in a document.  Text boxes have always been what my DH used and I generally used tables or avoided the issue.  I’m finding that the dreaded text boxes are a lot easier to use that I remembered.
Since I live in a 55 plus building (almost all residents need to be 55-years-old or older to live here) I spend a lot of time visiting friends in the hospital or rehabilitation facilities.  One of my wonderful 90+ friends has been struggling with a variety of problems (including removal of a kidney) and is in her second stay at a rehab facility.  I’m glad to say that she is improving and may be home soon.
Craft wise, I’ve been working on trellis yarn necklaces since I sold most of mine at the last craft fair and I have another craft fair on the horizon.  Here is a picture of one.
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I’ve also started the fair isle hat needed for a shop model.  I finally got gauge on it and am into the first section of the fair isle design.  Hope to complete it next week.
Today I go help the granddaughter of my friend that died sort through her yarn and completed projects so the granddaughter can reclaim her basement.  I guess it is piled high with random boxes and totes filled with a mixture of yarn, projects and incomplete knitting UFOs (Unfinished Objects) that were put in the basement a couple of weeks ago when the grandmother had to move suddenly.  Should be an interesting and sad project.  At least it is something I can do for this lovely young woman who is hurting and missing her grandmother. 
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 years
In which I ramble about this vintage crochet pattern
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Current vintage crochet project is this dress designed by Elsa Schiaparelli.
It’s made with organdy (also known as organza ribbon) and meant to be 29 inches long from waist, but I’m short, so I’ll be cutting that back to 24 inches to get the below-the-knee hemline to match my longer petticoats. 
I bought organdy ribbon in bulk, as I did for a previous ribbon dress project, but any ribbon or trellis yarn should do the job. Ice Yarns has a lot of fun colors, and I think Lion Brand still does their ribbon yarns. They weren’t my bag when they were making a comeback in the aughts, so I don’t have a lot of knowledge on who is currently putting it out.
Using ribbon instead of other types of yarn means that the dress has a natural structure that matched the structure of outfits of the time. Also, the ribbon doesn’t stretch like yarn can sometimes when you’ve got weight on it. 
The recommended hook size says an I or a #8, which is confusing, because an I-hook is a #9 and an H-hook is #8. I went with an I (5.5mm) because the ribbon is 1/4″ inch wide, and having made a dress from ribbon before, I knew an H-hook wasn’t going to get me the measurements the pattern is calling out. 
The I-hook didn’t either, in fact. I frogged the whole thing and moved up to a J. Got the width I needed, but the height at the ninth row is off by half an inch. Not a problem for me, as I was looking to cut off inches anyway, and I’m also not surprised because the last dress I made I did on a K-hook and my measurements were perfect. 
So, start with a K-hook. 
Another note: As it’s a vintage pattern, that means all the sizing is vintage as well. And it was illegal to have wide hips in the 1950s. I’ve got the 10-inch difference between my waist and my hips that was the “goal” in the 1950s, but for the 1950s, I’ve got too much hip period. I learned a lot making my last dress, so I’m doing the math to do decreases that will let the skirt fall as shown and not get tight on my hips. I love a good wiggle dress, so no harm no foul on the previous dress, but I really want this one to look as shown. 
We shall not discuss what deals with which devils I will have to make to get this thing around my boobs. I’m just glad that the top part of the dress is attached to the skirt at the end, which means I can just remake the top of the dress and reattach it after the boob smallering. And since ribbon doesn’t really stretch or get stressed like other yarns, I can then turn the previous top part of the dress into something new!
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isitinacnh · 3 years
Top 10 Most Tragic Losses in New Horizons
10: wisteria trellis (44 notes)
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tied for 9th place: pineapple bed and fairy bottle (53 notes)
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8: snowman matryoshka (62 notes)
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tied for 7th place: tong and tray and cornstalks (63 notes)
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6: yarn basket (64 notes)
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5: poogie (69 notes)
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4: snail clock (129 notes)
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3: leaf bed (144 notes)
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2: ranch chair (161 notes)
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and the most tragic loss at 182 notes:
light breakfast
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honourable mentions under the cut:
labrador ornament (20 notes)
mouth of truth (20 notes)
card shelf (20 notes)
zen garden (21 notes)
pipe (21 notes)
shop ice-cream case (21 notes)
barbecue bed (21 notes)
splatoon tower (22 notes)
creepy skeleton (23 notes)
cupcake (23 notes)
cruiser bike (23 notes)
crayons (23 notes)
hydrangea bed (24 notes)
submarine (25 notes)
tacos (25 notes)
polka-dot TV (25 notes)
giraffe ruler (27 notes)
pothos (27 notes)
crane game (27 notes)
rolling cart (28 notes)
tractor (28 notes)
heart (28 notes)
milk carton (28 notes)
shoe polishing set (29 notes)
post office poster (29 notes)
shopping bag (29 notes)
fedora chair (30 notes)
cicada stereo (32 notes)
stair dresser (33 notes)
game shelf (33 notes)
football fish lamp (38 notes)
lovely kitchen (38 notes)
afternoon tea set (40 notes)
vintage radio (43 notes)
froggy chair (43 notes)
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yarnclubknits · 3 years
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There’s a new Stephen West shawl pattern out! The Cabled Trellis Shawl is absolutely gorgeous, and we have kits on the website! Let’s get playing {#shawlpattern #yarncandy #yarnaddict #ravelrypattern #vbknits #virginiabeach} (at The Yarn Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVv3WmGJmpF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sarahdawnsdesigns · 1 month
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Alright, so, I don't know about you, but I'm finally able to be out in the garden and make my mediocre attempts at growing plants!  And, in honour of that attempt, the Garden Trellis Fingerless Mittens are the May Featured Pattern and Crochet Along!
The pattern is 50% off for the month of May, plus, if you finish a pair of mittens by the end of May, you have the chance to win a Gift Card from WeCrochet (US/Canada only at the moment, sorry!) or 4 patterns of your choice from my web shop!
Other cool stuff to know:
The stitch pattern is both charted and written, using US crochet terminology
The pattern has a large-print version for folks who need it (this version also works with screen-reading tech)
It comes in four adult sizes, with a wrist circumference of 6.5 (7.5, 8.5, 9.5) inches, (16.5, 19, 21.5, 24.13 cm); and adjustable cuff length
Sample is shown in Bobolink Yarns Scuttleship Romney, which doesn't seem to be available anymore, sadly - but any heavy fingering or light sport weight yarn should work up well for this pattern - just be sure to check your gauge!
If you're a Patron, you can download the pattern here
You can find all the details about how to enter the Crochet Along on the Pattern Page, and if you've got any questions, please, drop them on this post or in the Ask Box!
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kumotextiles · 3 years
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Red and black plaid huck lace squares - pattern from the Dixon book. If it doesn't sell quick it might end up in my collection. I've already wound off the next warp, some mohair and some trellis/ladder yarn that have been on the to do list for a bit. I'm also waiting on a shadow weave book from the library, so the list is bound to grow.
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