#tried using a gift card and kept getting error messages
cha1cedony · 9 months
Patreon suspended my account 🥲
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cash-app-server · 3 years
How to add credit card to cash app without bank account?
We all know that it is important to add a payment method to Cash App for a hassle-free payment experience. To ensure the best payment experience, Cash App supports three types of payment methods: bank account, debit card, and credit card. As we have already discussed how to add a bank account and debit card to the Cash App in one of our last posts, today we will show you how to add a credit card to Cash App.
In this helpful post, you will also learn about Cash App credit card fees and troubleshooting steps to follow when you can't add a credit card on Cash App. If your concern is about any failed credit card payment then you can contact us to learn how a cash App refund works. So, let's get started.
How to add a credit card to Cash App?
Thankfully, Square Cash App has kept in place a very simple method to add a credit card on Cash App. To link a credit card to your Cash App wallet, you need to use your credit cards details such as card number, expiration date, and secret code. One must be careful while entering the card details on Cash App as even one small mistake can prevent you from adding your card to Cash App. However, there might be a few more reasons that result in being not able to link a credit card in Cash App. We will discuss them later but first, learn the steps to add a credit card on Cash App.
So, as a first step, open the Cash App.
Tap the banking or my cash button with a $ sign.
On the next screen just below the cash and bitcoin tab, you will find an additional credit card option.
Select the add credit card option.
Now enter your credit card number, expiration date, and CVV code.
After that tap the add card button.
As you have added your credit to Cash App now you can make payment with ease of mind.
Can't add a credit card to Cash App? Fix it now
So, you can't add a credit card to Cash App. If you are sure that you are entering the right card details but still unable to link your credit card on Cash App then it might be possible that Cash App does not support your credit card. What credit cards does Cash App support? It might be your next question. Here below is the answer.
Cash App supports almost all debit and credit cards of the authorized banks by the US Government. One good to know information is that Cash App does not support gift or prepaid cards. Let's not forget that different banks apply different terms and conditions for using credit cards. And sometimes these terms and conditions make or break the compatibility of your credit card to Cash App.
Note that if your bank applies a fee to set up a credit card on Cash App then your card will not be allowed to be linked and used as a payment method on Cash App. When someone tries to add an unsupportive credit card to Cash App an error message pops up that reads "This card is not supported because the issuing bank charges cardholders additional fees. Please add another card".
 According to the reports, the Citibank credit card does not work on Cash App. Why? Because Citi Bank charges an additional fee to be used on Cash App. While on the other hand, Chase Bank credit cards always work seamlessly on Cash App as it does not charge an additional fee on Cash App. For more information, get in touch with your credit card issuer bank. 
Add credit card option is not available
What to do when there is no option available to add a credit card? Good question! Here is the answer. It happens when one tries to add a credit card without adding a debit card on the Cash App. Be informed that it is mandatory to first add a debit card. After that, you will be allowed to add a bank account and credit card. So, read this informative post: How to add a debit card on Cash App?
How to use a credit card on Cash App?
Can you send money through Cash App with a credit card? Yes, you definitely can send money but think twice before you send money to someone using a credit card on Cash App. Why? Because Cash App charges a hefty fee for using a credit card on Cash App. More specifically, Cash App charges a 3% fee for sending money using a credit card. In addition to that, your bank or Credit Card Company might also charge a transaction fee and interest. That's why avoid using a credit card on Cash App if you can. In case you have no other option but to use a credit card on Cash App then follow these steps to send money.
Open Cash App and select send money.
Now enter the amount and tap next.
By default, Cash App selects the Cash App balance or debit card to send money.
You need to change the payment method. And to do so, tap the amount.
Now select a credit card as a payment method.
Finally, tap the send button and scan your touch id to complete the payment.
Can you add money to the Cash App card from a credit card?
No, it is not possible. You can't add money to a Cash App card from a credit card. A piece of good news is that there are three possible ways to add money to a Cash App card. You can request money from family and friends on Cash App or transfer money from a debit card. If these methods are not suitable then you can visit the store and reload your Cash App card. Here is more information about how to add money to Cash App card at Walmart?
How to activate cash app card | Cash transfer failed | Cash app account closed | Cash app refund | Cash app direct deposit | Cash app cash out failed | Where can I load my cash app card
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mylutteoheart · 5 years
Can you do a one shot about Ruggero's song Probablemente
I did this one for Lutteo because I thought it fit the most with the situation at the end of season . It’s a bit sad but also a trip down memory lane a little. If I ever end up writing about Lutteo after the show ended, I want it to be full of fluff so that’s why I thought it’d be best to do it during the time they were broken up. Anyway, I enjoyed writing this a lot so thanks for the request.
For the people who were wondering, these were the scenes I described in the fic: 
the first one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3FwhooN_MQ&list=PLBzaHlhQTWJxR--c_eJftdZ7AhnQHhK6g&index=56
the middle one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3S_p2weTJU&list=PLBzaHlhQTWJxR--c_eJftdZ7AhnQHhK6g&index=194 (this is just part of the scene, the other parts are in the playlist as well)
the last one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8ruWinMa_4&list=PLBzaHlhQTWJxR--c_eJftdZ7AhnQHhK6g&index=118
Te deseo un amor sincero que no ponga peros. Ese fue mi error.
The gang just got back from Jam & Roller and they were all happy about the results of the competition even if it wasn't what they hoped for. The only one who didn't feel like celebrating was Matteo. He couldn't get the image of Luna and Simón hugging on the beach out of his head. He was distracted by his thoughts all the time.
Currently, he thought it was a good idea to skate for a while and forget about everything for a moment. But instead, he was back to his thoughts when he saw Luna skating with a huge smile on her face.
(Lo que prometimos se quedó en palabrasNo queda nada.Sé que nunca he sido lo que tu esperabas¿Qué te hizo falta?)
He thinks back on everything he did when they were a couple and he regrets a lot of his actions. Realization hit him all at once. There was this pain inside of his chest, something he never felt before. One memory after the other came to him.
They were at the bridge in the Japanese garden and they just kissed. He finally realized all his faults and they made up after fighting for her.
"Are you sure about this?" she had asked.
"I'm sure. I now realize that we had to go through certain things to get here and now that I see it, no one will seperate us."
After this, they hugged each other again.
He now sees that what he said on that bridge, was just words, nothing is left now. He never was good enough for her at the time and he knows this. He wondered if there was anything left to salvage.
(Nunca te besé como si no hay mañanaCuando me amabasAhora tu recuerdo se quedó en mi almohadaCómo te extraña!)
The trip to memory lane didn't stop there. While staring at Luna skating, he though of every moment his mind came up with at the moment.
They were just walking around the city and he had told her how he wrote Siento for her, of course, this was overwhelming to her and got nervous.
Matteo obviously had to respond to her reaction: "What happened, you told me you didn't get nervous."
"I'm not nervous, I'm fine, don't you see?" she cleared her throat, not wanting to give anything away.
"Are you sure because it didn't seem like it?" he was acting like the typical chico fresa that he was.
"When you're like this, I can't stand you." she tried to clear all awkwardness.
"Yes, good because I can't stand you either." After this, he crashed his lips onto her and he kissed her like there was no tomorrow.
He never did that before, especially when he knew that she loved him. He was always careful with kissing her and he should have seen that all they had could be gone the next day. All the memories will just have to stay because that's all there is left now. He missed her so much, it hurt to just stand there and look at her but he couldn't look away either. He loved seeing her smile even it wasn't because of him. He had no idea how to get through this.
(Quiero volverRetrocederDarte lo queNo pude ayerDarte un amorMucho mejorQue el anterior)
All the feelings he tried to forget about came crashing down on him and he didn't care, he just let it be. He was overwhelmed though so he decided to sit down at the edge of the rink and he kept smiling to himself while he thought about one memory in particular.
They were skating around on the rink and he was pretty much following her like a lost puppy.
Once he entered the rink after and he saw they were alone, he asked her: "Can I join you?"
Of course she was still mad at him for his actions so she ignored him but he wouldn't let that faze him: "What? You don't want to skate with me anymore."
They were circling around the rink when she finally answered him: "No. Because you don't tell your girlfriend to skate with you. Sorry, you don't have a girlfriend, right?"
He ignored her bitter tone and started teasing her as usual: "No, for that, I have a girl that makes me crazy."
She didn't appreciate his teasing though and keot going: "Right, your fan that gifted you that shirt, a card and she constantly sends you text messages."
Just as he kept going at it: "No, you're wrong. She's a very special girl, very pretty. I love her and plus, she skates very good. Not like me but she skates well."
This amused her though and couldn't hold back her smile any longer. Then they stopped skating, she was facing the seats while he was facing her and he held out his hand for her to hold it and asked: "So, do you want to dance with your boyfriend, the chico fresa?"
She answered him by taking his hand and they then improvised any step they could think of. They were having a lot of fun and they were even laughing.
After they were done, he put his hands on her waist and she put her hands on his chest. They laughed a little more and he booped her nose, thinking how cute she was.
He let those thoughts go while one particular thought stoud out the most to him. He wanted to go back and start over. He wanted to do what he couldn't do before. He wanted to give her the love she deserved, one that is much better than the one he gave her before all of this. He knew he wasn't good enough for her the first time but he has changed and he wants to show her he can be worthy of her but right now, it seems impossible. He had no idea if there was anything left to fix so with these thought, he left to rink to put his skates in his locker and go home.
(Probablemente no vuelva a mirarteAunque en las noches extrañe tu vozProbablemente olvides mi nombreO tal vez te mueras por verme como lo hago yo)
When he finally got home, he went straight to bed and once again, let this thoughts consume him. There was a certain hopelessness to the situation for him right now because of Simón. Right at this moment, all he could think was that he might not see her again, she might forget his name. But he was the one who missed her voice at night and he was dying to see her.
(Y si preguntanDiles que es mi culpaQue fue mi locuraQue nos separóYeah, yeah
Te deseo un amor sinceroQue no ponga perosEse fue mi error)
When he closed his eyes, he whispered into the night: "If they ask, tell them it's my fault. That it was my craziness that seperated us. I whish you a sincere love that doesn't hold any conditions. I know that was my mistake."
That's the moment he fell asleep and hoping that one day, he might have the slightest chance at making it all up to her and being able to hold her in his arms again.
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irnwoman · 6 years
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THIS  IS  MY  OWN  BIO  FOR  PEPPER  POTTS;  based  on  mcu  &  personal  head canons.  CONTENT  INCLUDES:  family  death.  this  is  purely  based  on  my  default  / canon  verse.
Virginia “Pepper” Elizabeth Potts, youngest of daughter of Gina Potts & Norman Potts, was born in Philadelphia on February 11th, 1972. She was raised alongside older brother Toby & older half-brother Sean, often going by the nickname of Ginny. During her younger years, Pepper was active in Swimming & Gymnastics - which she loved; as well as baseball - which she wasn’t so fond of as a kid, but she was often dragged to go with her dad & brothers as her mom was busy working anyways, so she was enrolled in teams until her pre-teens. Her mother was a reporter for a media conglomerate, & often traveled. The kids were half-Jewish on their father’s side, & when her parents were together, they actively celebrated both Jewish & Christian holidays.
When Pepper was nine, Gina’s constant travel had caused a great rift in her parents marriage & ultimately caused the pair to split up. Norman taking custody of the children as Gina’s work kept her from providing a stable home. Unable to afford their home, Norman packed them up & moved the kids with him to Bandon, Oregon where they moved in with Pepper’s Uncle, Morgan Potts. Norman began working with his brother at the docks, & taking temporary work at the factory in the winter. Gina’s visits became more & more sporadic, broken promises & working during visits, eventually leading to the occasional visit once a year & gifts at holidays.
As the kids grew older, Pepper often found herself taking over the domestics at home. Her brother Sean working to help them make ends meet while the two of them tried to keep up with school. Struggles made worse when Norman was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Sean eventually graduated college with a scholarship to Harvard, one he almost denied in order to help take care of his family - until Norman & Morgan threatened to kick him out if he was going to be that foolish & waste an opportunity.
Toby felt pressure on him in Sean’s absence, & acted out. Ultimately dropping out of school & leaving home after a big fight between Morgan & him. Pepper tried to talk sense into him, telling him he was wasting his potential & only screwing himself over instead. The two fought, & Toby left with his relationships to his family in shambles. Pepper reached Senior Year by some miracle, her social life near non-existent as her only way to afford college would be through scholarships. She knew she needed to be able to make a career out of whatever she studied, so she chose business & account financing as math & budgeting had always come natural to her. Graduating top of her class, Pepper received a scholarship to school in California.
Half way through her first year, she was called home due to her father’s passing. Sean & Toby coming home as well, providing the first reunion of the siblings in years - as well as a lot of tension between them all. The trip ended with the brothers fighting, and Toby walking off & disowning them all for good. Although Pepper & Sean had always been on good terms, the tragedy wore at them & they eventually lost contact with each other other than obligatory holiday cards & birthday messages.
Pepper had begun a new life in California, She graduated college with honors & began interning & temping at companies. For four years, Pepper was in and out of firms. Taking work wherever she could, eventually landing a job at a firm for the latter half  of that time at a small accounting firm that she hated due to mismanagement & poor workplace behaviour.  It was during this time she first met Aldrich Killian, an intelligent but overly persistent man who couldn’t quite take a hint at a firm she was working at, before she landed a low rung job at Stark Industries. She worked accounting for a few years. Promoting through he ranks until she became the Managerial Assistant in her department. A position which led to the fateful day that she spied a grievous error on a report by CEO, Tony Stark. The error, if unchecked, would wind up costing the company millions of dollars. When brought up to her superior, she was rudely shut down & told to mind her own business. Debating for a moment to let it be, Pepper ignored her co-workers advice and bust into the conference room, in the commotion of trying to stop them before the money was lost & being hauled out by security, but not without first threatening to be carrying pepper spray ( a bold faced lie ). Pepper was taken away & brought to security where her boss tore a strip off of her for her behaviour, firing her on the spot.
Believing her career ruined by the stunt, Pepper comforted herself by the knowledge that she had been right & her sexist boss was now in deep trouble for failing to catch such a huge error. On her way out of the building, Security caught up to her once more & told that one of the board members wished to speak to her in regards to the incident. Fearing legal action or worse, Pepper entered an office with a stiff lip, only to find herself in the company of Tony Stark. Amused by her display & how unabashedly she had addressed him during the scene out of dedication to her work & how she was a horrible liar - he wound up giving her the offer of a lifetime. The Position of Tony Stark’s Personal Assistant. Facing unemployment & stunned that she wasn’t having charges pressed for threatening his bodyguard with Pepper spray ( an move that seemed to amuse him a ) - she accepted, earning the new moniker Pepper in the process.
In 2002, Pepper worried briefly about how her job would be affected once word that her brother Toby had been arrested for getting in with some bad men & caught committing corporate espionage & embezzlement. Instinct was to go & try to clean up his mess like always, but she couldn’t.  Not only was she too publicised  (  the idea of Tony’s PA being connected to someone like that was a scandal in the making ) but more importantly, Pepper realised she had nothing more to do with or say to him. He had decided himself to be on his own, so that’s how she would leave him. Pepper ultimately only went to hear the final verdict, confronting her mother and learning that her journalism investigation had been what discovered him in the first place.
The Iron Man 
Pepper had grown comfortable in her job, even if it had wound up taking over her life - she didn’t mind. Despite his eccentric & playboy ways, Tony was brilliant & when unguarded, very sweet. While she definitely wasn’t immune to his charm, she also wasn’t blind & happily kept things in a work-friendship area. Everything was going well, until she got the call. Tony had gone missing, kidnapped by terrorists - possibly dead. Pepper used as much authority as she held to aid search efforts on the home front, but ultimately was powerless. However, she never lost faith & when the call came in that Tony was alive, Pepper had made sure she was one of the first to greet him. The announcement of shutting down the weapons division had been momentous. It was hard to understand Tony’s mindset, even more so as he shut himself away in his workshop. Pepper grew worried as she tried to put out the P.R, fire around him, only to find herself in over her head to discover that the Mystery Iron Man on the news was in fact Tony. In a moment of panic & fear, Pepper threatened to quit as she couldn’t standby to let Tony kill himself in result of some Trauma or for Stunt - only relenting & agreeing to help him once he leveled with her & gave his explanation. Helping him take back his company and stop the man behind his kidnapping from selling their weapons to terrorists.
As Iron Man began to play a larger role on their lives, Pepper began to become a mix of concerned and irritated as Tony became more impulsive & erratic. She knew that his new, self-imposed, Iron Man duties would change things but after time went on she became convinced that there was more than just stress going on. While trying to confront him about his negligence of duties, Pepper’s tirade was interrupted by Tony’s startling decision to make her CEO of Stark Industries ( as she was already doing the job in his stead already ). Her anger momentarily subsided as she was deeply honoured & grateful for such a surprising turn of events. She attempted to step in as smoothly as she could, but trouble was not far behind as Tony’s antics in Monaco got caused him to not only almost die ( and her and Happy along with him in attempts to help ), but also put the company & herself under fire as duplicated technology of the iron man suit was used in the attack. Pepper continued to try to stop Tony’s spiral, attempting once more to find out what was going on with him, but was ultimately forced to let him be after the incident occurring at his birthday party, where he got drunk in the suit & began having a destructive brawl that brought down half the house. Faith in Tony temporarily revoked, when he came to seek forgiveness but offered no real explanation for what happened. It hurt to do so, but he had proven himself to be destructive & dangerous. She had to do what was best for her safety. However, the events that unfurled at the Stark Expo gave Pepper not only the chance to show her skill & leadership as CEO, but also provided Tony a chance to show his improved self & reveal that he had been dying from Palladium poisoning in the arc reactor, which had since been rectified, & acting recklessly to make his loss easier for others. While she wasn’t very thrilled by this discovery, she ultimately forgave him & with his more stable self, the two began a romantic relationship.
Pepper & Tony continued to work together, assisting in the construction of STARK TOWER in New York City. Supporting Tony as he contributed side consultation for S.H.E.I.L.D. & finally settling into a new form of normal. However, the world had different plans. For starters, her estranged mother decided to reach out to her, having settled down in Long Island & wanting a chance to atone for her mistakes. Pepper was resistant, claiming that she had never been there before, so she had no reason to believe her now. However, they parted by leaving the door open should she ever feel ready to give her a chance. Her personal drama worsened with the formation of the Avengers & the attack in New York. Forced to watch helplessly as Tony took what should have been a no-return trip into space to save them, & by miracle alone being saved. Followed not too long with the aftermath, returning to California but neither of them the same. Tony’s PTSD causing him trouble, & prompting him to emotionally pick a fight with a terrorist & broadcasting their address to the world. Eventually leading to an attack of their house & the near death of herself & the almost death of Tony too. Separated & trying to find more information out to discover the man after them, Pepper was betrayed & kidnapped by former Colleague, Aldrich Killian from her post-grad days. Being kept as bait & his personal trophy, Pepper was subjected to experiments known as the Extremis process & mutated against her will. While her mutated abilities wound up saving the day in the end, Pepper was traumatised by the whole thing. Her own fear, or other strong emotions, putting her at risk of overheating & becoming ( literally ) explosive.
Taking A Break
While the process was eventually reversed, the final straw was Sokovia. The massive damage, the loss of life, the temporarily being M.I.A. It was making her physically ill & anxiety attacks were becoming frequent, much like Tony’s. The danger & apparent recklessness of the Avengers actions was too much & after a particularly nasty attack, Additionally, the Extremis incident still shook her. As much as she tried to move past it, she wasn’t dealing with it & things were getting bad because of it. Pepper told him that they needed some space. She loved him so much, & it killed her to leave, but Pepper had spent her life taking care of others. Right now, she needed to tend to herself. Collecting her stuff from both L.A, & New York, Pepper realised she had no place to call home again. Taking a few weeks vacation, Pepper went back home to Oregon to visit her Uncle Morgan for a bit. Detox far away from any of the mayhem, considering handing over her position as CEO. Her uncle supporting the idea of her staying on, but also telling her that whatever she did he’d back just as much. Before leaving, Pepper used the phone number her mother left her to trace to an address. Allowing her mother a chance to be there for her now, & let her stay for a bit while she found a place of her own. Slowly beginning to repair the damage of their relationship. Pepper knew things would never be perfect, too much had happened; but at least now she could maybe get some closure. Ultimately they end up on a  ‘semi-regular texts & visits on major holidays’ basis.
The aftershocks of Civil War almost made Pepper give up on Tony altogether. The information available to her made it sound like more super powered violence that didn’t need to reach that level. It was only when her duties made her visit Tony personally for some spec approvals & she saw the broken man left after the battles that she began to believe there was more to the story. While she wasn’t entirely in agreement with either side of the battle, she saw that he was trying to be better. Trying to find his way, & Pepper realised that what they both really needed right now was a friend. It was a bit awkward for a short period, but ultimately making the transition to friendship again was remarkably easy. Eventually culminating into a place where they both felt confident & comfortable being together once more.
The Uncertain Future
Tony’s proposal was unorthodox, but really by now she expected nothing less. Agreeing to the initial one genuinely, she still made him do it properly in private later. To which she properly accepted. The two began making plans for the future, when the world decided to shake things up. While talking together about Tony’s wish to start a family soon, they were sidetracked by a strange invasion leading to Tony, along with Peter Parker ( aka Spider-Man ) and the strange wizard to blast off into space with no sign of returning. Leaving Pepper alone on earth to watch as people she knew & loved simply vanished from existence. Left waiting, wondering if Tony was among the fallen...
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traibecca-blog · 4 years
Things To Consider Before Buying The Best Wallet For Men
Men spent tons of your time within their life in going from one place to a different whether it's in the personal or professional front. Most of them avoid carrying an outsized bag unlike women and instead like better to take a wallet where they will put a few important things like business cards, notes, and other important stuff. Wallets should be selected on the idea of the personality of a private. Today, wallets are available in various designs and sizes, but most of the time men commit an error while purchasing the proper wallet.
Purchasing a mens leather wallets made in italy depends to an outsized extent on the type of things that you simply wish to carry. Reading this text you'll get an entire idea on what are the factors that are to be kept in mind before purchasing designer wallets for yourself and the way you'll get yourself the simplest wallet.
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Trifold or Bifold: Two sorts of wallets that are tri-folds and bi-folds are available within the market. Now, it all depends upon your preference regarding the sort of wallet you would like to use. Tri folds are a convenient option for those people that want to hold many items. The various compartments give more room thus allowing a private to stay more paper documents. On the opposite hand, the bi-folds are much smaller in size and are thinner. While selecting them, you want to confine the mind that they ought to not be too bulky and cause you to feel uncomfortable.
Compartments: the number of compartments during a wallet is again hooked into the number of cards that you simply carry with yourself. If you carry a variety of credit cards, discount, or gift cards then it's better to travel for a wallet with multiple compartments, whereas if you carry only credit cards then one compartment is enough. Sometimes, you furthermore may get to carry different currencies especially while traveling abroad; here multiple compartment wallets convince be useful. Few of them even have the choice of carrying coins.
Fabric: this is often one among the foremost important factors that one has got to confine mind. Wallets mostly are made from leather as they're durable and may be used for an extended period of your time. Before Buy Thin Wallet for Men Online, it's necessary to work out the standard of layer and therefore the way it's stitched. Wallets made from plastic and nylon proves to be useful because it prevents the important things kept inside from getting wet during season.
Color: Though it's not that important to stay in mind about the color, few people like it better to purchase them on the idea of the color of the wallet. Consistent with principle, there are certain colors that help to bring wealth in life. For instance: Gold, Red, and Green are said to draw in wealth.
Wallet types and message: Having a breast wallet is often the simplest option for those people that have a bent to lose them. All the currencies here can easily slot in and is convenient for the person to hold it.
Many designer wallets are available today. You purchase them either by visiting the closest outlet or also can purchase them online.
For more info :- mens leather wallets made in italy
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kristymadeit · 6 years
Will you be my bridesmaid?
One part of getting engaged that made me extremely excited was thinking about my greatest friends and the ride towards the actual wedding. Bridal showers, bachelorettes, getting ready on the big day... so many memories to look forward to. I didn’t have wedding dresses, themes or venues in mind... I could only think about how I was going to ask my friends to celebrate it all with me. I turned to pinterest and found some cool ideas, but everything fell a little short. It took me a couple of weeks, but after a couple of visits to the dollar store, ross, and amazon.com...I had it. Now it’s time to share with the world!
First, I tried to make the packaging beautiful. I imagined a xmas wedding so I went with silver and gold with holiday elements. It worked since it was November when I got engaged so everyone thought it was simply a xmas present. 
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6 bridesmaids so a silver and gold gift for each. 
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I bought the wrapping from ross for $6 total (DON’T SPEND $10+ ON EACH ROLL ONLINE AND AT CRAFT STORES! Just wait for holiday season at Ross if you can) and used bows/ribbon/bells from the dollar store to wrap it since tape won’t stick. It was a little messy but gorgeous. 
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I had my ladies open the GOLD gift first. Here is a photo of each unwrapped.
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I got the boxes from the dollar store.
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Open them up and I put one of my fav photos of us on it. 
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I loved when my girls got to this part. I printed these cards using my computer. I used a gold metallic sharpie to make the message POP. I decided to make cards so I could leave a message inside.
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I teared up writing these messages to my girls. It was nice reflecting on why they meant so much to me. Then I included some tentative details at the bottom. 
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I kept the gifts inside simple/inexpensive because I intend on doing something a little pricier for the thank you gift and I ain’t rich! I included socks I bought on amazon (A little pricey at $6- each) and dollar store nail polish in tentative wedding colors (silver/rosegold). I threw in a lifesaver to represent what they will be for me by accepting my “proposal”.
Then it was time to open the silver gift...
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A fun DVD to announce my bridesmaids! I had SOOO much fun making it! I bought the DVDS on amazon @ $5 each. Then I just used my printer and cropped photos of each bridesmaid’s head. It took a couple of trial and errors to get the right sizes (I’m not a photoshop whiz). To start, I carefully unwrapped the packaging then taped each head on. I added my own name to the top with a brick background to blend then slipped the dvd back into the plastic. I couldn’t have been happier with the result and this ended up being a hilarious means of announcing who the bridesmaids were to each other.  
The overall shot..
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In total, I spent about $100. The Dvds and socks were the most expensive part but it was worth every penny. I’m already looking forward to making the thank you gifts. 
Hope you enjoyed my ideas!
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zipgrowth · 6 years
Amazon’s Recent Account Closures Have Affected College Students Too
When college student Brookeline Gottschalk tried to login into her Amazon account on March 30, she got a message that her email wasn’t recognized. She kept trying, but to no avail. When she called Amazon, a representative told her it appeared she had closed her account. That posed a particular problem for her since she needed her account to access an audiobook for a history class.
“I was telling them that I didn’t do that, and I wouldn’t do that, because I just paid for Prime in January,” says Gottschalk, who studies biology at Columbia State Community College’s Lawrence County campus in Tennessee. She claims the representative told her that the account closure was probably a mistake or error on Amazon’s part, and that a specialist would contact her in 24-48 hours.
Gottschalk says that didn’t happen.
Gottschalk was one of many Amazon customers claiming that they e-commerce company shut down their accounts over the past few weeks. People have tweeted about their experiences with the hashtag #amazonclosed. A Facebook group dedicated to the issue has more than 4,000 members, with many detailing their efforts contacting Amazon to resolve the issue—and voicing their frustrations with not having access to their accounts.
Gottschalk had been using Audible for an audiobook she had to read for her history class. During the two weeks that her account was closed, she wasn’t able to use it. Instead, she had to check out a physical copy of the book from a library a city over from where she lives.
“It kind of makes me angry because I’d purchased it to listen to,” she says.
Gottschalk says she was finally able to get her account back through contacting Audible, which Amazon owns. However, she hasn’t been able to access her two audiobooks, including the one she needs for her history class—her content, including her reviews and helpful votes, has been “wiped out,” she says. She can only see her order history and Prime benefits.
Zachary Schulweis, a student at Rockland Community College in New York state, also says Amazon closed down his account. An email the company sent him on April 6 states, “We detected unusual activity associated with items previously purchased on your account. As a result, we had deactivated your account while we conducted a deeper investigation.” Based on that investigation, the email continues, Amazon “restored access” to Schulweis’s account.
Schulweis, whose account was closed for about a week, says it wasn’t a big deal, despite the fact that he couldn’t order a textbook he needed, and purchased it in-person instead at a more expensive price.
He claims that he got no warning that his account would be closed, and speculates that it was closed because prior to Amazon changing its review policies, he would leave incentivized reviews for products from third-party sellers. He says nothing was removed from his account. All of his reviews are there, and he’s still able to review products.
Amazon’s community guidelines include a provision that customers cannot leave create, modify or post content “in exchange for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products, refunds, or reimbursements), but one exception is that book authors and publishers “may continue to provide free or discounted copies of their books to readers, as long as the author or publisher does not require a review in exchange or attempt to influence the review.”
Incentivized or fake reviews on Amazon have been well documented in the press. An Amazon spokesperson told Digiday in 2017 that the company uses a machine-learned algorithm that “‘gives more weight to newer, more helpful reviews.’”
EdSurge reached out to Amazon to learn the reason behind the account closures. An Amazon spokesperson emailed the following statement to EdSurge, which does not specifically mention reviews:
“Amazon has taken action against bad actors and those who have violated our community rules. If any customers believe their account has been closed in error, we encourage them to contact us directly so we can review their account and take appropriate action.”
Gottschalk doesn’t know if her account closure was linked to activity that the company believes violates its terms of service—she says she still hasn’t gotten an explanation from Amazon about why her account was closed down.
An explanation from Amazon aside, Gottschalk says she’s never been paid to post a review. She has, however, used Facebook groups and websites that gave out Amazon discount codes, but she never reviewed those items she purchased with the discount groups. She adds that she does surveys online on Crowdtap and Tellwut, and one form of payment is Amazon gift cards.
“I’m pretty upset with Amazon.”
Amazon’s Recent Account Closures Have Affected College Students Too published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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jifsy · 7 years
Get the Best from the U-S this Black Friday!
The greatest day of the year for shopping in USA is coming in a few days’ time. If you had already know, good for you. If you haven’t, let me share with you what is it ….. *drum roll*
Black Friday?
This year’s Black Friday sales fall on the 24 November this year. Black friday sales is the biggest annual sales in USA, just like our Singapore’s Great Singapore Sales. What’s more attractive is that as we know USA is well-known for its branded stuffs like Coach, Kate spade, Nike, Adidas etc, therefore you can expect highly slashed price on this day for all your favourite USA brands. Here are some of the top shopping sites we know that are a hit among online shoppers!
BRANDSITE Carterswww.carters.com Gncwww.gnc.com Oshkoshwww.oshkosh.com Ralphlaurenwww.ralphlauren.com Oldnavywww.oldnavy.com Gapwww.gap.com Forever21www.forever21.com Bananarepublichttp://ift.tt/Snsa5T 6pmwww.6pm.com Colourpopwww.colourpop.com Elfcosmeticswww.elfcosmetics.com Disneywww.disney.com Bathandbodyworkshttp://ift.tt/O2vblA Aldoshoeswww.aldoshoes.com Aewww.ae.com Haneshttps://www.hanes.com Macyshttps://www.macys.com Toysrushttps://www.toysrus.com Ultahttp://www.ulta.com Abercrombiehttp://ift.tt/2A5tupJ Adidashttp://ift.tt/2j2DSak Legohttp://ift.tt/2A5kTDJ Levihttp://ift.tt/1ThObA0 Nyxcosmeticshttp://ift.tt/1v2ROuu Timberlandhttp://ift.tt/18Zs9K9 Columbiahttp://ift.tt/1aZPq6i Underarmourhttp://ift.tt/1xybfzH Hollistercohttp://ift.tt/2hPvVCu Newbalancehttp://ift.tt/RDemTC Urbanoutfittershttp://ift.tt/2pUgWJt
Worry that 1 day is not enough to finish shopping all your favourite brands and grab the best deals? Good news for you, most merchants will starts their Black Friday sales a few days earlier, which means you have more time to shop!
However, nothing comes easy especially when it’s once every year event and with many massively discounted items. But don’t worry, ezbuy is here to help! Let us look at some issues you might be facing if you were to buy directly from the merchants
  Drawback of shopping online on USA websites
❌High international shipping fee: With some USA brands trying to test overseas market, these brands do provide international shipping. However, as the demand isn’t high, international shipping fee can cost you a bomb if you are shipping directly from the merchant. Knowing us online shoppers, we are more than likely to be shopping from more than 1 USA site this Black Friday. 
Hence, international shipping fee will definitely be charged separately based on their international shipping rate. You will possibly end up paying more on the shipping fee than your product fee.
❌Credit card restrictions: Feeling fed-up when you have tried all your credit cards from 7 different banks yet still seeing the same error message? Fear not, it’s not that you have maxed your card limit. This is simply just how some USA merchants restrict overseas buyers from buying internationally.
❌Restricted USA merchants: Having your website kept redirecting you to .sg instead of .com? Yes, your internet is indeed smart, redirecting you to a .sg site based on your geographical location. But, you can be smarter with ezbuy! Read on to find out how you can outsmart your desktop!
  How ezbuy can help you in such situations
1. USA Buy-For-Me service
With our USA Buy-For-Me service, ezbuy can help you to buy from almost ALL websites in USA. Be it restricted merchants or not restricted merchants, shop in the comfort of your pyjamas at home. Simply submit the URL to us and we will make the purchases for you!
ezbuy also has a group of dedicated purchasing agents based in USA who are able to purchase from restricted websites for you. No more boundaries between you and your limited-edition USA products! 
FYI: Our USA warehouse is located in a tax-free state, in another word, you do not need to pay tax for your USA purchases.
  2. Free repacking & consolidation
If you are a regular USA buyer, you will be aware of USA couriers’ big and thick boxes. These courier boxes could potentially cost you 3 times more shipping fee that you are supposed to pay for.
However, with our USA free repacking & consolidation service, you will be able to SAVE MORE TO BUY MORE. We help repack your items from courier boxes, which would help you to save up to 3x in shipping fees. Instead of paying numerous highly charged shipping fee individually, we help consolidate your purchases should you be shopping from more than 1 merchant. Charging at a really low rate of S$3.99/500g. 
Credit card restriction issue – ✔️Solved
Restricted USA merchant issue – ✔️Solved
High international shipping fee – ✔️Solved
  Paying lesser and get more items when you use ezbuy! This is what we called, “SAVE MORE TO BUY MORE” 
Still not convinced? Here’s a table showing how much you can save when you shop with us this Black Friday!
3. USA Ship-For-Me service
However, If you are someone who enjoys the thrills of checking out and making payment all by yourself, you can still benefit from ezbuy with our USA Ship-For-Me service. Get your unique Ship-For-Me address in your ezbuy account and start shopping away and get your merchants to send your parcels to us.
With ezbuy, S$3.99/500g is all that you need to calculate your shipping fee. You do not need to consider, the base charge, fuel charge or any hidden cost.
Let the numbers do the talking, here’s a comparison between ezbuy and other competitors:
4. Bypass IP detection to access restricted websites
Having your website kept redirecting you to .sg instead of .com? Check out our guide on how you can bypass the IP detection to shop your all-time favourite brands. Enough said, try it out and experience it yourself!
  *Psst* Don’t say bo share, we also collated some Black Friday Promo Codes for you here. 
Need some inspiration for gifts? We got you covered too! So go forth and start shopping away!
  The post Get the Best from the U-S this Black Friday! appeared first on Online Shopping Blog by ezbuy Singapore.
Get the Best from the U-S this Black Friday! published first on http://ift.tt/2vy5Wr0
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