#I appealed it though sooo it should be fine? I have to wait for support to get back to me
cha1cedony · 6 months
Patreon suspended my account 🥲
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owlespresso · 5 years
Mating Season / Hawks / 2
Commissions are closed but my tip jar is still open! I write headcanons in exchange for donations! If you’re interested, check it out HERE.
Hawks is at work, so you have the apartment to yourself. It’s only been two months since you started to live with the pro hero, and you can only say that it’s been an… interesting experience, thus far. Just like meeting him was. Given your quirk, living together with him was the most convenient way to encourage success in your partnership.
After seeing the future, it was more effective to be able to tell him about it immediately. Calling him or texting him, as efficient as it could be, wasn’t nearly as fast as telling him face-to-face. And most of your visions can usually wait until he gets home.
You’re not a hero (even though support has its merits), but you’d like to help as many people as possible. Hawks’s apartment is big enough for you to get lost in it, so it’s not like you’re forced to interact with him constantly. (The guy is nice, but even you need a break every now and then). So the decision was pretty easy to make. Having someone to come home to isn’t all that bad, either.
You hear the front door slam open and stretch, elbows raising above the span of your head as the muscles in your shoulders and back collectively pop. You breathe a sigh of relief, the tension rolling out of you.
“Honey, I’m home~” His voice drawls as he shuffles inside, kicking his boots off al the door. You shut your laptop as he enters the kitchen, sans jacket and shirt.
“How was work?” You inquire, getting to your feet and inwardly cringing at the way your legs strain. You really need to stop sitting in such cramped positions for too long. It’s difficult to keep your eyes away from his lean muscle. Hawks is a top ten hero and he definitely looks the part. There’s absolute divinity in every inch of him. Cheeks growing warm, you turn your gaze away. What should you make for dinner? The idea of making his favorite is definitely appealing, but you don’t have the patience for jambalaya, right now. You grasp the handle of the fridge and tug it open.
“Fine,” He hums, “I mean, Endeavor came by today and we went on patrol, together! Pretty uneventful, though” He brushed off your question and steps up close behind you. His warm hand settles over your own. His chest presses tight against your back, impossibly warm. God give me strength. Your arms suddenly feel like jello. He’s been touchy with you, before. But you’ve always told yourself that’s just his personality, just how he is. He’s out of your league, you’ve told yourself. “As much as I like the idea of you cooking for me like a cute, little housewife, let’s just get pizza tonight.” He murmurs softly. Your hand drops back down to your side.
The fridge door shuts and you startle, staggering a bit. He takes a massive step backwards, and his gaze is keen. You realize that he’s carefully observing your reaction. But why?
“S-Sounds good.” You feel like there’s something different about him, and you can’t quite put your finger on it. Before this awkwardness can continue, you scurry out of the kitchen and into the living room, plopping down on the couch. You can hear his heavy footsteps following you. The living room is cozy space. A circular throw is near the room over the polished wooden floors, a coffee table above it. A couch with a blanket haphazardly thrown over the back of it stares at a flat screen TV. Cushions and comfortable chairs are scattered around messily. You plop down on the couch, sinking into the cushions, placing your laptop on the table and reaching over to grab the phone.
He lingers in the space between the kitchen and living room, bouncing from foot-to-foot as he opens up a cabinet, likely browsing some of the takeout menus he has shoved in there.
Though he’s usually fidgety, he’s acting pretty weird today, but you don’t know him well enough to figure out why.
“What’s wrong?” You tip your head. He jolts back into attention and gives you another small smile.
“Nothing! I’m all good,” He soothes, picking out a menu without even looking at it. He hastily moves into the living room and just about flops next to you, wincing as one of his wings gets squished against the back cushion. “Sooo, what do you want?” He fumbles with the menu for a moment and shuffles closer to you. His side presses up against yours and you startle, unused to the close contact. If he notices, he doesn’t remark on it, “Oooh! We should get pineapple or something. It sounds exotic.”
“No way in hell are we getting pineapple on pizza.” You assert yourself immediately, shooting him a glare. He gives a laugh and reaches for the phone, pouting when you lean your torso in the opposite direction, keeping it out of reach.
“You’re so mean,” He teases. His eyebrows are raised and there’s an impish smirk on his face. It infuriates you and endears you to him at the same time. There’s rougishness in every inch of him, but somehow you feel safest when you’re with him. It’s an aura that only he can give off, a fine balancing act between reliability and lackadaisical mischief. You open your mouth to give a sneaky retort, but the feeling of a warm, calloused hand resting on your thighs brings your thoughts to a screeching halt.
Heat rises up your neck as he grows closer, closer so you can feel the heat of his body and see his wings as they begin to curl around you. His amber eyes glow and you’re struck with just how small you feel when he looks at you like that, with reverence and something hungry, something you’re afraid of.
The weight of the remote vanishes from your hand and he pulls away, causing you to gape as one of his crimson feathers floats over, cradling the remote.
You screech in outrage and smack him on the shoulder, but he laughs that stupid, silly laugh of his and you relent, unable to fight against his undeniable charm. Commissions are closed but my tip jar is still open! I write headcanons in exchange for donations! If you’re interested, check it out HERE.
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pkmnomegaverse · 5 years
Who is Lavender and Laurel?
This turned into the sordid hook-up drama of Cress, but that’s the main part I’ve thought about sooo…
Lavender and Laurel are two characters I’ve retconned in,  being triplets with Sage as their third sibling.  Despite being triplets, the three are half-siblings, each having a different biological father while Cress is their mother. Sage is still the daughter of Siebold, Laurel is the son of Wulfric, and Lavender is the daughter of Wikstrom.While I debated whether I should add them, as it does lead to me having to switch things up with Sage a bit, I really wanted to run a half-triplet subplot, but debated who to use. Cress was an obvious option to run that storyline with, given his characterization, and it was easier to add two fankids with Sage as one of the triplets, over giving Sage three younger siblings.   Plus the storyline behind Sage’s conception already fits well with why Cress would be getting into the kind of situations capable of leading to three different fathers for each of his babies. The basic premise behind their conception it just a tweak on Sage’s conception.  After Burgundy and Chili find out they’re expecting their first child, Cress gets baby fever.  He’d already been struggling with the fact he had left his son, Sorrel, back in Unova. At the time, giving Sorrel to Concordia and Anthea to raise was the only decision he could really make, but now that they aren’t in Team Plasma anymore, he’s starting to have regrets.  But instead of being sensible and just contacting the sisters in an attempt to reestablish contact with his son, he instead decides he’s going to have another baby, one he can keep and raise himself this time.He doesn’t tell anyone what he’s planning (although his brother’s are able to guess what’s going on once he ends up pregnant) and starts setting things up so he can get pregnant and still have it look like an accident. Replacing his birth control with fake pills, pushing for unprotected sex more when he does hook up (which doubles as a way to test who’s going to be open to the idea once the timing is right). While he is seeing Siebold, the two have an open relationship at this point.  Since they’re not official, both still see other people, which Cress uses to his advantage to hook up. He has his preferred partners, Siebold being the main one, but he also gets involved with other people, one of them being Wulfric.While they don’t meet up that often since Cress has to travel to Snowbelle whenever he wants to see him, Wulfric becomes another favored partner of Cress’.  While Wulfric is a bit too gentle for Cress’ taste, he makes up for it in just how big he is in general. Cress thrives off pain, and no matter how gentle Wulfric is, it always hurts a bit at first from the sheer size difference.  Plus of all his partners, Wulfric is maybe the one who “gets” Cress the most.  Siebold can tell when Cress is lying, but Wulfric is the one who recognizes that a lot of Cress’ poor decisions are a result of sometime painful from his past.  Which is why he’s always gentle despite Cress urging for him to be rougher.  Although that’s part of the appeal to Cress as well, even if he won’t admit it even to himself. A much larger, older man who actually takes care of him during and after the act. What he always wished he would do when they…As for Wulfric, he mainly goes along with the whole thing because some young twenty-something year old being really into him is flattering. Not gonna say no to that. And once he starts to recognize Cress’ self-destructive tendencies, he figures it’s not his place to ask, but what he can do is give him what he needs over what he wants. Tender sex with aftercare, an actual relationship between them, since they start doing more than just sleeping together when they meet up.  Talking, bonding through Pokemon, whether it be through battles or taking Cress to the Pokemon Village.Cress doesn’t have as much of a significant relationship with Wikstrom. They mainly get involved once Cress asks Siebold to try and arrange a threesome between the three of them (solely because Cress thinks it would be exciting).  It takes a lot of badgering on Cress’ part before Siebold agrees to even consider the option (Wikstrom is his coworker after all, he’d might be fine with the idea, but he doesn’t need Wilstrom getting awkward about things after the fact, considering how often he sees the guy), but Siebold does agree to eventually introduce Cress to Wikstrom.  It’s up to him convince Wikstrom after that though, he’s not going to bring the idea up himself.Wikstrom is much more hesitant to go along with the idea, since at heart, he’s a hopeless romantic. But Cress is pretty convincing, maybe it would be fine to try it out?  He’s starting to get older now, waiting for “the one” doesn’t seem to be doing him any good. Plus he’s always being told he needs to put himself out there more.   Wikstrom really only agrees because he figures he can back out in the middle or just pretend it never happened if it ends up being a bad experience.  The meet ups between the three of them aren’t very common.  Something that happens a occasionally here and there, since while Wilstrom finds that he really likes the experience, he also feels guilty about liking the hook-ups.So given that setup, when Cress decides that he wants a baby, he goes through the list of possible “donors” and tries to pick the best candidates.  He’s not overly concerned with the father helping him raise the child, in fact, them not being very involved might be better, but he also doesn’t want to choose someone shady.  He has a couple hook ups like that, with less than kind people, but considering who Sorrel’s father is and where that lead, he wants to choose a guy who’s a “good person.”  That leaves Siebold, Wikstrom, and Wulfric as his main choices.  Guys who’ve shown they’re all skilled and powerful, but also fight on the side of “good.”  Instead of just choosing one, Cress decides he’ll just sleep with all of them and leave things up to chance.  Let luck decide.He already has a pretty solid idea of how his cycle times out, and knows that he’s only going to get two shots at this a year (since his cycle is fucked up by all the suppressants Ghetsis had him take, he only goes through his heat cycle every six months, instead of the usual three months), so he needs to make the next chance he gets count. He starts forming his plan near the end of Burgundy’s pregnancy and then once Mace is born, it just solidifies for him that he’s going to go through with it.  No doubts now.When he can tell he’s roughly two days from starting his heat, he sleeps with Wulfric.  Figures there will still be some semen in his system for when he starts ovulating, so that takes care of that guy.  For Siebold and Wikstrom, he arranges for them to have a threesome during his heat.  Says it will be especially exciting this way (they can take turns doing him for hours or both knot him at once~). Which again, Wikstrom is hesitant about, but it’s one of those likely-not-gonna-get-this-chance-again situations, so both guys agree.So fast forward about a month and Cress is overjoyed to discover his plan did work, he’s pregnant. He doesn’t tell anyone initially other than his brothers, who he pretty quickly confesses the truth to (they’re not impressed, but they’ve always had each others backs no matter what, so they’ll support him regardless.  They just wish he had talked things through with them first).  He doesn’t mention anything to any of the guys right away, but it’s inevitable that they find out.  It’s a more immediate issue with Siebold and Wilstrom, who were the two who spent his heat with him, combined with Siebold being the one who meets with Cress the most frequently.  Both are shocked and surprised, but Siebold is the one who’s suspicious and accuses Cress of setting things up, despite how much he denies it. Wikstrom is mostly just panicked about potentially being a father with someone who he’s not even in a legit relationship with.  But both do insist on being involved with the pregnancy.  Once the kid is born and they figure out who the father is, they’ll decide what to do then. When Cress finds out he’s expecting triplets though, that’s when everyone is like “Do you think we’re going to end up with some half-siblings here…”  Wulfric doesn’t find out about the pregnancy until a ways in, since his meetups with Cress are so infrequent. While Cress hadn’t been intending to tell him he might possibly be the father of one of his babies, Wulfric manages to get him to fess up the next time they meet up. He doesn’t really get involved with the pregnancy itself, but they do come to an understanding that if Wikstrom and Siebold don’t end up being the father of any of the babies, Cress will get in contact with Wulfric to see if he’s possibly the father. Once the children are born, the doctors run tests to determine who’s the father of each child.  Wulfric gets called in once neither Siebold or Wikstrom are a match for Laurel. The entire situation is…less than ideal for the fathers involved.  But they do all discuss the situation together and come to an agreement to be involved in the children’s lives, but still mostly give custody to Cress.It’s not a peaceful agreement though.  Siebold in particular is the least happy about the situation and it’s actually Wulfric who is very firm about them not fighting for custody of the children.  Nothing good will come of that. For the children’s sake, it’s best if they’re all raised together.  One of Cress’ concessions is he gives each child the last name of their biological father.  As a result, the children all end up knowing from a young age who their father, as it’s not treated as a secret.  While the children all live with Cress in the shared home he has with his brothers, they all visit their father’s on occasion as well. It’s also common for when one kid visits their dad, the other two (and later Sorrel) will tag along as well.  So it’s certainly an odd situation, but they make it work. As for characters, Lavender and Laurel aren’t super developed.  Lavender is the more outgoing sibling, falling into that lady-knight persona I was considering for Wikstrom/Sawyer’s daughter, but instead got passed onto Lavender.  Laurel is the shy, soft one, being more introverted than his sisters.  Together, they form a spectrum of Laurel on the introverted side, Sage in the middle, and Lavender as the most extroverted.  Their “sensibleness” follows a similar trend. Laurel gets too caught up in the details and over thinks things, Lavender rushes ahead without thinking things through, while Sage is the most sensible one, finding a balance in the middle.Wulfric is also the best overall “dad” in the sense that he doesn’t show as obvious favoritism for spending time with Laurel over his siblings.  It’s pretty obvious with both Siebold and Wikstrom that they’re more invested in “their” child, even if they try to include the others.  Wulfric is much better about being fair in including them all, and connects with Sorrel as a stepfather better than Siebold does, even though Siebold is the one Cress is “with” while Wulfric always remains at the “friends-with-benefits” stage (Wikstrom swears off ever hooking up with Cress again). But Laurel does have a special place in his heart as his little boy. It’s not the way he would have chosen to have a son, but he doesn’t regret the situation.  None of them do, in the long run.
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klaineitupanotch · 7 years
A post about Yuri on Ice.
So you may have noticed I’ve been blogging a lot of a certain anime titled ‘Yuri on Ice’ and I felt like writing about it a little. 
First off, I used to be really into anime in my 20s. I cosplayed and went to cons and everything. Now I’m more of a semi casual fan who still likes anime but I’m not way near into it as I used to be. I didn’t watch any new series, buy any merch, go to cons and my cosplaying days are over. Every once in a while I might watch an old fav show of mine and once in a blue moon I may even check out a new one. But I was always still just a casual watcher at best.  Then Yuri on Ice happened. Though I’m still not a super fan as far as fans go fyi. I adore the show a lot, as I will go over, but there are way bigger fans of it than me I know. Which is fine. =) Anyway. At first I was wary of watching it. I’m not big on sports anime that have tons of queer-bating in it and I was afraid YOI was another one. It kept popping up on my dash though and people seemed to like it. I still decided to hold off and see how the show would go.  I can’t really remember the full details and SPOILERS AHEAD but episode 7 aired and the fans went crazy. Yuri and Victor kissed at the end of it. I decide okay then I’ll check it out. Right from the start I was hooked, even if it wasn’t what I originally thought it would be. It should be known that I consider myself the farthest from a sports fan that you can get. Mind you, I don’t hate sports. I honestly have nothing but respect for atheletes and their dedicated fans. I could never cope with the stress of routing for a team X___X.  I was instantly charmed by Victor and his silver-hair sexiness; from the fluid way he moves his body to his oozing sex appeal voice. It kind of fits too since we’re kinda seeing him through Yuuri’s eyes. It’s no wonder Yuri fell under his trance and us along with it. As for Yuri, he’s a character you can easily relate to and one you connected with from the start. I pretty much watched as many eps as I could after the first one. I can’t remember how many days it took me to finish. It could have been a few since I was working but I seem to recall it didn’t take me too too long lol. Also not all of the eps had aired since I think 8 had just been released at the time (again I can’t remember exactly).  By the time I was caught up I was totally sold. I loved the story, the characters and Yuuri and Victor’s relationship. Sure the nature of their relationship was never 100% canon confirmed, as in, neither character directly said ‘I’m in love with you. Please be my lover etc�� but the evidence is still there. It’s refreshing because a pure definition (as much as we’d love to see it) isn’t really needed. The love they feel for each other is there for us to see in the interactions with each other and their own inner thoughts.  One of the many things I love about the show is how supportive the characters are with each other. I mean, on one level they’re all in competition with one another and yet they’re constantly cheering each other on during their skates and just in general. It’s just so great to see, especially among young men.  Another thing I love is how the characters are able to show emotion. There’s no sort of holding back when it comes to crying. They just let it all out and it’s beautiful to see. Especially when they’ve just finished skating. *sigh* The cast is fun too, Victor is obviously my favourite but I’m always drawn towards the flirtatious type like him lol. But I like the whole cast too, even JJ though he has his cringe-worthy moments and then there’s Chris and his antics on ice *smacks head* but that’s what makes them more realistic.  Now that the first season is over I find myself watching the episodes over and over. I’ve also been wanting to buy merchandise but the show is still new so it’s harder to get official merch (at least for a somewhat affordable price). As for fanart, I’ve preordered two charms off of etsy and I’m getting a cool fanzine too. I find myself tempted on getting my hands on some doujinshii but I am holding off for now since I’m trying to cut down on my online purchases lol. I’d love some art stuff from Redbubble but I have to be careful because it seems a lot of the stuff there is reposted screenshots (which isn’t soo sooo bad) and art that doesn’t seem to be by the person selling them. I just want to ensure what I’m buying it art from the actual artist themselves and with their full consent. I’ve got my eye on a couple designs but again I am trying to resist. I did buy a phonecase of Yuri and Victor’s matching outfits from episode 12 though! I can’t wait for it to come!
I got a crunchyroll membership because of the show. I’m even enjoying another series now (March came in Like a Lion or aka 3-gatsu no Lion) which is from the same creator of one of my all time fav anime Honey & Clover. 
If I had to pick a favourite episode then it would have to be 10 with 12 as a close second.  I’ve just recently discovered that Afterbuzz is doing an aftershow review of YOI and it’s awesome. I highly recommend it to any YOI fans. They’ve done up to episode 8 and new eps air 7pm on Mondays. It’s the perfect way to wait until we get any news of season 2.  Season 2 has all but been confirmed at this point also. I can’t wait for it to be confirmed for sure. Until then I will delve deeper into my adoration of this show and watch it over and over. Things will no doubt die down as time goes on but that’s a good thing haha. I’m not super into the fandom, as in, I’m not interacting with people on tumblr and other places but again that’s fine.  I’m going to simply enjoying this wonderful gift of a show like I have been already. OH! For anyone not wanting to see my many reblogs of it, I’m doing my best to tag them as yoi but I might let one slip without tagging every once in a while. 
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