azazelleviathan · 10 months
Vezon and Fenrakk
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Oplita fans: For the love of Primus, will you just let them be together again? It’s been actual decades since they’ve had a real relationship that wasn’t super strained or complicated.
Hasbro: Okiiiieeee but only if it’s in one of the worst Transformers shows and Elita dies at the end :3c
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weirdozjunkary · 5 months
Do you plan to do a third season of MVA? 🤔❤️
I mean, of course I am! I have a lot of ideas, and even a decent plotline for the third fic.
The problem being, I have no idea who should be the antagonist. I have too many ideas and I can’t narrow it down to just one or two. Agh!
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Not my ass trying to convince my friends to read shadow and bone/six of crows a book so we can do a group cosplay for Halloween
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ecogirl2759 · 7 months
Who's gonna be the Bound to my Shadow?
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Don't judge the knight for wanting an army of birds!
Made a picture of Shadow from the book Shadowbound recently for a video! I'll link it when it comes out. Was proud, so wanted to share. This turned out much cuter than I expected lol, so this might become a sticker design in the future. Who knows lol
I've actually never drawn birds before, this was my first time
Bonus illustration!
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ghostclout · 1 year
Hi. II made an edit. I am who I am.
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starzykaes · 10 months
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paigelts05 · 9 months
HW2 spoilers: Why HW2 DOES add to the lore (and why people who think talesgames is cannon don't like what it's implying)
I keep seeing people say that "HW2 adds nothing" and "Glitchtrap and Burntrap are the mimic" and "talesgames is cannon". I think they are wrong.
I don't fall for the talesgames shtick. Looking at the FNAF 1-6 timeline, tales has some stuff that starts in the middle of there, and as a result, just doesn't fit properly. But if you don't lump tales into the gameverse or if you at most relegate tales to a VR environment (TalesVRWorld pog W), Everything makes more sense.
Glitchtrap and Burntrap ARE William, and if you assume this, we get to see HW2 in a different light.
HW2 is kind of the mimic's origin story. One ending shows the end of William Glitchtrap (PQ4 ending).
And the other ending? Shows the rise of the mimic; it coming to be and picking up right where William left off. Setting up our new antagonist; an AI who wants to be like William, one that can exist without the remnant that William needed in order to become the Glitchtrap or preserve his body as Burntrap. Mimic needs no remnant, yet is liable to kill anyway, as that is what the man whom he wishes to copy did. He no longer has William's motive of "bringing his body back"; he probably destroyed William's body himself for all we know.
HW2 is the mimics gameverse origins.
And Game!mimic is a far less sympathetic villain for it.
And THAT'S why talesgames people are so quick to dismiss HW2 and call it a 'nothing game' for the lore; because the lore is that this, HW2, is game!mimic's origins, and that the mimic's gameverse origins are not like the books at all.
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ziracona · 11 months
Incredible how a piece of media can be about the demonizing of minorities for existing and the endless prioritization of the not life even, but wealth, comfort, and ease of the majority, over the lives of minorities, and their right to exist at all. And about the beauty of love in minorities even discarded and devalued and demonized. And the horrific, banal, shallow, casual depravity and evil of the majority in power choosing to sacrifice those vulnerable around them as if it’s nothing at all, or even deserved and celebrated. And how worthless that is. And the way even lost and dead, demonized, hated, and discarded, love and unity between the oppressed and the forgotten will be remembered in echoes by the land itself and last for centuries and color the future. And still. Still. People will see all of that, and refuse to engage with the text in any way but a desire to explore the nonexistent depth of and fuck some rich evil white cop guy
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just-a-mod · 1 year
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while things have been rough, ive had one moment of saved grace, and that is the lovely lady named Zalla
i didn't know i could still have people like her in my soul, i thought it was far too broken and damaged
she's so good, she makes me want to be better
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newtlesbian · 1 year
chrivia, while on the chpectrum
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
Finished the last episode of white house plumbers, finished the patient, have no more Domhnall Gleeson content to watch rn that aren't movies or aren't on streaming services that I sub to.
Sad days.
WHP was really good tho. I do recommend it. Even ignoring the DG content I enjoyed the show a hell of a lot. Woody Harrelson is a great actor always love watching him.
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reyreadersblog · 16 days
Well summer ended like a week ago, so here is all the books i've read and my reviews of them.
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Never lie was the first book i read at the start of August and it was very easy quick and twisty read. Finshed it in a day, the dual POV was really fun and it added more tension to it.
However the plot twist was very unexpected, and that's not the reason i disliked it, the reason is that it didn't really make sense. I mean her whole monologue was lie...
Overall i did like the book, i'd say if you want something fast paced read it, but it was kind of a dissapointment tbh.
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I LOVED THIS BOOK! It was so good! (Gave me major tig vibes)
I love any book that involves a kind of treasure hunt, and this book had added stakes with an inheritance hidden somewhere in the town. It was entertaining and very dramatic, although I wouldn't necessarily say that it was suspenseful, because it felt very over the top at lot of the time, so I wasn't exactly concerned with the characters' safety, if that makes sense. However, it is fast-paced and twisty, and I was excited to find out what was going to happen in the end. It had found family trope which i ADORE! It was so cute and fun to read about the team and what they went through in order to get the treasure. I also loved how many LGBTQ+ character were in the book.
The grieving part was done very realisticly, as someone who is going through grief rn, i fully realate to Lily.
This book was an example of how someone can take an inspiration from another author's work without fully coping them...*cough* Lauren Roberts *cough*
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Raiting: ⭐
I love you Lynn Painter BUT WHAT WAS THIS😭😭😭
The main character was unlikable and obnoxious. She was not like other girls, she was just ✨quirky✨ and ✨different✨
The mmc was SUPERRR boring, liks his character revolved around being hot and rich, literally nothing more.
What did i like about this book? NOTHING.
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I can't tell you one thing that i liked about this book, tbh i read it because someone said it was about a heist and a game...and i'm all for that (the hunger games habit i can't get rid off😔) but oh well...it was not good.
More telling, less showing. The fmc always talked nonsense, i couldn't understand half of what she was saying.
I get that romance wasn't the main focus but it was...so dry, so boring...it felt like she saw someone with the same skin colour as her and ✨immediatly fell in love✨ and i'm not saying any hate or something, i'm a poc but it was done so poorly and unrealisticly.
Uhmm the plotholes???
The characters were just too insufferable for my liking.
I didn't feel connected to any of them.
The authour kepr describing every single detail like it depended on her dear life.
I wanted to dnf so bad but for some reason i kept believing it would get better...it did not.
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Raiting: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The book was very disturbing but so so good!
Long story short it's about Ellery and Ezra are the Corocan twins, siblings that live every day hoping that their addict single mom Sadie Corocan comes home every night.
Usually she does.
But one night, Sadie crashes into a jewelry store while drunk and high. She's sent to rehab while the twins are sent to live with their maternal grandmother in the sleepy town of Echo Ridge
What love about Karen MCmanus' books is her writing. It's really interesting to read a mystery/thriller book with dual POV because occasionaly author drops clues and hints in each of their chapters.
very honestly speaking, this book was a thousand times better than One of Us is Lying. i was even one of the ones who really liked One of Us is Lying, and Two Can Keep a Secret was LEAGUES better.
one of the main things that really set Two Can Keep a Secret apart was the characters.
I loved the characters. I loved how cracked and broken they were. How they didn’t come from perfect families. How they made many, many mistakes. How they grieved for those they lost, but they also let it fuel their desire to find the killer. How they overcome their pasts.
This book has 2 plot twists, and the first one...did surprise me, i expected something better tho. THE SECOND ONE??? THE ENDING? Had me GAGGED and literally almost threw up.
Let me tell you.
The last line.
✨i thought she was your mother✨.
This woman dropped the most disturbing line in the book history and thought it was fine.
Overall, totally recommend🙏🏻👭
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I did like this one more than some of the others, but let's talk about its big turn-off: Brynn and Tripp. I love when a mystery book has romance subolot, tbh i can't read a book that has 0 romance in it, but it's kind of annoying when you can feel the author is forcing two characters towards each other.
Brynn and Tripp have no chemistry at all. One of them was in love with the other, then Brynn leaves town for five years and when she comes back they try to resolve this mystery in their life. One of them declares itself to the other, and the other thinks its look has improved with time. They kiss and then they live happily ever after.
What's the point, exactly? Why should they be together when they’re clearly better as friends? What’s supposed to happen now, they’ll have three fantastic months and then break up before college?
It was entertining but the "plot twist" was not it. Like what was the point? If you gave the book "that" kind of ending, what is the point?
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"Ash Princess is a trope-filled book with a very common story line. Theodosia, or Theo, was six years old when she witnessed her mother's (the queen) brutal murder and had her country conquered from her. In her country there are magical caves that run underneath the temples. For fire, air, earth and water. These are very sacred and only those who have proved themselves to the gods completely can go and get the magical gems. Now, Theo's people are forced to work as slaves in these mines and dig up the magical stones.
For ten years she has been living under the Kaiser and his brutal rule, living quietly and trying to please him to survive. All of that ends when she's forced to kill someone and her childhood friend comes and offers her an escape and make things right for their people. She's filled with hate and determination to take back her kingdom and avenge her mother and people."
The fmc in this book, Theodosia has become one of my favourite fmc! An example of fmc that doesn't need to be a bloodthirsty monster from the beggining to be considered as strong, mindful and brave.
Even tho it's YA there are some serious and heavy topics in this book so be aware of that!
There is such cute and heart warming found family trope..*cough* with traumatised kids *cough*
I loved literally every character! (Well except for a few...)
One of the main reasons i loved this book,
Oh no, my guys, this has a LOVE TRIANGLE!!! [cue the groans of every person on the planet] LISTEN, I know y'all hate love triangles and I DO TOO!! but this one is somehow bearable, even though it annoyed me a lot. It's like one of "those" love triangles where it's obvious who MMC is. Theo has feelings for the Prinz and her childhood friend, some dude, whose name I forgot, because I DON'T FUCKING SHIP THEM. He's a really good guy, but Prinz Soren and Theo all the way, bitch. Like, they're both good boys, but idk something about the Prinz, man. HE IS BLONDE TOO!! It's a slow burn + forbidden romance.
Overall, I LOVED THE BOOKS, IT'S ONE OF MY FAV READS OF THE YEAR, and if you like high fantasy with great world building + found family + strong character + lgbtq characters + feminism elements GO READ IT ASAP.
Well this is part one! Also not proof read so please don't mind the mistakes🙏🏻
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laikahh · 2 years
wilbur soot stop writing eridan ampora fansongs challenge.
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ghostclout · 1 year
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yeah im doing pretty fine
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It took me half a year to finish reading the davabad trilogy, but here I am to tell my opinion on it to everyone who didn't ask.
Almost every character is amazing (not you, Manizha, I hate you) and the plot is amazing. But the ending just broke my heart in million pieces. And it's actually the reason why I am writing this post.
All people in here write how they happy for Nari and Ali, and I TOTALY understand. But omg how bad I wanted for Nari and Dara to be together.
I love my warlord babygirl with all my hear. Yes, he is a war criminal. And what? He is fucked up enough because of it.
So yea, it's my shoutout for you all to give some appreciation to a cute green-eyed honeybun, who just wants not to be hated and to live with his love, what he couldn't do.
And also.... Mutadir and Jhamshid? Love these dorks.
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