#trinidadian deep
mediaevalmusereads · 27 days
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Any Duke in a Storm. By Amalie Howard. Sourcebooks, 2024.
Rating: 2/5 stars
Genre: historical romance
Series: Daring Dukes #4
Summary: Historical romance takes to the high seas. Famed spy Lady Lisbeth Medford is on a ship bound for the West Indies, but the only thing more dangerous than her mission is the elusive Duke she's trying to capture. Lady Lisbeth Medford, Countess of Waterstone and famed international spy, is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. She's determined to infiltrate a notorious smuggling ring in the West Indies while on a covert mission as a ship's captain. But even when her identity is compromised and she's forced to flee, the men chasing her are still hot on her heels. The trouble in front of her, however, might be even worse. Raphael Saint, the Duc de Viel, is her ship's new aggravating and dangerously charming sailing master, who might very well be part of the smuggling ring Lisbeth must bring to justice. But when a new deadly threat on the high seas looms, the only way out of danger might be to face it… together.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: child endangerment, violence, blood, explicit sexual content
OVERVIEW: I saw this book on a list of aromantic/asexual-spectrum romance reads and was curious. I've read one other Amalie Howard book and had generally good feelings, so I decided to jump into this book despite not reading the others in the series. While I very much appreciated the wide range of skin tones and sexualities, the plot and characters as a whole left me disappointed. This book wanted to be a spy novel, pirate novel, romance, etc and didn't seem to do any of those things particularly well, so it only gets 2 stars from me.
WRITING: While Howard's prose is fine for the romance genre (as in: it's about what one might expect, which is good for reaching its intended audience), I personally found it lacking. It depended a bit too much on telling over showing, often filling in gaps or narrating things that happened off-page. As a result, I felt like I was being expected to care about things I didn't experience along with the characters.
Howard also had a tendency to repeat certain phrases and descriptions, and while it's not too distracting, it was noticeable.
The humor also just was not for me. Some of the jokes are raunchy or a little jeuvenile, which is fine given the setting. It just wasn't my jam.
And can I just point out how much I hate this line from the "sea shanty": "she'll gut you good and make you pee." What???
PLOT: The non-romance plot of this book follows Lisbeth, a countess-turned-British-spy who poses as an infamous smuggler, "Bonnie Bess," in order to take down a notorious criminal known as the Prince. Along the way, she runs into Raphael Saint, a disgraced French-Trinidadian duke who happens to be the nephew of the Prince. Saint is out for revenge after the Prince caused his family's downfall, and Lisbeth must reach her target without blowing her cover.
Personally, I found the plot to be a mess. It wasn't sure if it wanted to be a swashbuckling pirate story, a spy novel, a maritime road trip, a 19th century romance, or some combination of all. This doesn't mean I think books should only choose one genre, but it does mean that when genres are blended, I think it's important to do so well. Howard's attempt did not feel well-planned: Lisbeth was not exactly a clever spy, and the pirate vibes were a bit uneven. I also got the feeling that I was reading a story about a bunch of elites dressing up as smugglers and playing at pirates and spies, sticking it to "the man" only to come around and reclaim the privileges they shucked off in the first place. I was never sure who we were meant to root for: in a spy novel, the government is usually the "good guy," but in a pirate story, the pleasure comes from subverting the government (or, at least, companies). In this book, I had no strong feelings about the world in which our characters were operating, which made it feel more like they were just "playing" at spies and smugglers.
To be fair, perhaps more groundwork was laid in the previous installments of the series. I did jump in on book 4, so I want to acknowledge that some of my disorientation might be from that. But I also think this book could have been more intentional with its plot, creating scenes that aided in each character's personal arc as well as their arc as a couple. As it stands, everything felt a bit too random, like it was using type scenes.
CHARACTERS: I find it difficult to discuss whether or not I "liked" the characters. The heroine, for example, was fun in her fiestiness and I loved seeing a female ship's captain. I also loved the demisexual representation and the portrayal of someone with a praise kink. However, Lisbeth did not strike me as a particularly good spy; she stood out way too much, and her motivations formatting to take down the Prince were impersonal (at least in this book). Her arc is supposed to be about learning to trust people and form attachments, but there isn't much within the plot itself that supports that journey. It's all told to us while Lisbeth is busy getting into fights.
Raphael, the hero, is a little better in that his revenge quest is personal. However, I was a little confused by his strong desire to be both honored by the French emperor and be a criminal in order to disperse goods to colonized folks. Howard seems to write him as a kind of nautical Robin Hood, which is fine, but his arc is all about reclaiming social status, which kind of takes away from the feeling of freedom outside of "polite society."
Supporting characters are fine, if a little dull. The crew of Lisbeth's ship are loyal and are just kind of there - they don't really serve much purpose other than to do their jobs on the ship. Nari, an orphan who stows away, is charming but her pirate antics make her feel younger than her age. I think she could have been used more to develop Lisbeth's stance on attachments.
The Prince - Charles Dubois - is a disappointment. For all that Howard plays him up as cunning and conniving, his ploys were obvious and his plots easy to subvert. He also spends some time explaining himself, which gets tedious. As a villain, he only really seemed to be bad because he supported the slave trade - all his other actions seem to be standard pirate/smuggler fare, so I was unsure if we.were supposed to be mad at him because he's undercutting the government or because he's willing to kill his own blood to do so.
ROMANCE: There are some things about Lisbeth's and Raphael's romance that could have been great. I appreciated, for example, the interracial and queer relationship, and inserting some kinkiness to subvert more "vanilla" romances is great.
However, it took a long time for the two characters to gel. For the first 40% of the book, Raphael was less charming and more annoying, and their banter was not pleasing to read. They didn't seem to be getting on each other's nerves in a productive way - they just let their emotions get away from them.
As time went on, things got better, but I was skeptical of their attraction in part because I was told about it more than I was shown. The thing that made them click was was Raphael dives into the sea to save Lisbeth and Nari, but other than that moment, the plot doesn't do much to help the protagonists develop as a couple. Mostly, it has Lisbeth giving up some of her power and control, which could have been productive but didn't quite read so.
TL;DR: Any Duke in a Storm is a hot mess. It doesn't know what kind of book it's trying to be and tells far more than it shows, to its detriment.
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pumpkinsy0 · 10 months
Headconnons about....
Buck Merrill (im aware that there isn't much info about him) but I like him, he seems like a cool character.
I wanna know what you think of him. How would you describe him and his life (meaning him working in the bar, him being friends with Darry, Dally and Tim)
How did Buck and Darry meet
How did Buck and Dally meet
How did Buck and Tim meet
Who did Buck meet first and where (for the three of them? In different places ofc)
How would he celebrate his birthday if he every has/celebrates it, you know just simple little things and how he got there in Tulsa.
Now I would like to headconnon that, Buck used to be a greaser with Darry and them but he retired and got the bar thingy (its fine if you don't like it) ohhh you should add how good a fighter he was (when he was a greaser) I feel like he really was a good fighter but he's a old man (He's not really old he's 25 y/o) he retired😭
In the beginning I said "Im aware there's not information on Buck" but I would love to see what you come up with, also he's my 3rd favorite character. (SORRY FOR WRITING SO MUCH😭 I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU COME UP WITH ABOUT BUCK, AND HIM BEING MY FAVE..😭 I WANNA KNOW WHO YOU PUT FOR THE, "WHO DID BUCK MEET FIRST" [THANK-YOU😭🙏🏻])
•personally, i like buck, he seems alright from what little we know about him
•i imagine him to b as put together as darry, but like a bit more grim, but slightly funny w messed up humor if that makes sense, he works at a bar ik hes seen some shit
•if i remember right i hc’d him as being black and trinidadian so he does have a bit of an accent, he moved to the us like 5 ish years ago, somewhere around there
•generally pretty chill guy if ur not annoying 24/7, hes that bartender who knows a lot about ppl bc ppl yap when theyre drunk
•his life obviously has hardships here n there but nothing like, too traumatic???? his life was just “pretty pathetic” as he would describe it so he got his shit together and got where he is now
•buck and darry met through tim before a rumble, tim was going to a rumble and darry was just seeing tim off cause he had to get back home(which was also before buck got the bar)
•tim and buck met bc buck used to b in the tiber street tigers (yes that is an actual gang in the book, yes i forgot exactly how they called themselves but it was somethin like that), tim and the street tigers used to have the alliance but that broke off and buck left not so soon after, and buck got a job working at the bar he would soon own and it was close to where tim lived
•buck doesnt belong to a gang now but its not uncommon to see him w tim for a bit
•dally and buck met when dally just moved to tulsa, before buck got the bar he was this worker another guy who owned the bar and buck and him became friends (not friends friends but not strangers either), eventually when the guy gave buck ownership of the bar, buck offered him a place bc buck knew what it was like to just bounce place to place not having a steady home and believe it or not doesnt want dally dying of like hypothermia
•he says its bc he doesnt want dally to hit that stage of hypothermia where u just feel rlly hot so u take ur clothes off n ur just naked n die cause “cops r gonna fall over just seeing ur ugly body bro just stay here”, so yea friendship🫶🏽🫶🏽
•he knows dally doesnt rlly live at the bar its kinda just a place for him to go if he has nowhere else, one stable thing in his life kinda
•as for his friendship for darry, its not a deep one, they respect each others hustle but dont understand each others life style but it’s whatever, if darry needs to vent w a lil prying and one singular drink from buck, he’ll say somethings
•w tim, not the closest of friemds as i said but the closest thing to a friendship between buck and dally and darry
•so in order of who he met it first to last goes dally, tim, then darry
•buck doesnt rlly celebrate his bday???? he does drink a bit more and indulge in junk food more but thats just about it, nothing special, he doesnt hate his bday its just, nobodys there to celebrate it w him so y would he put in the effort
•at best he drinks w tim maybe dally n goes “happy bday to me”
•hes that guy that nobody rlly knows his bday but everytime u see him hes just older, wether physically or like actually just older
•to b less depressing however, one bday he did get a dog and so buck does have a dog thats just runnin around in the bar, its like the mascot and everyone loves em, that dog is pretty much his best friend
•i do like that idea of him retiring from gang stuff n just getting a bar to “retire” so im stealing that now thx 😋😋 /j
•as for his days in the tiber street tigers, idk it wasnt much, he wasnt close to anyone in that gang, he was respected tho, he was a pretty good fighter, he was in that gang from when he was 18-20
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crvvys · 1 year
Started reading Notes from a Young Black Chef by Kwame Onwuachi and I’m really liking it so far. I like how he’s addressing how white the fine dining industry is and how he doesn’t believe in dimming his own light and “paying dues” he’s just ambitious bc it’s instilled in him by his upbringing to make his own opportunities even if he fails. I’m not too far in yet but I know he name drops racist white chefs later lol and he’s constantly talking about how his childhood was full of different flavours and cuisines merging together with Deep South African American cuisine from his maternal side and Nigerian cuisine from his paternal side and Caribbean influences from his Trinidadian step-grandpa. i like how he’s giving the history and explaining the similarities between West African food and our food. and each chapter seems to have a recipe related to them that he lists later for readers to use so it’s a memoir/cookbook too
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mr-laveau · 2 years
The similarities between our freelancers (name, things they do) is slowly scaring me
Call me Penny-wise cuz I'm apparently scaring the hoes/j
I do seem to get that a lot tho😅. Fern is typically a pretty common name choice for enby peeps so I get where that comes in but in terms of what they do... I'll need elaboration on that cuz fern does a lot. If anything, I could this opportunity to talk about things I've done for my FL that I don't think many other people have if it calms the nerves!
My FL is in fact of Caribbean descent, they're Trinidadian! Their mother is Columbian/Venezuelan and their father is afro-caribbean, born and raised in Trinidad! This makes fern afro-latine/Hispanic! They speak with a Trinidadian accent and they're a pretty fast talker at that.
They're (I'm sure this isn't new to the fandom) is polyamorous! While canonically FL does date Gavin, my FL just skipped that route and grabbed all the boyfriends in DAMN and dates anyone else I ship them with (Sam, Darin, Lovely and etc)!
Fern is a cheerleader at DAMN! While I'm not entirely sure there would even be a need for cheerleaders at DAMN, I just like that because it makes their dynamic with Hux even sweeter and I feel like they could use the extracurricular doing something else that isn't staring at a book.
They also have a huge thing for the vintage aesthetic! They walk around with older stuff they got from their family like cassettes, walkmans, they use two phones, a regular smartphone and an older button phone + etc! They're very curious about things that were around long before them and are a history buff!
I dunno, these are just a few fun facts and nothing deep just cuz I saw the chance and I felt like sharing em! These probably aren't new either but I do like them and I don't think many people have these kinds of hcs so;
fuck it, we ball!
Anyways, have a great day!
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llita · 11 months
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tobagoadventures · 11 months
As a Trinidadian, my love for Tobago runs deep. It’s not just the picturesque beaches or the lush green landscapes that captivate me, but the unique charm and tranquility that this island paradise offers. Tobago holds a special place in my heart, and every visit feels like a homecoming.
Growing up in Trinidad, I was always aware of the allure of Tobago. Its reputation as a tropical haven, just a short ferry or plane ride away, enticed me from a young age. As soon as I set foot on Tobago’s shores at the age of 18, I was instantly captivated by its beauty and serenity. One of the things I adore about Tobago is the warm and welcoming nature of its people. From the locals who greet you with genuine smiles to the vibrant culture that permeates every aspect of life, Tobago exudes a sense of community and hospitality that is truly unmatched.
The pristine beaches of Tobago are a sight to behold. From the most popular and talked about Pigeon Point with its crystal-clear waters and powdery white sand, to the hidden gems like Englishman’s Bay and Castara Bay, each beach offers a unique experience. How can I forget my favorite beach? Store Bay, just saying the name brings calmness. Store Bay beach boasts stunning turquoise waters, and soft golden sand. The overall atmosphere is relaxed, making it an ideal spot for a day of sunbathing and enjoying the natural beauty of Tobago. Whether I’m lounging under the shade of a palm tree, snorkeling amidst colorful coral reef or simply taking a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, the beaches of Tobago never fail to leave me in awe.
As a Trinidadian, my love for Tobago is not just about the physical beauty or the tourist attractions. It’s about the connection I feel with this sister island, the sense of peace and tranquility it brings to my soul. Tobago is my escape, my sanctuary, where I can truly unwind and reconnect with nature.
In this blog, I aim to share my experiences, insights, and adventures as a Trinidadian exploring the wonders of Tobago. Join me on this journey as we delve into the hidden treasures, uncover the local secrets, and embrace the magic that Tobago has to offer. Together, let’s celebrate the love affair between Trinidad and Tobago, and showcase the beauty of this Caribbean gem.
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Pigeon Point beach taken on my recent visit 😍
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stradarecords · 2 years
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TRINIDADIAN DEEP / GUIDANCE EP : ROUGH HOUSE ROSIE (12") 【再入荷!】Ron TrentのレーベルFuture VisionやVolcovのNeroli等からのリリースで知られるアーティストTrinidadian DeepがドイツのレーベルRough House Rosieから12インチをリリース!パーカッシヴなRon Trent直系のトラックにオルガン・ソロが渋いA1を筆頭に、ファンの期待を裏切らないオーガニックなスピリチュアル・ディープ・ハウスを展開! #TrinidadianDeep #RoughHouseRosie #deephouse #house #12inch #strddeephouse #strd12inch #vinyl#record#stradarecords#dj#vinyljunkies#kobe#motomachi#strada#recordshop#recordstore#神戸レコード#元町レコード#レコード店#レコード#アナログ https://www.stradarecords.com/shop/item/16615/index.php (at Strada Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CotMydLPlLw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thebonesofhoudini · 2 years
Here’s the latest episode of my show on Twitch which is every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm to 10pm MT (10pm to 12am EST) at twitch.tv/temisanadoki. Played some good stuff as usual.
Universal Dialect - Nothing New
Rise - Do You Know Him? (Instrumental)
Wendel Sield - Missing Chant (Trinidadian Deep Dub)
Cosmic Garden - Drive Me To The Sun
Tom Joyce - Sun Palace
Tuomas Salmela - The Piece (Phonogenic Deep Mix)
Aloe Văru - Maybe Some Heat
Hame - Moments Like Now
Ruse - Masami
Bolam - Moving Lights
Fred P - Fly High
Retouched - Ten Years
Ivory - Try (Club Edit)
Nechkin - Bizar
Harrison BDP - Where You To
Guy From Downstairs - Lotus
Roger Gerressen - Fluctuations
Mettle Music - Tranquility (Dub)
Glenn Underground - G&S Motion
Liou - Dance Planet
Azura - Theme From Azura (Dream Version)
Terry Bones - Angel's Groove
Blue Minds - Eternal Heaven
Shebuzzz & Heavenchord - Peacemaker
Perpetual - Hypnotic Venom
Narouua - Peace
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priokskfm · 3 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset Traxsource LIVE! #486 with Terry Hunter Chicago's very own Terry Hunter is back on the decks this week for Traxsource LIVE! Terry is part of the legendary Chosen Few DJs and owns T's Box Recordings as well as Mirror Ball Recordings where you will find his latest smash hit with Deon Cole 'Post That' which is out now exclusively at Traxsource! Terry delivers a masterful blend of deep, soulful & funk this week with tunes from Emmaculate, Glenn Underground, DJ Spen, Alton Miller, Orlando Voorn and more. Get ready to vibe! 20+ countries, 80+ radio networks and 10 million+ weekly listeners can’t be wrong. Keep it Traxsource. Keep it underground. Follow us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/traxsource Follow us on Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/e9BCXH3 Follow us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/DSiZJGC Follow us on Instagram: https://ift.tt/oBNG5CW Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/traxsource Terry Hunter - https://ift.tt/nvLI5tz Post That ft. Deon Cole - https://ift.tt/oi9wSOb Mirror Ball Recordings - https://ift.tt/bj2lUiD TERRY HUNTER - TRACKLISTING: JUN 27TH, 2024 01. Trinidadian Deep - Dub U Right - noctu recordings 02. Alton Miller - Light 03. Col Lawton - Ready For The Moment (Terry Hunter Remix) 04. Terry Hunter - When I Fell In Love Remix - Faith 05. Gianni Bini, Karmina Dai - Lately (Emmaculate Remix) 06. Deon Cole, Terry Hunter - Post That - Mirror Ball Recordings 07. Glenn Underground - Orchestra Electronica 08. Digital Native - Goodness Praise Break Remix - B.D.M. Music Group, LLC 09. Aaron K. Gray, DJ Spen, Gary Hudgins - Obey - Quantize Recordings 10. Orlando Voorn - Freedom - Fluid Funk FORTHCOMING GUESTS ON TRAXSOURCE LIVE! • X-Press 2 (July 4th) • Risk Assessment (July 11th) traxsource, Emmaculate, Faith, "traxsource live", "house music", "deep house", "Terry Hunter", "Chicago House", "Soulful House", "Deon Cole", "Post That", "Mirror Ball Recordings", "Glenn Underground", "DJ Spen", "Gianni Bini", "Fluid Funk", "Alton Miller", "Digital Native", "Karmina Dai" www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/SQNx7nV
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bouponnn · 4 months
Exploring the Richness of African Caribbean Grocery: A Culinary Journey
A Melting Pot of Flavors
One of the defining characteristics of African Caribbean groceries is their diversity. These stores showcase an eclectic mix of ingredients reflecting the history of the African diaspora, including the legacy of the transatlantic slave trade and the subsequent migration patterns that spread African cultures across the Caribbean and beyond. Staples like cassava, plantains, yams, and ackee mingle with fiery Scotch bonnet peppers and aromatic spices like allspice, nutmeg, and ginger.
A Feast for the Senses
Walking through the aisles of an African Caribbean Grocery, you are enveloped in a riot of colors, textures, and aromas. Fresh produce such as callaloo (amaranth greens), okra, and breadfruit sit alongside dried goods like black-eyed peas, pigeon peas, and a variety of beans. The shelves are lined with specialty products like jerk seasoning, sorrel drink mix, and bottles of tangy tamarind sauce. Each item tells a story of resilience, adaptation, and creativity in the face of historical challenges.
Embracing Tradition in Modern Cooking
For those seeking to recreate authentic African Caribbean dishes or infuse their cooking with new flavors, these grocery stores are invaluable resources. Recipes handed down through generations come to life with the right ingredients at hand. Whether preparing a spicy Jamaican jerk chicken, a comforting West African peanut stew, or a Trinidadian doubles (a street food featuring fried bread with chickpea curry), the key lies in using the right spices, produce, and pantry essentials.
Preserving Cultural Heritage
Beyond mere ingredients, African Caribbean Grocery Store play a vital role in preserving cultural heritage. They serve as community hubs where elders share recipes and younger generations connect with their roots through food. The act of preparing and sharing meals is imbued with deep cultural significance, reinforcing bonds and transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next.
Health and Wellness Through Traditional Foods
In recent years, the health benefits of many African Caribbean ingredients have gained recognition. Staples like sweet potatoes, okra, and callaloo are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. The use of fresh herbs and spices, rather than heavy fats and sugars, contributes to flavorful, health-conscious cooking. This emphasis on natural ingredients aligns with contemporary dietary trends promoting whole foods and plant-based eating.
An Invitation to Explore
For those curious about world cuisines or eager to expand their culinary horizons, African Caribbean groceries offer an invitation to explore. They provide a gateway into the heart of diverse cultures, offering a taste of the Caribbean islands, West Africa, and beyond. Whether seeking a taste of nostalgia, a dash of adventure, or simply the joy of discovering new flavors, these groceries beckon with their warmth and authenticity.
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talia-ebook · 4 months
Welcome to Island Girl Food: Let's Dive into Deliciousness!
Introduction: Hey there, welcome to Island Girl Food! This is where we're all about the flavors, the stories, and the joy that comes with every bite. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or just starting to explore the kitchen, get ready for a journey through the wonderful world of food with a Caribbean twist.
Let's Talk Food: Food is more than just something to fill your belly; it's a whole experience, a way of connecting with different cultures, and a way to share love and memories. Here on Island Girl Food, we're going to dive deep into all kinds of cuisines, from spicy Jamaican jerk chicken to comforting Trinidadian doubles. There's so much deliciousness out there, and we're going to taste it all.
Sharing the Good Stuff: One of the best parts about food is sharing it, right? Well, get ready to share and explore some amazing recipes here on Island Girl Food. Whether you're looking for quick and easy meals, decadent desserts, or just some kitchen inspiration, we've got you covered. Let's cook up some magic together and make memories around the table.
Let's Connect: Food has this amazing power to bring people together, and I'm all about that here on Island Girl Food. Whether you're cooking for your family, hosting a dinner party with friends, or just chatting with fellow foodies online, let's come together and celebrate the deliciousness of life.
Conclusion: So there you have it, welcome to Island Girl Food! I'm so excited to have you here, and I can't wait to share all kinds of tasty recipes, stories, and adventures with you. Grab a plate, pull up a chair, and let's dive into deliciousness together.
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audiomovement · 5 months
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epicuross · 9 months
Trinidadian Deep - Sweetness You Bring
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sexypinkon · 9 months
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Sexypink - Incredibly excited to announce this call for submissions as part of a collaboration between The Cutlass Magazine and the Institute for Gender and Development Studies at The University of the West Indies in St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago alongside Senior Lecturer Dr. Gabrielle Hosein. This project is seeking photos and videos of the plants, fruits, and vegetables brought by indentured labourers in their jahajin and jahaji bandals (bundles) as they now are situated, nurtured, living, and growing in the Caribbean and Caribbean-descended people’s homes, backyards, agricultural gardens and travel routes in the region and its diaspora. We all know about the deep connection between our Indo-Caribbean community and the land that we were brought to nurture. The impact our people have had on the landscape and topography of the West Indies is incredible and this initiative will serve as a visual journal to illuminate these influences. Please use the provided links on the flyer for more technical information about the submissions and important deadlines. Also do not hesitate to reach out to me and/or Dr. Hosein with questions. It will be very much appreciated if you all could forward this to individuals you know who might be able to participate. This project is in honour of Professor Brinsley Samaroo, the prolific Indo-Trinidadian academic and historian who passed away this year and was fascinated by cultural landscapes.
Inquiries (please address to both Harrichan and Hosein):
Links (additional project details and submission forms):
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nickmacleanjazz · 1 year
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From Press Release:
Over a trio of Fridays in September, multi-award winning trumpet player and jazz iconoclast BROWNMAN ALI will take a deep dive into 3 of jazz history's most impactful trumpet players, investigating the work of Dizzy Gillespie, Freddie Hubbard & Miles Davis, accompanied by some of Toronto's top-tier jazz artists -- including 10x Global Music Award winner Nick Maclean on piano who appears in all 3 shows; alongside next-gen bass gurus Chris Parnis, Bennett Young & Ben Duff; in-demand drummer Petros Anagnostakos (just back from New York) and 21 year old drumset phenom Jackson Haynes.
CONTXT by Trane, 254 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto Doors at 6:30pm | Concert at 7:30pm $20 Advance (per show) | $30 Door (per show) $45 for all 3 shows (package available until Sept. 9)
Buy special 3 show deal HERE
Limited tickets available for this project. Please purchase early. All show information at Trumpets.Brownman.com
FRI-SEP-15 :: Brownman Ali - trumpet & percussion :: Nick Maclean - piano :: Chris Parnis - upright bass :: Petros Anagnostakos - drums
From his time with Charlie Parker as one of the leaders in bebop, to his solo explorations, through to his later years delving into World music, Dizzy Gillespie has always been a force of nature as a jazz trumpet player. But his place in history was assured through a combination of musicianship, showmanship and wit -- traits shared by Trinidadian-born elite trumpet player Brownman Ali, who will spend a night examining compositions both written by and made famous by the great Dizzy Gillespie. You'll be sure to hear "Manteca", "A Night In Tunisia", "Hot House", "Groovin' High" and many more Dizzy classics. BUY TICKETS
FRI-SEP-22 :: Brownman Ali - trumpet & effects :: Nick Maclean - piano & synth :: Bennett Young - acoustic & electric basses :: Petros Anagnostakos - drums
Freddie Hubbard's iconicly powerful approach and energized style have profoundly shaped the evolution of many, including 2x National Jazz Award winner Brownman Ali, who will take on the sobering task of paying musical tribute to one of the greatest jazz trumpet players in the history of the jazz artform. Ali and an all-star hand-picked ensemble will bound through 2 sets Freddie Hubbard's inspired compositions - the 1st set from Freddie's acoustic period ("Ready for Freddie", "Open Sesame", etc) and the 2nd set showcasing his later electric period on the CTI label ("Red Clay", "Skydive", etc). BUY TICKETS
FRI-SEP-29 :: Brownman Ali - trumpet & effects :: Nick Maclean - piano & synth :: Ben Duff - acoustic & electric basses :: Jackson Haynes - drums
In one spectacular evening, spanning 2 unique sets, multi-award winning jazz trumpet iconoclast Brownman Ali -- heralded by the Hamilton Spec as "one of the greatest interpreters of Miles Davis' work in Canada" -- will lead an all-star quintet through the many different musical eras of Miles Davis' always evolving career; from bebop to cool, Coltrane to Shorter, electric-jazz to hip-hop. This show is a single night version of Brownman's heavily lauded month-long FIVE WEEKS FOR MILES series, compressed down into a single night expansive deep-dive into Miles' music. BUY TICKETS
All show information at Trumpets.Brownman.com
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llita · 6 months
this song is so beautiful to me.
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