#tristan de martel imagine
madhatterbri · 1 year
Smitten | E.M.
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Summary: Lucien's little sister catches the eye of Lord Elijah. Tristan de Martel fills her head with lies to keep them away. They finally talk after week of avoidance.
Guess which season I'm on in The Originals. 😅😅 Not my GIF. Requests welcomed. ❤️
Kiera hummed softly while she walked through the halls of Count de Martels castle. Ever since her brother, Lucien, left to fetch the Count de Guise children she was lonely. She hoped he would be home soon.
Within a few hours, Lucien was back along with the de Guise children. The Count de Martels was suspicious at first, but warmed up to them at the sight of Lady Rebekah. Kiera noticed the other siblings behavior.
Lord Finn was the more serious of the bunch. He only spoke short answers to her. Lord Niklaus was smitten by the Lady Aurora the moment he locked on eyes on her. Lord Kol was sneaky and always seemed to leave the castle. He claimed he was bored.
The lord that captured her attention the most was Lord Elijah. He spoke to her as often as he could. At first, she welcomed the attention. The lord was handsome and kind. He spoke of many wonderful things about his travels. Kiera often looked forward to seeing him.
Unfortunately, Tristan de Martel, the Count's son, noticed the pair. He cornered her one day and spoke of the Lord Elijah just looking for a plaything. He said that she was only a servant and no man of higher standing would ever want her for more than to just warm his bed. That night she ran to her brother and cried.
The next few weeks she avoided Lord Elijah. Her heart was broken. She missed talking to the lord, but she felt betrayed. He spoke so nobly but was only messing with her. Despite his efforts to speak to her she managed to get away from him. One night she could not avoid him.
The Count de Martel threw a small feast outside. Aurora de Martel gave her the night off. This usually meant she was sneaking off with Lord Niklaus. She didn't mind it of course and would never tell a soul. Kiera was happy her friend found someone to make her happy the way Lord Elijah used to with her.
Kiera stood several tall bushes to watch the festivities. She avoided being spotted to not have to work. Lords and Ladies were dancing and talking. They were in high spirits although the ale might have helped them. She searched for Lord Elijah but couldn't spot him.
Sudden movement and noise caught her attention. She turned to see Elijah staring at her. He appeared completely entranced by her. His mouth hung open while he played with a necklace in his hands.
"Lord Elijah," she gasped. "Is there something you need?"
"Forgive me for staring. I do believe that is one of Lady Aurora's old dresses is it not? You look stunning,"
Kiera blushed at his kind words. Her heart fluttered wildly. Her thoughts suddenly spoke louder than her heart. The unkind words spoken by Tristan de Martel replayed loudly.
What would a Lord want with a lowly servant girl?
"I am not one to be toyed with Lord Elijah. Please go back to the party. I have no time for such games," she spat. Her legs carried her farther from him.
"Games? My dear Kiera have I done something for you to speak to me like so?" He asked while following her. She walked to a hallway.
"I am not going to be another notch on your bed," she countered. She turned to look at him. Tears sprung to her eyes. "You have a sister. How could you use me?"
"Use you? My intentions for you have been pure since the day we met at court. Who has poisoned you against me?"
They stared into each other's eyes. He appeared to be genuine. Memories of their past interactions showed him to be a man with a crush. He never did anything to hurt her. She felt like such a fool.
"Tristan de Martel," she whispered. A blush creeping on her face. "He told me that I was a plaything to you and no Lord would ever want me,"
"Good thing I'm no real Lord," he assured her while rubbing a thumb over a tear that slid down. She leaned in close to him but stopped. His breath tickling her face. He leaned in as well and kissed her softly.
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piscesbae7 · 7 months
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‘ G o r g e o u s ’
Tristan De Martel x ImmortalWitch!Reader .
“ I’m not stupid, Y/N. I know that you’re in love with my brother. ” Aurora says with a playful smirk.
I sigh, staring blankly up at the art that littered the ceiling of the newest Strix mansion.
“ It doesn’t matter, Aurora. He’ll only ever see me as a colleague. He’s made it more than clear. ”
“ Don’t be so sure. He doesn’t keep just anyone around this long. ” She replies with a wink, her lavish accent shining through.
I lift my glass of bourbon to my crimson red painted lips, quickly guzzling the overpowering liquid.
“ Whatever. ” I say with a sigh, trying to appear nonchalant. “ Let’s talk about something else. Have you picked a gown yet for the next gala? ”
“ Not yet, should we make a trip to the city this weekend? surely my elder brother can excuse you for a few hours. ” she purrs, smiling.
“ I’m sure that can be arranged! ” I smile, straightening my charcoal mini skirt.
I see aurora glance at the door, instantly knowing who it is. I turn to see none other than Tristan De Martel, so magnetic it was almost obnoxious.
Walking towards Aurora and I. She stands to greet him, wrapping her arms around his taller frame as I stand there, trying not to stare.
“ Y/N, darling im glad you could make it! I assumed you’d be arriving Monday, along with Aya. ” He says, angelic in the way his raspy voice echoes off the walls as he ever so gently grabs my hand, kissing the back.
“ Well, I figured i’d surprise you. ” I say with a smile, before he starts talking with the lovely Aurora.
A true work of art in his black pea coat, fragrant of luxurious vanilla cologne and foreign cigars.
“ Can I make you a drink, Tristan? ” I offer, tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear.
“ Yes, please. Thank you sweetheart. ” He purrs, smiling in my direction before continuing his conversation with his younger sister.
I walk over to the large, fully stocked bar, grabbing a clean glass and a fresh bottle of scotch. Aurora was right, I am *so* whipped. A faux sense of hope washes over me, as I can’t help but think about what it would be like to be loved by the Strix leader.
But alas, i’m not. To him, im just another person who runs around doing his bidding.
But a girl can dream, right ?
. . .
. . .
‘ you’re so gorgeous , i cant say anything to your face. ‘cause look at your face! ’
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
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theoriginaltribid-1 · 2 years
Hi! So I’m new to tumblr and I’ve been looking at smut stories ranging from The Vampire Dairies to Stranger Things. Even the originals. So I’ve definitely noticed that there is no Tristan de Martel smut, well not many anyway. Those I saw of people requesting it and saying they don’t know who he is or it’s not on my masterlist, im making a Tristan de Martel smut series along with many other TVDU characters 😁
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lordofthestrix · 6 months
Kwanzaa, New Years, Boxing Day, Stocking
Kwanzaa: tag someone who you see as a positive influence & who influences unity in the rpc For this one I'm going to choose 🅹🆄🅻🅴🆂 (@ladamedemartel) Not only a prodigious wonder at uniting people from all kinds of fandoms under the banner of shared appreciation towards her writing talent and Aurora de Martel but she often goes the extra mile in matters of kindness. This meme itself, one I reblogged from her territory, is a fine example. She decided to post it anew when confronted with technical difficulties just to share some December-style positiveness. Some might find her outmoded theories and encouragement related to the supposed need of humans beings to sleep a tad...Antiquated. But one cannot doubt that even in such questionable and unproved scientific propositions, her heart is certainty in the right place.
New Years: tag someone who you've known/followed/written with/etc for a long time. This time I'm going to select the bold, daring option of 【J】【u】【l】【e】【s】 (@ladamedemartel) In between the frenetic exchange of passionate ramblings and our alliance in the survival of certain horrors that shall remain unnamed, we have quite the history. Boxing Day: tag someone whose writing style you love 𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤 (@ladamedemartel) My two Tristan blogs could be justifiably separated as the questionable prototype and the one where the writing got better thanks to the challenge of her wonderful threads. If her writing ever reminds you of a legal brief, it is purely in the sense that she is the law in all things Aurora. Stocking: tag someone whose small gestures have meant a lot to you
The ultimate and most unexpected of plot twists: 𝓙𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 (@ladamedemartel) I imagine I probably have been an inconsistent chaos to deal with (In general and by merit of my nature, yes, but more so this year) and she has been ridiculously amazing. Always surprising and delighting with her messages, upgrades, various stories and visits.
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malka-lisitsa · 5 months
"How do you feel about...Let's say...Tristan de Martel?"
Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?” Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they’ll have to answer honestly.
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"Real smooth buddy. Didn't see that one coming a mile away at all."
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"I feel a few things towards you actually. The main being curiosity. My knowledge of you as a whole is lacking I must say. That might be because your beef seems to be with Elijah, not Klaus- and there for we've never had a common enemy so to speak. However now that I do know of you I find you fascinating. I even admire you a little bit. I mean you what? Took over an organization Elijah started and then turned it against him? That's bold and incredibly sexy."
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"I am a fan of masterfully done underhanded deeds. Especially when they're done to others. If I'm completely honest I am a little afraid of you too. I'm usually the smartest person in the room but I must concede that title to you, unfortunately. You've been at this longer than I have and it clearly shows.
Unfortunately I must confess that I fear you sister more than you. She's everything you are.... but far more impulsive. I can see why The Mikaelsons were careful to keep you a secret. I imagine the last thing they would want is three clever creatures with incredibly sharp bones to pick with them, teaming up to plot their demise.
So to sum it up, curiosity, admiration, fear, and respect."
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justlulu · 2 years
The Originals
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In the wolf’s lair - Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes
Ritual - Klaus Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert
Katerina - Klaus Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce
To make him happy - Klaus Mikaelson
Marked - Klaus Mikaelson
The Lord - Tristan De Martel
Peaky Blinders
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Respect and Revenge - Luca Changretta, Matteo
Soldatino - Luca Changretta, Matteo
Stress relief- Luca Changretta, Matteo
Behind your back - Luca Changretta
Family business - Changretta Family
Waking up from a nightmare the night before Luca leaves for Birmingham
Getting hurt and Luca’s men taking care of you
Two men molest the wrong victim
Luca Changretta being your Daddy would include
Assumptions on Matteo
Assumptions on Frederico
The Riot Club
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Brother mode - James Leighton- Masters
Invino Veritas - Ed Montgomery
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julincantations · 1 year
Is it rewarding being Tristan’s yippy lap dog? I can’t imagine it’s rewarding having to humor his every whim. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
Juliette looked straight into the eyes of the vampire. Her lips curved into a mysterious smile. She called him with her finger even though she was the one that approached before giving him time to react. Getting really close. Ready to whisper him a secret. "Woof! Woof woof!!" The redhead gave him his yippee lap dog. Howling right next to Lucien's very sensible vampire ear before bursting into laughter Light as a feather. Without a care in the world she left as easy as she came. Letting her arms free and doing a couple of twirls just for the fun of it while talking. "Lord Tristan de Martel is a visionary and a genius. The greatest man I know and my guardian angel. So yeah. It is a lot of fun to serve him Mr CEO. Even if he didn't spoil me with grimoires and little magical treasures that would blow the mind of other witches, and we are talking literally with some of them, or if he didn't protect me from everything the way he does, this would still be my dream life." She stopped the playful whirls and shrugged her shoulders.
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"He didn't have to give me anything. I was the one that asked to be useful to him after we met. Do I belong to him? Yes. And you are crazy if you think you can make me feel ashamed about it."
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A threat (Tristan de Martel x Reader)
Anon: Hi, I am a big fan of The Originals. And it is not enough to say I love your imagines of this show. I am a big fan of Tristan. I really enjoy your writing. Mainly because you don't always with a happy end. You do it just right. It feels like you really put emotions in it how would people react not how fangirl react. SO can you do one for me? With Tristan? Like Aurora gets crazy again and tries to hurt the reader because she thinks the reader is taking her brother away. Have fun with it! Thanks!
Thank you for your request. I hope you like it. Love ya all.
Imagine is mine! Gifs are not. 
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Reader's point of view
As a vampire, you would think that I am the predator and there is nothing to worry about. But that's wrong. I am not the original, that means I can be killed. I am old and I know how to fight and how to kill but still, I have to watch my back. 
Not being from New Orleans, it is a lot easier. Most of the killing happens because of them and their behalf. The drama of supernatural happens on every corner. 
I am one of the first ones to be created. I am not completely connected to the originals. I was not created by one of them. Anyway, I feel the connection to them. I was created by Tristan. A long time ago. 
After Mikealsons compelted him to believe that he was one of them. He and his family were running for their life. When he finds out who he really is. When he remembered who e is, he meets me. I was human, living in a small village, living a lonely life. 
Then out of blue, he comes. I knew right away he was different. And I don't just mean not human. It just felt right. Even when people around me told me to stay back. 
They were just passing by. Running from something I didn't know. Then I find out it was someone. They spend in the village longer time then they originally wanted. I remember it like it was yesterday. 
Tristan comes to me every day. He saw me and treated me like I was a goddess. I felt special. So when he asked me if I am ready to spend all eternity with him I didn' t need to think about it twice. I left with them. And since then I haven't left Tristan's side. 
Right now I am heading to his house to see him. I went to meet a witch that wanted to get herself to Tristan's company. She said she has some information for him. I went to see her to know if it is even worth our time. ANd it wasn't. 
I went in like in my home. It is my home. I don't expect Tristan to be here jet. He said he has something to handle with Marcel. I got up stars, took off my jacket and I was about to get myself a drink when I sensed her. 
“I didn't know you were coming,” I said honestly. 
I didn't look at her. I know where she is. I can hear her move, her breath. I know her for so long. Aurora. A woman that got even Klaus Mikaelson fell for her. She was dangerous like her brother. 
“Well, no one knew,” she laughs. 
I never really trusted her. Not that I didn't love her. She was like a sister to me. Yes was. Then she went crazy for Klaus. She became an animal. I like to keep her away from my body. I know what she means to Tristan. I respect that. 
“I expected my brother to be here. That just makes me sad,” Aurora continues. 
“I am sure he will be here soon.” I turn around to look at her. 
Her hair is a mess. I don't know how she got here. Or where she was. Tristan didn't let anyone know. For her safety. 
“I am sure you would like that.” She said without emotions. “It comes handy that we are alone. We can talk.” 
“We can talk even when we are not alone.” I was trying to be calm. I didn't know what she wanted. I don't know what she will do. I know what she is capable of. 
“I like it this way.” she smiled like a devil. “Noone in my way. Accept you.” 
“I am not in your way to anything. You know that.” I tried to reason with her. Even when I knew it was for no use. 
“How can you be so calm?” She came closer to me. “I know what you are doing. You think I am stupid?” She was yealing now. 
“Please. Calm down. Tell me what is happening.” I put down the glass so she doesn't feel threatened. “I would never hurt you. You know that.”
“I am really hurt by you.” She was screaming. 
I didn't know what to do. I really don't want to hurt her. I like her, I always liked her. No matter what she ever did to other people. I love her. She is my family. 
“What did I ever did to you?” I just stood there. Hoping for Tristan to show up. I don't know what will happen. I don't know what will I do. Is there anything I can do against her? I don't believe there is. 
“You are taking him!”
With every sentence that she shouted, she got closer to me. Should I go closer to her? Should I start to back away from her?
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“What is happening here?” voice spoken behind of me.  It felt like a stone fell from the heart. I am so happy that he is back. For myself and for the safety of his sister. Now the situation can be dealt with. No harm needed. 
“You are not surprised to see me?” now she seems calm but everyone knows the truth. 
“I would be surprised if I didn't know what you did to those poor mongs.” I was angry with her. I know him long enough. 
“That is what happens to people who want to control my life.” 
I stepped away from them. I want to give them space. I know what they feel for each other and what they are capable of. I respect them. I am gonna show it to them. 
Tristan just smiled at her. I quest he wants to welcome her here. I have a bad feeling it is not going to go so well. And if it will, next time I see her alone I will get the hit. 
“Now, what were you two just talking about?” he looked at me. “Before I walked in, hmm?” his eyes were back at Aurora. He was waiting for his answer. 
“I don't actually know,” I said after a minute of silence from a redhaired woman. 
“You two know I don't like it when you fight each other.” he was losing it. 
“Well,” Aurora started, giving us the innocent look of a little girl. “I am not doing anything. I am just addressing it because I don't like what she is doing.” her voice was becoming louder again. “And I don't like you let her do what she is doing.” 
Now she is really angry. I hate to even think about it, but it seems like she is having one of her episodes. And that was a reason for her to be away. To get better and it didn't work well, because she stopped the process of getting better. 
“What did I do to you?” I asked her. I was getting sad. I was being called for something, for hurting someone I love. I would never do that. 
“You are taking away my brother and don't pretend you don't do it on purpose.” she gave me hate stare.  
I didn't understand. I love her. Yes, I love her brother. I would do anything for them. Why is she saying this? Does she really think that? I am doing it. I didn't know anything about where she was until now. I did not say to her brother anything about it. Did she think that I do? I don't want her to. 
“Calm down.” Tristan wanted to get to her but she didn't let him. “I don't understand what are you trying to tell me.” 
Did he agree with her? Was it true? I am so confused. 
I did not have enough time to think about it. She attacked. Just like that. Why? We can talk about it. We need to talk about what she feels. I need to let her know that it is not true. I love her. 
“I would never do anything against you. I love you. You are my family.” I started but it only makes her feel worst. 
Tristan was holding her in his arms. He was trying to hold her back. Back from me. She was furious. I didn't know what to do in that situation. I need to do something now. Every minute she was getting angrier. 
“Let's go! Now!” he was dragging her out of the room. 
I stayed alone. I didn't know what to do. What was a good thing to do in a situation like this? I am in shook. Like why is this happening?
Time skip 
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Reader's point of view
I am sitting on a sofa. Alone. I am alone since the accident. It feels weird. I didn't know what happened. Not really. I don't know where Tristan took his sister. 
Where are they? What are they doing? But most importantly, what is going to happen after they come back? Are they going to come back? 
I am really scared. I don't know what is going to happen. I don't know what I am going to do. 
Then he came into the room. My eyes are following him across the room. We were silent. I guess no one knows what to do or say about today. He took a glass and pour himself alcohol. 
“Well.” I started but didn't finish. 
“She feels better.” he drinks from his glass. “She is under control of herself.” 
“Okey,” I said. What else? What more can I do?
“I want you to know that a situation like this is unacceptable. A threat to you is a threat to me. I don't care if it is someone we know. Like my sister that can not control herself. Or a stranger. I am gonna deal with it on the same level.”
He looked me dead in the eye and I felt safe. I knew my place is here and I am not going anywhere.
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yootaesowlwrites · 4 years
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals Masterlist [RETIRED]
Updated: 31 July 2020
⌜Names with a ➥ next to them lead to a separate masterlist..
⌜Any Character with 3+ imagines/prompts will have a separate masterlist.
⌜[TBA] = To Be Announced
⌜◈ - Smut
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Damon Salvatore.
Elijah Mikaelson.
Are you In Love With Her? Imagine ft Hayley
Enzo St. John.
Jeremy Gilbert.
Kai Parker.
“Grab The Headboard For Me, Will Ya?” - Prompts B4* & B18* ft Katherine Pierce ◈
Katherine Pierce / Katerina Petrova.
“Grab The Headboard For Me, Will Ya?” - Prompts B4* & B18* ft Kai Parker ◈
Klaus Mikaelson.
“Stop Calling Me Princess!” - Prompts A6 & A9
Coming Home - Imagine
Kol Mikaelson.
From Friends To Lovers - Imagine
Lucien Castle.
Marcel Gerard.
Mikael Mikaelson.
Stefan Salvatore.
Tristan De Martel.
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moonlightsong · 6 years
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Elijah: Stay away from y/n. Tristan: Y/n can do what she wants.
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moremaybank · 2 years
a request about being tristan and aurora sister and klaus be in love with you ( not aurora) and you come back because of the prophecy and klaus is your sire ( basically the TO3 plot with a happy ending) :)
pairing klaus mikaelson x fem!reader
summary you and klaus fell in love when he came to stay with your family, the demartels, in france. but he leaves you in the dust when problems arise. what happens when a millennium later, you and klaus reconnect due to a war between the sirelines? (based on the TO3 plot)
warnings slight violence
author's note I'm so sorry this one took a while to come out, I really just wanted to make sure I did your idea justice😭 I hope you enjoy, love! Also, thank y'all so much for 100+ followers, we've grown so fast and it means so much to me
klaus masterlist
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Klaus had never encountered a girl more enchanting than the Lady Y/N. He still dreamt of her, even after all these years. The traces of lavender and vanilla in the tresses of her hair. Her glowing smile accompanied by the dimple in her right cheek. Her bright eyes and how he swore they held the stars in them. She was magnificence personified. And that haunted him.
Klaus was laid on the field with Y/N's head on his chest. His fingers ran through her hair as she drew light patterns on him with her fingertips. "If only we could remain like this forever," Y/N spoke. She thought of returning to the castle, seeing the faces of the family that had resented her since she'd killed her mother in childbirth. She thought of how unloved and unappreciated she'd felt her entire life. And then she thought about the man next to her, and how he had been the one to see everything they hadn't. "I know, my love. But I promise you, one day, we will marry. And we will have all the time in the world to adore each other."
He was also haunted by the reminder that he'd lost her. How she'd told him that she loved him and that she'd spend her whole life running with him if it meant that they could be together forever. But Klaus refused, knowing Mikael would destroy her the same way he had destroyed Klaus. And she was too precious to him to ever put in harm's way. So he let her go. He let her go just as he'd been forced to let go of everything his heart had ever desired, all in the name of Mikael.
"Niklaus, please. Make me like you. Strong, powerful. That way you won't have to worry about my safety as you do now. We can run from Mikael together. I cannot bear the thought of him hurting you, or losing you forever. I refuse," she pleaded, her hands cupping his jaw as she looked into the blue orbs of the only man she'd ever loved. Klaus grabbed her wrists gently, "No. You are perfect as you are. And I will only ruin you. So that is why you must remain here where you are safe." He stared into her eyes one last time ensuring the compulsion took, before parting from her for the last time.
Klaus thought back to that night, as he always did. He and his siblings were planning to leave France. He'd been on his way to bid farewell to the woman he loved. The woman he'd been waiting for. The woman he would have to release from the captivity that was his adoration. But all of those thoughts were put on hold as his gaze landed on the floor at the bottom of the steps, where Y/N was lying unconscious with a large gash on her forehead. And he knew that parting from her would be in her best interest, no matter how much it tore him apart inside.
"Y/N! No, no, no!" Klaus exclaimed as he ran to his beloved. He bit into his wrist and pressed it against her lips, praying to whatever god there was out there to allow his blood to save her. He sighed with relief as Y/N slowly regained consciousness, her fingers wrapping around Klaus' wrist as he held her in his arms. When she released his wrist from her lips, she turned to look at him. "What happened to you, my love?" Klaus questioned. "I was in search of you. Rebekah spoke to me of your plans to flee. I could not let you leave, not without me. We belong together, Niklaus. Don't you see?"
Klaus shook off his feelings of regret as he heard someone enter the courtyard. He left his bedroom, walking over to the main area of the compound. He stopped in his tracks as his eyes found her, standing right there in front of him with her arms crossed and an unbothered look on her face. He thought for sure that his paranoia had turned into full-blown hallucinations. It couldn't really be her, could it? A thousand years after he had chosen not to turn her, chosen to set her free from the curse of loving a Mikaelson. "Y/N?"
"I wasn't going to show up here, but Lucien oh-so-graciously reminded me that you aren't too fond of surprises," she spoke, taking a swig of the bourbon she'd poured herself. Klaus took a few steps toward her, choosing not to get too close. "How are you alive?" He questioned. "Mikael came looking for you and your family the night you fled France. Someone took it upon themselves to reveal to him that you and I were...connected. He found me and he drove his sword through my heart when he realized I had no intention of giving up your whereabouts. And thanks to the powers of vampire blood, here I am."
Klaus should have known that Mikael would always find a way to hurt him and his loved ones, no matter what lengths Klaus had gone through to protect them. It was something that never would have changed, had Klaus not defeated him. "I didn't want this for you, Y/N. I didn't," Klaus told her, looking into those same eyes he'd been dreaming about for a millennium. They still held those stars, held the same fire in them. The fire he feared he would have burnt out if he'd stayed with her. "Stop. I didn't come here for this. I only came to make my presence in 'your city' known. That's all," she said, setting her glass down as she began to walk out of the compound.
Klaus watched Y/N as she began to walk away. He watched as he was losing her again, and he knew he had to at least try to stop it. He couldn't let her go again, not after all the years of regret and pain he felt over leaving her. So, he flashed in front of her causing her to jump slightly as she stopped in her tracks. "Get out of my way, Klaus," Y/N said, her tone meaning business. "No. I'm not going to allow myself to lose you again, not when I have the opportunity to stop it." Y/N rolled her eyes, "I'm only here for the prophecy. Once this is all over I'm leaving, and I'll never have to see you again."
Okay. Not gonna lie, that stung. But he understood why she was acting the way she was. After all, he had set the course. But that didn't mean he was done trying. He would never give up on Y/N. "I love you, Y/N," Klaus spoke, looking straight into her eyes. "Don't. You don't get to just tell me you love me after a thousand years like it's nothing," she argued. Klaus raised his hands carefully to rest on her shoulders, "Can you honestly say that you feel nothing for me? Nothing at all?" He looked into those eyes again, and he knew she felt it too. That flame between them was still burning so brightly.
Y/N stared back at Klaus, the man she'd loved with everything in her. And then she came to her senses, breaking their shared gaze and removing herself from his grasp. "A millennium has passed and yet you've been in my heart every single day. Every. Damn. Day. But do you know what else is in my heart, Klaus? The hurt and the pain you caused me when you left me with the family who despised me just for being born. All I had was you, and you chose to leave me. I promised you I would stand by you and you promised me an eternity alone," Y/N explained.
"Because I was an idiot! I let the woman I thought could only ever exist in my dreams slip through my fingers due to my own fear and paranoia!" Klaus exclaimed. "Y/N, I love you. I have loved you since the first day I saw you, and I have loved you every day since then. And if you give me another chance, I swear to you that I will make you happy. I will spend the rest of my immortal life loving you and protecting you. I will give you the life you've always dreamt of, and I will not cause you another moment of pain. Please, Y/N. Don't leave me. Don't leave me here without you, again, because my heart won't bear it."
Y/N's instincts were screaming at her now, 'Run. Run fast. Don't let him suck you into his world again, just to be spat out when you're an inconvenience to him.' But when she looked into the eyes of the man she'd known so well, she knew. She knew he was true. His heart was true. And so was she. So was hers. And so she kissed him with everything in her. Pulling away, breathless, she looked up at him.
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showandwrite · 7 years
hey so I've read your short message and here is my idea :) number 61 with Tristan de Martel, you have really strange friendship but at hte end of the day you always find a way to each other and request your help. You have this crazy "talks" no one else understands even sometimes it looks like u are going to kill each other. Hope this makes sense, have a lovely afternoon :)
Tristan de Martel - "Welcome back. Now fucking help me."
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You yawned. The ropes drained in vervain started to itch a little, but you wouldn't give them the pleasure of seeing you so much as flinch. You were almost a thousand years old. You had been through worse and you had survived. Although you had to admit that your usual rescue was taking his time. You would give a lot for him to hurry up.
"I would strongly advice to let (Y/N) go."
You looked up when you heard a well known voice and your lips curled up into a smile. "I almost started to think that you were not going to show up this time." You raised your eyebrows a little and Tristan smirked at you while little lights danced in his eyes.
"I was busy with important things." He didn't even move while he ripped the heart out of one of your attackers. "My sister can be quite a handful to handle, as you might know." He pulled out another heart and with one look the other two vampires made sure to run as far away from you and Tristan as possible.
They wouldn't be able to escape their fate. But that was something they didn't need to know yet. After all, chasing them might become the highlight of the upcoming years of your life.
Especially if Tristan was planning on disappearing again.
"It's a good thing that you have two hands then, don't you think?" You raised your eyebrows and then you nodded at the ropes holding your wrists and ankles together. "But welcome back." You cocked your head. "Now fucking help me."
Tristan walked slowly towards you and even slower he started to untie your arms. The vervain didn't seem to bother him and the smirk on his lips grew brighter when he kneeled down in front of you. "Don't get used to me kneeling in front of you, love." He looked up at you and his glance met yours. "I don't kneel for anyone, but I'll make an exception today." He pushed himself up again and you let out a relieved sigh while you jumped up from your seat too.
"I'd never ask you to kneel for me, Tristan." You stuck your tongue between your lips and teasingly your shoulder brushed his while you walked past him. "But if I can ever return the favor, let me know and I'll be there." You looked over your shoulder one more time. "Although, I do have to admit that the image of you being all tied up does have something entertaining."
"Don't make me regret rescuing you, (Y/N)." Tristan used his unusual speed to appear in front of you within a blink of an eye. "Although, I might enjoy the thought of you being on your knees in front of me." He touched your cheek with the back of his hand, but you pushed his hand away.
"In your dreams, Tristan." You tapped the tip of his nose before you disappeared. You didn't doubt that you would see him again. You always did.
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
OHH ♥ - family headcanon for the Trinity :DDD
Sometimes, when he and Lucien meet to discuss some treaty, or a rare plan that will see the Strix and Lucien’s vampires working together, Tristan will start to slip. He has never let the word pass his lips and never will again, but the fine wine Lucien serves them loosens the tongue and when Lucien makes him laugh with witty comment, Tristan smiles and nearly calls him ‘brother’.
(For the headcanon meme.)
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lordofthestrix · 2 years
Aurora padded into Tristan's room with bare feet on the cold stone floor to try to conceal the sound of her foot steps. She would settle for nothing but her glad tidings being the first thing that her brother heard now that the hours had passed and it was officially his birthday. Once she was close enough to the bed, she let her body fall into his with a laugh and a joyous cry to wish him well on this birthday. "I'm going to spoil you rotten today, Tristan, and more importantly, you're going to let me because nothing would make me happier than doting on you." she whispered once she imagined she'd already planted a thousand or so kisses on his head and hair.
Wish Tristan a happy or unhappy birthday!
Tristan didn't give any credence to luck.  
Whatever apparent blessings or misfortunes your hand offered were only as good as you played them. Your drawn card wasn't destiny. Your skill at the game was.
And then there were times that boldly defied that worldview. 
Times when a dulcet and unforgettable laugh rang at the hour of dreams with the kind of zest that should only belong to nymphs. The most nonsensical of cosmic lotteries wouldn't explain the silhouette falling next to yours. Nor the whispers all muses would envy. 
There were times, at the light of his aurora and with no possible explanation, when even Tristan de Martel, who traversed eternity with no hesitation on his right and will to claim anything he pleased, wouldn't deny the undeniable. 
He was the luckiest immortal to ever live.
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tanjamikaelson · 5 years
It was a long night and when they came home Natali had a shower and changed into something more comfortable.
  - “My shirt suits you better.” She heard Kol’s voice. He just entered their bedroom and closed the door behind him. 
  - They smile at each other and Natali takes a few steps towards him, “You think so?” she asks as she wraps her hands around his neck. 
  - “Definitely.” Kol whispers before he leans in to kiss her.
Natali leans right back in and deepens the kiss, as her hands work their way up under his shirt. 
Then she breaks the kiss and takes a few steps backward while doing so she takes her clothes off. Quickly after her Kol does the same and walks towards her. He grabs her by her waist and pulls her close to him, as close as he could. They start to kiss more aggressively before Natali pushes him onto the bed.
Kol settles his hands onto her hips when she straddles him and starts grinding into his lap. Then Kol pulls her down to kiss her, he lightly swept his tongue between her lips, pressing his warm, soft lips to hers. 
They were both moaning and breathing heavily as she rode him. He placed his hands on her breasts and folded them before slipping his hands down to hold her hips. One hand slid over far enough that he could reach her clit with his thumb. She groaned and squeezed him tight with her inner walls and bringing him closer to orgasm. Her hands were on his chest and when he touched her clit her hands spasmed closed, scratching him. 
Natali was moaning and starting to clamp down hard. She came with a long, low moan, barely able to move her hips. Kol was helping her along, thrusting hard and still stroking her clit. She collapsed into him and they lay still for a few moments before he started moving his hips again. Natali also rolled her hips in a circular motion, still laying on him her clit was stimulated as well. 
She kissed his chest as she tangled her hands into his hair. Kol’s hands were on her hips, stroking her skin as she directed the movements. He closed his eyes and started rising to meet her, getting closer to pleasure-filled oblivion. He put an arm around her waist and flipped over, one hand behind her head. She wrapped her legs around him and rose to meet his thrusts, gasping to each movement. Their faces were inches apart as she started to orgasm.
She spoke his name as the pleasure coursed through her. Kol was coming too, he grunted and gasped as his orgasm struck. They both gasped and shuddered until the pleasure ran its course. Kol collapsed on her and slowly rolled to the side. They simply lay there as their breathing became normal.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Later that day Natali left to see Renée, she wanted to talk with her and figure out what her plan actually is. Vampires who were members of the Strix let her come inside of their house now knowing who she is. Natali went into a room where they told her Renée would be.
  - When she walked inside of the room she heard Renée saying, “You disappeared from the party last night.”
  - “Yeah, Kol and I decided to leave.” Natali told her.
  - Renée just smiles at her and says, “Sit so we can talk.” 
Then Natali sat on the sofa that was in front of a fireplace. Renée poured them a glass of wine and sat next to her.
  - “I promise it’s not a poison.” Renée tells her when she saw that Natali was questioning whether she should take a drink or not.
  - “If it is, Kol will gut you alive.” Natali says before taking her glass and then a sip of wine.
  - Renée chuckles, “I’m sure he would.”
  - “I need to know something, did Elijah knew you were alive? He was a founder of the Strix.” Natali asked Renée.
  - “He didn’t know.” Renée replies, “No one except Tristan, Aya and Aurora knew that you’re my sister. Tristan and I found the Strix when Elijah left them and we offered them salvation.”
  - “So you were with him all along?” Natali questioned her, 
  - “Yes. I was in love with Tristan and we didn’t want to leave each other.” Renée told her.
  - “Was?” Natali asked she was surprised that Renée said that she was in love with Tristian in the past tense.
  - Renée let out a laugh, “Yes. I lost my feelings towards him centuries ago.”
  - “But you never wanted to find me?” Natali asked.
  - “Of course I did!” Renée says, “I mean at the beginning of my vampire life, I did. But we were always on the run from Mikael.”
  - "So why did you say that you didn't need me because you have him and The Stix?" Natali questioned. 
  - "Because he was there and I can’t have him finding out my plans, he would kill me. He needs to believe that I hate you." Renee tells her.
  - "What plans?" Natali asked.
  - “I’ll let you on a little secret.” Renée says, “I actually want Tristian gone.”
  - “Then kill him.” Natali simply says.
  - “I don’t want to kill him. I want him to suffer.” Renée tells her.
  - “You really think I will believe a word you say?” Natali questioned.
  - “I’m telling the truth. I’m sick of him being in charge here. Do you want to know why we are not together anymore?” Renée tells her and continues, “He has an unhealthy obsession with his sister, to the point when he stopped paying attention to me and that hurt me, deeply.”
   - “And you don’t think you hurt me by not telling me that you’re alive?” Natali asks.
   - “I know I did and I’m truly sorry.” Renée says and takes Natali’s hands in hers, “Help me get rid of him, please?”
   - Natali let’s out a laugh, she knew why Renée was acting so nice. She pulled her hands away from her and said, “ I get it. You just want me to help you. Don’t you have a coven here, why don’t they help you?”
  - “They are devoted to Tristian, they would never help me.” Renée told her.
  - “Then find some other witch.” Natali suggested.
  - “Please sister, you are the only one who has a weapon to lock him for all eternity.” Renée tells her.
  - Natali looks at her, “You are talking about Serratura? How do you know about that?” 
  - “I know a lot of things.” Renée says, “Will you help me?”
  - “I will think about it.” Natali told her, she needed to be more convinced that Renée is telling the truth.
  - “Okay.” Renée says, “So tell me more about your past, how did you and Kol come back together?”
  - Natali smiles as she remembers, “It was in 1150. He heard about my coven and came to Saint Tropez.” she tells her. 
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
・ • ・ • ・
 In the wasteland on the way to the Red Queen 
It's no wonder our stage clothes have dreams to be famous
The trees in the courtyard are painted in blood, so I've heard
She hangs the headless upside down to drain.
・ • ・ • ・
After finding out about a powerful coven in France Kol assumed who their leader is. He went there and the moment he entered the city he was stopped by a few vampires and witches. Not knowing who he was the witches give him a headache the moment he said who was he looking for. They were very protective of their one and only queen and they didn’t let some unfamiliar face to request a meeting with her without consequences. They took him into a big castle and the moment Natali saw him and spoke, the witches and the vampires let him go when they realized who he really was.
  - “My maker.” Natali greeted him loudly, “Please come forward.” she gestured with her hands for him to step closer.
  - Kol lifted himself from the floor and looked up at her, “You remember me?”
  - “How could I forget you.” Natali simply replied.
  - “Well, last time I recall you were compelled to forget me.” Kol reminded her.
  - “Right, your brother compelled me, but it didn’t actually work.” Natali informed him.
  - Kol narrowed his eyes for a brief moment, “How long was it working?”
  - “Maybe for a day.” Natali replied quickly, Anyway, I’m sorry if they were a little unpleasant.”
  - Kol slightly frowned, “A little?”
  - Natali smirks, “Yeah, well..” she looked at her friends that were standing behind Kol, carefully watching his every movement, “Leave us.” she demanded. And they did just that.
  - Kol raised his eyebrow and grinned, “So, you have a hold on them?”
  - “Well, I made them everything they are, they owe me.” Natali spoke confidently, “What brings you here?”
  - “I’ve heard about your coven while I was in Istanbul, so I assumed you’re their leader.” Kol told her, not moving his eyes off of her.
  - “You assumed right.” Natali replied with a smile, “Care for a snack, while we talk?” 
  - “I could never refuse that.” Kol replied within seconds.
Natali smiled as she headed towards the other room and Kol followed after her heels. As he wanted to take a step into the room she entered he was faced with a barrier.
  - “Oh sorry, we are keeping humans here.” Natali informed him as she lightened up the candles and Kol could see that there were humans sitting naked on the cold floor. 
  - “Who wants to be eaten by this handsome gentleman?” Natali says, smiling wickedly at the terrified humans. Then she walked towards one girl and raises her up, “Too skinny.” she pushes her back down, “We’ll leave you for Brian, he has some weird fetish for humans like you.”
She forcefully grabbed the other young woman, lifting her up.
  - “Je t'en prie, non.” The woman cried out.
  - “Ferme-La!” Natali hissed on French so that she would understand her.
After that Kol grow even more fond of her than he already was. He remembered her as an innocent girl who was upset after he let her kill the girl she was feeding on for the first time, but now she was a totally different person.
Natali’s guards opened the doors of her bedroom and they walked in. The woman she was still holding in a tight grip was shaking from fear and her heart was drumming in her breasts. Her legs were weak so after a few more steps, she stumbled to the floor.
 - Natali rolled her eyes, “If you like them compelled, do your thing.” she said to Kol as he wandered around the room.
  - Kol shakes his head, “They are more delicious when they are terrified.”
  - Natali shrugs, “Can’t disagree on that.”
The two of them glared at each other for a few seconds that felt like a century. Using that to her advantage, the woman quietly began to crawl towards the door. Tears were running down her face and she bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. The woman raised her hand, but just as she was about to reach the door handle, Natali extended her hand towards her direction not taking her eyes off of Kol. Woman caught her breath as she felt the invisible force choking her.
  - “Looks like someone is trying to escape.” Natali said in a flat tone, pulling the woman back towards them, while she tried to grab onto something that would stop her from being pulled backward.
Kol’s smile flashed bright as he tightly squeezed the woman's hands and pushed her onto the bed. He straddled woman, holding her hands up, each at the sides of her head.
  - “Just so you know, I didn’t come here just to feed on humans.” Kol spoke before his fangs came out of their gums.
  - Natali cocked her head to the side, “What else besides finding out about me brings you here?” she asked him.
  - “I wanted to see how my first sire is doing and since I’ve found out you remembered me for all these years I must ask, why didn't you look for me?” Kol asked her.
 - Natali sighed, “Long story short - my family died the same day I came to look for you after remembering, then I had my emotions turned off for several years and I just focused myself on building a community here.”
  - Kol remained silent for a few seconds and shook his head down, “I sorry.. for-” he was cut off by her, “Don't get pity on me. Let’s just enjoy this night that is ahead of us.”
A cheeky grin appeared on his face, before looking back at the woman who didn't even try to resist him anymore and he sank his fangs deep into her throat.
Natali began taking off her clothes, “You know I’ve never actually thanked you for giving me this gift of immortality.” she said in a seductive voice, while she kept on undressing until she remained only in her underwear. Then she crawled up onto the bed, where Kol was still sucking the blood out of the woman's body and smirking at the words he just heard. Natali leaned closer to the woman's neck and licked the blood that was dripping on the bed sheets until she didn’t reach Kol’s lips. He smiled as he withdraws his fangs from the flesh and deepens the kiss. Natali pulled away a few seconds later to catch her breath. She bit her lower lip while they’ve gazed at each other before she took the woman's hand and brought her wrist to her mouth, Kol watched as Natali extended her fangs and sank them into the flesh. A woman let out a gasp of pain.
When there wasn't any drop of blood in her body, they both tore their fangs out of her flesh and Kol shoved lifeless body onto the floor, just before Natali used her vampire speed to flip around so that she can straddle him.
  - “I would enjoy more if we would do something else.” Natali told him, biting her lower lip, hunger for him was written all over her face.
  - “And who am I to say no to someone so divine as you.” Kol says in a low seductive voice, he often used for situations like this.
  - “I’ve never wanted anyone this badly.” Natali spoke, leaning closer to his face, “We’ve waited long enough for this to happen.” she whispered. Her lips close to touching his.
  - Kol smirked, touching her tights and watching as she lets out a soft moan “We’re late just a century. Nothing we can’t catch up on.”
At that moment nothing else mattered except the feel of his calloused hands on her bare thighs and the pleasure that was coursing through her veins.
Then she closed the gap between the two of them, pressing her lips to his, taking her time to savor the taste of him.
A soft gasp of pleasure escaped her lips, of finally being able to kiss him took over her. Kol’s dead heart ached in a way that was shockingly new to him and he knew she felt the same. At that moment he was sure of how much he wants her for himself, in every way. 
Natali gripped onto his shirt and tore his clothes off of him, before Kol flipped them around so that he was hovering over her, leaving a trail off kisses down her collarbone. She tangled her fingers into his hair and moaned when Kol bite her neck, sucking the blood slowly from her body.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “I still don’t like him.” Renée told her.
  - “Well, I gave you a chance, you could give him one too.” Natali suggested.
  - “I don’t think so.” Renée replied.
  - “You still don’t like him because he turned me? It was my choice.” Natali told her.
  - “They destroyed our lives when they came.” Renée says.
  - “So it’s not just Kol you hate.” Natali stated, “How do you plan to kill Elijah and Klaus?”
  - “I never said I wanted to kill them.” Renée says.
  - “But that’s why Tristan and Lucien came here. I saw the prophecy.” Natali tells her, “And don’t you know that if Elijah dies you die too? But know this, if you or Tristan, Aurora or Lucian try to kill them, you’re gonna have to deal with me first.”
  - “You love that family that much, huh?” Renée says.
  - Natali glared at her for a moment before saying, “You know what? I think our bonding is over for today.” she said before she quickly left.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
 Natali found Kol who was in the living room in their apartment feeding on a girl. 
  - “Anything left for me?” Natali asked as she was approaching him.
  - Kol withdrew his fangs and looks at her, “Not a lot, but I can bring another one.”
  - “No need.” Natali tells him as she sat down and then she bits a girl and drains the rest of the blood from her body.
  - “What happened with Renée?” Kol asked.
  - “She wants me to lock Tristian for all eternity with Serratura.” Natali tells him.
  - Kol looks at her confused, “Why? Aren’t they together?”
  - “No, they’re not together anymore. According to her she hates him and wants him to suffer.” Natali told him.
  - “You believe her?” Kol asks.
  - “I’m not sure what to believe anymore, but it actually is a good idea to lock him.” Natali tells him.
  - “Maybe it is.” Kol agrees, “What else did you find out?”
  - “Well, it was all going well until she told me that she hates you and Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus.” Natali began saying, “She still thinks you destroyed our lives.”
  - “Are the four of them working together?” Kol asked.
  - “I can’t be sure of that. But most likely they are.” Natali told him, “She pissed me off so maybe I’ll find out more some other time.” she says and lays her head on Kol’s shoulder.
  - “You will.” Kol simply says. If Natali could see his face she would know that there was a bit of anger in his eyes.
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⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic   @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428  @infiniteoblivion21
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justlulu · 4 years
The Lord
Warnings: violence, underange abuse, nudity, smut
<Her body, stripped of her covering, naked at his mercy, his hands using and molding her in any way he wished, was a clear metaphor of the complete submission he was slowly -not much so- imposing her.>
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Southern France - 1002
Screams filled the air as he hardly tried not to make any sound. When they stopped someone talked. A man. He distinguished at least three different male voices and a female one but as much as he tried to concentrate, he couldn’t understand what they were saying, the sound of his beating heart was louder then their voices.
Just as he was thinking that maybe the killers had gone, that maybe he was safe and he had just been hallucinating, the cloth that was hiding him was fast thrown away. Jumping out of the carriage was the first idea that came to his mind but in a blink of an eye, a man appeared right in front of him.
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She had been told to wait for her master’s arrival and not to move from a corner until then. A train of Lords and Ladies entered and exited the room, carring gifts for the Count. Young ladies were chatting and laughing and for an istant she wondered if one day she would be that lucky again. One year had passed since she was forced to live as a servant in the castle and that year she had grown up more than she could have in a thousand. The little girl she was before being brought there was far gone, her sweetness was brutally turned into coldness. Deep feelings were not familiar to her anymore, she didn’t smile at the signt of the sun or relax at the feeling of the hot air on her skin; she had promised herself not to let them change her soul, she had made herself believe that as long as her mind remained ‘sane’, they could order her to do anything they wanted but still they couldn’t have her. Sadly thought, she wasn’t as strong as she thought and now even the fresh breeze of the summer air felt as a boring wind messing her hair up.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice her only friend entering the crowded room, followed by a group of strangers. One of them saw her though, and in the moment their eyes met, she knew he didn’t belobg there. His savage eyes could not be covered by an expensive dress, the wicked smile that played on his lips didn’t match with the gentleness of a Lord.
She saw him whispering something in Lucien’s ear and by the worried and angered expression on his face when he finally turned to look at her, she guessed it wasn’t something good. She watched them leading to the throne, being introduced to the Count, she noticed a minute of silence at the beginning, she saw how the strangers looked in each other’s eyes before one of them started talking, she saw the only girl bowing in front of the old man, revealing much more than a noblewoman should.
When the Lord Tristan and the Lady Aurora finally joined the court, her legs were starting to betray her. His pale blue eyes searched for her face and when they found it he nodded at her, motioning her to reach for him through to crowd. He ordered her to bring him and his sister some water, but by the way he looked down at her she knew that he wasn’t thirsty at all. Everything he did was meant to prove his control over her, to humiliate her, to make her feel powerless (as if she ever needed something to remind her).
She did just as she was told and moved to the opposite side of the huge room, not noticing a presence behind her.
“Hello darling”
She hadn’t recognized him at first, forgetting for a moment that she had already seen his face, but then, like a glass of fresh water thrown at her face, she remembered the savage Lord that Lucien had previously introduced to the Count. Being a servant prevented her from speaking to any member of a higher class, not that she would have wanted to have a conversation with the stranger, so she simply nodded her head without looking him in the eyes.
“You know, it seems to me that not answering your Lord doesn’t make much of a good behavior for someone like you”
You’re not my Lord, she would have told him if she wouldn’t have risked her life by doing so, but before she could think of a suitable apology, Tristan De Marted was at her side, having left his sister talking to some new Lord he had never seen before.
“Is there a problem with her my Lord?” He looked at the brown haired man in frontof him, eyes hard and inquisitive, the look that would intimidate any other man -human, at least-and than at the little girl on his left, trying to understand what was happening there.
What could appear as a genuine act of protection towards the girl, was actually just another way of his persisting claiming, showing everyone that what was his, was extremely off-limits for anyone else. Lord Tristan had a thing for possessiveness since he was a child and made a young boy get executed for, he swore, stealing his newest sword. Growing up his obsession extended to people as well, but while it was the manifestation of genuine affection for his beloved sister, for the young servant that meant that not only she was treated like an object, a single word without his permission to anyone who wasn’t him could result in a murder. The message was clear : she wasn’t just a servant, she was his personal servant.
She looked into the stranger’s eyes then, mentally pleading him to keep his mouth shut and as if he had read his mind he saved her from the unmissable torture she would have earned.
“No, my Lord I was just asking-“
“She will be to no use to you, I’m afraid. Anything you need you can ask it to every other servant. We two have some matters to discuss at the moment”
She had no time to even think of looking at the stranger again, for her arm was forcefully grasped in a large hand -one that felt unfortunately too familiar on her body- and she was dragged out of the main hall and into the nearest staircase. She kept her head down, not daring to make a sound, even when a pained whimper threatened to fall past her clasped lips. Her Lord stayed silent as well throughout the walk to his chambers, he rarely talked to her anyway, preferring a more physical and practical approach when it came to comunication.
As soon as the door was locked, he annoyingly noticed the presence of another figure, kneeling in front of the fireplace and adjusting the wood for the flames to be high enough, she didn’t want to end up being punished for setting a pure excuse of a fire as the last one.
“Out” he walked to the armchair placed near the fireplace, never leaving the girl’s thin arm, as the servant quickly got up and left the room, and once he was comfortably seated on the sumptuous red fabric, he unceremoniously shoved her frail body on his thighs, forcing her to bend over him with her stomach pressed on his legs and her wrists clasped tightly in his left hand.
She already knew what was going to happen when he lifted the end her tunic up, exposing the fair skin of her thighs and bottom, still sore and reddened from their last activity. He lightly caressed her smooth skin, as he always did to emphasize the contrast that would come once the same gentle hand would hit her skin hard enough to leave a mark.
“I don’t recall giving you permission to speak to anyone tonight.”It took her weeks to get used to the robotic way his voice sounded, perfectly tuned to his lack of emotions. “Did I?” His eyes followed the pattern of his fingertips on her bare cheeks as he awaited her usual answer.
“No, master “ She automatically breathed out as a familie wave of anxiety started building in her stomach. No matter how many times she had already experienced this or any similar situation, she never seamed to get used to it. The suddent loss of touch made her wince, the expectation of the first slap causing her whole body to tense before his eyes. He found profound pleasures in watching her body react in such ways only because of him; the way her round glutes clenched and unclenched fed his hunger of power and control. His hand found her skin soon again, this time with his knuckles gazing on her her right thigh, making its way up again. Keeping a slow rhythm, he went on with the same movement as he lectured the young girl as a teacher would to his student.
“I don’t tolerate disobedience, I thought I made it quite clear.” She didn’t ever bother trying to defend herself in any way, she had learned her lesson a month after she arrived. Sometimes Lord Tristan got a little moody for no apparent reason and had to take it out on someone, sometimes he was just bored and wanted to entertain himself, other times he felt the need to inflict pain or to prove his power and dominance. In any of these cases, there was little hope one could reason with him without upsetting him and getting seriously hurt, no matter how obviously mistaken or absurd his assumptions were.
“I was wrong, it seems.” His hand stopped right on her cheeks, where goosebumps decorated her skin. His gentleness had left his calloused hands, which were now forcefully grasping her muscles, not too hard to make her struggle out of his grip, but hard enough to comunicate the meaning behind his actions. She didn’t need much endeavor to understand what he was implying with a simple -and rather rough- gesture. Her body, stripped of her covering, naked at his mercy, his hands using and molding her in any way he wished, was a clear metaphor of the complete submission he was slowly -not much so- imposing her. He raised his hand again and this time she knew it was coming. He always followed the same pattern: first making sure she was reminded that her body wasn’t hers anymore, by touching it in ways she had never been before in a display of utter possessiveness, but always taking his time before moving on to the actual play.
“Let me clarify, then”
Eyes closed, heavy breaths.
The first slap was expected, but it still caused her body to jolt forward. It didn’t take much for her cheeks to redden, considering they were already, but the shade of her bum didn’t stop him at all. She managed to stay impassible for the first ten slaps, except the involuntary clench of her ass and thighs after some particular harsh smacks on the most sensitive spots. At the twentieth, she couldn’t control her tears from streaming down her flushed face anymore, but still no sound came out of her mouth. Her long hair completely covered her face, but the tightening of her hands blocked in his was a sign he did not miss. After the thirtieth her soft ass was almost as red as the armchair the Lord was sitting on, her thighs were trembling from the effort of keeping them stiff for too long. He, however, didn’t stop until he heard her silently sobbing.
That was the thing he absolutely enjoyed about his pet. She was obviously determined not to let him gain any satisfaction from abusing her, she tried her best to act as if nothing bothered her, she wanted to prove -to them both- that he couldn’t control her. All of which made it a thousand times more amusing and worth it when he finally managed to break her, cause he always did in the end.
38 strikes she had been able to distinguish before the pain had started becoming one continuous ride, clouding her consciousness. She mentally thanked whatever God there was above he hadn’t asked her to count for him, as he usually did to ensure a second inevitable punishment when she couldn’t report him the exact number.
She knew he was done when she felt his left hand releasing her scrawny wrists, and descending to her drooped head to move her blonde hair out of her sticky wet cheeks. She didn’t dare trying to move, remaining still even though he wasn’t restraining her anymore. To her utter shame, he relished the few moments he took to caress her flushed cheeks, thumb spreading her tears as to point out the state she was in.
His persistent gaze analyzed the way her shut eyes sqeezed as a grimace shaped her features when the hand left on her behind scratched her raw skin, nails creating thin white lines on her vibrant red surface. When he lowered the tunic down her body again, after one last delighted glance at her tender but firm buttocks, she found herself torn between the relief for the upcoming end of her suffering and the ache that the friction of the rough fabric had caused.
“I hope this is ths last time I have to remind you your place.” Liar. You can’t wait to do this all over again.
She instantly obeyed when he ordered to stand up, eager to be sent anywhere else. He watched proudly as her fragile figure struggled to stay still on her weakened legs, before telling her to preparare a hot bath. She did it as fast as possible, ready to go once finished but her hopes vanished when he started undressing in silence. At this point she was usually out of the room already. He always took care of the cleaning himself, not wanting the servants’ filthy hands on his body, at least until now. She stood awkwardly at the end of the large bed, head held down and eyes fixated on the floor, as she noticed the the light sound of his shirt wiping his torso as he took it off. She could see him slipping out of his trousers from her perimetral view, and by the time his undergarments joined the mass of clothes at his feet, the embarrassed pink of her faced had reached her neck as well. Her inexperience was to expect due to her young age, her knowledge of the anatomy of the other sex -or sex in general- didn’t go farther than whispers and stories shared between her peers. She had never seen a naked man -or woman for that matter-, her own body was the only one she knew, so when he motioned for her to come closer, she tried her best to avoid looking at any part of him. Although she didn’t see his face, she could tell was enjoying her uncomfortableness, if the way he lightly chuckled while tracing her hot neck meant anything.
“You want to apologize for your behavior, don’t you?” He lifted her head by her chin, forcing her to look in his cold eyes for the first time that night.
Her voice was nothing more than a whisper, and came out weaker that she’d liked.
“Yes, master..”
He climbed int the bathtub and sat comfortably, with his arms spread on the edges of the tub and his head bent backwards, eyes closed. “Go on then, you better make a good job.”
She knelt behind him and raised the yellow sponge after dipping it in the perfumed water. Starting at the nearest shoulder she softly washed down his arm, and repeated the action on his opposite side. She then proceeded on his chest and the base of his neck and went down to his abdomen.
She had never really bothered looking at him if not in fear and disdain, but then again she had never seen more than his face, his large clothing covering his form underneath. Not that she cared. And yet she couldn’t help but take notice of his lean shape, tight muscles and not even a hint of fat.
She didn’t realize her hand had stopped moving untill she felt his on top, forcing her to go south. Her wrist came in contact with something hard and certainly unfamiliar, distracting her for a second and causing her to loose the grip on the sponge, that immediately slipped out of her hand. She started muttering a quick apology, but was interrupted by his grumble.
“Leave it.” His eyes were still closed when she dared to glance his way, but his nostrils were inspiring heavy breaths, accentuated by the high rise and fall of his chest. The girl chocked a gasp when her hand was guided between his slightly open thighs and on the smooth flesh of his erection. He encouraged -forced- her fingers to wrap around him, before adding a bit of pressure and starting a slow motion from the base to the tip. Her whole arm seemed to be paralyzed, only obeying to his confident strokes. She tried not to focus on the way his shaft twitched whenever his thumb stroked the tip, or the way small grunts came out of his usually silent mouth. She tried not to pay attention to the feeling of a particular vein pulsing right under her hand as his motions became faster and faster by the second. It took only a few minutes before a throaty groan left his lips as his hips raised in a quick movement, his hand loosing the pressure but not letting her release him yet. She had kept her eyes on the side of the white tub the whole time, trying to minimize the details of the unwanted experience,while she swallowed the raising feeling of disgust when she felt him gradually softening.
“We’ll have to practice that.”  Her stomach twisted at the mere thought of having to do that again, but she also knew that wishing for his to be a meaningless affirmation was incorrect. She had a feeling his intention this time wasn’t just to scare her away; he actually enjoyed it and was serious about wanting this to happen again.
That night, before going to bed, she washed her hand until her skin was worn out, furiously trying to erase the feeling of his skin sliding under her fingers, unable to keep her mind off the feeling of having been used as a means for pleasure -quite literally-  and having to deal with the uneasy sensations her dreams emanated. Images of the most atrocious of tortures and most evil humiliations paraded under her closed eyelids, while the worst nightmare awaited her awakening. 
A./N. Hello there! This has been in my drafts for years (no jokes). I wrote the first scene and the one in the main hall 3 years ago, while all the rest was made up in the last couple of days -you can probably notice ( I hope so) a little improvement in my writing skills- Also, this was a first attempt at smut as well so I hope it wasn’t too bad. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next post. 
xoxo -L
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