#tristan imagine
shadowdaddies · 5 months
I am a sucker for angst so can I please request a Ruhn danaan x reader. Where she and ruhn have been together for a while, and she overhears ruhn saying something about her being a bet or a dare. A lot of angst and maybe some fluffy ending
thanks for the request, love💜
Just a Bet
Ruhn x Reader angst to fluff
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Smoothing your hair, you stepped out of your car in the driveway as you strode towards Ruhn’s house. You were already regretting the heels you’d donned for your anniversary, feet aching in opposition to the excitement you felt to celebrate one year since Ruhn had asked you out.
Cheeks burning from smiling so hard, you turned the door handle and entered the busy frat house. It wasn’t unusual for many guests to be over, so you paid them no mind as you shouldered your way through the crowd toward the game room where Ruhn usually spent evenings like this.
Juniper caught your eye from across the room, and you waved to her and Fury as you approached the doorway where Ruhn’s voice echoed in a comforting rumble - until you heard Flynn’s voice.
“One year ago, I bet you that you wouldn’t ask her out,” he laughed, the sound of clinking beer bottles and jeers following.
Your heart leapt in your throat when you heard Ruhn’s voice, time standing still as you awaited his response. Your boyfriend scoffed, “I didn’t think I could either.”
Dec chimed in at that point - your kindest friend in the group - his tone teasing as he drawled, “I still can’t believe she took you seriously.”
Your pulse pounded in your ears, eyes pricking with tears as the conversation came together in your head. You were nothing more than a bet to Flynn, a joke that Declan couldn’t take serious, and apparently Ruhn felt the same.
Ripping the painful heels off your feet, you sprinted down the stairs and out of the house. Tossing the shoes in your passenger seat, you wiped the tears from your eyes and started the engine before heading back to your apartment.
The dress felt ridiculous, hair a mess and makeup ruined from crying as you stumbled into your home. Why would Ruhn have stayed with you for this long from a stupid bet? Were you nothing more than a joke, for him and his friends’ amusement?
The thought made tears well up once more, this time pouring over your cheeks as you sobbed. Practically ripping the dress from your body, you ignored the buzzing of your phone in favor of your welcoming shower.
Stepping under the steaming hot water, you scrubbed the memory of tonight as best you could from your skin before stepping out. Wrapping a fluffy towel around your body, you sighed with a hint of relief. 
Realizing how dried out you were from your tears, you padded towards the kitchen for some water when you were stopped in your tracks. Bryce lay on your couch, lazily flipping through the tv channels as amber eyes flicked to yours. 
With a dramatic sigh, she set down the remote, turning fully to face you. She took in your disheveled state, expression softening at the redness in your eyes, your puffy cheeks.
Shutting off the TV, Bryce sat up and patted the open space on the sofa next to her.
“I need water,” you whispered through a sniffle, voice raspy from dehydration. 
“I’ll get it for you. Sit,” Bryce directed, her voice gentle as she sprung gracefully from the couch and headed toward the kitchen.
You settled into the cushions, picking a pillow from behind you to hold against your chest. Nodding a silent thanks, you took the water from Bryce and drank it down, the cold liquid cooling your heated cheeks.
“Fury texted me. She and Juniper saw you running out of Ruhn’s house before he came downstairs asking if they’d seen you. He’s been blowing up everyone’s phones, worried about you.”
A bitter laugh escaped your lips, but you found yourself unable to make eye contact with your friend as you muttered, “Yeah, I’m sure he’s heartbroken.”
Before you could react, the pillow was ripped from your arms, Bryce’s manicured nails practically digging holes into its fabric as her eyes simmered with barely contained rage.
“You may be my friend, but Ruhn is my brother. Explain to me why you think his heartbreak is amusing to you.” Your lower lip wobbled at her harsh words, the dam of your emotions about to break again.
Bryce loosed a breath, gently setting the pillow between you on the sofa as she spoke again, her voice softer this time. “I don’t know what happened, but he’s hurting too. Talk to me.”
The patterns on the pillow suddenly became much more interesting, your fingers tracing the stitching in the fabric while you found the courage to voice what you had heard at the house. “I was going to meet Ruhn for our anniversary dinner... but I heard them talking. I heard Flynn say that I was a bet. Even Dec-“
Shifting to rest on your elbows, you hid your face in your hands as the memory flashed too vividly through your mind. “Dec said he couldn’t believe I thought Ruhn was serious when he asked me out.”
You looked up to see Bryce’s own eyes lined with tears, her jaw set in anger as she processed everything you said.
“I’m a joke to them, Bryce. I was just a bet that he’s decided to string along for whatever reason. Maybe he does like me now, but...”
You couldn’t find the words, tongue twisted in knots like your stomach as thoughts eddied deeper and darker as you reflected on the past year of your life. 
Bryce’s hand gently reached for your own, holding them softly as she spoke. “I am going to speak with Ruhn and figure out what is going on. If he was such a dumbass to do something like that to you, I’ll kick his ass. But I feel like there has to be something more to it. They’re good males - stupid alphaholes - but they’re good males.”
You nodded, a flicker of hope sparking in your chest at the thought. They had always been kind to you... Surely that couldn’t all be fake?
“Why don’t you get dressed? I’m going to see Ruhn and I’ll pick you up some food,” Bryce promised, pulling you in for a warm hug before turning and heading out the door, phone already in hand as she fired off messages.
You returned to your room, feeling numb from the pendulum of emotions you’d swung on all evening. You vaguely remembered slipping on a t shirt and shorts, returning to the couch to find the channel on Fangs and Bangs before you fell asleep.
You bolted upright at the sound of a soft knock at your door, rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes to look at your phone. Not much time had passed, but the bombardment of earlier messages from Ruhn and your friends filled the screen. 
“Are you there? Bryce told me what happened, and it’s not what you think.” A tense beat of silence passed between you. “Please just hear me out. If you’d rather talk to Bryce, she’s downstairs... But I brought food.”
As if on cue, your stomach growled, drawing attention to the hunger gnawing in your gut. Stomping towards the door, you flung it open to grab the food from Ruhn’s hands when his appearance shocked you still.
His violet eyes were rimmed red and swollen like yours, his hair a mess. He was dressed in an all-black suit, the shirt unbuttoned and tie loose. You hated how it tugged on your heartstrings to see him this way, how there was a part of you that could never hate him, even if what Flynn had said was true.
“Fine,” you snapped, snatching the bag of food before returning to the couch without a second glance. “You have one shot to explain.”
Ruhn sighed, the sound slightly drowned out by the soft click of the door closing behind him. You spared him a glance as he took a seat on the couch, careful to keep his distance.
The chipped black paint of his nails blended into his onyx hair as he ran a hand through it, his muscular leg shaking anxiously before he turned to you. Wholly still, Ruhn’s voice emanated with earnest when he finally spoke.
“Bryce told me what you heard, back at my house. I understand how it would sound, but that’s not at all what happened, and I first and foremost need you to know that you are not a joke. You have never been a joke - to Flynn, to Dec, and especially not to me. I was the joke in that room. They were teasing me, because, yes, asking you out was a dare of sorts.”
You felt the rage build in your chest at that, setting down your food on the table as you prepared for what he would say next - or so you thought you were prepared. 
“I remember the first time I saw you, when you came into the White Raven with Bryce. It felt like my world tilted on its axis,” he paused, shaky breath leaving his lips as his eyes went hazy, lost in the memory. 
“You were the most beautiful person I’d ever seen, and when you smiled at me I forgot how to breathe. The entire room was staring at you, and you somehow didn’t notice.”
He loosed a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he fought back a smile. “Dec and Marc were teasing me. They saw how I reacted to you, how drawn to you I was. But you were so beautiful and charming, and could have had any male or female you wanted.”
Drawing your legs to your chest, you settled into the couch and fought back the tears in your eyes at his story.
“Flynn’s ‘bet’ was just that I wouldn’t have the guts to ask someone like you out. And I didn’t at first,” Ruhn laughed, toying with his lip ring before those violet eyes flicked up to meet yours. 
“But then Flynn said that if I didn’t ask you out, he would. And that’s when I jumped up from our table so fast I knocked Dec’s beer on me, and made a fool of myself asking you out like that.”
Ruhn looked down at your hands, his own twitching as though barely holding back from reaching for you. So you reached for him. The cold silver of his rings was a familiar comfort, and you felt yourself relax as his fingers twined tightly with your own.
“Dec didn’t think you’d take me seriously because I was a dumbass, asking out the most incredible female I’ve ever met while covered in beer and stumbling through my words.” You laughed then, and Ruhn’s entire presence seemed to brighten in response. 
���I remember. I thought it was cute. You weren’t the snobby fae royalty I would have expected, and I found it very charming,” you teased, a smile spreading across your face as you then relived the memory of the striking yet goofy male first approaching you.
“I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you that. It’s not exactly something that I’m proud of, that I was so nervous to ask you out. Flynn never lets me live it down.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, feeling embarrassed at how you had jumped to conclusions so quickly. “I feel like I ruined our anniversary. I should have stayed and listened to you.”
Ruhn’s eyes glittered like stars, his hands finding your waist to lift you into his lap. Hooking your arms around his neck, you straddled your boyfriend’s hips. Ruhn exhaled sharply through his teeth, causing you to lean back in alarm.
“It’s just a bruise, curtesy of Bryce.” You blushed, biting back laughter over your friend’s protectiveness. “You did not ruin anything. Flynn, on the other hand, got it worse than me,” he chuckled, nodding to his wounded side.
“You have a lot of people in your life who would do anything for you, including Bryce and myself. All I want is to spend the rest of our night together so I can show you just how much I love you,” he murmured, eyed lidded with desire as you settled further into his lap.
“I think I could arrange that,” you purred, leaning down to kiss Ruhn’s full lips before trailing his jaw, down his neck, his exposed chest. 
He picked you up, carrying you bridal style to the bedroom where you spent the night exchanging soft touches and sweet nothings until the sun rose the next morning.
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randomshenaniganery · 2 years
I baptized him and gave him a name
He’s mine now disney fuck you
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hazuxia · 1 year
Why cute dads got cute sons as much as them 🥺🥰😍💞
My heart 😭😢😍
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utterlyotterlyx · 7 months
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Ruhn Danaan x Fem!Reader
Summary - After throwing his weight around, Ruhn comes to you to apologise, but you have other plans.
Warnings - swearing, mentions of s*x, Ruhn being fed up with your crap but loving you anyway, angst, fluff
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Gods were you annoying. You pushed his buttons daily, teetering on the edge of driving him to madness before pulling him back with passionate kisses.
Gods did he hate you sometimes, but he loved you more than anything, more than anyone.
Especially when you were prancing about his place wearing nothing but a thong and one his shirts that barely fell past your ass cheeks. Usually Ruhn was delighted to come home to you, you'd usually be sat with Tristan watching Sunball and enjoying a few beers; he'd come up behind you and bury his head into the crook of your neck and inhale your scent before kissing your shoulder and jumping over the edge to settle in beside you.
He knew it was coming, your bold defiance, and he knew there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Ruhn looked at his phone, frowning at your text exchange and wondering how it had gotten so heated. He had told you off, scolded you like a child for partying too hard with Bryce and neglecting your responsibilities. Ruhn knew better.
Everyone was allowed to let loose, to enjoy their shitty lives, Ruhn knew that better than anyone.
You hated being told what to do, it had taken so long for Ruhn to break that cycle in you, to idly agree to everything even if you didn't want to. Breaking that cycle had turned you strong and independent, you promised yourself that you'd never be controlled again. In public at least.
He hadn't meant it, he hadn't meant to belittle you and reprimand you, he certainly didn't mean to throw his title in your face and make you feel like you were worth less than he was. It had just gotten heated, and he hoped he could fix it before you truly believed that he felt that way.
So, when he entered the home that he shared with Tristan and Declan, and you, ready to apologise and fuck you so good that the exchange became a hazed memory, the last thing he ever thought he'd see was you dressed in the things you knew made him weak, sat beside Tristan in a glazed state with potent smoke curling around your mouth as you exhaled a grey cloud of mirthroot into the air.
The smile on you face was lazy, laced with complete relaxation, soft low giggles emitted from your lips, your lids were slightly squinted and your cheeks were swollen from past tears, flushed and tinged.
A bowl of popcorn was wedged in the space between you and Tristan, which was a good thing, because if it wasn't there Ruhn would have grabbed Tristan by the scruff of his neck and beat him into oblivion. The tv was set to a comfortable volume, Fangs and Bangs clear on the display, and the light illuminated your face, the small whisps of hair that had fallen from your messily thrown together updo, and the sports logo plastered to the front of that shirt.
Tristan noticed him first, that hazed giddiness that Ruhn knew all too well clear on his face, "Look who's here. It's none other than the Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae himself," Tristan drawled and you turned slowly, your senses dimmed and mind moving at five miles an hour.
Your expression was blank as you looked at him, scanned his ripped black jeans and black shirt, his hair was tied back with two thick slices framing his face, he tongued the piercing in his lip, and his stare would have made you feel uncomfortable if you weren't already on another planet entirely.
"Fangs and Bangs? Didn't realise you were into this crap, Tristan," Ruhn took a step toward you, hissing at himself when you abruptly turned back to face the tv, taking a handful of popcorn and shoving it in your mouth.
Tristan inhaled the mirthroot deeply, a cough catching in his chest before the smoke cloud spurted from his mouth, he wafted the smoke away from his face and Ruhn watched it rise to the heavens, "I didn't put this shit on. This is all, Y/N."
"Give me that," you held you hand out to him, Tristan delicately placed your shared pleasure between your fingers, "I'll have you know that Fangs and Bangs is perfect for high-time television," you blew a smoke cloud at Tristan's face and smirked, lying back into the comfort of the sofa, not caring where Ruhn went next.
You were furious with him. How dare he take a swipe at you for going out, and with Bryce of all people, when he spent many hours away from you partying through the night. How dare he talk about responsibility and throw his name around to grasp some form of submission from you.
The cushions shifted under a new weight, you were determined not to look at him, to not give in, but as soon as those calloused fingers found your thigh and squeezed, you were weak. Like putty in his hands.
"Sweetheart," he cooed to you, dragging his fingers up and down your bare thigh, making you regret wearing so little as his fingertips left speckles of fire hissing on your skin. "Please look at me," his voice was low and husky, he didn't want Tristan to hear his whispering pleads to you or forever be teased.
Shrugging his touch off of you, involuntarily shuddering at vacant spot where his hand lay only moments before, you felt your phone vibrate, the screen lighting up with Bryce's name.
"What's up?" Ruhn tensed, of course Bryce would swoop in and interrupt his shit attempts to apologise to you, "Yeah, he's here. I don't know. What? Now?" Ruhn faintly heard his sisters voice chattering away through the device, he noticed your frown turn into mischievous delight, "What a great idea, Bryce. Exactly what I need, I'll see you soon. Love you."
You put the phone down and sighed, "Out again?"
Smirking, you jumped up from the sofa and walked around the edge of the sofa where a bewildered Ruhn was staring up at you, "Yep. White Raven. Bryce is coming to pick me up so I better get ready."
Without another word, you sauntered from the room, leaving Ruhn with his angry swirling thoughts. Tristan whistled, pulling Ruhn's attention from the doorway you had just strutted out from, "This is what happens when you pull rank with the one person you know loves you for you and nothing else."
Twenty minutes had passed, Bryce had barged in and flipped Ruhn off with a death glare before pattering up the stairs and into your shared bedroom. They had listened to your hushed giggles and shuffling about on the floor above, turning toward the entry when the faint click of heels sounded against the bare wood.
There you were, clad in a skin tight black dress adorned by a thousand tiny crystals that shimmered in an array of shades when you hit the light at a certain angle. Pair that with a pair of knee high heeled boots, and you had officially succeeded in making Ruhn a needy worried mess. Your makeup was simple, radiant shimmers on your cheekbones and nose, eyeliner and long lashes, and glossed nude lips.
Bryce ran her fingers through your hair, separating any knots she found and fluffing it around your face, "Let's go. Fury and Juniper are waiting for us. Girl's night!" Ruhn's amber eyed sister, and one of your best friends, dragged you from the room without so much as a goodbye to the two males staring at them from in front of the tv.
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The White Raven was thrumming with eclectic energy. Sweat evaporating and clinging to the air.
You couldn't remember what time you had left, you didn't know how long you'd be dancing. You didn't know how many shots Bryce had forced down your throat. You were just happy and free.
Ruhn had looked so desperate to touch you, those big pleading violet eyes screaming at you to look at him. You knew he had a lot on his plate, his father didn't exactly agree of your relationship but Ruhn had somehow been able to convince him that when the time came you'd be the perfect person to have beside him. It made you feel bad, he was just trying to protect you in a way, to secure your place beside him, and you'd pranced about in your underwear high as a kite before dressing up and heading out. Again.
Gods, you were so fucking stupid.
But you didn't let your regret show, you were too stubborn for that, a fact Ruhn knew far too well.
Bodies kept on bumping into you as the music became heavier, the bass louder, the drinks stronger. Bryce was holding onto you and swaying, muttering about how Hunt wouldn't be happy with her if she woke him up again. Apparently he'd had a long day. Just like Ruhn.
Running your hands through your hair and up to the sky, you felt arms wrap around your waist, that familiar nose and chin nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Spice and leather. Kisses peppered along your shoulder and his arms pulled you tighter into his chest, low growls flowing from his lips when people bumped into you.
The lights were low, slices of purple and blue flickering through the club, but you could faintly make out Tristan at the bar and Hunt swaying with Bryce. They'd crashed girls night.
"Sweetheart, look at me," he ran a finger up your arm, across your chest, and along your jaw, pulling your chin toward him, "There she is," he cooed, pushing your hair from your face so that he could really see you.
"What do you want, Ruhn? You've already crashed girls night," you huffed, folding your arms over you chest whilst the world continued to party around you.
You were never going to be able to refuse him, but you could at least make him grovel a bit.
Ruhn ducked his head, lowering it to meet your eye line, he was so intoxicating, everything inside of you screamed to reach for him, to drag him into a bathroom stall and fuck it all out.
"I'm so sorry," he told you, holding your stare, "I never should have gotten angry at you, I never should have tried to tell you what to do. We worked so hard to get you out of that headspace," he pulled you flush against his chest and tilted your head up, his breath fanned across your face, "I love you, Y/N. So. Fucking. Much." Ruhn was trying to control himself, you deserved an apology before he fucked you senseless and made you his over and over again.
"I had the worst day. My father is breathing down my neck right now, and I just want you safe and by my side for the rest of my life. It's stupid but I'm scared he'll try and take you away from me. Not like I'd ever let him but, I'm afraid he'll catch wind of the wild nights and think you're unworthy. You're not in any sense, you love me for me and I know nothing else matters to you, I know that. I'm sorry I let him get in my head, I'm so sorry I used my name against you, I wasn't thinking."
Those violet pools were desperate, glazed over and sad, and it broke you to see him like that.
"Ruhn," you pressed your forehead to his, brushing your nose against his, "I'm sorry too. I should have kept in mind how important this is to you. I'm sorry for being stubborn and trying to piss you off. I know you'd never want to make me feel small. I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologise for."
"Nothing," he hummed, pulling your face to his in a kiss you had shared so many times, full of so much love and yearning and hope that every day would be filled with them. "Plus, it was kinda hot seeing you in my shirt like that."
"Yeah," he laughed against your lips, deepening the next and relishing in the taste of you, "Let me take you home, Sweetheart. The things I want to do to you aren't to be heard by others."
Ruhn Danaan knew three things with absolute certainty:
That you were the most beautiful, fearless creature he'd ever encountered
That he couldn't wait to get you home and settle you onto his face
He knew that the morning would be the perfect time to grab that velvet emerald box from his sock drawer and promise to love you for eternity
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thedevilrisen · 5 months
Nova Vivienne-Taylor Crosby
"In my defence, I was left unsupervised."
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A little Introduction to Nova -
Nova Vivienne-Taylor Crosby is her father's pride and joy, born February 2nd 2005, Sidney was completely unaware of her existence until an hour after little Nova entered the world.
Nova's mother was an ex-girlfriend Sid described as someone he fumbled the bag with, losing her eight months previous and one month into the unknown pregnancy. Sid never thought he would have such a overwhelming decrepitness associated with him from the mother that she immediately handed over full custody. This is how he ended hobbling down an unnecessarily bright hallway and unknowingly at the time, into the greatest new chapter of his life.
Nova Crosby - Facts!
The girl stands at 5'4 and barely reaches 135 pounds soaking wet and is not afraid to bite!
Known on the ice as firey, quick witted and someone with her father's fighting skills, she is not to be messed with!
She has always been a troublesome baby, toddler, kid, teenager and now, adult. Everyone around her seems to be drawn in by her charisma or what her father describes as 'alluring psychoticness'.
She was drafted 5th overall in the 2024 NHL draft to the New York Islanders and has formed a 'concerning' relationship with Mathew Barzal.
Nova met Luke at a Women in Hockey event her father was hosting when she was 16 and Luke 17, going on 18. Luke's mother Ellen was invited to speak and Luke had begrudgingly chose to come with.
He is very glad he did though, because that's where he met his best friend and unknown at the time future girlfriend who was trying in vain to escape her baby sitter for that night Tristan Jarry.
Luke was thrilled when she was drafted to the Isles because it meant his then best friend was only two hours away.
She has always been super close with the Penguins entire team, she hangs out with the guys in the common room, sometimes joins in practice if Sully lets her and joins in on the team wide prank war. More often than not targeting Dan Potash like Flower taught her so many years ago.
Sidney and Nova are what they would consider the bestest of friends. They tell each other everything. Most of the time. Sid helps Nova through everything and is her biggest supporter and protector. For reference, Sid use to play baseball, he makes sure he keeps his bat polished and on hand especially when Nova brought over her first boyfriend.
Nova also loves music! She is really into Benson Boone at the minute but her go to team karaoke is Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley. (Mainly because Tanger always willingly belts it out with her.)
I look forward to getting to know Nova with you all!
Please send in asks, I'd love to know what you think of Nova!
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imaslutforwritingshit · 11 months
Okay so I’m team Jess but I’m forever in my heart in love with Tristan. Because what the fuck
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moonlitmeeks · 2 years
༊*·˚ i burn for you ; tristan dugray (0.5k)
summary: spending an evening curled in front of the fire with your boyfriend is the perfect way to end the day
song: fade into you — mazzy star
a/n: apologies if tristan is a little ooc here, i just think he'd be a little softer when he's alone with his s/o!! hopefully you enjoy regardless and, as always, likes and reblogs are always appreciated!<3
masterlist | taglist
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dating tristan dugray had a myriad of perks. one of them was the privilege of spending time in his, frankly unbelievable, house.
his living room rug was warm under you, the velvety white strands tickling the exposed pieces of skin around your ankles. both of you were decked out in one of tristan’s hoodies and a pair of his pyjama pants, sitting as close as possible to one another without you being in his lap. his arm lay lazily behind you, permitting you access to rest your head on his shoulder.
taking advantage of his parents’ friday date nights, your boyfriend had invited you over for the evening for a night of quiet and relaxation after the stress of a week at chilton. whilst others may have favoured a large, raucous gathering when blessed with a free home, you were glad tristan had settled on a calm night in.
the log fire crackled and spat, flames engulfing the wood and casting a golden radiance across the room. the warmth was like a familiar friend, wrapping you in a hug that could send you to sleep if your heart wasn’t pounding at tristan’s proximity.
his eyes were locked onto your side profile, slowly tracing every curve and line, committing every inch of your face to memory as though it was the last time he would see you. tristan couldn’t believe that you were real. it was though you were carved from marble by the most experienced sculptor, your beauty incomparable to anyone else.
you looked away from the fire and turned your attention to tristan. even upon being caught, his stare never wavered. the only indication that he had noticed you was the small smirk that tugged at his lips.
“you’re staring."
“is that a problem?” he responded, gaze flitting from your lips to your eyes.
“not at all,” you smiled, your hand moving to trace his jaw with a featherlight touch. 
“i thought so,” he hummed, leaning into your touch. his fingers grazed yours, so gentle that, if not for the warmth of his skin, you wouldn’t have noticed. “someone as pretty as you deserves to be stared at. would be rude to let that beauty go to waste.”
“shut up,” you laughed, cheeks growing warm at his words. "i didn't realise you were so cheesy."
he shrugged, inching closer to you. his breath fanned your face, suddenly making you aware of the little space separating your lips.
"don't act like you don't love it."
any smart remark you could have produced died on your tongue as his lips touched yours, gentle at first, before delving into something more passionate and deep.
as his arms snaked around your waist, your skin was burning under his touch. it seemed that his kiss provided more warmth than a log fire ever could.
🏷 ; @bluetreecloud20 @starlit-epiphany @mirclealignr @bberee @spncvr @dearestestella
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Hello, could you do the"reader who wears skirts and thigh higs" with the crescent city Boys? 🥺💗
CC Boys Reacting to you in a skirt and thigh highs 👀
A/n: I can’t believe I didn’t think of them immediately after I wrote the batboys one
Warnings: some smutty thoughts hehehe
You’d be dressed up in your cute lil outfit for a party
when you come downstairs Ruhn is shook. He cannot take his eyes off you
He’s constantly winking at you while he’s playing games with the boys
And when he finally dances with you, you tease the shit out of him
When has enough Ruhn pulls you upstairs and sits you on his face
It would be the same situation as with Ruhn
You’d show up to the house with intention of teasing him all night until he snapped
You exaggerate your hip movements and are super touchy with him but pull away at the last second
When Flynn finally snaps it’s when you hand him a drink while he’s sitting on the couch
You straddle him and he just hands the drink to Dec and takes you to his bedroom
Hunt would be sitting on the couch watching a Sunball game waiting for you to be ready for date night
When you stand in front of the TV Hunt finally notices you and his eyes look like they’re about to fall out of his head
“Do I look good?” And you do a lil spin for him. You know you look good you just like being cute with him
All through dinner and dessert he can’t focus bc you’re playfully kicking his feet under the table
When he flys you home he flys fast and practically breaks down the apartment door
You two don’t make it to the bed and he just takes you on the couch
Tharion calls Bryce legs so we all know he’s obsessed with your legs
You’re just in something casual nothing too fancy for the middle of the day when you meet him by the Istros
As you walk and lounge in the sun Tharion can’t keep his eyes off you
He eventually pulls you onto his lap rubbing his hand up and down your thigh as you lightly kiss his neck
I think Ithan would show the most self restraint
He’d pretend that you weren’t distracting him at all. Nope not one bit.
Then Ithan would see you doing something so normal like just talking with your friend and you look so perfect and happy
And he just takes you and comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you kissing your neck, holding you close to him
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Not A Relationship Guy
Tristan Flynn x Reader
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Requeted by Anon! This is the Tristan Flynn part of "Az or Flynn" lol. Thanks again for enabling me to write about my faves! Hope you like it! Also, Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
Fandom: Crescent City
Summary: Bryce's good friend from Nidaros has moved to Crescent City with her, and quickly made an impression on a certain fae lord. But she's not interested in a one-night stand, and Flynn has made it clear before that he's not really a relationship guy.
Word Count: 5,252
Category: Angst, Fluff, Humor
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When I'd first come to Crescent City, I hadn't known anyone other than Bryce. We'd grown up together in Nidaros, and now as adults, we'd maintained our close friendship even after she moved away. About a month ago, I'd joined her, following her move to the big city. I'd been terrified and out of my depth, with Bryce as my only connection in the massive metropolis. Now, I stood shoulder to shoulder with the top ranking members of the Fae Aux, screaming as we spectated the end of a beer pong game in the middle of a massive house party.
Things had certainly changed.
Declan and his boyfriend Marc stood on one side of the table, competing against a few people I didn't know. I was still relatively new, although my circle had expanded thanks to Bryce. Dec and Marc only had one cup left on their opponent's side, and then the game would be theirs.
The whole room screamed, a mix of heckling and encouragement, as Dec lined up his shot. Bryce hung off my neck, stone cold sober but shouting like the drunkest one in the crowd, which made me smile. Finally, after an extra moment's pause, Dec let the ball fly.
A moment later, it splashed into the cup, making Marc and Dec the winners.
The room erupted into cheers, no matter if people were rooting for or against Dec. A shot like that had to be appreciated.
The other team got a chance at redemption, but couldn't manage to get all of Marc and Dec's cups without missing. The game officially ended, with Marc and Dec's ten game win streak remaining unbroken.
"Boo!" came a loud voice, stepping through the crowd to the side of the table the losers had just vacated. Tristan Flynn stood tall, heckling his best friend across the table. "Somebody needs to take you two down!"
"Somebody just tried, Flynn!" Dec called back. "And you tried a few rounds ago, too. We're untouchable."
He and Marc did a little celebration, and Flynn rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that was with Ruhn as my partner. I just need a better partner, and then you two are done." His eyes turned to scan the crowd, landing immediately on Brcye.
"Nope. No interest in being your teammate, Flynn."
He put a hand to his chest, mock hurt. "You wound me, Quinlan."
Bryce rolled her eyes. "You'll live. Besides, you're in luck. I happen to have the perfect partner for you."
Flynn raised an eyebrow in question at the same time Bryce gave me a hard shove forward. I turned to glare at her, but she just grinned back and gave me a little 'shoo' gesture. I narrowed my eyes at her even further, but turned back to Flynn anyway.
He watched me with a skeptical gaze. We'd gotten to know each other a little since I'd come to Lunathion, and we generally got along. That didn't make him trust me as a beer pong partner, though.
"Are you any good at pong, sweetheart?" he asked. I shrugged.
"I guess you're gonna find out."
With that, I turned from Flynn to quickly rerack the cups before picking up one of the balls on the table. I turned to Dec and Marc, waiting for one of them to do the same so we could shoot for who went first. They shared a look, then Dec stepped up, grinning at me as he prepared. I could feel Flynn hovering over my shoulder, but I ignored him as Dec and I locked eyes.
"Eye... to... eye," we said in sync, not looking away from each others' eyes as we let our first shots fly. I sank mine, but unfortunately, so did Dec.
I turned to Flynn. He didn't look impressed, exactly, but the wary skepticism had been replaced by a small, crooked smile.
"You're up," I said simply. Flynn didn't hesitate before stepping up to the table and going through the same procedure Dec and I had just done, but with Marc shooting opposite him. Like me, Flynn splashed his into a cup, but Marc's shot narrowly missed and bounced off into the crowd.
I let up a whooping cheer and high-fived Flynn, who was full-on grinning now. Marc and Dec just shook their heads.
"That means nothing," Dec called across the table. "You're both still toast."
"Yeah yeah, talk is cheap," I shot back. "Toss the other ball over here and let's get this upset on the road."
The game was truly a battle for the ages. The majority of the crowd had quickly rallied behind Flynn and I, since Dec and Marc had been dominating for far too long. They continued to sink shot after shot, but so did we. We held our own, using trash talk and head games and anything else we could think of to our advantage as the game went on.
I wasn't normally a super quiet person or anything, but since I'd been new to town and not in any party scenarios with Bryce's friends before this, I hadn't been ridiculously loud either. Now, however, I screamed, cheered, and jeered at the top of my lungs. With every celebration of success and mocking of the other team's misfortune, I caught Flynn staring at me more and more, an appraising look in his eye. I mostly ignored him, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a warm feeling in my chest when he grinned at me.
We both stayed focused and at the top of our games until, finally, each team only had one cup left. Marc and Dec had briefly pulled ahead, but Flynn had knocked out one of their cups to tie it. Now, the game rested on me.
"C'mon, you can do this!" shouted Flynn, putting his hands on my shoulders and jumping around a little to hype me up. I nodded, then turned to line up my shot as Flynn stepped back.
Marc and Dec were screaming, waving their hands everywhere to try and throw me off. The crowd screamed and the music blared, but I blocked it all out. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, my eyes laser-focused on the cup ahead.
Without giving myself time to second guess, I brought my arm forward and let the ball fly. A second later, it landed with a splash in the final cup of Marc and Dec.
"YES!" roared Flynn, and a moment later my feet had left the ground. He'd wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up in celebration. I laughed, absolutely beaming as Flynn set me down again.
"Alright, alright, it's not over yet!" Marc reminded us, bringing us out of the moment. "We get redemption shots."
"Even if you drag us into overtime, we're untouchable now," Flynn called. Our opponents ignored him, even as I joined Flynn's heckling and the two of us did everything we could think of to distract or psych out our opponents.
Marc shot first, and he missed. Me, Flynn, and apparently everyone else in the room held our breaths as Dec shook out his arm, then lined up his shot. Flynn and I waved our hands around, jumped up and down, and shouted things we thought might distract Dec, moving perfectly in sync like we'd been a team our whole life. Finally, Dec let the ball fly.
Flynn and I ripped our hands back to avoid any accidental interference that would cost us the game, and a split second later, Dec's ball bounced off the rim of our last cup. I reacted like lightning. According to the rules, once it hit the cup, it was fair game. I smacked it out of the way, off the table and into the crowd, before it could fall one way or the other.
"NO!" wailed Dec, sinking to his knees dramatically across the table.
"YES!" Flynn and I screamed in sync, and he picked me up again and spun me around. He put me down a moment later, still beaming, hands still around my waist. Our eyes locked, both caught up in the moment of euphoria, and he leaned towards me just a bit. I smiled, squeezing his arm but turning away to where Marc and Dec were still going through the stages of grief across the table.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss Flynn. But I also knew he wasn't a relationship kind of guy. The three different females I'd seen him make out with throughout the party tonight were testament to that. I didn't want to just kiss him and then try to pretend to go back to normal as friends the next day, so instead, I focused on the euphoria of our win.
Flynn let the moment pass, too, as we gloated over Marc and Dec's defeat. Finally, after significant whining and complaining, they wandered off and another pair stepped up to challenge me and Flynn. We ran the table for the better part of an hour before stepping away to do other things, our win streak still intact.
I stayed at the party with Bryce for a little while longer, dancing and laughing the night away. Flynn joined us for basically all of it, making a point of paying attention to me, talking and laughing with me. He toed the line of flirting more often than not, and never wandered to other parts of the party even though Bryce spent significant time roasting him every chance she got. When she and I finally left the party just after two in the morning, we only got a few steps from the frat house before she turned to me.
"Alright, spill. What's going on with you and Flynn?"
I laughed, gently bumping my shoulder into hers as we walked. "Nothing's going on, Bryce. He's a friend, that's it."
"I've seen how he acts around his friends, and that's not it. I know you're new, but you must've noticed the difference too."
I sighed. "Yeah, I have. And I won't lie, Bryce, he's great. He's funny, I like talking to him and spending time with him. Obviously he's gorgeous. But based on everything I've seen from him, he's not interested in an actual relationship with somebody. Likewise, I'm not interested in making out with somebody at a party and having that be the end of it. So I think it's best if we just stay friends."
Bryce nodded thoughtfully, letting a comfortable silence rest over us for a few blocks as we walked side by side. I thought that was the end of it, but then she chimed in again.
"I've never seen him keep flirting with somebody as long as he did with you tonight. Normally if he hasn't gotten what he wanted in about twenty minutes, he moves on."
I didn't respond. I mean, what was I supposed to say? I wasn't sure Bryce really knew what she was trying to say either, and a second later, she moved on with a curse. I looked at her in question, and she sighed.
"I just got a text from Jesiba. I have to go into work in the morning."
I winced in sympathy, then let Bryce complain to me the rest of the way home. I fell into bed after promising her some kind of baked good when she got home tomorrow to help her get through the work day, and figured that would be the last of the discussion on things with Flynn.
I was very, very wrong.
For the next few weeks, whenever I did any activity that included Flynn, he took every opportunity he got to flirt with me. I never reciprocated, but I didn't totally shut him down either. More than a few of my friends other than Bryce had mentioned it, but I usually brushed their questions off. Flynn and I got on like a wild fire, there was no denying it. But just staying friends, hopefully good friends, still seemed like the best choice to me.
Around a month after Flynn had first started flirting, our whole extended group had decided to go out to the White Raven together to dance the night away and do whatever the hell we wanted to do. Bryce shot me a look on our way out the door, and I raised an eyebrow after locking the door behind us.
"You look good. Are you going to keep ignoring Flynn, or are you finally planning to do something about him tonight?"
I waved her off. "I already told you, Bryce, I'm not-"
"Interested in a one-time thing, yeah, I know. And that's fine. But he's been chasing you for a month. I think you should talk to him, let him know you're not interested."
"I'm sure he'll lose interest soon enough, B. Probably tonight, when he finally gets a break from work to the point that he notices some pretty thing dancing next to him and forgets he ever had a thing for me."
She gave me a skeptical look, but I ignored it. Flynn had become my best friend other than Bryce over the last month, but I wasn't about to start kidding myself that I might be the exception to his lack of interest in relationships.
Bryce and I were the last to arrive, and we found the rest of the group already posted up at a table, the first round of drinks ready to go. Flynn was already out on the dancefloor, and after saying a quick hello to the rest of our friends, I decided to go join him.
"Bryce? You in?"
She grinned and shook her head at me. "Nope. Have fun."
I narrowed my eyes at her, making sure she knew she wasn't being slick and that her implication wasn't appreciated. She blew me a kiss, and I rolled my eyes before turning from the table to go find Flynn on the dancefloor.
"Hey!" he cried, lighting up as soon as he saw me. "Finally!"
He grabbed my hands without hesitation, twirling me around him in the middle of the dancefloor. I smiled and laughed, then fell forward as he pulled me to his chest. I rested my hands on his shoulders, swaying to the beat with him, his beautiful eyes and devilish smile making my heart race. His hands drifted down my waist to rest low on my hips, and it was enough to shake me out of the moment.
I smiled, but put a little more space between us, and Flynn took the hint. He twirled me out and away from him again, and when he pulled me back this time, he dropped my hands. The two of us danced our hearts out, leaving a bit of space between us, letting the music completely take us over. Flynn's eyes still raked over me, but I just grinned back at him as I moved to the beat.
We spent a long, long time out there, dancing our hearts out without caring if we were good, making absolute fools of ourselves. Flynn's eyes stayed locked on me the whole time, that stupid grin never leaving his face. I tried my best to ignore it and just enjoy the moment with the frat boy I'd somehow become best friends with.
Finally, after the song switched again and Flynn showed no signs of slowing down, I had to take a break. I stopped dancing and stepped forward into his space, and Flynn mirrored the move, even leaning down a little so it'd be easier for me to shout into his ear.
"I'm gonna run to the restroom!" I called, still barely able to be heard over the noise. I leaned back and Flynn nodded at me, shooting me one more grin before I turned and headed off through the crowd.
I ducked past all the drunk patrons, and luckily for me, found no line at the bathroom. I paused at the sinks before heading back into the fray to splash some cold water under my eyes, waking me up a little and removing any misbehaving mascara. Then I sighed, gave myself a giant smile in the mirror, and headed for the door back to the rest of the club.
When I stepped into the hallway, to my surprise, I found Flynn standing a few feet from me. He smiled when he caught sight of me, and I came to a stop just in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the wall.
"What are you doing?" I called over the pounding music still coming from the dancefloor. Flynn's grin just widened and he pushed off the wall, moving to stand in front of me. He braced one arm on the wall over my head and leaned in, crowding me and bringing his face down to within inches of mine.
"What I've been wanting to do since we kicked Dec's ass at pool," he responded, his voice low and throaty, just loud enough to be heard over the music. His eyes darted to my lips, and then he was leaning in, intention clear.
My mind went blank as I stared back at him. He was one of the most handsome males I'd ever met, and I really did love talking to him and spending time with him. My heart raced at his proximity, and I'd never admit it to Bryce, but I wanted to kiss him, bad-
But then I thought better of it, as a group of female shifters passed us, staring and giggling into their hands. How many others had Flynn cornered in the hallway like this, for a physical release before he never called them again? How many females in this club had stood in the same place I did now, with the same male?
I pulled away at the last second, ducking under Flynn's arm to get some space from him. He whirled around to look at me with a frown, arms held out at his sides, clearly wondering what the hell I was doing. He took a step towards me and I took one back, which made him freeze on the spot.
"Sweetheart... what's wrong?" he asked, voice laced with confusion and concern. I wrapped my arms around myself and shook my head.
"I don't... I don't want this, Flynn. I don't want to make out with you in a dark club or hookup at the frat house. I don't care that you like to do that, it's your choice and you clearly enjoy it, but I don't. I don't want to be another fling or hookup or whatever before you move onto the next pretty thing that moves."
Flynn scowled. "What? That's not-"
"You've said yourself that you're not a relationship guy, Flynn. I've heard it a dozen times hanging out at the frat house. And that's okay. But I am a relationship person, and I care about you, a lot. Staying friends with you is more important to me than making out with you one time in a club hallway, only for you to turn around and grind with one of the shifters staring you down half an hour later."
Flynn's whole posture deflated, his expression dropping as he looked at me. I pursed my lips together and tried to give him a sympathetic look.
"Sorry, Flynn. I just... I really think this is for the best."
I didn't wait for a response before turning on my heel and heading back out to the dancefloor. I hadn't expected to care so much, but I could feel my heart threatening to shatter in my chest, and I wanted to get out of here before its resolve totally crumpled.
I reached our table to find my friends laughing and talking, Bryce mercifully on one end of the booth. I leaned in when I reached her, and her demeanor immediately became serious when she heard the tone of my voice.
"Hey, I think I'm gonna head home."
She pulled back and whirled around to look at me.
"What? Why?" Her eyes narrowed. "What happened?"
"Nothing happened. I just... I'm ready to go. You don't have to come, I just thought I should let you know."
She scoffed at me, turning away just long enough to scoop up her purse before standing with me.
"Let's go."
I shot her a grateful look, and she linked arms with me without a second look over her shoulder to the males at our table as we headed for the door. I didn't follow her lead, and when I looked back, I saw Flynn up against the wall again, some gorgeous female in front of him and leaning in with obvious intent in her eyes. That little piece of my heart I'd been trying to hold together finally splintered and broke away.
I hadn't wanted to talk about it, but Bryce managed to get the full story out of me before I went to bed. She looked thoughtful, and clearly had some opinions she wanted to share, but I was exhausted and hurting and didn't want to talk about it. Thankfully, that must've shown clearly enough on my face that she let it go.
At least, until I wandered into the kitchen the next morning.
"You look like shit," Bryce said in lieu of good morning, sliding a cup of coffee across the counter towards me. I narrowed my eyes at her, but took the coffee anyway.
"Thanks. That's about how I feel."
"So... do you want to talk about it?"
"Okay, then I will. Why are you pretending you don't have a thing for him?"
"Who said I was, Bryce? He's absolutely gorgeous and I love spending time with him. He's funny, and chaotic in a good way, and I love talking to him. He's become my best friend here, other than you. But I want to date him, not hookup with him. So there's no point talking about it."
"Are you sure he doesn't want to date you, though?"
I fixed her with a look that communicated clearly how stupid I thought that question was. She shot right back with a fierce look of her own.
"I'm just saying, I haven't seen him with anyone else since you two started hanging out. And he hasn't talked about the single lifestyle since then, either, or even joke-flirted with me."
I sighed and shook my head. "I saw him with somebody as we were leaving the club last night, after I officially shut him down."
Bryce just hummed, eyes narrowed in thought as she sipped her own mug of coffee. I didn't like one thing about that look, so I quickly picked up my mug and headed back to my bedroom.
"I'm getting dressed, and then I'm probably gonna head to the gym. I'll see you tonight!"
I shut the bedroom door behind me before Bryce had a chance to say anything, heaving a sigh of relief the minute it was closed.
I changed quickly, but waited to leave my room until I heard Bryce go into her own. I didn't want to be ambushed and forced into another talk, hence why I was going to the gym in the first place. It would be a good way to lose myself in my music, and to be distracted from feelings by the pain in the rest of my body.
I stayed at the gym for an hour, then took my time showering and getting dressed in the locker room. I stayed under the hot water for a lot longer than usual, trying to wash away the hurt feeling still curled in the center of my chest. It was my own fault, catching feelings for somebody who I knew didn't want a relationship. But that didn't make it any less terrible to try and recover.
When I finally left the gym, the sun was high in the sky, which gave me hope that Bryce might be at work when I got home. I knew I'd have to face her and that thoughtful look she'd had sooner or later, but my preference was later, and I wanted to do everything I could to push that conversation off.
Luckily, our apartment was empty when I pushed back through the door. I sighed, throwing on the first thing that looked good on the tv and heading to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. I'd just settled into the couch and taken the first bite of my sandwich when a knock on the door disturbed me.
Not many people could make it up to our apartment from the lobby, so I knew I couldn't ignore the knock. I set my sandwich down with a huff and crossed the room, not bothering to check the peephole before flinging the door open.
I immediately regretted my decision when I found Tristan Flynn standing before me, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I frowned, glancing over his shoulder for any sign of the rest of the frat pack, but he was the only one in the hallway.
"Flynn, what- ACHOO!"
My head flung forward violently at the smell of the flowers in Flynn's hands, and I groaned as I straightened up on the other side of the sneezing fit. I looked up at him again, this time through slightly bleary eyes. He looked a little panicked.
"Fuck. Are you allergic to flowers? I told Ruhn it was a stupid idea-"
"Wait, did you bring those for me? Did Ruhn tell you to bring those for me?"
Flynn grimaced. "Yeah. It's a long- hold on."
He cut himself off when he noticed me scrunching my nose, trying to fend off another sneezing fit. He took a few steps back to a pot down the hallway, then with a wave of his hand and a little of his magic, he buried the bouquet in the dirt of the fern.
"Fertilizer," he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he returned to stand before me. "Sorry about that."
"That's okay..." I still sounded a little stuffy, but hopefully that would stop soon now that the flowers were out of nose-range. "What... what are you doing here?"
He sighed, staring at the ground for a few beats before abruptly looking up at me. His warm eyes met my own, and that little shard that had broken off last night dug itself in a little harder, almost making me wince in pain.
"I needed to talk to you. I... came to ask you out."
I laughed. When Flynn's face stayed just as grave and serious as it had been, more serious than I'd ever seen him look, I stopped laughing.
"Wait... are you serious?"
"Yeah, I am. Thanks for laughing, by the way."
"I'm sorry, I just, I don't know. Bringing flowers to my door to ask me on a date doesn't really seem like your thing."
"No shit. I almost killed you with those stupid flowers a minute ago." I cracked a smile again, and finally, a smile made its way onto Flynn's face too. He blew out a long breath, then shook his head. "Look, I know I'm not good at this. I've had a lot of practice and time to get good at other things, but... not this. But I don't want you to be a hookup. I've never had more fun in my life than whenever I spend time with you. You're funny and smart and gorgeous, and I haven't given a shit about other females since you sank that first shot in eye-to-eye. So I'm here to ask you on a real date. For... a real relationship."
His face scrunched up a little at the word, and my eyebrows shot into my hairline.
"You know people are usually excited when they talk about a relationship, right?"
"I am," he said, pinning me with the intense stare he normally reserved for Aux business. "This is just... new to me. I'm figuring it out. But I know that I want you, and no one else. I made fun of Quinlan and Athalar for being so sappy about all that 'dating your best friend' shit, but... having met you, it actually sounds kind of nice."
A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, especially as Flynn fidgeted in front of me. I'd never seen him nervous like this, probably because he didn't usually fear rejection for meaningless make outs. But that thought brought another image to my mind.
"What about the female in the club last night?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral. I failed, emotion breaking through, but at least I'd tried.
Flynn raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"The one you were getting hot and heavy with when Bryce and I left," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Flynn just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Please. She was drunk as hell and throwing herself at the first male she found attractive. Not that I would've minded before, but..." He rested one arm on the doorway above me, leaning into my space with a confident smirk that made my heart race. "Last night I had other things on my mind."
I fought and failed to keep a smile off my face, my gaze dropping from Flynn's. My heart raced at his words and his proximity, and I knew he could hear it. I expected him to rub it in, but instead, he let out a long breath.
"Look, you shot me down last night, and I don't want to put pressure on you and ruin our friendship or whatever. So it's not an issue if you say no, alright? But if you give me a chance..." I looked up, just in time to see that insufferable smirk on his face. "I plan to make the most of it."
This time, I didn't bother fighting the smile as it spread across my face. I rested a hand on Flynn's shoulder and leaned in closer, until I could place a soft kiss on his cheek. His hand immediately dropped from the doorframe to my waist, pulling me tight against him, but I just smirked and leaned back.
"I'm up for a date, Flynn. What did you have in mind?"
He practically growled as his eyes roved my face, down the rest of me, and back up to meet my eyes. More than a small part of my brain wanted to take advantage of the empty apartment behind me, but the rest of me won out. I wasn't about to make it that easy on him.
"I was thinking dinner. Drinks. And then... whatever else we feel like doing, after that."
Everything about Flynn's tone and body language made it clear exactly what he had in mind for "after that". I smiled, leaning into him a little further, bringing one hand up to run it through his hair. Flynn's eyelids fluttered.
"That sounds like a great plan, Flynn. What time do you want to pick me up?"
"Perfect. I'll see you then."
With that, I slipped out of Flynn's grip, shooting him a wicked smirk and wave before shutting the door on him.
"What the fuck?" I heard him yell from outside. I just laughed.
"I've got things to do before our date tonight, Flynn!" I called back, knowing he could hear me just fine through the door with his fae hearing. "If you seriously waited a month, I think you can handle a couple more hours."
I could hear him grumbling on the other side of the door, but I just returned to the couch and my waiting sandwich. After a moment, he called out again, loud enough to still be heard.
"Fine! I'll see you tonight then, sweetheart. Get ready for the night of your life."
I didn't respond, not least of all because I didn't trust myself to. If Flynn was all in, then so was I. And I absolutely couldn't wait for our date tonight, from the dinner to the drinks to whatever might come after.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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shadowdaddies · 9 months
Hope everything is good
Could I request smut with flynn
I NEVER see any fics of him
Thanks so much
Hi, hope you're doing well! Agreed there should be more Flynn content. I'm hoping we get more of him in HOFAS because he's a good character
Tristan Flynn x f!Reader
Warnings: smut below the cut, drinking, reference to drugs, oral f!receiving, p in v sex, minors dni
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You clutched Bryce’s hand as she jostled her way through the crowd, the air thick with mirthroot and beer. You waded your way past the swarms of people until you reached the upstairs game room. Finally finding enough space to breathe, you spotted the bar and headed over with Bryce. 
Leaning against the counter, you squeezed the lime into your drink, stirring while you scanned the space. Your heart stopped, mouth going dry as your gaze locked with the most striking pair of green eyes you had ever seen. Unable to stop the blush that crept over your cheeks every time you saw Tristan Flynn, you opted for taking a sip of your cool drink. 
Bryce gave you a knowing smirk, taking your hand in hers once more as she draped it over her shoulder, swaying her curvy hips as she pulled you over to where Flynn sat along with Ruhn and Declan. Ruhn’s eyes widened, the prince shooting up from his seat as he greeted you and Bryce, wrapping each of you in a hug. You moved to take the open seat next to Declan, but Bryce slid in before you could, a knowing smile painting her lips as she winked at you.
The blush on your cheeks deepened as you realized the only place to sit among your friends was a tiny spot on the couch next to Flynn. “Come on sweetheart, I don’t bite,” the gorgeous male purred with a wink. 
You swallowed thickly as you took your spot next to him on the couch, warmth emanating from his toned arm that brushed yours. Green eyes pierced the side of your face, tracking the movement of your throat as you took another sip of your drink. “I’m glad you came tonight,” Flynn murmured in your ear, his fingertips brushing your thigh.
Your eyes flicked to his, locking on his gaze as a lock of wavy brown hair fell in his face, and you subconsciously brushed it away. His breath caught, and you nervously cleared your throat, muscles stiffening under the pressure of his gaze. “I’m surprised some pretty female hasn’t pulled you away by now,” you retorted, hoping to deflect his attention from noticing how nervous you were. 
Instead, Flynn brushed a bit of hair back from your shoulder, leaning in so that his warm breath brushed the skin of your neck. “I’ve been waiting for you to show. Pull me away at any time, sweetheart.” 
Heart pounding in your chest, you turned to Flynn, his full lips parted slightly as his tongue flicked out, emerald eyes searing into you. You leaned into him without thought, savoring the warmth as his hand tentatively moved along your thigh, pulling you closer. Your noses were touching when Bryce shouted, “get a room!” causing you to jump back and glare at her. 
Everyone was watching with amusement, and you turned back to see that Flynn’s eyes had never left you. In a moment of bravery, you leaned in, savoring his scent as you whispered, “how about we get a room?”
You’d barely pulled away to gauge his reaction when the male swept you into his arms, carrying you bridal style up the stairs to his room as your friends wolf-whistled behind you. Blushing furiously, you held onto Flynn as he kicked the door shut behind you, locking the door for privacy. 
Suddenly flying through the air, you landed on the plush mattress as Flynn ripped his shirt off. Your eyes glazed over as you practically drooled at the sight of his tanned, toned chest. Gods, he was unfairly beautiful, and he knew it. With a wicked grin, Flynn leaned down over your body, hands gripping your hips with a force as he dragged you to the edge of the bed. 
Gasping, your legs instinctively tightened around his waist. He pried them apart with ease, settling down on his knees in front of you, your legs spread under his grip as your dress rode up, your black lace underwear the only barrier between him and your heat. 
Flynn blew out a breath, the cold air hitting your pussy and making you arch into him. You babbled incoherent pleas, desperate for more as he licked and sucked his way up your thighs. Teeth grazing over the fabric covering your clit, Flynn sucked softly before tugging your panties down with his teeth.
Breathless, you managed to lift your head to see him smirking at you, tongue flicking out as he licked a stripe up the soiled fabric of your underwear before stuffing them in his back pocket. Hands held your knees apart in a vice grip, rendering your attempts at moving useless as Flynn inhaled the scent of your arousal, a pleased look on his face before he dove in. 
He licked your clit at an impossible speed, eliciting sounds you didn’t know you could make as you writhed under him. Moving to pin both of your legs with one arm, Flynn brought a finger to swipe the slick of your pussy, his tongue sucking on your clit harshly. You let out a scream as his finger dipped inside you, curling against your wall at a rapid pace. The coil inside of you was tightening quickly, vision fading in and out as he added a second finger, the pressure too much to handle as your eyes rolled back. Shaky breaths left your lips before you screamed Flynn’s name, feeling his smirk against your clit as he continued to pump his fingers into you. 
Trashing against the sheets as he worked you into overstimulation, you begged Flynn, “please fuck me, I need you inside of me now.” As if he didn’t hear you, Flynn continued his assault on your pussy, your hands finding his chestnut curls as you held on to him, your only tether to this world as you shook against the bed. 
You reached your second high, feeling a rush of new arousal flooding Flynn’s face as you came down, muscles going lax as he climbed over you. A cocky smirk graced his lips as you brought a hand to his cheek, drawing him closer. His lips melded with yours, the soft warmth and taste of you on his tongue as he ground against you. 
“Please,” you begged for a countless time tonight, bringing your hand to palm his hard cock through his jeans. Flynn threw his head back, instinctively thrusting into your hand as you worked him, unbuttoning his pants as he shucked the restrictive fabric off, leaving the both of you completely bare. 
Licking your palm, you brought it down to lightly grip his cock, stroking his length as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He gasped into your mouth, a smirk now on your lips as you threaded your free hand through his hair, pulling him as close as you were able. “Please, fuck me,” you begged, thumb brushing over his tip as you lined his cock at your entrance.
Flynn’s head dropped into your neck, breathing heavy as he turned putty in your hands. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, holding you as he bit down on your neck and thrust deeply inside of you. Low moans escaped both of you as he settled, and you turned to press a kiss to his earlobe, tugging in silent request for more.
Flynn began thrusting at a relentless pace, hitting impossibly deep inside of you each time as you moaned and screamed under him. You were panting, vision blacking out when his cock finally twitched inside of you, and you rolled your hips against his as he neared his own orgasm. 
Licking his thumb, he brought the finger down to your clit, your back arching as you released a lewd moan at the feeling. Your third orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, rolling through you repeatedly as you were vaguely aware of Flynn cumming as well, his wet seed splattering on your stomach. 
You moved to get up and leave, but Flynn stopped you, grabbing a damp cloth, cleaning you up before he laid next to you. Pulling the covers over the both of you, he pressed a kiss to your cheek, mumbling sleepily into your ear. “Thank you for tonight, beautiful.” 
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autumnscribbles · 1 year
hello friends i'm finally making a masterlist!! i left out old imagines that i don't really write for those people anymore but yeah!!
requests always open!! especially for colby/sam and the fisher boys since their sections be looking empty ;)
Love y'all!
Brad Simpson
secret's out
believe me
LA nights
after the show
cheap wine
missing you
don't touch her
Colby Brock
begin again
Conrad Fisher
Jeremiah Fisher
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sickfreaksirkay · 18 days
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least sycophantic tristan fan
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deadghosy · 2 years
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ROBIN: this mf came into your house for the food.(but to also see you) you would be mad that he was almost eating everything. You were hitting his arms while he moved away from you as he smirks at how you weren’t even hurting him. He will give you some of his food off his plate. This corny mf would wipe something off of the side of your face that had a crumb.
FINNEY: he’s there to see you and make sure you were okay. You cooked some of his favorite food and he fell inlove with you again. Literally. He didn’t bring Gwen since she said she was going to her friend’s house for thanksgiving like Finn was. You fed Finn some food and he did the same for you while being flustered and shaking at how cute you looked.
VANCE: comes in your house yelling “HONEY IM HOMEE!!” 😒 THIS MF ONLY COMES IN YOUR HOUSE TO EAT YOUR FOOD AND SLEEP LIKE A GRANDPA- bro eats off your plate when you aren’t looking. Plus he can’t resist when you are such a house wife/husband/ partner material. After he is done eating, he lays his head on your lap and goes to sleep with you combing through his hair with your fingers.
BRUCE: MALE WIFE NOW. This man is cooking for you. He’s literally making everything in one setting just for you. This man got up at like 9 AM just to make you the food. He just wants you to be happy and he is thankful for you and for you being in his life and coming into his life. Mans got a thankful card just to give to you when you are done eating. So when he gave it to you, he prepared himself for a big tackle hug, and it finally came to him when you finish reading the card.
BILLY: before you even know it, this mf had a PLAN 😭😭. He said he wanted to have a sleepover at your house but really he had a self alarm on his phone at 5 am so he can get everything perfect. This thanksgiving dinner was going to be amazing! he almost burnt down your kitchen….. BUT HE DID MAKE THE BEST MACARONI EVER! So when you figured out he almost burnt down your kitchen, you and him both were cooking the food and you both taste tested it to make sure it was good. At the end both of you ate good, and you both had an enjoyable moment where you were laughing at how billy almost burnt down your kitchen
GRIFFIN: he wants to cook for you just like Bruce. (Like father like son lol-) you were sleeping until 11 am since you started to smell the smell of food. And it actually smelled good. He made macaroni, ham, turkey, and corn bread. It was amazing and it made you full. Griffin was filled with pride and joy seeing you praise him unlike his mother did when he tried to cook for her when he was little. You and Griffin relaxed in silence until you both fell asleep.
DONNA: is saying how she is thankful for you and her family. You and her watch random movies and cuddle together. You once made the cake this time and she fed it to you.
GWEN: immediately when you opened the door for her, she gave you a hug and a kiss to the cheek. She laughed at your flustered face. You both ate a lot and even took a nap after eating. Woke up at a random time at night and you both watched some nice comedy movies and even shows.
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thedevilrisen · 3 months
Meeting Luke
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Nova Crosby -
"Tristan, I'm going to the bathroom you do not need to follow me." the brunette had protested as Tristan did follow her regardless.
"Nova, we all know you have a tendency for trouble, your dad told me to watch you and I know he will make my life hell if I don't." the goalie had argued back, leaning against the tiled wall outside the bathrooms. "Now off you go, I will be right here."
"You look like a pervert." Nova had offered before disappearing down the hallway. Tristan’s face flushed slightly as he straightened his shirt and clasped his hands in front of him, trying to look as normal as he possibly could standing outside the women’s bathroom.
“So. Do you know where we can get some decent food in this place?” Nova had asked bluntly, looking around, fiddling with her chain.
Tristan um-ed and ah-ed momentarily before pulling out the brochure for the event which had a map on it. “There is a sushi takeout place a few halls down, we could go there?”
Nova, who emphasised a little limp as she moved to sit down on a near by table spoke, “That sounds sooo, good Tris, but my ankle is giving me grief for some reason. I might have twisted it this morning, I stepped off the path onto a garden bed this morning helping dad carry stuff in.” to really help her excuse fly, she rolled her ankle and leaned down and rubbed it for good measure.
“Oh, Novs, I wouldn’t have made you walk so far if I knew it was sore!” Tristan gushed, placing some show bags down on the table as he leaned down to look at her ankle.
“It’s fine Tris, but I would kill for some Katsu Curry right now.” Nova look at him with her infamous, ‘please I promise I won’t do anything bad and I’ll love you forever face’
Letting out a sigh Tristan stood up and gave her a stern look, “You stay here. Don’t move, don’t get into trouble. Your father will skin me.”
“Tris, my ankle really hurts,” Nova dragged a chair over so she could put her foot up “I won’t be going anywhere, I promise.”
Tristan nodded and stood up, “I’ll be back with your curry soon, stay put.”
“No pickles please!” Nova asked as Tristan began to move away, he gave her a thumbs up as he disappeared into the crowd, a small smile gracing her lips as she grabbed the show bags and walked off, “Tsk Tsk, so gullible Tristan.”
Before roaming the event by herself Nova made sure to skim the wall of the event hall, finding the loose tile she had scouted out a few days prior to the event. There, she pulled out a cardigan and large black, mesh tote bag to fit the show bags into. She changed over her hoodie, a cream one for a wisteria tinted cardigan. She made sure to let her hair out of her normally donned plait, the gently waves flowing over her shoulders and some falling to rest near her face. She finalised her decoy outfit with her glasses, green somewhere between sage and mint resting high on her nose.
Letting out a a huff as she hoisted the tote bag onto her shoulder, she surveyed the area noting places where she knew members of staff who would chew her out to her dad would be. Making a wide berth around those stalls she kept her head low and tried to look as tourist-y as physically possible.
Half heartedly, giving mind to where she assumed Tristan would be. Knowing the popularity of restaurant Tristan had headed too she judged with the distance he had to walk she had approximately twenty or twenty five minutes before Tristan found out she wasn’t there and alerted her father.
Weaving her way cautiously through stands at the back of the hall she stopped to observe what everyone was advertising every few steps, keeping her back to the door in effort to render herself as inconspicuous as possible.
Looking over absentmindedly she became distinctly aware of a rather tall boy, around her age with unruly, fluffy curls peeking out from under his beenie, looking sad as a wet puppy as he handed out flyers to passers by. With nothing better to do she approached him, a tentative smile moulded by her lips.
“Hello! I’m Nova, what’s your name?” she asked cheerfully, “I’m sorry, that’s really weird. You looked kind of upset and lonely and..” the girl had to remind herself ‘I think you look cute’ would not be the best course of action in this situation. “…wanted to make sure you were okay, because I know how it feels to be stuck doing monotonous shit at events?”
“I’m managing alright, thanks for ask-“ Luke looked up towards the end of the sentence refraining from ending his sentence with ‘holy shit your beautiful’ and instead “-ing. I wouldn’t, yknow. Object to you staying.. if you like?”
“It would be my pleasure! So, tell me about your self, what’s your name, or nickname you like, where are you from, how old are you?” The girl had asked after commandeering a stool and sitting opposite where Luke was standing.
Luke, startled by the girls forward questions stuttered in his answers, “My name is Luke, I don’t really have any nicknames… I’m from Michigan, well that where we live and I’m seventeen.”
“Alright then Luke, I’m Nova, I was born in Pittsburgh but my family is from Nova Scotia, people I like call me Novs and I’m sixteen!” Nova shared as she quickly glanced around the room, paling when she noticed her father walk into the very far end of the hall with Tristan trying to match his pace. However, refusing to let it fail her confidence she turned around and kept talking.
“-and the draftees this year were amazing, some of the talent.” Nova shook her head in disbelief, after having gone on about baking vs cooking, knitting vs crocheting after seeing a woman walk by with a trolley of crochet animals and finally hockey and this years draft. Luke didn’t appear dismayed however, quite the opposite. He was hanging onto every word the girl in front of him was saying, that was until a fast moving, rather irritated 5’11 shadow moved into view.
“Nova Vivienne!” Sid cried, as he approached her, “How many times have I told you, not to run off.”
Luke looked like a dear in head lights staring up at the Sidney Crosby, chastising this Nova girl.
“Calm your tits, dad. I just wanted to walk by myself, I didn’t get far, I stopped and have been here with Luke for the past 45 minutes!” Nova amended, nonchalantly, blinking up at her father, her hair falling gracefully off her shoulder.
“I don’t care, when I tell you not to run off, I expect you don’t. Now, I’m done for the day, I suggest we should get home.” Sid stated primly.
“Alright, one minute though,” Nova turned back to Luke, even as Sidney grumbled behind them, “Do you have a pen?”
Luke, still star struck, nodded and grabbed the sharpie lying on the desk and handed it to Nova’s awaiting hand. She then picked up a brochure off of the table and wrote something on it. Before handing it back to Luke.
“Open that when you get to the hotel.”
Then, tucked under her father’s arm she turned and walked out of the hall, chatting his ear off about something as well. Once he was in the clear Luke opened the brochure from where it was creased in half and read.
Call me :D and below was a phone number.
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marchlione · 9 months
ok you're telling me no one at either camp looked at either jason or thalia and went 'hey is that 80s actress beryl grace's kid? y'know, the one that went missing/mysteriously died?' like i'm sure the pop culture in pjo verse has a section of people who treat the whole beryl grace and mystery man's children, thalia and jason grace thing as a conspiracy theory or true crime story.
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echidnacht · 4 months
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My designs for Lam and Tristan!
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