#trolls world tour queen barb x reader
imasoftieforbarb · 6 months
HEYYYYY I love your writing! I just saw the barb fic and was wondering if you could do a part two?
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Barb x Reader general Headcannons pt 2
She’s so down bad for you
If she wrote in a journal it would probably have your name in hearts in it somewhere
She loves taking you to concerts to see you let loose and have fun
Will 100% show off by lifting you onto her shoulders so you can see better
“Yeah babe you got the drum sticks!”
if you give her them as a gift she will actually put them on a wall above a photo of you two like a shrine
Definitely has a a lil photo book of photos of you two
If you open her guitar case? There’s a picture of you that she took when you were half asleep with stickers on your face (she calls it your natural beauty)
If anyone crosses you?
She’s gonna be getting revenge in your name (if you wanna join in she’s so happy)
Let’s you get in on the planning
“That’s down right devious- LETS DO THIS BABE”
I think her top nicknames for you would be:
Babe, Doll, or especially when she’s drunk she might call you Toots or Hotcakes
She’s totally smitten for you and you can 100% tell after she’s introduced you her dad
He’s such an important aspect of her life so being introduced to him is a major privilege
She encourages you to be yourself even if you’re not a rock troll because he appreciates people being themselves
He absolutely loves you, and he’s super happy to see his daughter happy
That’s all he really cares about
Encourages you to talk, and introduces topics before deciding to pull out then baby photos
And that’s how you and her dad became besties
She’s a bit embarrassed but you promise to show her yours in return
You secretly ask for a copy of your favorite picture (wallet size)
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brights-place · 6 months
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Trollex dating headcannons!
- OH GOD I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HIM AND HE DIDN'T EVEN GET MUCH SCREENTIME?!??! - HE'S JUST SO YFGBNV FVGHJUJHKKJ - SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH ME BUT HE IS SO CUTEEEEE - Dating this man isn't easy given that he's oh let me think... THE TECHNO TROLLS KING!??! - practices asking you out with techno beat drop who hypes him up - Trollex and Techno Beat Drop Button are best friends so it's obvious he's gonna talk to him about how he feels about you and how amazing you are when you start dating and when you weren't - You met at one of his raves you were dancing near the front with other techno trolls cheering - He loved your smile and how you danced around literally grinned wider when you two made eye contact - He told Synth to take over and wanted to get to know you... Literally swam towards you and welcomed you happily ( If your an different genre he would ask questions and if your an fellow techno troll he'd ask why he hasn't seen you around ) - He would try to find you the next day and successfully did with the help of his friends - Found you buying stuff at the market and purposefully bumped into you and talk to you more which worked out for him as he asked to hangout more which made you turn red since THE KING of TECHNO TROLLS was asking you to hangout - After like 3 Months this man would start to turn into an flustered mess for wanting to date you even after 3 months - Confess to you and asked to take you out on some dates you both where blushing but trollex was more confident since he practiced so hard on beat drop - First date was at another rave and the second date was him taking you to your favourite places he was so serious and planned everything out just for you which made you blush - Officially started dating on the second date which was quick.... - Kiss his freckles he'd giggle and look at you lovingly - loves you deeply with his large pixelated pink heart - Loves when you admire his body due to how cool it looks he likes how compliment his neon green hair, and his rainbow glowing bands of color on both arms - He doesn't have a single love language he uses gifts, physical touch, words and acts of service to express his love and care for you which is so much... - He makes sure your next to him in the DJ booth so he knows your beside him safe and also so you can be near him - After you've been together for a while he learnt how to identify whenever you need help so he just turn to look at you to know
- He would praise you whenever he can if he’s free
- When you talk about your interests he just nods and smiles lovingly at you <33
- kisses on his face makes him melt he just loves when you show him affection - He understands emotions so well so if you wanted to vent or rant to him he would listen and comfort you the best he can. - When he first started developing a crush on his future S/O aka YOU! he was able to tell pretty quick. - He realized as soon as the butterflies appeared in his stomach whenever they was around he just knew very fast and quickly!
- Would steal some of your stuff to wear out of boredom
- He loves holding your hand or even shows PDA Whenever he's stressed out, he likes knowing that you're there with him, and holding your hand is the perfect way for him to do that.
- he may be abit relaxed to his people but to you and in an private space he’s an ball of energy bouncing of the walls
- He usually shows himself as a calm and realxed dude for his partner but they know better. - he's the biggest softie around and will become comically flustered if this is brought up by them.
- would invite you to all his raves that he is being the DJ for… It’s all of them and you don’t miss an single one unless you aren’t into it he still likes to talk about it to you
- Night owl and early bird duo. Whenever he goes to bed late, you go to bed early and whenever you wake up late, he's up early.
- Tickle fights, chasing you around the beach when you steal his things, passionate kissing in the sand.
- Pepper kisses across your knuckles, the palm of your hand and wrist as he fawns over you, praising you without an second.
- He LOVES to show you off.
- He'll take you out and strut around with you on his arm like he won the lottery - Bliss and Laguna would gang up on him and tell you the stupid shit he did when they were younger up till now.
- will follow you around when you visit if he has the chance, he'll happily chatter away and keep you company
- takes great pride when you compliment or comment on the state of the castle or the decor for the raves - You wake up with him clinging to your ass in the morning
- If you call his name he will turns towards you with the biggest doe eyes and abandons all his duties to talk to you when you just wanted to ask where he put your jacket
- he was wearing it...
- When you go out on dates Trollex wouldn’t hesitate to kiss you on the cheek or lips and hold your hand.
- lights up when he sees you, who always has a new joke or dramatic story to share. - He could go on and on about how much he loves you to anyone who would listen.
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vacayisland · 6 months
hiya!! can i req a short of king trollex getting injured while in barb's captivity? hurt or hurt/comfort, thanks for considering!
@!; Isolation for the soul (this isn't what I wanted) Trollex / Reader
"Summary"! Have you ever had to sit in a deafening silence? The torturing type of silence. All you ever wanted was some sort of peace, a moment of silence away from the noise. You never thought your wish would be answered in the cruelest way. "Tags"! Hurt / Comfort (a little lest comfort), y'all got the better version of the two stories in my head &lt;3
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@!; You always wanted some sort of silence, for an hour, thirty minutes, a minute, a second. It had never been quiet in Techno Reef, it had never been… quiet. And god, you had always wished for some sort of silence, but not silence like this. Not the deafening kind of silence, not the dreary silence, not the alone, abandoned, self-hatred fill silence that creeps up on you and holds you captive. The type that taunts you, haunts you, as you can do nothing but sit and be all consumed by it, encompassed by it constantly. No remorse will find you at the deepest depths of the ocean. You were alone, utterly and wholly. It was only meant to be a quick swim, one to get away from the noise of everyone and the noise of the rave that had been happening at the time. You had told Trollex this, having gone to his side and tapped his shoulder. Even while DJing, he had turned to you with the brightest grin. He had cupped your cheeks, he had given you such a big kiss and then a bigger hug as he softly told you to be careful; to get home soon, to not do anything too dangerous. You know he meant it more then than when he had told you before, after all you both were splitting egg-holding duty. Trollex had one of the twin eggs in his hair, safely tucked away and hidden, and you did too. You had brushed off his warning, giving him a playful look and quipped back he should be careful with the speakers more than anything. He had laughed, gave you one last smooch before you pulled away laughing and rushed off for your swim; yelling at him goodbye, that you would see him later. Later. How much later?
You sat at his DJ booth, sunk down on the floor as you held the only part of Trollex you still had; The egg, which was still warm yet slowly becoming cold due to the ocean. You know you should keep them in your hair, keep them warm so they will hatch yet… you were too alone, too afraid to be alone, to do that right now. Hugging the egg close, you pressed your cheek against the top as you tried to choke back your sobs. Funny, how silence was now the last thing you wanted. Ironic that the only thing you wanted now, more than ever, was the loud blaring music of the Techno reef; to hear your lover shout to the crowd, hyping them up louder than need be. Yet, all you sat in was a cold, silent reef; Having come back to nothing but silence, nothing but destruction, nothing but… nothing. It had been deserted, lettering spelling out ‘Rock’ etched into the side of the reefs and the coral. At first, you had thought it was a tasteless prank pulled by Trollex and the others; He had always been a prankster, had everyone pretend they forgot your birthday so he could throw you a big party and then a smaller one with just you and him and your friends at the end of the day. You had called for them, searched for everyone for hours before you realized you were alone. That feeling hit hard. Even more so when you stood in the center of the rave spot, seeing everything desolate, destroyed, and powered off. It felt strangely empty and cold. You felt strangely empty and cold.
And you panicked, laughing a little as you called out for people. Called out for everyone, anyone, anything! You threw things around, overturned rocks, checked buildings and hiding spots and everywhere you could think, yet no matter how hard you searched you were alone. And you didn’t know why. Why did they leave you? Did you do something? Did no one want to be around you anymore? Was the rave just a ploy to get you to swim away so everyone could pack up and leave? Leave without all their things, pack up and move to a new palace, rich. You didn’t think you had been rude to anyone or did anything to upset anyone, yet now you rethought all of that. Sitting alone, abandoned and utterly cold, you rethought everything you had done; All the words you had said, all the reactions you had given and all the ones you didn’t, all the gifts, all the yeses and nos, all of it. All at once it made you homesick and deathly lonely. It made you think, wonder, if you had shown even just a little more interest, if you had tried a little more, you wouldn’t be in this situation. You wouldn’t be alone, sitting by Trollex’s turntable with nothing but the silence you now wished would go away and be filled with deathly loud blaring music. Even if it was just for a short amount of time.
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@!; A week, that’s what it took for Queen Poppy to save the day with the help of her friends. For everyone to restore their sense of music without the need of strings, singing from their hearts and letting music just be. No more Rock-apocalypse. No more feuding and isolation of tribes! Everything was right together again. “This is amazing!” Queen Poppy exclaimed, her arms extending as she watched all the trolls in the crowd interact with each other as though there were no differences; Showing each other their music, chatting and laughing, giggling too. Even the tribal leaders were interacting among the stage. As Poppy turned towards her new found friends, the biggest grin across her face, she paused. There was a small group crowded around the Techno tribe’s leader, who had fallen down onto the stage; He was coughing harshly, tears brimming at the corner of his eyes as a hand was balled against his chest. Poppy, at first, thought it was due to his coughing fit and had rushed over while shuffling around her hair for some sort of cough drop. “Poppy! Poppy, stop-” Yet Branch stopped her, grabbing her shoulder and pulling Poppy back as she sputtered out some sort of yell. “Branch I have cough drops I can help-” Poppy would spew out, rushing around in her hair to find something, anything, to help her new friend. Yet, Branch only cupped her cheeks and turned her attention over to where Trollex was sitting, forcing her to take a second look. That’s when she spotted it, seeping and clumping up under Trollex’s hand was blood.
That’s when Delta’s shouting for a medic began to ring in Poppy’s ears. That’s when Baarb had stopped on stage, her breath hitched as she realized what she had done. That’s when a hush fell over the stage as looks were passed around, unsure what to do about the current situation. Half weren’t even sure how this had happened, or how it went unnoticed during the whole song and dance number performed minutes earlier! “Medic, Y’all we need a medic!” Delta shouted as she extended one of Trollex’s fins, noting the other gash that ran down his leg. Trollex tried shaking his head, trying to say how he would be fine, yet he was only hushed when Delta had applied some disinfecting cream (which she got from Branch) around his flipper gash.  “Uh-huh,” Delta mumbled sarcastically as Poppy and Queen Essence tried to get a Techno medic to help, “Pumpkin, you’re as fine as a horse who’s broken his leg! Stop playin’ the hero, you’re hurt.” But Trollex only shook his head again, knowing there was only so much time he had, “I have to get back home! I-” Though he was only interrupted again as he kicked his flipper towards Delta, feeling the disinfecting cream again. “Hey, we’re all safe and here, right? There’s no rush to get back home! So just stay here and let us help you,” Branch tried to reason with Trollex, yet this wasn’t his speciality. This was something more in Poppy’s area, yet she was off trying to get a medic from the Techno tribe to help Trollex.
“He’s right, you’re going to sit your ass here and not move!-” Started Delta, her adamant tone apparent as she gestured for Branch to hold down Trollex’s fin. If Trollex was involuntarily kicking her for applying disinfecting cream to his fin, she did not want to know how hard he’ll kick once she tried to disinfect the gash on his chest. As Delta carefully moved Trollex’s hand away from his chest, Barb (nervous and almost paralyzed with uncertainty and guilt) tried to jump in to ask how she or anyone could help; Knowing she had accidentally taken things a little too far after the whole rebellion Trollex tried to start to get back the strings—which Barb didn’t exactly appreciate at the time, even if he was the only one who actually had to courage to try and face her. She also regretted threatening the egg that Trollex had been hiding in his hair. Not like she was actually ever going to attack it, that would be going too far, yet… Barb stopped mid-way through her apology as she saw the expressions the others were giving her. She gave a, what looked to be, sheepish smile. “Yeah, maybe you should have cut it off before you started spewing about threatening to attack a baby troll.” Delta pointed out, flabbergasted that Barb would even act upon such a thought; even if it was an empty threat with nothing behind it. “Yeah…” Barb agreed, rubbing the back of her neck.
Luckily, no one had to sit on this subject for long as Poppy rushed back while waving her hands and shouting that they had found a medic from the Techno tribe. The medic had paused at first, a look of terror crossing their face as they saw Trollex. That was, until they were nudged by Poppy to go help and in which they instantly got to work; Pulling out bandages made from a mixture of seaweed, seagrass, and kelp to help stop the bleeding while the salt will help disinfect the wounds. “How’s the little one?” The medic would ask as he made quick work of tightened up the bandages around Trollex’s torso. Carefully, not wanting to ruin the bandages, Trollex reached up into his hair and produce the warm egg; it was slightly colder than it should be, as the ocean temperatures help regulate Techno eggs as much as the parents' hair does—due to the unfuzzy nature of Techno trolls’ hair, the extra warmth from the ocean is needed to stimulate growth within the egg. The medic passed the bandages off to Delta, who got a bit confused upon seeing the bandages but shrugged and went to work bandaging his fin, as the medic stood up. They held out their hands, a silent request to take the egg. Yet, Trollex looked weary passing the egg on. He brought it to himself slightly, a look of confliction crossing his face. And that’s when the medic grew a somber look, knowing the reason behind his hesitation. They haven’t seen you since the attack, and Trollex was sure you had come back before it all. 
“What? What’s wrong?” Poppy jumped in on a chance to try and help, noticing the frowned eyebrows and the somber looks that the two trolls shared. Yet, she received no response. Which clouded the others with nerves, unsure what to do or what to say or how to help with a situation they had no information on. “Excuse me, Barb…” The medic would turn to Queen Barb, who stiffened a little at the sudden addressment. She looked at the two, glancing between them, as the Medic glanced down at Trollex with an unreliable expression for a moment. Trollex would only shake his head, in which the Medic would take a step away from everyone; Creating some sort of space that seemingly was needed for this situation. Trollex was careful as he tried to push himself onto his fins, Delta and Branch helping to support him back up as Trollex held his egg. He kept his eyes down at it for a while, a silence fogged over the silent stage as chatter from other trolls in the crowd could be heard. And despite that, it seemed overly quiet. “Barb,” Trollex started cautiously, trying to pick and choose his words. His eyes narrowed, a pained expression flashed in his eyes as he glanced up at Barb,  “Did you ever harm someone from my Tribe?” “Yeah…?” Barb started, cautiously and a little nervous at the look she was getting. “You!... by accident.”
“No, not me! I mean another Techno troll who happened to be, like, this tall and also had an egg with them that looks like mine?” Trollex hugged the egg tighter in effect to try and show he was crossing his arms in some sort of way. Yet the worry that crossed his face was more than enough to show he wasn’t playing, if anyone had even thought that in the first place. And the panicked look that crossed with realization that flashed across Trollex’s face the second that Barb had said “no” freaked the others out more. Yet, in Trollex’s mind, all he could think about was you. You; Who could possibly be all alone at this moment. You; Who was most likely left in the desolate and destroyed Techno reef. You; Who didn’t handle abandonment well. You; You consumed his thoughts as worry began to boil over him, flooding every single vein on his body as horrible images flashed through his head on what you could be facing right at this moment. None of them he liked. All of them lead to one conclusion; He had to get back to you right now.
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@!; A week of isolation was not the best for a Troll; Nevertheless a week of isolation with self deprecating thoughts without something to stop them while having to take care of an egg was absolute torture. At times you wanted to smash the egg, hatred boiling over your body at the isolation, at the fact that you had been left, at yourself; Yet you had always managed to catch yourself before you did so and you always felt so much shame for acting in such a way. How could you try and kill your own child, who had done nothing wrong? How could you even think about taking their life before they had even been able to experience the world? How could you be such a monster? You sometimes grew so disgusted with yourself that you couldn’t touch your egg for hours; Simply taking to stare at it after having wrapped it in a kelp blanket as you replayed the terrifying scene in your mind. So many times you had been close to snapping, so many times you had almost smashed the egg or decided to leave it alone and pray it got eaten. So many times you thought about leaving it entirely and going on your own way, to leave this all behind instead of sticking around with some sort of sickening hope that someone, anyone, would come back and help. Something kept you here though, caged you in your own torture. Trapped you in isolation with a choking self hatred that you couldn’t shake no matter how much you tried. You weren’t sure how long ago you had the color sucked out of you, you hadn’t been counting how long everyone had been gone. You hadn’t slept well since that day, so you couldn’t even attempt to judge the days.
You hadn’t even realized when Trollex had returned, even despite the group of people he had following him (due to his injuries). The ringing in your ears blocked out the shouting, the fuzz in your brain made it hard to think of anything anymore. “Starfish?” Trollex shouted, panicking as he zipped around Techno reef. He turned over every building, trying to find any place you could be isolating yourself at. “Dude, hey!” Synth tried to follow Trollex, “You’re injured, slow down!” He shouted, glancing back at other leaders who had decided to follow. He just had to make sure they were good in the air bubbles they had blown for them before he zipped off towards Trollex, just to make sure he didn’t make his injuries worse. Yet, Trollex couldn’t care less about everyone else. He needed to find you, scratch that he was going to find you before anymore time could pass. “Starfish? Love?” And that’s when he found you at his DJ station, back resting against his turntables as you stared at the kelp-wrapped egg in front of you. Something in Trollex made him stop, despite the feeling that made him want to lunge at you and tackle you in a hug. He knew you were bad alone, even more so horrible with overthinking, and he had expected you to be in a bad shape when he found you yet… not this. Not gray. He had promised you wouldn’t hurt when you started dating and he had failed.
Trollex was more careful to approach you this time around, slowly swimming around his turntables to sit down next to you. He wanted to do nothing more than to hug you, to reassure that he was back and he didn’t mean to leave you. That all those nasty thoughts in your head were nothing but lies, yet he wasn’t even sure where to start; You were so out of it that you hadn’t even acknowledged him yet. In the background, Synth had finally caught up with Trollex enough to see what was happening. He had paused himself seeing the scene, even backing up a little to give you both some sort of privacy; stopping the other tribe leaders as well. They couldn’t see much from where they floated, yet they could make out Trollex carefully taking the second egg into his hands and storing it in his hair along with the first, before turning to you—all gray and desolate. The silence was deafening, it was so deafening all you wanted to do was to cover your ears and forget sound existed at all. Yet, as you tried to cover your ears your hands were caught by Trollex’s; His familiar hands, the way your hands fit into his, and the warmth. It made you crumble, despite everything that circled in your mind like a tornado and you were pulled into a hug instantly. A warm hug, a familiar one. Most importantly one that could cloud all the silence with a simple ‘thump’, ‘thump’, ‘thump’. 
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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cherrybombistheway · 4 months
Hi so i decided to do This because i was bored and my Girl Queen barb needs more recognition so..- cherry 🍒
Dating Queen barb during the events of TWT (trolls World tour)
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Ok just to start off things, your definitely a rock troll since barb woulden’t even THINK about dating other types of trolls.
She would also go on the World tour to impress you. I mean sure, your her partner, of course your already impressed by her. But does that stop her? Hell no.
Would definitely sneak off with you to kiss you in-between stops. What Can i say? My Girl needs her Daily dose of kisses.
She would treat Practicing while you travel like a date, 100%
When it came time to the concert, you were her backup guitarist.
When poppy smashed the strings, she immediately looked towards you to make sure you were safe. She would be horrified if you Got hurt :(
But in the end, you two ended up being alright and barb even introduced you to poppy :)
Alright i’m gonna end it there because i am tired as fuck. Hope ya’ll like it!
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 2 months
THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD, why? because im lazy and tired, I spent a a while writing this, and if you notice it has more words and details then the john dory au? that's because this is an au that iv been working on for longer, and is the one I enjoy more(although I enjoy both but I have bias for this one)
WARNING:/ Blood, gore, near-death experience, Thalassophobia
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Five days. It might as well have been a lifetime since Brozone fell apart, scattering its members like leaves in a storm. Five whole days since Floyd had seen the faces of his brothers, their laughter now just an echo in his memory. But what really gnawed at him, deep in the pit of his stomach, was that it had been exactly five days since he had last seen Branch.
The forest floor beneath Floyd's feet crunched loudly, breaking the tranquil silence that enveloped the forest, His path was a winding trail through an explosion of colors, under a canopy of trees that seemed to stretch up to touch the night sky. Around him, the forest was alive with the chatter of critters and the rustle of leaves, painting a vivid picture of an ecosystem thriving in its magical bubble.
Bioluminescent flora cast an eerie, beautiful glow across the path, lighting up the darkness with hues of blues, pinks, and greens. The air was filled with the rich aroma of blooming flowers and the sweet, almost intoxicating scent of magical sap that seemed to seep from every nook and cranny of this enchanted world. Yet, despite the overwhelming beauty and the vibrant life all around him, Floyd couldn't shake off the cloak of loneliness that draped over his shoulders.
With each step he took, the weight of absence pressed down on him, a constant reminder of the void that Brozone's breakup had left in his heart. But even more so, Branch's absence cast the longest shadow on his soul, maybe he shouldn't have left, maybe he should go back.
As the teenage troll wrestled with his thoughts, a fierce battle between the urge to push forward and the longing to return, he concluded. The solitude was unbearable, an aching void that no amount of pride could fill. He yearned for the familiar warmth of home, the comforting presence of his grandmother, and the camaraderie with his brothers, but above all, he ached to see baby Branch. With a heavy heart but a spark of resolve, Floyd turned around, ready to retrace his steps back to the troll tree, back to the place he belonged.
However, the moment his feet pivoted, a sudden stillness enveloped the forest. The vibrant life that had buzzed and hummed around him just seconds ago seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving behind an oppressive silence. The only sound that dared to break the quiet was the gentle murmur of the river nearby, its flow now sounding ominously loud in the absence of the forest's chorus.
This eerie quietude sent a shiver down Floyd's spine, igniting a flicker of concern for his safety. The forest, once a kaleidoscope of sounds and colors, now felt like a different realm altogether, one where every shadow could hide a threat and every whisper of the wind seemed like a warning. Floyd's heart began to race, not just with the fear of the unknown, but with the realization that this sudden silence could mean something was amiss.
Torn between the desire to rush back to the safety of home and the instinct to tread carefully in this changed environment, Floyd took a cautious step forward. His eyes darted from one shadow to the next, trying to pierce the suddenly thickening gloom, while his ears strained for any sound that might signal danger. The forest, with its sudden mood swing, had transformed from a friend into a foe, and Floyd knew he had to be vigilant if he was to navigate his way back home safely.
As Floyd cautiously navigated the forest path, a palpable tension hung in the air, thickening with every step he took. The usually vibrant and luminous plants seemed to retreat into shadows, their glows dimming as if to hide from an unseen menace, plunging the night into an even deeper darkness. The magic that once painted the forest in ethereal light now appeared to be snuffed out, replaced by a suffocating gloom that seemed to swallow everything in its path.
Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a sound so chilling, it froze Floyd in his tracks. A distorted cry, eerily reminiscent of a woman's scream, pierced the night, its source unclear yet unmistakably close. Floyd's heart hammered against his ribcage as he turned toward the sound, his eyes scanning the darkened foliage until they landed on a sight that would haunt his dreams for years to come.
Perched atop a giant mushroom, was a creature so ghastly, it seemed as though it had crawled straight out of a nightmare. Its body was a grotesque patchwork of shadows and twisted limbs, with skin that shimmered like oil on water, reflecting the faint moonlight in unsettling patterns. Its eyes, if they could be called that, were hollow voids that seemed to suck in the very light around them, radiating malice and hunger. Long, spindly fingers ended in claws that resembled the thorns of a rose bush, sharp and gleaming in the dim light. The creature's mouth was a jagged tear across its face, from which the distorted cry seemed to emanate, a sound that mimicked human anguish yet was devoid of any true emotion.
At that moment, every instinct in Floyd's body screamed at him to flee. The forest, with its sudden transformation into a realm of terror, and the appearance of this nightmarish entity, ignited a primal fear within him. His fight or flight reflexes didn't just suggest, but vehemently urged him to run, to escape this horror and never look back.
Without a second thought, Floyd turned on his heels, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm as he bolted down the path. The forest, once familiar and welcoming, now felt like a labyrinth designed to trap him in this nightmare. Branches seemed to reach out to snag at his clothes, and the ground beneath his feet felt treacherous as if it too was in league with the horrors that lurked in the shadows. But Floyd didn't dare slow down; the terrifying creature and the oppressive darkness of the forest propelled him forward, driven by the singular desire to escape, to survive, to see the safety of home once more.
Floyd's legs pumped furiously beneath him, propelling him through the darkened forest with a speed born of sheer terror. The creature, with its nightmarish form, was alarmingly fast, its twisted limbs carrying it over the ground with a grace that belied its grotesque appearance. Floyd could hear it gaining on him, the sound of its pursuit a constant, horrifying reminder of the danger at his heels. But just as despair began to claw at his mind, fate intervened.
A deer-like creature, innocent and unaware, crossed paths with the monstrous entity. For a moment, the forest held its breath, and then the creature's attention snapped to the new, closer prey. The diversion was brief, but it was all Floyd needed. He didn't look back, not even as the sounds of a terrible struggle reached his ears, a mix of the predator's ferocity and the prey's agony cutting through the night.
Pushing his body to its limits, Floyd darted farther into the forest, driven by a primal urge to survive. When he finally dared to stop, he found himself beside a large boulder, surrounded by tall, thick bushes that offered a semblance of hiding. His chest heaved with the effort of his flight, each breath a loud, ragged sound in the silence that followed the creature's distraction.
Fearing that any noise might draw the creature's attention back to him, Floyd pressed a hand firmly over his mouth, trying to muffle the sound of his breathing. The distant cries of the deer-like creature, caught in the throes of agony, sent shivers down his spine, a grim reminder of the fate he'd narrowly escaped. The forest around him seemed to echo with the sounds of the hunt, a haunting symphony that kept Floyd frozen in place, too terrified to move, too scared to make a sound.
As the minutes stretched into what felt like hours, Floyd remained hidden behind the boulder, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind racing with thoughts of escape, survival, and the hope that he would never again encounter the terrifying creature that hunted the shadows of the forest.
The silence that had reclaimed the forest was as ominous as the stillness that had heralded the creature's arrival. Floyd could hear its heavy footsteps, a sound akin to sludge or mud squelching under a great weight, each step accompanied by the foul stench of decay. For a moment, the sounds ceased, and the quiet returned, so profound that Floyd dared to hope the nightmare was over, that the creature had abandoned its hunt.
But survival instincts urged caution. Grasping for any semblance of protection, Floyd reached for the guitar strapped to his back, its familiar weight offering a shred of comfort. Yet, as he drew it forward, the end of the guitar brushed against the bushes with a soft rustle, a noise seemingly inconsequential in the vastness of the forest. However, it was all the invitation the creature needed.
With terrifying swiftness, it burst over the bushes, its maw clamping down on Floyd's leg. The sharp pain was immediate, Floyd's white pants soaking up the blood that flowed freely from the wound. The creature reared onto its hind legs, dwarfing Floyd in size, and shook him violently, exacerbating the bite with its ferocity.
In the midst of this chaos, Floyd's grip on his guitar never wavered. With a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, he swung the instrument with all his might, connecting with the creature's inky, shifting face. The impact shattered the guitar, sending splinters scattering through the air, while a significant portion lodged into the creature's face. Its scream, a harrowing blend of pain and rage, echoed through the forest like a distorted woman's shriek.
With one final, forceful shake, the creature released Floyd, sending him hurtling through the air. He crashed against the stem of a mushroom, the collision spraining his ankle and sending waves of pain through his already battered body. Lying there, dazed and injured, Floyd knew escaping would now be an even greater challenge. His adversary, momentarily deterred by the assault, might not be down for long. Pain throbbing through him, Floyd realized he had to move, hide, or do anything to survive the night. But with a sprained ankle and the forest shrouded in danger, every option seemed fraught with peril.
With desperation fueling his movements, Floyd's gaze locked onto the neck of the guitar, miraculously almost intact despite its violent separation from the rest of the instrument. Pain and adrenaline mixed in his veins as he crawled towards it, each movement a testament to his will to survive. Clutching the shattered neck, he used it to hoist himself up, the makeshift cane offering a sliver of support in his vulnerable state.
Behind him, the creature's torment filled the air, its frenzied attempts to dislodge the guitar fragments from its face creating a cacophony of destruction. It slammed into tree trunks and mushrooms, blinded by pain and rage, its screams a distorted symphony of agony. This chaos provided Floyd with a crucial window of opportunity, one he seized without hesitation.
Limping with the guitar neck for support, Floyd steered clear of the trail, aware that remaining within the creature's line of sight spelled certain doom. The forest around him was a blur of pain and determination, every step a challenge, every breath a victory against the darkness.
Then, as if emerging from a dream, Floyd stumbled upon an old bridge. Its wood was weathered and worn, groaning under the weight of untold years, the ropes that held it frayed and thin. It looked as though a single wrong step could send it tumbling into the ravine below. Yet, beyond this precarious crossing lay the possibility of escape, a chance to put more distance between himself and the nightmarish creature.
With no other options, Floyd approached the bridge, each step measured and cautious. The guitar neck, now a lifeline, steadied his shaky movements. He tested the first planks with a tentative weight, heart pounding not just from his injuries but from the fear of the bridge giving way beneath him.
The old wood creaked ominously under his foot, a sound that seemed to echo through the still forest, loud enough, Floyd feared, to attract unwanted attention. With the creature possibly still in pursuit, Floyd knew he had to cross quickly but carefully. Every step was a gamble, every creak a potential alarm, as he navigated the treacherous bridge, praying it would hold long enough to carry him to safety.
Floyd's heart pounded against his ribcage, a frantic drumbeat echoing his mounting despair. He was so close to the other side, to a semblance of safety, spurred on by the hope that the creature's liquid form might falter at the touch of water. The bridge, with its creaks and groans, seemed to mock his desperate flight, every shake a sinister whisper of his potential downfall.
"Why did it have to be a rope bridge?" The thought flashed through Floyd's mind, a fleeting moment of dark humor amidst terror. But then, the shaking intensified, transforming from a tremble to a violent quake that threatened to fling him into the abyss. Heart sinking, Floyd turned, and his worst fears were confirmed—the creature had found him, its grotesque form navigating the swaying bridge with unsettling speed despite its awkward limbs.
Tears carved paths down Floyd's cheeks, each one a silent prayer to any deity that might be listening. His mind raced with apologies, regrets flooding in as he faced the stark realization that he might never return home, never fulfill his promises, never see his loved ones again. The thought of Baby Branch, innocent and unaware of the danger Floyd faced, filled him with an acute pain that eclipsed even the fear of the creature behind him.
Time seemed to dilate, stretching each second into an eternity as the added weight of the chase proved too much for the ancient bridge. The ropes, worn by time and weather, began to snap, the sound a death knell ringing through the air. Floyd and the creature, locked in a deadly pursuit, plummeted towards the river below.
The fall felt like a lifetime, every detail etched into Floyd's mind with painful clarity. The river rushed up to meet him, not deep enough to cushion their fall, littered with rocks that jutted out like the teeth of some gargantuan beast. Floyd's descent aimed him headfirst into the water, a final, cruel twist of fate.
Impact. His head collided with a rock, and a blinding pain flashed before darkness engulfed him. Consciousness slipped away to the sounds of rushing water and the creature's agonized screeches, a haunting lullaby as everything faded to black.
At the edge of Rock Troll territory, near the imposing yet vibrant Volcano Rock City, a young Rock Troll girl idled by the river. She appeared to be around fourteen, her distinctive large, fluffy mohawk transitioning from fiery red to a deep black, a mark of her heritage and vibrant personality. Engrossed in the simple pleasure of skipping rocks across the water's surface, her attention was abruptly captured by an unusual sight—a troll, strikingly out of place with his bright colors, floating aimlessly in the river's current.
Instinctively, she sprang into action. Unlike the troll in the water, she was a Rock Troll, naturally endowed with strength and resilience. Wading into the river with determined strides, she reached the brightly colored troll with little effort, pulling him to the safety of the riverbank. Her heart raced, not from the exertion, but from the urgency of the situation. Gently, she placed him on the bank, leaning in to place her torn ear against his chest, searching for the faintest sign of life. To her relief, a heartbeat thudded against her ear—faint but unmistakable. He was alive.
Realizing the immediate danger wasn't over, given the troll's recent submersion, she knew she had to act fast to clear any water from his lungs. Despite her age and the lack of formal training, she had a basic understanding of CPR from the stories and bits of knowledge passed down in her community. Determined to save this stranger, she positioned herself and began the procedure, driven by a mix of adrenaline and the sincere hope that she could make a difference.
Her technique was far from perfect, her movements occasionally hesitant, but her resolve never wavered. She was a Rock Troll, strong in more ways than one, and today, she was this stranger's lifeline. As she worked to save him, a mix of fear and determination settled in her heart. She might be young and inexperienced, but she was his only chance, and she wouldn't give up on him.
As the young rock troll administered CPR, the pop troll abruptly jolted to consciousness, his body reacting violently as he expelled water from his lungs. Between harsh coughs and the effort to breathe, his condition was dire. Swollen and bruised, his ankle was a stark contrast to the severe wound on his leg. His complexion had turned alarmingly pale, a clear sign of his physical trauma. Despite his brief moment of wakefulness, exhaustion quickly overtook him, and he succumbed once more to unconsciousness.
With no time to lose and the pop troll's life hanging in the balance, the young rock troll lifted him onto her back. Muscles tensed and determination set in her eyes, she dashed towards the nearest infirmary, her resolve unwavering.
Bursting through the infirmary doors, her entrance commanded immediate attention. "Help! I need help here!" she cried out, her voice echoing with urgency.
The doctors in the infirmary turned, their appearances distinctively that of rock trolls. One had a stony complexion with jagged, slate-grey hair that seemed to mimic the sharp edges of a mountain range. His broad shoulders and muscular arms were adorned with tattoos resembling tribal markings and musical notes, a blend of tradition and rebellion. The other doctor, a female, bore a striking lavender hue to her skin, her hair a cascade of deep purple and silver, worn in a style that was both practical and indicative of her strength. Their attire, though reminiscent of traditional medical garb, had a rugged edge to it—leather belts equipped with various tools and instruments, and their scrubs adorned with metallic accents, giving them an aura of toughness and capability.
Without a moment's hesitation, they sprang into action, their expressions a mix of concern and professionalism. They carefully lifted the pop troll onto a stretcher. Swiftly, but with care, they wheeled him into the back, where the infirmary was equipped with the necessary tools and medicines to treat his injuries.
As they worked, their movements were efficient, a testament to their expertise. The female doctor assessed the wound on pop troll’s leg with a critical eye, cleaning it meticulously before stitching it up with a precision that belied her rugged appearance. The male doctor, meanwhile, tended to the swollen ankle, applying a cold compress to reduce the swelling before carefully wrapping it in a bandage designed to support and heal.
Throughout the process, their demeanor was calm and reassuring, a stark contrast to the violent world outside the infirmary walls. They communicated in hushed tones, their focus entirely on saving Pop Troll’s life. The young rock troll watched from a distance, her heart heavy with worry but filled with gratitude for the doctors' swift intervention.
An hour had passed since the young rock troll had raced into the infirmary with the injured pop troll on her back. Sitting in the waiting room, her mind raced with worry and anticipation, her legs swinging back and forth in an anxious rhythm. The door to the back swung open, and the doctors emerged, their expressions somber but not without a hint of relief.
"He'll live," one of the doctors began, pausing as if to let the words truly sink in. "But his ankle is sprained and swollen pretty badly. And it's not just the open wounds—whatever happened to cause those wounds also shattered the bones in that leg. He won't be leaving any time soon."
The young troll stood up, her relief palpable but her concern for the stranger's well-being growing. It was then the female doctor added, with a tone of caution, "He's a pop troll. He shouldn't be anywhere near here. I think it's time to inform your father. He needs to know about this situation."
Realizing the gravity of the revelation and the complications it could entail, the young troll nodded solemnly. She knew what had to be done next. The implications of harboring a pop troll in rock troll territory were not lost on her, and the need for discretion and careful handling of the situation was paramount.
With a determined step, she made her way to seek out her father, the leader of their community. The weight of responsibility felt heavier with each step, but she was resolved to see it through, for the sake of the injured troll and the delicate balance of their community.
As she found her father and relayed the information, the air was thick with concern and the unspoken tension of what this could mean for their tribe.
"Father," she started, the urgency clear in her voice, "there's a troll in our infirmary. He's in bad shape, but he's alive. The doctors... they say his injuries are severe. And he's... well, he's a pop troll." Her father, a figure of authority and wisdom, absorbed the news with a measured pause. "A pop troll, here?" he echoed, the weight of the situation settling in. "This is delicate, indeed. We'll need to proceed with caution. And you did well to bring him to safety, Barb."
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thesixthimmortal · 7 months
You have no idea how bad I want to write Human!Queen Barb smut right now, I just had a dream we’re human Barb were in it and she was SHIRTLESS
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starrayblogs · 6 months
Not So Rock-Hearted || Floyd (Trolls) x Reader
a/n: prepare for this to not be serious, but rather silly and rushed because i think floyd is one cutie patootie ty
another a/n: likes and reblogs are appreciated too :3 okay enjoy your read!
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i.i prologue;
After the night of the Bergen Attack, you lost your best friend. You were angry that night. You were angry at King Peppy for lying about “no troll left behind" when he left behind his own daughter. Then, one night, you left.
You wandered away from Pop Village, venturing outside with all the dangers. Eventually, after a few days and still no sign of Viva, you lost hope. You survived the next few days, trying to hide from the predators and find a new place to stay.
Along the way, you encountered a different kind of troll, a rock troll. Her name was Barb, and she took you to Volcano Rock City, which eventually became your new home. You also, eventually, got around to rock music. You enjoyed it more, and it naturally became a part of you, the pop fading away.
During the World Tour, you didn’t expect to see King Peppy again. It frustrated you to see him casually be carried by a sea of trolls, so by the time he reached your arms, you gripped him tight and set him down in front of you.
“King Peppy.” You said his name through gritted teeth. “It’s good to see you again.” You follow up as calmly as possible.
“Oh, I- I’m sorry, do I know you?” He replied nervously, taking a step back and raising his hands. You scoffed, adjusting your guitar strap so your instrument could hang by your back. You reminded him of your name. He echoed it, confused, before gasping.
“Where’s Viva?” You cocked your head to the side and folded your arms. He gulped and looked down. Your mouth opened a bit in disappointment, your brows furrowing. “You still haven’t found her?” You asked. Disbelief, sadness, and there’s that frustration again.
“What happened to no troll left behind?”
“When I went back to get them, the tunnels had already collapsed!” King Peppy defended himself. “I’m guilty, every day, for leaving those trolls behind. I’m even guilty that I let you go away… I kept thinking that a Bergen would get you too!”
“So why didn’t you stop me?” You asked, shaking your head a little.
“Because I was a coward!” You inhaled sharply at his reply. He breathed heavily before clearing his throat. “I can never go back in time and make sure that Viva got out of the tunnels with the others, or make sure that you never left and made it up to you.”
“...” You said nothing, watching him step forward and grab your hand in his.
“I’m happy to see that you’re doing well, however. And… that I’m also sorry.” He said softly. Your eyes softened, and you sighed, placing your other hand on his.
“King Peppy, I… I don’t think I’ll forgive you, but I think I’ll learn to accept what’s happened. I’ve got Queen Barb, and she’s proven to me that she won’t leave me behind.” You glanced at him before looking at your savior on stage. “She’s given me a new friendship that I never thought I’d make again after Viva.” You smiled gently before meeting his eye again, pulling your hands away.
King Peppy smiles slightly and nods his head. “That’s… good to hear.” You nod your head before you start to walk away. “I just have one favor…”
“What is it?” You stop, turning back to him.
“Don’t tell Poppy about Viva... She’s not ready.”
You look at him quietly before shaking your head and continuing to walk away. “Whatever you want, King Peppy.” You say loud enough for him to hear before walking to the stage for Barb.
You didn’t talk to him after the World Tour. You didn’t return to the pop trolls when Poppy invited you back either; you simply told her that you had your place here with the rock trolls.
✩ next chapter
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purityonice · 7 months
Hey! Could you write romantic hcs for Barb? Female reader if you don’t mind!
If you are a rock troll -> Other than trying to unite the world under one music she definitely did it to impress you. Constantly hovering around you and asking for your ideas while you practicing for the big night when the rock trolls come back victorious from their world tour.
If you are a pop troll -> Took awhile for her to realise her the feelings that you made her feel wasn’t anger or resentment and it was actually her forming a crush on you. Beating herself up about liking the enemy until she finally gives in and accepts her feelings confessing to you.
Introduces you to everyone she meets. “This is my girlfriend dont fuck with her or else.”
She takes you out on fancy dates in symphonyville but doesn’t dress for the part. Usually just cleaning up her makeup and hair and shes ready to go. You have to force her into a dress/suit for those special occasions.
She tried to do that and ended up being lectured by you for ages as you picked out an appropriate outfit almost missing your booking.
She has threatened alot of people about being careful with you whither your watching or not. She just wants to make sure her pipsqueak girlfriend is safe! can you blame her?
she usually calls you babe, bae, love ect! mainly love she barely calls you by your actual name so when she does you know you fucked up. To tease you she calls you her rock zombie.
She’s your biggest fan. Loves watching you preform throwing her hands in the air whenever your part comes on.
Barb is really overprotective and since she is a queen she can make anything borthering you go away with a snap of her fingers.
She’s a sleep cuddler and she’s embarrassed about it. At night you will goto bed on each of your guys side of the bed and wake up with her arms wrapped around you or her arms tangled with yours. Feeling her chest rising and falling as she silently snores away with you in her arms.
[Kind suggestive] Barb definitely gets jealous alot pulling you away from any troll who she deems to be getting alittle too friendly with you. Or when she feels feisty she will strut up to you snake her arm around your waist and pull you into an overly dramatic kiss. Giving the troll a smug look as you melt making sure to make a sicking pop while releasing you before walking off like nothing happened.
Loves when you dress up watching as you give little fashion shows with the new outfit you just got her eyes never leaving you with a dopey smile on her face as you explain every outfit in detail to her.
Sometimes does it to you too though she’s usually wearing the same outfit all the time so it’s usually new accessories she made/bought showing off how ROCK it is to you.
LITERALLY HEAD OVER HEELS IF HER DAD APPROVES OF YOU! He is her idol so her idol loving her girlfriend boosts her ego so much and shes showing you off 24/7.
She’s definitely a flirt [only with you ofc] and loves seeing you flustered she knows she can get you blushing with a few touches and words.
If you aren’t a rock troll, you dressing up as a rock troll makes her go crazy. Seeing you in fishnets, spikey jewelry, messy hair and black eyeshadow/makeup makes her so flustered. Practically ready to pounce on you at any moment.
Shes not scared of alittle PDA but she gets so embarrassed whenever you try act lovey dovey in public like she’s okay with sticking her tongue in your mouth to assert dominance with others.
AND THATS ALL!!!! this was so fun
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Barb: Y/N and I-
Queen Essence: Are getting married?
Barb: What?
Poppy: I'll get the binder!
Barb: Uh, what is happening?
Delta: Sit down, we've planned the whole thing.
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queenabstract · 4 years
King Trollex x Techno Reader
Girl, honey, what have you been up to?
All the tribes had gathered at the beach near New Techno Reef for a rave that King Trollex had invited everyone to. It was mainly your idea since you wanted to celebrate successfully moving everyone into New Techno Reef safely, and Trollex was more than open to the idea. A few tribes were still working on rebuilding, but they decided to come to have a nice break from all the hard work they’d been putting into the past few weeks. And the leaders all agreed that it’d be nice to meet up for fun.
“Whew! It sure feels nice to sit down for once.” Delta sighed as she sat down in the sand with the others.
"What? Do you not sit down often or something?” Barb asked.
“Not since your lil fancy hoedown, no.” Delta replied. Barb rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.  
“Right. Rebuilding. I’m sorry.”
“No worries, sugar.”
“Hey, have you guys ever been to the beach before? I haven’t! Its so cool here!” Poppy exclaimed.
“I don’t think any of us have been to a beach besides the Techno trolls, Queen Poppy.” King Quincy said.
“Oh yeah, right.” Poppy said in realization. “That makes sense.”
“HOT!” Trollzart exclaimed. “Ugh. This is exactly why we Classical trolls fly above the ground!” Trollzart crossed his arms in frustration.
"Why don’t you try hanging out in the sand near the water, or are you afraid of your robe getting wet?” Barb chuckled.
“I do not find that nearly amusing at all.” Trollzart glared at her. “And I’m still expecting a new baton from you!”
“Hey guys, are you all having fun?” Trollex asked as he floated up to them.
“Yes, we are. We’re all appreciate you inviting us.” Queen Essence answered, effectively stopping any arguments that could’ve started between Trollzart and Barb.
"I’m so happy to hear that! By the way, have any of you seen my girlfriend anywhere?” Trollex asked.
“You have a girlfriend? Ouch!” Delta kicked Barb with one of her hind legs.
“Yeah, this whole thing was her idea, but I don’t have a clue where she went!” Trollex said.
“I do not believe any of us have seen her, but we will be sure to let you know if we do.” Trollzart assured him.
“Thanks, I’ll see you in a bit, I gotta help Dj Suki with the DJ booth!” Trollex waved at them as he floated away.
“Huh. Who knew that Trollex of all trolls would get himself a chick?” Barb laughed.
“Well, he is cute and nice.” Poppy said.
“I spent over an hour talking to that guy, trolls got a personality of a rock.” Barb rolled her eyes.
“Okay, now that’s just mean!” Poppy shot back. As the two were going at it, one of Delta’s ears twitched and she turned towards a patch of trees and bushes on a hill nearby.
"Do ya’ll hear that?” Delta asked.
“Hear what, Delta?” Essence asked.
“That music, comin from over there.” Delta pointed.
“You’re just hearing things. I don’t hear nothing.” Barb shrugged.
“Nuh-uh. I know Country music when I hear it.” Delta got up and started walking towards the music. “Thing is, I don’t recognize that voice.”
“Oh! It might be one of us pop trolls. Some of them really like Country music.” Poppy said and skipped alongside her.
“Mmf. Whatever.” Barb mumbled and followed. The rest of the leaders decided to check it out. They had expected to see a Pop or Country troll, so they were a little in shock to find a Techno troll playing an acoustic guitar while sitting on a rock.
“And we’ve seen better days…whatever this life puts us through. Baby I’ll still love you. Oh, we’re gonna laugh, we’re gonna cry, we’re gonna fight. Oh, but we're  gonna live, maybe have a few-” The troll was you. You stopped when you realized you had an audience.
“Don’t stop! Keep going!” Poppy said.
“Oh uh…I-I was just practicing. I’m teaching myself how to play an acoustic guitar and I wanted to surprise my boyfriend today.” You said.
“Who’s the lucky man?” Delta asked.
“Trollex.” You blushed.
“So, you’re his chick? Wow.” Barb remarked, earning another kick from Delta’s hind leg.
“Well, if you’re trying to teach yourself, you at least gotta learn how to tune it right, lemme show you.” Delta took the guitar from you and showed you how to properly tune it.
“Wow! Thank you so much!” You thanked her.
“Happy to help a Country lover.” Delta tipped her hat.
“You play wonderfully! But I did hear a few sour notes.” Trollzart said.
"Yeah, the marshmallow is right. Here, you gotta fix your position a little.” Barb helped you sit upright and showed you how to hold the guitar. Each of the leaders gave you some advice and taught you a few things right before the party officially began to start.
“Thank you, everyone. I would perform on stage, but I don’t want the spotlight to be on me. I want everyone else to have fun and enjoy themselves. I’ll perform another time, but I know for sure I’m going to surprise Trollex after the party so he and I can have some alone time.”
“Aww! That’s so sweet!” Poppy squealed.
“Bleh.” Barb rolled her eyes.
~After the party~
You thanked all the leaders again for their help right before they left and thanked everyone else for coming to the party. As some of the other Techno trolls started cleaning up, you lead Trollex to a cleared area on the beach. The sun was setting and the fireflies were starting to decorate the sky, and flower petals were scattered on the ground. You were a little surprised how perfect the setting was, but you weren’t complaining!
“Babe, what’s going on?” Trollex asked you.
“Well, I’ve been practicing lately and I wanted to surprise you.” You grabbed your guitar from the bushes. For a second, it almost looked like someone was handing it to you. You didn’t give it a second thought and started playing it.
“Oh, look at those smiles. Sun on the waves. I almost taste, the salt in the air. Oh, and doesn’t it feel, like just yesterday, was our second date.” Trollex smiled at you lovingly as you sang. “And I still get nervous, when you hold my hand. It still feels perfect, when you ask me to dance. When the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns grey, the seasons all change. And we’ve seen better days, whatever this life puts us through, baby I’ll still love you. Oh, we’re gonna laugh, we’re gonna cry, we’re gonna fight. Oh but we’re gonna live, maybe have a few kids.” Trollex’s smile grew wider and he started blushing like crazy. “Whatever happens, I’ll promise you this, when the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns gray,”
“The seasons all change, and we’ve seen better days. Whatever this life puts us through. Baby I’ll still love you.” Trollex sang to you. You smiled and blushed. He was definitely trying to turn the tables on you by adding in a country accent. And he did it so smoothly, it was almost as if he had been rehearsing as well. You could’ve sworn you heard a violin start playing when Trollex started singing.
"When the sun does its damage, the paint on this house turns to rust. When the future’s the past, and there’s no more breath in my lungs. When the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns gray, the seasons all change. And we’ve seen better days,” The sun had set and the petals on the ground were picked up by the wind and started floating around you two as you both sang together. “Whatever this life puts us through, whatever time tries to undo, yeah baby, I promise you.” You let the guitar hang from its strap as you and Trollex embraced each other. “I’ll still love you.” You dipped him and kissed him. That’s when you heard the squealing.
“Popsqueak, shut up!” Barb said.
“But is so cute!” Poppy said. You and Trollex looked into the bushes and saw all the leaders except for Quincy and Essence.
I knew I heard someone playing a violin.” You looked at Trollzart who was guiltily holding a violin.
“And that explains why it looked like the guitar poked out of the bushes before you even grabbed it.” Trollex said.
“We just wanted to help!” Poppy said.
“You guys set all this up?” You asked.
“Actually, Quincy and Essence did. They wanted to make sure all of their trolls got back to the ship safely, so they had us record for them instead.” Delta said, holding up a camera. You smiled and waved.
“Hey, thank you two so much for the help, really appreciate it. And thank you guys too. I was really surprised when we got here. I was just expecting the sunset.” You shrugged.
“Ha! No. By the way, Trollex.” Delta pointed the camera at Trollex. “What was up with that country accent?” Trollex blushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Well…I might’ve gotten a little jealous when (Y/N) made a comment about how she liked Hickory’s accent.” Trollex admitted.
“Oh baby, I was just thinking out loud. I love you just the way you are.” You said and kissed him on the cheek.
"Barf.” Barb said, making everyone laugh.
Song used- I'll still love you by Abby Anderson
For @itspronouncedtrecillo and their friend! Hope you both enjoyed it 💙
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imasoftieforbarb · 7 months
I know I’m really really late with this request but could you write relationship hcs with Barb??? 😅
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Barb General Relationship headcannons
She’s the type of girlfriend to be like
‘Wear what you want babe- I can fight’
And she will
She will throw hands for you
You gotta make the effort to like rock music if you want to date her, she’ll make effort to like your music too
Claims she hates other genres but when it’s you?
Suddenly she doesn’t mind much
She’s so supportive of anything you wanna do-
If it’s something dangerous? She’ll do it with you!
I think the one thing she won’t do is swim- girly doesn’t like it
Which is fair- cause you don’t like lava so it’s even
If you’ve gotta a bit of a feisty daredevil side? She’s so whipped
Doesn’t want to admit she kicks her feet like a schoolgirl when she’s thinking about you
Sleepovers in the angler bus
If she goes on tour somewhere to help the places she destroyed
She’s so nervous so if you come with her to help?
She’s so grateful
Big on PDA- will 100% make out with you
Jealousy meter is off the roof, it’s mainly insecurities but she goes silent first, then starts growling at whoever is flirting with you
If you’re uncomfortable???
She’s throwing hands unapologetically
Blushes when you patch her up
Likes to take you to concerts, and if you’re comfy with performing she loves to perform with you
You could be doing the bare minimum and she’d be like
Will go out of her way to fluster you when you’re alone
Late night munchies together
Likes to cook but does it rarely
If you dunno how to use makeup and you want to? She’ll gladly help
If you want piercings? She’s holding your hand through the process
Tattoo? She’ll hold you hand but she’ll also be glaring at the tattoo artist (she does apologize for glaring afterwards tho)
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brights-place · 6 months
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Trollex dating an Deaf S/O
- He noticed you cause you where so close to the speakers in one o the raves and touching it - he just stared at you while hyping up everybody and noticed how you would look up at all the other Techno trolls in awe while you hopped abit and moved side to side with the beat you get from the vibrations - Loved your face when he made the beat drop louder cause it made you more hyped and grinned - You are able to lip read fluently so it's easy to understand what people are asking you sometimes yet it's also sometimes difficult - Though not MOST deaf people can lip read just an little fun fact from your author who's uncle is deaf - you two had your first ever chat after the 3rd rave - Well he talked to you and you just nodded shook your head or just did sign language which he connected the dots quickly - would rush over to you whenever he can somehow, he could read your thoughts and what you want to say but can't at all but try to explain in sign language. - He didn't understand sign language so he just focused on when you're looking at something or someone in a certain way, how your eyebrows furrow. how you squint your eyes, the way your lips curve up or downwards with something he likes and dislikes. - he will sulk at the person and then explain it to them, turning his head at you to know if he was right. - Which he was sometimes it was an 50/50 really depending if he got it right or wrong then remembers your deaf... So he mentally smacked himself in the face - THEN AND THERE! When he wanted to speak to you he wanted to know sign language so you could understand - You fell for him when one of your friends signed to you about how he stood up for you - Found out about his feelings when he saw you vibing to HIS Techno Remix - You fell first HE FELL HARDER - King Trollex WILL beat the shit out of anyone who he sees being ableist towards you like deadass would throw hands and be pissed - Asked some of more high tech trolls (The Funk trolls CAUSE SPACE SHIP!) to make you hearing aids whenever you wanted to wear them - King Quincy and Queen essence cooed at the scene when Trollex gave it for you on your birthday - Trollex cares for you extremely deeply. He tries his best to understand how it feels to be deaf - He makes sure your next to him in the DJ booth so he knows your beside him safe and also so you can be near the speakers to touch the vibrations and feel the beat - Secretly learned sign language from other deaf trolls for you and planned to show you on your anniversary - You caught him doing sign language in secret a couple days before your anniversary and kept it an secret - You tried so hard not to kiss him hard then and there and when it was finally your anniversary you where shaking on your spot excitedly - YOU SWAM SO FAST TOWARDS HIS ASS - Tackled him into an hug grinning and laughing peppering his face with kisses - he's kiss drunk on the spot holding you close and giggling like an idiot - he wanted his knights to learn sign language and gave them the task of following you around - The knights most of the time are translating for those who can't understand you when you use sign language when Trollex can't when he's on his duties - Other then that he would be by your side making sure your safe and are alright
- Blushes and has to explains why he does it
- other trolls cry and tear up at how sweet it was
- You being deaf is not really a problem for him he doesn't mind at all
- he doesn't mind at all explain directly to you what others are saying or explaining it to you the situation
- he always take a moment to explain what happen if you need it
- The first time he did ask you directly if you need him to explain...
- Bliss face palmed in sync with Laguna while Synth gave an thumbs up as they stared at their king who froze realizing what he just did
- You stared at him with absolute confusion. After you've been together for a while he learnt how to identify whenever you need help so he just turn to look at you to know
- You two have an loving relationship and it's so cute that people in techno reef laugh at how cute you two were
- King Trollex WILL beat the shit out of anyone who he sees being ableist towards you like deadass would throw hands and be pissed
- Asked some of more of the high tech trolls (The Funk trolls CAUSE SPACE SHIP!) to make you hearing aids whenever you wanted to wear them
- King Quincy and Queen essence cooed at the scene when Trollex gave it for you on your birthday
- Trollex cares for you extremely deeply. He tries his best to understand how it feels to be deaf
- He makes sure your next to him in the DJ booth so he knows your beside him safe and also so you can be near the speakers to touch the vibrations and feel the beat
- Secretly learned sign language from other deaf trolls for you and planned to show you on your anniversary
- You caught him doing sign language in secret a couple days before your anniversary and kept it an secret
- You tried so hard not to kiss him hard then and there and when it was finally your anniversary you where shaking on your spot excitedly
- Tackled him into an hug grinning and laughing peppering his face with kisses
- he's kiss drunk on the spot holding you close and giggling like an idiot
- he wanted his knights to learn sign language and gave them the task of following you around
- The knights most of the time are translating for those who can't understand you when you use sign language when Trollex can't when he's on his duties
- Other then that he would be by your side making sure your safe and are alright
- When he speaks he forgets that he's doing sign language while speaking whenever your near and people point it out
- Blushes and has to explains why he does it
- other trolls cry and tear up at how sweet it was
- You being deaf is not really a problem for him he doesn't mind at all
- he doesn't mind at all explain directly to you what others are saying or explaining it to you the situation
- he always take a moment to explain what happen if you need it
- The first time he did ask you directly if you need him to explain...
- Bliss face palmed in sync with Laguna while Synth gave an thumbs up as they stared at their king who froze realizing what he just did
- You stared at him with absolute confusion. After you've been together for a while he learnt how to identify whenever you need help so he just turn to look at you to know
- You two have an loving relationship and it's so cute that people in techno reef laugh at how cute you two were
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trollz-headcanons · 4 years
Hey! Could I get some Barb X SO headcanon please?
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Barb x S/O headcanons 🎶🤘🔥🤘
-She was always known to be the type of troll to be a lone wolf kind of person always saying that she needed no one and that having someone next to her would only slow her down but when she first met/saw s/o...but….boy was she wrong
-At first she was confused with the warm fuzzy feeling she didn't understand why she would be nervous around s/o and tries to hide her feeling but fails whenever s/o is around
-I can try to imagine that barb would try to impress s/o by singing a rock covered song that they seem to enjoy,or if s/o is around she would try to do tricks on her motorcycle or flex her guitar playing skills
-she doesn't seem to be the one to approach s/o first since she thinks it will make her look weak,either she waits for s/o to make the first move or she would go straight to poppy for help since she known nothing of romance
-she's not the one for PDA but if her s/o wants to hold hands then she would gladly comply,don't be fooled by her tough act she a huge softy for affection when they are alone (she just doesn't like showing her soft side to others besides her s/o)
-when it comes to jealousy oooh boy the other troll better know what their doing cuz barb does put up a fight,if it's just the troll lightly flirting with s/o then shell pull s/o into a side hug and tell the other troll to “bug off” or “hey s/o are you busy,no?,okay then” and drags them away quickly giving the other troll a nasty glare
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brights-place · 5 months
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Barb X POP! Troll S/O
Pairings: Barb X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, mild cursing
A/N: Okay but that’s like so cuteee! I’m happy I get to write some fluff stuff after writing so much nsfw OMLLLL I mean I love writing it but damn you all are wild! (I’m also referring to myself) Anyways hope you enjoy!
- Barb was an rock troll and you were an pop troll. barb hated pop trolls but you... you were different to her you stood out your f/c skins and f/c hair made her light up for an moment before noticing the glare you shot at her as she imprisoned you with the other trolls
- "You won't get away with this you asshole!" You shouted beingd held back by other rock trolls as she walked over smugly grinning "Oh but I already did"
- Told the rock trolls to get you an spot right in front of the stage where she would preform to get you to see her rock out
- Even though you were impressed by the new genre you were mad at how she would make you all into rock zombies
- After the event she started on getting help from poppy so when poppy introduced you to her she looked away sadly when seeing you step back quickly and judge her since she well was an Hegemonic Supremacist
- When she tried to speak to you since poppy said you offered to help an fellow troll out but you didn't know it was barb!
- "Hi Im-" Barb put her hand out giving an awkward smile "barb I know the Hegemonic Supremacist that tried to take over all trolls" You said as poppy quickly dragged you away apologizing to barb about your behaiour "(Name) She's trying to change" "and you want me to excuse the crimes she has comitted?" You said back with furrowed brows and crossing your arms - "(name) come on" Poppy said looking at barb and back towards you "Don't (Name) come on me you think I should trust her you wanna hear me listing all her crimes! I'll spit them all out!" "(name) she's trying" "You think I can forgive her with all she has done! Attempted world domination, Attempted cultural genocide, Hate crimes, Terrorism, Malefic, War crimes, Crimes against trollkind, Mass invasion, Mass kidnapping, Serial grand larceny, Mass brainwashing, Unlawful imprisonment, Abuse of power, Conspiracy, Psychological abuse, Extortion, Minor arson, Assault and battery, Mass property destruction, Attempted mass slavery, Corruption, and Public endangerment" You shouted pointing towards barb who hanged her head in shame
- You would glare at her whenever she came by pop village to talk to poppy or when it's an troll meeting for all of the genre of trolls
- Everyone forgave her except for you so she wanted to show you she became an better person
- She would come by and try conversations with you and would fail as you would snap at her
- When she noticed you trying to learn how to play electric guitar due to Val buying you one
- She noticed how you were struggling and walked over biting her lip thinking that you might tell her to go away again"Hey uhm do you need some help?" she questioned as you stared at her before looking away sighing - "I dislike you but I don't know what I've been doing for the past 30 minutes I dot even understand the guide" You groaned turning to her as she quickly lit up and walked over to re-position you holding the guitar and showed you how to play some chords
- She taught you how to play fade to black by metallica as an first starting so and praised you on succeeding as you cheered hugging her and asked her to each you more songs another time - You would do practice and she'd teach you songs which mainly were rock but you asked her to show you how to play pop songs which she cringed at but did her best with an smile that you learned how to play your favorite Pop song
- You slowly started to bond after awhile of hanging out - You two would do duet songs of rock songs but if you could convince her to sing pop songs with you she would try... then it becomes an pop rock song - You two would make pop-rock songs and have your own album unaware you made an new genre of music together as you smiled together singing softly as she sang loudly strumming her guitar as you did the same -  It's known pop Troll is extremely happy, strives happiness and seeks fun above all things which is so like you but its also true that they are prone to absolute panic when things go wrong, often overreacting in a comical way and that what was going on right now you panicking for the fact that you messed up playing an song - The Pop Trolls have a holiday for every day of the year, meaning they are constantly having one party or another. - So you would always invite her to ones that you know she'd be comfortable in. - When you started to get too close almost seeing around each other with you smiling around her and clinging to her arm as you blabbered away as she listened - it's like an Princess Bubblegum and Marceline relationship without them starting to date...
- she even asked to dress you up as an rock troll and you asked to dress her as an pop troll it was... eventful you two where laughing while hanging out
- She loves how you kissed her face and kissed her ear that was cut off telling her she was beautiful when she was crying - You would be with her or would visit which became normal with all rock trolls knowing who you were and wouldn't talk bad about you since one rock troll was heard talking bad about you as an joke and had barb close to using her chainsaw on him - She introduces Debbie to you and it's so CUTE! how you cry instantly and hug Debbie saying how adorable she is unlike the pop trolls who first saw Debbie
- She loves how her dad became best friends with you so fast and ends up with you painting her fathers nails black as you ranted to him about the dumbest things and she could feel her heart throb
- You would be coming over to volcano rock city and riff would high five you and do an rock n roll handshake that they all taught you to do - Barb would smirk on how poppy and other pop trolls saw you greet all the rock trolls who came for all of trolldom meeting at pop village this time - Poppys mouth would be agape as she see you do handshakes with every rock troll who came with barb - Would realize she likes you when you hugged her goodbye after you coming to volcano rock city for your daily hangouts - "My place next time right?" you said grinning as barb nodded "yup" the fact you kissed her on the cheek goodbye and left made her turn red so fast that she melts into an puddle - Riff would point out barb was crushing on you once you left and she would try to deny it but she'd turn around and be like "Holy shit I like an pop troll" - You two would be doing your daily jam session with playing your guitars back to back as you sang your songs before you turn face to face both of you soon singing softly in your pod leaning forward heads touching before you end up kissing - Her hands on your waist as you put your guitar on the side and have an hand in her hair making out before pulling away the two of you pausing staring at eachother before laughing as you went back to kissing her with an big smile as she giggled abit
- You two became official after the kiss and went on dates together you two would now be seen with barb having an hand on your waist or holding your hand mostly on your waist while she glares down trolls who would try to speak up about it
- You two would be jamming out together once more at volcano rock city as she told her dad about you two now dating as he smiles nodding telling her she did amazing and would have an good partner which was you
- You would hug him crying "Thank you king Thrash" as he hugs you back "Call me dad..." as you turn to barb who looked away sniffling trying not to cry
- You and barb would be having an picnic in an empty flower field as you played your guitars together as she smirked turning towards you "(Name)" You would giggle "Barb"
- You put your guitar to the side as she did the same before tackling you to the picnic blanket pinning you against it and peppering your face to kisses as you blush before returning the small kisses as you cuddle and laugh together
- Somewhere in the bushes there stood Poppy and val high fiving that there planned work on getting you and barb together the two flinching when hearing an light moan come from you before the two ran off quickly as then hear barb push you against an tree
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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brights-place · 4 months
Creek, Synth, and Trollex first kiss headcannons maybe?🙇🙇
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First Kiss Headcannons
Pairings: Synth X Reader, Creek X Reader, Trollex X Reader (Seperate)
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: First kiss headcannons! YIPPEEEE!
- your first kiss was when you two finish creek teaching an yoga class - You two were packing up and he couldn't help but smile at you when you two finished and he was holding your waist as you kissed his cheek which he did the same - This turned into you kissing Creeks freckles as he cups your hand as you two stare at eachother with an soft gaze before leaning in - Your lips connected as his lips felt soft yet rough as he was holding you like you would be gone - When he pulls away as you two pulled away and smiled you couldn't help but giggle when he smiles at you with an huge grin as you two soon kissed again softly and happily before you two go back to packing up - Though creek was calm he was melting on the inside contemplating everything and why he did that while your on the other side giggling to yourself
- Tackles you into an hug after an rave and snuggles into you which leads up to you holding him close to your chest and rubbing his back as he grins - Synth was still hyper as he then started to twist and turn around your arms as you laugh kissing his cheek well you WERE suppose to kiss his cheek but he turned to face you but you two accidentally kissed - You two froze processing what had just happened as Synth brightened up more and tackled you straddling your hisp as he kisses you deeply with an huge smile - He wouldn't stop kissing you and always saying 'I love you' many times which made you grin - Synth's lips were soft and sweet like cherries as he left kisses all over your face and hands before kissing your lips longer once more - Golden retriever energy boyfriend>> (goes for Trollex aswell) - This male was so addicted to your kisses now everyday he would pop out of nowhere and kiss you
- His arms wrapped around you after his kingly duties he was tired from partying and having to do his job - He couldn't help but sigh in relief in your arms as you cupped his face asking him if he was alright which he was - You two were staring at eachother lovingly and trollex couldn't help but admire how gorgeous/handsome you were in his eyes - You peppered his freckles with kisses as he chuckled peppering your face back with kisses before 'accidentally' kissing your lips his lips touching yours softly - His eyes widened when realizing what he did as he quickly went to apologize thinking he went to fast but when you pulled him back in he froze before melting into the kiss making ti turn rough yet loving - His hands gripped onto you as he laughed happily when pulling away and kissing you once more - Golden retriever energy boyfriend>>
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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brights-place · 5 months
Can we have more king trollex headcanons?,
With a s/o who tells him he's gonna be a dad ?, how he acts during his s/O's pregnancy and what kind of dad would he be ?
Take your time, if you don't want to do it then it's fine, (hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable)🩷
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Trollex with an pregnant S/O
Pairing: Trollex X S/O
Warnings: Lots of Fluff, Mild cursing
A/N: I love Trollex so much he's such an cutieeee anyways I'm doing lots of requests rn so my inbox is closed for now and this is my first work of the first day of the year lets gooooo <33 - You and Trollex have been married for 2 years and dated for 3 years - You and him have planned your future together which INCLUDED having kids after having an large talk - You had to sit down and hold each others hands while talking about it since Trollex is always an hyper person it was so different the mood was different - Started trying to have kids after an few months of being married - I mean you two already did those stuff together before you got married but hey he gets to have more fun for himself - Every time your done doing the deed he'll pepper your face with kisses for fun - You two sigh and wait every time hoping - You tried so many times and it was always negative but he says that there is multiple options if it doesn't work out - When you two had done it once without meaning to make kids once after an rave surprise supriseeee it finally happened - He'd tear up when you told him he would be an dad after he came back from his duties - You had seen Trollex overly excited before, hell even bouncing off the wallsbut his over joyous attituded right now was something that beat all those times easily. - You would watch as he was literally throwing fist bumps in the air zipping around like a child high on sugar while gushing all about how he wanted to be a dad and how happy he was... he may or may not have knocked over some furniture happily - Turns out you were having triplets same designs but different colours first egg would be an blue full egg was an rainbow stripe in thee middle with an F/C pixelated heart, Second egg would be an F/C egg with an pink pixelated heart rainbow stripes an the final egg was an F/C and Blue hued with rainbow polkadots instead of an stripe and had an Green Pixelated heart - Would stare at the eggs hoping it would hatch sooner. He also would cuddle and talk to the eggs telling it how amazing you were - Would cry when seeing the eggs hatch - He'd be an patient yet hyper type of dad - He'd be the type of dad who would dump everything for his kids special events First DJ session There and he's their biggest fan shouting 'Thats my kid' loudly. He's there for your kids birthdays, hobbies, sports whatever that day is free on his schedule on it for yearas - He'd let your kids off with somethings but when needed he will set down rules if ever needed which is rarely - Every chance he gets he'd kiss you when your kids weren't looking - Since He's the king and an father its difficult sometimes for him to spend time so he'd do his best and most of the time its something childish with his kids - he knows it's difficult to raise kids without him there all the time - Him and your kids would run around being childish and you always found it cute taking photos of your husbands idiotic behavior and your kids being dumb - He'd make the kids lunches and would always peck their cheek or forehead. - Wears an 'my favorite people call me dad' shirt and would have an mug that says '#1 father' - He would spoil your kids with affection and so much love those are his babies and he will not let anyone harm them and he will make sure they're raised properly and with his whole pixelated heart - Somehow has balanced his personal and work life. - Though its hard to be together alone to have some intimate moments due to your kids appearing out of nowhere you still share small sneaky kisses and have some fun when your kids are out.
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