#trr fan art
karahalloway · 4 months
The Royal Romance - The Suitors - Covet Fashion Edit
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A/N: In my spare time, I play a mobile game called Covet Fashion, which is a dress-up challenge game. I have been playing it for several years now, but last night, I had the idea to create sprites of the TRR suitors. The game only has female body customisation options, otherwise, I would've done the guys as well. But, here goes!
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @mywildheartremains
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Art for Dark Elf
You guys!! You guys!!! I am soooo excited about this art commission from @bayleedrawsx that I won from @storyofmychoices for her Shadows and Deception murder mystery event!!
Shout out to @karahalloway for suggesting Dark Elf when I asked for opinions on what to get!!
It's cute but evil Elven Liam!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
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trrvisuals · 1 year
Art by @rosefuckinggenius
Since I have enough of these now, they need their own place. The first one is Drake with the murder gloves (look, he really only murdered a few people in Bad Romance but it turned into a whole thing/running joke with some of the readers and myself.)
The second is Drake x Riley on his motorcycle and really could go with many of my stories, but I had Star Crossed in mind when I commissioned it.
The third was a birthday gift from @harleybeaumont of Drake x Leo from In Your Room and I love it!
I love them all, they are all amazing and so is @rosefuckinggenius. Highly recommend.
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burnin0akleaves · 7 months
This has been on the horizon for a while, but I think a part of me just didn't want to admit it until recently. I'll cut straight to the chase, you probably won't see much RA content from me anymore.
The topic of the fandom, the tags or quality of the posts have been discussed a few times already -mostly by me I think which should have been a warning sign haha- so I'm not going to go into too much detail. I'll just share my perspective.
The fandom simply just doesn't have much to offer me at the moment.
Everyone knows that a huge part of my interest in RA was and always has been TRR Will. If he didn't exist, I would have lost interest in the series a LONG time ago. But I can cook my own meals for only so long before I get tired and want to eat out for a change, and unfortunately for me no one is serving the food I want at the moment. I still love love love this man, but there just isn't enough content for him in the fandom (except the ones made by me) for me to want to actively keep engaging with it.
Not only that, art just doesn't get the same reception as it used to here. If I can draw another interest of mine and get triple the engagement, then it's just easier for me to be motivated to share my art of that other thing. Sure I draw because I want to first, but suprisingly for everyone I do want to draw things other than RA. And if those other things are more appreciated, then it just means I'm more motivated to keep posting them for everyone else to see. Most people probably remember I used to be very active in discussions and character analyses on here as well, but I just don't see the space for that sort of content here anymore. (Sorry to that one anon who said they liked my writing, you know who you are)
I still love RA and TRR Will, but I'll probably keep my thoughts or the occasional sketch I draw for myself from now on. I just don't feel motivated to share it.
Also just in case anyone asks my opinion after the recent discussion at the ask blog; yes, I don't like the current state of most of the posts here either. I don't want to go out bad-mouthing others though, the current style of content in the fandom just isn't my taste. Which is alright, maybe I've simply grown out of the series! The book getting newer fans is a good thing and I hope they have as much fun as I did when I first joined. This fandom has been my home for years now but I think it's around time I go out and explore more.
I'll still keep up with the series. Again, my fixation on Will is very much alive and well. It sucks that I don't have the energy to share my passion with others anymore, but I'm sure people will do just fine without me mauling every other guy that completely misunderstands his character to death. Don't get me started on the beard shit, genuinely frustrating how a fandom revolving around a book series has 0 literacy at times.
TLDR: I'm not going to be active in the RA fandom anymore because of multiple reasons. I still love TRR Will but I'm not motivated to share my work here in the current state of things. I loved my time here and I hope everyone else does too.
Also if my feelings change in the future, then that will be that and I might come back. I'm not sending myself off to exile here. I'm not writing any of this because I believe I have to explain myself either, I'm doing it because I simply want to avoid causing people confusion. Feel free to send me RA related asks still, just don't expect to see me around the RA spaces as much. I'll stay in all the servers obviously, and my presence will be around indirectly since most of my friends are still here. Also, if you draw TRR Will do feel free to send him to me in the dms. Love that guy and his apprentice so much, wish more people did.
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Drake's Birthday Celebration!
We have set Drake's birthday celebration for August and hope you'll join us with fics, drabbles, artwork and more! Special thanks to @aussiegurl1234 for the graphic!
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The event will take place from August 1st through August 12th of 2023.
All mediums accepted! Fanfiction, fan art, mood boards, HC's, whatever you've got!
Must be themed/centered around Drake's birthday and present him positively.
You must tag @drake-walker-appreciation
The deadline is 11:59 p.m. CST on August 12th, 2023.
A couple of important points:
The event is in August, but you may place his birthday in whatever month you HC it is!
Throwbacks featuring Drake's birthday are more than welcome!
Please reach out to this blog, @angelasscribbles or @karahalloway with any questions or suggestions!
We know his birthday, much like most of the PB timeline is nebulous so for anyone interested, here's the thought process about its placement, under the cut:
I think it’s common knowledge that PB’s timeline is total crap.
MC is told that the social season is a “few months” long, but if you follow the actual time stops given in the stoy…. “the next day…”, “a few days later…” etc, then the timeline is two and half weeks-ish. It’s like day 11 by time stops when MC is told that the season is “more than half over” despite the season being several months long. The Apple Blossom Festival is immediately after this, and Drake’s birthday happens during it.
We obviously can’t depend on anything about this timeline to tell us when his birthday falls.
Instead, we can look at the timeline that the actual social season in England follows. There is ample proof that plenty of the details of how royalty and the social season work in TRR are based on England, so this feels like a good option.
Besides, they left us no choice but to figure it out on our own, so any method you chose to use is valid since this is fiction. I personally did a deep dive into the social season in England both historically and in modern times.
The social season is four months long, starting in early April and ending on the Twelfth of August aka the start of the shooting season.
Applewood and the Apple Blossom Festival happen just before the Beaumont Bash, which is canonically the last official event of the social season. Therefore, I place the bash in the first half of August. MC drives from the festival events at Applewood directly to Ramsford so we can assume those activities take place at the end of July or beginning of August.
The next clue comes with the very title of this festival: Apple Blossom Festival. It’s not a harvest festival, so it doesn’t take place in the fall. (Apples are typically harvested in the last week of August and September, some even later, which is after the social season concludes at any rate.)
Apples blossom from early spring to late summer depending on the variety of apple. Most blossom in April or May but since the festival takes place at the end of the season, we have to assume that the Cordonian Ruby is a late-blooming variety. A very late blooming variety. (This is possible because when they bloom has more to do with the temperature of the region than the time of year. Since there was skiing and ice skating in April, we can assume it stays cold there well into spring.)
In conclusion, based on all of the above, I feel confident that Drake’s birthday falls somewhere at the end of July or in the first half of August.
That said, I’m not here to gatekeep anyone's HC’s so with that in mind, even though the event is in August, you may place Drake’s birthday whenever you like in your story. Put it in February, put it in October. The important part is that you have fun with it. That’s it.
Happy writing!
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Do you think the theory that TRR and TFS series got so many books and why Pixelberry has been milking the romance/smut books while eschewing other genres is because ATV was supposed to be their next TC&TF, and it bombed? Do you think it has something to do with Nexon? Or do you think Pixelberry would've gone in this direction regardless? Realistically, how much longer do you think Pixelberry/Choices will last as a company w/all the upset fans and backlash they've gotten over the past few years?
Excellent questions, anon. This is going to be a long post, so buckle up.
I do absolutely believe Nexon was at least partly to blame. Before Nexon entered the fray, collectibles were pretty much nonexistent in Choices. Endless Summer was the first collectible-heavy series, and as much as I loved it, it was VERY costly. To collect all the clues, dossiers, idols, and embers, it costs a grand total of 895 diamonds. BUT, since one of the clues in ES book 3 can only be obtained by marrying one of the love interests, the actual cost may be much higher.
But while Nexon was partly to blame, I truly do believe AtV's failure screwed Pixelberry over BIG TIME. Like, more than any of us actually realize.
Using Endless Summer as an example again, Pixelberry took a huge risk with the series. Ultimately, it a was a risk that paid off, because Endless Summer was very well-received and is still lauded as one of the greatest series in the app.
Across the Void, in my opinion, was a bigger risk than Endless Summer. It was (until WtD) the only series in the app that actually took place in the future, and it was also the only space-fantasy story. But more on the risk-factor in a minute, we'll come back to that.
Across the Void was also a very, very long book. It's actually the third-longest in the game tied with TRR book 3 at 22 chapters, only beaten out by Witness: A Bodyguard Romance at 28 chapters, and My Two First Loves at 100 chapters.
In addition to being a long book, it was originally titled Across the Void book one, until it was later changed to just Across the Void. This means Pixelberry had plans for at least one more book in the series but they had to change plans at the last minute due to the book's poor performance.
But when, you may ask, did they make this huge change?
Across the Void's release ran from August 20, 2018 to November 5, 2018, when they announced the book would be on hiatus. The book returned in MARCH. It resumed releasing from March 18, 2019 to May 13, 2019.
In those four months of hiatus (the longest hiatus a book has EVER been on, by the way), they had to hasten to conclude what was once a multi-book series rich with lore and background. And that couldn't have been easy on the writers or the budget.
Back to the risk-factor of the book. We've already established that it was unique, long, and had at least one other book planned, possibly two. But the biggest financial losses in the book came from quite literally everything imaginable.
Every background, every character sprite, every music, every miscellaneous item, all of it was brand spanking new. And believe me. There were a LOT of backgrounds, characters, music pieces, and miscellaneous items. Additionally, the love interests had different sprites and outfits, too, so those were also probably pretty costly in the art department. And there were TEN love interests. Ten!
We also got a brand-new set of MC faces and hairstyles, and you know what else? There were male and female MCs. Eight new faces, eight new hairstyles, and twenty-two new outfits. And the worst part? None of the faces or hairstyles were reused. Ever.
In fact, a LOT of the assets in this book were unusable due to how niche and out there they were. Occasionally one or two of the characters with tamer designs or miscellaneous items or even some of the music gets reused in other books. But a lot of AtV's stuff doesn't, and won't, be reused. The financial losses from the book won't be recouped.
Another costly aspect of the book was definitely the writing, though it definitely wasn't as expensive as the art. You could tell the writers busted ass creating lore. There were over a dozen alien races with their own histories, worlds, traditions, you name it. And there was the Vanguard and the Jura, who were at war with each other, which divided the galaxy far and wide. And, of course, there was the Void, which had its own lore.
Like Endless Summer, the book was very lore and detail-heavy. Unlike Endless Summer, about 90% of it was locked behind paywalls, including the majorly important bits of information. And as we all know, that just doesn't work.
Across the Void had a lot put into it. A lot of money and resources, a lot of writer's investment, a lot of time. And in kind, it had a lot of potential. Like, I don't want to say Across the Void could've been an S-tier book, but it could've definitely been up there. A-tier at lowest.
Unfortunately, it got a rough start, and when things didn't get better, that's when Pixelberry put it on hiatus and scrambled to wrap things up. It's why a shit ton of characters died if you didn't pay diamonds to save them. It's why the four endings we got were rushed, sloppy, abrupt, and unsatisfying. And it's why we were left confused as hell and saddled with more questions about the lore and story than answers.
To put it simply, Across the Void is the perfect example of Great Taste, Awful Execution.
2017-2018 is pretty commonly regarded as the Golden Era of Choices, and 2019 was the year Choices started to steadily decline. It still had some good releases, but we got a lot of really mediocre ones that year, and unfortunately, the dip from the Golden Era to a decline directly coincides with AtV's release and its poor performance. The timeline fits. And the 2020-2022 era was seriously rough. Granted, part of that was a result of the pandemic, but I don't think AtV financially flopping helped. Things are sort of starting to look up again, but I'm not holding my breath.
So yeah, AtV took a lot of financial risks. It was probably the riskiest book they've ever written due to how ungodly expensive it likely was and the sheer amount of effort and resources that went into making it, and because it performed poorly, it was a huge blow to Pixelberry.
And that really sucks, because like I said, AtV had a lot of potential. It truly could have been one of the greats if they had executed it properly, but they didn't, so the story suffered as a result.
Funny thing is, if AtV released now, in 2023, I think it would be received much better than it was in 2018-2019. What was mediocre and disappointing back then would probably be considered half-decent or even good now.
As for The Freshman and The Royal Romance, The Freshman ended at the tail end of 2018, so I don't think PB milked it because AtV screwed them financially. The timeline doesn't fit.
But The Royal Romance? Absolutely. The Royal Romance performed so well Pixelberry has implemented several rewrites and remasters, including the brand-new photo gallery in book one and even new outfits in the rewrites. What blew me away most of all were the two art scenes of the MC. Six different MC faces, eight different hairstyles, three different dresses for both scenes. AND the Liam art scenes had three different Liam faces to account for.
It also performed well enough that Pixelberry felt comfortable enough to budget for extra art for the outfits and cutscenes. One that comes to mind is the cutscene of the MC's spouse holding the baby after she gives birth. Three Liams plus Drake, Hana, Maxwell, plus six variations of the heir. I know that couldn't have been cheap.
So they milked The Royal Romance series and even invested more into it because they knew it performed well and wasn't a financial risk like AtV was. They weren't afraid it was going to fall through and flop on them. AtV was a risk while The Royal Romance was a secure, safe choice. Hence eight books in the TRR series.
I'd say, realistically, PB will last for a long while. I truly can't pinpoint a time where they'll go under. I mean, look at Episode. It's been around since 2014 and it's still going strong.
Pixelberry found that soulless smut attracts them the biggest paying audiences with the least amount of effort. VIP has also evidently worked well enough for them that they're now catering to VIP-only crowds. So while I (and many, many others) hate that Choices has gone in this direction, it's obviously working out for PB, so they're not going to make any changes anytime soon.
The only thing that I could see potentially screwing things up for PB is if Blades of Light and Shadow 2 either doesn't release or flops. This, however, is unlikely, and even if it did happen, it would probably just be a minor bump in the road for PB.
TL;DR: Across the Void's financial risks and poor performance directly led to the decline of the quality of Choices books. Particularly well-received books/series like The Royal Romance were milked to death as cash cows until PB discovered that low-quality smut would keep the app afloat.
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Crossover Masterlist 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
June 2024
BOLAS / Crimes of Passion / Nightbound
The Royal Academy (Series) ✒️ | Multiple Pairings - @ladylamrian Chapter 1: The New Staff
Crimes of Passion / Open Heart
I Don't Quite Recall ✒️🏳‍🌈 | M!Trystan Thorne x Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter 🔸
Bloodbound / Open Heart
The Secret ✒️ | Bloodbound F!MC & Open Heart M!MC - @aesthetic-aag
Hollywood U / Open Heart
Friendship & New Beginnings ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey & Thomas Hunt - @theartoflovingthomashunt
May 2024
Disembodies (Series) ✒️ | Adrian Raines x F!MC, Nik Ryder x F!MC Chapter 8
April 2024
The Royal Romance Crew's Point of View Chapter 2 ✒️ by @choiceswithmika
TRR / Platinum / OH / CoP / TNA
Isle of Misfits (Round Robin)✒️ | Multiple Stories | Liam Rys, Leo Rys - @twinkleallnight Chapter 10: Dealing With the Paparazzi
Marabelle (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 11: The Game of Kings 2
Disembodied 7/8 ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
TRR / RoE / TNA / CoP
Isle of Misfits ✒️Ⓜ️| Multiple Characters - @tessa-liam Chapter 9: Inconvenient Truths
Crimes of Passion / The Royal Romance / Rules of Engagement
Three Princes Walk Into a Bar ✒️| Trystan Thorne, Liam Rys, Leo Rys - @thosehallowedhalls
March 2024
Immortal Desires / Murder at Homecoming
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow Part 3 ✒️| Cassius Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont
Choices MCS 🎨by @cassiopeiacorvus
Blades of Light & Shadow / Nightbound
Kit Meets Rock ✒️| Mal Volari x F!MC, Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian
Immortal Desires & Murder at Homecoming
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow (Series)✒️| Cas Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont Part 2
Open Heart & The Royal Romance
Don't Call Me Angel ✒️| OH F!OC, Bryce Lahela, Tobias Carrick, Maxwell Beaumont, Bertrand Beaumont - @peonierose
Bloodbound/Open Heart
Immortal Desires / Open Heart
The Meeting ✒️| Original Characters - @ezekielbhandarivalleros
Immortal Desires/Murder at Homecoming
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow Part 4 ✒️| Cassius Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow Part 5 ✒️| Cassius Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow Part 6 - Finale ✒️| Cassius Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont
February 2024
Guinevere, A Courtesan of Rome, Endless Summer, Getaway Girls, The Heist: Monaco
MC Fanart 🎨by @gaiuskamilah
Slow Burn, LoA, ShipWrecked, WTD, Surrender, CoP
MC Fanart 🎨by @cassiopeaicorvus
The Royal Romance / Red Carpet Diaries
EROS: Passions in Other Ways 🎨🔹Original Characters by @mariemarieohcontrary
January 2024
Bloodbound / Immortal Desires
Adrian Raines, Gabriela Adalhard Fan Art 🎨 by @hydn-jpg (C: @gaiuskamilah)
Multiple PB Choices Stories
Twin Heist ✒️Ⓜ️| Multiple Characters - @whatinthehale17
Blades of Light & Shadow/Nightbound
Happy Birthday @ladylamrian! 🎨| Nik Ryder, Aerin Valleros, Mal Volari - by @artbyalz
Crimes of Passion, Nightbound, Open Heart, The Royal Romance
Choices MCs 🎨 by @mariemarieohcontrary
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queenmiarys · 1 year
Book: TRR
Meet my MC
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Face claim: Ylona Garcia
Name: Amelia Ramos
Birthday: April 20
Age: 25
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: brown
Family: Parents Stefan & Shayla Ramos
Siblings: Stefan Ramos JR, Adrian S Ramos
Two. Aunts, 1 uncle on Father's site. One aunt, four brothers on mother's side .
Tons of cousins
Significant other: Liam Rys
best friends : Jennifer Lawson, Rashad Hussein
Education: New York School of interior design
Occupation: Owner of Ramos, NY upscale interior design with 2 locations New York and Boston
Pet peeves: Someone not washing their hands
Facts: I'm nice but you don't want to see my dark side
Nicknames: Mia by mostly all, El by brothers, Ali by father, mom used to call me Mia, my love by Liam
Interests: huge fan of the arts , kickboxing, exercising, biking, hiking camping.
Favorite foods: A very good Mac and cheese, warm peanut butter cookies
Favorite movies: faceoff, indecent proposal, shall we Dance, save the last dance.
Favorite music: alternative rock, dance, r&b kpop
Likes: Animals, people with good energy
What do people think of you ?
Dislikes: negative people, snakes , rats.
@choicesficwriterscreations @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @kingliam-rys @kingliam2019 @yaniradolton @yolandawalker @hanaleeappreciationweek @mom2000aggie @lilyoffandoms @katurrade @shewillreadyou @bebepac @dcbbw @luvquit @lolablackwrites @choiceskatie @tessa-liam @queenjilian @queenrileyrose @ao719
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
Feb 11 - 17, 2023
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
After Dark: Satisfaction Guaranteed - @storyofmychoices ☁💘
Bryce has a special surprise waiting for Olivia.
I’m a Sucker for You! - @peonierose ☁💘
Bryce and Luna spend some time on Valentine‘s Day (even though they’re not the biggest Valentine’s Day fans).
Love, Rosie - @peonierose 📷💘
It’s February 14th, Maxine‘s Birthday. So all her family & friends share some love on her (not) beloved day. Valentine‘s Day.
Once A Shattered Heart - @a-cloud-for-dreams 🦚
As Chandini and Bryce work on planning their wedding, he helps her deal with a heartbreak that never healed. [Wedding]
A Valentine's Surprise - @peonyblossom ☁💘
Ethan is woken up early by his daughter, who needs his help making a Valentine's Day surprise for her mom. [Domestic; Family]
Abundance - @jerzwriter ☁💘
It's their first Valentine's Day together, but they still have to keep things secret... and Ethan isn't helping.
Accidental Valentine - @cariantha ☁💘
It’s Valentine’s Day and Ethan and Sawyer get “stuck” spending the evening together.
Afternoon Delight - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁💘
It is Valentine’s Day and Ethan sends Casey a cake to help get her through the afternoon.
Caked - @txemrn 🎭Ⓜ
After receiving horrible life-changing news from the hospital's lab report, Tatum is overcome with worry with having to be the bearer of bad news to the couple. TW: Depiction of dysfunctional eating
Death Stare - @headoverheelsforramsey ☁💘
A friendly staring contest turns into a heated competition. Who will emerge as the winner? Ethan or Meera? [Donahue's; Friends Intervene]
Flowers - @jamespotterthefirst 🎭💘
She is stung when he sends flowers to someone else on Valentine’s Day. [Jealous]
Making a Mark - @txemrn ☁💘Ⓜ
Despite med school exams, Ethan and Tatum plan on spending time together for their first Valentine's day; but their plans take a different course... literally. [Jealous]
Not the Right Person - @lucy-268 ☁💘
Various “Celebrations” for Valentine’s Day when you aren’t celebrating with the right person. Feat. Sienna Trinh, Aurora Emery
Okay to treat yourself - @amortentiaopenheart ☁💘
Ethan receives an anonymous gift.
Special Surprise - @potionsprefect ☁💘
Luke and Lily enlist Aunt Sienna for a very special mission. Feat. Sienna Trinh [Domestic; Family]
Staying In - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria is left disappointed when she is sick on her birthday. [Birthday; Illness/Injury]
Valentine Memories - @liaromancewriter ☁💘
When Alan finds a box of childhood memorabilia, Cassie teases Ethan about his romantic past. Feat. Alan Ramsey
The Art of Doing Nothing - @dr-colossal-pita ☁💘
They don't do valentine's cards...until they do.
Stained Glass and Stuffed Animals - @peonyblossom ☁💘
Sienna continues her own little tradition of Valentine's sleepovers with her friends, even if most of them already live in the same apartment.
The Galentine’s Day Queens: A TRR / Open Heart Crossover - @bebepac ☁💘
Daniel takes Riley and their friends on a special night on the town as Galentines. Feat. F!MC
The Reluctant Valentine - @liaromancewriter ☁💘
It’s Valentine’s Day, and Max can’t say no to his favorite girl.
Ground Rules - @jerzwriter 📱Ⓜ
Not long after they finally made it official, Casey just wants to set some things straight. Can Tobias wear her down?
No One Else - @jerzwriter ☁💘
Misunderstandings, changes in plans, a blast from the past, and secret admirers threaten to turn Tobias & Casey's first second Valentine's Day upside down.
Part 1
Simple Pleasures - @jerzwriter ☁💘
Tobias is driving himself crazy trying to create the perfect Valentine's Day for his new wife and momma-to-be. [Pregnancy]
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Maxwell Beaumont's Birthday!
Max cordially invites you to his birthday extravaganza! Please RSVP by submitting a fic, drabble, or artwork featuring Max's birthday!
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We have placed Max's birthday as March 20th based on the premium scene in TRR book 2, chapter 12 where he says he could be either a Pieces or an Aries.
All mediums accepted! Fanfiction, fan art, mood boards, HC's, whatever you've got!
Must be themed/centered around Max's birthday.
You must tag @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation
The deadline is 11:59 p.m. CST on March 19th, 2023.
Please reach out to this blog, @angelasscribbles or @harleybeaumont with any questions or suggestions!
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thecapturedafrique · 11 months
Happy very late Nadia Park Appreciation Day! As a big TRR fan, I always imagined that Nadia would consider Joëlle Theron as one of her artistic idols, and from that I built a head canon to chronicle Nadia’s path as an artist!
Tagging @nadiaparkappreciationweek and its wonderful hosts @lizzybeth1986 & @sazanes!
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Nadia graduates with her BFA from the School of Visual Arts in NYC in 2015
She goes on to study at ENSA Bourges in France—Joëlle’s alma mater—to earn her DNSEP (the French equivalent of a MFA)
After graduating in 2017, Nadia returns to NYC where she does the standard starving artist routine for a solid year until receiving an offer to showcase some of her work for an alumni showing in Paris
She sends over some of her work and then finally agrees to move in with her cousin Erin, whose previous roommate (my TRR MC Ally) ran off to Europe
In mid-September ten days before the showing is scheduled to end, Liam and Madeleine’s engagement tour stops in Paris
While there, Kiara visits the gallery with Penelope and Hana to do some scouting for her mother, and when Nadia’s art catches her attention, she sends some pictures to Joëlle who is also an instant fan
With several artists having pulled out of the upcoming International Arts and Food Festival, Jöelle reaches out to Nadia to ask if she’d like to have her work displayed during the festival
Nadia immediately accepts; her pieces are well received and garner several high bids, which heralds the start of her career taking off
A couple of weeks later, when she attends Ally and Liam’s wedding as Erin’s plus one, Nadia introduces herself to Jöelle, who is happy to meet her, especially since she can now make the offer of sponsorship in-person
And thus, by the time PM begins, Nadia is an established artist; while the majority of her fan base is European and French in particular, her first independent showing at the start of the series marks her breaking into the American art scene
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khoicesbyk · 9 months
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A New Years edit of my TRR babies. Iltsm!
Happy New Year from them and me!
Not sure if this edit qualifies as fan art but Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations anyway.
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We are now down to our last two days for this week! We will also be keeping a bonus week for everyone who couldn't finish their content in time, so you can definitely try and finish it by 3rd March so we can feature you in our masterlist and thank you video!
Today's theme is all about Home and Family! We all know that Kiara's family happens to be the most sorted, most well-adjusted family in the TRR/H series - they also feature some of the most talented and ambitious people! This is an opportunity to explore either Kiara's relationships with family, or to think about her home, Castelserraillan. This wonderful province is known for a variety of things: their vineyards, their love of the French language, their cultural richness, their passion for reading and literature, their long history with archery. It would be great to explore Kiara's home as well!
Any and all content is welcome - as long as Kiara is the focus of the content and it depicts her positively. Fics, art, edits, moodboards, meta, interactive media, headcanons, playlists, even screenshots featuring her best scenes! We also accept WIPs so if you don't think you will have the full content ready by the end of the bonus week, you can still share a snippet of it with us!
The theme is not strictly tied to a day. If you would like to post something on a later day, you definitely can...just tag the post for the day it was meant for (eg. #KTAW Day 1, #KTAW Day 2 etc)
Be sure to do the following when creating your content:
1. Use the tags #kiaratheronappreciationweek and #KTAW for your posts, along with the day you have planned the content for.
2. Tag @kiaratheronappreciationweek in your posts, as well as the co-hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes.
Fan-content blogs have been a great inspiration and support to us, and we would definitely like all of you to show them some love by participating in their events:
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic. Check out their roster for weekly and monthly events here!
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @choices-february2023 - Any and all content welcome. Check out their prompts for February!
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome as long as the characters or themes are LGBTQ related
@drake-walker-appreciation and @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation are hosting events soon.
Happy Kiara Theron Appreciation Week!!
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trrvisuals · 1 year
Art by @rosefuckinggenius
Since I have enough of these now, they need their own place. The first one is Drake with the murder gloves (look, he really only murdered a few people in Bad Romance but it turned into a whole thing/running joke with some of the readers and myself.)
The second is Drake x Riley on his motorcycle and really could go with many of my stories, but I had Star Crossed in mind when I commissioned it.
The third was a birthday gift from @harleybeaumont of Drake x Leo from In Your Room and I love it!
I love them all, they are all amazing and so is @rosefuckinggenius. Highly recommend.
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
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Tagging @choicesfandomappreciation for Day 3 of Choices Spread Kindness Event!
(Again...REALLY sorry for the lateness of this post!!)
I'm a huge huge fan of fanart...often art was what used to draw me the quickest to a book or character and make me more eager to play it! It was also a great way - like fanfic but differently - to incorporate things you wouldn't find so easily in canon. Here are some of my favourite artists!!
@sazanes - She is not only an incredible artist - she is also a ball of enthusiasm and great talent!! We first met when she sent me Hayden-focused asks after finding out we were both Hayden stans 😄 Her art is absolutely gorgeous and packed with so much fine detail. I still remember being amazed by her while running my first Hayden Young Appreciation Week - not only did she make an art piece for every day...she also ensured that if the character was customisable, she did an art piece each for each face (she did this both for Hayden and Liam). And given that some of those faces have less representation even though they're among the best faces (esp bl!Haydens and bl!Liam) I truly, truly appreciate her commitment to representing them. My favourite art work of hers is this beautiful poster of all the Haydens in kimonos, this beautiful picture of kid!Sloane and Kim, Liam helping the Heir plant her tree, Hana with a teasing mile and her signature hot chocolate, and of course this recent one of Kiara experiencing intense secondhand embarrassment 😄
@cassiopeiacorvus - There's an incredible style, attitude and verve about her work. She's done a depiction of every MC she's created thus far and I find them amazing coz she draws them with a body diversity that you won't often find in canon. Some of my favourite artworks of hers include a drawing of Xanthe and the ACoR MC in their "sexy red outfits", a reworking of Kiara's Costume Gala outfit (which is, btw, FAR BETTER than anything PB came up with for her), Jax and Lily with the BB MC and Leah and LH MC being a "black power couple" as Cassi put it 🤗
@toyhenoctus - I absolutely love their cute and vibrant comics, with cheeky and vibrant characters. Whether it's the gun-toting Siobhan or Effie who wants to declare her love for Aurora Emery to the world, it's always a treat to read them!!
@ohmyblues - She was a recent find, and I absolutely loved her Hana drawings! The first one I saw of hers featured Hana by the Valtoria lake, during the lantern festival, and the use of colours was so unbelievable and Hana looked so enigmatic in the picture. But I think my absolute favourite so far was the one they made of Hana at the piano. The texturing of the silver dress was so detailed and sublime, and her expression of being lost in the music was blissful to see.
@shazrystyles - Shaz is an absolute treasure! I've always loved her work but got to meet her personally when a friend bought a commission from her for me as a gift. Her artwork is so soft and delicate and so fun and fresh at the same time. My absolute favourites include this compilation of Hayden Young sketches, this supercute sketch of Zig performing ballet, this amazing one of Liam as a fencer and here is Hana and her MC on their wedding day 🥹
@burnwoods - Their art and style is so beautiful and interesting, and honestly they depict the characters in such a gorgeous, realistic way. I love the watercolor, stepped-right-out-of-a-painting quality of their work. My favourite was one of the entire cast of TRR/H, a picture of Rafael and the OH MC hugging and looking like the giddy reunited lovers that they are, and this cute picture of the entire ITB crew!
@they-callme-ami - Just the fact that they do such incredible art of black characters brings me so much joy 🥰🥰🥰 Here's their awesome commission page! I'm new to their art so I'm really excited to reblog them and have more people see them!!
@ellezelindraws - I absolutely love their drawings of Hana Lee (personal favourite is the one of Hana in a pink cheongsam) and their lovely cartoons of Hana and the MC as a married couple (like this one of the MC dreaming Hana might be bald, Hana gazing admiringly at a sleeping MC, and goth!Hana). They've done some other incredible art of wlw in particular as well, like Sabina, Annabelle, Ava and Kamilah. I can't wait to see more of their art!!
@danniseyebrows - They make incredible art of a lot of characters but the ones I am most familiar with are her TRR MCs (she has one each for each LI!) My favourite of the lot is her Hana MC Valerie, and one of my most enduringly favourite works of theirs is a depiction of the MC reacting to the dress that Hana made for her (in Shanghai) in a way that truly acknowledges these women as being in love with each other 💗
If any of their commissions are open, please do check them out and consider commissioning art from them...you definitely won't be disappointed!
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tyrilstarfury · 2 years
Im going to reread these book over the next few months...
TRR 1-3
Endless Summer (all)
The Royal Masquerade
Bloodhound (all)
The elmentalists (all 😭)
The Cursed heart
Then I will write a 1000 word NSFW fic for each (if the spirit moves I will do art too)
I feel like I feel myself giving up on this fandom so I decided this might make me not abandon it because I feel like I only like fantasy & supernatural and this is more of a romance app but good things have happened in the past so I will revisit old books, create fan content and if nothing changes in the months I read these books and if I'm still bored I will move on to something else, idk what probably black panther or some shit idk.
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