#trudy lightstone
cluelessrebel1988 · 1 year
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Violent Night (2022)
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metalichotchoco · 1 year
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Do yourself a favor and watch violent night (if you are of age and don’t mind lots and lots of blood) it’s such a fun Christmas romp with the right level of cheese, a tight thriller plot and bertude
Anyways Trudy is a muffin and I love her very much, I tried to make the walky talky look like a bunny
Santa rules in this movie, love a Santa fed up with capitalism and the increasing soullessness of the holiday but also one that really does care at the end of the day
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movieloversposts · 1 year
Violent Night (2022) 8/10
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A rich family taken hostage by mercenaries who are after three hundred million dollars hidden in their mansion have to put aside their differences and work together if they want to stay alive. Meanwhile, Santa Claus just happens to crash and get tangled up in the family's affairs.
Let me just say that this movie made Santa Claus look good, because the title can be misleading. You'd think it's about a killer Santa Claus; it's not, in fact, he's more like badass Santa Claus. And he's roughing up the bad guys.
John Leguizamo's Jimmy Martinez is very different from some characters I've seen him play; he's violent, and ruthless in getting the money that the Lightstones have.
The funniest parts of the movie are definitely the fight scenes; the background music tends to contradict what's going on, contrasting harsh from soft, so to speak. There's a few one liners, mostly said by Santa Claus, but the humor comes from the creativity in the fights.
Yes, there's even a song parodied after 'Silent Night', sang by one of the characters, I won't say who, but that scene is oddly funny.
The actors are great, although I wish they would have put more screen time and development for Bertrude (Alexander Elliot), for example. He's obviously spoiled, but the only other time you actually sort of like his character is towards the end of the movie. Other than that, he's a brat.
The plot is easy to follow, in fact it reminded me of You're Next, where a family is also hostage, but has to fight off intruders as well. Compared to You're Next, though, this one has more action scenes. And definitely more creativity.
This is a comedy thriller, if I had to categorize it. It's gory, but not to an extent like the Saw movies. Not so much that you feel like throwing up. But to the point that you're cheering on what's happening.
But this definitely a Christmas movie that can kick start the holiday season on a high note, for sure.
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themosleyreview · 2 years
The Mosley Review: Violent Night
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Its that wonderful time of the year again and you know what that means. It is time for all the holiday music to truly be listened to at right time and definitely time to get your annual viewing of Christmas films marathon started. Every year I watch "It’s a Wonderful Life", "Christmas with the Joker" episode from the Batman: Animated Series and my favorite the first Die Hard film. Every year there is a film about Christmas that is always cheerful and features old Saint Nick himself. Some are fun and heartwarming like "The Christmas Chronicles" or sometimes a little more funny, crood and dark like "Bad Santa". What I haven't seen is an action film featuring Santa Claus in a situation where he is vulnerable and out of his element. Something that acknowledges his legend and maybe shows a more jaded hero. This film delivered that in spades and I loved every second of it. Now it wasn't only about the amazing amount of creative violence and hilariously well timed usage of classic holiday phrases, it actually was a heartwarming tale of how adults have forgotten how to believe in good and how powerful a child's belief can reinvigorate ones belief. It was a surprisingly smart action film that is of this generation, but also fun for the older crowd as well. I mean who doesn't want to see Santa save a family from armed goons comitting a heist on Christmas?!
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David Harbour was absolutely perfect as a modern grumpy and heavily intoxicated Santa Claus. He is truly in his element as the every man that has almost lost his faith in humanity and I loved watching him fumble around while delivering presents. I liked that he wasn't jolly and his commentary on the state of gifts was hilarious and true. Once he gets involved with the action in the film, he was wild, funny and just awesome. He explores Santa's past and then quickly brings back the heart of the character in so many heartwarming moments. You can't help but love David as he takes Santa on a rollercoaster of emotion and creative action. Alex Hassell was good as Jason Lightstone as he tries his best to reconnect with his family. Alexis Louder was great as his estranged wife Linda and their chemistry was excellent. Leah Brady was outstanding as Gertrude "Trudy" Lightstone and she steals your heart in the best way the moment she's on screen. Most child actors can go too over the top or completely undercook the innocence of childhood, but she perfectly balanced. She really reignites the heart of Santa and I loved that she got in on the action as well. She pretty much is almost the R rated version of Kevin McCallister. Beverly D'Angelo was perfectly savage as Jason's mother and Trudy's grandmother Gertrude Lightstone. I always enjoy her on screen presence as she nails that "take no crap from anyone" attitude. Brendan Fletcher was fun as one of the henchman in the heist codenamed Krampus. He was such a good sociopath and I think he is truly an underrated actor. John Leguizamo is the head of the operation as codename Scrooge and my god was he amazing. I loved his dark sense of humor and relentless brutality. Once we get into his backstory, he really embodies his codename. I loved his dialogue with Santa the most and especially their fight scene. It was personal and sad. I'm so happy to see him back in the spotlight.
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The score by Dominic Lewis was great and cheery in the right moments and then fantastically joyful and bombastic during the action scenes. I liked his subtle twist on the classic Christmas tunes like Silent Night and Carol of the Bells. They're in there and well hidden. The action in the film was expertly shot and I loved that you could see that most of it was David Harbour really doing it. All the fight scenes were creative and used their environments in the best way. I cheered so many times as a few ornaments were used in brutal ways. Like I said before, this film was exactly what you expect in terms of action, but it will definitely surprise you on how heartwarming the story truly is. This is definitely a new favorite Christmas film that I will add to my annual rotation. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
DISTRIBUTOR: Universal Pictures
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SYNOPSIS: It’s Christmas Eve and a now disillusioned Old Saint Nick is making one of his stops on his yuletide run with a gift for a true believer, little, but not so innocent, Trudy. As Santa is snacking on the treats Trudy made for him, a team of mercenaries breaks into this wealthy family’s compound, taking everyone inside hostage. When Santa is abandoned by his team of eight reindeers, he has little choice but to fight. The team isn’t prepared for a surprise combatant: Santa Claus is on the grounds, and his long forgotten past will rise up and show these villains why this Nick is no saint.
REVIEW: First off, this is my new favorite holiday movie. VIOLENT NIGHT channels the spirits of classic Christmas films, Quentin Tarantino, and author Joe Lansdale. It’s one hell of irreverent thrill ride that gives an audience a reason to go to the theater.
I enjoyed the script. The plot comes together as it weaves in satire and pokes fun at Christmas classics. One of my favorites is that young Trudy has recently discovered “Home Alone” and how that figures in later into the story. While there was a short film adaptation of Joe R. Lansdale’s short story “Christmas with the Dead” (seek it out), if you are a fan of his work, such as his “Hap and Leonard” series or his short genre fiction, you can’t help but feel an influence in the dialogue and monologues, as well as Santa Claus’ character arc. The key here, regardless of all the guts, gore, and off color jokes, is that the film never loses a sense of innocence and the magic and wonder of Christmas and the Santa Claus myth. There are some nice twists and turns in the tale and it’s wrapped up nicely with a not so happy ending.
Great cast! David Harbour creates this contemporary and complex Kris Kringle. There are moments when he channels John McClane, but this Kringle has a darker past and a relationship with a weapon of choice. He sells the hell out of the character and it makes the film a sheer delight to watch. John Leguizamo is such a versatile actor and creates an outstanding villain. AT one point n the film he has a monologue that fills in all the gaps as to his background story and why he loathe Christmas, that is reminiscent of Kat’s monologue about her father’s tragic death on Christmas, but Leguizamo delivers this passionate and tense speech that is captivating. Veteran actress Beverly D’Angelo of the National Lampoon Vacation franchise is wickedly wonderful as the matriarch of the Lightstone clan. I know D’Angelo has played darker characters, but I feel that her lighter screen moments are ingrained in our memories and that makes her performance here refreshing. Likewise, actress Edi Patterson brings some of the moxy from the character she created for the HBO series “The Mighty Gemstones.” Grounding the film is the performance by Leah Brady as Trudy Lightstone. She brings honesty and innocence to her performance that is marvelous to watch. She presents a contemporary kid that still believes in the magic of the holiday, yet she has this mischievous edge that is believable.
VIOLENT NIGHT contains breathtaking cinematography, production designs, and costume designs juxtaposed against the visual and special effects. There is enough blood and gore for the avid genre fan or gamer. There are some nicely edited and choreographed fight sequences that are enhanced by the score or holiday music choices. The “home Alone” homage is taken to new extremes. The action delivered a chorus of “ooos” and “aws” from the audience.
Director Tommy Wirkola, of the “Dead Snow” films, does an outstanding job of blending all the elements of this tale into an action packed holiday thriller ride that sustains that holiday feeling for all its blood soaked glory. Given Santa’s fantastical abilities of course it goes to extremes, but his background story adds to his skills and the bloodshed. I went in with no expectations and was entertained and thrilled. Considering how much I enjoy sick and twisted holiday novelty songs, it’s no wonder VIOLENT NIGHT is now on my list for holiday films along with “Anna & The Apocalypse,” “Gremlins,” “Die Hard,” and “Die Hard 2” to name a few. I sat through the credits to listen to the music choices and was surprised that they didn’t include the Dropkick Murphys "The Season's Upon Us." Well there’s always the sequel.
CAST: David Harbour, John Leguizamo, Cam Gigandet, Alex Hassell, Alexis Louder, Edi Patterson, Leah Brady and Beverly D’Angelo CREW: Director - Tommy Wirkola; Screenplay - Pat Casey & Josh Miller; Producers - Guy Danella, David Leitch & Kelly McCormick; Cinematographer - Matthew Weston; Score - Dominic Lewis; Editor - Jim Page; Production Designer - Roger Fires; Costume Designer - Laura DeLuca; Special Makeup Effects Artist - Nina Kvaternik; Prosthetic Makeup Designer - Doug Morrow; Visual Effects - Outback Post, Crafty Apes and Track VFX. OFFICIAL: www.violentnightmovie.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/violentnight/ TWITTER: twitter.com/ViolentNight TRAILER: https://youtu.be/a53e4HHnx_s RELEASE DATE: In Theaters December 2nd, 2022
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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artfandraws · 6 months
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Taking the role of Trudy Lightstone is Kirby. This young lad loves the Christmas season, eager to celebrate with his adopted family, with his only wish, to Santario Claus, to be for his estranged mom and dad, Link and Zelda Aranstone, to love each other again. And all that will come to a terrible halt when the family gets held hostage by dangerous mercenaries...
Why did I choose Kirby even though he's boy? Well, he's one of the few characters who's innocent and wholesome. Speaking of choosing characters, surely you can guess by the last name on who I've chosen for the role of Gertude Lightstone... and you might not like who playing the role of "Mr. Scrooge" and his mercenaries.
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baronvonkrieger · 1 year
Violent Night-”Die Hard” meets “Home Alone”
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A holiday icon is suffering fatigue, and really doesn’t want to continue with his assigned holiday. However, he becomes reinvigorated, despite his being knocked down by military hardware, and has an Epiphany, which renews his wanting to continue with his holiday. He does this all without encountering a tree with a door shaped like a Christmas Tree.
This is “Violent Night”, released to theaters this year. If you’ve seen the trailers, you know what the film is about, which is Santa Claus stumbles into a home invasion. It definitely lives up to it’s title, having so much violence, it makes many horror films look tame in comparison. And yet, this isn’t a slasher film where airhead teens are offed by a homicidal maniac. This is a group of truly evil people, and a family in a dire situation because of them.
This film definitely takes cues from the “Home Alone” series, and the first two “Die Hard” films. As bad as the home invaders are, the family who suffers from the home invasion, are not clean as the driven snow which surrounds the estate being invaded. The characters in this film are fascinating to watch, no matter what side of the fully automatic weaponry they are on. The actor playing Santa is very important whether this film works for me, and David Harbour is very effective playing a not so Jolly Santa who has been worn down by the Job, and is seriously considering calling it quits.The chief villain in this piece, John Leguizamo, plays  Jimmy "Ebenezer Scrooge" Martinez. He takes his hatred of Christmas to quite the extreme here, as he has his sadistic  and sociopath operatives given code names reflecting Yuletide, for his desire to make sure the family compound he invades, has a very unmerry Christmas. Among the cast of this film is  Beverly D’Angelo. Yes, Clark Griswald’s wife from “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” is here, but playing a stone cold corporate head, and mother of a very dysfunctional family who is the target of the home invaders.
Although Santa has some supernatural abilities, he isn’t invulnerable, which means his taking on the home invaders, does put him at risk. He has the assistance of Trudy Lightstone, a daughter of a couple held hostage, who makes good use of her being a fan of the “Home Alone” films. As we see the traps sprung. it’s pretty clear that Joe Pesci and Daniel’s Stern’s “Wet Bandits” wouldn’t have survived for the sequel of Home alone, if that film hadn’t been a comedy. 
I went to the film hoping to be entertained, and instead found myself watching what is now one of my favorite Christmas films. I will definitely be seeing it next Christmas season, even if I have to watch it -home alone.
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Violent Night
“Violent Night” is just about what I expected, a gratuitous gore porn movie with the gimmick of Santa being the perpetrator.
Santa Clause is starting to get jaded after countless Christmases. It seems like kids today just take selfishly and get bored too quickly. Santa is seriously considering making this year his final Christmas. That was until he gets stranded at the Lightstone residence. The Lightstones are a bunch of cynical rich folk who aren’t very good people. They’re held hostage due to the matriarch of the family being an extremely rich and powerful person. A man calling himself ‘Mr. Scrooge’ is determined to take the money for himself. Santa is about to leave when he sees little Trudy Lightstone is being held hostage too. She’s a true believer in Christmas, so Santa stays behind and decides to rescue her.
I watch a lot of movie trailers, so I usually have a good understanding of how a movie is going to turn out based on its trailers. Granted, this isn’t always the case and there are a ton of exceptions to the rule. But, when I saw the trailer for “Violent Night”, I pretty much knew that what I saw was what I was going to get. What I saw was just another ultra-violent action movie with the gimmick this time being a holiday backdrop and Santa as the action hero. There’s nothing wrong with a simple action movie, but it just feels boring to me. Gratuitous violence lacks the substance I’m looking for in movies. When I saw that this movie was getting really good reviews, I thought that maybe I had judged this movie too quickly. Maybe this movie creatively uses its violence to strengthen its themes and messages. Maybe this movie would actually be pretty heartwarming underneath all of the gore. Nope. That was not the case at all. After watching the movie, I can confidently say that I was right in my assumptions. The movie is just decent all around. It has decent fight scenes. It has decent humor. It has decent moments of heart. There’s nothing this movie excels at. I want to say that the action is really good, but then there are fight sequences that feel way too choreographed for my liking. I want to say that the comedy was great, but there are a lot of jokes that just don’t land. There were a lot of performances that didn’t land too, either because the actors were hamming it up too much or just didn’t care at all. I want to say that the movie has heart, but the arc that Santa goes through is generic and predictable. The movie also makes it hard to root for anyone. Everyone is a shitty person and it made me want to see everyone get their comeuppance. There were a ton of tone-deaf moments as well, like Jason and Linda passionately making out after murdering a man for the first time. Some of the brutality felt mean-spirited which made it unenjoyable at times. Jason seems like the nicest dude out of the whole family and he basically gets his finger cut off for it. The writing also got a bit annoying from all the lampshading it was doing. Yes, this movie is heavily inspired by “Home Alone” and “Die Hard”, but they’re towing a fine line between being inspired and straight-up ripping off. The unashamed nature of laying out all of its plagiarisms on the table is indicative of how much the movie doesn’t care about being original. If you’re the type of person who thinks Santa, but as a murderer is a wholly original concept, then by all means, go watch the movie. If you don’t like rewarding movies that don’t put thought into the experience they’re crafting, then definitely skip this one.
Watched on December 13th, 2022
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markwatkinsreviews · 1 year
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Santa hammers the evil opposition who invade a rich woman’s, family home to steal her millions and make a young girl’s Christmas prayers come true. The acting winners of this Christmas-action / comedy movie are, Beverly D’Angelo, who expertly plays, Gertrude Lightstone, the matriarch and naughty & nice, Leah Brady, as the playful daughter, Trudy Lightstone . 
The seasonal jokes / ideas improve as it goes along but it starts on shaky ground because the opening dialogues are so unbelievable - although by the end, "we" all believe in Father Christmas, so it recovers, plot-wise, Viking-style.
Weirdly warm-hearted entertainment in just under two hours.
Rating: 7/10  
Trailer: https://youtu.be/a53e4HHnx_s
Mark Watkins (seen at Reading Vue, 13 December 2022)
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average-guy-reviews · 2 years
Violent Night (2022)
"An elite team of mercenaries breaks into a family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone hostage inside. However, they aren't prepared for a surprise combatant: Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he's about to show why this Nick is no saint."
What would it look like if Santa was the one that gave up on the spirit of Christmas? That is how the film starts. Santa is in a bar, in Bristol, getting steaming drunk and going off on the state of Christmas. He is angry about the way attitudes of children have changed etc. and about the way the belief in Christmas is dying off. As he flies away on his sleigh he says to himself that this will be his last Christmas. It's definitely an interesting start to a film for the festive season.
David Harbour is very much a different Santa to those we have previously been presented with. Normally they are bright, cheery, full of the joys of the season, and even when they're not they are still very prim and proper and Santaish. Harbour's Santa is an emotionally downtrodden, raggedy looking, man who could easily pass as the kind of mall Santa nobody want to see. He still has his magic, knows who is who, but it seems to be fading. Harbour brings life to this disgruntled mess in a way that makes you feel really sorry for him, all the while still letting you think "Come on, man. You're Santa. Pull your shit together!"
John Leguizamo leads the team of mercernaries breaking in. He is a very stereotypical villain for this kind of film, but that's not a bad thing. Leguizamo's performance is on point and he nails the tropes perfectly. He does add a few little touches to the role that elevate it a litle over the standard, and it's that that makes it like the whipped cream on a hot chocolate, just right. I'll always enjoy a Leguizamo movie....(even Super Mario Bros., to a degree).
The rest of the cast is full of faces you are likely to know, but may find it hard to place. They all give decent performances, and there isn't really anything that I can critique. They were there and they played their roles well. However, the young lady playing Trudy Lightstone, the human foil to Santa, was a fabulous casting choice. Leah Brady is the kid that still believes in Santa, the emotional heart of the film, and yet she is far from the saccharine sweet kids that often fill that role.
This is not your usual festive fare. When a film has lines like "Time for Season's Beatings!", "Ho, ho, holy shit." and "Christmas is going to die tonight!.", as well as a lot of bloody violence, it's not going to be for everyone at this time of year. It is a 15 here in the UK, and i was wondering while watching how much more it would have needed to be an 18. It can't have been far off.
Overall it's a decent film. It gives an interesting new twist to who Santa was before he was Santa, and it still has a very festive feel to it...once you get past the dead people that is. It lives up to its name for sure, and it damn sure will be joining my annual Christmas watch list. It's getting a very ho ho ho 7.5/10. I'd recommend it if you don't have a weak stomach, and I'd recommend it if you do (just hide behind your hands).
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wookieonendor · 2 years
"Violent Night"
“Violent Night”
“Santa’s getting mad.” Story: It’s been a rough couple of centuries for ol’ Santa. So maybe this is his last year delivering presents “…to kids who really need me.” Meanwhile, the uber-rich Lightstone family gathers together for their annual uncomfortable holiday shindig. Everybody’s garbage, except for adorable Cindy Lou Who Trudy, who still holds fast to her belief in the jolly dude. When…
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