#true monster
tricksterscorvid · 10 months
30 Day Monstergirl Challenge: OC Edition - Day 11 True Monster.
Harlequin Horror Rosalin
Warning for body horror, click at your own risk.
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georgi-girl · 2 years
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30 Day Monster Girl Challenge. Day 11: True Monster.
When I hear “true monster” I picture someone with a monstrous personality. Like the serial killer Crazy Daisy, who thinks she’s a vampire. She cuts people up, drinks their blood, and makes love to their corpse. And if the victim is lucky, she’ll do it in that order.
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epicden · 2 years
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Another   ̷̧̨͕͚̪͙̖͖̺̞̬̖̩͍̗̤̳̖͚̜̮̈́̓̋̀̄̏́͌̚͜͜͝a̴͚͚͑r̵̡̯̮̠͚̬̭̼̩͉̼͚̙̙̘̟̭̥̘͈̰̳̘̮̀͜t̵̝̤̀̄͂̀̂̊͒̒̀͊̈́̈̀́́͘ ̶̛͔͔̻̫̏̀͂̇̿̂̾̾̄̄̎͋̓͊̿͑̽͘̕͝͠  for you a̵̛̛͉͇̹̹̜͎͙̗̫͕̰̗̅̍̄̐͊̑̂̀̇͐͐͊̀̈́͘͜͠͝ͅá̸̙̮̪̙̑͂̋̔̑͑̓̑̂̍͆̉̇͋̆͒̾̊͐̎͛́̓̿̍̉͘̕a̸̧̢̝̙̙̥̠̥̗̖̜̙̱̫̱̙͆͗̌̃̂̄̾̅͝͠ͅa̵̘̞͈͕͓̠̞͍͇̟̯̞̯̯͉̣͂̌͝ͅa̷̛̛̫̻̺̲̱̪͚͎̫͖͗̎̇̏̈́̿̾̆̾̅͑̾̑̀͋̒͛͑͗̒͑̈͌̒̇͑̚̕͜͝͝a̷̧̡̡̠̩̩͎͚͓̟̝̟̝̣͐̓͋̉͐̌̊̑̐͑̑̅̍̀̔̆̀̉̓͊̂̕͝͠͠ͅa̵̝̟͎̖̣̼͙̖̮͕̰̭͙̗͔̙̘͖̽̃̊͗̊̉̀̾͆̚͜ͅa̴̧̧̧̢̧̧̬̳̪͚̳͇̟̲͎̠͉̜̥̦̦̫̯̠̻̹̥̙̞̐͜ ll :̵͈̘͗̀͑͝)̴̡͕̰͈͉̲̏̿̽͌̄
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thecharacterbible · 2 years
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6:3-אתגר ילדות מפלצות
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My Feelings About Bradford Buzzard And His Grandmother
First, If No One Has Seen The Last Episode of The Final Season of Ducktales Reboot with the Last Adventure, do not read this unless you seen that episode first.
okay here goes...
My feelings on Bradford's Grandmother, I don't like her.
she is the reason Bradford became the way he is in the first place.
plus whenever Bradford tried to reason with Scrooge, he got ignored, so of
course he had to use the papyrus to make Scrooge, Della and Donald forget he was ever there. even if he did transform into a monster,
it wouldn't be because he's evil. it would be from the negative emotions and the misinterpretation people have of him, so he isn't truly a villain, if anything he is a victim and that jerk of a Finch is the root of it all.
Even if she is Scrooge's hero, but even he would need to accept that she was a insensitive woman who caused a child trauma that led him to grow-up cold and truly alone.
Yes Bradford made mistakes, but he was blinded.
He tried to keep chaos from going out of control, even if it meant doing something that would hurt a family, which he shouldn't of did and that had crossed a line.
I don't believe that Bradford was truly evil, he was just a broken soul who wanted to stop dangerous adventures and possibly save those like him from suffering the same trauma he suffered since his childhood.
No one has to agree with me, but I just feel that most villains have good in them.
And most of their trauma and suffering are caused by the good guys or the main hero/heroine.
Plus No Hero or Heroine should be above the consequences of damaging someone else's life,
Either they be another hero or villain or a neutral party.
Scrooge wasn't truly at fault for what happen to Della, but if you think about it, it was 100% Della's.
She could of not stole the ship, but she did. and it because she chose to listen to the one who told her of the surprise, she could of chose to ignore it and act surprise later, and not cause her family to end up they it did.
Scrooge didn't mean for to become lost in space, but he isn't excused for some truly heartless things he has done in the past because of his greed before he found the true greatest treasure, which is his family.
He hurt Magica, and I believe the reason why they had that fight so long ago in the series, is because she wanted to get him back for what happen to her brother.
Even if Louie made a good point, that his villains/enemies, made him a better person.
That still doesn't excuse him for purposely not helping someone who asked for help, even saying they give him anything if he help them.
The pain that Scrooge felt when he lost Della, was perhaps the same feeling that Magica felt when she lost her brother and never saw him again.
I believe that the Phantom Blot, might really be Mr Vanderquack, Bentina Beakley's son-in-law,
Who is now a widow, who lost his wife and Bentina's biological granddaughter, before Webby came along.
But the biological granddaughter could of survived, while Edna Beakley-Vanderquack did not.
the reason why Blot wants to destroy all magic and Magica,
might have to do with the fact that he lost his wife Edna and his child.
If the incident happen before Webby was born, then I think Pepper might really be Bentina's Granddaughter.
But all that is just a theory.  if the story picks up in a Darkwing Duck Reboot and reveals that the theory about Phantom Blot being Mr Vanderquack, the widow of Edna, and Pepper being his long-lost daughter is true....then I guess I would be surprised.
But yeah back to the whole Isabella Finch, she is truly not as great as everyone makes her.
She caused Bradford to become who he is, and she couldn't see the damage it would cause later in his life.
Plus I believe that there was a reason why we saw a clone of Bradford, the real Bradford might of known what would happen if he faced Scrooge, so he used that ray thing that makes someone smart or dumb,
Shot it at his clone that looked 100% like him, then sent the clone to deal with Scrooge, while the Real Bradford himself sneaked away unseen by both sides.
If that theory is true, then maybe it will show it in the reboot of Darkwing Duck.  
I hope some of you understand my view on Bradford, at first when it was revealed he was a part of FOWL, I did thought he was a villain. but after the episode that first showed that papyrus, and even showing a bit more of his past...but perhaps not all of it.
I don't view Bradford as someone who is evil, just someone who is deeply hurt and tried to do good but ended up hurting others in his quest to achieve it.
Yes he did wrong in his life, and he was blinded by his ambition that cost him in the end.
And we should try to remember, he wouldn't be that way if it wasn't for that insensitive Isabella Finch.
Once more, no one has to agree with my feelings about it. but I still find that Finch is my least favorite character in the Ducktales 2017 Continuum.
one of the tags for this is “True Monster” and to me,
Isabella Finch was the true monster.
Bradford was her victim, and she couldn’t see that her adventures that she dragged him on, was making him unhappy and would place stress, trauma and fear in his life, and making him go down a dark path just to keep the whole world safe.
Bradford wasn’t even truly evil, just broken and emotionally hurt.
which Della, Beakley, Scrooge and the rest of the family and friends couldn’t open their hearts and eyes enough to see.
it is possible the only one who could see it, was Magica.
because the way she said that he wasn’t a villain.
I can’t agree with the actions of those who are suppose to be “Good”
but end up hurting those who are just hurt themselves.
Discord didn’t even get a proper punishment,
he, Celestia and Luna just made the three scapegoats of his actions, get turned to stone, and Star Butterfly despite the fact that her and her family have misused magic for who knows how long of generations,
she chooses to move the blame from her Mother,
to magic itself, who let me remind you everyone, is not truly at fault, but those like Star and her family who wield it.
and if you misuse that power, it is your fault, not the source of the realm your magic comes from.
at least Lena was able to do better than what Star did, I still love SVTFOE
(and still hope to get a complete dvd collection of SVTFOE someday.) 
and the last episode was still good, but I can’t agree with placing blame on magic, when it was Moon who misused it and caused so many lives to be in danger, and even ended up with Quirky dying.
Steven Quartz Universe, he went through trauma in his life that caused him to end up the way he turned out in Steven Universe Future.
I for one, love both the first series, the movie and Steven Universe Future.
the Steven Universe Future brought out some truth of Steven, that some can relate to and understand but maybe not fully.
because of what was revealed in Steven Universe Future,
about Greg’s past, I see him as both a Good and yet Bad person.
same with how Rose was during her life, as both when she was Pink Diamond,
and then when she reformed as “Rose Quartz”, which I still think that would make her a Trans-Gem, like gems who are normally be made one way, might feel like they are either a Rose Quartz, a Ruby or even a Zircon.
but the episode where we learn a bit more of Greg’s past, like how he felt about his parents and how he viewed their rules and how it seem like a prison to him.
but he might of only seen what he wanted to see, he might not of got the full picture growing up, and I had theorized that one of his parents could of been sensitive to loud music/sound, it is possible that Greg couldn’t understand.
Steven had a right to be mad at Greg, and even disappointed in him too.
Greg had cheered him up, and even made him happy finding out about his father’s old home.
but Greg made his son go back down to his lows again.
it was good that it was revealed that Steven is getting the help he needs.
when he corrupted himself, it was good that no one tried to hurt him
but hugged him when he needed that emotional support.
the kind that shows that those who are his family and friends, are there for him and are sorry they couldn’t see how much pain he was going through.
at times when a character who is normally a villain, and shows no sign of goodness in them (unlike Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and  Tirek showed when they bonded in one episode....who had shown a side of good that was in them.)
they can’t be saved...
I wont force others to agree on my view on all this, just try to respect that is how I see it.
not all villains are evil, some end up being Anti-Villains,
just as how some heroes who aren’t always good, end up as Anti-Heroes.
 even if Isabella Finch was long gone in the world of Ducktales 2017,
but to me she was the root of Bradford’s suffering and trauma.
and that makes her the woman behind the man, and the true villain.    
 now I am gonna just go and sign off and have me time.
I might sign back on later or tomorrow, it depends.
and I really hope some of you will understand how I view Bradford,
yes at first I thought of him as a villain after it turned out he was FOWL.
but then after seeing the other sides of him, I can’t help but understand he was misunderstood and he only wanted to protect the world from danger.
(he just ended up going about it the wrong way, and went too far in the wrong ways to achieve that peace.)
and his grandmother Isabella, Ludwig, Scrooge, everyone, including the rest of FOWL, couldn’t see that.
I hope that at least such a thing gets resolved in a darkwing duck reboot.
and the Bradford we saw in the very end, turned out to be one of his clones.
because I believe that Bradford deserved better, he was not born that way, he was made that way because of his so called grandmother, who couldn’t see that she was making him unhappy and causing him trauma.
well thanks for listening, and once again no one has to agree about my feeling about Bradford or Isabella Finch,
or the whole theory about Phantom Blot being Bentina’s son-in-law,
who she thought died along with her daughter and granddaughter....
well the granddaughter she had before taking Webby in.
see ya later and keep safe everybody.                                      
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annelise-draws · 3 years
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30 Days of Monster Guys Demon | Incubus | True Monster | Zombie
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double-slime · 3 years
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gay monsters gay monsters gay monsters gay monsters
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pastelcat420 · 4 years
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I drew @double-slime​ ‘s oc Jebidiah for him
Honestly i would die for him 
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blue-duster-comics · 4 years
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Day 11: Some eldritch horror from another dimension. The head design was based on those of certain demons from the 2018 game Agony.
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hauterotten · 4 years
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Some various throwaway character/creature concepts I’ve done over the past couple months.
Undertale Thesis monster is my favorite, obviously.
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noruirin · 5 years
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30 Day Monster Girl Challenge Day 11: True Monster Couldn’t decide which design I liked better so here’s both! 
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moonnueart · 5 years
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im on art fight :) https://artfight(.)net/~MoonNue
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artsyld · 5 years
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30 Day Monster Girl Challenge -Day 11: True Monster.
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jghermit · 5 years
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30 Day Monster Girl Challenge
They're always watching. Always watching...
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carnival-core · 5 years
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Third art of the night, a redesign of my OC Ashyx’ka ! Who is... slightly eldritch-being inspired  
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fattycreature · 6 years
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Monster Tarot Deck
The High Priestess
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