#true sectonia
lowrezbonuslevel · 10 months
sketch dump
just what it says on the tin. no new art and kinda tired, but i can offer some oddities from the archives...
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(more under the cut)
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anyways i hope you guys had a good week. i appreciate y'all
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desultory-novice · 2 years
On one hand, Magolor being tormented is utterly terrifying. On the other hand, the idea of Marx, Magolor, Sectonia, and Haltmann all vibing in the afterlife as literal walking corpses and half of them just being, like. Completely over it, is pretty funny.
Magolor is having a very rough time right now, what with the sanity slippage and the eternal suffering thing, then again, he's new here, while the others have all had years to adjust.
They'll teach him how to be chill and soon they'll all be having a great time at the new branch location of Merry Magoland!
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Links to the rest of the mini-series:
Part 1″A Beautiful Sunset” Part 2 “The Sun Never Sets” Part 3 “Screams of Joy” [You Are Here] Part 4 “Visitors” Part 5 “A Perfect Circle”
Relevant: “Conditional”
Prologue: “Selfish Needs”
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giantchasm · 2 years
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I’ve been workshopping the Underworld Friends AU more, and have decided the group is going to be wandering through a section of Hades based on their combined experiences in life. Which is to say... that, the first ‘world’ might be based on Cookie Country, Patched Plains, and Fine Fields combined.
But something else that’s going to be influenced by their memories and the respective games they come from is some of the enemies they’ll fight over the course of their journey. These enemies-- who will be guarding pieces of the collectibles the group is aiming to gather, will be based on the bosses of the games said characters debuted in. 
Some of these won’t be too interesting. Yeah, yeah-- whatever... fighting Whispy Woods again for the fiftieth time. But a few of the bosses from Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot, and Return to Dreamland are... peculiar.
These bosses happen to be characters that Magolor, Haltmann and Sectonia knew on a personal level. And that means the encounters with them will be much more interesting. 
A Taranza based on Sectonia’s memories of the person who got fed up with her and helped kill her... a Susie based on the traitorous secretary who Haltmann still doesn’t know the motives of... a Landia ridden by the four heroes Magolor still perceives as resenting him...
What sort of fight will they put up? And what sort of realizations will they force our characters to come to about the sort of people they are?
Either way, seems our group isn’t going to be having a fun time.
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lvminae · 2 years
Me posting my fucked up Hyness doodles made on the phone because I couldn't sleep to Facebook: more Kirby doodles!
My family who only know what I show them: <:) That's great sweetie...
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questforyellow · 6 months
Silhouette studies in design class, using some Kirby final bosses!
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Traitor Magolor (that's what that form is called, right?), Zero-Two, and Queen Sectonia.
For Magolor, I didn't make a true silhouette, since that'd make it harder to convey the idea properly. :P
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chowmoon2 · 3 months
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror is a pretty interesting game especially for a mainline title
It contains some cool characters that originate from that game such as Big Waddle Dee,Moley,Dark Meta Knight and Capcom’s Nightmare -
What the fuck are you Dark Mind? I’m sick of it
There is two things that really intrigues me with this series,thing number one:
Fuck you Dark Mind!
(A small essay/analysis/theory(?) about a very mysterious villian in the Kirby series,under the cut!)
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Okay,I think Dark Mind is the most Nothing Burger mainline Kirby villian ever,if not in the entire series
Almost nothing is known about him ingame besides “He is evil and wants to take over the Mirror World”
And yeah,he is referenced by Void Termina in one of their attacks which might mean something but like,almost every boss is so he is not special
I will argue that Nightmare and Dark Nebula (two similar final bosses with little to no info on them) are more talked about,the former because of the anime (without it,he won’t really be that popular me thinks) and the latter because ‘Lord of the Underworld’ title (despite being a localization thing) and his possible connection to the Sparkling Star among other reasons
Not saying nobody cares for him at all,he just have less attention then all of the other mainline villians because the lack of depth and info he has compare to the others
Now,a theory that I have seen thrown around is that Dark Mind is the Mirror World counterpart of either Nightmare or Zero.or even a combination of both counterparts,and yeah,I can see it especially since he have aspects of both of them
As shown in this official tweet by the Kirby Twitter account,it heavily implies that Magolor doesn’t have a mirror counterpart because nothing is shown while looking at the dimensional mirror
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This tells me that not everyone has a Mirror World self and if Magolor doesn’t have one,I seriously doubt both Nightmare and Zero would have one as well
I still do think that Dark Mind is atleast somewhat connected to Dark Matter,even if it’s just the substance and not the actual species (if that makes sense)
His name brings the phrase “Mind over Matter” to mind (heh,mind) which means this:
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So my epic game theory is that maybe he is like,a advanced version of Dark Matter that gained perception or something???? I think that would be cool
Or maybe he is just his own thing exclusive to the Mirror World,since some Mirror Worlders (like Dark Meta Knight) reflects the darkness their Popstar counterpart,maybe Dark Mind was formed by the leftover darkness from the hearts of many? That may be true but it is still very vague compare to other bosses lore
There is the possibility that he corrupted Queen Sectonia because of the whole mirror thing,it’s way more likely then DMK doing it,that’s for sure
Oh,let’s now talk about something that is also l related to Dark Mind,sorta!
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This is King D-Mind from the Team Kirby Clash Deluxe,a king of darkness who is summoned through the Black Mirror by Dark Taranza but he proceeded to shatter the dumb spider
After clashing with Team Kirby,they managed to trap him back the mirror and shatter it,saving the Dream Kingdom
He also had a role in Super Kirby Clash but idgaf
In a interview about Kirby Clash,which can be found here:
I found some interesting stuff like with Taranza using the Black Mirror so much that the balance of worlds breaks and lots of Parallel versions are born alongside Taranza’s dark counterpart
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And King D-Mind being born from Dark Taranza’s evil mind who he considers to be the most strongest and savage warrior
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Let’s take a look at the Black Mirror itself actually,it bears a striking resemblance to Dark Mind himself,perhaps it was created with him in mind or his origin place because remember,even before Dark Taranza summoned him,King D-Mind was manipulating regular Taranza through this mirror to summon rampaging monsters
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Of course,the Kirby Clash games take place in a alternate universe but I always saw the Mirror World as can be visited/connected to all these universes as long if they have a variant of the Dimensional Mirror
Oh,and also it’s probably not important but his internal file name is “MaskedBlackDedede” Black Dedede being Shadow Dedede name In Japanese,but there is not enough evidence (if at all) to suggest Shadoe Dedede and D-Mind are the same
In fact,this might not even BE the same Dark Mind from the Amazing Mirror
So like,can multiple D-Minds exist as long as if people has evil minds? What’s up with the skull mask and flaming eyeballs? Did Dark Taranza considered both Shadow Dedede and Dark Mind as extremely savage it created King D-Mind?
Who knows?
So in conclusion,idk,maybe Dark Mind isn’t meant to be that deep,he was just a villian that needed to be overcomed and that’s it
Either way,I enjoyed rambling about him,let me know if yo I want to see more of these kinds of post from me and let me know what are your interpretations of Dark Mind!
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moonmacabre01 · 11 months
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Hey, I wanted to show y'all my Swap au ^^ Uuuhh list of what and how characters were swapped under cut(incomplete list)(warning: long af)
Kirby: Swapped with Dedede. The king of Dreamland, brave and noble! At least, that what he wants you to think. In truth he's gluttonous and kind of childish, and a bit of a coward. But he has a good heart, willing to step up whenever Popstar is in danger! If he manages to avoid getting possessed first . . . At least his friends will be there to snap him out of it! He's scared of spiders.
Dedede: Swapped with Kirby. The brave and darling hero of Dreamland, Dedede would much rather play and eat than he would fight. But when push comes to shove and evil threatens his home, you can count on him to be there! Always willing to make a new friend, he'll happily welcome any newcomers, even if they aren't what they seem at first.
Bandee: Swapped with Meta. commonly known as Brave Knight, he and his crew are well known and much wondered about among residents of Popstar. More laid back than one might expect a knight to be, he's none the less formidable in battle. He and Kirby are old friends and trusted partners, despite rifts in the past.
Meta: Swapped with Bandee. Kirby's second-in-command and Dedede's best friend, Meta's often anxious or insecure about his abilities, and will turn to his friends for support. But under the fear, he's skilled with a sword and has a noble heart, and people have surmised that he has the makings of a great knight. He has an extraordinary sweet tooth he likes to indulge in, with a particular fondness for chocolate.
Ribbon: Swapped with Queen Ripple. The selfless queen of Ripplestar, she didn't hesitate to send away the crystal shard with her younger sister when Dark Matter attacked. Even after her possession by Nebula2, she remained as kindhearted and fair as ever. After the king of Dreamland helped liberate Ripplestar from Dark Matter, the two struck up a close friendship.
Ripple: Swapped with Ribbon. The younger sister of the queen of Ripplestar, she went on a quest with the hero of Dreamland after her planet was attacked by Dark Matter. After Ripplestar was freed, Ripple became close friends with Dedede and Drawcia. Though rather clumsy and a little anxious, she's full of energy and possesses an brave spirit equal to that of her sister.
Drawcia: Swapped with Adeleine. A painting brought to life by a mysterious artist, only to flee her creator and come to Dreamland, where she started to create art of her own. After joining a quest to liberate Ripplestar from Dark Matter, she discovered friendship to be a joy like nothing she'd ever imagined. Nowadays she splits her time between Popstar and Ripplestar, painting the many views.
Adeleine: Swapped with Drawcia: An artist derided and mocked by her peers, she left her home planet to wander the galaxy. In her travels, she found a wonderous paintbrush capable of bringing her work to life. Remembering the scorn with which her art was treated, her heart darkened, and she vowed to show the galaxy the beauty of her work - by transforming the world into a one of paint. After her attempt was foiled, she disappeared, but the work she created with that mystical brush remains.
Sectonia: Swapped with Taranza. The queen of a land in the sky, she gave her love a gift, a mirror rumored to grant wishes, unaware of it's true nature. Tricked into believing her subjects planned to rebel, she descended to the lower world with the plan to take it's hero as protection. however, she mistakingly took the king instead of the hero, and Dedede immediately followed in pursuit. Her love was defeated and his lies unraveled, and ever since she's been trying to do better as a ruler.
Taranza: Swapped with Sectonia. A mage unsure of his abilities, his beloved queen gifted him a mirror rumored to grant wishes with the idea it might increase his power. And so it did, but it also warped his mind and body, and his love became controlling and possessive. He tricked his queen into the believe her subjects planned to rebel, in hope she would turn to him for protection. Instead, against his wishes, she descended to the lower world to take it's hero for her guard. Eventually he was defeated, and the truth of what he'd become revealed much to the grief of the queen who'd loved him to the end. Never the less, it is hoped he is happier now.
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munchboxart · 3 months
I wanna talk about Kirby Leitmotifs because I'm deranged
Caution that I am writing about this throughout the day so it might be a messy essay of sorts
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Specifically the "Kirby's Triumphant Return" leitmotif that they love using. Now full disclosure, I am not a music expert, I don't know terms and stuff so this is coming from a person who just loves Kirby music.
"Kirby's Triumphant Return" is a common leitmotif that has pretty much popped up in most Kirby games post Super Star Ultra I think? But what I want to talk about is the songs that have it show up in the final bosses songs.
I believe they started using it as a leitmotif with Magolor's theme, in RTDL. The only other bosses that (I think) have used it as a leitmotif is Star Dream (Robobot) and Void (Star Allies). The only other bosses that missed using it (post RTDL) is Yin Yarn, Sectonia, Dark Crafter and Fecto Switch game.
I initially thought that every game post Wii games would've used it as a leitmotif in the final boss theme. No reason at all, I thought it was a cute tie in for a hopeful future where Kirby wins or whatever. But that's not the case surprisingly.
I think typing this out now makes more sense than when I initially thought about it in my head. Magolor, Star Dream, and Void have connections to the "Ancients" in some way. The Lor Starcutter is a vessel created by the ancients, Star Dream having/being recreated from parts of Galactic Nova(? I don't remember if this is canon but it should be), and Void being sealed during the ancient times(? I also don't know if this is true but Hyness's bio on the wiki mentions his "dark god being sealed in ancient times" and I don't have anything else to tie him with my theory).
Another thing that also ties them together is that all of the games these characters come from, also have Galacta Knight appear as a boss in their games (in their side modes). I am counting Morpho Knight as another character because he is a mix with another character and also because Fecto Foresight doesn't have the leitmotif (at least I think, I'm not listening to it again its 6-9 minutes long dude). Also I don't know if he doesn't appear as a side boss in Rainbow Curse since I never got the game and never looked at it so I could be wrong.
I always thought it was weird that GK appeared in RTDL because he has no business being there but this deranged line of thinking could actually tie it in.
Anyways I thought that it was just a cool thing. I really like recognizing this specific leitmotif in the Kirby songs, especially for the bosses, I always thought it was neat.
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cauli-flawa · 2 years
Kirby Color Theory
Buckle up, because this may be a long one:
This theory mainly concerns the roles of red and blue in the Kirby universe.
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Red is death,
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and blue is life.
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Red is the corruption of the soul,
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but blue is the purity that remains inside.
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Red is possession,
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but blue is lucidity.
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Red is darkness,
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and blue is light. 
But not all things conform to this system. Maybe they aren’t a part of it altogether. Or maybe they’re stuck in between.
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Purple is instability. The soul isn’t fully “good” nor “evil.” 
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But, of course, it can reach a resolution. It can find a place in the system where it aligns. 
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...or it could stay as a mishmash of red and blue forever.
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White is another curious case. 
White is also a non-conforming color, but not in the same way as purple. While purple is instability, white is indecision. The soul’s alignment is undeveloped and must find a place to belong.
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Dark blue is a subset of regular blue. Dark blue represents detachment from evil. 
The proportions of good and evil depend on the shade. A near-black blue is still an evil color - but something must be holding that soul back from being fully invested in its alignment. 
Still there? Okay. More color theory.
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Green can mean forgiveness. A soul seeking its own resolution outside of the red-blue scale. 
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Green could also mean a passive opposition to a soul’s alignment. A soul has been forced into an alignment, but their true beliefs lie elsewhere. 
Possession does not count, since that would be an active resistance against the forced alignment. Possessed individuals carry the alignment of someone else, not themselves.
But another thing that green represents is regret. 
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It is the regret for past actions, but it is also the light at the end of the tunnel. 
Yellow and gold represent control. 
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Galaxia, despite its red gemstone, can be controlled as a force of good.
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But the Master Crown IS the controller, using those with evil hearts as its puppet.
Yellow can also mean change - specifically, a change in one’s alignment.
Yellow is the color of evil-to-good, as seen with Dedede’s robes and Taranza’s cape.
But gold is the color of good-to-evil, and it’s almost always a forced, physical change. Essentially, it’s a punishment. It is justice served to the wicked.
Gold seems to manifest itself physically in those that are corrupted by it. 
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Like Sectonia’s wings,
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the Master Crown’s “talons,”
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and Marx’s wings (though it’s unknown whether they came from Nova or not...).
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Even Nightmare has his necklace and crown.
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And the hilt of Morpho Knight’s sword (as well as the particles of their butterfly form) is yellow/gold. 
And the blade is red. And it has two blue gems on it. 
One is a darker blue, while the other is a lighter blue-green.
It basically combines all of the alignment colors into one object! 
in conclusion
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miniiinebulaee · 2 years
How about fusing corrupted Sectonia and her true self (aka Joronia)? It might be what she'd look like if she was saved!
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Her majesty
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lowrezbonuslevel · 1 year
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she's one of my favorite characters to draw right now :) and one of my favorites from kirby in general. i do hope we get to see her again in a bigger role.
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desultory-novice · 7 months
Before everyone's like, "Damn, Dess, you said you wanted to make Dark Matter Swordsman a tragic bad guy like Queen Sectonia and President Haltmann but Noir's life is implausibly bad???"
Oh trust me, I have various HC that Joronia's life was pretty awful too, going from her happy (?) childhood to "Sectonia."
And I know someone's going to ask, so let me elaborate! XD
In the Dess-verse, the various insectoid species of Popstar were a collection of small, constantly-warring, bloodthirsty nations. Joronia's tiny kingdom was the smallest. She trained from a young age in military and magic arts because unlike the others, she HAD to fight on the frontlines. They didn't have enough power without her.
Her first parasitic bodyswap was not by choice.
The young queen was struck with a mortal wound on the battlefield. Taranza, drawing forth powerful magic he never knew he could harness before the trauma of seeing his best friend bleeding out before his eyes, immediately incapacitated the enemy commander and dragged their healthy body before her as a suitable vessel.
She initially had no intentions of relying on this power. It was Taranza who begged her to do it. For herself, for her people... for him. Please, you can't die, Joronia. She was so weak she couldn't even SEE what she was doing at this point, left to follow bloodborn instincts and half-remembered stories from queens past...
...She wakes up later from death in the very body of the person who tormented and enslaved her people and "killed" her. (Definitely not traumatic. Nope, nope.) A~nd that could be said to be the beginning of her obsession with beauty and bodyswapping.
Taranza would later get her the mirror, of course. He knew it was in some way magical and actually hoped it would help Joronia to always see "her true beauty" regardless of what body she was in. And well, we know how the story played out from that....
(Meanwhile, Max's tragedy wasn't a constant stream of death and body horror happening to HIM - it happened to the people he loved...)
"Why yes, I can be trusted with Kirby characters...!"
Dedede - former lab animal; only survivor of his species Marx - sleep deprivation; uncontrollable mutations Adeleine - raised in a post-apocalypse; dead brother Dark Matter Swordsman - COUGH COUGH COUGH Dark Meta Knight - lover turned into a meatsuit; rendered mute Daroach - lab animal subjected to numerous experiments Magolor - severe, lasting mental and physical trauma Sectonia - forced body-swaps and boatloads of paranoia
(The sad thing is, I'm probably missing several characters! Though I tried to stick to those I'd given non-canonical trauma to. Meta Knight's potential war vet status, and the Haltmanns, the Mages, and Leongar + Fecty's stories are all there on the page, mostly.)
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giantchasm · 13 hours
A Ginormous Assortment of Floralia Headcanons
Just because I haven't been posting headcanons lately doesn't mean I haven't had Kirby on the brain! Recently, I shared a LOT of my thoughts about Floralia on Discord, and I've compiled and organized them here to share! Enjoy!
On the islands themselves:
-Royal Road is the most important island of the bunch, at least when it comes to discussing the Insectoids and People of the Sky. This is where both of their homes are situated. The island is (Or... well, was) divided into two halves — those of the Insectoid Kingdom and that of Sky Kingdom.
-Sectonia took over the Sky Kingdom during her tyrannical rule, caging its people. Oddly enough, though, now that she’s been overthrown, there’s actually less of a concrete divide between the two groups. They interact almost like one big kingdom.
-Although Royal Road is by far the most populated island, the other islands have their own little communities. In particular, there are quite a few small villages in Fine Fields and Lollipop Land. These communities weren't really involved in the royal drama until Sectonia also conquered them, and with her reign of terror having ended, they've gone back to their regular lives.
Everything else (Going over Insectoid biology and culture, the history of and relationship between the two kingdoms, ETC) will be placed beneath a cut, as this post is over three-thousand words long. Please check it out, though, if you'd like!:
On Insectoid biology/culture:
-Floralia has MANY types of Insectoid. Every type of bug you can think of, they have! Ladybugs... butterflies... stickbugs— you name it! There are even beings similar to some animals we DON’T classify as insects considered Insectoids, such as spiders and snails.
-True Insectoids are not related to or 1:1 to the bugs of our world— they simply resemble them. There are many differences. For example. They’re a sort of cross between arthropods and mammals, unlike any creature we have here on Earth. They have blood (referred to as ‘hemolymph’) that’s red when inside of their bodies but that turns blue when exposed to oxygen.
-True Insectoids are the anthro, sapient insects like Sectonia and Taranza. Meanwhile, Lesser Insectoids are… well, actual bugs! True Insectoids do not see Lesser Insectoids as their equivalent or as equals and thus do not object to people eating them. In fact, they’re a staple part of True Insectoid cuisine!
-Most Lesser Insectoids (also sometimes just called ‘bugs’) are eaten already dead. However, live Lesser Insectoids are occasionally eaten by the wealthy and are considered a delicacy. Some Lesser Insectoids are eaten more or less than others. Those such as wasps and particularly poisonous bugs can only be consumed safely when prepared very carefully— somewhat like pufferfish. If not properly cooked and cut, eating them can lead to injury, illness, or even death.
-True Insectoids have more formal names for their subspecies, being called things like Arachnids, Sectra and Mantidae. Meanwhile, Lesser Insects are referred to as spiders, wasps, mantises, et cetera. Sometimes True Insectoids can be referred to by the same names as Lesser Insectoids, although this is seen as informal, albeit not impolite slang (Think of calling Taranza a spider instead of an Arachnid as something roughly similar to calling a television a TV or a cat a kitty. Like I said— not rude, but not really professional.)
-True Insectoids are one species with many subspecies. Despite looking very different and having wildly different abilities, they’re still closely related enough to crossbreed, although this is seen as somewhat taboo.
-Insectoids have a strong natural affinity for Soul magic. Some derogatory folklore posits they were created by Death itself as opposed to Void like the rest of the living beings. Insectoids themselves do not believe this, of course, but it’s, if nothing else, still a common People of the Sky wives’ tale/superstition
-Different types of True Insectoids have various abilities and unique skills, most often connected with their proficiency for Soul Magic, but not always. For example, Mantidae (mantis people) have super speed and the ability to teleport, Hercules (beetle people) have super strength, Papillon (butterfly people) have a special connection to the dead and ability to receive omens of the future, Sectra (wasp people) have the ability to influence the thoughts and feelings of the weak willed using their pheromones, and Arachnids (spider people) are capable of both puppeteering and bodysnatching.
-All Insectoids are seen as untrustworthy and scary by other species, but Arachnids especially. They’re viewed as manipulative schemers, even amongst other Insectoids thanks to the aforementioned abilities. This is despite the fact that almost no Arachnids bodysnatch and the fact that all Insectoids have similarly terrifying powers. In part, this is because of an incident detailed later in the kingdom history section, but truthfully, said incident is mostly just an excuse to have someone to step on. If it weren’t for that, they’d have found another reason to look down on Arachnids.
-Arachnid bodysnatching is a two-part process. First, they sting their victim with their stinger and administer a special type of venom. This puts their victim in a comatose state, rendering their mind dormant and unable to fight back as the Arachnid then assimilates them. Arachnids have a special organ for storing souls, and this is where they keep the souls of their victims when they bodysnatch. All Arachnids wear a stinger cover at all times, lest they accidentally jab someone. Even if bodysnatching isn’t performed, the stinger venom can cause comas, brain damage, and even death.
Aforementioned venom can also be administered via the fangs, but it’s much less potent. More often than not the fangs are simply used to administer a second type of more traditional venom used for killing prey. Or… well, it was back in the day. Now, it’s a bit of a leftover evolutionary trait, considering Arachnids aren’t doing much hunting any more
-Arachnids are one of, if not the only type of Insectoid to have hair. It’s seen as strange and generally viewed as unattractive by other Insectoids, but amongst spiders it’s a point of personal pride. They take very good care of their hair and love to style it
-Clothing is not seen as something necessary for modesty in Insect society. There is no social taboo regarding walking around naked. More than anything, clothes are simply a way of showing off status and power, as well as accentuating beauty, and are most often worn to things such as balls or coronations. Arachnids tend to wear clothes more often than other Insectoids because back in the day they used to make their own clothes with silk! This is much less common nowadays, however, although some Arachnids remain tailors!
-Sectonia wearing so little is seen as scandalous, but not because she’s near-naked. It’s because it implies she’s so perfect she needs very little to make herself look any better. It’s just another show of her ego and generally seen as conceited.
-Hercules love to decorate their horns with jewelry. This is a tradition mostly unique to them. Although- uh- is only really a ‘thing’ amongst the wealthy Hercules. There’s a very big class divide in the Insectoid Kingdom, and commoners can’t really afford those sort of luxuries.
-There are three types of Sectra: Drone Sectra, Worker Sectra, and Royal Sectra. Almost all male Sectra are worker Sectra— weaker, meek Sectra noticeably easily influenced by a Royal Sectra’s pheromones. Worker Sectra make up the majority of female Sectra and are strong, diligent fighters. Then, of course, there are Royal Sectra— those of the Sectra royal family. These can be both male or female and are MUCH larger and more powerful than other types of Sectra, not to mention far bigger: being almost three times the size of other Sectra and generally towering over most Insectoids. It’s rumored they achieve this form by being fed a special type of magical honey when they’re young, as opposed to the royal family having any TRUE difference from other Sectra
When Joronia/Sectonia assassinated the rest of the royal court, she killed all of Royal Sectra and the Worker Sectra serving them, but left the Drone Sectra alive as footsoldiers. She was able to use her new pheromones to turn them into disposable, utterly-obedient meatshields. It’s kind of horrifying
-Almost no other subspecies have gender dimorphism as noteworthy as the Sectra and their Drones vs Workers. The one exception is Antlers— Ant people with a similar hierarchy, except in small family units instead of larger groups. Because of this, Sectonia was able to create an army of Antler Drones as well.
-There is SOME, more minor, gender dimorphism in other subspecies, though, usually pertaining to size or appearance. For example, female Arachnids are noticeably bigger than male Arachnids, being able to reach twice their size. Joronia, being a trans woman, was always small, even for a DMAB Arachnid, and this is something she was super insecure about. Even Taranza was a little bit taller than her. When she took on the form of an absolutely humongous Royal Sectra she reveled in it. If it weren’t for the horrific bodysnatching thing, the euphoria she felt would almost be cute
-Floralia has no real education system. Instead, education is received through private tutors. This, of course, worsens the class divide, because only the wealthy can afford to truly educate their children. Taranza’s family taught him basic reading and writing, but he received no other tutoring. The only reason he’s as smart as he is is because he had a deep love for learning and would spend DAYS in the library studying and teaching himself things
-Before the Dreamstalk, there were “sky ferries” run by flying Insectoids that took people between the different Floralian islands. Hercules ran these most often because their super strength made carrying these ferries incredibly easy.
-Sectonia, despite being a “Sectra,” for the most part, had traits that were unnatural for them— being a beautiful Frankenstein’s monster. Sectra never have patterns as vibrant as she did, but she had them because she stole that bright indigo coloring from another type of Insectoid. Sectra never have shapes, let alone hearts in their wings, but she did, because she took those from a Papillon. In general, she was very, VERY uncanny valley— like one of those people who gets too much plastic surgery. She was a perfect, absolutely artificial freak of nature— a being who never could have been born naturally, and this gave all of the other Insectoids the heebie jeebies
On the two kingdoms/general history:
-The five most iconic True Insectoid subspecies are Arachnids (Spider people), Sectra (Wasp people), Hercules (Beetle people) Mantidae (Mantis people) and Papillion (Butterfly people). This is because these are the subspecies that make up the five royal families. It’s said that when the Insectoid kingdom of Floralia was first founded eons ago, it was founded by those five families, and as such, every one has right to the throne. Heirs from each family duel when they come of age to determine who becomes ruler until, of course, more heirs grow up and one eventually takes that person’s place.
-Duels between heirs for the throne were incredibly intense and violent, and sometimes ended in tragedy. While there were always healers on the scene, it wasn’t unheard of for heirs to occasionally die of their injuries. These heirs were always martyred, though, being seen as brave and unwavering by their people. Because of this, there was almost some pressure for heirs to actively fight to the death rather than surrender. No-one died during Joronia’s duel for the throne, though.
-(Suicide TW) Speaking of heirs dying, it wasn’t unheard of for heirs to sometimes take their own lives after losing the duel for the throne and their chance of becoming king or queen. These heirs, in contrast, were ostracized in death, and seen as cowards who abandoned their lineage.
-It’s said that once upon a time a heir actually ran away from Floralia before the duel for the throne. This heir— a Hercules, decided he wanted no part of this, and fled to the lower world, where it’s said his descendants still live. (Notably: Buggzy). Taranza sometimes fantasized about running away with Joronia in a similar fashion, but she was too fixated on the idea of winning the crown for him to ever seriously suggest it.
-There has been strife between the Insectoids and the People of the Sky almost as long as Floralia has existed, with the two groups fighting over land and power. In particular, the People of the Sky have the larger, more beautiful half of Royal Road, and this is something most Insects have always seen as unfair. Despite Sectonia being widely hated and feared by the time she launched an attack on the People of the Sky, some Insectoids supported her fullheartedly in that endeavor, at least, simply out of spite
-Several hundred years ago, there was an incident involving an Arachnid and the People of the Sky. At the time, the Insectoids and People of the Sky were at war, and allegedly, this Arachnid— a royal duke— decided to put a stop to it through dubious means. In the dead of night, he bodysnatched the ruler of the People of the Sky. Then, he pretended to be them as he slowly destroyed the kingdom from the inside out. Eventually he was caught and killed, but by then it was too late. Irreversible damage had been done to the People of the Sky’s livelihood.
When they confronted the Insectoid kingdom, the other royal families claimed they had no idea and used the duke, alongside Arachnids as a whole, as a scapegoat. Although there are rumors all of them were in on it and orchestrated the scheme together, simply using the duke and his fellow Arachnids as their fall guy in the wake of being caught.
Truthfully, it doesn’t really matter. Even if the duke DID do it alone, it wouldn’t excuse the poor treatment of Arachnids… and if we’re being real: it was never about the duke for the other Insectoids. It simply benefits the other royal families to have a family seen as “lesser,” and so they maintain the oppressive stereotype for their own benefit.
-Once upon a time, there were actually three noteworthy species in Floralia. Alongside the People of the Sky and Insectoids there was a third group: a large family of nobles who lived in a mansion in Wild World and sometimes traded/communicated with the other two. However, one day they seemingly just… disappeared. They stop reaching out, and when the People of the Sky and Insectoids went to check on them, it was as if they’d vanished into thin air. There are rumors of how they were cursed and whisked away to Hades or that one of them went mad and killed all of the others in a rampage. No-one knows what the truth is, though, just that that mansion is deeply unsettling and supposedly haunted now.
-It’s rumored that, eons ago, the lower world and higher world were connected by a tower in Nutty Noon that stretched into the sky and bridged the gap between them. However, that tower has long since degraded, and by the time of Triple Deluxe, the worlds had very little contact. The upper world still knew of the lower world— being able to peer down on them, but very few people living in the lower world knew of the upper world’s existence
-Sometimes gossip from the lower world still reached the upper world, though, particularly through flying species like Bronto Burts and Birdons. As teenagers, Taranza and Joronia heard stories of a horrifying tyrant who ruled the lower world with an iron fist. It was said this person had a hundred mouths with sharp, bloody fangs, and that he’d steal all of the lower worlders’ belongings. Joronia fantasized about one day traveling to the lower world, defeating this monster, and freeing the people. Little did she know the “tyrant—‘ actually a simple penguin, would one day end up helping free HER people from her.
-A very long time ago, back when the lower world and upper world were still connected, Ancients visited Popstar and Floralia, dazzling the people of both worlds with miraculous inventions such as the Fountain of Dreams and Star Rod. When they offered to let the two worlds join their intergalactic society, however, both declined, preferring their easygoing, lazy lives. Some people from the upper world and lower world left to join the Ancients, but Popstar and Floralia as a whole did not become a part of their utopia… and in hindsight, this was almost certainly for the best
-However, it’s through encountering these Ancients, particularly human tech Ancients, that Insectoids received their names. That’s why they’re called things like Arachnids and Mantidae despite not actually being related to real bugs. Humans simply saw them, went “They look like bugs!” And it stuck.
-Joronia was the first Arachnid ruler in over a hundred years. Her winning the duel was completely unexpected. She was a very unpopular queen, not only for being an Arachnid, but also for generally being seen as rebellious, irresponsible and childish. She tried very hard to make people like her, but never really earned the kingdom's love. This, of course, played a part in her eventually snapping while under the mirror's influence. She bodysnatched the other heirs, alongside many more bugs to create her perfect body— one that she felt the people could never reject, and went on to rule the skies with an iron fist.
-Sectonia killed… like, a lot of people during her tyranny. She slaughtered and/or assimilated the entire royal court. Public executions were commonplace. All people even SUSPECTED of being traitors were killed… sometimes, alongside their innocent families. Taranza did a lot of these executions himself, as Sectonia never wanted to get her hands dirty.
-As I alluded to earlier: nowadays the People of the Sky and Insectoids get along better, as after Sectonia was overthrown, the People of the Sky realized most Insectoids were just fellow victims of her tyranny and sympathized with them. They’ve bonded over their shared hatred of the ex-queen. You know what they say! The enemy of an enemy is a friend.
-The Insectoids and People of the Sky generally have very different cultures and traditions, meaning different holidays, although there is one they share: Floralian Independence Day. Every year, the two kingdoms get together and celebrate Sectonia’s death, having a feast and engaging in general festivities. They also leave offerings at the Dreamstalk, which they see as a symbol of their freedom. It goes without saying that Taranza loathes Floralian Independence Day with a burning passion
-Speaking of Taranza: as the tyrant queen’s right hand man and enabler, he is not well-liked. Hell, he wasn’t particularly liked even BEFORE the tyranny by virtue of not being of noble blood and only joining the royal court through Joronia DEMANDING he be allowed to become her retainer. Occasionally, Insectoids and People of the Sky make attempts on his life. When he goes out in public, people give him a wide berth. Teenagers egg the castle (which he now lives in alone) to upset him
On the People of the Sky:
-They aren’t born naturally. They’re planted. Two parents make a seed together that sprouts into a baby Person of the Sky
-When they sprout, a flower that matches the flower on their head sprouts alongside them. The two are connected. If the Person of the Sky dies, the flower wilts, and if the flower dies, the Person of the Sky becomes very ill before, most often, dying as well. These flowers continue to grow throughout their lives, and never reach a completely mature state. They can get pretty big. Nothing like the size of the Dreamstalk, of course, but some are as big as trees!
-They have a strong affinity for Flower magic and can even communicate with plants, but most plants don’t have anything too interesting to say. They mostly just make their needs (More water, more sunlight, ETC) known. The one exception to this is the plants that are born alongside the People of the Sky. Allegedly, they speak their deepest, most subconscious feelings and thoughts.
-They’ve had a democracy for a while. Their monarchy fell after the incident with the Arachnid duke. They’ve been helping the Insectoids get used to living in a democracy now that their own royal family has been disposed of.
-Their bones have rings based on how old they are, like trees. That said, I wouldn’t recommend cutting them open to find out their age. That’s just mean.
-They photosynthesize alongside consuming food, and need sunlight to live. Many People of the Sky actually died in the dungeons while jailed by Sectonia. In the dark and starved of that necessary resource, they withered away. She knew they’d die in those conditions, but did not care, having long since lost all compassion at that point.
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starstruck358 · 1 year
Blush scale time!
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And honorable mention:
Sectonia supporting taranza for being gay/bisexual
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Because it is true. He likes men and women... but has the most gayest shit ever so we call him gay :)))
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icedragonlizard · 7 months
Gonna finally discuss this particular topic now.
I'll be quick to admit; I myself acknowledge that the whole "Dark Meta Knight corrupted Sectonia" thing is not confirmed in canon.
It's just a fan theory.
.... But I still kind of subscribe to it in my headcanon universe, lol.
I say "kind of" because in my headcanons, while DMK had some complicity in Sectonia spiraling into madness, he wasn't the main instigator behind it. The main instigator behind it was Dark Mind.
So, "Dark Mind corrupted Sectonia" is more true in my headcanons than "DMK corrupted Sectonia", but the latter is still somewhat true in the interp, as DMK was an accomplice. That's about it, though.
I've said this before in previous tumblr posts of mine, but Dark Mind didn't completely die in my interpretation. He was just neutralized into a weak little fragment that desperately needs someone to follow his orders. And luckily for him, DMK hasn't given up on him and is still willing to follow his orders, even as a mere shadow of his former self.
There was one point where Dark Mind was looking for a new vessel to help accelerate the process of coming back to his former glory. He noticed Joronia looking at the dimensional mirror that Taranza gave her, and figured that she'd be a potential candidate for a new vessel.
Dark Mind would've corrupted Joronia on his own, but he was in too weak of a condition to do so. Therefore, he asked for DMK's help in 'feeding' her dark magic to see if she'd be a good fit for a new vessel. This was a gradual process. They sneakily did it under her nose.
But once she was given enough dark magic, she eventually became too out of control for them. They realized they had given her more dark magic than they needed. She became too corrupted to the point she didn't cooperate with them, and so they gave up and left her to do whatever. That "whatever" was, of course, causing Triple Deluxe.
Sectonia was being tested as a new vessel for Dark Mind, but failed. Dark Mind and DMK just moved on to do something else afterwards.
So yeah, there you have it. DMK technically did help cause Sectonia's descent into madness in my headcanons, but it was merely because Dark Mind told him to do so. It was just an order from his master. Again, he wasn't the main instigator/mastermind behind her downfall.
.... But DMK simply being a mere accomplice to her downfall was still more than enough for Taranza to hate his guts when he found out about it at one point during Star Allies.
Taranza vehemently hates both DMK and Dark Mind.
The beans got spilled when DMK 'privately' confessed it to his friend Daroach, but it got overheard by Magolor, who then informed Taranza.
This resulted in bad blood between Taranza and DMK. Taranza has constantly accused DMK of corrupting Sectonia. He has berated him, has angrily yelled in his face, and has physically attacked him for it. He's even gone as far as to try to kill him for 'ruining his queen'.
At first, DMK scoffed at it. He was just following Dark Mind's order when giving Joronia dark magic. But as Taranza kept attacking DMK more and more, DMK eventually snapped and has become equally vicious and vitriolic to him back. Eventually, he's gotten absolutely sick of being constantly blamed, shunned and demonized.
DMK firmly states several times that Sectonia's corruption was ultimately Taranza's own fault for taking the mirror in the first place.
To be entirely honest? DMK isn't wrong with that statement. After all, Joronia/Sectonia wouldn't have gone into the slippery slope that resulted in her death if Taranza hadn't taken the mirror to give to her. One could easily look at it as if Taranza may just be using DMK as someone to project onto and to blame for Sectonia's demise.
... That being said, it's more than obvious that Taranza didn't know the mirror was going to corrupt Sectonia. And despite the fact that she wouldn't have gone corrupt if he didn't take the mirror, that still didn't mean it was okay for Dark Mind and DMK to do what they did. They took advantage of Taranza's unknowingly bad move. Therefore, I'd say that Taranza ultimately still has the right to be mad at DMK.
And so Taranza continues to hold a vehement grudge against DMK, even after having to accept the fact that Sectonia's corruption would not have happened if he didn't take the mirror. He's not wrong to still be mad at the guy for taking advantage of his irreversible mistake.
It's also resulted in Susie and Magolor sometimes going out of their way to mock/harass DMK, as they both heavily resent him for playing a hand in corrupting their buddy Taranza's queen. Susie mocks DMK by calling him a worse version of Meta Knight, while Magolor tells lots of emo jokes to get on DMK's nerves and even sometimes puts on an edgy outfit to mock him even further. They do it in Taranza's name.
Most of the other star allies, however, have been trying to intervene and stop the bad blood between Taranza and DMK when it got really alarming. Kirby and King Dedede made the declaration to issue restraining orders for Taranza and DMK to have on each other. They are not allowed anywhere near each other during star ally meetings.
I don't portray DMK as pure/irredeemably evil, by the way, despite playing a hand in Sectonia's corruption. I headcanon he's friends with Kirby, Adeleine, Ribbon and especially Daroach who is more or less his bestie. And it's those 4 people that are the most dedicated to stopping Taranza and DMK from going for each other's throats.
Kirby understands why Taranza has a problem with DMK, but Kirby is also a stubborn optimist and continues to see the good in DMK despite what was revealed at one point. He does not at all approve of Taranza and DMK trying to tear each other to shreds. He, alongside many others, are always quick to break up their fights.
And if I have to be honest, I headcanon that Taranza has deep resentment and distrust for the mirror world in general. So even if DMK had absolutely zero hand in Sectonia's corruption in my hcs, Taranza most likely still wouldn't get along with him. Lol... I'm sorry, Taranza and DMK friendship wasn't gonna happen regardless for me.
Although I don't portray most mirror worlders being evil. I interpret DMK, Shadow Dedede and Dark Taranza all being bad/not-good people, but they're outliers, and I wouldn't call any of them irredeemable levels of evil, just crappy people. Shadow Kirby on the other hand is a good person trying to protect the mirror world.
But yeah... I think that's basically it for this post. I'm fully aware that "DMK corrupted Sectonia" is a mere fan theory and not actually proven in canon at all, but I find it interesting enough to implement it into my headcanons, and it's pretty complicated. It wasn't completely of his own volition as it was an order from Dark Mind, and one can argue that Taranza is still at fault for taking the mirror, but ultimately DMK still isn't innocent of this deed. I would also like to mention that I interpret Sectonia already being just a little bit unhinged even before the mirror doomed her. They took advantage of her flaws and amplified it to utterly disastrous levels.
Thanks for reading, guys.
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rainykthebroken · 7 months
Which songs do you associate with the Magoranza ship ?
I have been thinking of this recently, perhaps I could do a playlist while I'm writing my Magoranza fanfic.
I was wondering: what song make you think and/or imagine a scene between Magolor and Taranza?
Personally, the rendition of "Fly me to the moon" for Neon Genesis Evangelion automatically make me picture the first date of Magolor and Taranza. They are outside, perhaps on Taranza's terrace or on the Lor Starcutter deck, carefully doing a waltz together with the starry sky and a benevolent moon in the background (like in the Sectonia's boss fight).
Moreover, I see it sung from Taranza perspective, especially the part:
Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
You can even argue that the first lines "Fly me to the moon, Let me play among the stars" can take a more literal turn if you believe they are on the Lor.
I would like to obsess more about the potential meanings this song could have this scenario, like the "please be true" representing Taranza's hope that he isn't dreaming and that Magolor isn't going to disappear like Joronia, but I don't want to be too much of a long post for others to read.
Do you also have songs that you associate with the Magolor/Taranza ship?
If yes, I'll be happy to learn which and what could be scene between them you imagine it playing.
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