#trust me I don't wanna be in here for longer than absolutely necessary and you're slowing that down significantly
lepusrufus · 9 months
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Tfw you're walking past the same locked door for the 50th time in a row but you can't do anything about it because nobody has any thieves tools
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Rank the Pokemon villains by how much you don't wanna end up physically fighting them.
Alright! Here they are ranked from “don’t do it under any circumstances if you value your life” and “please go easy on them, be nice.”
Guzma: do not, and I repeat do NOT fight Guzma. At the first provocation, he will pound you. He’s big, he’s strong, he’s experienced at street fighting, and he will use much more force than necessary, beating down on you long after it’s clear that he’s won the fight. Do NOT. If he initiates a fight, run away while praying.
Ghetsis: No. Do not underestimate Ghetsis because half his body is injured. Between his massive height and his cane, he has a ridiculous amount of reach, and he will use it to hit you hard with that thick metal rod before you’re anywhere near close enough to hit him. If he gets you in a vulnerable position, he will physically torment you for his own enjoyment until you run away or until he’s satisfied. Run away if he initiates. If you absolutely must fight him, find something to throw at him and make sure he doesn’t get in range of you.
Archie: he’s quick, coordinated, very strong, enjoys roughhousing with his buddies, and will take pride in pinning you down easily. You’re highly unlikely to win a fight against him unless you’re also very strong and good with your fists. That being said, he knows when to quit and will stop once he’s won or you’re no longer a threat to him.
Lysandre: while not interested in physical fighting, Lysandre is absurdly tall and keeps in shape for aesthetic reasons. He’s more than capable of stopping you if you try to attack him.
Giovanni: He’s not very fast since he’s over fifty years old. That being said, don’t underestimate him too much. As a gym leader, he’s a fighter at heart, has well-honed instincts for it, and knows where to hit you to do maximum damage. He’s also built like a boulder and very strong. It would take a fair amount of strength, speed, and/or strategy to beat him, and even if you do, you're going to leave with some serious bruises.
N: he’d rather not fight you, but Ghetsis taught him some self-defence and he’s as graceful as water and in pretty good shape. He’ll probably be able to diffuse things if you come at him. Also, do not fight him outside, especially in areas he’s familiar with, or he might get some help from the local wildlife. Trust me, you don’t want that.
Cyrus: let me put it this way: could Cyrus beat you in a fair fight? Probably not. He’s on the small side and not particularly athletic. Can he make it so unpleasant that you’ll wish you hadn’t bothered? Yes. If you’re a threat to his safety, he will claw your face, jab your eyes, twist your nose, kick below the belt, knee your stomach, and generally make himself more trouble than he’s worth. So go at him if you must, but make quick work of him.
Silver: he’s a pretty average teenage boy overall: agile, fairly strong, and has a lot of fighting spirit in him. That being said, he’d be a reckless fighter. If you’re a decent fighter and use a bit of strategy, you have a fair chance against him.
Lusamine: much like Cyrus, she’s unlikely to win a fair fight because she’s fairly physically weak, but she’s capable of dishing out some pain. She’s more than willing to kick you with those heels and rip at your face with her hands. Make it quick and don’t underestimate her or you’ll regret it.
Rose: Rose is not a fighter. At all. He has very little fighting experience, and basically no instinct for physical combat since his days of competitive battling are far behind him. He’s also fairly slow-moving. He won’t put up much of a fight.
Maxie: Maxie will come out swinging at you if you make him angry enough, but he’s very small and very impulsive, so he’d be more of a danger to himself if he’s up against someone willing to fight back. You can win against him easily if you have average size and strength on your side.
Piers: he’s weak and fragile and there’s a good chance he slept 3 hours last night and hasn’t eaten all day. You could but please don’t.
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ha-hatdog · 4 years
daisuke kambe hcs
- what is it like to be dating daisuke kambe/domestic life with daisuke kambe
i hope you don't mind but i slapped two requests together because they were nearly similar. since i am making one post with two requests, i'll try to make this longer. i hope you enjoy this
requested by anon (i just turned my anon ask and i'll just go ahead and presume you want to be anon hehe sorry about that) : Hi, I saw your post. 😳 I just wanna say goodluck to your writing! and I'll be looking forward to them in the future. ❤ (Your anon asks aren't on btw. 😔) And for the request, it can be a headcanon or a short fic/scenario, whichever you like. :3 But can I please get soft/domestic Daisuke to his s/o (which is the reader)? Like, they're taking care of each other stuff. ❤👁👄👁
uwu thank you so much and i look forward to writing more stories for you
requested by @holdmejk : what it’s like to date daisuke 🥺
i wonder too how it would be like to date this rich man so here ya go
haru kato is the simple man, simple life
there is no way daisuke kambe can be considered the same. this is the very reason why haru hates the man with a burning passion
waking up with daisuke goes two ways - the normal soft wake up, or the after sex wake up
if you wake up normally, you will always find yourself on his chest, a hand over the small of your back and the other behind your head, pressing you close to him as if you were his leverage to the real world
you never get tired of seeing him peaceful and cute that you kiss him everywhere your lips can touch - his chest, his cheek, his nose, his forehead, but never his lips
daisuke loves waking up to your kisses but what really gets rid of his sleepiness is the annoyance he felt that you never kiss him on the lips
he will lift his head up from the pillow while holding your head and lean forward to capture your lips. no, he doesn't care about morning breath, he cares about your kisses
if you two had sex the night before, it's a different story because it's daisuke who always wakes up first this time around because you know, he tired the hell out of you
he runs his fingers through your matted tresses as the side of his head rested against his open palm, elbow proped up on his pillow
he loves how you look so happy and satisfied and peaceful. he admires your beauty silenty, a small smile on his lips
he'll try to go another round because he can't help himself when you look so enticing but you stop him because you were already so tired
you will drown in luxurious things. this daisuke kambe we are talking about. what did you expect?
you want it? you got it. you like it? you got it. you need it? you got it. your eyes looked at it a second too long? you got it
daisuke believes you deserve the best of the best so whatever you wanted, bam, something much better
flowers? you get a garden. chocolate? you get a factory. movies? you get a theater. cup noodles? you get a ramen shop or the actual cup noodles company. dress? you get your own clothing line that trumps over versace and gucci
oh you think you can stop daisuke from spoiling you just because you begged him and showed him your big doe eyes? he was tempted for sure but there is no way he'll be holding back, especially after seeing your big doe eyes (yup, that plan backfired)
one hard thing about dating a millionaire? you can't buy anything for him
you do not have the money to lavish him the same, and even if you did, it's stupid to assume daisuke can't afford the same things you plan on buying for him. maybe he'll buy something even better
so instead of spoiling him like he does to you, you buy him trinkets that remind you of him
daisuke has no clue as to why items could remind you of him but he still keeps everything you buy for him close to him like in his office so he can always see them
you bought daisuke a goofy looking bobble head and he put it on the dashboard of his super cool looking car and haru was like the hell is that
daisuke sped through the streets before haru could make a comment
daisuke trust you more than anyone. more than suzue, more than haru, more than himself, more than his credit card
that being said, you are the only one he allows to patch him up after a particularly rough day at work
he will literally drive all the way to your shared home while bleeding out, enter your shared room as more blood trailed his face and deadass say "Can you help me? My head is bleeding"
you scold him for being so reckless and for always giving you a heart attack whenever he comes home in that condition
he doesn't mind being lectured tho because he still gets to feel your soft touches and gets lots and lots of kisses from you
he doesn't get why you kiss his wounds after patching him up. like his wounds are dirty? it still hurts? what was the science behind it? he still won't get it even if you explain it to him but he'll take note for reference
when you get injured, you are obligated to tell daisuke that you are not severely hurt that he had to call the hospitals all around the world to come heal you
you had to snatch the phone from him at one point when he tried to contact professional surgeons from america after you scratched yourself from a bush
daisuke at least knows how to use the first aid kit and no matter how little your injury may be, he will always proceed with the basics because he's very worried about you (though his face doesn't show it), that your small wound would get infected, and then you'll be on your death bed saying your last words, and then he's kneeling on your grave -
you had no idea this is what goes on inside his head every time you get injured
he also kisses your wounds after patching them up. he still doesn't understand the reason as to why you and others do it, but he does it because you do it
daisuke doesn't allow you to move a muscle aftee he's done fixing your wounds. he acts as if you have a terminal disease and would check on you every five minutes when he's working at home and calls you every three minutes when doing police work (haru gets annoyed with that habit so you had a talk with him)
dates with daisuke is far from simple. you either go to the most expensive resorts or attractions in japan or you're going out of the country. yes, your dates are basically mini vacations
so that's the reason why whenever you two want to spend time together, you are in charge. you can't always go to malaysia and england every weekend. plausible when you're with daisuke but you're not having it
you try to make your dates as simple as it can be. like what regular couples would do like going to movies (he was irritated because he had to sit near other people because he only wants to be near you), hanging out in the mall ("No, Daisuke, don't you dare buy that Gucci bag for me, I just glanced at it - oh for fuck sake"), and eating food from stands (Daisuke was confused like where will you two sit so you can eat your food properly?)
you two went ice skating and you guided him as he wobbled on his skates. you never let go of him because the first time you let go of him so he can try to balance alone in the ice, he looked very worried and made grabby hands at you
he becomes better at skating after doing it so many times. you were a little jealous because he's better than you now
daisuke his whole life always had a professional chef make something for him and when he began dating you, he also began inviting other professional chefs to make something for you two
but as your relationship grew stronger, you began cooking for him and you made him feel so special and he couldn't react properly
sometimes he watches you cook and helps with the cutting (you stopped him when he cut himself), but most of the time he's at his office and you bring his food to him and he scolrs you because he wants to eat properly with you ay the dining table
bringing food to his office is a no no. eating together at the dining table and sharing stories together is a yes yes
you don't know if the food you make for him is good or bad to be honest because he always has a deadpan face and if it is bad he won't tell because he'll hurt your precious little feelings but he'll be blunt as hell if it was another person
don't even wish that daisuke will cook for you. don't get him wrong tho, he really wants to but he's been pampered a little too much that he can't distinguish onion from garlic. he just thinks garlic is an elderly onion lmao
so yeah, daisuke cannot cook
but he likes cleaning the dishes with you because he can spray you with water and he'll hear your giggles. you always break many plates when you clean dishes and always drenched in water after your little fight
having the same authority with his AI. you rarely use the AI unless absolutely necessary and you can communicate with daisuke through it. you always mess with daisuke and you'll say something to the AI like "dial haru" and AI will go like "contacting haru kato" daisuke will go "cancel dial" and then AI says "cancelling contact" and you'll say "dial haru again" and the cycle goes on
late night walks are common for you two. when he comes home earlier than he originally does, he will insist you to take a walk on his private property and if he's feeling extra generous, he'll let you take him outside and to the park or something
you can take him to the convenience, the gas station, the prison - as long as he's with you, he's fine
stargazing is part of the late night walks. he'll point at a star and you'll say what constallesation that star was part of
"do you want that star"
"no daisuke"
"i can buy it"
"you are not buying a star"
daisuke : (꒪-꒪) ⇨(¬、¬)
he loves kissing you on the lips. your lips and kisses were just so addicting and sweet that he can't find another better place to kiss you
plus your blush is too adorable. he smirks whenever you get flustered. add a soft embrace to the mix, and his heart melts
daisuke will always open the door for you. in cars, in restaurants (he'll pull your chair for you too), in anywhere
he won't let you open a door as long he's there with you cause he's a simp for you
he won't care about any other person trying to enter an establishment after you enter. he'll let go of the door handle and won't even turn if he hears a loud thump behind him
you know what else he loves? hand holding. daisuke always holds your hand whenever you're outside and will only let go if absolutely necessary like going to the comfort room
he likes playing with your fingers while you love tracing the lines on his palm. you'll probably make a cheesy joke that you can see him marrying you in his future and he goes ( ºΔº )
"how do you know i was planning to marry you?" ( ºΔº ) "can you really read palms?"
you always massage each other because stress. when you massage him, he'll let out small mewls that just makes you go omg so cute but when he massages you - he will whip out the best of best stuff for massage
he will play relaxing music for you. you fall asleep whenever daisuke massages you because he's just so good with his hands
you know what else those hands are good for? touching your body in places that'll make you blush but he mostly especially likes cupping your butt because he thinks its so cute
you don't try to do the same because last time you did, you couldn't walk the day after. don't seduce daisuke if you're not prepared for a pounding
you like grocery shopping with daisuke. sure you can always order someone else to do it or you can make use of shopping as a time to bond with each other
you two work out together. daisuke is a boxer and learning that, you begged him to teach you to box but he didn't because what if he hurts you and instead, taught you how to workout and how to defend yourself
he wanted to test out if his self defense lessons were truly learned so he hired someone to pretend to steal something from you
he learned that his self defense lessons was fruitful because the man he hired came back with bruises and such
when daisuke admitted, he slept on the couch for an entire week
in your birthday, you woke up feeling nervous because it's your birthday - meaning daisuke must be up to some expensive shit
then you realized you're not in your bedroom. it was a completely different bedroom
you were scared honestly and you thought you were kidnapped until daisuke comes into your room wearing his beach wear and his shades while holding two coconuts with straws
"happy birthday. welcome to hawaii, my love"
you're just very tired the previous night after some fun activities with daisuke if you know what i mean wink wonk you wouldn't wake up no matter how many times you tried
suzue adores you because daisuke smiles more with you and you're best friends uwu so cuteeee
will always be your peace maker whenever you and daisuke fight. she ships you two. her ship cannot sink
suzue: "just hug it out now. hug it out - I SAID HUG DON'T MAKE OUT YOU TWO ARE GOING TOO FAST"
daisuke loves head pats. he wants them all the time. ruffle ruffle his hair. his eyes will close whenever you pat his head
he only wants you to pat his head. anybody else is a no no. maybe suzue but mostly just you
he lets you get all the groceries while he pushes the cart. he doesn't know the brands he sees on the shelves so he depends on you all the time
there's another reason he likes holding hands with you - he doesn't get lost. there was this time when he got lost because you let go of him and someone called you in the intercom and when you went there, you saw daisuke waiting for you with crossed arms and a balloon and its string around his wrist
the person at service said he was frowning the whole time you were gone and so they gave him a balloon but all he did was frown while playing with the balloon. he's mad because he got lost, you were gone, and you let go of his hand
you two are opposite of haru and his girlfriend in grocery shopping
you love it when his hair is down because he's so cute? can a man really be cute and hot at the same time?
the first you saw him with his hair down, you swooned and coddled him and since then, daisuke makes it his point to put his hair down more often now
taking baths together is just as great as massages. shower? you're not some commoner peasant. you use a very large bathtub
you relax with daisuke in the bathtub with bubbles and wine and sometimes he read you a poem from the poetry book he brings at times
you two always go to bathe together. but if you feel like you wanna bathe alone, daisuke will get all pouty aww and sulk aww
he will sit at the toilet seat and stare at you and when he does this, you can't hold yourself back anymore because he's too adorable and just let him join you with a sigh. he's with you in the bathtub in seconds
but if you don't, he'll leave the bathroom after a while and poke his head at the door, staring at you, as if saying this is your last chance and if you still don't allow him, there is a good chance you'll find him sulking on your bed while lying down, back facing you
just cuddle with him, he'll be fine
haru still doesn't believe daisuke got someone like you as his girlfriend because you're so kind and down to earth and you're dating this rich bastard like whaaaat
you try to make haru see the good qualities of daisuke and every single time you do, daisuke does something to piss him off
you made it your personal mission to experience the regular life of a human being without an unlimited balance
daisuke allows you to style his hair whenever you two sit on the couch. any hairstyles, any accessories, he's open so long your soft fingers are on his hair
you have always wanted a dog and begged daisuke for one but he did not relent, saying it was too much work and although it hurts to see you sad, he had to be strong
this is the only thing and time he said no to you and i'm pretty sure you heard haru scream in horror at the distance in disbelief
then one day you and him were walking down a street when a small puppy trotted up to you two wagging its tail and barking happily at you
you bent down and patted it, cooing and daisuke is wary of that small adorable pup. will it bite you? surely the pup has some common sense
you scooped the pup up and it licked your face and you were laughing and daisuke just has a sudden realization - who looked cuter? you or the puppy? or perhaps you made each other cuter?
daisuke rejected the puppy when you tried giving it to him but you forced it into his arms. daisuke and the pup kinda just stared at each other for a long time. you honestly thought you broke both of them until daisuke kissed the forehead of the puppy, hesitantly but softly
you were shooked (you swore you can hear haru screaming again)
daisuke couldn't help himself. something about the puppy just reminded him of you. it's those puppy eyes
"we need to find its owner, daisuke"
you told him he cannot buy the puppy because the owner must be worried sick
but it turned out it was a stray lil pup and you adopted her
now daisuke comes home to see you sleeping on the couch waiting for him with the pup in your arms. his heart melts every time
his small little family
for now
Daisuke Kambe let out an exhausted sigh as he parked his car in the garage. His hair was tousled, eyelids dropping, and jacket discarded on the passenger seat beside him. The case earlier has proven difficult than the previous ones he had taken. The criminal was harder to catch with his agility and athletic abilities, and was not easily persuaded when beckoned by cash. Not to mention his partner has been rebuking him the whole time, ranting about how justice workes and how money does not solve everything - basically, the usual. He was extremely fatigued, and all he wanted to do was wash up and go to bed with his beloved in his arms.
A tired smile broke his bland visage at the thought of you. The only reason he hasn't decided to spend the night at a hotel was because you weren't there. The faster he moves, the faster he can get to bed with you. Oh, he can't wait to see you and that little puppy of yours and his.
He exited the car, jacket draped over his shoulder. He sluggishly went to the front door and entered. As he delved further into his mansion, he was immediately greeted by a lovely sight. Your slumbering figure was laid out on the couch, the newly adopted puppy curling near your chest and resting with you. Warmth swaddled his heart and his eyes softened. All of a sudden, the exhaustion he felt has vanished, and all he could do was admire this masterpiece before him. You were waiting for him again.
As much as he wanted to see you like this longer, he couldn't let you sleep on the couch. There's a much more comfortable bed waiting for you upstairs. He approached you with quiet footsteps. The puppy perked up, her superb hearing picking up the sound of his advancement. Daisuke knelt down and stroked her head. "Good evening, Chico." Then he turned to you. You looked so peaceful - parted lips, even breathing. He leaned forward and pecked your cheek, smiling a small smile when you shifted. "Good evening, love."
You let out a yawn as you rubbed your eyes, body shuffling. "Daisuke?" You groaned out. "Is that you?"
Daisuke knew you couldn't see him but he nodded anyway. "You don't have to keep waiting for me like this, you know."
To his surprise, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled yourself closer to his body. "But I want to. And I missed you." You yawned through your statement as you nuzzled your head on his neck. "You still smell good after being outside the whole day. How unfair."
Daisuke let out a chuckle. "Come on. Let's get you to bed." He stood up easily even with your form carried in his arms. Chico jumped out of the couch at the same time and followed Daisuke as he carried you upstairs to your shared room, lying you down carefully on the bed. Daisuke made an attempt to withdraw from the withholding grapple of your arms around his neck but his endeavor was less then proliferant as you have established a stronger hold on him, unrelenting.
Daisuke let out a sigh as he tried to adjust from the uncomfortable stance he was positioned in. "I need to change first, Y/N." Badgered Daisuke, hands resting on your back.
Yet his words did no preclude you and you merely shook your head in response. "No," Your eyes shone with defiance, pout manifesting on your lips. "Stay."
"I'll come back in a few, love. I can't sleep in my work clothes." Insisted Daisuke, resolve crumbling the more he looked into your eyes.
"I don't care. Just stay." You grumbled.
Sometimes Daisuke sometimes wondered just how much power you had over him. He couldn't say no to you, apart for that one time when you asked if you two could get a puppy. Looking back at it, he felt guilty that he did not allow you two to have a dog earlier but if it wasn't for his stubborness, you wouldn't have come across Chico.
Speaking of the little puppy, it had successfully jumped on the bed and let out a merry howl. Distracted by the new development of the young dog, you were able to pull Daisuke down on the space beside you and did not think twice before snuggling to his side, arms embracing him tightly as you grinned happily, a happy giggle exiting your lips. You rubbed your head on his shoulders, sighing contentedly. "You're staying here with us."
Daisuke looked down at your beaming face and looked away, redness tinting his cheeks. "If it can't be helped." He stated, but he knew he made his choice the moment you had told him to stay.
Daisuke slowly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, and you willingly accepted his affection. You were so warm, so loving. How did he ever find you?
And then came the cloud of exhaustion. His eyelids gradually drooped over his sockets, his strength withering every second that had gone by until the last thing he saw before sleep overcame him was you and a bounding Chico burying herself in between the two of you.
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ermuellert · 4 years
what are your honest opinions on julian draxler's career?
personally i thought he was genuinely going to be a big star because he was this young wonderkid at schalke who won the world cup as a 20 year old (he didn't do much though to be fair) but it never really turned out that way ... he's not done terribly per se, he is playing for psg, living that sweet life en france, and somehow still getting callups to the german national team but i am just kind of sad that he never reached the full potential that he had ... i thought he would be the captain of the "new" germany generation, one of the leaders, but now he barely gets to play ... i am kind of extra worked up about his case because he seems like a nice and sweet person as well ... anyways maybe i just have a bad track record of predicting career trajectories, all the youngsters i thought would succeed haven't (yet), at one point i believed that julian weigl and max meyer would also be world beaters and here we are ... i don't know what it is, probably a mix of injuries, bad luck, and maybe just not working hard enough ... long long sigh
anyways if you read all that you're an absolute superstar because i really went and wrote an essay oops ... i look forward to your live blogging tomorrow as it is always entertaining ... lots of love xxx
i hope u know that deep down.... like. Deep Down... i am always always always craving to talk about julian...... like trust me... i promise essays on monsieur draxler are always welcome here because i used to write that much about him and sometimes still think that much about him too...
objectively speaking, i think he is doing alright! pretty good by a lot of standards probably, for most of the reasons u listed. he’s getting paid obscene amounts (probably more than he deserves at this moment in time), has a seemingly great personal life, and as u said, still getting his national team callups. 
my personal thoughts, on the other hand, are... well....... not really of the same sentiment. i already know i’m gonna write up an even longer essay so let me just tuck the rest of this ramble under a cut for the sake of my followers lmao
honestly for me... thinking about julian is kind of depressing. if you feel worked up about him, just know that i relate. he seems very happy where he is in his life at the moment and so of course i’m happy for him too but compared to the potential it seemed he had... it’s just a bit sad. mostly because it isn’t as though he’s an excellent player hindered by injuries (e.g. reus) or anything really beyond his control - i think a lot of what’s so disappointing about his career trajectory is really just to do with him and him only.
yes, his failed transfer to juve back when he was at schalke wasn’t his fault but to move to wolfsburg? i know hindsight is 20/20 but i almost wish he’d just stayed at schalke. the drama he got into while he was at wolfsburg really did not do any good for his image, putting aside the fact that he was putting in average (even inconsistent) performances for the team. at schalke, maybe he could’ve had more time to develop within a team he grew up in and just use his time there to work and work hard. (there’s something i want to say about mentality here but i’ll bring that up later)
then, when his transfer to psg was announced, i felt like that was some beacon of hope although honestly, i think anything compared to wolfsburg could’ve looked that way to me at the time lmao keeping up with that club just for him (and partly andré schürrle) was fucking painful my god
at psg he was off to a decent start and things were starting to look up! wasn’t starting every single match but he was playing fairly well and made quick friends with his new teammates (u know who lol) etc. but then of course any sort of rhythm/momentum he gained was totally thrown off by mbappé’s and neymar’s arrivals which i think were both only around half a year after his transfer. 
and so basically since then, he’s been “competing” for a spot with ney, kylian, and di maría.
(ok reading that back i realize that whole recap of his career was not really necessary or at least. making it as lengthy as i did wasn’t but. i’m too lazy to go back and reword everything so bear with me lmao)
taking all that into account, i think yes, to some extent, he has some excuse for the stagnation of his career. he’s had his injuries and he’s been played out of position for large portions of time.
but i think what really frustrates me about him is that as a fan who’s loved him for years it’s really sad to see that what’s holding him back is not necessarily a lack of ability but just that he doesn’t have the sort of drive i wish he did. it’s been on display in his performances before - he can be lazy and invisible - but i think what’s worse is how that translates off the pitch. he’s just never really seemed to fight for a spot in the starting eleven. and if the rumors are true (as they do seem so) the parisian nightlife has not been doing him very good lmao
not only that though but i think he just doesn’t care as much about football as he does about ... image? money? i don’t know. i don’t know what the word i’m looking for is. i don’t think julian is a superficial sort of person and i’m not saying ambition is a bad thing at all, but when he couldn’t go from schalke to juventus (and that failed transfer was riding, presumably, a lot on his wonderboy status at schalke), he followed the money to wolfsburg. put in performances that understandably received criticism at wolfsburg, then very publicly made a whole thing out of wanting to leave and not being able to. then followed the money to psg where he just ... vibes on the bench. well, at least up until this season. but even then, if it weren’t for all the covid cases and red cards, i don’t know if he would be playing as much as he has. 
so tl;dr: i love julian a lot still and he’s still the same sweet dorky fuckboi-ish guy i’ve been a fan of since the start and i’m happy that he’s happy! the tragic irony is that what makes him happy - collecting checks while being a bench player - is also what depresses me quite a bit about him. he has his flashes of brilliance every once in a while where you can see that 17-year-old schalke wonderboy in him, so you know that hype from long ago wasn’t all a waste and that somewhere in there is a very talented, perhaps starworthy footballer. but he isn’t. not because he can’t but because he doesn’t really care to. and not in a dismissive sense i don’t think. i don’t think he thinks “ah who cares about being the best player in the world fuck that” but moreso in the sense of “ah i think i’m doing alright! that’s good enough for me.” and that sort of mentality is what places him (or at least, contributes to his position being) a tier below his peers who have proven themselves (e.g. kimmich, although that also brings up the whole “can that sort of fighter/die-on-the-pitch type mentality be taught or must it be inherent” kind of thing so let’s move on before i write an essay within this essay) at the end of the day i know not every footballer is in this sport simply for the sake of playing it, but from time to time thinking about him fills me with a lot of nostalgia and yes a tinge of disappointment because i can’t help but think of what could’ve been (i.e. what would’ve happened if he’d stayed at schalke? stayed there for good or stayed for a season or two more, developed even more hype, strengthened his abilities. had a successful transfer to a good, solid club and continued to hone his abilities, etc).
ok. now i’m done. i’m so sorry for putting u through all that and skimming this back i sound SO dramatic lmao but man i’ve been through like six-ish years of following his career so fuck it oh well
also if u wanna know how much i still care, know that after the “draxler to leeds united” rumors first dropped, i wrestled with my impulse control every single day for a week trying to stop myself from dming him on insta saying “i love you but get ur ass to leeds or i will kidnap u and get u there myself your football career is killing me but i love you and just want the best for u have a nice day xx”
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fivesoskingdom · 6 years
"You're going to get me killed." gang!Ashton (Golden Star Fanfic)
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A/N: Sixth part is here, dear partners. I'm happy that you guys liked the last one, but this one is better, I promise, OK? And please, a beautiful anon said how I could make the "read more" in the app (I don't use computer), so I'm trying. Can you guys say if it works?
Summary: You're finally getting what you wanted: being away from Ashton's gang and himself. But maybe this isn't the best thing right now. And maybe, for a couple of minutes, you actually wanted Ashton as close to you as possible.
Remember: The next chapter only comes if this one gets, at least, 30 notes.
You can find the previous parts here
Hope you guys like it, don't forget to reblog, so I can know that there's someone out there liking my stuff. 💋
Ashton waited for you for about three hours in front of your house, his car parked where you could see him as soon as you got to your street. It was odd for you to see him there since he never show up before and you also realized that you didn't saw any guy walking you home today. Secretly you wished that it was Luke's day because after the hell day you got, you could use a good talk at home with some pizza.
"Last time you were here you were covered in blood. Good to see that's not happening today." you pointed while opening the door.
"Yeah, didn't got any shot in the last month." he said getting out of his motorcycle and going to you, entering your house behind you. "And the shot you took care is the only one I don't have a scar."
"Well, good to know that. I'm not a plastic for nothing." you smiled.
"I wondered about your specialty. Good to know it's plastics."
"Seriously, Irwin?" you left your stuff at the dinner table and got to the kitchen to take two glasses of wine. "Never bother to ask to any of my dear followers?"
"Nah." he smiled getting the glass of you, going to sit in the couch and you followed him. "Wanted to ask myself."
"OK, now that you know that I'm a plastics, what are you really doing here?" This was, by far, the strangest interaction you two ever had. You were sitting on the couch with your legs crossed, looking at him, he was sitting more formally, the glass of wine spinning in his hand.
"We need to talk. And it's serious."
"Please, don't say that the guy I hit wants to kill me. You said you would protect me."hearing that kind of words was never a good thing, hearing from someone like Ashton was even worse.
"He's not a threat anymore." he said and you raised one eyebrow. "He's alive, you just really teached him a lesson and I made sure to teach one or two more as well."
"So, what's so important that made you come here yourself?" you never bothered to turn on the main light, the whole room being illuminated by the little yellowish lights you had, making it all really cozy. Ashton stayed in silence for a while, pondering how and what say to you, you took your time to analize him. His face was some kind of soft, he wasn't looking scary or even mad, for once, a little scar, almost invisible, was near to his eyebrown and you knew it was new. Being a plastic surgeon made you really observant to the little things.
"Listen, I'm not going to follow you everywhere anymore." he started with a sigh.
"Oh my God, thank you!!!" you almost screamed, making him giggle, shaking his head in denial. You could, actually, kiss him because you were so happy.
"Yeah, don't get all excited. Here's the thing: Someone from Noah's gang saw us following you and now we think that they think that you're something important to us, what means that they can get you." now his soft face was worried, his lips were in a thin line. You mind started to buzz and it was nothing with the wine, your heart raced and you felt your hands sweat.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" you get up, completely shocked. "You put me in danger and now you're going to leave me all by myself? What the actual fuck?"
"Can you please sit your ass down?" he asked taking a deep breath, looking at you when you didn't. "Seriously, sit." he pulled you, almost making you fall at his lap, he realized that too and took him some seconds to talk again. "Listen, stop screaming." he looks again at you "If we keep following you, they're going to get you at some point to discover why we are doing this, so Calum suggest that we follow you from far, by an app." he explained calmly, his hand never left your arm and you were starting to feel weird with his touch. "Harry, our tech guy, developed this app that will show us your live location all the time, real time. Here." he finally let your arm go to hand you a box, when you open it you see a necklace, it's golden and it has a little pendant in form of a golden star with an little A jammed. It was, actually, really cute. "This is a chip and a button, it shows me where you are any time."he shows you his app, the map showing your location at your house. "You can't take this, are you listening to me? Never. Not to sleep, not to shower, not even in the hospital. Specially not in the hospital." he gets up, going to behind you so he can put the necklace on your neck. "If you ever need anything, if you get in trouble, press the star, it will alarm my phone and the guys as well and we will be able to find you anywhere." he sits in front of you again.
"You're going to get me killed." you say with your voice below a whisper, looking to your lap. "This is insane." all your rage became fear. No, you didn't liked to be followed, no, you never thought it was necessary, but now you were being really in danger, now you could really die because of this man in front of you.
"Listen to me." he makes you look at him raising your face with his fingers on your chin. "You're not getting killed, do you understand? You saved my life and I will be in debt with you for it forever, so if you die, I'll die with you." he smiled at you, a warm smile that maybe in any other situation would make you want to get in his lap and kiss him, but now it only makes you feel sad.
"Why, Irwin? Tell me." you ask with your eyes in tears, your voice may be low, but he can hear how mad you're at him again. "I didn't asked for any of this. Now I'm going to be between two gangs?"
"You saved my life and I can't just let this go. Trust me, you'll be safe." he smiles to you and you roll your eyes, slapping his hand of your chin. "You're way too stubborn, you know that? I don't know how you remain alive." he rolled his eyes as well, completely annoyed by your attitude.
"Yeah, I won't be a problem for much longer, right? Good for you." you get up to go to your room. "You know your way out. Please don't come again, I don't wanna die."
As you started to walk away, Ashton got up from the couch and before he could stop himself, he was already right behind you, getting in your room. You saw him and was about to tell him to go, but he was faster and pressed you against the bedroom wall with his own body. Your heart skipped a beat when you felt him so close, his breath fanning all over your face since he was taller than you. Ashton's eyes were watching everything on your face, looking how you were reacting and he felt a heat over his body when you slightly opened your mouth before bitting your bottom lip. It took him all his self control to not kiss you right the way.
"I don't care what you think about me or this whole situation." he started, whispering. "I don't care if you hates me because I followed you or anything else. But I'm saying this to you: I'll never let anything happen to you." you couldn't stop your eyes from looking all over his face, absorbing every little detail from his hazel eyes to his pink lips. Didn't matter how much you kind of hated him, you couldn't deny how freaking handsome he was. But you always knew that, you knew from the day one, when you were sitting on his lap to take care of his face. Even with blood all over his body, even being so pale that you got afraid that he would really die, even so you could see how handsome he was. But being this close were a whole new level and even though he was trying really hard to not let anything appear on his face, you could read the lust in his eyes the same way he could read on yours.
"I don't know if you really believe in that."you said at his same tone, his lips turned up in a little smirk.
"I never broke a promise, sweetheart. This isn't going to be the first one." he took your chin again between his fingers and he looked directly into your eyes. "You don't know what I'm capable of doing for the people I'm loyal to."
"You never had to be loyal to me, Irwin." you shook your head a little, since his hand didn't let you move too much.
"I did. I do. And I feel that I'll always have to. Each day more." the smirk never got out of his lips. "Be good, OK? You know how to reach me." and then he kissed the conner of your mouth, getting out of the room and letting you absolutely breathless, incapable of understanding a thing about what just happened. Little did you know, that he didn't understood either, that the whole way back home he was cursing himself for the urge he felt of kissing you, more than that, the urge he felt to keep you so close to him that you wouldn't be able to move. Actually, he wanted you to move, maybe under him, on your bed that was almost screaming his name. He thought about you screaming his name and not in the way you're used to. You made him hard and you didn't even touched him. Half way home he turned around, going to the only place where he could solve his little problem for a while, making him smile when he saw the big red neon letters. "Hell on heels."
Tag babes: @betkaskarpetka @songforhema @my-world97 @sebshipsstenbrough
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
06 - Too Little Too Late
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Chapters songs:
Yam Yam: No Vacation
Numb: Men I Trust
4EVER: Clairo
Hey, I won't be riding the bus this morning. My father is visiting and I have to spend the morning with him I'm guessing. I might be available after school, though. So if you wanna walk
Yeah, I'll let you know. I hope everything with your dad goes okay.
Okay. See you later then.
Yeah, you too.
One last message from Sugawara is received, before I close the messaging app, and turn off my phone. I wasn't quite ready for what was to occur this morning: seeing my dad. You would think I would be happy about it, or at least be a little excited. But really, I couldn't be more stressed. All my father has ever done is criticize my talents, my behavior, and almost everything that has to do with me being me. Every time he comes to Japan, which isn't a lot, it's the same lecture all over again about what I'm doing with my life, and where I'll be when I'm older.
But at least two or three more hours of sleep. Might as well take advantage of missing a day, right?
    As I stretch out my arms under my sheets, a knock on my door is heard, followed by my mom's soft voice. "Y/n, your father is getting you today. I'm off to work, okay? Make sure to feed Astra." Her tone is low and worry full, but I wouldn't blame her. Surely your ex-husband coming back shouldn't be so easy.
   "I know, mom. Thanks. You have a good day," I say back to her, hearing her footsteps slowly disappear. That's my queue to begin getting ready. What I wear consists of something simple: a thin white shirt, a sage green sweatshirt on top, and jeans with white sneakers, which is something safe. I wouldn't want him to begin criticizing me by starting with my outfit. And as for my hair, I wore it the way I always did.
After a few moments of getting ready, I stand up in the mirror, making sure my personality wasn't showing on the outside. I hated that this is how I had to think of myself when around my parents, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. As suspected, a few minutes later, a message from him appears informing me he had gotten here.
Hey! I'm outside, come quickly so we can grab something at that small cafe you love.
Okay, I'll be out there in a second.
Nothing baffled me as much as him being so normal about this situation did, but there wasn't much I could say to him. I could only imagine how many questions he would ask me, or if he would even care about the important things, like if I was going through anything.
Reaching for a basic shoulder bag, I say my farewell to the cat, and make my way downstairs. Once I reach the front door, I take a deep breath and open it to reveal the usual view, except an expensive car stood in the driveway, with a smiling man inside of it. I smile back, easing that he didn't look pissed as fuck. After that, I locked the front door and walked towards his car.
Hesitantly, I pull the handle and step into the front passenger seat. "Hey, Dad." I greet him, meanwhile closing the door. "How've you been?"
"Hm, I've been just fine. What about you?" He begins to pull out of the driveway, and soon enough, we're on the road. "There's much to talk about."
I nod, as he states the obvious. "Yeah, of course."
This is awkward.
My hands begin to fidget, popping and stretching my fingers while he drove on the road, saying absolutely nothing. That was until I asked something to fill the empty space between us. "How's work been? I heard you got a bunch of promotions."
"It's been like always; normal. But yes, I have gotten promotions. I guess I've exceeded the limit, though. So.. what about you? You're still on your whole band-thingy?" He clears his throat, turning into another street: the same Suga and I would walk. "Your aunt says she's excited to work with you."
My aunt, AU/N, was my blueprint. She was my father's little sister, and she had a hell of a lot of money. One time when she was younger she slipped in dog pee at Walmart and sued them 50,000$. Since she was a musician, and far more successful than my band, she decided to start her label, signing many small bands like mine. And so, since I had a connection, my friends and I decided to sign with her during the summer after we graduate. We'd have to move to New York in America, but that was just fine. Because moving meant we could establish a good career and attend college as well.
   "I'm excited too. You know, to move and all." My eyes take mental images of the portrait outside today. Trees were finally growing leaves again, and grass as well; spring was around the corner. "Why the sudden visit? Is there a conference being held in Miyagi?"
My question seems like have made him uneasy, for his fingers began making small beats on the steering wheel. In no way did I mean to be so sudden, but an answer to my asking was necessary.
Thankfully, his response isn't a shout and rude remark, but a simple explanation that frankly made me feel better about his stay. "I'm most likely not gonna be able to see you before you graduate, so I wanted to spend a day with you. I know I said I'd drop you off at school after breakfast, but I thought we could hang out longer.
Is that okay?"
"Yeah, it's fine."
To my surprise, the drive wasn't as short as I thought. A total of thirty silent minutes felt as if it was an entire hour. Once we arrived at the small cafe in the plaza, the both of us got off the car and glanced at each other, beginning our way towards it.
    I had a certain idea of why he'd picked this spot for us to eat at. When I was younger, I'd spent lots of time here doing whatever I was up to, and usually with one of my close friends, (not that we're close anymore.) To be completely frank, it came to me as a shock my father even paid attention to how much I adored this place. The light lavender concrete walls and cutesy pots with succulents and house plants. Not to mention its colorful m decorations, far more improved than when I was a little kid. Still, it drew Moku, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Toruku to make it our number one hang-out spot from the ages of 8-14, even if it wasn't as attracting as it is now.
As we enter, the small bell at the top of the door rings, and we're greeted by a young girl at the counter that surrounded many baked goods. "Welcome!" She says, meanwhile packing up an online order. "Is there anything I could help you guys with?"
"Two coffees, please." My father replied, holding up two of his long, worn-out fingers. 'Coffee? I mean, I guess. Not that I cared or anything. I honestly preferred the tea with the little peaches in it— what was it called?' My father's voice cuts off my thoughts. "And a fruit lemonade for her. The coffees are for me; long hours!"
   'That's it!' I said to myself internally, briefly smiling at the worker while she wrote a few words down. And soon enough, we're told it'll take only a few minutes. Still, it baffled me my father even remembered such a little thing I loved when I was a child.
   What a try-hard.
   The two of us find a corner table for two, and he pulls out a chair for me to place myself. I do so, as my father does the same. Then, a long-awaited conversation begins. "How did you know I liked this place?"
   He straightens his collar, saying, "You never stopped talking about it when you were little."
  "And the drink?"
  "I just remember how many times it appeared on my taxes from this place, that's all." He chuckles, leaning onto his arm along with stroking his sharp beard. "Why do you ask?"
  Without thinking, I answer sharply, looking down at the wooden patterns on the table. "Why do you think? I didn't think you'd paid attention," I say to him, quickly looking up for a rude remark.
   He effortlessly sighs and keeps the situation unproblematic. Although, I wouldn't have minded diving deeper into the reasoning of his absence. "I did sometimes. Sorry."
  I tell myself to leave it at that, to leave it at 'sorry', but I can't. I can't not say something. "Can I ask you something? And I want a valid answer, not excuses. I know you wanted to have a nice time but this is the most I've talked to you in the past year so I'd rather get straight to it than poke around the elephant in the room."
  In the corner of my eye, I see him nod, giving me an okay that I could rant. Well, more like calmly let out my feelings. "I just— I don't understand what happened. After you and mom got busy, it was a total blur. I'm not asking for you two to get together again, and I never questioned why you split up either. I'm simply asking why you guys forgot you had a daughter, that's all."
    Not more than a split second later do I realize how rude that sounded. But too bad, I wanted to know. A few silent seconds slide by while he seems to be thinking of an answer, and explanation. Then, the sound of footsteps coming towards us, signaling our beverages had arrived.
  "Two coffees," the young lady mumbles, setting them in front of my father as he smiles. "And a fruit lemonade!" She exclaims. The pink-tinted drink makes waves in cold glass in her hand once it's set down. "All set. Is there anything else I can get for you two?"
   We shake our heads lightly.
   "Alright then! Enjoy!" She beams, then happily walks away. Ever since I was younger, I never understood why the store wonder daughter was so nice. But I'm guessing it lasted throughout the years, or else she wouldn't treat customers so gently.
Father slowly lifts the drink to his lips, and enjoys his cinnamon roast, while I feel my back aching from the perfect posture I perform around him. "Ah, carry on, Y/n. What is it that makes you so upset? The idea your mother and I did all we could to give you a better life, or is it that we picked ourselves up and became better people?" His manipulative tone comes in, sending mixed signals. But I could see where he was coming from completely.
"I just wish you two had taught me what it's like to be a proper parent. Instead, every time I would try getting your attention, you would always look away, and send me off to do something else." I feel my hands squeeze my thighs under the table, as I look up and down at my father with a silent yet harsh tone, "all I wanted was to admire you and learn what was so interesting about sitting in an office working for another person. But that's changed now, right? Because you've maxed out the level of superiority now that you've not done a single other thing."
"The fact you worked endlessly doesn't bother me as much as you criticizing me does. It truly hurts me that you attempt to steer me into another direction every time you visit when you haven't even been to at least seven of my birthdays. I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot it, either. You would judge who I hung out with, what I liked to do, everything. You even judged the way I handled my best friend dying, yet didn't think to send me to therapy. Toruku's mom is the one who took us to get help, not you. Why do you do it? Why do you think it's a good idea to bring me down? You've never been there for me, so you don't know me. You never will, father. You'll never know who I am."
A trembling hand reaches for my drink quickly, as I sip from the thin black straw in silence, taking in as much as I can. And all he can do is sit quiet, still processing my explanation.
That is until he speaks, finally. "I'm— I'm sorry."
"It's too late for that."
He nods.
The straw twirls between my fingers during the spinning memories of spending more time with my friends than my parents that ran through my mind. But it's whatever, right? I did just fine raising myself. At least that's what I told myself. Truth is, I needed people. I needed to grow with others on my side. It wasn't any wonder that I felt so lonely when I was younger. I'm dependent, yet independent.
Before getting up from my seat, I make sure to down the rest of the cold lemonade I had in my hand and grabbed both my hood and small bag. "Can we go now? Please."
"Sure. We can leave."
After getting home, I can't help but immediately let a few tears escape my eyes. The fact two words were all my father could say made my blood boil and my bones stiffen, especially since it was the last time I would talk with him in person before I graduate. Maybe I could meet him before he goes back to Korea, but I'd rather not. Not after leaving it at that.
The doors slam still echoed through the house, while I sat against the front door, crying in my lonely arms. No car to leave, and no one to hear me except a sleepy cat. While I do so, every thought of ever healing the hole between our relationship entered my thoughts, and the never-ending process of realizing I can't fix it hurts just as much as the pain in my chest.
Throughout the blur of water in my eyes, I make out the image of a white figure lying across my feet. I look up briefly, wipe my eyes, and stroke Astras back. Her soft, thin hair glides between my fingers, giving me a realization that I wasn't completely alone. No, I wasn't. I still had old friends and family that supported me, other than my father.
Right now, I had to think about the things that were important to me. The things that would help me grow, not look back at my regrets. Maybe the purpose of his visit was a sign from the universe, telling me to get over my past because my goals are too close for me to hesitate.
I needed a break from today. A nap, possibly. I don't think I'd be going back to school anytime soon, so I might as well rest a bit. That's exactly what I need, rest after a long week. After all, the weekend was just around the corner.
I slouch up the stairs with the chunky cat in my hand. By the time I reach my room, both my pants and shoes are in the other, and I'm ready to knock out between messy blankets.
'Ring!' My phone makes alarms under me, sending vibrations through the pillow my head rested on, making my eyelids quickly open. A hand snaked for the device, bringing the bright screen up to my face. It was no other than the band group chat.
Xanax sluts
Guess who just got invited to a party
No me but I asked if you guys could go and they said we can bring whoever
Who is hosting it
Some chick names Miya I know. She's a third-year and seems like a stuck-up little bitch but she's actually pretty cool.
Omg I love her she's so sweet
Oh I know who you guys are talking about she's the girls' volleyball team captain
Anyways she said you guys could go
In like
An hour?
Oh come onnn just slap on a dress or something and we can go
Will, there be alcohol
Will there be drugs
Then this isn't a party-
Come on she's my friends and I promised you guys would go plus she's super popular so everyone's gonna be there AND she's rich
And who's driving us
You mf who else
Fine I'll go but you guys better not do anything to cause attention, if there's gonna be snobby people then we're most likely to be looked down on
I'm so excited yayy
What are you excited about there's no drugs or alcohol
Cause this is the first party we're going to ever since last month
Oh yeah
Mhm it's like this back to school party
Giki if this is a kids party I'm gonna slap the lesbian out of you
See you guys in an hour ig
Going out tn
Ok. Are you staying at anyone's house?
Maybe. Idk yet
How did it go with your dad
It went fine
Good baby I'm glad
Tell me when or if you get to someone's house
Ok I will love you
Happy that my mother didn't make an argument, I sigh, checking the time. It seemed pretty dark outside, so it had to be around eight or nine. And quickly after, I decide it's best to begin getting ready, again.
Please note chapters, it means a lot. I work endlessly on these making sure they're perfect for you guys. Have a good rest of your day, and I hope you take care of yourself. Love you lots!!
- estrxlar
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