general-kalani · 1 year
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{ Don’t feel like you have to respond, thanks for the follow @truxicanfalconer​! }
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“I don’t know how you got here, and I don’t want to know. But things are different and I’d rather not go into past history, so... Drink whiskey?”
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micsmasmuses · 1 year
Plotted starter for @truxicanfalconer
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It takes a while with the Ai coming together. She’s working on it personally but she’s been a bit busy, with it safe at home Angel still wants to explore Pandora to get some inspiration. So of course for now she puts a job out there for a guide / body guard. Little did she know that someone she knew took up the job. Hopefully Tim will be alright on his own for a while. He was already reluctant on her going down to the planet.
But she’s in good hands now right?
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She was waiting for someone near the new sanctuary. She knew where that was as Maya had informed her. She was cautiously wringing the strap of her bag while she looks up at the sky. Only looking over when her new helper came up. She smiles at the familiar face.
“So you’re the one who answered my ad huh?”
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rubyredsiren · 1 year
[Send 🤐 for your muse to discover a secret/dirt on mine!]
Stumbling over scrap and welding materials on her bedroom floor, Sammy took careful and wide steps to avoid tripping over strewn wires or stepping on loose screws. In her hand she held a metal tin of cigarettes decorated with a spitter skag surrounded by the words "Skag Shit".
It'd been too long and she couldn't stand the feeling of her anxiety spiking. She weaved through the sliding door with ease, leaving the door open for less than a second.
She had already strapped on an Oz Kit to sneak offboard while Sanctuary was stationary over Pandora. They weren't due for another jump for atleast a day, and Sammy figured she could stave off her next hit until then with one last smoke.
But as she headed towards the airlock, security lines strapped to her jumpsuit's belt loops and eyes locked on the exit; she hadn't realized Mordecai turning the corner until she bumped straight into the hunter, stopping her in her tracks.
The pack of cigarettes tumbled out of her hands and onto the floor, a metal clang signalling everyone's attention to it like the bang of a gun.
"Aw, shit-" Sammy tried to play it cool and quickly pick up the tin before Mordecai could see what it was. "H-hey, Mordy, what're ya up to?"
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redjaybird · 4 months
"Like an egg. Fragile as fuck and smelly if you leave it in the sun for too long."
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"!!! NO, that's you! Skinny-ass!"
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stellevatum · 5 months
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While it is organized by verse/fandom/organization, this DOES NOT mean these are exclusives. These are just folks that have been around for a while and are getting a little appreciation (as well as a semi-permanent promo).
If we've written for a bit and got to know each other, you can reach out or like THIS post.
[Kar's inner circle, family, and ride or dies.]
[Those who have managed to have her heart.]
[Agents and consultants, and allies of her intel network.]
[Mando sergeants and such.]
[Clones, Jedi, anyone from her Clone Wars era.]
[Friends and allies forged through...being stuck on a ship and roped into a suicide mission.]
[Regular Jagoffs, every day folks that maker Kar hate the universe less.]
[Jedi, Force sensitives, and Anchorites, oh my!]
[Rebels and Resistance.]
[Friendships forged by adventure on the Tempest and beyond!]
[The few, the proud: the only people on Helios/Atlas Kar doesn't want to feed to starving varren.]
[Raiders and Allies.]
[Folks aligned with her tenure leading Opportunity.]
[Space avatars and fellow Celestials!]
[Antagonists in-character, pals out of character.]
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hyperioncass · 3 years
Spotify wrapped- 33 - “I Know How to Speak” Manchester Orchestra
“I know where I’m going.” There was a firmness in her voice, some new resolve. It echoed in her eyes as she cinched the elastic tighter around her hair. Cass had hovered close since they reunited, visiting him when she could, but something was different this time.
“They will know I’m coming. They created me, they will try to destroy me, but I must do this.” Her hands moved quickly, making sure all of her gear was in place, pulling back on the slide of her pistol before tucking it away and turning to face him. “You understand, yes? No one knows me like you. And if I do not return...”
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ninevoltcolt · 4 years
@truxicanfalconer​ started following you
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Bird for dinner tonight?
He flexes his arm, wondering if he can shoot it out of the sky with a good zap...
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katofnine · 3 years
"Mordida! Mordida! Mordida!" Mordecai walked up to Kat with a cake in his hands. The grin on his face was untrustworthy.
Kat looked a little startled by the way Mordy was chanting, eyeing the cake in his hands.
“Get that shit-eating grin off your face and maybe I will. What’d you do to it?”
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starttheanarchy · 4 years
@truxicanfalconer  like for a starter
The bright colours of a lone bandit technical rested against the browns of the sands of The Dust, a prone body laying in the trunk bed in the back. It was mid day, the sun scorching everything within its reach, and all Gaige could think about is how she could still somehow feel the ghost of a chill in her bones. She knew she was burning and warm, that she would be better off looking for cover, or heading back to the others since there was countless things to be done. Yet here she laid trying to burn her entire body simple because there was a phantom of a chill that stuck with her from when she first ended up buried from snow from an exploding train.
A muffled thunk from her lifting her head and letting gravity slam it back down, an attempt to derail her mind from moving forward on that certain train of thoughts. Instead she focused on her Echo which had been buzzing on and off for a fair moment, though the mechromancer couldn't tell if it was for only minutes or hours. She reached over to the unit and flicked the accept call button.
"Gaige here, is there an actual reason for the call or did Claptrap break something? Again." Her voice cracked from how dry her mouth and throat had become. Seems like it was closer to hours instead of minutes for how long she had been just laying there.
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vvastelandcr · 3 years
2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs.
Honestly, the amount of creativity that goes into making an oc. Sure, there are some that their backstory is just idk this jackass eats glue and can't spell (looking at you, Walker. Kind of. Like, she has a backstory, but a lot of her personality is the glue thing) but most of the time, roleplayers with oc muses can really flex their creative muscles.
Along with that, ocs take a lot of time to make. People don't realize the amount of development it takes to shape these muses- giving them motives and personality. Hell, a voice so they don't sound the same as everyone else's muse. It's a labor of love and I respect the hell out of anyone who can do it.
I think my favorite thing about ocs is that it shows their creators' passion. Like, they loved that media enough to spend all that time making someone fit into it? HELL YES.
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numericalassassin · 4 years
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
Zer0 loves sitting quietly and watching Mordecai shoot because he makes it just as much an art form as they do their blades. Its slower and more focused but the smooth way he breathes, shoots, reloads, like a perfectly timed dance. They never want to interrupt, just sit there and watch him work.
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moorvaults · 3 years
“you’re not coming with me, end of discussion.”
               {x} @truxicanfalconer
     She could feel it in her face, the heat of perhaps embarrassment or even anger, at the moment she couldn't define which it could possibly be. All she knew for certain was... she didn't like what was going on and she would be more than happy to let that be known. At first, her arms crossed over her chest, cheeks puffed before she blew the air out.
     “And why is that?” She finally called, moving a few strides forward to stand in front of him rather than behind or beside. “I've been doing this for years, ain't nothing you can do that I can't do as well.” Chester slowly turned her head away, looking out towards the distance, her green gaze searching the horizon. “Maybe I don't gotta go with you. I can go by myself... within your distance of company. BUT not actually talk to you, to me, but if you were to saaay something back, I'm not opposed to it.”
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sarcasticallynoted · 4 years
@truxicanfalconer​ liked for a starter
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She wasn’t good with words. People told her who to kill. She went, and she killed them. That’s... How she operated. People tried to kill her back. Life just worked that way, and she had no real say in the matter. At least... That’s how it was. It’s how she was used to. Sleeping with one eye open, having nobody in the universe to trust... She cleared her throat, shaking her head to clear the thoughts out. It was gonna be awkward, but...
“Mordecai.” It sounded more like an ‘I’m calling you out’ than a conversation engagement. It didn’t help that she wasn’t standing nearby... She did start to step closer, though. “I never got the opportunity to properly thank you for what you did for me. You had no reason to do what you did, you could’ve just... Let Lilith kill me. The universe would’ve been that much safer. But you took that risk in me... And... Thank you.”
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rubyredsiren · 2 years
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
[OC Emoji Asks]
[Ooooo, out of all of her emotions that she has trouble with, her temper is certainly the worst. And if we're going off thread interactions, it's led to her lashing out physically. Which, more often than naught, gets her in a lot of trouble.]
[She's gotten better at using her words as she's gotten older, problem is though, most of the words she uses are expletive and would make a filthy-mouthed bandit lord blush.]
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delphicc · 3 years
12. Did they face any kind of bullying or abuse growing up?
Delphine was very sheltered growing up, spending most of her time in the home including her education, but that didn’t stop her from being relentlessly tormented by two of her brothers (the twins). She learned to get back at them in her own ways and it’s more a war of antics now, but that’s not how it started.
She was also fairly neglected by her parents, raised primarily by her two oldest siblings; any attention she got was when her parents were using her for marketing their work or when she was doing something they didn’t like. She was an unplanned and not particularly wanted addition to the family and became kind of a lightning rod for blame. Eventually Delphine stopped cooperating with them and so did the “positive” interactions. Delphine spent most of her childhood isolated or almost exclusively with her eldest brother, which has shaped a lot of her cynical views on relationships and how she interacts with other people.
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pseudosiren · 3 years
A thought about them that they’d never share: “He’s pretty cool for being an old guy. Way better than the monks on Athenas.”
First impression of them: “Whoa. Tall.”
Favorite thing about them: “If he catches me doing something I shouldn’t, he doesn’t go blabbing to everyone else. It’s kinda like he has my back, in a way.”
Least favorite thing about them: “I don’t know what’s happening behind those goggles, but I feel like he’s judging me.”
Hopes for their future relationship: “Depends on how he reacts to the little bit of trouble I’m cooking up, heheheh. Seriously though, I’d like to hang out with him more.” 
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