#trying to Accept my belly so critter gets one too
tetrameryxx · 1 year
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FINALLY.... furrysona complete. I think before I was just so hung up on the "oh god it's a representation of me" to really decide on anything but now it's just. If I was a lil fantasy critter. That's it. Clark's nutcracker/Sierra Nevada red fox gryphon thingy. Because I like mountains and the cold.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
i jest I jest
But 👀
What about pets? Either ones companions would have or a very uncommon one that someone wouldn’t think was a good pet, BUT IS. Deathclaws you can ride like a pony, mole rats that want belly rubs, cazadore’s as cattier pigeons! What are your thoughts?
Or like, Danse or Piper or Fawkes with something hilarious Idek ignore me
Oooookay, here’s my comprehensive list of companions - ALL companions, across Fallouts 3, 4, New Vegas and 76 - and their (headcanon) choices in wasteland pets. I’ll give a little explanation for each - particularly as many of these companions are transients and don’t have the luxury of owning a home to keep pets at. Also, I feel like most of the companions, while they might not necessarily like pets, would be somewhat fond or at least respectful of the pets of the Lone Wanderer/Courier/Sole Survivor/Vault Dweller, like Dogmeat and Rex. 
Lily Bowen: Everyone’s favorite super mutant grandma is already an experienced shepherdess in Jacobstown, and she’s more than willing to tear some night stalkers apart to keep her herd safe. If that’s not love beyond the norm for wasteland livestock, I don’t know what is. She’s probably given all of her bighorners names after the characters in the television reruns she used to watch on holotape in Vault 17, like Grace and Audrey and Lucille. 
Raul Tejada: Actually spent a decent part of his pre-war life living on a ranch, so he knows that most brahmin don’t deserve being labeled “irritable” just because people don’t know how to read their body language. I think he’d follow wild brahmin herds around a bit on a whim and keep them from coming to any harm, especially the little ones. He gives them names like the cattle he grew up with, Corazon and Gordo and Blanca. 
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Doesn’t truck with the wild herds, but she knows that part of the success of a caravan lies with how well they treat their pack animals. All of her caravan’s brahmin have names - Penny, Magic and Sprinkles - and she’s careful to pair them up with drivers who are patient and work well with their various personalities. 
Butch DeLoria: While Butch ultimately decided to leave Vault 101 behind, I don’t think he would ever truly lose his fear of radroaches after what they did to his mom. Having a little friend to warm his bunk in Rivet City and pounce on intruders would probably set his mind at ease, maybe a black tomcat with one ear named Pepper. He might even gift his mom a kitten when he next comes to visit. 
Star Paladin Cross: I don’t think Cross much sees the use of an animal that doesn’t contribute to the community it lives in, like most of the Brotherhood of Steel. Cats, however, are excellent at pest control, even if the rats are bigger nowadays. I think she’d give the resident cats at the Citadel some pets in passing, and she’d smile when she has to extract playful kittens from inside her power armor frame. She’s especially fond of the cat colony’s matriarch, a scarred old tabby named Gemma. 
Curie: Upon her transition into a synth body, Curie is overjoyed with most animals and their new willingness to approach her for attention. She especially loves cats because she can pick them up and better feel their fur and purring. Her favorite cat is an orange stray in Diamond City that she calls Claude. 
Piper Wright: A companion for Nat when she’s out adventuring, an unbiased friend to bounce the latest opinion piece off of before going to print, and a lap-warmer for when you’re typing up the latest article about the exploits of the Minutemen - what’s not to like? The Wright family cat is a slippery, elegant calico named Sugar Bomb. 
Preston Garvey: While the Minutemen forts and settlements definitely lean more toward keeping dogs around for security purposes, I think Preston likes his pets quieter and less likely to bowl you over in excitement. The one most likely to sleep with him in his bunk at Sanctuary is a grumpy gray gentleman named Anchovy. 
Veronica Santangelo: If anyone is crazy enough to swipe a deathclaw egg from a nest and try to hatch, rear and train a personal killing machine named Izzy, it’s Veronica. This will probably just alienate her from her Brotherhood chapter even more, but I’m sure she would take special care to make sure that her usual Mojave Wasteland haunts take a peek through a scope to see if the approaching deathclaw has a human on its back before taking a shot. 
Clover: I don’t think Clover gets out beyond Paradise Falls much, so the only animals she’s used to are the dogs the raiders bring around when passing through. She probably has favorites among the usual visitors and enjoys tossing them bits of meat when she’s allowed to get away from Eulogy and Crimson. If liberated, she’d probably get at least three of her own dogs to watch over her while she sleeps: One small dog to carry with her, a Pekingese or Pomeranian descendant named Coco, and two large dogs to follow through on intimidation and protection, a mastiff named Rock and a Doberman descendant named Roll. 
Jericho: Jericho doesn’t deserve a dog but he’d probably have one around anyway to sniff out caps caches and hidden loot after he’s shot everyone in the vicinity. Some slinky beagle mix named Dewey, probably. 
Fawkes: I don’t think Fawkes would be picky at all about what kind of dog he’d have. He strikes me as the type who would adopt any half-friendly mutt he ran across. I do think he would have a bit of a soft spot for friendlier mutant hounds, though, and maybe view their mutated circumstances as similar to his own. He’d also be absolutely amazing at playing fetch. Just imagine how far he could lob a stick or ball. All of his dogs would have literary names too, like Byron and Agatha and Edgar. 
Craig Boone: Though he’s a bit of a prodigy at sniping, Boone knows his limitations when it comes to spotting hidden enemies on the horizon. I can see him having a hound dog at his side to find the more elusive ones and help him get rid of them faster. Maybe a bloodhound mutt named Bravo. 
Cait: Doesn’t like people, but she adores dogs. Having had the life where she’s been abused, exploited and forced into slavery, she’s keenly aware that those like the ones who took advantage of her treat dogs much the same. She’s very protective of any dog she encounters and is very likely to punch you in the face if you so much as look at one wrong. She’d probably name any pup she adopted Lucky. 
Hancock: Honestly, he’s just a fan of any animal that is happy to hang out with you whether you’re drunk, high, fighting raiders or patrolling downtown Boston. The Goodneighbor strays know him as the guy who always has mirelurk jerky in his pockets. His favorite is a rough-and-tumble, black-and-white spotted cattle dog descendant that he cheekily calls King George. 
Robert MacCready: He’s not quick to trust dogs, but once he’s sure they’re not a threat, they’re one of the few critters around which he’ll relax completely. He’s still a little wary of them around Duncan, but any dog that’s a part of his family is more or less his son’s permanent babysitter. 
Nick Valentine: Dogmeat is also basically his dog. The two have a history of working cases together, with Dogmeat just turning up whenever a trail goes cold and leading Nick to the evidence he needs to reopen his investigation. Nick doesn’t know how or why Dogmeat does it, but he’s not about to ruin a good thing. 
Strong: I don’t think he would turn down a ferocious mutant hound as a friend. He’d probably feed it mole rats and call it something like Killer. 
Beckett: This former raider has a love-hate relationship with a fox that keeps going through his trash. He affectionately calls him Lil’ Bastard. 
Sofia Daguerre: Having crashed back to an earth she doesn’t recognize, I think Sofia would be tickled that the foxes of Appalachia have basically stayed the same despite the bombs. I can see her leaving dinner scraps out on her porch for one that she sometimes spots in the foliage, and slowly coaxing the critter to come into the light. She names her Scarlett once she finally convinces her to eat out of her hand. 
Mega sloths
Settler forager: I would not be at all surprised if this man ran into a mega sloth in the Mire and decided to try befriending it. The creature, probably surprised at this old guy’s nerve, decided to accept the handful of leaves he offered and grew slowly more fond of the guy’s persistence. It doesn’t know its name is Fergus but it does know that if a human is wearing overalls, it’s probably not a threat. 
Mole rats
Deacon: Alright, hear me out. Deacon has a fondness for underdogs, and mole rats are about as underdog as they come. I think Deacon thinks these little guys are cute despite their wrinkles and buck teeth, and I think he sees the value in having a tunneling pet that likes to collect shiny things. One of his deep cover hideouts is in an old tunnel system in the northern Commonwealth, where he hangs out with a young mole rat named Henry. 
Raider punk: This radio operator got wind of an abandoned nest of owlets in Appalachia early on in his career and, being the nearest to the report, decided to rescue the little guys. Now he has three owls that occasionally drop in at his camp to hoot and accept handouts: Nona, Decima and Morta. While he’s still fond of them, he’s usually disappointed that they aren’t the Mothman coming to visit. 
Rad chickens
Yasmin Chowdhury: Ever the opportunistic cook, she picked up the practice of raising chickens from the settlers at Foundation and has four hens of her own: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. The “ladies,” as she refers to them, give her a constant stream of eggs for omelets. 
Settler wanderer: This gal has an affinity with birds, who are always on the move like her. She admires their ability to be untethered and let the wind take them far and wide. Nevertheless, she likes to scatter corn when they come close to her on the road, and formed a sort of friendship with a particularly handsome specimen that she calls Tornado. 
Old Longfellow: This guy is the epitome of the meme about dads not wanting pets and then instantly falling in love with whatever animal enters their life. He probably found an injured wolf pup in his travels around the island and took pity on it, nursing it back to health in his cabin. It’s still got a bit of a twisted paw, but follows him around and listens like any other dog and answers to the name Lamoine. 
Yao guai
Porter Gage: I bet this guy adopted an orphaned bear cub and raised it by hand. Now it’s so big that even if Gage thinks he’s an easy target for other raiders due to his age, he’s much less likely to get singled out than he thinks because he has a yao guai following him around like a puppy. The bear’s name is Fuzzy Wuzzy. It has no hair. 
No pets, thanks
Charon: Too likely to accidentally wind up in the line of fire. 
Sergeant RL-3: Too easily corrupted by Communist influences. 
Arcade Gannon: Too much time spent getting in your way. 
Codsworth: Too likely to make messes. 
Paladin Danse: Too many wasted resources. 
X6-88: Too much of a liability. 
Ada: Too easy to lose when on the move. 
Solomon Hardy: Too unsanitary. 
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BTS Reaction: Animals are at ease around you
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You are at the beach with Namjoon and he is running along the shoreline, trying to catch the crabs that are scurrying about but with no luck. He sits down in the sand, feeling defeated and slightly disappointed.  You see him pouting and feel bad, so you walk along until you see a crab sitting in the sand. You approach it slowly before reaching and grabbing it to bring the critter over to Namjoon. You set it in his hand and he looks at you in shock. 
“How the hell did you do that?”
“Animals just always seem to feel at ease around me!” He smiles at that and then looks down at the small creature as his smile grows.
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“Y/n don’t go near that dog it might bite you!” You had seen a stray dog clearly having lost its owner if the leash trailing behind him was any indication. 
“It’s fine, trust me.” Jin continues to scold you and tell you to get back but pretty soon the dog turns to you, tail wagging and bounding over to you playfully. “There we go! That’s a good boy! You’re not going to bite me are you? No you’re too sweet for that.” You continue patting the dogs head when a frantic looking owner bursts through the tree line. 
“Oh my god you caught him. Thank you so much! I don’t know how you did it, usually he hates strangers.” Jin looks on at the scene, smiling at how animals alway seem to be at ease around you. He knows it’s because of your gentle nature but it still warms his heart.
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You had convinced Yoongi to go on a nature walk with you outside of the city. He grumbled the whole way there but had to admit, once you two started your walk he was happy he came with you, he was admiring the beautiful sights and sounds until a bear walked across the path in front of you. You both froze, and so did the bear. You started calmly walking away with your head bowed motioning for Yoongi to do the same. You spoke in a calm and reassuring voice and the bear walked away from you both. 
“What the fuck was that? Holy shit. We are leaving right now and never coming back.” Yoongi immediately turns on his heels and starts half jogging back towards the car. You hear him muttering under his breath the whole way.
“Freaking bears. And apparently the love of my life is some kind of bear whisperer. Yep. I’ve officially gone insane. Never leaving the city again.”
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Hoseok wanted to take you to a cat cafe. He knew how badly you wanted to go and today he finally had free time to go with you. The moment you walked through the door all the cats started swarming you, each one rubbing against your legs or trying to climb up you to get your attention. You giggle and sit on the floor, doing your best to give each cat equal attention. Hoseok stands there in slight shock. 
“How are they so friendly towards you? They all adore you!”
“I guess I am just that sweet of a person huh?”
“Well.. I mean yes I can’t argue with that but still!” You chuckle at his surprised expression and continue playing with the cats. “It must be because they can sense your warm heart and caring personality.” Your gaze turns to Hoseok and you smile at his compliments. 
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“Jagi.. why won’t that cat let me pet him.” Jimin is pouting as every time he approaches the stray cat it runs away from him. 
“Ah, I don’t know Jiminie but let me try, okay?”
“If he won’t let me approach him it will never work. I am an angel after all.” You giggle but walk slowly towards the cat, crouching down and holding your hand out to wait for him to come to you. Within moments the cat bumps his head against you, purring and happily accepting pets.
“Did you bring treats or something that I don’t know about? Why does he like you and not me?”
“I really don’t know. Animals have just always been comfortable around me.” You continue patting the cat’s head as Jimin pouts next to you. 
“Well, animals have good instincts you know. If they trust you then I guess you must be a good person and I can trust you too.” You turn to him and smile, planting a kiss on the small pout that remains. It quickly disappears into a smile. 
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“Don’t feel bad if Yeontan does’t like you at first y/n. He can be very protective of me and he might-” His words are cut off when Yeontan lays down on the foor in front of you and shows his belly, panting and wagging his tail happily.
“Oh aren’t you just the cutest!” You coo at the furry creature and kneel down to rub his belly. His tail starts wagging faster at that and you giggle at how adorable he is. Taehyung smiles at fondly at the two of you.
“Ah, well never mind then. You must be really good with animals.”
“They’ve always just sort of been at ease around me I guess? I’ve never had an animal not like me.” 
“Well you must be a good person then.” 
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You and Jungkook had decided to take a mini vacation in the mountains. You were sat out on the porch. It was late at night but you two enjoyed looking at the stars together and listening to the crickets chirping. You could see an owl in the tree by the porch and were admiring its beauty with Jungkook. You jokingly waved the owl over and it landed right on the railing in front of you.
“What the hell? You some kind of bird whisperer or something?” You chuckle at Jungkook’s bewildered expression.
“Not that I know of no. Animals just never have been afraid of me.” 
“That’s amazing.”
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picklesmin · 4 years
Outside A Galaxy Of My Own
(How many misadventures can one have on one planet? How many days trekked, relationships forged? How many hopeful smiles and bitter tears? How many lives lost and altered forever? (My very first fic here and Pikmin fic in general, inspired by the great @pikfic!)
Chapter 1: Dew, Spark, and Cinder
The familiar screech of horrific and yet entrancing beasts was the first thing Olimar heard as he entered the cool air of the early dawn. Even from the damp ground he stood on Olimar could see the monsters in the distance. He stretched and was actually quite certain he heard something crack. He was way too old for this.
“Another day in the grime, huh Louie? ...Louie? Louie!” Glancing over his shoulder, he was barely surprised to see his underling still there behind the glass window of the ship, crumbs on his face. “Get out here!”
Sighing as the younger Hocotation apathetically trudged out, Olimar turned the dials on the Onion and summoned pikmin from the ship’s hull. Their little comrades slid down the legs, eager to help as always.
“Morning, everyone. Sleep well?” Olimar gave the pikmin and Louie a friendly smile. “We’ve still yet to explore a certain part of the woods that I have on my map.” Pressing a button, a small pixelated map appeared on one of the many screens adorning his suit. “But luckily it’s at least close by.”
Louie bobbed his head dully, clearly oh so excited. “So I take purples and smash the creeping chrysanthemum while you harvest? Lost almost twenty yesterday.”
“Right…” Olimar’s optimism faded for a moment, a more somber one overtaking, as it did for the pikmin. The snagret had leaped out of nowhere, leaving only masacre behind and tortured screams. Just more sounds to add to Olimar’s nightmares and eternal guilt.
“That sounds good Louie.” He tried for a teasing smile. “I thought I was the Captain here.” It wasn’t quite returned, leaving the Hocotation sighing and wondering why he even bothered.
The trek wasn’t long, and the group passed the corpse of a bulborb that they ran out of time to displace before sunset. Or rather, one Olimar had to all but physically drag Louie away from cooking—and subsequently becoming a meal himself.
Hammering the hostile plant beast was easy enough, and routine even by this point. Still, Olimar found himself standing by cautiously, always waiting to see if he needed to step in. He was never sure if his concerns over his younger charge were that of being a Captain, or even of being a father.
Whistling his group away before the corpse flattened them, Olimar began to order his pikmin to the pellet posies. And...he immediately stopped.
Half their usual size and appearing frail and almost hunched over, the flowers were a baffling sight and even Louie blinked in surprise.
“Are they sick?”
Olimar felt his fear spike. Was that possible? There were so many uncharted dangers on this planet, so was there one that could poison entire gardens? Botanical threats were so many, and he already knew pikmin could become sickly and hostile. Was this only the start of a catastrophic wipe out?
Before his thoughts could terrify him further, his pikmin were already trying to destroy the flower. With just a kick the stem snapped like a stale green bean, and Olimar was too grimly fascinated to stop them.
The first clue that something was definitely different about the offspring was how each pellet only produced a single sprout, despite the colors corresponding with their onion. Olimar was nervous to make his way over, and all the more nervous to pick what appeared to be only half formed leaves.
Three baby, legitimately baby pikmin popped out.
“Captain Olimar, I sense something off about these pikmin. Some sort of deficiency is causing their suboptimal height.”
It was difficult to really focus individually on pikmin when you always had a large group, but sure enough the baby leaves really did seem to be that...babies.
“Not only that, but their leaves appear damaged or maybe even underdeveloped. Do you think the state of them has anything to do with the state their posies were found in?”
The Hocotation cast another look over his shoulder to the slightly withered looking stems. Or...what remained of them at least. They did appear so weak he was surprised they could manage to hold themselves upright.
“Peculiar,” Olimar mused with a stunned blink. “I’ve never seen such a thing...but then again, those pellet posies were incredibly small. I thought perhaps they were merely buried deep but...maybe the flowers really were stunted.”
Olimar bent down to the baby pikmin’s level and he tentatively reached towards one of their stems. With the utmost gentleness he ran a hand along the smooth leaf. It didn’t appear rough or stiff as a dry leaf would be and invoked a pleasant chitter from the pikmin. It didn’t seem to be in any pain.
But what did this mean for the pikmin then? Were they unable to ever mature? Did they not even have the same abilities their brethren did? He knew the only way to be sure of such a thing was to test that theory, but the leafs may not be able to survive the results!
“My hypothesis is that they will be generally slower than leaf pikmin as well. And leafs are already so slow! What will you use them for, Captain Olimar?”
“I…” The man blinked, at a loss. “I don’t know, actually.” It was already clear these babies wouldn’t be able to hold their own in battle. Would he, for the first time, have pet pikmin?
“Well...it’s clear that I won’t be able to have you three in combat,” he told the baby leafs. “Unless…” Perhaps he could test something.
Olimar turned back to the colony of normal sized pikmin. At the very least they didn’t appear to be viewing their new siblings with contempt. They seemed, thankfully, as accepting with the children as any.
Language barriers were always so difficult, leading to so many frustrating situations, and, unfortunately...many deaths in the field. Tapping his cheeks enough times and gesturing seemed to clue a yellow pikmin on what it was supposed to do. Although the creature certainly seemed hesitant.
“It’s alright,” Olimar assured the pikmin. “I’ll be fine, I just want to test something.”
After a moment the pikmin pressed its cheek against the other’s glove, and Olimar hissed as a powerful shock had him withdraw quickly. His pikmin shrugged apologetically.
Olimar shook his hand for a moment and then he bent down to the newly harvested yellow leaf. The tiny pikmin pressed its head against their leader’s hand as well, but Olimar was concerned when he barely felt the slightest spark. It was as weak as a static shock from a mere bedsheet.
“Hmm, quite concerning. It would appear these tiny pikmin indeed are far less stronger than the others!” the ship buzzed. “I’m unsure of what use they may be, Captain Olimar!” The machine didn’t want to say the little things were useless, but Olimar knew it was thinking it.
“I’ll...figure something out.” The Hocotation looked over to where the tiny critters were attempting to climb a berry stem. The poor little things could barely manage with their stubby legs.
Olimar looked over to Louie, who seemed to be watching the miniature pikmin as well.
“They’re small. Too small, aren’t they?”
Olimar cast Louie a wayward grin. “Oh they’ll find their place.” Hopefully not in a monster's belly.
That evening secure in his ship Olimar pulled back from an email with a fond laugh as he shook his head. His family had been quite excited by the thought of him having permanent pikmin...at least for the time being. And oh, trust his children to come up with the cutest names! The baby pikmin had crept curiously over, tilting their heads at the glowing monitor.
“Well, you three, what do you think about having your own names? Hm?” They continued looking inquisitively at him. “Dew, Spark, and Cinder.” Saying each individual name, he pointed to the corresponding pikmin. Spark of course being the yellow, Cinder the red, and Dew the blue.
Olimar gestured over to where he saw his young cohort heating up a bisque. “Dewy, and Louie!” he exclaimed, snickering at the rhyme the pikmin didn’t understand and that Louie seemed to roll his eyes at.
“You’re naming them now?” Louie asked, a brow raising. “You said that’s a bad idea. Can’t get attached.” Not that Louie had the inclination to adore the little aliens as his Captain did. He respected them and led them as Olimar did, but it was harder for the younger man to feel strong bonds so easily.
“Not all of them,” Olimar said, smile falling. He didn’t seem sure of it himself. “Just, er, these three. My children named them actually. I believe we have our first pygmy pikmin, Louie! They’re a lot more underdeveloped than the others and don’t seem like they might grow. Even their leaves are only half formed. I was thinking in time, they can help out through the ship. Or stay close to our campsite. I’ll find...something.”
He did want to find use for them, not just because it was routine for Olimar by this point, but he didn’t know what emotional depth pikmin had, let alone these three. He didn’t want them to think that he thought they were less capable. Which...was sort of true.
“Like I said, they’ll find their place.”
Louie watched the pygmies climb into his boss’s lap. “Like in your lap?” He sounded far more cautious about the situation. This planet was hostile and unforgiving and he knew at any second their new little friends could go from Olimar’s arms to a Bulbear’s stomach. And he also knew the...emotional repercussions that could have on Olimar.
The captain’s eyes were captured by the wide ones gazing up at his, and piercing into his heart. He knew what Louie was thinking, and he was thinking the same thing. Naming the pygmies...it was a very dangerous idea, but his children came up with the idea. And he couldn't just not do it.
“They’ll stay in the ship.”
Louie watched as Cinder clambered her way over to him and shook his leg as she tried to hug it. “Okay,” he shrugged.
The wide array of space at their window, Olimar peered into the black canvas littered with stars. It had been an interesting day, one he was eager to record if his exhaust allowed it. And also, if he could find time between dashing back and forth from trying to keep the pygmies from getting into mischief. It seemed that them being as different as they were made them far less inclined to listen to him. It felt like when Oliver and Lily were toddlers!
“Good night, Louie.” The captain yawned, and also pat the interior of the ship as a silent good night. He couldn’t resist a grin over at his charge resting in the other bunk. “Don’t let the bed pikmin bite.”
“Nnn….bite back,” was the only half asleep mumble he received as Louie buried deeper under his blankets.
Dew, Spark and Cinder were still at Olimar’s feet and he gestured to the cargo where the leaf children could sleep. They scurried passed him into his bunk.
“There’s barely enough room for me, you know!” he told the leaf babies as he discarded his suit in favor of some furry pajamas. He didn’t seem to have any objection to the idea however.
As Olimar tiredly lay on the bed he pushed himself up as the pygmies settled on him. They merely sat there, their cute little stems bobbing around as they looked at him with adoring eyes. Olimar felt his heart threatening to melt on him.
“You really need to stop with that before you make me adore you,” he told them, but he knew it was too late for that. “You probably can't even understand me...can you?” The three leafs tilted their heads and Olimar chuckled. “Probably not…It’s very late. You should go to sleep now,” he told the young pikmin. They curled into him like kittens and Olimar sighed. He couldn’t deny it was nice to hold someone after so many nights cold and alone.
(Hope I didn’t do too badly, still getting the world down despite my endless researching haha. We started on a cute note...but it probably won’t stay cute for long ;)
Although each chapter is a story on its own many will still have linking elements, such as Dew, Spark, and Cinder. Longer ones will also be specified in parts in the chapter title.
There will be no romance, most likely (besides Olimar’s wife), and everything will be more platonic, especially considering Louie and Olimar and Charlie and Alph, as those take on more parental dynamics here! We’ll range from super cute to super sad and everything in between. Forgive me if the formatting is off, this is my very first attempt!)
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harlot-of-oblivion · 4 years
Fairies May Cry
Dante finally finds some common ground with the resident pixie of Devil May Cry.
Chapter 15: Lil’ Blossom’s Apology
After spending a whole day tearing the kitchen apart, Dante came to two possible conclusions: either a sneaky critter or a resident pretty pixie devoured all his ice cream. An unwanted pest eating his precious treat isn’t too hard to believe; it has happened before, and he would not be surprised if it happened again. But this time he was sure that he closed the freezer door, and there is no way that a pipsqueak like you could have-
“What the hell?”
Dante quirks his brow as he approached his desk, which is now covered with a huge pile of coupons. He snatches one of coupons and sees that it can be redeemed for a free strawberry sundae. And as he takes a seat behind his desk, he recognizes most of these coupons as the ones that a certain mischievous fairy hid away from him for “being a big meanie” to his brother.
Well, this is unexpected, he thought as he surveyed the amount of free pizza and sundaes he can now afford. Out of the corner of his eye he catches sight of a soft yellow glow dimly shining from behind the portrait of his mother. “Hey!” he calls out, which causes your fairy light to flicker red in surprise. “I see you hiding there, Lil’ Blossom. Why don’t you c’mon out and-”
Dante cuts himself off as soon as you peek out from behind the photo frame, little eyes wide and glossy with tears as your fairy light glows blue. “Whoa, easy there,” he murmurs, pushing aside some of coupons to make more room for you. “What’s the matter?”
You step out from behind the portrait, small face contorted with regret as you stare up at him. “I’m sorry I…eated all your strawberry snow!” you sob, fairy light turning a darker shade of blue as a few tiny tears streak down your cheeks.
Some of your tears land on his desk and sprout a couple of blooming roses below your feet for a few seconds before dissipating in a puff of sparkling smoke. The sight of you crying erases all the irritation from the previous day and instead pulls his heartstrings a little as he tries to calm you down. He goes to pat your head, but he thinks better of it and just rests his elbows on his desk before leaning in to get a better look at you.
“So, you’re telling that you ate all four cartons of my ice cream…by yourself?” Dante asks softly in total disbelief, putting on his best shocked face in hopes of lightening your mood a little.
You nod. “Mm-hmm!” you sniffle while wiping your tear streaked face. “It was just so yummy and sweet and-”
“And just where the hell did you put it all?” he interrupts, moving his head from side-to-side as if trying to find the rest of his missing ice cream hiding behind their back.
“In my belly, of course!” you giggle softy, fairy light flickering between pink and orange as your iridescent wings buzz in amusement.
Dante smirks and leans back in his chair, dramatically stroking his scruffy chin as he stares up at the ceiling in deep thought. “Huh…must’ve been one helluva stomachache you got afterwards, amiright?” he proposes casually, hoping that you will take the bait and tell him how you came across his precious dessert in the first place.
Your fairy light glows blue again as you nod your head. “Uh-huh,” you whimper before your wings snap open with elation while your fairy light shines bright pink. “But Pretty Boy saved me again!” you exclaim with a happy grin before taking to the air, zipping around Dante’s head as you regale him with the tale of your tiny adventure.
Well, well…seems Lil’ Blossom is a very pretty resourceful pixie as well, he surmises as he listens closely. It seems this all started when you found his ice cream in the kitchen. And after having a taste of heaven in a bowl you just had to have more. So, you just break into the freezer, which is honestly kind of impressive considering your size and dig into four cartons of ice cream, all the while not realizing that you were now trapped inside. But fairies must really be lucky since Vergil came to your rescue just in the nick of time. He finds you half frozen, groaning in pain, and quickly nurses you back to health.
“Isn’t Pretty Boy the best hero?” you gush at the end of tale, swooning in the air as your fairy light shimmers through various colors before settling on pink again.
Dante chuckles and shakes his head. “He sure is for a pretty little thing like you,” he wonders aloud, still wrapping his head around the idea of Vergil making friends with a cute and quirky fairy. But he is willing to play along since you can somehow get past that stoic shell of his and make his grumpy brother laugh on occasion.
“So, lemme get this straight,” he begins, sitting back up in his chair as he stares at your fluttering form in front of his face. “You’re giving me back all these coupons because you feel bad about eating all my ice cream?” he questions with a raised brow, genuinely curious as to why a fairy would suddenly care about stealing someone’s valuables.
Your fairy light turns yellow. “Pretty Boy said taking stuff that isn’t yours is dis...dis…” You pause as your fairy light glimmers orange for a moment before bursting back to bright yellow. “Disrepeckerable!” you exclaim proudly, smiling up at him as if you just performed a remarkable achievement before going on. “I don’t wanna be a meanie!” you declare with a shake of your tiny head.
You drop down and grab one of the coupons before flying over to one of his hands. Dante turns over his hand so that you could land on his open palm. “I didn’t know that is was bad and…” You lay the coupon down at your feet before wrapping your tiny arms around his thumb. “I’m sorry, Scruffy Boy,” you apologize in small voice, fairy light glowing green as your eyes gleam with sincerity.
Dante nods in understanding as his heart melts a little at your adorably small hug. “Ah hell,” he sighs while leveling his hand up so that he could see you properly from behind his messy hair. “I can’t blame ya too much, Lil’ Blossom,” he accepts your apology with a soft smirk. “Strawberry ice cream can be mighty tempting,” he adds with a sympathetic twinkle in his eye.
Your fairy light blinks a couple times before shining light pink as you hug his thumb tighter with a grateful smile. Dante hums in thought as he remembers that both of you may have started out on the wrong foot, but it seems now you have finally found some common ground with him. “Hey,” he whispers as soon as he comes to the decision to offer you a truce. “The next time you want some ice cream…just tell me and I’ll share some with you, okay?”
“Really?!” you gasp, fairy light flashing red in shock as your wings begin to buzz excitedly. Dante nods and before he can even speak, you are already taking to the air in a fit of happiness. “Yayyyyy!!!” you squeal joyfully, spinning around his head as your fairy light flits between a multitude of colors.
Dante lets out a hearty laugh at your jovial flight before looking down at the coupon still in his hand. “Speaking of which…how about I call for some pizza and use this for a free strawberry sundae?” he suggests with a mischievous glint in his eyes, knowing all too well that it will annoy the hell out of his brother if his pretty little pixie ends up loving pizza too.
“Yeah!” you reply with a cheer, landing softly in the pile of coupons before popping your head out just as he reaches for the phone. “What’s a pizza?” you inquire, fairy light glowing yellow as you tilt your head in curiosity.
Dante smirks at your cute question as he dials the number of his favorite pizza joint. “Only the most wonderful treat in the world, Lil’ Blossom.”
My Ao3
My Masterlist
Tagging: @bettybattaglia @drusoona @exsultry and @vergilsangel 🌺😊🌺
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doustadig · 5 years
~ ★ Christmas Drabble for Artie @lazhadeg ♡ ~
          ♢ He only had wanted to bring a little kitten home. One that had wandered after him for the past hours spent in the rescue centre so lovingly [ who would have thought? ] looked after by Estinien himself, even though rather disgruntled expression would have visitors and coworkers think otherwise. He had heard the comments about it here and there, the teases when he wandered towards the office, and then back into one of the multiple rooms where small felines would climb up and high, instantly toddling towards him purring so very loudly.
     ♢ One might want to perceive rumours that he did not like them [ and he had claimed that before, as well, but nobody believed it ], and still had made a choice beyond anybody's comprehension when a small tuft of dark fur had arrived just a few days prior.
    ♢ An adorable little one, with those clear and shining blue eyes, with unruly soft, black fur that had claimed him, enraptured him. Had so easily enchanted him in a way that could only be seen by the small bit Estinien's eyes would soften each time his gaze would sway towards it anew. The decision to take this very one home had been made only hours ago. A small trip towards the pet market on the way to get last-minute items and toys was just fitting for him and the way he would always present himself. The small one had been brought inside, carefully tucked away in a soft carrier, sleeping contentedly after an already exciting journey.
    ♢ Endearing had the reactions of sellers been when the excitement commenced, all that Estinien had bought overshadowed by that little furball's sleepy purrs.
    ♢ It did not take too long for them to arrive home. For the kitten to carefully place a small paw upon the carpeted ground, head moving left and right while small nose takes in all the foreign scents, before shying away once more to glance around the room with those brilliant sky-blue eyes. All from its secure hideout. Quiet mew could be heard when the little one curled up again, would wait for a moment till the swishing of feathers catches attention and at this moment a toy then wiggles before the carrier's open door, urging and coaxing him out to play.
    ♢ He only wanted to bring one little kitten home. One that had been so charming, so captivating, and reminded him of someone else; where affections do lay and who his mind would wander to. Who was a reason [ but not sole one ] for Estinien's constant and steadfast aid to bring a multitude of cats and kittens towards their forever homes.
    ♢ And in this moment’s pause, he would watch another 'cat' that had managed to snuggle himself into his very heart. Sitting on the ground in front of the transport box, waving a stick with little feathers and a bell attached back and forth, delightfully watching the small animal with a tender smile while it reached and pawed for the favourite toy and slowly, ever so slowly, meandering out of the box and onto unfamiliar grounds. Aymeric, as well, had been the person who had carried around this new addition to the family through the pet-store and who had been halted by the retailers just to be granted a look at the unruly little cat that had merely set to blink at them before stretching and curling back up.
    ♢ It hadn't mattered that they had wanted him to walk through the store and maybe just play with this or that toy before picking it out; quickly abandoned was the idea when they realised their little 'child' to be so clearly happy in soft blankets.
    ♢ " Don't be shy~ " A more excited sound of a rumbling mew meets Aymeric's soft voice and invitation, when the black critter jumps out and tries to climb all over him, clearly enticed to now play along while the man of Estinien's interest moves to lay on his back and watch the kitten scramble up upon his chest only following the trinket closely and ardently, without even attempting to use small claws and accidentally prick him.
    ♢ Oh, and that was just when Estinien wonders: was there any picture more beautiful in this world?
    ♢ Was there any sound more gorgeous than the laughter that rises from his - ...boyfriend's? throat - than in these seconds when he lifts the kitty from his chest to hold him a bit higher and allow a glance around the room curiously before he desires to be let down once more? It is enough to drag a soft smile over features usually set to a frown. Enough for his eyes to shine that bit brighter, for a small huff of laughter to escape his lips before he turns to wander off towards the kitchen, having unintentionally missed the delight Aymeric felt when only he sees him so at ease. So free. So truly content within their surroundings, now that everything had gone over so well.
    ♢ Moments pass, only heartbeats slowing down and quietening the world when the owner of the rescue centre would wander after him, holding the small bundle of joy securely against his chest while it looks around with those bright and excited eyes, trying to paw at this or that item that would come in its way before Aymeric halts next to the table. Sits down. Would nearly release the small critter upon the surface where now tea and milk would be prepared before throwing a glance towards Estinien.
    ♢ To ask if this was okay wordlessly and then bring forth a question of importance: " Do you have a name for the little one? " Gears nearly audibly began to turn, eyes blink for but an instance before well-known frown puts forehead into creases and, truly enough, he had not thought about it. While the permission to let the kitten wander had been given with a simple nod, the rest of their little 'parentship' [ why was he thinking like that? ] had only yet begun and he would soon enough turn back to the tea and coffee nearly being finished. Towards the snacks, he would then extend that would be eagerly taken and devoured with happy little crunches.
    ♢ ' Mayhap one of your favourite sweets? ' It drones out with an air of nonchalance still hiding the realising that he had missed that idea. " Mine? " And just as much did not miss the sheer surprise painting itself upon Aymeric's face with the happenstance that - indeed - he was indirectly naming the little ball of fur and the implications that could be found within it would not be misunderstood.
    ♢ After all, Estinien had only wanted to bring one small and very enthusiastic kitten home--- ' Yes, yours. After all, I wanted this one because--- ' Oh, that was when he stopped and the desired mug would be placed in front of Aymeric, who couldn't help the laughter hiding behind a raised hand that would startle the other man out of his thoughts [ curses! ]. " ---Because he reminded you of me~ " Undeniably thoughts like this had been discussed between Haurchefant and himself. Had been a topic over the last days: how quick, after all, had Estinien not been to accept his friend's request to come along when the furball was about to settle into the new home.
    ♢ " Alright~ " Thus he takes the feline back into his hands, elbows propped up on the table and its full belly exposed to scrutinising gaze and a surprised mew followed by soft purrs could be heard. As energetic as the kitten was, he was a gentle one, a pliant one. " Muffin or Doughnut? Maybe not my all-time favourites, but something that comes to my mind, when looking at that black fur. " Just again at this moment he couldn't help but wonder: was there anything more beautiful in this world? From the laughter and jesting, the little tease that had obviously taken place and still finds no answer past a huff and a bout of merriment that could be nearly unheard. No, there wasn't, and it's enough for him to raise his coffee to his lips, turn around to lean against the kitchen counter with both hands wrapping around the warm ceramic.
    ♢ ' Why not both? ' Before he took a sip. " Both? " Before the sound of confusion was all too evident, and he had paid him back so swiftly. Yet gingerly. ' Yes. After all - he has a sibling, no? ' How quickly could that not be decided, in these moments spent together in gentled understanding? Yes, he only wanted to bring a little kitten home---
    ♢ ---yet got so much more.
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evolutionsvoid · 5 years
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"Great, from one mess to another," Ilia grumbled to himself as lifted his sore body off the stony floor. First he was dragged along on this insane adventure, then they were all abducted by those creepy cave creatures and now here he was separated from everyone after taking a rather nasty fall! What an absolute disaster this trip turned out to be! He was at least thankful he wasn't hurt from the rough tumble and he still had his lantern, but that did little to lighten his sour mood. He didn't know a thing about these caves, or any caves for that matter! Dark, damp places were not to his liking, so it seemed perfectly acceptable to avoid them all his life. His traveling companions at least had experience in this department, but now he couldn't even rely on them! "Why did I ever leave home? Why did I even choose to go on this stupid adventure!" He shouted to the darkness, kicking at the rock wall before him and then immediately regretting it. Now he could add an aching foot to his list of problems. Could things get any worse? he whined to himself. Such gripes, though, ultimately would do him no good. If he just sat around in this miserable little cave and complained, he would never see the light of day again. And he certainly couldn't rely on his friends finding him, as his tumble took him quite the ways down. Like it or not, he would have to try his best to navigate this labyrinth and find a way out. "Who....who's there?" The voice that came from the darkness nearly made him shoot straight up the hole he fell out of. The silence of the cavern had made it easy for him to get lost in thought, plus he didn't imagine anyone else was around. One would have thought that the sound of someone's voice would have brought joy, but it only filled him with fear. He knew every one of his traveling mates, and none of them sounded like the thing that had spoken. It was a guttural and withered sounding voice, one that you would hear if a dead swamp tree could speak. They sounded short of breathe, as it had almost come out like a wheeze. Could it be one of those troglodytes that had attacked them before? One of those little monsters that saw him fall down that chute and came down to finish the job? No, it couldn't be. They weren't really the talking type, as all he had heard during the attack was horrible shrieking and jabbering. The sight of a faint blue glow growing in the tunnel before him was also proof that it wasn't one of those pale monsters. They had cowered at the presence of light before, so they wouldn't possibly carry a light source with them. "Who's there?" The wheezing voice asked again, but Ilia was hesitant to respond. On one hand, he craved the company of another, as well as a comforting source of light. On the other hand, the stranger's voice was unsettling and his mind refused to trust it. "I can smell...smell you...where are you?" Those following words made his decision incredibly easy. The only time he had ever heard someone say that they can "smell you" was in fairy tales, and they were rarely nice people. He frantically looked about with what little light he had from his dying lamp, hoping to find an escape route. Sadly, none were to be found. The only way out of this rocky tomb was the tunnel before him, the one growing brighter with that blue glow. He tried to scramble up the rock wall, back up the chute he fell from, but he was no climber and there was nothing he could reach. Fate continued its cruelty when he found that there was no place to hide, just a few small stones and dripping mushrooms. All he could do was stand there and wait for the stranger and their light to find him. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sheathed blade, but it did little to help. Right now he was feeling far from brave, and he was certainly in no shape to fight.   "Who has...has come....to visit? Who's there?" The aged, weary voice continued, until the light rounded the winding tunnel, and at last its bearer was within Ilia's sight. He had to hold back a cry of fear and disgust when he saw the speaker. His mind had come up with all sorts of horrible things, but there was no way he could have predicted this. It was a large humped creature, whose slick dark skin was draped in sticky mats of moss and slime. It walked, or more of limped, on fat stubby legs, struggling to carry a pot belly that bulged from its body. Long thin arms clung to a gnarled staff, using the twisted stick to help drag itself along. A reptilian face jutted forward, its snout covered in scars and dripping fungus. He stared in horror at its jaws, which were crammed with long needle-like teeth that sprung in all directions. With such a horrible smile, he wondered if such thing could even close its mouth, which may have explained the sickly drool that fell from its lips. At last now he could see where the light was coming from, and it was from the creature itself. A tangled mess of glowing tendrils fell from its chin, growing so long that it could almost trip on the knotted clump. Another appendage was sprouting from the tip of its nose, the glowing bulbs looking like bloated fireflies. Even the fins on its back let out a soft blue glow, despite how torn and ragged they were. It was a spectacle so horrid, he nearly just collapsed and gave up on the spot. Surely this was the end for him.
"Who's there? Where...where are you?" It asked again, despite the fact Ilia could see the glowing beast quite clearly. It continued to shamble forward, seemingly oblivious to the cowering figure before it. His confusion brought his sight to the creature's eyes, and he saw the dull empty look within them. Perhaps there was hope for him still, as it seemed vision was not this creature's strong suit. He hoped that its failing sight would allow him to sneak past it, but fate continued its cruelty. The beast let out some strangled sound and suddenly stopped its advance. "Oh....there you are...you gave me quite...quite the scare..." it gave a syrupy chortle as its malformed mouth attempted to smile. With its sights now locked on him, Ilia was frozen with fear. He could only stand there with bulging eyes and quivering limbs, his mind unable to help him in the slightest. "You should know....know not to frighten an...an old woman like me..." she wheezed out. "Uh, sorry..." was all Ilia could squeak out of his lips, unsure what to even do in this scenario. The withered creature let out another choked sound, and her faded eyes widened for a brief moment. "It talks...oh, how curious...they usual don't....don't talk..." Ilia believed this sound was supposed to be her being surprised, but it only sounded like she was struggling for air. Despite how weary and broken this creature appeared, her voice and words were terrifying him. But if he wanted to escape this place alive, he would have to stifle his fear and be brave. It certainly seemed impossible now, nearly nose to snout with this foul beast, but he had to do it. "T-that I d-do," he tried to respond, doing his best to keep the stuttering fear from his voice. "How...how lovely...we haven't had anyone to talk to for....for a very...long time..." she let out another wet hiccup of a laugh. "Not much in...in sakes of company...only me and my...my dear husband...but he hasn't been much for...for chit chat..." Her head turned to the side, almost motioning to her hip. In the pale blue light, Ilia could make out some fish-like creature on her side. Its hide and fins were much like hers, but the critter was only the size of his forearm. Though it was tough to see, it almost seemed like the creature's face was fused to her flesh, its eyes the only remnant. Looking at its dull eyes and limp body, Ilia wondered if the thing was even alive. "What a-a-a a sh-shame," he said, the sympathy either for her lack of chatty company or for her possibly deceased husband. Though he was trapped in a life-or-death scenario, he figured manners wouldn't hurt. "Yes...yes...." she slurred to herself, losing herself in thought. Then the eyes widened again, and it seemed like her glowing tendrils brightened for a brief moment. "But you can come and...and give me some company....I make a wonderful....wonderful soup....how nice it will be..." "Oh that isn't necessary!" Ilia immediately blurted out, perhaps a bit too quickly and loud to be polite. Going with this creepy character sounded like a quick trip to a horrible demise, especially with the mention of soup. It didn't take much of an imagination to figure out what the main ingredient to this stew would be. "You see I, uh, I am just waiting for my friends here. We got separated-but they are coming to get me real soon!" He quickly threw in the last part, as he didn't want to admit he was lost and alone to her. "Oh?...Friends?...More of you...strange things?" She puzzled to herself, stroking her pulsing beard. Ilia wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but it seemed like the foul drool began to drip faster from her malformed jaw. "Yes! More of them! They will be here real soon! They know these tunnels quite well! They are warriors, you know! Real tough and with swords!" He prayed that his pathetic bluff wasn't too obvious to her slow mind. She cocked her head quizzically, and the antenna on her nose bobbed like a lazy fishing pole. There was a long awkward pause, the only sounds being her ragged breathing and his chattering teeth. "We can go back to...to my place and eat...." she rambled, apparently ignoring his attempts at intimidation. "It will be so nice..." "That is alright! I wouldn't want to impose!" He tried again in vain. She lurched forward a step, causing him to scramble back before she collided with him. His mind immediately interpreted this move as an attack, and his hand flew to his blade. But as he watched and waited, she made no other move. She just clung to her walking stick, wheezing with her wet, ragged breath. "I....I insist...." She almost hissed, the words sounding very much like a threat to his ears. He gripped the handle of his sword tightly, as he knew there was no talking his way out of this one. But as he prepared to pull out his blade, he hesitated. Despite her terrifying appearance and dreadful words, he didn't want to kill her. He was no warrior, and he found the idea of killing another absolutely abhorrent. Perhaps he could just fend her off, giving him enough time to slip past her and run. She certainly wouldn't be able to pursue, seeing how she struggled to walk. Her awkward gait and slow mind should be easy to exploit, even for a novice like him. Even so, something in Ilia's head was worried about such an attempt. Though she came off creepy and scary, she so far hadn't done anything to him. For all he knew, she was being genuine about this offer of food and shelter. All his worries so far came from her appearance and voice, which was quite unfair. Sure, her words were suspicious and worrisome, but perhaps she didn't mean to sound so threatening. Seeing her choice of home, social interactions weren't very common for her. For all he knew, she was just terrible at conversation. And even if she did mean ill, could he really beat her in a fight? Yes, she seemed slow and feeble, but was this all an act? A ruse to trick fools like him, giving her the advantage when they charged forward to strike? Could a creature as withered as her truly live down here for so many years in this condition? Her teeth were crooked, her legs were wobbly, but her stomach looked quite full to him. Despite her age, she certainly wasn't starving down here. How many had underestimated her and tried what he was thinking of doing? The scars on her snout were a testament to many fights, but her presence at this very moment told him who the victor was in these ancient quarrels. His mind raced for a decision, and at last he made his choice. With a hesitant hand, he let go of his blade. "Very well," he said weakly, hoping this wasn't his final mistake. "Lead the way..." ---------------------------------------------------------- If you are sitting here thinking, "say that scenario above sounds a lot like that one scene from The Hobbit," then you are quite correct. The entire inspiration behind this withered walking anglerfish comes from the Gollum encounter. You see, a while back I wanted to some more deep sea inspired creatures, and I stumbled upon the bizarre looking Linophryne arborifera. I liked the look of the fish, but I couldn't settle on a design or creature I wanted to make from it. While browsing Tumblr, though, I saw posts talking about the various interpretations of Gollum from The Hobbit, and how some give him a more animal or amphibious look. Seeing that gave me the idea to kind of combine the two to make some gnarled cave hermit that comes off menacing, but somewhat pathetic. Some aged, busted up creature that has wallowed away in the darkest pits of the earth, hardly aware of the outside world or much of anything. Thus, writing the stuff above. Is there a point to any of it? NOPE! I WROTE IT BECAUSE I WANTED TO! HA! While this certainly isn't a mermaid, I figured this month was water themed so she kind of still fits with the whole thing.
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Giving Back to the Community – A Couponers Super Power
So far, this blog has discussed the basics of couponing, rewards and rebates and organizing your stockpile. This week, I am going to discuss the most important part about being a couponer: giving back. As a couponer, you will inevitably obtain excess items that you don’t actually need! The best way to maintain a manageable stockpile is to give away excess items to those in need! In this weeks blog, I will talk about my recommendations for who to donate your items to, and the top 5 reasons why you should give back.
Everybody has their reasons for couponing. Some people, like me, coupon as a hobby. Of course, it helps when you’re on a college student’s budget, but for me, it continues to be for fun. Whatever your reason for wanting to save money, it’s always important to give back when and where you can. That said, I hold no judgement towards anybody who can’t give back. 
Over the past few months, I’ve donated countless bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, laundry detergent, feminine products, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes and more. This wouldn’t have been possible without couponing. As a college student, I’m on an extremely strict budget. However, through couponing, I am able to give back! Now I’m not saying this because I’m trying to brag or tell you that I’m an awesome person. That’s not the point. The point is that I want you all the take inspiration and understand that couponing can make a real change. And better yet, anybody can do it!
One more thing. If you aren’t able to donate money or items, you can always donate your time. Time is one of our most valuable resources. To some, donating time is far more valuable than donating money. You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time. 
Let’s talk about some very deserving causes in the La Crosse area that you should consider donating your time or items to!
1. Coulee Region Humane Society
I’ve volunteered at the Coulee Region Humane Society since I was in high school. Founded in 1971, the Coulee Region Humane society will “accept all animals from young to old, healthy to sick, friendly to aggressive, small to large, etc., allowing every animal a safe refuge regardless of its circumstance.” It’s an awesome organization that takes care of homeless dogs, cats, birds, Guinea pigs, and everything in between! Fun fact, one time the CRHS had a mini pot-bellied pig up for adoption! They’re always looking for volunteers who love animals! It’s a very relaxed environment with flexible scheduling. Typically, I volunteer once per week for two hours. 
My responsibilities consist of playing with animals, tidying up their cages and doing laundry. Although playing with animals sounds like such an easy task, it’s so incredibly important. Many animals who come to the CRHS are scared and/or under-socialized. This makes them far less attractive to adopters than those who are confident and playful. Over time, with enough patience and awesome volunteers, the animals regain their confidence and get adopted in no time!
I also hold a soft spot for the CRHS because it’s where I adopted my two cats, Neenah and Norah. 
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Norah ^
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Neenah ^
I love to give the CRHS items from couponing, particularly, laundry detergent. We can always find great deals on laundry detergent, so donate away! The Coulee Region Humane Society does an average of 40 loads of laundry per day! That’s because they have to wash heavy blankets, dog pads, wash cloths, hand towels and bath towels! It’s important for each animal to have fresh laundry so they stay healthy! 
Click here for the Coulee Region Humane Society’s wish list. 
Donations can be dropped off at 911 Critter Court, Onalaska WI. While you’re there, don’t be afraid to go look at the animals up for adoption! 
Side note - be sure to like my Instagram post that’s going up on Wednesday, June 13th! For every like I receive I will be donating a bottle of laundry detergent to the Coulee Region Humane Society. 
2. New Horizons
New Horizons is a women’s shelter and resource center for those who have suffered from abuse. Many women must escape dangerous situations at a moment’s notice, and some have children and pets to take care of too. That said, many must completely start over without any clothes or cleaning supplies or food. That’s why it’s so important for New Horions to always be stocked with plenty of essentials. 
Even if a Domestic Abuse Survivor isn’t a resident at New Horizons, they are still welcome to visit the Boutique and Food Room to pick up necessary items free of charge. Giving back to New Horizons directly impacts the members of our community!
Here’s a few photos of recent donations I’ve given to New Horizons!
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Click here for New Horizon’s wish list. 
Donations can be dropped off at 1223 Main St, La Crosse WI. Note that this is their outreach center and no residents live at this location. There is a doorbell at the front that you can ring and somebody will help you out. 
3. Hunger Task Force
Since 1996, The Hunger Task Force’s mission has been “to eliminate hunger by harvesting community resources and being the voice of the hungry.” They also established and maintain the Kane Street Community Garden. Although the Hunger Task Force is known for helping those who need food, they also accept household items, such as laundry detergent and body wash. I confirmed with them on Facebook just to be sure. Many people already donate food items, so it’ll be extra helpful if you’re able to donate those common couponing items! 
Click here for Hunger Task Force’s wish list. 
Donations can be dropped off at 1240 Clinton St, La Crosse WI. If a company has a large donation, they can arrange to have somebody pick it up. 
Now that we’ve talked about where you should donate, here are the top 5 reasons why you should donate! 
1.  Health Benefits
Volunteering has been proven to reduce stress, make you feel physically healthier and manage chronic health conditions. Not to mention, it just makes you feel great inside! I have never walked away from volunteering or donating with a negative feeling. I don’t expect that I ever will. 
2. Learning Lesson
Donating to those in need is a great way to teach your children about the importance of giving back. Meanwhile, they will learn how to empathize with others and will grow up to understand other’s hardships. Check out this video by SavvyCouponShopper where she takes her kids with her to drop off donations.
3. Find New Opportunities 
When you’re out in the community, talking to people and learning more about organizations, you can find new opportunities you didn’t know about! For example, I learned that New Horizons has volunteer and internship programs. While volunteering at the Coulee Region Humane Society, I spoke with my Volunteer Coordinator about helping their Social Media staff member. As a student, it’s very important for me to always be looking for ways to boost my skills and resume, and getting involved in the community has opened my eyes to new opportunities! Even if you don’t take advantage of them right away, it’s a great way to get your foot in the door or meet a new reference. 
4. Save Resources
Many non-profit organizations take cash donations and use that money to pay for important things, such as staff members, the energy bill or buying extra items that they’re low on. That said, donating your extra items from couponing is a great way to preserve that organization’s cash so they can use it on other things! For example, take the Coulee Region Humane Society. They’re not going to let their animals sleep on dirty blankets or eat out of nasty bowls. So, they make sure they always have plenty of laundry detergent and dish soap on hand. If they run out, they will buy more. However, if you drop off 10 bottles of laundry detergent, that frees up resources for them to put elsewhere. 
5. Meet New People 
I can’t imagine a better place to find new friends then through volunteering or donating to the community. It’s easy to talk to somebody who shares a common interest in helping others. Trust me, I understand how hard it can be to go out of your comfort zone and talk to new people. But volunteering and giving back has introduced me to awesome new people who I have an easy time getting to know! 
As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you enjoyed this week’s topic! If you have any additional recommendations for places in the La Crosse area that need household items, leave it in a comment! I will look them up and be sure to drop off a donation soon. 
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thegreenwolf · 7 years
Note: This was originally posted on my Patheos blog in 2015; Patheos still has not taken down my content even though I have made formal requests for them to do so. So I am copying over some of my posts to my personal blog here, so that I and others can link to them without giving Patheos advertising revenue. ************************
My apologies for the light posting as of late; summer is festival season, which means I’m busy with vending and other activities, and it’s tough to find time and energy to write. However, this particular topic has been rolling around in my head, and I finally found the right words for it.
It all started a few weeks ago when birds–particularly crows–started fledging here in Portland. I began getting questions from people about scrawny, sick-looking birds that had others “dive-bombing” them as they sat on the ground. After seeing a few photos, it was pretty clear that people were seeing fledgling crows which, while ungainly-looking and still unsure of that “flying” thing, were in generally good health. The “dive-bombing” was parent crows feeding them, encouraging them, and otherwise staying close by in case danger threatened. Crows, after all, are highly intelligent and social; they understand what’s at stake during this vulnerable part of a young bird’s life.
I assured these folks that the crows were just fine and, with a little time and practice, would be up and off the ground with the rest. Thankfully no one decided to pick them up and put them into boxes in their garages, unsure what to do next. That’s just one example of how well-meaning humans think they need to interfere with nature’s ways and in the process make things worse. The instances in which human ignorance can be dangerous to human and non-human animals like are numerous; these are the ones that have cropped up on Facebook and elsewhere just in the past week or so:
–Every spring and summer there’s a cavalcade of people who find baby birds on the ground or baby rabbits huddled in the grass. Baby birds do fall out of nests before they’re ready to fledge, and mother rabbits often leave their babies hidden (with varying degrees of success) for hours at a time. What people should be doing is putting the birds back in the nest if they can, or making a new nest by nailing an empty plastic tupper to a tree and putting grass and the bird in it (parent birds will often feed their young even in these unorthodox holdings.) For bunnies, they should leave well enough alone, unless they look obviously ill, injured or otherwise distressed. Putting a circle of flour around them shows whether the mother has come back to check on them (thereby disturbing the flour) or not. Instead, they take possession of these little critters and either try to raise them themselves, or take them to a veterinarian or rescue facility. Even with the best of care, the mortality rate for birds and rabbits is significant, and quite often well-meaning humans sentence these animals to death by not leaving them in the wild. Here’s a good resource on what actually to do when you find baby animals unattended by their parents.
–While we’re on the subject of rabbits, there are enough domestic rabbit owners who don’t understand rabbit behavior and health that someone had to write an article on why rabbit bath videos aren’t actually cute. If you don’t understand how to properly care for an animal, maybe you shouldn’t own one–or should at least do a lot more research on that species’ behavior and unique needs.
—This video of someone feeding wild deer potato chips. Besides the fact that chips aren’t especially good food for anyone, least of all deer, these people are just encouraging the deer to lose their fear of humans. Why is this bad? Let me count the ways! Deer that aren’t afraid of humans are more likely to go wandering into people’s gardens and munch on the vegetables and flowers. They’re also at greater risk of getting hit by cars (bad for everyone involved) and they’re easier targets for hunters (the easier population control doesn’t justify the means.) The more you feed deer, the more the deer are able to reproduce and survive through hard winters that would normally thin their numbers. That means overpopulation leading to greater rates of starvation, disease and other unpleasantries.
—This misinformed person who thinks a picture of a long-dead, probably roadkilled, doe is proof hunters are routinely shooting does out of season. Fawns are born in spring and can be independent as early as two months of age, well before hunting season starts in fall (usually the second half of November). Guys, Bambi was fiction. Yes, there are poachers out there, but they’re the minority and other hunters would like to see them stopped as much as anyone else. For now, an imbalance of apex predators means hunters are one of the main ways to keep deer from becoming even more overpopulated. (Yes, I am in full support of natural, native predator reintroduction.)
—People laughing at this black bear that drank three dozen beers. Never mind that, again, beer isn’t good for a wild animal’s system. Like deer, bears are increasingly encouraged to see humans as a source of food. It’s not just a matter of campers not knowing how to bear-proof their food and drink, either. Many people deliberately feed bears and other wildlife, to include in mighty Yellowstone, because they want the animals to entertain them. They’re not content simply letting them be themselves. Eventually you end up with bears attacking people to get to their food, which all too often ends up with the bear being euthanized.
–Speaking of Yellowstone, there’s been a rash of idiots getting seriously injured while trying to take selfies with bison. (Dishonorable mention to the guy who almost died trying to take a selfie with a rattlesnake. Seriously, I can’t make this shit up.) Despite the fact that it’s illegal to get close to the bison, and despite numerous warnings from park staff, people still somehow think bison are docile cattle, just a part of the scenery. (Cows are dangerous too, by the way.)
—Apparently animal rights activists still think it’s a good idea to release farmed mink into the wild. What they think they’re doing is saving the mink from being skinned alive. (No, skinning animals alive is not a standard accepted practice in the fur industry.) Instead, they’re dooming most of those mink to slow, painful, cruel deaths by starvation or exposure because they come from generations of captive-bred animals. The ones that survive compete with native wildlife and cause many other animals to have slow, painful, cruel deaths by starvation because there’s not enough food to go around. Those mink can screw up ecosystems for decades as invasive species. So much for kindness to animals.
I could go on and on about our inability to treat other animals the way they need to be treated, and our own lack of skills for when we’re outside of a comfortably civilized setting. We learn in school how to determine the hypotenuse of a triangle, go over the Revolutionary War in excruciating detail every year in history class from fourth through twelfth grade, and our biology textbooks are distressingly generalized and sterile. With few exceptions, kids are kept corralled indoors except for recesses on blacktop playgrounds. We learn how to be good little worker ants in an industrial model, but we learn early how to ignore anything that isn’t human-centered. And we spend more time indoors than ever. We’re conditioned to see the outdoors largely as the place we have to traverse in order to get to the next indoor spot.
These people who ask about fledgling crows–if they spent a year studying their local wildlife in detail, watching from a window every day, do you suppose they’d get some sense of the rhythm of non-human nature? Maybe they’d get to watch a mated pair of crows build a nest, raise and feed their young, and then integrate those young into the greater corvid community. Perhaps they’d see a mother rabbit leave and return to her young in their hiding place, or watch deer grow up, lose their spots, and start their own lives well before November.
Our utter lack of nature literacy and our disgraceful self-centeredness is leading us to destroy the entire planet, ourselves included. We need to know these things–we knew them once, but as we stopped living close to the land, we forgot them, ignored them entirely. We need to understand how delicately balanced an ecosystem is, the webs of relationships and balances that formed over thousands of years of fine-tuning and evolution. We need to know how much our actions can screw the entire system up, whether through introducing an invasive species or destroying habitat for one more golf course. We need to have our hands in the soil, watching the creek for the flash of a salamander’s belly, our eyes to the trees for the first sign of autumn’s flush of color. We need a personal relationship with non-human nature that doesn’t end with a perfectly manicured, chemical-treated lawn.
But we don’t all have to know the particulars of climate science or marine biology or organic agriculture to be attuned to our local environment. It all starts with the little things, the individual animals, plants and fungi. What if the proper response to finding baby bunnies was as well-known as when the new season of Orange is the New Black starts? What if we looked forward to the fledging of baby birds as much as the arrival of Memorial Day? What if we knew how to watch the clouds, and were able to predict how long before rain showed up, so we could decide whether or not to water the garden?
We need to return to an ancestral way in which nature is not an Other, but an Us. If we truly love nature, if we consider ourselves friends to the animals, then we need to know nature itself, through books and observations, through science and questioning. We need to know the rest of nature as well as we know ourselves.
We can no longer afford nature ignorance; it is time to embrace nature literacy.
Did you enjoy this post? Please consider picking up a copy of my book Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up, which weaves together natural history and pagan spirituality.
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Jamie is the towns local vet, he is about to close the practice for the day when Claire rushes in with a sick/injured Adso! Sparks fly between the two.
Jamie closed the last chart of the day and stretched, enjoying the soft rock playing over the clinic speakers. It had been an unusually long day, but his paperwork was finally done, and he was ready to close shop for the weekend.
Just then, a cloud of curls burst through the doors, looking about as distressed as the woman who bore them and, for that matter, the wee cheetie she was holding carefully under its belly. It wore a crest of painful looking porcupine quills; the work of a half-hour at least.
Yet his protest that it was a minute to closing died on his lips as he met with the woman’s golden eyes.
Dumbstruck as he was, it took him a minute to connect the crisp English accent to her.
“I’m terribly sorry for bursting in so late, it’s just that it seems there are no other veterinarians open at this hour, nor for the weekend, and I came home to find that Adso had picked the wrong fight -“
The kitten narrowed its eyes and let out a rumble of displeasure, as though remembering its foe and their undoubtedly bitter battle.
“Nae trouble at all!” Jamie said a tad too enthusiastically. “Ms...”
“Beauchamp. Claire Beauchamp.” 
“Jamie Fraser. Call me Jamie.” He replied, standing back and motioning the way to one of the exam rooms.
She visibly relaxed and followed him back. “Thank you so much. Lord knows the little fool deserves it -“ was it Jamie’s imagination, or did the “little fool’s” rumbling get louder at that? - “but I worry he’d hurt himself more if I left it for next week,” Claire continued, placing the cheetie on the exam table; either unfazed by its behaviour, or used to it.
Seems ye’ve caught a witch, Jamie lad. He stymied his thoughts before they could say any further stupid things.
“A porcupine, ye say? Weel he’s luckily he didna get it worse then.” Jamie commented as he placed a hand on the cat’s fluffy rear in an attempt to stabilize him.
Lightning-fast, he pinched the quill near its base and tugged, simultaneously freeing it and producing a loud yowl from the unfortunate critter.  
“One down, about seven more to go.” Claire beamed at him.
“Ooch the first is the easiest,” Jamie explained, “these last ones, weel it depends on the beast, but I dinna think yon cheetie will let them go without a fight.”
He was somewhat embarrassed to find his Scots accent deepening in her presence, and he wondered if she noticed.
“Shhh wee cheetie, dinna fash” he murmured reassuringly, petting its unquilled lower half as he slowly lowered his hand towards what currently resembled nothing so much as a sentient and very angry dustball.
A quick paw reached out and batted his hand away, hissing.
“Adso!” Claire admonished the cat, strikingly like a parent castigating a small child, “let the nice man help you.”
Jamie couldn’t hide his grin as Adso reluctantly lowered his paw, as though he understood his human’s words.
Weel if she is a witch, I’d let her enchant me any day.
She turned an apologetic gaze towards him, “I’m so sorry, he’s really normally sweet…”
“Aye, it’s the pain doing it. I’ve had it happen with horses, so a cheetie’s no trouble.” He reassured her.
“A horse? Really! I’d wouldn’t imagine they would be so foolish as to take on a porcupine.”
She shot an accusatory look at Adso, and he looked away with as much dignity as he could muster in the situation.
Jamie couldn’t help but smile even more broadly. He was uncomfortably aware that he’d been smiling far more than was normal. Complete dolt, that’s what she thinks of ye, lad.
“Not generally, but some sometimes the two startle each other and there’s a wee stramash.”
Claire laughed, and Jamie felt oddly proud to have achieved that. When, he wondered, had he become such a bonehead around women?
He returned his attention (or at least his eyes) to the kitten, gently questing for information as he divested it of its painful ornaments.
“Ye’re not from here, I think?” He asked.
“No, I’m new to Inverness. Moved here to… finish up my medical residency.”
Caught by the sorrow of her tone, he didn’t get his hand back fast enough, and found it instantly mauled by the offended feline.
Claire let out a huff of laughter, but the echo of sorrow was still there.
Jamie extracted his finger from the beastie’s wee claws and tentatively pushed her on it.
“A sassenach in Inverness? That’s an odd choice, if ye don’t mind my saying.”
For a moment she looked as though she would brush him off, but then she let out a breath and something about her seemed to relax, to accept whatever it was she had to tell him.
“I don’t, it’s just… I’ve just gotten divorced. Wanted a fresh start and all that. Some distance.” She looked past the room as she said it, but returned to the present after a moment, meeting his eyes in a manner that had a hint of a challenge to it.
Jamie held her eyes, hoping he was managing to convey sympathy instead of the pity he imagined she often received.
“I understand, though for what it’s worth, I’m surprised any man would willingly part from you.”
He felt the heat rise in his face once more. Ye damn clumsy fool. She’s being open with ye and ye decide the best response is to flirt? Ye should be happy if she claps yer ears and walks out. No less than ye deserve.
Yet she did not clap his ears, nor indeed did she walk out. Jamie seized on the silence to make amends.
“I’m sae sorry, that was rude of me, I-“
“No, no. It was fine, really.” She seemed to hesitate over her next words, and Jamie held his breath.
“It’s just been a while since… I don’t know, since such advances were welcome, I suppose.”
Jamie felt as though he was bolted to the spot. He knew he should say something, but his mind had gone completely blank.
Strident rock chords broke their bubble.
“HEAVY PETTING / COME UP BREATHING” growled the singer  
Jamie looked as though someone had dropped him in a boiling pot. Ears glowing bright enough to rival a phone booth, he leapt out of the room and fumbled with the computer, mumbling something about “damn playlist,” and “Alec’s nephew, wee sod.”
Claire burst into laughter at this sudden spectacle, gasping for breath and earning an inquisitive “mrrp?” from Adso that perfectly matched the expression Jamie turned towards her as he re-entered the room. This did nothing to help with the breathing situation, which was becoming quite dire, all sound having been cut off in her mirth.
“Are you laughing at me?” Jamie asked, grinning as he leaned against the door frame.
“Yes, I most certainly am!” Claire gasped, trying to regain her composure.
Jamie found himself unable to resist laughing with her.
Another delicate bubble of silence enveloped them as they recovered.
“I should be on my way. Weekend clinic tomorrow.”
“Oh, aye. Of course.” He agreed, clearing his throat and trying to hide his disappointment. And what did ye think ye’d do, hey? Invite her to yer home just after meeting her? Along with her cheetie?
Claire picked up her unhappy but now de-quilled kitten, tucking him in the crook of her arm to prevent him from squirming too much as he saw her to the door.  
She opened her mouth, her face seeming to indicate something was on her mind. But she seemed to decide against it, simply smiling, thanking him, and bidding him a good night.
He beamed, transfixed by the warmth of her smile; a heat he felt right down to his bones.
“Nae trouble, Claire. Good night to you as well.”
Jamie stared at the door for some time after she left, enjoying the flittering of butterflies in his stomach before he realized he’d not thought to ask for her number.
The following week was one of the rare busy weeks at the hospital, and as such, Claire pushed her plans to meet the hot vet once more to the back of her mind. Yet as luck would have it, life intervened to give her another chance.
A plaintive howl emerged from behind the nurse’s desk as Claire walked up to it, eager to confirm her shift was indeed over so she could go home for the weekend.
Nurses Hildegarde, Fitz and Duncan were crowded around its source.
“I dinna care if it’s ill, it’s a mangy dog, no’ a person!” Geillis griped.
“Oh no, is Bouton under the weather?” Claire asked, leaning over to get a look at the miserable dog. Affectionately known as the “petit docteur,” Bouton was a familiar presence on the ward, beloved by the patients and staff (save for nurse Duncan, who seemed to be the only person in the world he didn’t get along with), and known for catching things that even the doctors missed.
“I am afraid so. He has been under the weather for the past few days; I am concerned for him.” Nurse Hildegarde explained, casting a sympathetic look at the poor beast.
“I’ll bring him to a vet!” Claire offered, rather too hastily.
At the nurses’ raised brows, she tried to amend her enthusiasm. “It’s just that I know a very good vet, and I live close… well, close-ish…”
Seeing her rising blush, Nurse Hildegarde hid a smile. “That would be so kind of you, Claire.”
“No trouble at all!” Claire hastily threw on her coat and rushed out, bearing a somewhat startled terrier.
“A vet, then? Geillis grinned slyly. “Think that means he likes it doggy-style?”
Nurse Fitz whacked her with a chart.  
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