#ts bill the drill
stories-and-chaos · 6 months
Tarnished pt 21
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 21/?? Word count: 2248]
The contract signing was much the same from when Fizz won the first year. There were changes to the paperwork and everything was a touch more efficient, but he was still hauled into an office immediately after winning. Fizz was an adult at this point so he didn’t need a co-signer. Not that he had one anymore. 
Fizz and a handful of imps that weren’t at the disastrous party were the only known survivors. There was no sign that Cash or Tilly had survived. Most of the troupe was similarly unaccounted for. 
So unlike his first win, there wasn’t a crowd of familiar faces in the audience. Barb was the only one he recognized in the theater. They had stuck together, supporting each other after everything they had gone through. So even though she wasn’t a fan of Mammon or clowns in general, Barb was there for him.
“Glad to have everything official again, Fizzy my boy!” Mammon chortled, giving the imp a slap on the back. The Deadly Sin had footed the bill for all of Fizzarolli’s medical expenses. Even though their initial agreement only lasted through one year, he had paid for Fizz’s rehabilitation. 
“Happy to be back Mammon, sir!” the imp said enthusiastically. Now was his chance to repay the Sin. He would never have gotten back to the stage this quickly if it hadn’t been for Mammon’s help. And if it had taken too long to get his prosthetics, he might never have been able to perform again. He’d work his ass off for Mammon because of that.
“You know the drill Fizzy, my office first thing tomorrow,” Mammon shoved him out from behind the curtains to interact with his fans. There were a number that remember him from his first win, many of them had merchandise from then for him to sign. He’d garnered a great deal of new fans fascinated by his comeback. Throughout the meet and greet, Barb stayed in his vicinity. She didn’t want any shit going down if she could help it.
Fortunately for everyone, the worst that happened was everyone being awake until the small hours of the morning. Mammon sent his car to Fizz’s apartment bright and early; the clown took a tiny nap on the way to the meeting. “We gotta lot of work Fizzy.” Mammon slapped a blueprint on his eye-burning green desk. “We’re gonna make Robo-Fizzies! Since we gotta rebrand a lot o’ shit from before, might as well make use of your new look. We’ll have Fizzies for every occasion!”
Fizz hadn’t expected that his prosthetics would play much part in Mammon’s plans. “Uhhhh, ya sure we should, Mammon, sir?” He used the robotic limbs, obviously, but they were a tool. He didn’t want everyone to associate them with him. “Won’t that be weird for the fans?”
“Course not!” Mammon stated with greedy cheer. “People love weird shit! ‘Specially those Sinner c**ts in Pride! Why else would they end up in Hell?” He gave Fizz a sharp grin. “They’ll sell like hotcakes in every Ring. Already got ya a meeting with Ozzie, since he’s doing the manufacturing. I told him to give you a tune up while you’re there.” Leaning down, he muttered out of the corner of his mouth, “Plus, if ya put on the charm, maybe he’ll give me a discount on the tune up.” He sent the young man out with a shove and a too broad smile. “Now off to work ya c**t!”
Fizz was intercepted by the costuming department. Since most of his face had been burnt, his skintone was entirely different from the last time they’d worked with him. New colors and fabrics had to be selected before he appeared in public. That and his measurements took up a decent chunk of the morning. Then he was hustled off in Mammon’s car to meet Ozzie.
Still tired from the night before, Fizz fell asleep again in the car. He woke up groggily when the car slowed to a stop. There was a soothing patter of rain on the car roof and when the door open he saw that everything was bathed in a blue light. Wait, we’re in Lust? He had been out hard if he hadn’t noticed traveling to a different Ring. The deep pink tower in front of him was lit from the outside. It was vibrant, modern, and clearly expensive. He felt a wave of distaste at the ostentatious display.
A female succubus, wearing a tight pink dress that complimented the building’s exterior, was waiting for him. “Mr. Fizzarolli?” she asked. He nodded, doing his best not to stare. She was curvaceous and the ‘neckline’ of her dress plunged down past her navel. “Lord Asmodeus is ready for you.”
“As-Asmodeus? I thought I was meeting someone named Ozzie,” he said in confusion as he followed the succubus. She chuckled. “That’s his nickname. One of them anyway.”
“A Deadly Sin is going to meet with me?” Fizz glanced around nervously. The entryway was opulent and sensual. Purple, red, orange, and hints of blue gave the aura of lush warmth. Elegant hearts were incorporated with sexual imagery everywhere. He found himself blushing as he followed; the artwork displayed almost exclusively portrayed nudes and the statues had amazing detail, down to their raging hard erections.
His guide glanced back. “Of course. You’re working for a Deadly Sin and Lord Mammon requested Lord Asmodeus’ personal touch. In here please,” she pressed a button to reveal a glass walled elevator. Passengers could see out into the city and its sparkling neon signs. It was a huge contrast to Greed, with it’s smoky green air and murky waters.
“I guess so,” Fizz had to agree with her. The succubus selected their destination and the elevator sank smoothly. She explained Asmodeus’ factory with the R&D department was mostly situated underground. The ruler of Lust had a research office and workshop within the factory area.
The succubus knocked politely on the door. “Lord Asmodeus, Mr. Fizzarolli is here for your one o’clock meeting.”
“Candy, I keep telling you to drop the ‘Lord’ part. You can just call me ‘Ozzie’ even.” The tall demon stood up from his workbench. He had a white labcoat over his suit; the wrinkles, scorch marks, and worn patches made it clear he didn’t wear it just for show. “Save the formalities for stuck ups like Leviathan or Paimon.” She blushed and stammered “Sorry Lo- Ozzie, sir. I’ll try.”
Asmodeus sent her off and turned his attention to Fizz. The imp froze, standing as stiff as possible. He was alone with a Sin he barely knew about. “Fizzarolli, right? Mam’s told me about you; seems like he’s got some big plans.”
Fizz croaked a response. “Yep, th-that’s me! Heh...heh. Mammon didn’t tell me too much, just something about robots.” He didn’t even say you were another Deadly Sin. “Not really sure what you need me for, but the boss sent me.”
Ozzie huffed, breathing out a heart shaped lick of fire. “Not surprising. Mam loves to be secretive. Let’s chat, yah?” He pulled out chairs by the workbench for both of them. “Mammon wants to make robotic replicas with you as the base model. Mam being Mam, he’s got all sorts of different versions thought up.” The King of Lust unrolled blueprints onto the workspace.
The blueprints showed a very detailed image of a mechanical prototype. Its measurements matched his from the first contest win. “Mammon sent over your info a few years back; he’s been wanting to get these in production since that first pageant win. We mocked up plans back then. Good news is we just need to update your measurements and incorporate new equipment functionality.”
The tall demon looked Fizz up and down. “Speaking of, Mam wants me to give you a tune up I hear.”
“Oh, uh, you don’t gotta do that Oz- Asmodeus, sir.” He still saw his therapist Rodney every few months for check ups and maintenance. He was feeling awkward and flustered enough without the embodiment of Lust having his hands all over him.
“No can do Fizzarolli. Mammon will complain at me for the next century and have you ever heard that guy bitching and moaning? Nuh-uh, I heard enough of that in the 1100’s.” Ozzie shook his head and gestured broadly with his pointer finger. “I’ll get your measurements at the same time.”
With a snap of his fingers, a folding screen manifested in a puff of blue smoke. “I’ll give you a few to get changed.” Asmodeus left the room, clearly expecting Fizz to go along with his instruction. The imp checked behind the screen and found that a chair with a hospital gown folded on the seat had come into existence at the same time. At least he wasn’t going to be mostly naked around the Sin.
Fizz was attempting to tie the gown at the neckline, arms twisted awkwardly behind him. At least with the prosthetics he could reach every part of his back easily. But he had to think extra hard about what  his fingers were doing when he couldn’t see them. There was a sharp knock as the door reopened. Fizz jumped about a foot in the air in surprise. 
“Whoa! Relax little frog.” Asmodeus chuckled, his deep laugh sounding like plush velvet. “Didn’t mean to startle you. All set?”
Fizz decided to give up on that last knot. “Uh, yeah, ready when you are.” Ozzie came around the screen to find the imp sitting nervously on the chair, dressed in the hospital gown. The rooster-like Sin noticed the loose strings dangling from the gown’s neckline. Before grabbing his tools, Ozzie smoothly fastened them into a bow.
Startled by the fingers brushing the nape of his neck, Fizz jumped slightly in his seat. Asmodeus didn’t seem to realize he was humming cheerfully, his motions in time with the melody he created. Despite trying to stay still, the light touch made Fizz shiver. 
But the Sin was professional. His tray of tools was precisely organized, with everything he needed ready to go. He continued humming as he worked, examining each implant and limb thoroughly. “Doing good on your upkeep Fizzarolli,” he complimented as he finished checking the shoulder connections. “Most aren’t this good about it.” He moved onto Fizz’s legs. He’d barely needed any of the cleaning tools so far.
Fizz shrugged. “Kinda stuck without ‘em. I can’t give a good performance if I don’t move right.”
“Dedication, I like that.” Ozzie finished quickly and instructed Fizz to stand for measurements. “They’re in good shape; keep up your maintenance and you’ll be set for awhile.” As he held up measuring tape to Fizz and made notations, he continued talking. “‘Course, we’ve got a new model coming out next year; extendable limbs. Might be good for your act, froggie.”
The imp clown didn’t even want to think about how much that would cost. While that could enhance his performances, affording an upgrade was more than he could manage right now. “I’ll stick with these; Mammon paid for this set and I can’t ask him to buy four more limbs if these work fine,” he declined politely. 
Ozzie tilted his head to the side. “Mmmm, Mam might if we can incorporate that into the Fizzy–bots. He’s all for fancy features on the stuff he sells. ‘Course, it’s only if you want to Fizzarolli.” Fizz agreed to think about it as his stomach interrupted with a loud growl. “Sorry, sir, I haven’t eaten today.”
Asmodeus dropped his pencil and measuring tape in shock. “Mam sent you here before letting you eat anything?” He grabbed the runaway pencil and huffed, his mane of hair starting to glow with frustration. “That fucker. Get dressed Fizzarolli, we can take care of the rest after lunch.” After he got his clothes back on, Fizz found himself escorted into Ozzie’s limousine. The Deadly Sin swept him into a restaurant and the staff immediately seated them in a secluded booth. A sampler of appetizers appeared. Ozzie told him to order whatever he liked for lunch. 
The Sin had been grumbling about how Mammon needed to treat his employees better the whole trip. “And you,” he waggled a breadstick at Fizz, “gotta take care of your whole body, not just the fancy robot parts. Doesn’t matter how good your prosthetic upkeep is if ya don’t keep yourself in good condition froggie.”
“R-right, I’ll do better sir.” Asmodeus raised an eyebrow and told Fizz to call him Ozzie like everyone else. Fizz was saved from further replies by their food arriving. Guess that’s one good thing about royalty, getting fast service. Before he was halfway done with his burger though, Mammon started calling him.
“Nuh-uh, put your phone on silent Fizzarolli,” Ozzie said as he pulled out his own smartphone. “I’ll bet you’ve been going nonstop since the contest last night.” Fizz could only nod, his cheeks full of food. “I’ll text Mammon that you’re working on shit with me, so you relax.”
They ended up chatting over an extended lunch. When Fizz headed back to Greed in the midafternoon, Ozzie gave him a business card that he wrote another phone number on. “That’s my private number, if ya need anything. We can even do another maintenance check and business lunch if you need a break.” Asmodeus gave him a smile with the barest hint of sensual promise. “If you want, Fizzarolli.”
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medicinalfoods · 8 months
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CAVITY HEALING UPDATE: I just had my first dental checkup in 7 years with my Dentist here in Hawaii. We took X-rays, got a cleaning and the results are in! ZERO Cavities! 🦷✨ Gone are the days where every check up revealed new cavities and more Drilling, Filling and Billing. And more tooth structure gone. I’m not saying this to brag (well maybe a little 🙂 But really to say, “Hey, it’s working!“ And to congratulate and encourage those of you who have been on this journey with me of healing tooth decay through cutting edge resources and nutrition. Big ups to all those taking responsibility for your health in alternative ways. Interestingly, on this recent trip to the dentist he informed me he started using nanoHydroxyapatite, a key ingredient in my Dentite Tooth Armor, even on himself. It’s exciting to see dental professionals recognizing and adopting these innovative approaches. Remember, dentists play a crucial role in tracking our progress on the Cavity Healing Lifestyle journey. Apart from using Dentite Tooth Armor, I’ve been dedicated to my cavity healing protocol which includes Oil Pulling with Gumtite Ozonated Oil, consuming fat-soluble vitamins like FCLO and Centrifuge Butter Oil. These nutrients are vital for allowing calcium and phosphorus to bond to the teeth, building strong teeth and bones… and yes, despite what dentists say… regrowing tooth enamel. Check out my full Cavity Healing Protocol for free on my site (link in bio) and take the first step towards a healthier, and more sovereign smile. A new PDF version of my Cavity Healing Protocol is available to download with your order. Let’s embrace a fluoride-free approach to strong, 💪 healthy teeth 🦷 and heal tooth decay naturally! ✨ #toothremineralization #strongteeth #fluoridefree #healtoothdecay”
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Did you guys know that three (3) years, one (1) month and (4) days ago we saw Bill?
(1130 days)
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feelingbluepolitics · 4 years
*** Highest recommendation. ***
"The administration should staff up as rapidly as possible with ambitious young progressives and tell every single civil servant that the next two years are going to be a full sprint. Start immediately rewriting and reimplementing the environmental, public health, and worker safety regulations [t]rump has weakened. Reverse his immigration policies. Drop his lawsuits.
"Reassess the social cost of carbon. Replace [t]rump’s weak Affordable Clean Energy rule with more stringent carbon rules for the power sector. Ditch EPA’s 'secret science' rule and restock scientific advisory boards with actual scientists. Put a moratorium on new oil and gas drilling leases on public land. Pledge the purchasing power of the federal government — around $500 billion a year — toward clean energy technology.
"Through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), direct federal financing toward carbon reduction and clean energy across agencies. Use the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to reject regulations from any agency that do not include both a climate and equity 'screen' to ensure that they reduce emissions and help the most vulnerable. Use the powers conferred by the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill to integrate climate risks into the financial system.
..."Biden’s best chance is to try to overwhelm the system the way [t]rump did, by doing so much that it’s impossible to make any one thing into a lasting story. He should launch so many simultaneous reforms that there’s no time for right-wing media to make up lies about all of them or for the Supreme Court to hear them all. He should ignore bad-faith attacks and stay relentlessly on message about what’s gotten done and what’s getting done next. He should, at every juncture, get caught trying to make government work better for ordinary people.
..."To succeed, all this must happen alongside Democratic Party efforts to improve messaging and media, get persistent party infrastructure on the ground in communities the party has neglected, and innovate on voter outreach and persuasion.
..."But Biden has something the rest of the party at the federal level does not have: the power to improve Americans’ lives in a visible way. More than anything else, cynicism about government’s ability to do that is corroding US politics. The best thing Biden can do, morally and politically, is act, as much and as fast as possible, and then talk about it, and do more of it, and talk about it more. (And he should be clear about exactly who stands in the way of bigger, better changes, and why his name is Mitch McConnell.)"
(And all the rest of the Republicons too.)
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The “Unholy Quartet” Map; for fanders
A map to help you find blogs that is part of the (un)holy quartet easier,, I hope (I think some  people done this already, but I’m just blind. Sorry)
Not added? send an ask with an @ and you’re on the cursed list!
This list may be added from time to time so check up a few times to perhaps find new blogs to follow
Positivity Blogs;
Thomas: tspositive
Virgil: virgil-positivity
Logan: logan-positivity. happy-pics-of-logan-sanders
Janus: janus-positivity.
Remus: remus-positivity
Roman: roman-positivity. roman-sanders-protection-squad. roman-sanders-appreciation. roman-sanders-appreciation-blog
Patton: patton-positivity
Picani: picani-positivity. emile-positivity
Remy: remy-proship-positivity
Joan: joan-positivity
Orange: orange-is
Stan Blogs;
Virgil: virgil-stan-first. we-stan-virgil-sanders
Remus: remus-stan-first
Roman: roman-stan-first
Janus: janus-stan-first
Logan: logan-stan-first. logical-stan-first (logic stan)
Patton: patton-stan-frst
Remy: remy-stan-first
Emile: emile-stan-first 
Nico: nico-flores-stans-first. mr-nico-flores-stan-account
Akward Blogs;
Thomas (and friends): really-awkward-pics-of-thomas. really-awkwward-pics-of-thomas-friends. awkward-pics-of-thomas-shorts
Virgil: awkward-pics-of-virgil
Patton: peculiar-patton-pictures. awkwardpicturesofpatton
Logan: really-awkward-pics-of-logan. terriblepicturesoflogan
Remus: really-awkward-pics-of-remus
Roman: really-awkward-pics-of-roman
Janus: really-awkward-pics-of-janus
Picani: awkward-pics-of-therapy-crew. really-awkward-pics-of-emile
Remy: regretable-remy-pictures. really-awkward-pics-of-remy
Nico: really-awkward-pics-of-nico
Talyn: really-awkward.pics-of-talyn
Joan: really-awkward-pics-of-joan
Critics: awkward-pics-of-critic-and-crew.
John (bathroom dude): awkward-pics-of-john
Sanders shorts: awkward-sanders-shorts
Character Countdown Blogs;
Picani: picanicomehome
Remy: missingremysanders. remy-please-come-back
Thomas and Friends: when-did-we-see-thomas-again. joan-countdown. talyncomebackplease. thomas-turn-around-and-comeback. waitingforthejoan. whereisthomathysanders
Remus: remus-countdown.
Roman: readyforroman.
Patton: pattonimissyoupleasecomeback. pattoncountdown. searching-for-the-frog-man
Virgil: when-is-virgil-coming-back.
Logan: countdown-till-logan-breakdown. lookoutforlogan. 
Janus: janus-come-back-to-us. when-will-janus-be-caught
Sanders shorts: wheresmycritic. andy-come-home. isittimeforteal. when-will-dyad-come-home (is he out buying milk?). paying-the-pryce. 
Sanders Asides: nicoflorescomeback. the-nico-countdown. john-the-bathroom-guy. randomcanteenguycomehome. where-is-store-clerk. paigeintheboxoffice
Cartoon Therapy crew: where-is-elliot-come-home-please. waiting-for-sloane. missingdot. larry-come-back. kai-please-come-home. countingdowntilkai. dot-please-come-home
Orange: orange-side-please-appear. when-will-we-see-the-orange
Other series/characters: detectivesanderscountdown. where-is-the-dragonwitch. dragonwitchpleaseshowyourself. never-forget-ts-sacagawea. Sara the sp*d*r. days-since-linda. camdencomeback. wheresleslieodomjr
Extra Countdown blogs;
Cartoon therapy and crew: Picani’s Stitch.
All sides/none comfirm: Crofter’s Jam. Sides’ onesies. Crofters’ Jam 2. Onesies 2. Sides’ stims. Rap battle (Princey VS Teach). adultery-misuse-countdown. Side’s stims 2. Sides’ getting hugs. Sides’ prosecuted. Stretchy arms. Demus interaction. Cartoon sides
Glasses gay releted: Logan’s smile. Logan’s falsehood. Logan’s flashcard. Logan’s puns. Patton’s glasses
Creativtwins releted: Remus’ morningstar. Roman’s confidence. Roman’s sword. Roman’s star thingies. (Roman’s) Disney refrence. Roman cursing countdown. Roman sing. Remus’ sash
HIssing duo releted: Virgil’s curtain. Janus’ suit. Virgil’s jacket. Janus’ cane. Janus’ extra arms. Virgil’s purple eyeshadow. Shiny eyeshadow 2. Janus sing. Janus’ hat
Thomas and friends: Joan’s beanie. Thomas’ wall. Painting in Thomas’ livingroom. Thomas’ pimple. 
Asides/shorts: Steve the Stove. Food court trashcan. the-food-court-plant. where-is-plant. fake-plastic-plant. Mikey the Microwave. Microphones countdown
Extras: Hello Fresh App. Countdown until Countdown. Bill the Drill. Countdown until next EP. Countdown til sanders takeover. Gay jokes. Countdow until awkward.
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idlewildmike · 4 years
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nowgoalbola · 4 years
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Match Time:7/2/2020 23:59 Thursday(GMT+8)
England Championship -- Hull City VS Middlesbrough
Livescore | Match Prediction & Tips| Asian Handicap Odds|Line-ups& H2H Stats
Hull City have a clean bill of health ahead of the visit of Middlesbrough in midweek.
Neil Warnock could hand a start to young midfielder Marcus Tavernier after he impressed from the bench on the weekend.
Hull City
Suspended: None
Doubtful: None
Injured/Unavailable: None
Suspended: None
Doubtful: Daniel Ayala (ankle)
Injured/Unavailable: None
Hull City threw away 2-0 and 3-2 leads on Saturday afternoon as they were forced to settle for a point away from home against a Birmingham side who have nothing left to play for this season. The point may have moved Hull City out of the bottom three, but the hosts remain winless in their last 23 Championship matches.
Neil Warnock enjoyed the perfect start to life at Middlesbrough on the weekend as his side claimed a 2-0 away win against a Stoke side who are also battling down at the wrong end of the table. The away side have now won back-to-back away league games and have moved two points clear of the relegation zone.
Middlesbrough looked incredibly well-drilled on the weekend and I expect them to grind out another three points here.
Hull City may have started fast against Birmingham, but they also demonstrated their shortcomings at the back. Neil Warnock has been quick to fix up this Middlesbrough defence and will be confident of a fast start against this Hull City side.
Middlesbrough are unbeaten in their last five league games against Hull City.
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Making America Grotesquely Antiquated (18Jan19 edition)
Today in the Circus of Distraction:
GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES: Trump is signing a bill that will pay government employees their salaries during the shut down - but only after the government reopens.
OPIOIDS. Marketing by drug companies (White people so they aren’t “thugs” & “pushers”? Where is The Punisher when we need him?
FLINT. Good News- Michigan elected a Democrat as State AG. Maybe he will uncover more than the Republicans investigating the Republicans
GOLD. Prices are soaring. Never a good omen for the Economy. China and the Eurozone are also slumping.
Posted the above 1-4 at 10:00 am Pacific Coast time USA.
GLOBAL DEBT. 3x the Global Economy. Today’s American serfs are tied to place by Mortgage, to employer by Privatized Health Insurance. Tied to eternal debt by credit cards and student loans. COMMENTARY. I say ‘today’. In the 1950s and 60s Americans were relatively debt free. In those days OUR PERCENTAGE of Gross Domestic Product was at least a third LARGER than it is now. Today the same jobs with the same American firms OVERSEAS pay 1/3 more than the same companies pay American workers. Because we believe in our hearts that we are “rugged individuals” and that taxing the Rich a maximum 39.4% (91% in the 50s) is “theft”. Hahahahahahahaha! The jokes on us. There is theft all right: the Rich got Rich by have stealing our wages as a portion of GDP. Also by transferring taxes to the middle class as well as cancelling taxes for public schooling by bribing State and Congressional Legislators with big campaign donations (illegal in 1950s). We have become a F*cking 4th world Sh*thole because American “whites” (light brown) won’t be in the same Unions or Professional groups, schools or Churches with brown and black (darker brown) People. Or Jews or immigrants or native indigenous or LGBTQ, etc. Hahahahahaha! Golly, are we ever totally screwed by our folly and ignorance because 1/3 of the adults would rather than have their children’s faces ripped off than integrate, 1/3 doesn’t date vote because they’d starve if called to jury duty, and 1/3 is divided in 25,967 different positions which preclude uniting on anything including what to call themselves today.
BREXIT. Voted on leaving months before US 2016 National Conventions. Thought Great Britain had the Darwin Award for “National Suicide” locked in. Then we played our trump card. Not to be out done Brits decided that after two PMs and two years that “ no plan” is the best plan?
OIL DRILLING on PUBLIC PROPERTY: The Interior Department’s “work or forfeit your jobs, back pay, health insurance, and pensions” slaves are processing drilling permits for the arctic wilderness areas. COMMENTARY. There is something America, it’s public, it’s politicians, it’s business leaders, even its Green radicals never discuss when talking about drilling permits. No one - no one - observes that the MOTHER F*CKING CORPORATE RICH SH*TS ARE LEASING OUR LAND. Not drilling on some privately owned land. Not drilling on land that Congress owns. Land that the OIL COMPANIES DO NOT OWN. ITS OUR LAND. Land we as a Nation decided to hold as Wilderness Reserve for future Americans in future Centuries. So WHY the RUSH to SH*T on the LAND? There is an oil glut. There is 0.00000 need to drill in Wilderness areas. SO COULD it be that our lying, thieving Kleptocracy has a need to ROB US & OUR DESCENDANTS of the value of the Natural Wilderness by selling the leases cheaply to cronies? CHEAP FOR CRONIES WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO CAMPAIGNS, in whom the Kleptocrats OWN STOCK or WHO WILL HIRE the Public “Servant” when they are out of office? What factor has been included for the irretrievable loss of the Wilderness lands? NONE? Then we the people and our descendants are being CHEATED OUT OF HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!! Let us alert the Corporations and the Kleptocracy that they CANNOT LEGALIZE THIS THEFT BY BRIBERY. That we will be coming for CRIMINAL PROSECUTION and FORFEITURE of corporate and personal assets as REPARATIONS. Is it too soon to suggest this? Asking for a Comrade.
FAILURE to ENGINEER: Today is the 100th anniversary of the Boston Storage Tank Disaster which killed 21 and injured 150 others. War profiteers were using the tank to ‘stockpile’ (hoard to create artificial demand)molasses which was an ingredient in gun powder. The War ended, prices dropped and the molasses sat in a tank not engineered for its weight and mass. COMMENTARY. How much engineering is going into the Great Wall of Trump? Building along rivers involved soils, Civil, and Structural engineering. The impact on the natural landscape involves or should involve experts in animal, fisheries, fluid movement/hydraulics and archeology at a minimum. Plus the members in each Department affected that actually know what they are doing. Plus the local City and County planning departments. Plus all the same people on the other side of the boundary. Probably why the 2006 Border Barrier Act that has been adding protection for 12 years is planned for 20 year period. In pictures, Trumps steel wall is already rusting. I’m going to take a wild guess an assume Trump bypassed all the above, issued contracts for design/build and used unlawful emminent domain to seize valuable land without adequate compensation. How is that not being “the swamp”?
BEES. Per Sci American part of the cause of the diminishing bee and butterfly population loss is habitats shrinkage. “Development” of natural and wetlands results in the loss. PRESUMPTION. Dramatic increase of GOP in State Government results in dramatic decrease in protected lands?
Updated adding 6-10 and posted to @longwindedbore at 3:15 pm Pacific Coast time, USA.
CLIMATE WARMING. Reports indicate that heat is increasing even faster. COMMENTARY As the oceans heat, the least of our problems are that they expand. So greaterflooding of coasts. The amount of prehistoric gases held in the cold depths will rise with the ocean heating. Our severe winters result from lessening of permanent low pressure system over the arctic that kept the frigid jet streams at higher latitudes.
SEISMIC BLASTING. Good news. Federal judge blocks permits for blasting off the Carolina coasts for oil. (Same commentary as for Wilderness drilling above. Our Oceans. Drilling is by lease not ownership.)
SMUGGLING. Daily Kos article outlines that Trumps Boondoggle Wall would not affect drug smuggling at all. Since some of their source is the government it’s obvious that Trump has some other reason for the Wall. Jim Crow Monument for White Separatists?
CHILD MORTALITY RATES. Reblogged article from Nrw York Times. (Ranted there as well). COMMENTARY. We suck as a nation at taking care of children. So we’ll compare ourselves to Cuba and throw in a comment that ‘maybe’ they are fudging the numbers. All the while ignoring that the debate is whether we are 42 or 43 out of first place. At least we beat - barely - the Faroe Islands, Croatia and Belarus. Unfortunately, everyone but the Pro-Life/Anti-healthcare GOP-cursed US is trying to do better. Universal Healthcare is the key to early prevention and to access.
Updated and Posted topics 12-15 to @longwindedbore at 6:10 pm Pacific coast time, USA.
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There are seven short films attached as bonus features on Indicator’s Blu-Ray of Robert Altman’s Buffalo Bill And The Indians Or, Sitting Bull’s History Lesson.  These short films run various lengths but all seven total 52m 57s.  It is amazing to watch Annie Oakley even though the film runs only 21 seconds (I think I watched it at least five times).  That film is 126 years old.  I marvel that I am sitting in my house in the 21st century while 13 inches of snow piles up outside, watching a woman I’ve only read about in history books or in the movies.  Film is an amazing thing. 
The rest of these short films are, quite honestly, boring.  The various Parades of Buffalo Bill’s are silent footage of men on horses walking in single file down the street.  Some of them such as Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Pawnee Bill’s Far East are interesting thanks to Devlin’s Zouaves, a drill team that takes little tiny steps and moves very rapidly.  They are perhaps the most interesting thing outside of Annie Oakley to be found in these seven short films.  Most of what we see are horses being knocked down by the men who want to ride them (they tie one leg up and then try to climb aboard the horse only to have it fall down).  Once they untie that leg, the horse then tries to buck them off.  It looks like abuse to my eyes but then I am extremely skittish about horses thanks to endless decades of Hollywood abusing horses with trip wires.  
The funniest of the short films is Ford Animated Weekly from 1916.  It runs 9m 45s and we are seeing the same thing in this as we do in the others: men knocking over horses, Indians on horseback, single file parade marching and then smack in the middle of the film we get a title card that says, “Let’s take a look at those new 1916 Ford Models’ and we get a commercial for the newest Ford Model Ts.  We see the Ford Plant (where ever it was located in 1916, Michigan I suppose) and then we see about 50 new Model T’s driving in unison, one after the other, down the street.  That lasts 20 seconds and we return to Buffalo Bill’s rather boring Side Show. 
I was only able to track down four title cards/ posters out of seven so I decided to include the screen of Indicator’s Blu-Ray that reveals what all seven of the short films were.  That is what you see at the top.  From there, everything else should be self-explanatory. 
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azindy · 4 years
Senator’s Bill Seeks to Stop Biden Restricting Drilling on Federal Lands Without Approval From Congress
Senator’s Bill Seeks to Stop Biden Restricting Drilling on Federal Lands Without Approval From Congress https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/senators-bill-seeks-to-stop-biden-restricting-drilling-on-federal-lands-without-approval-from-congress_3674504.html
Download our app to read more for free at https://ept.ms/DownloadApp
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passs118 · 4 years
Taken from : Sharon Rich
20m ·
Still don’t like your President?
Do you dislike that he made cruelty to animals a FELONY?
Do you dislike that he signed a law ending the gag-order on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving options on prescriptions?
Do you dislike that he signed the Save Our Seas Act which funds 10 million per year to clean tons of plastic and garbage from the ocean?
Do you dislike that he signed a bill for airports to provide breast-feeding stations for nursing moms?
Do you dislike that he signed the biggest wilderness protection and conservation bill in a decade designating 375,000 acres as protected land?
Do you dislike that he loves America and puts Americans first?
Do you dislike that he made a gay man the ambassador of Germany and then asked him to clean up national security and unclassified as much of it as possible for transparency?
Do you dislike that he’s kept almost every campaign promise (with ZERO support from Congress who work against him daily!) plus 100 more promises because Washington was much more broken than he thought?
Do you dislike like that he works for free, donating his salary to different charities? Do you dislike that he’s done more for the black community than every other President?
Do you dislike that he listened to senator Scott and passed Invest In Opportunity Zones to help minorities?
Do you dislike that he passed prison reform, which gives people a second chance and has made quite a huge difference for the black communities?
Do you dislike that he passed VA reforms to benefit the very people who served our country and defend our freedom?
Do you dislike that he’s winning and signing new trade deals that benefit Americans, instead of costing us more?
Do you dislike that he loves his flag and his country?
Do you dislike that he calls out and has shown all of us that they ARE Fake News, and they twist the truth to control and mislead the people and he is trying to protect us from this?
Do you dislike that he’s ending wars?
Do you dislike that he has made a commitment to end child-trafficking and crimes against humanity and has made 1000’s of arrests already?
Do you dislike he’s brought home over 40 Americans held captive, the last one from Iran?
Do you dislike that he’s proven he was right about the Deep State and he was spied on?
Do you dislike that he was a Billionaire before he ran for President and now is worth at least 1/3 less... because he loves America THAT MUCH?
Do you dislike that he’s making the world pay their fair share for the UN for protection?
Do you dislike that he respects cops, veterans, ICE & First Responders?
Do you dislike that he does not sell out America to other countries, like the leaders prior to him have done?
Could it be possible that the ones who SELL OUT America to line their pockets OWN THE MEDIA AND HOLLYWOOD and hate him so much for trying to expose them and hate him for putting the PEOPLE first that they manipulate our thinking and control the information we get to steer US to hate him? These people benefit when you hate the man trying to stop them... so they won’t have to give up the wealth they have gotten and continue to get thru mass taxation and control. Wouldn’t you at least want to RESEARCH this possibility?
Could 65,000 Americans already know the TRUTH... that he has done more for blacks in the last 20 years than our last 5 Presidents put together and is actually NOT a racist but you believe he is because it has been drilled into your head and yet you’ve never researched his accomplishments? You can start by watching those daily briefings he did during the lockdown (all on line) and then watching the coverage on the Main Stream Media and how they twisted it.
Do you actually believe the President encouraged America to inject bleach?
Did you research the effects of UV LIGHT which is used to disinfect SCHOOL BUSES and medical equipment and is also being used as a treatment for bacteria and respiratory infections by injecting it into humans (search Healight but don’t use Google... they are part of the Deep State and manipulate what we see! And they sell our info, which is why you see merchandise pop up the day after you searched for something! Use Duckduckgo)!!!
They want you to believe he is stupid because if you figure out that he isn’t, they will lose billions of dollars and all their control. I know... it is hard to let go of what you believed to be true for most of your life.
You are not alone. But your blind hatred of this man who is literally trying to save us from the far Left, radical Socialists is going to be detrimental to our country if you continue to support their hatred.
They are teaching hatred and separation... even in families! You are not allowed to agree with “part” of their agenda and think for yourself; you must repeat their FULL belief system or name-calling and insults ensue... this is the definition of a cult! All or nothing! They despise LAW AND ORDER. Just look around you. He supports it, so we are safe and can live in a civilized society. He stands for unity and America first. 🤔 🤔🤔
You will be amazed at how much more peace comes into your life when you turn off the fake news and turn on the true America, where we focus on what unites us, not what divides us.🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️
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trmpt · 4 years
0 notes
1,162 days without Bill the drill and the horrible pun he was introduced with. So, what if Bill had his own sides???
11 notes · View notes
mizelaneus · 4 years
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plhis-blog · 5 years
Post NBA Draft, 2019-20 ACC Basketball Power Rankings: Middle of the Pack, 10-6
North Carolina State’s Markell Johnson (11) drives towards Duke’s Zion Williamson (1) throughout the first half of an NCAA school basketball recreation in Durham, N.C., Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019. (AP Photograph/Chris Seward)
With the NBA Draft completed and over, and rosters now principally set for the 2019-20 season, let’s deliver again the the ACC Basketball power rankings — offseason edition. Football may be right around the corner, but basketball season isn’t too far off, either. It’s going to probably be troublesome for the league to duplicate the success of final season — Zion-mania, Virginia profitable the national title, 10 first spherical picks; nevertheless, the ACC continues to be loaded for a robust yr of hoops.
After beginning off with the bottom five teams (15-11), we’ve moved to the middle-third of the league — the place the teams with critical NCAA Event aspirations start to appear.
10. Georgia Tech
It’s not often been aesthetically pleasing basketball beneath Josh Pastner at Georgia Tech. In his three seasons with the program, Tech has but to rank inside the prime 175 nationally in adjusted offensive effectivity. The 2018-19 squad posted an efficient capturing mark of 49.2 %, which is the high-water mark of Pastner’s tenure there; nevertheless, it additionally ranked 242nd in the nation, in accordance with KenPom.
All of that stated, the defensive aspect of the flooring has principally been a place of power. In every season beneath Pastner, the Yellow Jackets have held opponents to sub-50 eFG%; on two occasions, Tech has ranked inside the prime 50 nationally in terms of adjusted defensive effectivity.
As soon as again, that have to be the case for Georgia Tech, which likes to combine up its coverages — flipping from (predominant) zone seems to be to a man-to-man strategy.
After briefly getting into his identify into the 2019 NBA Draft, middle James Banks decided to return for the 2019-20 season. Very similar to his predecessor Ben Lammers, Banks will as soon as again lead Tech’s defense from the back line.
The 6-foot-9 Banks (3.Four blocks per 40 minutes) posted a 9.3 % block fee, good for 31st nationally. Together with Mfiondu Kabengele and Elijah Thomas, Banks was one of three ACC gamers to submit an eight % block fee and a defensive rebound price of 18 % final season.
Banks did all of that whereas principally avoiding essential foul hassle, too: Three.9 fouls dedicated per 40 minutes, which is large. (Moses Wright, 3.8 % block price, returns with some defensive upside as properly.)
General, opponents shot just 47.4 % on non-post-up seems to be around the basket towards Georgia Tech’s half-court defense (No. 7 in the nation), per Synergy Sports activities.
Offensively, Banks has some pop; he completed the season with 49 dunks whereas capturing close to 72 % at the rim. Nevertheless, on that end of the flooring, Tech’s offense flows — as a lot as it could truly stream — by way of one of the league’s underrated robust shot-makers: Jose Alvarado.
After an environment friendly freshman season in 2017-18, maybe slightly too much fell on Alvarado to create offense without Josh Okogie. His capturing numbers (45.7 eFG%, 28.6 3P%) dipped throughout the board; nevertheless, with little perimeter help around him, Alvarado nonetheless managed to score over zero.9 points per spot-up possession (47.1 eFG%), in accordance with Synergy.
It might be a big boon for Tech if former top-50 prospect Michael Devoe might take an enormous step as a sophomore. Devoe confirmed some constructive indicators final season — specifically together with his leap shot: 59.6 eFG% on catch-and-shoot makes an attempt. During ACC play, he drilled almost 44 % of his 3-pointers, too.
Nevertheless, he struggled mightily together with his pull-up recreation and dealing with the ball — 21.9 % turnover price. Tech wants extra playmaking in help of Alvrado. Khalid Moore is one other rising sophomore that gives some intrigue as nicely.
9. Pittsburgh
After a number of seasons of suboptimal performances, can Pitt Basketball take an enormous step in Yr Two of Jeff Capel? This group looks like it is going to be a classy decide to get again to the NCAA Event for the first time since 2016. That often comes with some buyer beware purple flags; nevertheless, there’s quite a bit to like with Pitt, which starts with level guard Xavier Johnson.
From the first recreation last season, Johnson took on a critical workload for the Panthers, and emerged as NBA prospect. He was the solely freshman in the country with a 30 % utilization price and a 30 % assist price. (5.Eight assists, 1.7 steals, 6.1 fouls drawn per 40 minutes)
Over 48 % of Johnson’s area aim attempts got here at the rim, and 91 of his 96 area objectives in that range came unassisted. There are some engaging shot-creation points to his recreation.
In accordance with Synergy Sports activities: Johnson, himself, used 260 pick-and-roll possessions (over 42 % of his possessions) last season (0.78 points per possession, 44 eFG%), whereas his teammates used 271 possessions after a move from Johnson out of screen-roll action (zero.79 points per possessions). These 531 combined pick-and-roll possessions have been the most in the ACC by a mile, too. (Brandon Childress was second with 423.)
Where he’s at his greatest, although, is in transition.
Normally, Pitt’s offense struggled in the half courtroom final season, which was to be expected. That’s when Johnson’s decision-making can go sideways and turnovers arise. As a freshman, Johnson turned the ball over 5.1 occasions per 40 minutes; he also posted a 23.5 % turnover fee out of the pick-and-roll, per Synergy. These are huge numbers — of course there wasn’t precisely a surplus of secondary capturing and playmaking around the speedy Johnson.
Nevertheless, in the open flooring, Johnson can actually go. It’ll be fascinating to see how a lot he’s worked on his craft and talent over the offseason.
Subsequent to Johnson will once again be combo guard Trey McGowens (1.24 points per possession in transition). This might show to be one of the league’s better backcourt next season. McGowens wasn’t a knockdown shooter from any degree of the flooring (50.Four FG% at the rim, 32.7 3P%), really, however he showed the capability to put the ball on the deck and create appears and get in touch with. That’s helpful.
Over 76 % of his subject objectives at the rim came unassisted; he additionally attempted 7.2 free throws per 40 minutes (76.4 FT%, 55 TS%) while drawing 5.5 fouls per 40 minutes — No. 158 in the nation, per KenPom.
An enormous query to reply shall be how Pitt plans to exchange the spot-up capturing from Jared Wilson-Frame, who splashed 98 Three-pointers (39.5 3P%) final season. The Panthers want more spacing agents around Johnson’s pick-and-roll slippery. Can Au’Diese Toney or somebody from Pitt’s 2019 recruiting class assist here?
On defense, Terrell Brown (11.2 % block fee) might emerge as an influence player.
8. Miami
This has been mentioned lots, however final season — which started with critical promise — was a challenge for Miami. Above every part, although, Chris Lykes showcased what makes him one of the prime guards and rivals in the ACC. By means of a limited rotation, and constant defensive consideration, Lykes battled, continued to zip around ball screens and assist hold Miami’s offense keep above water.
(By my private calculations, Miami ran this double drag look no fewer than 17,000 occasions final season.)
Regardless of the struggles, the Hurricanes finished eighth throughout ACC play in adjusted offensive effectivity, thanks principally the shot making of Lykes — whereas working with pick-and-roll associate Ebuka Izundu (43 dunks).
Lykes posted a monster utilization price of 27.3 %, and 121 of his 171 area objectives (70.Eight %) have been unassisted. Lots of that work (31 % of his possessions) came out of the pick-and-roll: 0.91 points per possession (52.3 eFG%), which ranked third in the ACC (minimum 100 possessions).
Lykes — probably shorter than his 5-foot-7 billing — plays so low to the ground together with his handle. He can blow by defenders or work from underneath them with nifty modifications in path. Contemplating his stature, it’s spectacular that he shot slightly below 59 % at the rim, too.
Miami doesn’t deliver a ton back — with the exceptions of spot-up ace DJ Vasiljevic (career 37.5 3P%), Oklahoma switch Kameron McGusty and stretch-Four Sam Waardenburg. Nevertheless, the reinforcements have arrived in the type of a top-30 recruiting class.
It will be a serious boon if Miami might get Cincinnati transfer Nysier Brooks — a two-way pressure with critical rim safety expertise — a waiver to play subsequent season.
Brief of that, although, Miami still has a lot to love, together with Florida grad switch Keith Stone, a 6-foot-Eight ahead. Two seasons back, Stone shot 54 % at the rim and over 42 % on Three-pointers. He might substitute Anthony Lawrence in some of the pick-and-pop actions Miami runs.
Also in this 2019 recruiting class: Four-star guard Isaiah Wong, a scoring machine, and 4-star guard Harlond Beverly. Beverly might prove to be one of the steals of the 2019 class, too.
Starting to work on a class-specific massive board for 2020, and the largest departures I have from consensus are
– Wiseman not 5 – Kai Jones prime 15 – Harlond Beverly prime 20
— TS% Eliot (@Cosmis) June 25, 2019
7. NC State
Outdoors of Jordan Nwora’s determination to return to Louisville, there’s possible no ACC group that acquired a much bigger increase from a draft choice than NC State: Markell Johnson will again for his senior season.
Johnson’s rise as a junior — from pass-first slasher to pick-and-roll engine — was an enormous improvement for Kevin Keatts and the Wolfpack. It’s also why Johnson returns to Raleigh as one of the most necessary gamers in the league. With out Johnson, it’s unclear who would’ve taken on the playmaking torch in State’s half-court offense.
Thankfully for Keatts, that’s a dialogue for an additional day.
Whereas nonetheless turnover susceptible (20.5 % turnover fee), Johnson is a shifty, intelligent participant who utilizes a nice combination of twitchy handles and athleticism (14 dunks) with some craft. He’s fairly good at some of the tactical dark arts that come with operating screen-roll actions, too — manipulating defenders with crazy crossovers dribbles and no-look finds (6.7 assists per 40 minutes).
Based on Synergy, Johnson shot 46.5 % (55.1 eFG%) out of the pick-and-roll this season. He’s especially fond of snaking the ball display — dribbling back throughout the path of the opposing assist defender.
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He’s as snug as any participant in school basketball at creating a change after which discovering ways to assault the new configuration.
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Nearly as good as he was out of the pick-and-roll, Johnson might go get his own shot out of isolation, too: 1.07 points per possession (55.2 eFG%). (Notice: Johnson was the only play in the ACC to rank prime five in the league in both isolation and catch-and-shoot efficiency, 67.6 eFG%.)
This season, anticipate Johnson to bop in the pick-and-roll rather a lot with springy massive man DJ Funderburk, a fringe NBA prospect, too.
Funderburk — 28 dunks, 66.1 FG% at the rim — is sweet complement to Johnson. He can dive to the rim, in search of lobs or pocket passes — and hit the offensive glass. Funderburk shot slightly below 57 % on basket rolls last season, per Synergy.
His work on the offensive glass was pivotal for NC State; it primarily gained a January house recreation over Pitt after Johnson left with an damage. The transfer massive posted an 11.2 % offensive rebound price and shot 65.9 % on put-back makes an attempt — each huge numbers.
Funderburk gained’t draw any Joel Embiid comparisons, however even together with his wiry body, he’s still respectable at carving out area in the submit, particularly when he’s capable of seal his defender in State’s Four-around-1 half-court system.
Johnson and Funderburk (5.9 fouls committed per 40 minutes) have to avoid foul hassle — a problem for both this season — but they need to perform as a superb 1-2 combination for the Pack.
Spotting up around those possessions can be grad switch Pat Andree, a great addition to the program this offseason. During his three seasons at Lehigh (over 2,220 minutes of action), Andree tried 441 Three-pointers — making 184 (41.7 3P%). He’s a bit of a one-trick pony — spot-up shooter — nevertheless it’s a vital talent for a workforce that shot 35.2 % from downtown a season in the past.
In line with Synergy, Andree scored 1.22 factors per possession (60.6 eFG%) on half-court catch-and-shoot possessions.
From a leadership standpoint, it might be inconceivable to exchange what Torin Dorn meant to NC State. His time in Raleigh prolonged again to the Mark Gottfried period; nevertheless, he’ll probably be greatest recognized for helping set the culture for Keatts.
That stated, Dorn wasn’t only a figurehead; the dude was an awesomely rugged basketball participant, who battled on the glass, defended greater gamers and made robust photographs (44.4 FG% on dribble jumpers). NC State has a couple of options to work into bigger roles this season, although.
CJ Bryce was strong for most of his first season in a pink uniform (0.87 factors per spot-up possession); is he ready for extra outstanding duties next yr? Devon Daniels is a borrowing driver of the basketball who performs with out worry on both ends of the flooring (2.Eight % block price), however he needs to refine is shot choice. (95 2PA away from the rim, 32.6 FG%).
Jericole Hellems struggled together with his shot as a freshman (44.6 eFG%), however there’s some expertise and positional versatility there, too.
6. Virginia
It might seem barely disrespectful to have the reigning national champs slotted at No. 6, but keep in mind two issues right here: One, Virginia simply misplaced a historic amount of NBA expertise. And two, this league is totally unforgiving. Wave goodbye to that much talent, and it’s positive to go away a mark.
In fact, there’s actually solely thus far Virginia can tumble, although. This can be a program with a high flooring. We will speak all day about the nice things Tony Bennett does — on and off the courtroom — together with his staff. This enterprise is a players-first affair, and the finish outcomes, from prime to bottom, are fairly darn good.
With John Beilein now in the NBA, Virginia doubtless claims the throne as the premier player-development program in school basketball, though there’s a lot of room for debate there, too. Nevertheless, the rules that Bennett preaches — protection, turnover avoidance, ball movement — imply that even in lean years, UVA must be strong and win games.
Over the final eight seasons (223 wins), Virginia has ranked inside the prime 25 in adjusted defensive effectivity in each season; during that run, UVA recorded seven top-10 defenses. In only one of these eight seasons have opponents posted an effective capturing price above 47 %, which is wild. (Bart Torvik tasks UVA to have the nation’s No. 2 protection next season.)
On the different aspect of the flooring, Virginia now has six straight seasons with turnover rates underneath 17 %. In every of the final two seasons, the Cavaliers have posted sub-15 % turnover charges.
It’s due partially to the group’s personnel — Kyle Man, Ty Jerome and De’Andre Hunter have been all wonderful shooters — however Virginia’s Three-point try fee develop quickly over the final four seasons: from 28.4 % in 2015-16 to 39.5 % this season. In annually of that window, Virginia shot above 38 % from downtown, too. Hiya, Volume — meet Effectivity.
Once more, it helps to have notable amounts of veteran NBA-ready talent; nevertheless, packages that publish numbers like this yr after yr will find critical success — and make Dean Oliver proud.
Regardless of the notable departures, Virginia still deliver again a superb deal of expertise. Postseason hero Kihei Clark — 3.Eight assists per 40 minutes — is again to run the present; UVA scored 1.39 points per possession final season with Clark as a passer out of the pick-and-roll, in line with Synergy. He’ll group up in the backcourt with 4-star freshman Casey Morsell, who appears like a future star for the ‘Hoos.
Up front, Virginia may have two of the league’s more impactful huge men: Mamadi Diakite, again after flirting with the NBA Draft, and Jay Huff.
Diakite is an influence two-way middle who should play an enormous position for Virginia in the 2019-20 marketing campaign. In ACC play final season, Diakite’s block price spiked to 12.3 %, which was No. 1 in the conference throughout league motion. General, Diakite — who began 22 games (21.8 minutes per recreation) — averaged three blocks per 40 minutes.
On offense, Diakite found a groove diving to the rim in Virginia’s side-to-side continuity ball display offense — empty out a aspect and assault the gaps. He has good palms to go together with a powerful wingspan and a fast bounce. Diakite (32 dunks) scored 1.57 factors per possession (87 FG%) on basket roll last season, per Synergy.
Even together with his struggles in ball-screen defense, Huff managed to grow to be a worthwhile contributor final season for Virginia. At 7-foot-1, Huff is a legit stretch-5 prospect: 63.6 eFG% on catch-and-shoots, 14 3-pointers.
In line with Bart Torvik’s knowledge, Huff completed the season with 29 dunks (50 % of his complete area objectives), and shot 42-of-52 (80.Eight FG%) at the rim. Additionally, he shoots from the right spots: over 86 % of Huff’s subject aim makes an attempt have been either at the rim or from beyond the arc. Try to run him off the line, and he’s capable of attending to the rim together with his dribble, attacking closeouts.
Just like Diakite, Huff, too, discovered success as a rim-runner last season: 1.43 points per possession (69.2 FG%) on basket rolls.
Now a senior, Braxton Key returns as a Swiss Army knife participant, who can slide across and defend 4 positions: 23.Four % defensive rebound price (monster quantity), 3.7 % block fee and 3.2 % steal price.
It’ll be fascinating to see how Bennett decides to toggle minutes with Key, Huff and Diakite. Can Key work to fill some of the lost manufacturing from Hunter?
For whatever it’s value, the 2020-21 season looms as what might be one other robust one for Virginia, too. By that point, Morsell will probably be a sophomore, Marquette transfer Sam Houser (one other actually good participant/shooter) might be eligible, Huff and Clark will nonetheless be in Charlottesville and Four-star guard Reece Beekman will arrive, too.
Learn More ACC Basketball
Leaky Black, Jay Huff amongst the ACC’s under-the-radar draft prospects
The post Post NBA Draft, 2019-20 ACC Basketball Power Rankings: Middle of the Pack, 10-6 appeared first on Hacker Savant.
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Post NBA Draft, 2019-20 ACC Basketball Power Rankings: Middle of the Pack, 10-6
North Carolina State’s Markell Johnson (11) drives towards Duke’s Zion Williamson (1) throughout the first half of an NCAA school basketball recreation in Durham, N.C., Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019. (AP Photograph/Chris Seward)
With the NBA Draft completed and over, and rosters now principally set for the 2019-20 season, let’s deliver again the the ACC Basketball power rankings — offseason edition. Football may be right around the corner, but basketball season isn’t too far off, either. It’s going to probably be troublesome for the league to duplicate the success of final season — Zion-mania, Virginia profitable the national title, 10 first spherical picks; nevertheless, the ACC continues to be loaded for a robust yr of hoops.
After beginning off with the bottom five teams (15-11), we’ve moved to the middle-third of the league — the place the teams with critical NCAA Event aspirations start to appear.
10. Georgia Tech
It’s not often been aesthetically pleasing basketball beneath Josh Pastner at Georgia Tech. In his three seasons with the program, Tech has but to rank inside the prime 175 nationally in adjusted offensive effectivity. The 2018-19 squad posted an efficient capturing mark of 49.2 %, which is the high-water mark of Pastner’s tenure there; nevertheless, it additionally ranked 242nd in the nation, in accordance with KenPom.
All of that stated, the defensive aspect of the flooring has principally been a place of power. In every season beneath Pastner, the Yellow Jackets have held opponents to sub-50 eFG%; on two occasions, Tech has ranked inside the prime 50 nationally in terms of adjusted defensive effectivity.
As soon as again, that have to be the case for Georgia Tech, which likes to combine up its coverages — flipping from (predominant) zone seems to be to a man-to-man strategy.
After briefly getting into his identify into the 2019 NBA Draft, middle James Banks decided to return for the 2019-20 season. Very similar to his predecessor Ben Lammers, Banks will as soon as again lead Tech’s defense from the back line.
The 6-foot-9 Banks (3.Four blocks per 40 minutes) posted a 9.3 % block fee, good for 31st nationally. Together with Mfiondu Kabengele and Elijah Thomas, Banks was one of three ACC gamers to submit an eight % block fee and a defensive rebound price of 18 % final season.
Banks did all of that whereas principally avoiding essential foul hassle, too: Three.9 fouls dedicated per 40 minutes, which is large. (Moses Wright, 3.8 % block price, returns with some defensive upside as properly.)
General, opponents shot just 47.4 % on non-post-up seems to be around the basket towards Georgia Tech’s half-court defense (No. 7 in the nation), per Synergy Sports activities.
Offensively, Banks has some pop; he completed the season with 49 dunks whereas capturing close to 72 % at the rim. Nevertheless, on that end of the flooring, Tech’s offense flows — as a lot as it could truly stream — by way of one of the league’s underrated robust shot-makers: Jose Alvarado.
After an environment friendly freshman season in 2017-18, maybe slightly too much fell on Alvarado to create offense without Josh Okogie. His capturing numbers (45.7 eFG%, 28.6 3P%) dipped throughout the board; nevertheless, with little perimeter help around him, Alvarado nonetheless managed to score over zero.9 points per spot-up possession (47.1 eFG%), in accordance with Synergy.
It might be a big boon for Tech if former top-50 prospect Michael Devoe might take an enormous step as a sophomore. Devoe confirmed some constructive indicators final season — specifically together with his leap shot: 59.6 eFG% on catch-and-shoot makes an attempt. During ACC play, he drilled almost 44 % of his 3-pointers, too.
Nevertheless, he struggled mightily together with his pull-up recreation and dealing with the ball — 21.9 % turnover price. Tech wants extra playmaking in help of Alvrado. Khalid Moore is one other rising sophomore that gives some intrigue as nicely.
9. Pittsburgh
After a number of seasons of suboptimal performances, can Pitt Basketball take an enormous step in Yr Two of Jeff Capel? This group looks like it is going to be a classy decide to get again to the NCAA Event for the first time since 2016. That often comes with some buyer beware purple flags; nevertheless, there’s quite a bit to like with Pitt, which starts with level guard Xavier Johnson.
From the first recreation last season, Johnson took on a critical workload for the Panthers, and emerged as NBA prospect. He was the solely freshman in the country with a 30 % utilization price and a 30 % assist price. (5.Eight assists, 1.7 steals, 6.1 fouls drawn per 40 minutes)
Over 48 % of Johnson’s area aim attempts got here at the rim, and 91 of his 96 area objectives in that range came unassisted. There are some engaging shot-creation points to his recreation.
In accordance with Synergy Sports activities: Johnson, himself, used 260 pick-and-roll possessions (over 42 % of his possessions) last season (0.78 points per possession, 44 eFG%), whereas his teammates used 271 possessions after a move from Johnson out of screen-roll action (zero.79 points per possessions). These 531 combined pick-and-roll possessions have been the most in the ACC by a mile, too. (Brandon Childress was second with 423.)
Where he’s at his greatest, although, is in transition.
Normally, Pitt’s offense struggled in the half courtroom final season, which was to be expected. That’s when Johnson’s decision-making can go sideways and turnovers arise. As a freshman, Johnson turned the ball over 5.1 occasions per 40 minutes; he also posted a 23.5 % turnover fee out of the pick-and-roll, per Synergy. These are huge numbers — of course there wasn’t precisely a surplus of secondary capturing and playmaking around the speedy Johnson.
Nevertheless, in the open flooring, Johnson can actually go. It’ll be fascinating to see how a lot he’s worked on his craft and talent over the offseason.
Subsequent to Johnson will once again be combo guard Trey McGowens (1.24 points per possession in transition). This might show to be one of the league’s better backcourt next season. McGowens wasn’t a knockdown shooter from any degree of the flooring (50.Four FG% at the rim, 32.7 3P%), really, however he showed the capability to put the ball on the deck and create appears and get in touch with. That’s helpful.
Over 76 % of his subject objectives at the rim came unassisted; he additionally attempted 7.2 free throws per 40 minutes (76.4 FT%, 55 TS%) while drawing 5.5 fouls per 40 minutes — No. 158 in the nation, per KenPom.
An enormous query to reply shall be how Pitt plans to exchange the spot-up capturing from Jared Wilson-Frame, who splashed 98 Three-pointers (39.5 3P%) final season. The Panthers want more spacing agents around Johnson’s pick-and-roll slippery. Can Au’Diese Toney or somebody from Pitt’s 2019 recruiting class assist here?
On defense, Terrell Brown (11.2 % block fee) might emerge as an influence player.
8. Miami
This has been mentioned lots, however final season — which started with critical promise — was a challenge for Miami. Above every part, although, Chris Lykes showcased what makes him one of the prime guards and rivals in the ACC. By means of a limited rotation, and constant defensive consideration, Lykes battled, continued to zip around ball screens and assist hold Miami’s offense keep above water.
(By my private calculations, Miami ran this double drag look no fewer than 17,000 occasions final season.)
Regardless of the struggles, the Hurricanes finished eighth throughout ACC play in adjusted offensive effectivity, thanks principally the shot making of Lykes — whereas working with pick-and-roll associate Ebuka Izundu (43 dunks).
Lykes posted a monster utilization price of 27.3 %, and 121 of his 171 area objectives (70.Eight %) have been unassisted. Lots of that work (31 % of his possessions) came out of the pick-and-roll: 0.91 points per possession (52.3 eFG%), which ranked third in the ACC (minimum 100 possessions).
Lykes — probably shorter than his 5-foot-7 billing — plays so low to the ground together with his handle. He can blow by defenders or work from underneath them with nifty modifications in path. Contemplating his stature, it’s spectacular that he shot slightly below 59 % at the rim, too.
Miami doesn’t deliver a ton back — with the exceptions of spot-up ace DJ Vasiljevic (career 37.5 3P%), Oklahoma switch Kameron McGusty and stretch-Four Sam Waardenburg. Nevertheless, the reinforcements have arrived in the type of a top-30 recruiting class.
It will be a serious boon if Miami might get Cincinnati transfer Nysier Brooks — a two-way pressure with critical rim safety expertise — a waiver to play subsequent season.
Brief of that, although, Miami still has a lot to love, together with Florida grad switch Keith Stone, a 6-foot-Eight ahead. Two seasons back, Stone shot 54 % at the rim and over 42 % on Three-pointers. He might substitute Anthony Lawrence in some of the pick-and-pop actions Miami runs.
Also in this 2019 recruiting class: Four-star guard Isaiah Wong, a scoring machine, and 4-star guard Harlond Beverly. Beverly might prove to be one of the steals of the 2019 class, too.
Starting to work on a class-specific massive board for 2020, and the largest departures I have from consensus are
– Wiseman not 5 – Kai Jones prime 15 – Harlond Beverly prime 20
— TS% Eliot (@Cosmis) June 25, 2019
7. NC State
Outdoors of Jordan Nwora’s determination to return to Louisville, there’s possible no ACC group that acquired a much bigger increase from a draft choice than NC State: Markell Johnson will again for his senior season.
Johnson’s rise as a junior — from pass-first slasher to pick-and-roll engine — was an enormous improvement for Kevin Keatts and the Wolfpack. It’s also why Johnson returns to Raleigh as one of the most necessary gamers in the league. With out Johnson, it’s unclear who would’ve taken on the playmaking torch in State’s half-court offense.
Thankfully for Keatts, that’s a dialogue for an additional day.
Whereas nonetheless turnover susceptible (20.5 % turnover fee), Johnson is a shifty, intelligent participant who utilizes a nice combination of twitchy handles and athleticism (14 dunks) with some craft. He’s fairly good at some of the tactical dark arts that come with operating screen-roll actions, too — manipulating defenders with crazy crossovers dribbles and no-look finds (6.7 assists per 40 minutes).
Based on Synergy, Johnson shot 46.5 % (55.1 eFG%) out of the pick-and-roll this season. He’s especially fond of snaking the ball display — dribbling back throughout the path of the opposing assist defender.
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He’s as snug as any participant in school basketball at creating a change after which discovering ways to assault the new configuration.
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Nearly as good as he was out of the pick-and-roll, Johnson might go get his own shot out of isolation, too: 1.07 points per possession (55.2 eFG%). (Notice: Johnson was the only play in the ACC to rank prime five in the league in both isolation and catch-and-shoot efficiency, 67.6 eFG%.)
This season, anticipate Johnson to bop in the pick-and-roll rather a lot with springy massive man DJ Funderburk, a fringe NBA prospect, too.
Funderburk — 28 dunks, 66.1 FG% at the rim — is sweet complement to Johnson. He can dive to the rim, in search of lobs or pocket passes — and hit the offensive glass. Funderburk shot slightly below 57 % on basket rolls last season, per Synergy.
His work on the offensive glass was pivotal for NC State; it primarily gained a January house recreation over Pitt after Johnson left with an damage. The transfer massive posted an 11.2 % offensive rebound price and shot 65.9 % on put-back makes an attempt — each huge numbers.
Funderburk gained’t draw any Joel Embiid comparisons, however even together with his wiry body, he’s still respectable at carving out area in the submit, particularly when he’s capable of seal his defender in State’s Four-around-1 half-court system.
Johnson and Funderburk (5.9 fouls committed per 40 minutes) have to avoid foul hassle — a problem for both this season — but they need to perform as a superb 1-2 combination for the Pack.
Spotting up around those possessions can be grad switch Pat Andree, a great addition to the program this offseason. During his three seasons at Lehigh (over 2,220 minutes of action), Andree tried 441 Three-pointers — making 184 (41.7 3P%). He’s a bit of a one-trick pony — spot-up shooter — nevertheless it’s a vital talent for a workforce that shot 35.2 % from downtown a season in the past.
In line with Synergy, Andree scored 1.22 factors per possession (60.6 eFG%) on half-court catch-and-shoot possessions.
From a leadership standpoint, it might be inconceivable to exchange what Torin Dorn meant to NC State. His time in Raleigh prolonged again to the Mark Gottfried period; nevertheless, he’ll probably be greatest recognized for helping set the culture for Keatts.
That stated, Dorn wasn’t only a figurehead; the dude was an awesomely rugged basketball participant, who battled on the glass, defended greater gamers and made robust photographs (44.4 FG% on dribble jumpers). NC State has a couple of options to work into bigger roles this season, although.
CJ Bryce was strong for most of his first season in a pink uniform (0.87 factors per spot-up possession); is he ready for extra outstanding duties next yr? Devon Daniels is a borrowing driver of the basketball who performs with out worry on both ends of the flooring (2.Eight % block price), however he needs to refine is shot choice. (95 2PA away from the rim, 32.6 FG%).
Jericole Hellems struggled together with his shot as a freshman (44.6 eFG%), however there’s some expertise and positional versatility there, too.
6. Virginia
It might seem barely disrespectful to have the reigning national champs slotted at No. 6, but keep in mind two issues right here: One, Virginia simply misplaced a historic amount of NBA expertise. And two, this league is totally unforgiving. Wave goodbye to that much talent, and it’s positive to go away a mark.
In fact, there’s actually solely thus far Virginia can tumble, although. This can be a program with a high flooring. We will speak all day about the nice things Tony Bennett does — on and off the courtroom — together with his staff. This enterprise is a players-first affair, and the finish outcomes, from prime to bottom, are fairly darn good.
With John Beilein now in the NBA, Virginia doubtless claims the throne as the premier player-development program in school basketball, though there’s a lot of room for debate there, too. Nevertheless, the rules that Bennett preaches — protection, turnover avoidance, ball movement — imply that even in lean years, UVA must be strong and win games.
Over the final eight seasons (223 wins), Virginia has ranked inside the prime 25 in adjusted defensive effectivity in each season; during that run, UVA recorded seven top-10 defenses. In only one of these eight seasons have opponents posted an effective capturing price above 47 %, which is wild. (Bart Torvik tasks UVA to have the nation’s No. 2 protection next season.)
On the different aspect of the flooring, Virginia now has six straight seasons with turnover rates underneath 17 %. In every of the final two seasons, the Cavaliers have posted sub-15 % turnover charges.
It’s due partially to the group’s personnel — Kyle Man, Ty Jerome and De’Andre Hunter have been all wonderful shooters — however Virginia’s Three-point try fee develop quickly over the final four seasons: from 28.4 % in 2015-16 to 39.5 % this season. In annually of that window, Virginia shot above 38 % from downtown, too. Hiya, Volume — meet Effectivity.
Once more, it helps to have notable amounts of veteran NBA-ready talent; nevertheless, packages that publish numbers like this yr after yr will find critical success — and make Dean Oliver proud.
Regardless of the notable departures, Virginia still deliver again a superb deal of expertise. Postseason hero Kihei Clark — 3.Eight assists per 40 minutes — is again to run the present; UVA scored 1.39 points per possession final season with Clark as a passer out of the pick-and-roll, in line with Synergy. He’ll group up in the backcourt with 4-star freshman Casey Morsell, who appears like a future star for the ‘Hoos.
Up front, Virginia may have two of the league’s more impactful huge men: Mamadi Diakite, again after flirting with the NBA Draft, and Jay Huff.
Diakite is an influence two-way middle who should play an enormous position for Virginia in the 2019-20 marketing campaign. In ACC play final season, Diakite’s block price spiked to 12.3 %, which was No. 1 in the conference throughout league motion. General, Diakite — who began 22 games (21.8 minutes per recreation) — averaged three blocks per 40 minutes.
On offense, Diakite found a groove diving to the rim in Virginia’s side-to-side continuity ball display offense — empty out a aspect and assault the gaps. He has good palms to go together with a powerful wingspan and a fast bounce. Diakite (32 dunks) scored 1.57 factors per possession (87 FG%) on basket roll last season, per Synergy.
Even together with his struggles in ball-screen defense, Huff managed to grow to be a worthwhile contributor final season for Virginia. At 7-foot-1, Huff is a legit stretch-5 prospect: 63.6 eFG% on catch-and-shoots, 14 3-pointers.
In line with Bart Torvik’s knowledge, Huff completed the season with 29 dunks (50 % of his complete area objectives), and shot 42-of-52 (80.Eight FG%) at the rim. Additionally, he shoots from the right spots: over 86 % of Huff’s subject aim makes an attempt have been either at the rim or from beyond the arc. Try to run him off the line, and he’s capable of attending to the rim together with his dribble, attacking closeouts.
Just like Diakite, Huff, too, discovered success as a rim-runner last season: 1.43 points per possession (69.2 FG%) on basket rolls.
Now a senior, Braxton Key returns as a Swiss Army knife participant, who can slide across and defend 4 positions: 23.Four % defensive rebound price (monster quantity), 3.7 % block fee and 3.2 % steal price.
It’ll be fascinating to see how Bennett decides to toggle minutes with Key, Huff and Diakite. Can Key work to fill some of the lost manufacturing from Hunter?
For whatever it’s value, the 2020-21 season looms as what might be one other robust one for Virginia, too. By that point, Morsell will probably be a sophomore, Marquette transfer Sam Houser (one other actually good participant/shooter) might be eligible, Huff and Clark will nonetheless be in Charlottesville and Four-star guard Reece Beekman will arrive, too.
Learn More ACC Basketball
Leaky Black, Jay Huff amongst the ACC’s under-the-radar draft prospects
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