#ts2 asoiaf
smallcatsims · 1 year
So, I'm going to be posting some videos of my Westeros building/gamplay two or three times a week. This first video will take you through different areas of the red keep and includes a general introduction to the neighborhood!
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agameoftragedy · 3 years
So some of you may know that I have my The Sims 2 ASOIAF neighbourhood and in so creating, I gave each house founder a special custom eye colour.
In TS2, similarly to real life, some eye colours are dominant and some are recessive and so recessives can potentially hide for generations and reappear later, and you’re never quite certain if that’s the case.
Until now! On my main blog I found out that you can actually find what genetics a sim carries through special cheat arrangements, and I have been going through every family screenshotting the genetics of every presently living sim.
Now, there were a couple of families I had concerns about. The Tully eyes haven’t been seen since the second generation, and the Arryns the first founding generation. I was slightly more concerned for the Arryns because they are a consistently small family with one or maybe two kids a gen, whereas Tullys have a bit more variation where the eye colour could have escaped elsewhere if not still in the main line.
It is with deepest regret that we announce that the pretty Tully blue eyes cannot be located anywhere in TS2 Westeros v.v We wonder whether Lady Emberlei carried it or not, but she never married or had kids (not sure if I can use this on ghosts to find out when hers wanders around).
However, the Arryns are not out yet:
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Lady Branda Stark, her mother was Alys Arryn, and it turns out she DOES carry the Arryn eye gene.
Now this did give me a lot of hope, because she’s married to Lord Greyjoy at a time of anxiety for the male line and she has had SIX children!
But literally only one of whom has inherited the Arryn eyes. I think some families are just a bit cursed tbh v.v
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House Targaryen. All the custom hairs and bodyshapes. I want diversity in the incestual familial line, dammit!!
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simsterlyrock · 7 years
Ask Meme
I got tagged by @alienpod​
Name: Carissa Nicknames: Riss. My mom calls me Coco every once in a while (a leftover nickname from a girl who used to live with us). Zodiac sign: Aquarius Height: 5′1″ ish. Maybe 5′2″ Orientation: Straight (never actually had a boyfriend or girlfriend, so I don’t really know). Ethnicity: Pacific Northwestian (USA) Favorite fruit: Strawberries Favorite season: Fall. There’s just something about the color of dying trees. XD Favorite book series: It’s a tie between Harry Potter and the Shadowhunters books Favorite flower: Baby’s breath. Terrible name, beautiful flower Favorite scent: Freshly baked goods. Or books. Favorite color: Blue Favorite animal: Cats, for sure Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea/cocoa. I drink so much of both. Average sleep hours: 7-9. Usually closer to 8. Cat or dog person: Cat. I love the family dog, but I’m a cat person. Favorite fictional characters: There’s so many. Hermione (Harry Potter), Tessa (Infernal Devices), Rhysand (Court of Mist & Fury), Tyrion (ASOIAF), and Annabeth (Percy Jackson) to name a few. Number of blankets you sleep with: Usually just my sheets and comforter. I have a blanket at the end of my bed though, and I’ve had to use that too the last couple of nights. Dream trip: Ireland/England/France/Italy/Iceland. All five in one go. Blog created: A while back...my first post is from Nov 2012, but it’s a reblog and I’m pretty sure I had posts before that and ended up deleting them. Number of followers: 672. How did I get so many? I didn’t post anything for like four months. Time right now: 5:46 pm Last thing you googled: "college break” because I couldn’t remember the URL for EF College Break. It’s literally efcollegebreak. XD Fave music artist: Well I’ve been binge listening to the Hamilton soundtrack for the last month, so Lin-Manuel Miranda Song stuck in my head: Literally every Hamilton song ever, all the time. SO GREAT. Last movie I watched: Ummm...The Road to El Dorado. Because I’m THAT 23-year-old Last TB show I watched: I finished The OA the other night and now I’m working on the Crown. I only have one episode left! What I’m wearing right now: Jeans, boots, a flowy shirt covered with a flannel The kind of stuff I post: TS2 Why did I choose my url: I love GoT and wanted something nerdy with sims in the title, and Simsterly Rock came to me Gender: Female. Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw. Pokémon team: Don’t play Pokemon, so no idea Lucky number: 3 Dream job: Published author Relationship status: Single af Pets: 2 cats and a dog, but they’re all back home with my family so I only get to see them on college breaks. :( Last song you listened to: I’m listening to Hamilton while doing this. Right now, “It’s Quiet Uptown” just finished playing Favorite TV Show: Ughhhh....How I Met Your Mother. I’ve watched it like 5 times all the way through First Fandom: Harry Potter. I read the books when I was 17 and my life was changed. <3
And I tag:
@poppet-sims @laenyrie @samtastic-sims @vimpse @allisas @simper-fi
Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done it. :)
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smallcatsims · 1 year
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Fun fact, this is canonically what Howland Reed has been doing during the entire plot of the books.
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smallcatsims · 10 months
Next, we have the tower of the hand where Jon Arryn lives with his family. The inside is fairly lackluster I’m afraid, except for the dining room/small council chambers which I am quite proud of.
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Jon hasn’t been murdered, and I don’t think I’ll have Lysa murder him, though it is possible. He works as the hand of the king and Lysa goes to court as well to fulfil her role as the Duchess of the Vale and collect the simoleans that come with that. She also woohoos with Littlefinger when Jon isn’t around.
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smallcatsims · 9 months
King Robert, first of his name, king of the andals, the rhoynar and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm has graced our simple household with his presence to steal our newspaper.
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smallcatsims · 11 months
Next, we have the Starks!
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I’m sure there is a custom direwolf breed somewhere, but I couldn’t be bothered to hunt it down, and I didn’t want them to just have huskies, so I gave the Starks Mabari hounds instead. Here we have Robb, Bran, and Arya playing with them.
Red haired Bran feels weird to me. The show actor did a great job and was really iconic, but Bran is supposed to have red hair and resemble Catelyn’s family. The only kiddos that have dark hair like Ned are Arya and Jon.
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smallcatsims · 11 months
For the Nights Watch, I had to get a little creative in terms of fitting them into the regency era. Essentially, they are still a penal colony where sims take vows to serve for life and give up any titles. However, they are focused more on gathering resources such as ore, lumber, and hunting arctic animals.
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Benjen hasn’t gone missing, and he’s having some yummy burnt horker stew with Alliser Thorne, Jon, and Sam. Benjen and Alliser are rangers and go on expeditions to hunt, fish, and patrol for grumpkins and snarks. Jon and Sam are still stewards obviously, and focus on cooking, cleaning, and taking care of elders like Maester Aemon and the Lord Commander.
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Viserys and Daenerys didn’t manage to flee dragonstone during the storm. They were caught but Ned convinced Robert to let them live. Dany lives at king’s landing and is betrothed to Joffrey to secure his rule and appease Targaryen loyalists, while Viserys was sent to the wall.
He is a lot more sane and emotionally stable, having grown up in a safe and secure environment with Maester Aemon to care for and guide him. Over time, he has let go of his bitterness at losing his family and crown. He is a builder, and helps collect lumber and ore, and do some basic maitenence around castle black.
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smallcatsims · 11 months
Roose Bolton is the Earl of the Dreadfort, and is training Ramsey to rule in his name someday. Reek fixes the gents a lovely luncheon of wolf pies and tea.
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Roose marries Walda Frey, and happily cashes in her massive dowry. He is happy to be $60,000 simoleans richer, and she is happy to be Countess of the Dreadfort.
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smallcatsims · 1 year
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And here we have.. Gregor’s towerhouse. When you enter you’re greeted with a big heavy locked door, which leads to the dungeon. Here, Gregor has two floors full of cages, torture devices, and training equipment. The only light in the dungeon comes from a fire he lights under the prisoners in the mounted cage to terrify them.
Up two flights of stairs are Gregor’s private rooms. He has a dining hall, and adjacent are a kitchen and a room/office for a steward who does housework for Gregor and manages his accounts. Gregor drinks strongwine and milk of the poppy for his headaches, so there are plenty of bubble blowers and minibars for him.
Upstairs is a little mancave where he can play darts and look at deer antlers, and a bedroom/bathroom.
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smallcatsims · 1 year
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I hate the idea of cleganebowl and truly hope that Sandor continues his positive arc of letting go of his anger and baggage and living a chill peaceful life on the quiet isle or as sansa’s husband
But if it does happen, here’s my artistic rendition of the event.
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smallcatsims · 1 year
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And now, we have the youngsters who live in the eastern castle. 
Up top, from left to right, we have Fat Walda, who is being courted by Roose Bolton, Earl of the Dreadfort. She has had a dozen new gowns made in Bolton colors and will be marrying him within the fortnight. She has an immense dowry due to the Viscount promising her weight in silver to Roose upon their marriage.
Then we have Miss Roslin Frey, a sweet, shy and unusually pretty daughter of the Viscount. He is saving her for the most ambitious political marriage he can muster up.
And then on the right, we have Amerei Frey, a young romance sim who gets up to all kinds of shenanigans that could bring scandal upon the family.
In the middle photo we have Marissa Frey who is only three and ten and not out in society yet. She exclusively prefers the company of women, and wants to be a cook, though that is obviously beneath the granddaughter of a Viscount, so she’s trying to enjoy the few short years she has before being forcibly married off and helping out in the kitchen as much as she is allowed. 
In the bottom photo we have Olyvar Frey, one of the Viscount’s much younger sons who is a Lieutenant in the army, his youngest son Elmar Frey, and Merrett’s youngest son, Little Walder.
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smallcatsims · 1 year
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Trust me, honey, you don’t want to join the ironborn. They are a hot mess.
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smallcatsims · 1 year
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So, I’ve started a new historical neighborhood.
More details and info about these sims below the cut. I rambled a LOT.
I’ve been having technical issues with Riverwood Park for probably over a month. Basically it just crashes every time I try to enter the Fischer household, and the occasional times that it loads everything is just drenched in invisible soup.
I’m not giving up on Riverwood Park. This has happened in other neighborhoods once I’ve been playing them for a while, but I don’t intend to stop that series at all. I have posts queued up for several months and I welcome any advice/solutions anyone might have for dealing with that.
However, I’ve been missing historical gameplay with all of this going on, I was chatting with some friends on the Historical Sims server and one of them was making a Victorian save file of Westeros, which made me completely giddy with excitement. I’ve actually read a couple of regency era asoiaf fanfictions so I kind of knew about the idea of a regency au westeros. But I never thought of doing it in the sims until now. 
It’s a huge undertaking and a LOT of building, so it might be a while before I post any gameplay. I’ll probably try and do shorter rotations since we’ll have a lot of families, and I’ll start actual intro rounds once we have a few more families. I just took a few photos of the sims and gave the adults careers and stuff.
So anyway..
We have the Reeds as our first family!!
Howland and Jyana Reed are very mysterious. We can only guess at their appearances through what their kids look like. All we know about Jyana is her name and all we know about Howland is that he helped Ned at the tower of joy and Ned trusts him a lot.
So technically he could have face 18, we don’t really know. Like I was going to avoid giving face 18 to one of the coolest, most mysterious characters who knows important secrets and lives in a freaking moving swamp castle. Which I was not able to create at all. I made them a nice mini-manse made out of logs and the inside is actually pretty nice, though I didn’t get pictures of it.
So, for Howland and Jyana, I just made them knowledge sims. Idk why, it seemed to fit. Jyana rolled the want to join the education career so I made her a senior schoolteacher. It makes sense that a pretty progressive mother who lets her daughter wear pants and learn combat abilities is just minding her business running a small school for the swamp children.
For Howland, I made him a Marquess, since he’s technically the lord of the borderlands of the north, and Ned trusts him and owes him his life. I feel like he doesn’t really like leaving home, but he does go to the court at Winterfell to visit Ned sometimes.
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smallcatsims · 10 months
Lastly, we have the Kitchen Keep. It’s just a small building with a vegetable garden and a pig yard. Not many sims live here. 
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Gyles Rosby lives here in canon, and I actually made the servant a distant niece of his. He rolled the want to get a job as a teacher, so I made him the Minister of Education. I’m not quite sure what he does in canon (before Cersei appoints him master of coin) or why he lives at court, but this seems like a decent excuse. 
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In canon at this point, Shireen and Selyse live at Dragonstone because Stannis doesn’t want them around and doesn’t really care that his daughter is isolated with only a terrifying clown for a friend. Not in my neighborhood. This is a better and kinder universe where there’s no civil war and Patchface doesn’t exist.
I still have Stannis living separately from these two but they live in the kitchen keep with Gyles and his neice. Selyse can more easily perform her court duties as Duchess of Dragonstone and Shireen can get a better education and socialize with more peers. She is actually really good friends with Tommen and Myrcella, and I’m sure that Selyse is trying to convince Cersei to betroth her to Tommen. I don’t even think Tommen would mind much, they get along great.
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