#ts4 collaborative
potionio · 1 year
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You've lost count at this point, the amount of days you've travelled but your pain tells a tale and a half. But Guild Amakiir's advertisements in the port town you just came from were too good to pass up. With the heavy rain it was almost impossible to locate the guild, but upon doing so the guild leader Creed offers quite the introduction...
More info under the cut!
Guild Amakiir is my excuse to have fun with people in the community. I've seen people do the bachelor and bachelorette but I haven't watched a single season- so I'll be damned if I don't do my own version with a fantasy twist!
Set in one of my many homebrew settings I've made for Dungeons and Dragons, Amakiir is a guild created well over 160 years ago. But after some unfortunate (see: entirely obvious) betrayals and tragedies they've fallen on hard times. What they need is a group of adventurers to gear up and make a name for themselves.
So, why not have everyone work together to do this? I figured why not have people make characters, and forge our own little band of misfits and see where they end up.
To send a Sim in they just need to meet the following requirments:
They have to be one of the D&D races, you can find these literally everywhere online. Go wild, hell if you find some cool homebrew why not!
They need to be assigned a class and subclass. You can once again find these online, DND Beyond is an amazing free resouce!
You absolutely do not need to roll stats for them. But if you're a dnd nerd and you want to, it's the roll 4d4, remove the lowest system- reroll any ones!
While I understand that they can't be CC minimal in some cases (sighs at aasimar and tabaxi etc), please try to not blow my computer up. thanks <3
Remember to have a download link available, or at least be ready for me to poke you about one.
I'll try to keep it to a ground of 6 picked out little gangs, and will probably add even more people!
I already have a few NPC's for the guild made but hell feel free to even make those if you want just poke me for any details.
use the #GuildAmakiirTryouts : )! I'll peek in next Friday (14th of June) and post who has gotten accepted into the guild!
I just want a fantasy collaborate event with people. And I am a tryhard so I did all of this.
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nv-games · 10 months
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Download: Boosty | Patreon (free)
Hanoverian Horse Midnight by @blue-ancolia
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ofmdee · 2 months
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finally FINALLY working on this!! 😂
(fic 🧜‍♂️)
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pw-creations · 27 days
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✨ Flower Power Collab ✨
This is a collab made by @carolldesign, @fatalrosecreations & me ♥ Download Caroll's Part here x Part 1 x Part 2
Download Fatal Rose's Part here x SFS x Patreon
Download my Part here x Part 1 x Part 2
CC Informations: Flower Earrings V1 Polycount: 1344 / 1112 / 901 / 758 All LODs / HQ Textures / 9 Swatches Flower Earrings V2 Polycount: 21464 / 13635 / 7407 / 4292 All LODs / HQ Textures / 9 Swatches
Main Website/|\Facebook/|\ Instagram/|\Pinterest Board
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youroselion · 8 months
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George Roberts
Несмотря на то, что @evendash отказалась делать со мной коллаборацию, я решила всё таки отдать дань её творчеству, сделав мейковер Джорджа. Это был мягкий мейковер, чтобы в случае, если @evendash захочет получить у меня его tray, он хорошо вписался в её игру. Всем хорошей игры! Берегите своих любимок!
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ts4ksj · 6 months
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GorillaX3 x KIMsimjo Collaboration :
After School
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KIMsimjo's Creations
Simjo_Spotlight_Hair (TSR)
Simjo_Backlight_Hair (TSR)
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GorillaX3's Creations
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icchixxxxxx1 · 2 years
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Ddungcaron set
chime x icchi collaboration♡
Click here for chime's pose🐰
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💝Ddungcaron_L and Ddungcaron_R
・Base game compatible
・All ages
・Ring category
・Base game compatible
・Other decorations
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 Don’t claim as your own.
 Don’t re-upload. 
Don’t re-edit. 
Don't make money off my creations.
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DOWNLOAD (Patreon/free)
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evilquinzel · 2 years
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Hi! This is one of my two participations for the new collab at TSR. A black eye for your brave knights! I hope you enjoy it 😸💖  ✨VIP Early Access until Mar 15, 2023✨ - Skin details category; - Female and male; - Teen + ; - All species; - 4 colors, 12 versions; - HQ compatible.
- Custom thumbnail. - Images were taken with HQ mod.
If you search for any item I use on this sim, you can go to my TSR page where I answer faster!      
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bloomingkyras · 1 year
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Part 1/2/3
Private Reception Of Jea Hahn & Ammara Rose' Adems
Special Guest @d4isywhims and Jea Hahn Family
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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Valentina Contreras
For @kashisun Simblr Office!
Full body shots and loooooads of information below the cut! ❤️
36 years old
Graduated with honors from UBright. Head of the Simblr Office's Public Relations department for around 5 years now. The office employee advocate in any possible legal situations. Will have a company scandal handled before you can call your momma about it.
Ambitious, secret geek, your resident mean friend™️ with a heart of gold. Don't wax poetic to her though, she will barf and adamantly deny that she even likes you (she does) or that she has the capability to be sweet (again, she does - in her own way).
Does not do nicknames but will tolerate "Val" from the coworkers she gets along with. If she doesn't like you, it's Ms. Contreras exclusively.
Chronic desk snacker. Has never ate lunch in the break room in her life. Has been seen running to the conference room in emergency "defcon" situations with her trademark huge ass thermos in one hand, her (newest model) iPhone pressed to her ear, and a bagel hanging from her mouth.
Lives with a lowkey migraine all the time, thus overly prepared. Has a cabinet filled with all the period products, vitamin supplements, and pain relievers the office could ever need. She walked in on two coworkers getting freaky once and, after "vigorously bleaching her eyeballs" (her words), she wordlessly added various contraceptives to the cabinet the next day. (If you take any, DO NOT elaborate to her. Plausible deniability and all that.)
Lives and dies by her smart watch. Calendar queen through and through.
As scary as she is on the surface, she really likes her job and her coworkers (she would never admit this). She's gives straightforward and thorough advice, is a good listener, and always accepts invites to hang out after work (so long as you sent her a calendar invite, obviously).
Competitive as fuck. Scarily good at drinking games.
Serious about the work life balance - you will not find her ass in the office more than a minute after the end of the day. If you interrupt her on a day off or call her while she's on vacation, she will murder you with her perfectly manicured and moisturized hands.
Posted a pic on her (highly guarded) Instagram flashing a huge ass diamond ring with no description. Showed up to work the next day and didn't say a thing. That doesn't stop people from speculating who the brave guy is (no one is ever right). One thing is for sure though - he does NOT work at the office! 😂
Does not have children and probably will never have children. She says she "does plenty of babysitting at work, thank you."
Has been known to call coworkers who piss her off or who create public company-related nightmares "little shits" or "dumbasses." It comes off far more endearing than she wants it to.
She can be heard saying, "Nope. Nope. Not today," "I do not get paid enough for this shit," and/or a slew of obscenities (in Spanish and in English, always in rapid succession) multiple times a day.
You can tell if you're about to be in deep shit with her based upon the pace at which her heels click toward your office/cubicle. 😉
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pixelsimili · 1 year
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Теплым солнечным деньком к моим ребятам в Комореби из блога @evendash прилетела потрясающая пара Тиффани и Джорджа. Сьерра и Лютер провели новых друзей по живописным уголкам этого удивительного места: от ниспадающих водопадов до бамбуковых рощ. Взобрались по лестнице к храму, откуда открывался изумительный вид на аккуратные домики и плантации риса, а вдали величест��енно возвышались горные хребты. Сделали памятные снимки, которые будут греть душу холодными коморебийскими вечерами. Это была незабываемая встреча, ребята испытали массу положительных эмоций, теперь Сьерра и Лют будут с улыбкой вспоминать этот день. «До встречи! Надеюсь, мы ещё увидимся!», - прокричали супруги вслед, удаляющимся за горизонт друзьям.
Спасибо чудесной Кристине за прекрасный опыт и возможность попробовать себя в чём-то новом!💗🙌 Было приятно поработать с тобой! Надеюсь, Тифф и Джордж остались в восторге от их небольшого путешествия!🫶
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nv-games · 10 months
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Download: Boosty | Patreon (free)
French Alpine Horse Jolie Destinée by @blue-ancolia
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You'll need:
Horse Mane by me
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empiredesimparte · 2 years
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The military entry of the heir to the kingdom of Scots, the Duke of Rothsey, at Versailles
Duke Oliver de Rothsey chose the Empire of Francesim to complete his military education. It was with honour that he was personally received by HIM Emperor at Versailles, accompanied by HIH Imperial Prince Louis. The military ceremony was framed by the Cent-Gardes and it was not by chance!
Firstly, because the Cent-Gardes Squadron is His Majesty's elite cavalry corps and the Duke of Rothsey specialises in military cavalry. On the other hand, the Cent-Gardes have their origins in the Scottish Guard of the Kings of Francesim. Since the 15th century, the kings of Francesim had this elite military corps of Scottish origin as their personal guard, a tradition that lasted until the French Revolution and the Restoration. Emperor Napoléon IV, on his enthronement, re-established the Cent-Gardes as his personal protectors.
Made up exclusively of experienced, tall horsemen, the Cent-gardes squadron, heir to the Scottish Guard, escorted the Emperor on horseback during his public appearances, and today guards him and his family in the imperial palaces and during their travels. Their tall stature and brilliant blue and red uniforms give them great prestige.
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In the marble courtyard of Versailles, the heir Oliver of the Scots meets the Emperor Napoléon IV. His Royal Highness and His Imperial Highness are both dressed in the prestigious cuirassier armour of the Cent-gardes. The Emperor is dressed as a general of the Cent-gardes.
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The Duke of Rothsey is expected to stay in Francesim for several months for his military and scientific training, where he will accompany the Children of Francesim to the Polytechnic School as a prestigious foreign student. His presence will be an opportunity for the French imperial family and the Scottish royal family to consider several projects, agreements and political alliances.
Collaboration with @officalroyalsofpierreland
Le duc Oliver de Rothsey a choisi l'empire de Francesim pour parfaire son éducation militaire. C'est avec honneur qu'il fut reçu personnellement par l'Empereur à Versailles, accompagné du prince impérial Louis. La cérémonie militaire était encadrée par les Cent-Gardes. Et ce n'est pas par hasard !
En effet, d'une part parce que l'escadron des Cent-Gardes est le corps de cavalerie d'élite de Sa Majesté. Or le duc de Rothsey est spécialisé dans la cavalerie militaire. D'autre part, les Cent-Gardes tirent leurs origines de la Garde écossaise des rois de Francesim. Les rois de Francesim, depuis le XVe siècle, avaient pour garde personnelle ce corps militaire d'élite originaire d'Ecosse, dont la tradition a perduré jusqu'à la Révolution française puis la Restauration. L'Empereur Napoléon IV à son intronisation rétablit les Cent-Gardes comme ses protecteurs personnels.
Constitué exclusivement de cavaliers expérimentés de grande taille, l'escadron des cent-gardes héritier de la garde royale écossaise escorte à cheval l'Empereur dans ses apparitions publiques, et assure aujourd'hui la garde et celle de sa famille dans les palais impériaux et au cours de leurs déplacements. Leur haute stature et leur brillant uniforme bleu et rouge leur confèrent un très grand prestige.
L'héritier Oliver des Scots rencontre l'Empereur Napoléon IV. Son Altesse Royale et Son Altesse Impériale sont toutes deux vêtues des prestigieuses armures de cuirassiers des Cent-Gardes. L'Empereur quant à lui est habillé de l'uniforme de général des Cent-Gardes.
Le duc de Rothsey devrait rester plusieurs mois en Francesim pour sa formation militaire et scientifique, où il accompagnera les Enfants de Francesim à l'école Polytechnique en tant qu'étudiant étranger prestigieux. Sa présence sera l'occasion pour la famille impériale française et la famille royale écossaise d'envisager plusieurs projets, accords et alliances politiques.
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ofmdee · 2 months
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(google doc here)
hiya all, i thought it was finally time to make an Official collab post on tumblr, lol, i have one floating around somewhere but it's not very detailed, so! lets create something together?
fic examples 💕
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Must be 18+!!!!
Must be okay with me sharing the finished gifs/stills on twitter/tumblr at some point (with a link to your fic, of course)
You can either: tell me what you’d be interested in writing and I will do my best to create gifs/stills to match that, or, if you don’t have any specific ideas, I will make some random gifs and send them your way, to see if you vibe with them
If you do have specifics, lmk!  I will try to accommodate as best I can.  Examples include: position/act, who tops/bottoms, clothes (or lack thereof), facial hair/accessories etc
This is mostly for smutty oneshot type things, anything too plotty gets too complicated
I reserve the right to not do stuff that I simply don’t vibe with, lol, or stuff that just isn’t easily accomplished/is outside my skill level
In general, will not do: Ed and Stede with anyone but each other, animations for fics that are already written (because I do not make the animations myself, and I only can use what is available for download, so I don’t like having to find something super specific unless I’m working on my own longfic), and like, anything that squicks me out or makes me uncomfortable
Can do other pairings, but my other character sims are way less detailed than Ed n Stede
Can do lesbian Ed n Stede 
My sims are cis, but that can also be changed with a few clicks if you’d like!
I’ll send you an album of all the gifs I make, and you are free to use as few/many as you like, in whatever order you like.  Whatever inspires you!!!
You’re obv free to post your finished work on ao3 or whatever site you want, just pls link back to my twitter or tumblr in some way.  (Or add me as co creator, but that is totally optional!)
(If you need help posting gifs to ao3, click the google doc link at the top of this post!!!)
I’d prefer if gifs weren’t uploaded to any twitter/tumblr but my own, with the exception of a title gif that I will send you, so you can make your own tweet/post, if you’d like! and ofc go nuts on ao3!
(To censor a gif on twitter, you have to be on desktop and click add description, and the flag option will be in there. post spicy stuff on tumblr at ur own risk 😂)
Finished fics are all compiled on @m3rmaided, feel free to browse them ;)
Any questions, hmu!
Seriously, though, feel free to DM me at any time if you’re interested in creating something together, I am pretty much always open to it.  And it is NOT just a mutuals only deal!!!
Will update this post periodically if I think of anything else!
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so, yeah!!! u can DM me or reply here and i'll get in contact w/ you, whatever you prefer! 💕 this is meant to be fun and stress free, so no time restraints or anything like that, just! creativity!!! yeah 💕
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wiltingroseisdead · 5 months
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asta mercer ︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
hair outfit heels glowing eyes teeth
<> blo0d 1
*full collab cas on my youtube - wilting_rose* ⛧ ┊ asta mercer 🦇 | create-a-sim collab w/ @simsyl48 | sims 4 + cc links (youtube.com)
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winniethe4 · 11 months
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"The Haunting Of The Monet Family"
After 1,000 years, the disappearance of Catherine Monet and her daughter Dorothee remains a mystery to town...
gallery ID: lovelisouls
Part of a halloween collab on twitter! This build has NO CC ADDED!
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