#ts4 one colour challenge
albiorixsims · 1 year
Сим в одном цвете
Что ж, вот и мне прилетело... аж два раза)))
От @edyavtostopom - бирюзовый. И тут, буду честна, я чуть-чуть смухлевала, так как симка уже готовая у меня была, но я оторвалась на скринчиках! так что держитесь хдд
Нарилея - принцесса подводного царства. И пусть вас не смущает ее милое личико, эта русалка та ещё коварная штучка. Ее любимое занятие, ночами, на пару со своим бирюзовым питомцем, увлекать заплутавшие суда на рифы и топить несчастных моряков.
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От @girlsinner666 - серый.
Эш - скромный парнишка, полная противоположность Нарилее. Принадлежит редкому виду ночных стрекоз, отсюда и блёклый, сумрачный окрас. Родичи порицают его любовь к приключениям, но для Эша самое прекрасное что может быть - это резвиться со светлячками в лучах восходящего солнца. Главное не увлечься и вовремя спрятаться в тени деревьев, ибо слишком яркий свет губителен для его нежных крылышек!
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Если ты еще не участововал в этой забаве - твой цвет фиолетовый!
Правила под катом->
Создать сима исключительно в том цвете, который выберет для вас отправитель челленджа.
Всё на симе должно быть определенного цвета, в это правило не входит только цвет кожи, макияж и мелкие детали (например, узоры на одежде или детали от нарядов в полный рост). Главная задача - передать через сима свой цвет! Мелочи - не так важны.
После выполнения челленджа передать его 5-8 блогам (можно больше, если ещё найдутся люди) и обязательно сказать им, в каком цвете они должны создавать симов! Цвет выбираете для них любой, свой самый любимый или самый ненавистный ха-ха
И главное правило – получать удовольствие от челленджа!
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pumpkin-simblr · 8 months
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On the first day of 1307, Julien Gauthier, our second-gen heir, survives his death roll and ages up into a Sunny Infant. Apparently the Gauthiers are only capable of producing redheads, which isn't how real-world genetics work (probably), but so far there's been only one dark-haired Gauthier baby--Theodoric, who did not survive his Infant death roll. Everybody since has had Lucan's red hair.
It's a cute look, anyway, and on the other hand Julien definitely inherited his mother's curls.
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sslsims4lookbook · 11 months
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Day 8 @windbrook's Slashed CAS Challenge, Penny Torrance the meddler and the third on-screen death.
Penny Torrance loves Halloween, after all, it is her birthday. The little prankster of Craven Falls decided to one-up her pranks and jokes for her last high school Halloween party in Craven Falls as her family is gonna take over the family inn and move away in winter. However, her attempts to do a ritual to summon a friendly ghost might be the start of all the trouble when she pours a bottle of strange green liquid found in the school's basement cellar…
"Voted most likely hosting a deadly game show." Penny Torrance's Yearbook quote
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amethystamanda · 4 months
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Alien Crib
Getting ready for the 100 Alien Baby Challenge? Just been abducted and your tummy feels funny? Stranded far from home and want your offspring to feel comfy? Do you just know that there's something out there and want your baby to be prepared?
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If you, like me, loaded into the Curious brothers household in TS2 and fell in love with the crib, this is for you.
A recolor of @awingedllama's TS3 Kinder Kontainer conversion (you NEED the mesh https://awingedllama.tumblr.com/post/712793222699696128/random-conversions-for-infants-i-stayed-up-all -- yes, they're fine with including it, but it didn't work right, and I don't have the time to figure it out.) I made the recolour, because why re-convert something, then realized that theirs was converted from TS3, not TS2.
It's not exactly like the original (the aliens are supposed to be between the lace ruffle and the main part, they just don't fit) but it's close enough in my opinion.
17 space and/or alien themed colours, some with a space print and lace, some white with a alien ruffle, some with a space print and alien ruffle. TS4 aliens are more colourful than TS2 ones. Some are vibrant, some are more pastel or faded.
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Base Game Compatible, same as the original. Tagged the same as the original, except for the colour tags. 150 simoleons.
You NEED the mesh!
Download: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4665972/
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rockethorse · 2 years
Do you have any tips or resources for improving at texturing? The stuff you’ve been sharing is brilliant— you capture the maxis feel so well!
Oh, thank you for asking, I'm quite flattered you think so! I have mostly been figuring stuff out through trial and error, so I'm hardly a texturing expert, but I can try and share what I've found works for me.
Firstly, wherever possible/practical I just steal from existing Maxis textures, LOL. Makes sense since we want to recreate that Maxis feel, right? If I can remember an existing texture that could be tweaked to work, then I go grab it at least as a reference. For example with the retextures of Alexander's little shorts-suit that I shared for the GoS challenge, I knew I wanted an oversized, hand-me-down denim jacket vibe... so why not go straight to the source and just grab a denim jacket texture from an adult mesh? Then it's just a matter of figuring out the "gaps" in the mapping and filling them in with airbrushing, clone tools, etc. Sometimes the final texture is completely different, but having the reference helped a lot. I'll also take or reference textures from TS3 and TS4 conversions.
On that note, I think it's immensely helpful for anyone working from a Maxis mesh to grab a UV map if possible. This thread of Maxis UV maps is great, but unfortunately not comprehensive - I can't find elder UV maps anywhere :( But still a great resource! It's especially helpful when you're changing something like necklines and shoes, which are often mapped awkwardly and make it really obvious when seams aren't aligned.
Full disclosure, I was already a digital artist, so I had a leg-up on certain aspects of learning to texture. But I still struggled a lot with hand-painting textures and would often get frustrated because what worked for my art didn't work with The Sims. Eventually I found brushes that worked best for me - this might differ from artist to artist, but I found that scaling airbrush tools down gave me the best balance of softness even for "hard" lines like seams, trim, etc. Using a harder brush stood out as looking too "digital" in-game.
Whenever I'm hand painting something from scratch, I first make sure my idea is possible by editing the alpha. I'll make the texture a bright floodfill like yellow, flatten any bump map, and then tweak the alpha how I'm imagining to see what parts are "meshed on" and where. This helps me figure out the boundaries of collars, necklines, hems, etc. in ways that aren't always obvious on a UV map. If the alpha can be edited the way I'm imagining, then I move on to adding small details like hems, buttons, etc.
Once I have these rough details, I start by adding "shape" to a flat colour with the airbrush tool. This means gradually building up shadows to give a sense of 3D. I often start from the sides to make sure the seams will be the same colour, though I do think it's best to go in afterwards with your UV maps to lighten up certain patches. Then I'll add highlights with the same technique, and start carving areas away to make folds and creases, etc. I do this before I add any texture. Often I'll start with a grey colour, to make recolouring easier later, but if I have a very specific colour in mind I'll do that one first and then make a desaturated version for recolouring later. Since I work with Maxis Match textures, it doesn't matter as much if you lose some detail with this process.
This process of building up a sense of 3D gradually and softly with the airbrush tool and shrinking the airbrush tool down to make finer lines instead of choosing an actual fine-line brush are the two biggest tips that I think improved my handpainted textures!
Also, and I mean this sincerely, but I make it look a bit crummy on purpose. EAxis textures are a wonderful blend of genuinely beautiful hand-painting and abhorrent photoskinning, all of which are flattened and smeared to squeeze onto 2000s hardware. Sometimes stretching or upscaling a texture is exactly what a recolour needs to achieve the "Maxis feel", you know? So don't stress too much about it. I always kind of laugh when I find myself obsessing over a tiny stray pixel or a mis-matched seam in my own content and then find the tackiest suit on MTS from 2004 like "looks great, unzip it". It's probably never gonna look as good in-game as it does in your graphics program anyway. Hair textures are where I truly embrace the fug because I know anyone who wants them is coming for exactly that. If people don't want smeary, slightly-dirty, mismatched-colour-groups hair textures, then they've probably found a different hair system that works for them, lol.
Oh, speaking of graphics programs, I use Krita for all my digital art and retexturing. If anyone is looking to get into making textures and doesn't have access to an art program, I highly recommend it for being free, open-source and powerful. If you're a beginner, then remember also that BodyShop crunches textures, especially for darker colours, so if your textures look pixellated in-game try using SimPE to build the DXTs instead for slightly different compression.
If it's an object I'm retexturing, I'll often clone the object in SimPE and then recolour the clone so that I can preview how it will look in SimPE without having to load the game. This isn't perfect, since there's no lighting in SimPE, so sometimes you won't notice little details that are meshed-on, but it's certainly faster than having to load the game every time, especially if you're making lots of little tweaks or stretching the object's mapping to its limits. I had to do this with the blackboards, the City Living toilets, and the bear chairs.
I think that's about it! If anyone has any more specific questions I can try and answer, and I'll try and add pictures that explain what I'm talking about a bit better the next time I go texture something. But in the end, I think "trial and error to find what works for you" is the best advice, along with "steal from other textures A LOT".
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cruel-simmer · 4 months
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Welcome to the Not So Berry Challenge! This is our founder, Effie Berry. As per the challenge rules her traits are Vegetarian, Materialistic and Jealous and her aspiration is Chief of Mischief.
Effie was actually the final baby born in my Sharp Legacy that I posted over on my old blog and played from 2019-2021. I have this dream of all my TS4 saves being connected in some way and eventually making one massive family tree on echo and this is the start of that I guess lmao I didn't change anything about her other than her hair colour, switching out the trait she had (she was only a child when I stopped playing that family) and changing her surname to Berry (bc I'm very creative) Rules and other misc ramblings under the cut!
I'm using the spreadsheet I made to keep track of what I need to do for each generation but you can also check out the original challenge post here I know there's an extended version of this challenge that includes more packs but imma just stick with the original. And once I'm done I'll eventually do Not So Berry 2
Generation One Rules 1. Complete aspiration 2. Reach top of career 3. Max mischief skill 4. Max logic skill 5. Complete Elements collection As I complete things throughout this challenge I'll list the rules again with the thing I've completed ticked off so it's clear what I've got left to get done
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aorticsims · 4 months
AORTiCSims Numbers CAS & Shell Challenge (for TS2 and TS4)
I'm going to kill two birds with one stone and create a CAS challenge and a shell challenge. There's no deadline to this, I'm just doing this for fun.
CAS Rules
Below are the descriptions of ten different subjects and their respective colours. You must create one or more of the subjects and can interpret the descriptions of each subject in any way you see fit.
You can use CC and defaults.
Feel free to rename the subjects and give them a family/pets.
Build Rules
In the downloads folder I have provided two things: a TS4 tray of the number shells, and an empty TS2 world with the same shells recreated (all of them are on a 3x2 lot and on a foundation).
Typical shell challenge rules. Add interior walls, platforms, fences, foundations, change wall height etc., just don't touch the original walls.
You can add a second floor if you want, but its shape cannot overshadow the original shape of the shell e.g. a la the museum from Get Famous
If you decide to create a family for one or more of the subjects, their house must cater to each member accordingly.
Other Rules
You don't have to upload it to the gallery. You can just tag me on here. or use #aorticnumbers
Meet The Subjects:
Subject One (Colour: Brown)
"The oldest of the bunch, Subject One was born with a singular neat point. Though they can appear dim-witted and lackadaisical, they often hold high spirits and are mostly down-to-earth, save for the odd incoherent conspiracy theory here and there."
Subject Two (Colour: Hot Pink)
"Subject Two may seem as your typical ditzy shopaholic blonde, but what they lack in spatial awareness they make up for in their expansive knowledge of written media, especially historical fiction. They are also best friends with Subject Five, and has been giving glances at Subjects Four, Seven, and Nine."
Subject Three (Colour: Yellow)
"Generous as can be, Subject Three is quite literally the golden child of a long line of deeply religious culinary prodigies. They believe that everyone can make a positive impact on the world regardless of how terrible some people are, which ironically puts them at odds with Subject Six."
Subject Four (Colour: Turquoise)
"To say that Subject Four is the adventurous type would be a pretty big understatement. They want to experience the world and all it has to offer, even the potentially lethal things."
Subject Five (Colour: Periwinkle)
"It's a known fact that Subject Five suffers from an inferiority complex. Some say it's due to them being the youngest of the subjects and lacking worldly experience, others say it's some of the other subjects *cough* subject six and seven *cough* giving them a hard time. When they're alone or with Subject Two, they indulge themselves in arts and music."
Subject Six (Colour: Maroon)
"As a child, Subject Six had faced several different foster families, which mellowed their violent childhood outbursts into a nihilistic outlook on life. Their apathetic and often hedonistic nature are enough to sour even the most sweetest of faces. But interestingly, not Subject Nine."
Subject Seven (Colour: Orange)
"Subject Seven believes they were built for the spotlight. They also believe they were built like a heavy duty brick (they're moreso built like a calcite crystal, but that's neither here nor there). Along the years, they've gathered a rather impressive though quite superfluous itinerary of skills, ranging from DJing at an up-and-coming nightclub to free climbing a mountain."
Subject Eight (Colour: Lime)
"Subject Eight was a young valedictorian who had their fame and prestige forcefully stripped away due to a bitterly distasteful rumour that made its rounds in their hometown. Deep down, they desperately want retribution from the people that first spread it, but for now, they'll just keep working diligently and one day they might receive some well-needed justice."
Subject Nine (Colour: Black)
"Meticulous and mysterious, Subject Nine is an enigma. Nothing is really known about their life, and they seem fairly indifferent to it. It's almost as if all their memories had been wiped."
Subject Zero (Colour: Light Grey)
"Subject Zero lovingly enjoys the afterlife. They enjoy walking through walls and not having to dress up for Halloween parties. The thing is though, they're not actually dead, they only believe they're dead."
Link to the World (TS2) and Rooms (TS4) on SimFileShare
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frauhupfner · 2 years
Apocalyptic Christmas Gifts
I have a little clothes collection for everyone who would like to start a TS2 Vault Challenge or just everyone who likes Fallout/ grunge clothes. :) All TS4 originals are by @wastelandwhisperer​ and since I found some of the meshes converted to TS2 I slapped the textures onto them. :)
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1. Nuka Cola Jumpsuits (original). TS4 to TS2 mesh had been converted by @prismasaryn-sims​ here (I think you need an account on Nexus for this​), I used only the sneaker version because I liked it more. Male and female, teen to elders, meshes are included, each has 8 colours, 4 dirty, 4 clean. Download male Download female
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2. Vault Suits (original). Male and female adults on my own mesh from here (which is included, still no morphs, sorry). 6 colours with 3 different numbers on the back, 3 clean, 3 dirty. Download female Download male
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3. Grungy Top (originals). Only these three since the fourth one hasn’t been converted by anyone yet. :/ These three had been converted 4t2 by @skittlessims. Teen to elder female, meshes are included, 7 colours each. All three are in one folder where each version has it’s own folder. Download tops Let me know if a link or tag is not working, sometimes Tumblr is acting weird. :/ Merry Christmas to everyone. :)
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webbymom · 2 years
Picking it back up at the bookstore...
I ranted too long to make sense of the last post's title, which referenced going to the bookstore.
Yes. The bookstore in Sunset Valley in THE SIMS 3.
I was so disillusioned by TS4's newest and brightest crap that I said to myself, "What the hell! Let's open TS3 and see what I can do there!"
Oh. My. Goodness.
Dudes. Do you know they have a COLOUR WHEEL?? For like, EVERYTHING???
And do you remember that sims can literally travel down a street and go to the bookstore WITH NO LOADING SCREENS?
And do you remember CARS???? * faints *
Seriously, while the game takes longer to load on the front end, while EA has lost the fact that I do actually own some more worlds and store stuff than what they give me credit for, and while I don't have ALL the stuff I DO still "own" turned on to keep "performance" specs up (not even sure that's needed on this machine, but what-evs)...
This. Game. Is. Fabulous.
And it's HARDER. I have a much harder time keeping ONE SIM fully up on all their needs than I do in TS4. And I LIKE that. Seriously, TS4 is so easy. It's too easy to make money, too easy to keep everyone happy all the time, too easy to advance at work...
Maybe I'm just a freakin' good player and other folks may find it harder in TS4, for whatever reason. I mean, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I've been playing "perfect lives" sims since the day TS2 came out... so there's that. ;) They don't call me "The Controller" for nuthin'!!!
But honestly, I found this more challenging. I decided to create a single sim, get them into a house they could afford at first, get them a career, and make it to the top of that career (it was a life wish to become CEO... which I did. :) ). Let's call her Rita - since that's her name. ;)
Oh, the things that broke and clogged and rotted! Oh, the horrible (but funny!) bad passes that Thornton Wolfe (the boss!) made to my poor sim! Oh, the fun in the park on days off of work, and the meetings Rita had to squish into times when she was not working and also not dying - just for that one... last... promotion...
It was fun. I even re-built Rita's house, and bought her some better stuff and let her learn handiness and a bit of fishing and painting...
I could pick an outfit - shirt with sweater-vest and belt, skirt, and shoes - and COLOUR COORDINATE them! I could make her doors match her windows and her walls coordinate with the carpet and the sheets match the bedspread...
I know it's been a few years since I've played, so I'm a bit rusty, BUT - - - I found it more challenging to keep one single sim going and really happy in TS3 than raising an entire family (mom, dad, 2 kids) in TS4. So there's that.
Sure, the sims walk around like they have sticks up their butts (a long-time pet peeve of mine re: the TS3 sims LOL) and the UI is old-fashioned and the build-mode tools are SO much less than what we have now in TS4. But to be honest, I found the UI to be direct, precise, and intuitive. While I re-built her a house and was AGHAST that I could not lower the roof more than "X" amount, I really didn't care, because it was the GAMEPLAY that was really engaging me again.
Rita made it to the top of her career (apparently, Level 8 was the top back then!) which was yesterday in my time. I'm going to start another sim off in Sunset Valley with a new goal. Maybe even make a couple! Kick it up a notch, look after TWO sims and get them to the top of their careers as fast as I can, or their lifetime wishes fulfilled or whatever. Maybe they will be Rita's neighbours! Wouldn't that be cool? Since there are no loading screens?????
Sims 5 needs to be better. With offerings coming our way like "Life by You" and "Paralives", they seriously have to up their game at EA with this genre. I'm rather doubtful that I will buy ANY more EA kits, packs, or EP's for TS4. I will dip back into my currently-working family now and then to keep them going and make a few more TS4 memories, but they have strung this thing out far too long and it's at the point where they will lose players to the boredom and mediocrity that they are currently asking money for. It's time to move on to the new and better stuff.
As for me, I'm moving back to old and better stuff and finding the joy there once again. My TS3 adventures will continue while I wait the rest out. I have pre-ordered Life by You, and I'm following the progress of Paralives. I'm dabbling pretty much daily in Disney Dreamlight Valley, and I have tons of those crazy little casual games that keep me entertained when my brain is too taxed to decide what to do next with my little sims' live. ;) Sad to say, I don't need or want TS4 to be part of my evening entertainment on a daily basis anymore.
Nothing has been as funny or quirky as TS2 since TS2. Nothing has been as open - both in world terms and in creative/pattern/colour terms - as TS3 since TS3. TS4 started on a flat note (no pools and no toddlers) and has tried to play catch-up ever since. NINE YEARS of catching up. And I'm feeling, sorry to say, that they've not actually succeeded in catching up.
Honestly, I'm just not that invested anymore. I'm hoping that new games will bring back that old TS2 "oh-my-gosh-this-is-so-cool-and-fun" thing for me, but I will wait and see. Maybe I'm just done with life simulation games. But maybe - just maybe - Rod Humble/Paradox or Alex/Paralives People will surprise me. Maybe they have something up their sleeves that will delight life sim fans all over again.
Remember that crazy gold helmet you could get in TS2 to wear when you learned stuff to make you learn faster? But if you used it too long, it could make you die?
Yeah. Quirks like that. Silly things that make no real sense, but give you a laugh - or even a game-based panic-attack where you have to quit without saving... that's the kind of thing I want. I don't need reality TV in a sims game. I need more of a "are you kidding me, you want to do WHAT right now???" kind of a game. Something that gives me a laugh, lets me be creative when I feel the urge, lets me escape from some of the harsher realities of life, and lets me control virtual little people to the Nth degree, because I can't do that in real life and doing it in virtuality is OK.😛
That's it. That's all I have to say about it for the moment. If I get the urge again, I'll be sure to post. Ha! Love to all!
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prossims · 2 years
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I posted 187 times in 2022
That's 78 more posts than 2021!
36 posts created (19%)
151 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 185 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#prosfaves - 54 posts
#dl - 44 posts
#year 01 recap - 39 posts
#simblr - 26 posts
#ts4 - 25 posts
#ts4 rotation gameplay - 21 posts
#nonsims - 20 posts
#new simblr - 16 posts
#the landgraabs - 15 posts
#signal boost - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#but i do understand how it can be stressful for her to have this conversation
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The Landgraabs
On the morning of the 5th, Charlotte woke up even earlier with a bursting bladder and a growling stomach. Unable to pin-point on what caused her feeling so poorly, she blamed it on her flu which she knew how to take care of.
Within a couple hours, Charlotte was clean, hydrated, medicated and energized. She even made herself some eggs to give her the energy for conquering the day. This was gonna be one of the most memorable days of her career, she was sure of it.
Beginning | Next
18 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
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The Landgraabs
Meanwhile, at home, Charlotte is preparing hard for her audition. She knows how difficult it’s gonna be considering the sitcom’s reputation and even though her Landgraab identity gets her past most auditions, this one will not happen in a similar way. Ever since Johnny Zest and Vasyl Abrams, the most influential couple in the sitcom industry, took over the writing and direction for the show, its quality has not been compromised in the slightest. And it sure will not do so to impress a Landgraab.
To be completely honest, comedy is not Charlotte’s thing. It does not come to her naturally. So she made sure to read the book ‘Getting the Jokes’ sent to her from the agency. And then she decided to watch a few episodes of the show to internalize the overall vibe. Not that she hasn’t watched them before, but you know…
Past noon, when Charlotte still didn’t see Malcolm coming over for lunch, she decided to sign up for a comedy lecture taking place in Oasis Springs auditorium. Of course, she got herself a seat in the premium panel. Sitting with the masses is not safe for her anymore now that everybody in town knows who she is.
Beginning | Next
21 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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Rachel Woods as a potential friend for @futurelabs teens!
Rachel is the friendli-est teen in town who loves to chat.. very very chatty.. and make new friends. She is fun to be around and you will never have a dull moment with her. Unfortunately, love has not come easy for her. She is yet to find anyone who is worth her affection to such levels. Which sucks, because she soooo wants to marry her high school sweetheart!
Some info about her below the cut.
Goes to the same school as Archie and Toby..duh!
Lives in Oasis Springs with her parents and younger sister who is 10.
Comes from a middle-class family, both her parents are in the mid-levels of their careers.
Not good at the exam thing ugh!
Her favourite classes are foreign language and social studies.
She likes writing, but does not make a lot of time for it usually because she is too busy hanging out with friends at ThrifTea.
Her favourite colour is pink and music genre is Pop & S-Pop.
Her friends keep telling her that she is really cute and she does not disagree.
Her archetypes are Jester and Innocent.
Her aspiration is Friend of the World.
MBTI personality type is ESFP.
Surprisingly talented in logic and analysis.
Deep in her heart, she really wants to be popular!!
There you go, Alessia..lot's of descriptors and such. I hope you like her. You may change her in any way you want, she is all yours now!!
Private Download, but anyone feel free to send me a WCIF if you like something I used on her.
22 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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Braylon Forrest Scott for @akitasimblr Harper Bachelor Challenge
Hi! I am Braylon Forrest Scott. My family and friends call me Bray. I..umm.. I found out about this bc while scrolling through simblr last night and decided to submit an entry form mostly because I liked Xavier and his whole vibe. Also, I have been looking for a change in my life so the timing was perfect.
Okay.. haha! I am really not good at this camera thing... umm, alright. A little bit about me.. I have never dated anyone so I really don't know what I expect. But my ideal partner should be ready to deal with a nerd homebody for sure. Can't wait to see Xavier in person! Byee..
Facts about Bray below the cut
Freshly graduated from Foxbury with an honours in Physics
Gender fluid and attracted to men/masculinity
A kind sim with a sporty vibe
Played in the Foxbury Soccer team for scholarship
A genius sim who likes to be left alone most of the time
Has a heart of gold and empathy for fellow sims
Quite talented in fitness and logic
Weak in mischief and comedy, not a funny person
Live and breath for acquiring knowledge
Personality type is INTP - the thinker
Archetypes are innocent and sage
Has the Nerd Brain aspiration with quick learner trait
Their closest friend is their elder brother Richard
Has a slightly negative relationship with their twin Nicholas
Mamma's little baby
Loves tutoring their younger sister which is often not well-received
I have very few posts of them left on my blog after deleting old ones. But here you can find more about them. I truly love them a lot, but could not find somebody who'd be perfect for them. I hope you enjoy having Bray in your game.
Private download
24 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Forrest Scott Household
Meanwhile, in the Forrest Scott house, Allyssa was winding down after a long day of work and taking care of the home when she heard Braylon entering the living room. “Mom, are you busy?”
She could hear their voice slightly shaking, indicating nervousness. So she looked up from the tv with a warm smile. “No dear, come in!”
“I..need to talk to you about something,” Bray said sitting next to her in the sofa.
Allyssa turned the tv off and looked at Bray, giving them her undivided attention. “What is it, baby?”
See the full post
33 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sugaryvirtualsimblr · 10 months
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I'm back again! I'm sorry that I'm so touch-and -go all the time. Baldur's Gate 3 came out and I became utterly obsessed. I also can't get enough of farming sims right now.
I have a new OC named Mynthia Laverne Ditish who goes by Lav. She has brown hair and green eyes, but she's under contract with an Archfey who likes to turn her hair and eyes purple. The Archfey also likes to make her hair very, very long. Lav is basically a purple, sun-kissed Rapunzel, hahaha. She's so fun to draw and inspires me every day!
Anyways, I recently made Lav in TS4 with her natural colours and shorter hair because I didn't feel like dealing with CC just yet. She has the Hot-Headed, Cat Lover, Bookworm, and Essence of Flavor traits. Her cat's name is Taffeta and she is the apple of Lav's eye. Lav will eventually adopt more animals to fill out her farm, but she will be focusing on crops first.
I want to take Lav through each of the Aspirations. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I have never been able to complete it because I grow bored of sims quickly. I really love Lav, so hopefully she'll be the one to keep me drawn in to accomplish my goal!
I decided to take advantage of the Black Friday sales, so I finally got around to buying Horse Ranch and Home Chef Hustle. Lav is going to build up a farm with the following traits: - Off-the-Grid - Simple Living - Wild Prairie Grass - Great Soil - Eco Lot - Natural Well
This save is going to be very challenging, but lots of fun! I'm using the Sims 4 All In One Save by Maybe-Emily, so there will be a lot of new characters to meet. I've turned aging off for now, but I'll probably turn it back on once Lav gets to the family-orientated Aspirations. I plan on doing those last.
I'm not sure how often I'll be updating, but I hope to post at least once a week.
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nikatyler · 3 years
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Sims 4 Rainbow Challenge ~ Purple
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moonhze-archive · 4 years
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Pinterest room challenge!
By @viivarium
The rules:
I challenge you to recreate your favourite pinterest picture of a room in the sims!
doesn’t have to be exact just as long as you’re capturing the vibes!
once you’re done, post a side by side comparison of your rooms and tag a couple of other simblrs to join in :)
no one tagged me BUT I couldn’t resist, I tried my hand at this challenge and made TWO. I actually really like them, even if they’re simple af. anyway!!
I tag anyone else who see’s this and wants to do it just like I did bc it’s such a cute challenge.
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amethyxtnix · 3 years
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Abundance of Pixel's 25 Day LookBook Challenge: One Sim, 25 Outfits
Skin | Eyebrows | Eyelashes | Eyes | Eyeliner | Eyeshadow | Lipstick | Hair | Top | Bottom | Shoes | Earrings | Necklace | Rings
Thank you to:
@pralinesims @kijiko-sims @nightcrawler-sims @ms-marysims @arethabee @madlensims @okruee @clumsyalienn @simpliciaty-cc
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plopplum · 4 years
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Everly organized a night out to the spice festival with her sisters and best friend. They celebrate Camila's pregnancy....Let's pretend Camila's drink is non-alcoholic 😅
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lemonicedtease · 5 years
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c o l o u r f u l   c a s   c h a l l e n g e 
by @simsthatsparkle  ✨ (x)
day four - red
hair (x) @grimcookies // earrings (x) @alexaarr // choker (x) @pralinesims // top (x) @ikari-sims // skirt (x) @greenllamas
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