female-rappers · 1 year
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Okay, actually, you know what, here's the master list of all my current original fiction WIPs. Because I feel the need to prove that some of them do have actual names. For honour's sake.
WIPs with actual names:
The Game duology: I Lost the Game and [unnamed sequel] - functionally WIPII
Evil Plans Trilogy: How to Take Over the World, How to Rule the World, How to Destroy the World (+ companion novels: Nefarious Schemes, Villainous Plots, How to Save the World) - functionally WIPIV
Evil Plans AU (Alien Universe) Trilogy: How to Conquer the Universe, How to Reign Over the Universe, How to End the Universe - also WIPIV
Tall Tales of Terribly Tempest Tseas Series - functionally WIPVI
Old Timey Pirates Duology: Good Ol' Fashioned Piracy and Ye Olde Skull and Crossbones - functionally WIPIX
Princess of Decay Trilogy - functionally WIPXI
Swincorn Classical Academy of Magic (S.C.A.M.) series - originally WIPXII
I am actually so proud of every single one of these names. If I trad pub these books I will fight to keep these names. These names are final and will not be changed.
WIPs with working titles that will probably be changed later:
House of the Windtaken series - functionally WIPVIII
WIPs with numbered placeholder names because idk what to call them at this point. The title is either one of first things I know about a story or it is the last thing I will figure out. (The only exception to this rule so far has been S.C.A.M. which I figured out after a significant amount of worldbuilding.)
WIPI (fucking massive series)
WIPIII (trilogy)
WIPV (series)
WIPVII (standalone)
WIPX (standalone)
WIPXIV (four books)
WIPXV (idk at this point)
WIPXVI (also idk)
On the other hand... my WIPs in order of priority (subject to change on a whim):
WIPVII - 60% done draft 3
WIPI - stuck on worldbuilding, stuck on plot
S.C.A.M. (WIPXII) - stuck on plot (got stuck 25k into a first draft, decided to scrap it)
WIPX - stuck on plot
Evil Plans (How to Take Over the World etc.) (WIPIV) - avoiding research that will probably get me put on a list hehe
Princess of Decay (WIPXI) - needs more direction
WIPIII - stuck on worldbuilding
The Game (WIPII) - needs more direction, ideas
WIPXIV - needs more ideas, putting it off bc it's a very new WIP and older WIPs get priority
WIPV - still only have a vague idea of what I want for it
Old Timey Pirates (WIPIX) - no idea what the central conflict is
WIPVIII/House of the Windtaken - no idea what the conflict is
WIPXV - yeah I got nothing but vibes for this one so far
WIPXVI - not emotionally ready to write it yet
Tall Tales of Terribly Tempest Tseas (WIPVI) - waiting bc these are my dad's stories to tell first.
so uhh yeah... my WIP having a name has nothing to do with where it sits on the priority list ahem
BTW - anyone who is interested in my WIPVII content #wipvii is the most used tag on my blog. It has all my snippets and writing updates and live-blogging thoughts. I don't post full chapters though.
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airmanisr · 2 years
EA 40 0903-7 CFR Marfa by TSEA RO Via Flickr: Iasi County, Romania
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petrosolgas · 3 months
Vagas de emprego em Minas Gerais: TSEA Energia anuncia novas oportunidades para esta semana
O mercado de energia de Minas Gerais pode comemorar nesta semana. A TSEA Energia está com diversas oportunidades de vagas de emprego na região. Em suas fábricas instaladas no estado, são produzidos e comercializados transformadores de potência, reatores e reguladores de tensão de alta qualidade e confiabilidade, utilizando a tecnologia da marca Toshiba. Dessa forma, companhia está sempre de olho…
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buzupontocom · 2 years
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Governo anuncia teste em novo trecho do metrô e revela projeto de policlínica na nova rodoviária A viagem teste do tramo 3 de Linha 1 do metrô de Salvador está perto de acontecer. O anúncio foi feito pelo governador Rui Costa na manhã desta quarta-feira (14), durante inauguração do Hospital do Homem, no complexo anexo do Hospital Geral Roberto Santos (HGRS). “Estaremos no máximo em alguns dias já fazendo a viagem teste e colocando o metrô para rodar nos 5 quilômetros adicionais até Águas Claras”, disse o governador durante coletiva de imprensa. Apesar de Rui não confirmar a data, o titular da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Urbano (Sedur), Jairo Magalhães, adiantou ao Bahia Notícias em junho, que a viagem inaugural está prevista para o dia 26 de setembro. Compreendido entre Águas Claras e Pirajá, o segmento terá três novas estações e 5 km de extensão. A obra está avaliada em mais de R$ 430 milhões e está sendo realizada pelo consórcio formado pelas construtoras Camargo Côrrea Infra (CC Infra), Transformadores e Serviços de Energia das Américas (Tsea) e Engenharia Projeto Consultoria (EPC), que foram declaradas vencedoras da licitação em 2019. Na ocasião, Rui também revelou os planos para a construção de uma policlínica na área onde será instalada a nova rodoviária, também na região de Águas Claras. “A rodoviária está avançando e nós estamos dialogando para ali abrir, não no mesmo padrão arquitetônico das outras, mas incorporar a terceira Policlínica de Salvador já que ela estaria bem próxima daquele aglomerado urbano que são as Cajazeiras. Estamos dialogando com o projeto para dentro daquele projeto de concessão colocar uma área onde a gente ofereça o serviço de diagnóstico”, projetou o governador. A previsão da gestão estadual é de que a rodoviária seja entregue juntamente com o tramo 3 do metrô, ainda nesse ano. Fonte: Bahia Notícias #BuzuPontoCom #MetrôdeSalvador #Salvador #Bahia (at Salvador, Bahia, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CigA8bPJWZl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apencilandaneraser · 5 years
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@rosegardeninwinter Hope u like scribbles. A quick one for ur upcoming story tsea
This is my first attempt at scribbling, go easy on the judgement section
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everlurked · 5 years
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SOURCE - Pinterest
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(( looks like therealbeelzebub is joining Traumatized Supernatural Entities Anonymous ))
((They need it. Who am I kidding, they all need it. They should start having big meetings, crossover the real/ask universe trauma meetings. TSEA monthly get togethers. XD -Mod))
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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 2 years
Powered By (Modification)
The modified technique is powered by a specific, natural energy source, making it stronger in its presence, but weaker otherwise.
[Technique that utilizes Potency]
Upon acquisition, the player chooses one of the following energy sources:
Direct Sunlight
Direct Moonlight
Complete Darkness
The Woods/The Jungle
The Desert
The Sea
Sacred Grounds
Cursed Grounds
Toxic Environment
When the user of this technique finds themselves in the presence of their chosen energy source, any of the technique's formulas that utilize Potency receive a +5 bonus.
1 points:
Powered Solely By: Increases the bonus granted to +10, but makes the technique unusable without its power source.
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wingylalkasartstuff · 3 years
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Hello epic Mass Effect fans i bring my cringey scaly quarians
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tea-is-life · 6 years
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It’s a sea. In a teacup. A tea sea. A tsea. 
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kmatanao · 7 years
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petrosolgas · 8 months
TSEA Energia possui diversas vagas abertas para Estagiário, Engenheiros, Mecânicos e Técnicos
O mercado de energia está em constante crescimento, impulsionado pela busca por fontes mais limpas e sustentáveis. Nesse cenário, a TSEA Energia se destaca como uma empresa comprometida com a geração de energia limpa e renovável, contribuindo para a preservação do meio ambiente. E agora, a companhia está anunciando a abertura de diversas vagas de emprego, oferecendo oportunidades empolgantes para…
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aardvark-123 · 2 years
Gensokyo Festival day 19: Technology
This is for anyone who’s tried to use a printer within the last ten years and is perhaps a little bit worried about the future of technology.
~The Future is Now, Please Choose a Subscription Method~
"Where d'you want your chocolate milk, Professor?"
"Just there, please- Wait!" Yumemi stood up. "Hold it there. I want to see if the E-Coaster works as well as the adverts said."
"Er, all right!" A little nonplussed but happy to take part, Chiyuri hovered there, holding the tall glass of chocolate milk a short way above the table.
For a few seconds all was quiet, then a beep and a gentle whirring signalled that the E-Coaster was in business. The tiny disc-shaped robot skittered across the table, scrambling over a couple of books and pencils, and stopped directly underneath the glass.
"Wow...!" Giggling a little, Chiyuri lowered the glass onto the e-coaster's grippy purple surface.
Straining a little under the weight, the E-Coaster stood up and began its journey back to Yumemi's computer. Halfway across a treatise on unified physics it stopped.
"Hm? What's wrong?" said Chiyuri.
"GPS services unavailable," the E-Coaster said in a tinny synthesised voice. "Please input a valid IPv18 number, genetic ID, hyperreality bit code or fax address to confirm your identity."
"Oh, for-!" With an angry sigh, Yumemi dug through her wallet for her ID card. "Professor Yumemi Okazaki, she/her, JP-SCEA-219-006-198-AP."
After mulling over the ID for a further twelve seconds, the E-Coaster spoke. "ID confirmed. Since you are right-handed, I will deliver your beverage to the right side of your current chair. Right-handed computer mice are currently half-price at Hitomi's House of Computer Hardware. Bon appetit, Professor!" So saying, it scampered the rest of the way to Yumemi's computer.
"Finally!" sighed Yumemi.
"Teething problems?" said Chiyuri sympathetically.
"Oh, no, I just LOVE new technology. Now, if you don't mind-"
"Third-party beverage container detected."
Yumemi froze with her hand halfway to the glass of chocolate milk. "What NOW?!"
"Infinitech E-Coasters are designed to work with Infinitech smartcups," the E-Coaster declared. "The use of third-party beverage containers may cause unexpected issues, for which Infinitech is not liable."
"I don't care," said Yumemi heavily.
The E-Coaster bucked violently, sending the glass flying. Cold chocolate milk slopped everywhere, coating Yumemi in brown from her hair to her elbows, while the glass shattered at her feet.
"Aaugh, Professor!" Chiyuri grabbed a handful of tissues from the smart tissue box, but it refused to cooperate.
"New user detected. Please input a valid IPv18 number, genetic ID, metaverse passport or-"
"Oh, for rainbows' sakes! Chiyuri Kitashirakawa BSc, she/they, JP-TSEA-230-562-944-BN!"
"Welcome, Oh for Rainbows' Sakes Chiyuri. As a guest, Mirai Denki offers you one free tissue per day. In order to receive more tissues, please watch an advert, purchase a subscription scheme, or complete three quests in Clothes Shopping Legend, Sugoi Multimedia's new metaverse experience-"
Chiyuri threw the tissue box to the ground and stomped it into a pile of rubble. They pulled some slightly mangled tissues from within and passed them to Yumemi.
"Thank you," smiled Yumemi, putting down her hammer and leaving the pile of E-Coaster to smoulder forlornly on the floor. "We've made a bit of a mess in here-"
"You have exceeded your weekly limit of free bashes," said the hammer. "If you would like to upgrade your subscription, please spin your Valkyrie Industries Bit-Peen Hammer to the left three times. Otherwise you will be billed thirty-six yen for services rendered."
"Aaaaaaargh!" screamed Yumemi.
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saylenatsea · 2 years
we have been mutuals for over a year and i've only just realized your url is saylen at sea and not say lena tsea, i am so sorry and i am also very dumb
haha all good, I forgive you. You may rest easy, child
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apencilandaneraser · 5 years
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@rosegardeninwinter I don't think i need to describe what this is.
PS: @rosegardeninwinter u better make tsea good and loooong coz after reading the first chapter I've decided that I don't want that universe to end. Also go slow, I've got a few other tsea artworks going, I'll be posting along with u.
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