#tseeve?? tsengru
bylightofdawn · 6 months
Cannot escape the brainrot
Someone send help. The Tseng/Reeve brainrot is consuming me alive.
I keep thinking about that scene where Reeve is having the lowkey time of his life causing chaos and getting up to tech shenanigans and Tseng tells him to not have too much fun. And then this motherfucker has the AUDACITY to give one of the sexiest one-sided, so fast it's there and gone smirks known to man.
I’m not saying Tseng is an emotionless robot. We’ve clearly seen him upset and mourning Zack. And tender with Aerith but who knew the boy had JOKES too?
This brain rot will not leave my head.
Also the shift my shipping has taken in my latest foray into this fandom is wild. Baby!El was all about that Tseng/Reno vibe like pretty much everyone else who were into Turks. Sure, you put a Tseng/Rufus fic in front of me I would read it. There used to be this huge fanfic series which was Reno/Tseng and then Reno/Reeve of all cracky things which has disappeared off the internet sadly. I've been trying to find it but alas, only fic title I remember was something like "Did I scare you?" which is prolly wrong and I cannot find anything online.
So my Turks/Reeve kink is hardly new. Then DoC went through and while I never even finished that game cause it was kinda...bad. I do remember shipping Reeve/Vincent.
But this time around? Somehow I never even considered the amazing not-so-crack ship but actually kinda perfect ship of Reeve/Rufus. Especially in a post FF7. You have Rufus, the corpobaby who decides he knows what's right for the planet because his ego is so huge that he decides he's going to take over his father's empire from the inside out. And Reeve, the hardworking guy seemingly from humble origins whose sheer idealism will not let him rot away in a corpojob and decides to say fuck it after the plate falls and is going to take Shinra down from the inside out.
And then the world ends and Reeve steps up to lead efforts to save the planet and Rufus is secretly funneling him money to run said world-saving organization?? (though I will admit my memory is a little shady on that last part. I think that happened but it could be fandom but what glorious fandom it is.) Also might I present to you Rufus and his two super hyper competent sidekick ship of Tseng/Rufus/Reeve who specialize in keeping his moral compass relatively on the side of good when the capacity to do so much wrong is right there.
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getvalentined · 9 months
Ooh, okay, I got beat on the Gen ask. How about… Tseng for that meme then?
🎟️ SEXUALITY HEADCANON: Tseng's sexuality is basically "queer." He usually prefers men but he's had some exceptions through his life, and he doesn't really apply a label either way.
⚧️ GENDER HEADCANON: Tseng has a very firm concept of himself with a masculine presentation, but his concept of gender is very much "on low battery" so it's anyone's guess at this point. He just doesn't bother with labels in general, I guess.
💕 A SHIP: Tseeve (Tseng/Reeve) is my endgame only-acceptable OTP for Tseng. I'm practically a monoshipper when it comes to how I see him.
🖇️ A BROTP: Tseng+Vincent, although it takes a long time to get there. Tseng has some serious baggage about Vincent that he picked up before they even met, and he needs to work through it before they can have a proper accord. (Short explanation: it's Veld's fault.)
🚫 A NOTP: Don't kill me, but honestly TsengRu? Not just because my abusive ex was obsessed with it, but because it's pretty exhausting seeing the most Asian-coded character in a Japanese game reduced by a large part of fandom to a shallow, robotic accessory to a rich white guy.
💭 A RANDOM HEADCANON: When Tseng was younger, he chipped one of his front teeth during a mission; it was eventually repaired, but he was so self-conscious about it in the interim that he trained himself to casually cover his mouth when he smiled or laughed or did anything that might expose the chip, and then never trained himself back out of it. This is why he holds his hand up toward his mouth in CC when laughing at Zack.
🗣️GENERAL OPINION: Part of one of my top ten FF7 ships, and generally in my top ten favorite characters overall. He's got a lot of depth that is fun to play with, even if he is painfully difficult to draw!
(For the character ask game.)
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takenbynumbers · 9 months
tseng for the ask meme!
sexuality hc: irrelevant but mostly queer. he's been with women, but has found he prefers men as he gets older.
gender hc: he is gender envy to literally everyone around him.
a ship that i have: tseeve (they are soulmates). HOWEVER, it may surprise you to know that my first ff7 ship ever was tseng/vincent, affectionately known as the verboten otp. why? spicy reasons (they are still so spicy but i don't write it much anymore). another pairing i quite like is cloud/tseng but only post-canon, and i have been known to ship tsengru under very specific conditions.
a brotp: tseng/zack. they're such BROS. also, seph/tseng!
a notp: tseng/aerith (i like the idea of him teaching her how to protect herself, but they have more of an estranged siblings vibe) and tseng/elena (she's 18, he's at least 30, not to mention there's a HUGE power imbalance and again, i can see him mentoring her but romantically? huge no).
random hc: okay so, tseng's family clan back in wutai used to serve as priests at one of the temples of leviathan, but going back even further, they are descendants from spira (specifically, moonflow region when there had been a city there). due to the folly of his ancestors, they became scattered across spira, but ended up being between djose temple and macalania temple.
fast forward back to gaia, and as a result, he learnt quite a few ways of the temple of leviathan. when tseng was (forcibly) moved to midgar, he tried to put it in the past, preferring to move on, however at some point, he lost a tiny statue he had of leviathan (his mother gifted it to him) and as a result, he ends up getting leviathan tattooed across his back so he could still carry her with him wherever he went.
(my other random hc is that post-fight/torture at the hands of the Remnants, he ends up not recovering fully and tends to wear an eyepatch.)
...i actually have a lot of headcanons but i'll stop here.
general opinion: tseng has been my main blorbo for so many years, alongside cait sith and mog. he's such an interesting character, who truly proves that not everything is so black and white within the compilation, and that is no more evident than in his actions. a lot of people tend to lump him in with the rest of the turks or completely ignore his characterisation in favour for louder characters (like reno and rude), only seeing him in a pairing (tsengru) or apparently hunting down zack for shinra (that's not what he was doing oh my god please stop).
anyway, i could talk about him all day.
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getvalentined · 3 years
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It was my dear friend @takenbynumbers' birthday earlier this month; they have a lot of ships and a lot of faves, but Tseng basically sits at the middle of them all. Tseeveru is a TRIP but it's a fun one!
I have no idea what Rufus is proposing here, but Reeve is apparently in support and Tseng will end up going along with it eventually. Gotta wear that guy down.
(It's probably something extremely inoffensive like going to a water park to cheer Tseng up after a really bad mission or something, don't let Tseng's expression fool you, he's just Like That.)
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