#also ship names in this fandom are lowkey an abomination.
bylightofdawn · 3 months
Cannot escape the brainrot
Someone send help. The Tseng/Reeve brainrot is consuming me alive.
I keep thinking about that scene where Reeve is having the lowkey time of his life causing chaos and getting up to tech shenanigans and Tseng tells him to not have too much fun. And then this motherfucker has the AUDACITY to give one of the sexiest one-sided, so fast it's there and gone smirks known to man.
I’m not saying Tseng is an emotionless robot. We’ve clearly seen him upset and mourning Zack. And tender with Aerith but who knew the boy had JOKES too?
This brain rot will not leave my head.
Also the shift my shipping has taken in my latest foray into this fandom is wild. Baby!El was all about that Tseng/Reno vibe like pretty much everyone else who were into Turks. Sure, you put a Tseng/Rufus fic in front of me I would read it. There used to be this huge fanfic series which was Reno/Tseng and then Reno/Reeve of all cracky things which has disappeared off the internet sadly. I've been trying to find it but alas, only fic title I remember was something like "Did I scare you?" which is prolly wrong and I cannot find anything online.
So my Turks/Reeve kink is hardly new. Then DoC went through and while I never even finished that game cause it was kinda...bad. I do remember shipping Reeve/Vincent.
But this time around? Somehow I never even considered the amazing not-so-crack ship but actually kinda perfect ship of Reeve/Rufus. Especially in a post FF7. You have Rufus, the corpobaby who decides he knows what's right for the planet because his ego is so huge that he decides he's going to take over his father's empire from the inside out. And Reeve, the hardworking guy seemingly from humble origins whose sheer idealism will not let him rot away in a corpojob and decides to say fuck it after the plate falls and is going to take Shinra down from the inside out.
And then the world ends and Reeve steps up to lead efforts to save the planet and Rufus is secretly funneling him money to run said world-saving organization?? (though I will admit my memory is a little shady on that last part. I think that happened but it could be fandom but what glorious fandom it is.) Also might I present to you Rufus and his two super hyper competent sidekick ship of Tseng/Rufus/Reeve who specialize in keeping his moral compass relatively on the side of good when the capacity to do so much wrong is right there.
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Anyway yeah I made the lowkey side tag awhile ago to start talking about other fandom stuff but I think I might just turn that into the whole blog at this point bc I'm not really doing any big creator stuff for any fandoms I'm in rn, but I do want to rant about things but I never want to on my main for some reason?? Idk why it's just like a weird rule in my brain I didn't get a choice in making, but I also don't rant much over here because I'm like "well but like it's supposed to be lab rats..." and it felt weird to keep ranting about a bunch of other stuff when I wasn't also engaging in what the blog was supposed to be.
Not that I'm uninterested in the show anymore or anything, I'll still talk about it along with other things, just won't be my focus.
My mental health has just really kinda like. Idk I dunno if I'd classify it as "tanked" but definitely done something and I just don't have the motivation and energy to engage and create the way I used to. Which I miss, and really hope I can get back. But for now there are a few suspicions about some stuff and I'm just tired and I don't wanna be a definitive thing anymore and just want a space to ramble freely (where my brain will let me).
So yeah. This is Officially gonna stop being an Official Lab Rats Universe Blog now. I'm gonna change the description after this post but I'm not really gonna touch the rest of the blog. Might mess with the profile pic at some point but I like the URL. And I'm gonna leave the tag pages and all that so people can still find stuff. Plus I can't change or remove any of it on my phone anyway. Also also if I ever do make more stuff I've got things already set up to just add to for the archive. So. Yeah.
You're also still welcome to submit and ask stuff too, like, kinda obviously probably cause I'm gonna leave open, but idk I feel like I should throw that out there, I'm not like, hermitizing myself.
ALSO. Just bc I haven't been engaging... don't think I haven't seen y'all changing the Kaz/Chase ship name to that abomination of colors
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I started them I am not afraid to end them.
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angermango · 7 years
i’m guessing you want all of ‘em for Kirby? OKEY DOKEY!
(some of them aren’t fandom specific though i noticed because this meme’s format is a lil funky. I cut those out instead.)
1. Name one of your favourite characters
let’s put a bit of variety in and I’ll say Bandana Dee. He’s everyone’s idol, and a cutie pie to boot! When he first became playable in RTDL I was all over that because!!! Waddle Friend!!!
2. Name one of your favourite villains
Customer Service. Ha you think I can make an ask meme about Kirby WITHOUT MENTIONING HIM?!
3. One actor that you look up to and why
Banjo Ginga, perhaps expectedly~ How that man managed to voice both CS and Nightmare in the anime when they’re at least 50 octaves apart in vocal range is a miraculous thing
4. One actress that you look up to and why
Makiko Ohmoto. She’s a lowkey woman of a thousand voices in the series, and the mini-drama with Susie and Sectonia proves she could seriously do a full blown voice OVA with just her playing all those personalities spot on. Not sure if Kirby should go fully voiced in the future, but hell if he hasn’t proved it can be done!
5. Favourite episode from any show you watch? (Or just an episode you love)
Favourite ep of the anime probably still hands down the quiz episode. Troll on, based salesguy
8. Name 3 OTPs
none really stand out to me in Kirby, aside from friendships. Does the Susie/CS FoeTP count?
9. One character you have a crush on
10. One of your favourite fandoms to be in and why?
Even though this be a general one, Kirby has legit been the best for me all these years. You just can’t go wrong with Kirby, and pretty much everyone who loves Kirby is chill and friendly.
11. Describe (insert show here) in three words
Kirby = Eat the nightmares
15. If you were a fictional character in (insert universe here) what would you probably be doing and what life do you think you would have?
lol, if I lived in Kirby’s world, I’d be chillaxin for the rest of my life in Dream Land, enjoying the food and the sights. Sure, place gets frequently attacked and invaded by Eldritch Abominations but Kirby always pulls through doesn’t he?
16. Who do you think is a misunderstood character?
Hmm… I think ‘misunderstood’ in terms of ‘people tend to not portray them right’ (rather than ‘poor misunderstood baby’) would have to be… eh, maybe Dark Matter? I’m not against it but sometimes people seem to be quick to assume Dark Matter is like the ultimate source of evil in the Kirby universe, whereas I believe it’s just one of many evil beings that exist - albeit a powerful one. Maybe it’s just because Dark Matter has appeared more than once in the series, giving it an edge over most of the other bosses. I mean there’s a point where people going “X must be Dark Matter/Zero’s reincarnation because look!!! EYEBALL!!!1!” is basically becoming a bit of a meme.
17. Which character do you wish you were siblings/best friends/dating with?
I wish I could adopt Kirby as a sibling/friend. How could you not want that?!
19. What are three things you’ve learned from one of the shows you watch?
damn this is a little deep… But it’s true Kirby has really been an influence on my life in general since I first encountered it. If I have to say something, I’ll probably say:
[1] Being kind and gentle with others goes a long way (Kirby’s ‘All-Loving Hero’ status inspired this)[2] Cute, innocent and simple things should never be equated with weakness and childishness (The Kirby franchise in a nutshell)[3] There’s always going to be bad in the world as well as good, but we can always choose to punch it in the eye
20. If you could be a writer for any show you wish, how might you develop the plot/characters?
If I was a writer on Kirby, especially the anime, y’all know what the hell I’d be up to - BRING BACK CS/KEEP HIM ALIVE GOD FFUCKING DAMMINT!!!
Though the show had a good run, I wouldn’t mind a reboot or a comeback season. Can’t quite decide which would be nicer:
On the one hand, it would be cool seeing a sort of ‘X years later’ after the original ending with all the familiar anime cast back at it and a little older, a chance to introduce other game characters and elements in and maybe even play with adapting in a few of the game’s plots and devices.
On the other hand, reworking the original anime by expanding more into the GSA/Nightmare war and fleshing out some of the characters (like Silica & Knuckle Joe, the vets of the war, hell even those epic one-offs like Rona) as well as still having the chance to introduce game elements/characters into the anime universe.
I’m honestly easy either way, i would love to make either take happen.
Just as long as Customer Service also makes it back in, of course.
21. What’s one of your favourite quotes from a show you watch?
I rather like Sectonia’s establishing monologue during her first appearance. It’s just so… fitting. It’s cold and grand and tells you all about her and her motivation - particularly when she goes “My beauty rivals the divine… And my power shall crush all you hold dear!”
22. Favourite type of AU?
*crawls up slowly and leans very close to your ear* AN AU WHERE CUSTOMER SERVICE LIVES.
23. Write a brief headcanon for one of your OTPs
For the Susie/CS enemy ‘ship’: Both of them love finding ways to get the other’s personal emails/numbers and spamming passive aggressive messages or taunts. No matter how much encryption or changes of details either of them employs, the other always finds their way in.
25. Why do you love the shows you watch/books you read/fandoms you’re in?
What’s not to love about Kirby? Everything Kirby touches turns gold, and honestly the franchise can do just about anything and pull it off to a good level (even the slight duds still had their perks).
I particularly I love how the Kirby games are making this rich fantasy/sci-fi universe of their own - You can have the cute and fluffy and whimsical existing next to some pretty horrific shit, magic and tech working together like nbd, and in the recent games they’ve been hiding some really deep lore and feels under all the adorableness.
As for the anime, it’s still one of my favourite things to watch whenever. It’s like a favourite treasured childhood snack you can keep going back to and smile over, even despite its little hiccups and dated elements. It’s just innocent fun, and actually had a decent plot at times and even interesting characters, all which left room for expansion and the imagination while being enough as it was.
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roboticblanket · 7 years
All the Stars In All the Skies
The first fanfiction I’ve written for the ACOTAR fandom, and certainly not the last. This is an ongoing drabble series in which I hope to include multiple pairings and characters with both AU and canon plots. You can also find this fic of the same name on AO3 where my username is the same as my tumblr name. I do take requests and prompts so feel free to ask, I have no particular preference for pairing or setting. This include non-canon pairings, I’ve recently seen an upsurge of pairings like Elain/Azriel and Nesta/Morrigan so if you ship those or other non-canon pairings I would be happy to write them for you, it’s always fun to stretch my writing muscles and try new things.
This first chapter I started kind of easy and did a little blurb of what it would have been like from Elain’s point of view to emerge from the cauldron and deal with the stress of the situation plus being made, plus discovering her new mate who she doesn’t even know. I always thought that given how big of a Feysand fan I am that I would have started with one of them, but Elain’s voice was just..kinda begging to be heard a little bit. She’s lowkey one of the characters I’m most interested in and I really hope we get to learn a bit more about her perspective in ACOWAR.  
Chapter 1: Made
The moment she tumbled out of the cauldron onto the cold floor of that accursed, bone-white castle, Elain knew she would never look at the world the same way again.
When she finally, finally drew her first made breath, after lying in a puddle of that abominable magic for what felt like an eternity, right away Elain could tell she was no longer human.
The air felt thicker, more alive, even in the dank castle chamber. Elain could feel, almost taste, the crackle of magic in the air, a portion of which, she realized solemnly, was now coming from her. She made to pick herself off the floor, and almost gasped at the sudden strength she felt in her new bones. She remained on her elbows, searching the room for something familiar to anchor herself. Her sister, where is my sister?
Ignoring the restraints of the gag in her mouth, Elain twisted around to see Feyre, whose face was stricken with mute horror in a way that Elain had never seen in all their years of hardship together. For the first time since their father had been beaten in front of her, Feyre looked helpless. Seeing her younger sister—her strong, resilient, clever sister—powerless to stop such madness told Elain of how truly hopeless the situation was.
Her other sister must have had the same thought, because the moment Elain looked up from the floor, Nesta let out a roar that seemed a thousand times louder to Elain’s new ears. Ears, Elain realized, that must now be pointed, or Nesta would not have had such a visceral reaction to her face.
Nesta continued to scream, Feyre fell to her knees and sobbed, the queens marveled at the horrific demonstration’s success, the one-eyed stranger with the red hair thrashed against his bonds, and amid the madness Elain noted dully that her skin was now glowing. The sight of something that once would have been impossible for her human body sent Elain reeling from her tentative grip on reality and she shut her eyes. She grasped desperately for something familiar about herself, but found little to comfort her. Her skin, aside from suddenly being luminescent, seemed flawless; her hearing was not only better but also more dimensional, Elain was hearing timbres in Nesta’s cries that she had never noticed as a human; colors now had a distinctive brightness and sheen that Elain just couldn’t register before. Out of context, it all could have sounded like a wonderful blessing, to be able to experience the world in such a way, but Elain could see no blessing in being taken from her home and forced to become…this. Staring into the void of her new existence, Elain tried everything she could to will it away, to wake up from this horrid nightmare, anything that meant she might reject this form. As she was searching for a way out of her body, Elain felt something, a strong connection radiating from within her. It was warm and inviting and almost familiar, though Elain couldn’t place why. Just as she was maybe grasping for something to cling to in this strange new body (A thread? A rope? What was that strange tightness?) she heard the voice of that monstrous Fae king.
“The hellcat now, if you’ll be so kind.”
Elain realized he must have meant Nesta, because she suddenly went quiet. The thought of her sister enduring what she just had…Elain couldn’t help it, she broke right there. She let herself kneel on the damp floor, shivering and practically naked in a room full of creatures she had feared all her life. And now she was one of them, Mother, how could she be one of them?
Through the maelstrom of her thoughts, Elain heard a vaguely familiar voice snarl at the king, “Don’t just leave her on the damned floor.” There was a sudden scraping noise and Elain looked up to see the Fae male with one eye stalking toward her. The sight of him sparked something in her, and Elain cringed away from the unfamiliarity of it. When the male offered her his coat, she increased her efforts ten-fold. Too much, she thought, too much going on right now, I can barely make sense of any of it.
In the corner of her now impeccable vision, Elain could make out Nesta being dragged toward the horrid cauldron she had just come out of, kicking and screaming the entire way there. Remembering what it was like to be trapped beneath the magic waters brought on a new wave of shivers. Elain recalled how she tried with what little human strength she’d had to swim out of the wretched black water, but the cauldron, it seemed, would not let her surface until it was satisfied with her. She was held down beneath the water by some unseen magic until she was forced to succumb to the cauldron’s demands of Elain: her death. It must have been what allowed her to be made into this new creature, Elain thought, first she’d had to sacrifice her mortal life, however involuntarily. Dimly, Elain considered that if she could survive the cauldron’s demands, then Nesta, who’d always been the most strong-willed of her sisters, would more than survive them.
But that didn’t mean that Elain herself had the strength to watch her sister’s humanity be taken from her.
Distracted by the sounds of her sister’s resistance, Elain allowed the Fae male she’d been cringing away from all this time to drape his coat over her shoulders. She took comfort in the little warmth it afforded her, if not also for the way it shielded her body from the many lecherous eyes in the room, giving her a shred of decency for the first time since she’d been dragged to this awful castle.
As Nesta’s shouts grew louder and more frantic, Elain knew it was only a matter of time before her sister was fully submerged in the cauldron, a thought punctuated by the king’s hiss of, “Put her under.”
There were more sounds of struggle, Elain could hear splashing noises as Nesta was undoubtedly struggling to her last human breath.
Elain supposed the room could have gone silent when Nesta was finally submerged in the cauldron, but she wasn’t used to all the new activity that her ears now picked up, and she wasn’t entirely yet sure what silence sounded like to a…Fae. As a result, Elain didn’t know for sure that Nesta was under until she watched Feyre suddenly vomit on the floor. For all her dislike of the Fae, Elain could not help but be relieved when Rhys knelt to comfort her sister, just as she felt some small relief that this unfamiliar male had come to comfort her.
Speaking of her strange savior, he was lifting Elain in his arms out of the way of the cauldron’s water that was now rushing toward them. Finally standing, and using the male’s powerful body to steady herself, Elain was finally able to get a good look at him.
As soon as she did, the world fell away.
Elain finally saw the male’s face in its entirety, his strong jaw framed by long hair that was colored a lovely shade of auburn, high cheekbones that slanted toward delicately pointed ears, but it was his rust colored eyes—or rather, eye, given that the other seemed like it had been lost in some sort of terrible altercation, if the scar protruding from metal placeholder was anything to go by—that held Elain fast, powerless to speak or even breathe. All at once, that strange connection she’d found earlier began to stir incessantly within her. Before she was able to fully discern what it was she was feeling, or even properly meet the male’s eyes, Elain was ripped from the comforting grasp of his arms by Nesta. She knocked the male out of the way, screaming, “Get off her!” Reeling a bit from the force of her sister, Elain began to slip on the wet floor, saved from another meeting with it only when her sister gripped her shoulders to steady her, Nesta ran her hands over Elain and sobbed her name over and over, trying to reconcile both of their new bodies.
Elain, however, found she could not pay much attention to her sister’s sobs. She stared over Nesta’s shoulder at the male who, in the confusion of Nesta’s forceful separation of the two, had instinctively looked at Elain.
The connection that had been stirring within Elain flared the moment she finally met eyes with him. Despite the ordeal she had just been through along with her sister, Elain could not help but feel at peace when she and this male looked at each other. She didn’t even know his name, something ancient within her seemed to whisper this like a burning, centuries old question. The strength and intensity of this feeling was altogether wonderful and terrifying to Elain, who had never felt the voracity of such a feeling in all her life. What could this be? Elain thought. Who are you?
Moments later, after what felt like a lifetime of Nesta sobbing, Elain had her answer as the male whispered, “You’re my mate.”
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