#tsuki fortnite
giantpurplecat · 1 year
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Queen of Harajuku.
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z0mbiequ33n · 9 months
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"When Tsuki Was There"
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oct-ai · 2 years
I wonder if Fortnite will ever fix Tsuki’s Epic Girlbulge Bug.
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mr-bee-02 · 2 years
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Tsuki 2.0
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fortnite-headcanons · 2 months
Tsuki’s Human style uses spray-on skin like in the movie I, Robot.
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Fortnite Headcanon #956
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my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
The BIM BAM BOOM Girl is Back!!
La chicha BIM BAM BOOM esta de vuelta !!
I was so excited to be able to play again that every kill I did, I recorded it. I'm so happy to be back
Estaba tan emocionada de poder volver a jugar que cada kill que hacia, la grababa. Estoy tan feliz de estar de vuelta.
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sladow · 2 years
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ma Tsuki e sempre stata cosi????? c'è qualcosa che non capisco dovrebbe essere gialla ma è bianca hanno cambiato il colore ?????
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nrgxer · 2 years
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steamsaint · 2 years
“Taste that pink venom, taste that pink venom
Taste that pink venom, get 'em, get 'em, get 'em
Straight to ya dome like woah, woah, woah
Straight to ya domе like ah, ah, ah…” 💥💥💥
-Tsuki, K-Pop Stan
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saturnalorbit · 10 months
how vivid/stasis, a free rhythm game on steam, is fucking with my brain chemistry and making me desperate to get better at a genre i usually wouldn't care about that much (spoiler alert: it's girls): spoilers up to the end of chapter 1 below the cut as this will be a story summary as well as my personal experience with it
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for context, vivid/stasis is a free lane-based rhythm game (if you don't know what i mean it's a similar gameplay style to guitar hero) that i found on steam (suspiciously close to the launch of fortnite festival, also a lane-based rhythm game) with a mystery-genre story. (if you're interested at all already stop reading and play it before i spoil the whole story up to the point im at.)
you progress through the story by unlocking nodes in the node flowchart using battery power, which you gain from playing songs that you unlock from either the flowchart or shop. pretty simple. ordinarily you can't fail out of a song, but if you're good enough at the game, you can use a different "decryption style" which gives you a life bar but also offers much larger rewards in either shop coins, battery power, or both. now i'm sure this isn't too bad for someone who has rhythm game experience, but i'm pretty new to the genre and can only do level 2 songs with the life bar, maybe some level 3 at a stretch, but mostly i just stick to the basic decryption style without a life bar.
moving onto the story, you play as saturday (pictured at the top), who has perhaps the best name in all of fiction, so much so that i almost considered stealing her name for a minute or so. her sister tsuki has gone missing from her workplace, and while the incident is under investigation by the police, saturday can't sit still and decides to launch her own investigation along with her friends kotomi and allison. simple enough so far.
so we end up investigating tsuki's workplace, a geology lab. we meet the detective there whom saturday is pretty pissed off with for seeming so complacent in the investigation, but she calms down once she learns that the detective, eri, is allison's sister. saturday is pretty hostile with her up to this point, but it's fairly realistic considering the state of mind she's in, and establishing a more personal connection with eri helps bring her down to earth a bit.
the group search her workplace and find a site in her browser history, shrinereport.xyz. as you can probably guess this is a site both on the real web and in the game, and it links to a video with cryptic clues. you can try to solve it yourself, but you don't really need to because in the next scene the characters analyse the video and extract the clues: one of the spoken sequences of numbers spells out UNIX and the other is a unix timestamp. the two sequences of dots when converted to numbers become coordinates.
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quick clarification, the rhythm game and the story at least up to this point are disconnected. it's not like the game is supposed to be saturday putting the pieces of the case together, the game is just how you unlock more of the story.
so the gang puts the pieces together and figures out that whatever the deal was, tsuki must have gone to the shrine that is at those co-ordinates at the time indicated by the unix timestamp. her route would take a few hours of ferries, so they next go to the ferry terminal to see if there's a record of her taking a ferry around the time they expect. sure enough, tsuki left on a ferry pretty much right when they expected. saturday briefly tries to book a ferry to go and find her, until...
this is the point where i'm gonna say if you're interested so far, and you like rhythm games or would be okay picking them up, stop reading and play it. we're getting into the insane shit now so if this interests you at all, give it a shot yourself.
the girls are interrupted by a booming sound, and to their horror they find that the geology lab has gone up in flames. they rush there to find out what happened, only to learn that eri is still in the building. kotomi rushes in to try to save her sister, followed shortly by saturday.
they don't have much luck. surrounded by flames, saturday calls out for kotomi, only to hear her anguished yell coming from somewhere. she looks in room after room, but she can't find kotomi. she calls her name again, but there's no response this time.
saturday falls to the floor, the flames engulfing her. her adrenaline failing her, she finally sees what her reality has become. she failed to save both tsuki and kotomi, and with the fire closing in around her, now she's going to die before she can do anything to help them. she weakly calls for someone to help her, and admits that she's scared. she shouldn't have gotten tied up in all of this, but now she's going to pay the price. everything that "saturday" is fades away.
god fucking damn. if you care enough to have gotten this far, go and watch the cutscene on youtube or play the game. i had to write all this to provide context but i didn't really do it justice here, saturday is just written in such a realistic and compelling way here.
actually, i'm going to take this chance to talk about saturday, and myself. when i hyperfixate on a character, oftentimes it can be really hard for me to even get them off my mind. i don't really tend to anymore but i absolutely used to kin characters i was obsessed with, and while i don't do that anymore, hyperfixating on characters still does things to my brain.
i really like saturday. (and need to be her. big surprise.)
honestly i'm not great at putting together my reasons why what i will say is her design is amazing and the way she's written is very relatable to me personally in a really interesting way. her thoughts contain a lot of subtle observations about the people and environment around her, almost seeming like a little too much, in a way that felt sort of unnatural to read at first but really ended up gelling with me personally. like, i don't know. i just feel like if i were to write a character, this is how i might end up writing their thoughts.
there are also the 'funny' relatable moments, which are also adorable in their own rights but for the most part i just find her really intriguing. i love how she can be kind of an asshole sometimes because yes, she is in a vulnerable position and is lashing out at people sometimes when she doesn't mean to. that's just a fairly understandable way to act in her situation. there's also some stuff about her later on that i spoiled myself on that i won't spoil here because i'm sticking to just chapter 1 for the moment, but just to say it only made me like her even more as a character.
so, what happens next? the story isn't over, obviously, you're told as much. you're separated from saturday and brought to a screen with three locks, which each turn out to be some kind of cryptic puzzle, with the middle one requiring both of the side puzzles to be finished before you can find the correct string.
now, i kind of suck at cryptic puzzles. i'll usually look at them for a few minutes, not figure anything out and then maybe ask for help or look up a guide.
so why did i put in all this fucking effort this time?
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okay, i know they're not the hardest puzzles in the world and i did get a little bit of assistance near the end but this is really unusual for me to put this much time into trying. now i'm really getting to the crux of what i'm trying to say, why vivid/stasis is making me put so much effort into these things that i never really bothered with before.
pretty much, it's saturday.
i considered trying to figure out the arg-style hints earlier, but i elected to go forward with the story anyhow, and the girls ended up solving it. now, i'm being presented with a puzzle i have to do myself. and my first thought is, "if saturday was able to figure out her puzzle, and i want to be her, i have to do my best on this too." and i did, and i actually figured out a large amount of it myself. i didn't fully figure it out, but i got close enough to where i felt like being nudged in the right direction was okay. i mean, saturday got help from her friends too. i understand this is a really weird and roundabout way to get motivation to do something, but vivid/stasis made it work for me.
so after solving the puzzles, getting a web link out of it and then getting a code from the web page to enter back into the game, what happens? a cutscene plays, introducing me to...
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a level 8 opening with a forced life bar.
so we're coming full circle now. remember what i said at the start? that i struggle with even level 3 openings with a life bar? and now i have to do a level 8 to progress. look, i know a level 8 isn't that bad for experienced players. i'm not an experienced player. i'm new and i suck.
and now i can't find out what happens to saturday until i get much better at the game.
saturday who extremely quickly, over maybe 30 minutes or so of cutscenes, managed to become one of my favourite characters. they fucking set her on fire and told me to get good before i can find out what happens next for her. i have been losing my mind over this. i'm desperate to know what happens next but i can't for a decent while until i improve. i cannot stop thinking about saturday's unknowable fate.
now, this would be the part in another game where i'd just give up and watch the rest of it on youtube, or turn on autoplay to just play PYROMANIA for me. the problem is they fucking got me. hook line and sinker. because this is the first time a song has been directly connected to the narrative. PYROMANIA in this context i believe symbolizes the fear and adrenaline in saturday as she realises she's going to die in this fire. what this means for me is that just skipping the song isn't a satisfying conclusion here. it seems insurmountable for me at the moment, but saturday is facing something insurmountable too. i have to push through it for her. god fucking damnit.
anyways that's as far as i've gotten for the moment i'm honestly just rambling about how weird my brain is and how it's motivated i'll keep trying and i'll poast an update when i improve enough to beat pyromania sorry this was so long winded happy saturday wednesday bye.
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alchemistdetective · 2 months
"Is it Zero Build you're playing?" Excitedly asked Taiyou the Sun Fox as she got her controller on stand by.
"Do you need a squad to play with?" Giddily asked Tsuki the Moon Fox as he got his controller ready.
Indeed, the twins liked Fortnite and often played together, but if someone else like Flan wanted to play...
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"I'm not sure what is this... 'Zero Build' thing, but..."
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"A squad is always nice to play with! More friends are always fun!"
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funkii4-blog · 8 months
I said on Twitter yesterday that I just wanted Designer Tsuki back in the fortnite item shop and she’s back today I feel so powerful rn
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sonyclasica · 1 month
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A punto de lanzar su sexto álbum de estudio LOST CORNER en formato digital en todo el mundo el miércoles 21 de agosto, el artista de global J-pop KENSHI YONEZU estrena el nuevo tema del álbum titulado "RED OUT".
Mira el vídeo de "RED OUT" AQUÍ
Reserva el álbum AQUÍ
Se trata un tema intenso y conmovedor que abre LOST CORNER, que aparece en el último anuncio de Spotify Japón y que muestra el poder de la música para transformar la vida cotidiana con una emocionante actuación de la mundialmente famosa bailarina "THE D SoraKi". También se estrena el vídeo musical oficial de la canción, un vídeo oscuro con luces estroboscópicas en el que participa Yonezu y que eleva la ya de por sí propulsiva canción a nuevas cotas. El vídeo ha sido dirigido por Kyotaro Hayashi, colaborador habitual de algunos de los vídeos más vistos de Yonezu, como "M87" y "TEENAGE RIOT". 
Además del anuncio con la marca Spotify Japón, Yonezu ha grabado contenido de audio "Liner Voice+" para la plataforma, en el que el propio Yonezu habla sobre la creación de LOST CORNER, así como contenido adicional exclusivo de Spotify que permite a los oyentes profundizar en el nuevo álbum. Se publicarán más detalles sobre el contenido exclusivo de Spotify en la página oficial X de Spotify Japón.
Tras publicar STRAY SHEEP, el esperado 6º álbum de Yonezu LOST CORNER saldrá a la venta en formato digital el miércoles 21 de agosto, junto con las versiones físicas que se pondrán a la venta localmente el viernes 23 de agosto. LOST CORNER se compone de un total de 20 temas, incluyendo una ilustre colección de canciones que Yonezu ha publicado en los últimos 4 años: "¡Sayonara, Mata Itsuka! - Sayonara" (tema principal del drama matinal de la NHK El tigre y sus alas), "Garakuta - JUNK" (tema principal de la película Last Mile), "Spinning Globe" (tema principal de la película del Studio Ghibli ganadora de un Oscar El niño y la garza), "M87" (tema de la película Shin Ultraman), "Tsuki Wo Miteita - Moongazing" (tema de la película FINAL FANTASY XVI) y "KICK BACK" (tema de apertura de la serie de anime CHAINSAW MAN), entre otros. Completan la colección ocho temas inéditos, incluido un dúo vocal con la cantante, actriz, ídolo y antigua miembro de Bish japonesa, AiNA THE END.
LOST CORNER es la esperadísima continuación de STRAY SHEEP, publicado en 2020, que batió los récords anteriores de la IFPI Global All Format Chart y convirtió a Yonezu en el artista japonés que más alto llegó en la clasificación mundial de fin de año de la IFPI, con más de 1,9 millones de unidades de CD vendidas. Cuando se lanzó STRAY SHEEP, Yonezu atrajo la atención de todo el mundo con el "Evento Yonezu Kenshi 2020 / STRAY SHEEP en FORTNITE". Este evento lo convirtió en el primer artista asiático en dar un concierto virtual en FORTNITE, un juego battle royale que llega a 370 millones de jugadores en todo el mundo. Ese mismo día, en el escaparate de UNIQLO de la Quinta Avenida de Nueva York aparecieron las ilustraciones dibujadas de Yonezu, que fueron tendencia no solo en Estados Unidos, sino en todo el mundo. Las muestras de colaboración en tiendas también tuvieron lugar en Japón y China, sumando un total de 8 tiendas UNIQLO en todo el mundo.
Mainichi - Every Day
Sayonara, Mata Itsuka! - Sayonara
Stop Look Both Ways
Tsuki Wo Miteita - Moongazing
Pale Blue
Garakuta - JUNK
Spinning Globe
Tras arrasar en la escena Vocaloid bajo el seudónimo de Hachi, Kenshi Yonezu empezó a publicar material con su nombre real en 2012. 
En 2023, Yonezu compuso "LADY" para el anuncio televisivo de la línea de productos de café Georgia, seguido de "Tsuki Wo Miteita - Moongazing", como tema musical del juego de rol de acción FINAL FANTASY XVI.  En julio, escribió "Chikyugi – Spinning Globe" para El niño y la garza, la última película de Studio Ghibli dirigida por Hayao Miyazaki. La canción también resultó ser la número 100 publicada con el nombre real de Kenshi Yonezu. También apareció en la campaña de la colección masculina FW23 de la marca de moda LOEWE, coincidiendo con el 50 aniversario de la marca en Japón. Agosto fue testigo de la certificación de oro de "KICK BACK" por la RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), que permitió al artista lograr tal hazaña "por primera vez en la historia" como canción "con letra japonesa". Fue seleccionado como el primer y único artista japonés que formaba parte de la "Clase de 2023 de la RIAA", con la que la asociación resumía a los artistas que habían prosperado en el año; la noticia fue ampliamente recogida y divulgada como lo más destacado de 2023.
En abril de 2024, Yonezu escribió "¡Sayonara, Mata Itsuka! - Sayonara" como tema principal del drama matinal de la NHK The Tiger and Her Wings y en mayo estrenó "Mainichi - Every Day" en otro anuncio de Coca-Cola Japón. La nueva canción, "Garakuta - JUNK" - el tema de la película Last Mile - llegará a los cines este verano.
Yonezu ha anunciado que su sexto álbum de estudio LOST CORNER estará disponible el miércoles 21 de agosto. En la colección de 20 canciones se incluyen selecciones de la producción creativa de Yonezu de los últimos cuatro años, como "Chikyugi - Spinning Globe", su tema para la película de Hayao Miyazaki ganadora de un Oscar El niño y la garza, "KICK BACK", su canción histórica que se convirtió en la primera canción en japonés en alcanzar la certificación de Oro de la RIAA®, además de ocho canciones inéditas.
LOST CORNER es la esperadísima continuación de Yonezu de STRAY SHEEP de 2020, que batió los récords anteriores de la IFPI Global All Format Chart y se convirtió en el artista japonés que más alto apareció en la lista de clasificación mundial de fin de año de la IFPI, y vendió más de 1,9 millones de unidades de CD acumuladas. Ese mismo año, se convirtió en el primer artista asiático en colaborar con FORTNITE para un evento virtual: "Evento Kenshi Yonezu 2020 / STRAY SHEEP in FORTNITE" en Fortnite. El innovador y global concierto virtual, que alcanzó una audiencia de más de 350 millones de jugadores del juego, es sólo uno de los muchos factores que contribuyen a la creciente aclamación de Yonezu tanto dentro como fuera de Japón.
En cuanto a los vídeos musicales de Yonezu, "Lemon" ha superado los 860 millones de visitas, con lo que sigue batiendo los récords de los artistas japoneses.  Es uno de los 16 vídeos musicales de sus canciones que le valieron un imponente récord de más de 100 millones de visitas cada uno ("Lemon", "Eine Kleine", "LOSER", "Peace Sign", "Haiirotoao (+Masaki Suda), ", "orion", "Flamingo", "Kanden", "Fireworks", "Paprika", "Shunrai", "Uma to Shika", "Spirits of the Sea", "KICK BACK", "Paprika" de Foorin y "Machigaisagashi" de Masaki Suda). Tiene más de 7,2 millones de suscriptores en su canal oficial de YouTube.
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fortnite-headcanons · 5 months
DESIGNER TSUKI and DEMI are both sisters
Their dad is : Fox fire
and their mom is : Charlotte
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Fortnite Headcanon #243
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my-fortnite-blog · 2 years
Fortnite news!
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As usual, I will show you my favorites:
I loved her pink hair and style !
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And here we have some remakes:
New lexa
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New Dr. Slone
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New Tsuki 2.0
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hamtodaygames · 3 months
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Iterate, innovate as you build yourself up! Assemble the Designer Tsuki set, now in the Fortnite Item Shop.
🔻 Leaves July 12th at 8pm ET
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