chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
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Cr: to the owner
#you’re lame boyfriend’s reaction scenario
Person : you’re so lame!
(1) Mai Mai : hmmm? *doesn’t even care* Aoi : excuse me, have you ever dealt with Shun-san alone, 24/7, and for almost 7 years? #that one boyfriend who completely understands the struggles
(2) Kohana Kohana : ....you don’t need to tell me that... i already knew..... (and start rambling about how ‘worthless’ herself is) Ryo : *protectively hugging kohana* who dares upsets Hana? *murderous smile* Person : *cold sweats* #that one extremely protective boyfriend
(3) Naomi Naomi : heeee~♪ Rikka : *smiling* why don’t you look at the mirror first before saying that? Naomi : *playfully swooning* somebody catch me. I’m falling in love all over again~! #already ignoring the existence of ‘person’ #that one secretly savage boyfriend
(4) Mihiko Mihiko : ....? Hajime : .....???? Shun : (was there because hajime’s there) Person : I didn’t said anything! *runs* MihikoHajime : ????? #that one boyfriend with obvious unspoken authority
(5) Kei Kei : did you say something? *smile* *didn’t even listening* Person : ....... Kuro : ....... Kei : .... Person : *dogeza* I’M SO SORRY!!!! Kuro : hah???? Kei : ???????? #that girlfriend who’s manlier than the boyfriend
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Mai: *sending Hajime new commercial pic* Mihiko: Wait! I haven’t see this before I will save it thank you! Mai: YOU STILL AWAKE? GO SLEEP! MIhiko: shit…….. Naomi: you’re one to talk, mai. Naomi: your case’s even worse than shiki, so both of you, sleep, now. Mihiko: wait, that’s mean you still awake too, not sleeping? Naomi: S l e e p. Before I personally put you to sleep, Mihiko. >Read By 2<</b> Mai: Good God……..
-Mihiko joined the group-
Miko: hey guys! I’m here! Just want to have some fun before sleep. Shiki: right, fun before sleep. Me too Tsubasa: shiki. when was the last time you sleep? Miko: me was 48 hours ago Shiki: what time is it now? Tsubasa: f o u r i n t h e m o r n i n g Shiki: it just today Miko: i know right! My room is still dark too! So its not morning until I see the sun Shiki: Ditto Tsubasa: wait Miko-chan, how you get in here anyways?? Miko: QR Code, I stole it Tsubasa: YOU CAN DO THAT???? Naomi: Mihiko, I told you to go to sleep. Miko: SHIT, I forgot she was here. I should just barge in to somewhere else instead! Shiki: See you around Miko: y e p! -Miko has left the chat- Naomi: I swear I’ll remove all curtains in her room…
-Mihiko joined the group-
Sora: wait, Miko-chan, I thought Naomi-san told you to sleep?? Miko: *Shock emoticon* HOW DO YOU KNOW IM HERE? Soshi: duh, there is notification saying “Mihiko joined the group” Miko: right. I forgot about that. how to text anyway 404 not found
Naomi: *banging Mihiko’s Door* GO. TO. SLEEP. Miko: HOLY SHIT, the monster is here, gotta go guys bye! -Miko has left the chat- Soshi: and there she goes like a wind Sora: ahahahahahahaha……….
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Hex-School Revolution
Year XX in Japan, one old school in the city is having declining number of students. Tsukino Mikoto, as fellow headmaster, want to help increasing this poor-sad school. So, the project Hex(agon)-School Revolution begins. Number of talents from Tsukino Production is chosen to participate in this project with the school as it’s setting.
HighSchool AU, Tsukino Production X Our Original OCS
Head Master Tsukino Mikoto
Vice Principal / Student Counselor Shimazuki Mai
Secretary Mikadzuki Kei
Security Headguard Akatsuki Anna
Teachers: PE: Minami Naomi Chemistry: Shimotsuki Shun Mathematic: Tsukishiro Kanade Modern Japanese: Kurotsuki Dai School Nurse: Mizuhime Kohana English: Haiduki Fumihiko Biology: Mochizuki Minato Art/Music: Wakatsuki Hinata Physic: Takamura Shiki Home Economics: Sera Rikka Civics: Izumi Shu
Student Class A > Wakatsuki Hinata
Mutsuki Hajime
Fuduki Kai
Kannaduki Iku
Fujimura Mamoru (Class Rep)
Horimiya Eichi
Izayoi Yui
Student Class B > Kurotsuki Dai
Yayoi Haru
Satsuki Aoi (Class Rep)
Ohara Sora
Kagurazaka Soshi
Eto Koki
Sakuraba Ryota
Arisawa Mihiko
Student Class C > Mochiduki Minato
Kisaragi Koi
Shiwasu Kakeru
Uduki Arata
Haduki You
Nanase Nozomu
Munakata Ren (Class Rep)
Yaegashi Kensuke
Okui Tsubasa
Student Class D > Shimotsuki Shun
Nagatsuki Yoru
Minaduki Rui
Arihara Morihito (Class Rep)
Murase Dai
Kuga Issei
Kuga Ichiru
Student Council:
Student Pres: Eto Koki Vice Pres: Okui Tsubasa Secretary: Yayoi Haru Treasurer: Shiwasu Kakeru Disciplinary Committee: Sakuraba Ryota
Six Gravity
Shiwasu Kakeru: “First time being a treasurer! All money will be managed by me! ….WHAT'S WITH THIS BUDGETING?!!!” Mutsuki Hajime: “It’s feel like I'm returning to my highschool days, I will just be myself then.” Kisaragi Koi: “Return of highschool days! Is this my chance to re:highschool debut?!” Yayoi Haru: “Again, I’m in the student council. But looks like all the committee member is interesting.” Uduki Arata: "What do you think about my uniform?" Satsuki Aoi: "I will do my best while reminiscing Highschool days with Arata"
Minaduki Rui: “I will be fine because Yoru is with me, I will do my best!” Fuduki Kai: “Oh? Classmate with Hajime? Yoroshiku ne~” Haduki You: “Rather than Arata’s uniform, you better watch my youthful appearance~” Nagatsuki Yoru: “I feel somewhat anxious with our homeroom teacher...” Kannaduki Iku: “I’m Kannaduki Iku! I’ll do my best here and enjoying again the fun highschool days~” Shimotsuki Shun: “Fufufufu~ As a teacher I will teach anything to my cute student, ESPECIALLY Hajime! ”
Ohara Sora: “It's high school! It's YOUTH!! IT'S S O A R A! YAAAAY!!!! But what's up with the class distribution?!!!” Arihara Morihito: “I wonder what will I do in these school life, feels like I got a second chance to rewind the time" Kagurazaka Soshi: "So it's high school this time? Brings back memories~" Munakata Ren: "I-I'll do my best!" Nanase Nozomu: "Charismatic Bassist, Nanase Nozomu-kun, is here to liven things up! Yay!"
Eto Koki: “It’s a new experience being student council president and all,  I will do my best.” Sakuraba Ryota: “As disciplinary committee, I will crush all who oppose Kou *smile*” Yaegashi Kensuke: “My class consist of interesting people! This will be fun~!” Fujimura Mamoru: “Uwaaa! I miss this time! Also, isn’t it important role being the class rep and all?!”
Takamura Shiki: "Work is work." Sera Rikka: "Fu fu~☆ I wonder if high school vibe still suit me? Hmm? Naomi look so excited! I'll give it my all too~!" Okui Tsubasa: “Tsubasa here~ Eh, isn’t our class too lively here?!” Murase Dai: “I'd like to swim again in this school project even for a bit. I wonder if they get any pool"
Izumi Shu: “High school, huh? Issei and Ichiru seem having fun~” Horimiya Eichi: "Uwaaah~! Isse and Icchi look amazing! I need to take photos of them!!!" Kuga Ichiru: "Issei! We're high school student!" Kuga Issei: “Ichiru, calm down. But, I’m happy too.”
Kurotsuki Dai: “I’m a former bodyguard, you know?! Why I’m being a modern Japanese teacher here?! Shouldn't I be the security?!!” Tsukishiro Kanade: "This reminds me of my lecturing day~" Haiduki Fumihiko: "Oh~ I'm coworker with Shi-kun again!" Mochiduki Minato: “Ugh… Why am I in charged of this class...??” Wakatsuki Hinata: “Hahaha, all my children are a good kid~!”
Our OC
Mikaduki Kei: “I will make Tsukino-shachou project success!” Izayoi Yui: “Mii-chan asks my help, so I will do my best! For Arata too!” Shimazuki Mai: "I'm still wondering HOW did I get into this mess and why I said yes….. *sigh*" Minami Naomi: "Get ready for my PE session, yay~☆" Mizuhime Kohana: ".....I'll try my best to not screw it up…? M-Mai-san?!! P-Please hang in there!!!" Akatsuki Anna: "Well, it's one of my job so yeah. I'm still writing the script by the way. Not done, yet" Arisawa Mihiko: "I ALWAYS WANT TO BE A STUDENT AGAIN YAY SCHOOL, but no homework please please please!"
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Sasakuma Ichigo is a panda that belong to Iku. It’s a gift from Shun because Iku can answer his random quiz.
*calling WWF “The number you're calling is not active, please try again in few minutes” *calling WWF the second time “The number you're calling is not active, please try again in few minutes” *calling WWF the third time “The number you're calling is not active, don't ever try again, Shun-sama would not allow it”
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
#Knowing More About Growth
Kei: ... and that concluded all detail of your next project. Koki: I understand, thank you for coming here for telling us. Kei: Your welcome *sips tea* As always, you make great tea~ Koki: Thank you for the compliment. All Growth member also say the same thing *chuckle* Kei: Speaking of Growth, the three of you always together from your idol trainee day, right? Kei: But, I never heard the name "Fujimura Mamoru".  I tried searching about you all and find that you picked him, right?
Koki: So, you searched about us.. *bitter laugh* Kei: Well, it's important to know more about idol that TsukiPro manage! So, can I hear more about you all? Koki: I don't mind telling you..
*Kou starting to tell everything about the genius puppy, Fujimura Mamoru to Kei*
#next day
Kei: Ah, Mamoru-san! Nice timing, here for you! Mamo: Eh, eh, eh? What? Kei: Life is hard, but I hope you find happiness! Then, excuse me. Mamo: Uwa.. Fertilizer for Pachira! But, why???
Mamoru confused about the situation
[Kei want to give him food at first, but she know master chef Koki is always on roll so Mamoru’s daily nutrition intake is guaranteed]
#Meet the Brother
Kei: Ah, Kohana-senpai! Kohana: Eh..? What happened? Kei: About the document before, actually..- *blablabla* Kei's Bro: Yo, Kei! How're you? Kei: Eh, Onii-chan?! Why're you here? Kei's Bro: Came to deliver you this souvenirs from my last vacation, share it with your housemates, okay? Kei's Bro: Hm~? Ho~ Look what we've got here~ Kei: Ah, she's one of my housemate, Mizuhime Kohana. Kohana: Nice to... meet you...?
Kei's Bro: Kohana-chan, huh? I almost thought that you're a flower fairy lost in this city, you have the eyes prettier than a sea, oh and I bet you have a green hand...!
Kei: Onii-chan, stop right there! My business with her isn't finished yet, and at this rate she will run away, literally! Kei: Also, she already has a boyfriend so don't bother her or Ryota-san will kill you, literally... And Mai-san will throw a nation-scale hunt for you first. Kei's Bro: Oh, what a pity! So she already meet her soulmate? Well, if he ever make you sad, you can come to me, I will comfort you~ *wink* Kei: Nope, Ryota-san won't ever make her sad! Even if he do, I will comfort her first, so back off! Kei's Bro: Hahaha, you found a nice friend, huh?
*cellphone ringing*
Oops, that's mine.
*pick up*
Kei: Must be from your girlfriend. Kei's Bro: *hang up his call* You know me so well~ Looks like I must go now, see you Kei! Come home sometimes, Mom miss you! See you, Fairy-san Kei: See you.
*Kei's Bro leave*
Arata: Uwaa, Mikadzuki-san! We hear all of that, your brother is really the opposite of you! Kei: Uhm.. But he isn't like this before, actually the me now is the outcome of mimicking him in the past. Aoi: Really? What happened until he become like that? Kei: Well, his girlfriend cheated on him.. He truly loved her.. Oh, but now he's alright and have a nice girlfriend! Even though that habit of him still stick to him.. He's a nice Onii-chan, though. Arata: Mai, please don't cheat on Aoi. I don't want him to become like You. Mai: What makes you think that I will?!
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chennmei · 5 years
+An Introduction+
“I purposely made this tumblr account so I CAN FANGIRLING FREELY WITHOUT THE WORLD NOTICING”
>>If you read that, twice, then you already know mostly what I’m gonna write in this account.
!English, Bahasa, and Chinese are welcome!
Rather than just fangirling, I think I can do more than that, and here I am collaborating with my amazing friends and writing about our fandom fanfiction in our free time. we are busy but we will manage, hopefully. if you like it, please love it (?)
Lately I’m so into Tsukino Production, my friends introduce it to me and I kinda take it willingly for several reason and in return, cannot get out from this hellhole. One thing we like to do the most are imagine “what if..”
For example, what if hajime bla bla bla, what if shun bla bla bla.... 
IT TURNED OUT WE MAKE our original character and write a fanfiction about it. We try to write regularly, and for casual thing not as a main job.
ALERT, mostly our fandom are about idol, and yeah, maybe we will post something other than Tsukipro fanfiction.
Writing a good fanfiction need several things
Time to write it
Good idea for story and plot
a gas mask in case you need oxygen for laughing too much.
ALERT NUMBER 2, we don’t own any of the character, I repeat this is just a fanfiction and we just try to fit our original character (OC) into the story and timeline that already been made.
If you guys read it and like it, please support us or just dropping any idea will be fine! We will introduce our character in the next post and the story in the next next post.
Lastly, I hope you guys enjoy it and HAPPY READING~
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Mihiko: Arata, come with me for a second? Arata: Eh~ Why? Mihiko: You once asked to introduce you to someone, right? I'm going to buy fabric for costume and the part-timer there is super cute~ I've been friendly with her recently. Arata: Seriously? I'm coming~
Mihiko: Yui-chan~ Yui: Ooh! Mii-chan~ Hm? You've got company today? Mihiko: Yes~ His name is Arata. Arata this is Yui. Arata: Yoroshiku~ Arata: *whisper* Yabai, Mihiko.. She's totally my type.. Yui: Yoro- Eh? Arata-kun? Mihiko: You know each other? Arata: No? Maybe because of my popularity as an idol? Yui: Oh..! I went to same highschool as him~ Together with Aoi, Arata really popular with girls, even in my class. Yui: But he's one year above me, though. So, no wonder he doesn't know me. Yui: Once again, yoroshiku~ Arata: May I ask your contact? Mihiko: So forward! Arata: As a man, I need to move fast! Yui: ..?? It's okay~ -They exchanged contact-
Arata: Oh, Animate! It's been a long time, I want to buy the continuation of that manga. *searching* Yui: Eh? Arata-kun? Arata: Oh? Yui-chan! Hm? You work here too? Yui: Yes! I'm also do part-time in many other places. Arata: Meeting you again like this, it's like a.. Yui: Fate, right? *chuckle* Arata: Nice! *thumbs up*
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
NEW ADDITIONAL OCS!!! (because these dorks need more L.O.V.E.)
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cr: picrew.me
赤月 アン��� Name: Akatsuki Anna Nickname: Ann Age: 24 Gender: Female Birthday: 16 May Height: 170cm Blood Type: AB Appearance: scarlet red hair, Indigo eyes. straight long hair ended around her back. not as pale as mihiko and left handed.
She is the new music video assistant and script writer in Tsukino Production. She is half swiss and quite known as the youngest MV director candidate despite her age.
she joined Tsukino Production after golden week ended, June will be her 1 month work anniversary
Her personality is quite complex, imagine arata without his jerk attitude. Strong enough to carry 3 box by herself, ambivert but quiet, and her straight face is beyond help.
She is fascinated by kai caring personality, she took interest in him but not sure how to react towards kai because of the rumor that he haven’t move on from his first loved that died 10 years ago.
She is being loved by goddess of Fortune, because she rarely got bad luck. because of this, she try to stay positive and try to approach kai.
Time goes by and kakeru spotted to always with her since he is the embodiment of bad luck. they get along pretty well.
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十六夜 優衣  Name: Izayoi Yui Nickname: Yui-chan/Yui-san/Yui Age: 22 Gender: Female Birthday: 16 Maret Height: 160 cm Blood Type: AB Appearance: Short brown hair, black eye, her style is normal (more to casual?)
Former highschool mates of Arata and Aoi, meet Arata again when he accompanies Mihiko buying fabric for TsukiPro's costume. On their second meeting, they meet at Animate because she works at part-timer in there.
She's cheerful, innocent, and happy-go-lucky. Looks like a child, everyone want to protect her from any impurities, but certainly not childish. Hardworker and have many part-time, she also know Kakeru from several of those part-time.
Meeting her former highschool mates two times feels like a fate and she finds Arata personality quite interesting, so she accepted when Arata asks her out.
Like Arata, she loves strawberry milk. She afraid of dark and tends to hugs anyone near her.
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Specially someone underage or ‘look alike’ underage
-House Party, Naomi's drink station(aka her own mini bar)- Naomi : al~righty♡ *passing the drinks*  So, a Sidecar for Tsubasa~  Ex~tra strong Screwdriver for Shiki~ Oasis for Dai, and~ Cranberry Kiss for Rikka~♡
Tsubasa : Uwaaah~ that was fast! As expected from Naomi! Shiki : Naomi. I want Boyar after this. Naomi : you got it, boss~★ *mixing drink for herself* Dai : shouldn't you finish what's in front of you first?
Shiki : the night's still young. Tsubasa : you only want to show off! Naomi! Give me Genoa after this! Naomi : you do know you're the one who started the competition, right? Rikka : I know you're strong but I hope you don't start with Long Island Naomi's Style right off the bat, Naomi. Naomi : re~lax, babe. I'm starting with Pink Lady.
Sora : are they still talking in japanese????
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
#onefine(soon to be chaotic)morning
-In Procella's common room-
Mai : morning, guys- Shun : *gloom* Mai : what the hell is going on? Kai : ah... mai... you see... Shun : HAJIME REFUSE ME!!! Mai : hah?
Shun : all I asked just doing a pocky game! ONLY A POCKY GAME! and he refuse me who only asking for his love!!! as a rabbit, I need his L.O.V.E!!!! You : of course he refuse it! Any normal being will! Shun : non non non, You. If mai asking aoi to do a pocky game, will aoi refuse it? he will certainly not! Mai : don't drag me into your weird reasoning! You : THAT'S NOT EVEN THE SAME CASE! Shun *completely ignoring* what should i do~? what should I, the great maou-sama do to get the great Ou-sama's love and affection?? a rabbit will die with out attention!! Yoru : shun-san... that just sound so wrong, shun-san... You : then just die already! Rui : how about becoming a tsukiusa?
Kai  : huh? Yoru&Iku : eh? You : HHAAAAAHHH?!!! Shun : ★★★WHAT A GRE~AT IDEA~★★★! Why I didn't think about that?? As a tsukiusa, I certainly will get a LOT of attention! *trying to escape to his room* THE~N- Mai : *grabs shun by the collar* you, idiot demon lord. stay. no one becoming a tsukiusa today. you're not leaving this room. you're not going anywhere without survilance. and that's final. Shun : ehh??? maaaa~iiii!!!!! Mai : don't 'mai' me! Iku : it's still morning and she's already mad...
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Episode 1
One afternoon, Shun who’s been curious about how are things between Mihiko and the Hajime finally open his (big) mouth. “So~! Mi-ko-chan~! Has Kuro-no-ousama confessed to you or not???” the White Demon Lord asked, causing the whole green room to look at him.
“Oi, Shun! Don’t meddle in her private life like that!” You quickly went over to drag the albino back to where he belongs. Mihiko just look at the redhead idol, “Nah, it’s okay. So-“ Before Mihiko can said anything, Hajime has come over unnoticed and stop her from saying anything.
“Waaa~! Hijime! I want to hear what she’s going to say!” Shun whines. “Shun, go back. Or I’ll get Mai,” You said with annoyances in his tone as he drag Shun by the collar. After they left them in peace (for now), Hajime said to Mihiko, “Please don’t say anything to him.”
Miko and the phrase “Please Don’t”
One night, in Gravi’s common room, Mihiko was hanging around with the group, alongside Procella who decides to invade the common room, courtesy of Shun. Mai was with them too, as Procella drags her along to have her stop working. Haru brew some tea earlier, and most of them are having it now.
“Hey, Mai… Do you ever want to find a boyfriend?” Mihiko asked out of blue, causing the said pale blonde girl to nearly spurt out her tea. “Miko-san??? Miko-san?! You DO know that Mai’s with Aoi-san, right?!” Koi said. Mihiko blinks and look at the pink eyed blonde, “You are?”
“She is.” The others replied, even before Mai can open her mouth. Thinking the discussion’s over, Mai sipped her tea again, but how wrong she is… “Why didn’t you date Shun?” Mihiko innocently said, causing Mai to choke on her tea. 
Even Kuroda looked at Mihiko like she just stole his food away. And the other animals also stop whatever they were doing to look at the stylist in shock. “M-Mai! Are you okay?!” Iku panics over the coughing girl, as Aoi patting her back to help her calmed down. Mai look at Mihiko after she can breathe properly again, “Do you want to get me killed?” she asked.
Shun pouts over her respond, “Mai, that’s mean!” “You, shut up.” The annoyed girl send a warning glare. “I want you to be happy! Shun’s nice, good looking, and he got money too!” Mihiko, way too innocently, replied. “Please, don’t. I prefer having my sanity over those.” Mai said, massaging her temple.
Miko and the phrase “Please Don’t” part 2
In a fitting session for the next stage project, Mihiko was making final adjustment over the costumes. All leaders are having a group photo shoot at the moment, explaining the absences of Hajime, Shun, Sora, Koki, Shiki, and Shu. And Mihiko often have completely random thoughts when working. When working on Kakeru’s….
“Hey, how does it feel when Hajime iron clawed you guys?” she asked for the whole room to freezes. “Iron… claw…?” Ren repeat with wonder. On the other hand, all eyes of Gravi’s and Procella’s member are darted towards Haru and Koi. “….Why does you asked?” Haru warily asked. “Just curious. I want to know how it’s feel?” Mihiko replied. “Please don’t. Miko-san, if you still value your life, please don’t.” Koi said with deadpanned face.
“Mai, what was Shun’s job today actually?” Hajime suddenly asked the blonde. Mai looked up to the Gravi’s leader with questioning face “…why are you- Oh, right, Mihiko’s with him.”
“Mai, is there anything in your head besides our schedule…?” Haru asked with a wry smile. Mai just ignored the taller male, “Shun was asked to make an appearance at his fanclub’s meet. I want to say you don’t have to worry but…” “This is Shun.” All three of them sigh out. Hajime’s hoping” that the fellow leader didn’t drag the stylist in something weird but….. Shun’s being Shun… “Haaajimeee!!! Guess what! Guess what!” later that night, Mihiko dashed right towards the King once she returns from the job. Hajime looked at her with questioning face. “Shun invited me to your fanclub today!”
“Please don’t.”
Mihiko frowns, “But I already sign my name…” Hajime can only sighs at her respond. On the other hand, “Why does everyone keep saying ‘please don’t’ to me?” the purple haired girl said dejectedly.
PLEASE SAY “Please Do” to her at least ONCE
Few days after that fanclub fiasco, Mihiko was still frowning over the responds she always gets from everyone. “…What’s up with you?” You asked. “You guys awfully like to say don’t to me…” she said. “You think?!” both Procella and Gravi all scream inside their head. Awkward silent fill the room as Mihiko keeps on mumbling about random things. At lease, until… “What do you guys think… about Hajime-themed party?” A more silent silence filled the room as everyone looking at her, even the animals.
“PLEASE DON’T!” nearly everyone shout on top of their lungs.
“FINALLY YOU’RE THE FIRST!” Mihiko smiled.
“…I’m leaving.” Mai said, getting up from her seat and head for the door.
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Watching Movie Together
Arata: Oh, Sora, Ren, and Kou too! Yoru: Hello, it's rare to see you together. Sora: Arata-san! Yoru-san too, won't you join us? Koki: We're having a break for our job and decide to watch this movie together. Arata: Oh, how nice~ Yoru: Un, can we join? We've just finished our job too. Ren: Doozo! Sora: Then, let's start the movie! Yoru: By the way, what kind of movie we will watch? Sora: Dunno, they said it really good movie that become a trend nowadays. Aoi-san recommended it to me! Arata: Eh, did you say Aoi? Wait...
-movie playing-
Mai: So? What happened? Arata: Your beloved boyfriend recommended this creepy horror movie to Sora & co. Then, they've been traumatized from watching the first minute of that. By the way, my fragile heart too can't stand that scene, here I'm trying my best to finished my job. Ken: Mai! Please help! Ryo saying something like 'even if it is the six gravity prince, to make Kou like this is unforgiveable'! I can't stop him from doing whatever it is!’
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
Kei: Me? Having a feeling to Tsukino-shachou?! How could I! His existence is like a.. yes, like a supreme being! My feeling to shachou can't be described as something as shallow as love! He is my final destination, my aspiration! -silence- Kei: Well.. Joke aside, love is something where we fall, right? Mostly everyone don't know how they get into that situation where you fall in love. Kohana: ... Eh, all your sentence before of it is a joke? Kei: chuckle Well, who knows? Mai: Good God, I almost though shun just possesed her... Miko: are you really my mom.... Naomi: pfftttttt, who knows kei can joke like that?
WHEN KEI KNOW KUROTSUKI IS EX-BODYGUARD Kei: He changes his job from bodyguard to manager? How admirable! Maybe he also realize the charm of our president!
WHEN KEI KNOW KUROTSUKI HAVEN’T MARRIED BECAUSE OF PROCELLARUM Kei: What a passion! So this is the sacrifice he makes to advance TsukiPro! I should learn from him!
WHEN MAI BEING CALLED “TSUKI no HIME” Kei: Hime..? Ah, no wonder! Mai-senpai is like second-in-command in this company, rather she should be called Tsuki no Jouou! Mai: second in command... more like eternal slave....
WHEN THERE IS NEW FEMALE EMPLOYEE CALLED ANNA Ann: {I wonder what our boss face look like, I haven’t see his face again for several month} Miko: please don’t say you forgot something important Ann: .... haha, no. How can I? Kei: ..Ann, I kind of know what you think. Sorry, I think it's also my fault, as a senpai I didn't teach you much.. But don't worry! I'll tell you the greatness of our pres, like what he've done to me! Let us walk in this road together~
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