#tsv Ummy
honeybumpkins · 1 year
Silly guy and creature man
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kitty-lattee · 1 year
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mio mao mio mao la la la la la
( characters in order : tucker , tsv , nat , danyon , liaison , abdiel , ummy , half crop , samier , and pierce ) (( design for hc belongs to darkwater-reservoir on tumblr ))
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Ummy: where can I get your blood?
Tsv: it’s free but you have to catch me
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thatonecrimsonecho · 1 year
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Part of me wants to believe this is Danyon, part of me wants this to believe this is Ummy. I know we’ve never seen Ummy, but still-
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bananasp1itz · 2 years
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kitty-lattee · 1 year
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omg is that a clone high reference (please kill me)
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honeybumpkins · 1 year
Unwell about him
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I'm hopping on the "draw [insert character here] dying in a glue trap" bandwagon so
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darkwater-reservoir · 2 years
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darkwater-reservoir · 2 years
Summary: Danyon is dying but even as he takes his final breaths all he can think of is Tyler. He draws his final breath and closes his eyes for the last time. Then he hears water, and his eyes snap open.
Pairings: DanyonVanished if you squint but that wasn't my intention when I was writing this
Rating: T
A/N: Tyler is tsv. I wrote this just as some writing practice and I really wanted to write what I thought Danyon's final moments would be like and what Liaison!Danyon's first moments were probably like
CW: death, blood, mentions of drowning, unreality
Everything hurts and there's blood everywhere. The numerous injuries that cover Danyon's body, however, is the last thing he's concerned about. The only thing on his mind has he takes what he assumes are his final breaths is guilt. Tyler didn't respond, hell he didn't even pick up the phone which is very unlike him. So either he died after he left or his phone is dead. Danyon hopes it's the latter.
The people who attacked him are long gone now. He's starting to feel dizzy. Suddenly it's  hard to think a coherent thought. But he thinks of Tyler. He thinks of how happy they were when they were young. He thinks about how Tyler cried the the day before Danyon moved away to college and how he promised to call him everyday (a promise he kept, as annoying as it was sometimes). He thinks about how scared he sounded over the phone when the sun vanished. He remembers reassuring him that it was going to be ok and that he was going to come and get him. He remembers leaving him.
He remembers telling himself it was for his own safety. He remembers telling himself that it was to keep Tyler safe. He's beginning to lose feeling in his hands now. He remembers seeing the tweet Tyler made when he realized he left him to die. He remembers how he cried that night. Its getting so cold now. His ears are ringing louder.
People always said that your life flashes before your eyes when you die. Danyon never really thought that was true until now. He remembers climbing up a dead tree in Tyler's backyard when they were kids. He hears something. He remembers the two of them kicked at the branches the other held onto in an attempt to knock eachother to the ground. Its a car. Theres a car coming.
He remembers when he broke a branch Tyler was holding onto and he fell. The car is stopping beside him. Tyler broke his wrist. He was lucky he hadn't broken his whole arm. There are people getting out of the car.
Danyon can't hear what they're saying too clearly. He's so tired and so so cold.
'He's still breathing. We can still save him"
They're trying to help him. Holy shit he might live. He thinks about what he'll say to Tyler. How many ways could he tell him he's so so fucking sorry. Danyon could swear his vision was getting darker.
He can't make out the figures over him but they sound frantic and... garbled? He could swear they sounded like they were talking through a mouthful of water. Maybe it was the blood loss.
It's freezing now. Oh god his vision was getting darker.
He's going to die here isn't he.
He tries to say something but he gets out half a noise before he chokes on blood. He's so sorry. Tyler I'm so sorry.
"We're losing him! Hurry up!"
Danyon is so tired. God he needs to just close his eyes for a bit.
Then the pain stops. It all stops. Its all so dark. He can't remember anything. His name. Fuck what was his name? All he can tell is he's drowning in the darkness. He's drowning. There's water. He can hear water. There's water in his lungs and in his stomach. He's drowning! He needs to wake up!
Danyon opens his eyes and gasps for air. He immediately coughs up water. His body needs to get the water out of him but he can't and oddly enough he doesn't want to.
When he finally stops coughing he realizes something. He feels different. He feels better. He's also no longer on the side of the road. Danyon looks around the room he's in. It seems like it used to be college dorm at some point. He looks down at his hands. He's grey and also soaking wet.
"I know it can be quite the adjustment but you'll get used to it" a man says as he enters the room. He's also soaking wet and has water pouring out of his mouth.
"You did this to me?" Water pours out from Danyon's mouth as he speaks. He's not as alarmed as he should be. In fact, he doesn't seem to mind at all.
"Our leader, Ummy, gave the order but yes I was the one who brought you back"
Danyon blinks "...brought me back?"
The man nods "yes. We've found that darkwater has healing properties and can even bring back the dead"
Danyon died. That's news but it also makes so much sense.
"Oh! Where are my manners! My name is Abdiel!"
"Here at We The People we all choose new names to represent the new world. We encourage you to do the same"
"No thanks. I'd like to keep my old name thank you"
Abdiel frowns "ah, I see. Well we respect your decision to keep your name. If you ever change your mind we will be happy to call you by whatever name you prefer. Dinner will be ready within the hour. Welcome to We The People, Danyon."
And with that he leaves. Danyon just sits in his room alone. He thinks about Tyler. He wishes he was here with him and these people. They seem so nice and this place seems safe. He hopes Tyler can join him, if he's even still alive.
As for him leaving? He can forget about that. He's already apologized through text hasn't he? Yeah. He probably forgives him by now. He's safe now and Tyler will be too when he finds his way to him and these people. He doesn't need to think about the past anymore. He doesn't need to remember.
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darkwater-reservoir · 2 years
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I drew this in class a few days ago as a joke and thought it'd be funny post post now after today's posts
Characters in order of appearance: ummy (totally not a vampire), nat (left), tsv (middle), tucker (right)
Also bonus tsv doodle!
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darkwater-reservoir · 2 years
ok so I have 2 theories on who/what could be killing all the wtp scouts.
Theory 1: there's a rebellion going on that wtp isn't talking about. Defectors and/or people who preferred ummy in power are killing wtp members who support abdiel and liaison!danyon or are just against ummy being in power in general
Theory 2: it's someone on the side of the tsv gang (possibly one of their followers) who is making their way to the tsv gang to try and help them escape and is taking out wtp scouts in the process
It's been confirmed that is isn't the aliens (or at least no alien forces that we yet know of) so we can rule out the possibility that it's the invaders
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darkwater-reservoir · 2 years
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