#tthe bug
postpunkindustrial · 2 years
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jame7t · 11 months
tthe bug is
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the-nosy-neighbor · 3 months
Espera pra ver and Frank and Eddie
User @pencileyed-crow commented on my post about Bug-a-Bye with information about something that Clown said about Frank and Eddie. They said that Clown said the song "Espera Pra Ver" reminded him of Frank and Eddie. The translation of the title is "Wait to See." The song is in Portuguese and i don't speak Portuguese, so I will be relying on internet translations and I can't fully vouch for the accuracy of the lyrics in English, but lets give it a go.
First, it is very interesting this song was chosen because of all mentions of seeing and starting with reading a letter. We know Clown does include eyes and sight a great deal in this work.
In particular, in a discussion on r/Portuguese, a translator says one line in particular is tricky, and it seems like, based on the description, this could be a pun about seeing and sight.
Also interesting is phrasing of the title. Wait to see, not wait and see. It could be language differences, but the first makes me think not being able to see instead of the more casual english phrase wait and see, which insinuates a lack or urgency or inability to affect events. Maybe both phrases figure in.
Forgive the lousy typing and formatting.
Wait To See
On Sunday I read your long letter telling everything
The first time I knew what you think, knew everything
I have seen a couple of translations that say these lyrics are more like the person opens up and tells our narrator everything that is going on in their lives. Alternatively, it could be that the writer has confessed their feelings about tthe narrator. Based on lines to come, i feel like it might be a more "here's what is happening" situation.
Also, eddie and letters.
And I stayed as if I didn't live in the world
Thinking about "Bug-a-Bye," Frank is the figure that is singing/narrating, and this line and the next both read like whatever was in the letter kind of brings the narrator to a pause, a kind of falling out of step with the world around them, with their eyes opened to a new way of seeing what is happening around them.
And hence this deep silence of mine
A withdrawal from everything
I felt that sadness would come and change
It would take my heart
It seems that the narrator is living in a changed world and with the perspective gained, really feels that their heart is going to be broken. It reads a lot like the end of "Bug-a-Bye" where Frank sings about the bugs leaving him and being left alone.
Today I no longer know what I think
This is another line about losing your sense of perspective. So, in the theories so far, I have suggested that Frank is potentially in opposition to Home/Wally, and is trying to reach out to us, the website visitor. Also, he seems to be involved in something with Eddie that the others don't know about, whether it is romance or conspiracy. I can imagine that this line would be a common sentiment if you are a neighbor and someone tells you, oh hey, Wally is a puppet to some demonic force that presents itself as a house, then you probably aren't going to know what to think because the reality you hsbe accepted is no longer true.
And the silence to end and a new day
I want, what I seek
In English, we might phrase this more like "what i want is for this period of sadness to end and for there to be some hope."
And i know that most songs are about feelings and such, but on my first reading of the lyrics, I thought that the letter could be more along the lines of a political manifesto, some kind of document that shakes up the narrator and makes them question their own acceptance of societal norms and pressures without thinking about them. This leads to a period of silence and sadness as the narrator gets introspective and examines what they had thought and how it fits with yhe new information. Maybe that is another way of saying what i said above, that Frank could be the narrator in a redefined world.
So, instead of accepting a world full of inequity and bad times, the narrator is almost referring back to the time before the letter, when uninformed hope was the norm.
I wanted so much to live my future with you
But sometimes things happen like this
This is so relatable. Most people have experienced something like this where things get in the way. Life sometimes pull people in different directions. But this sentiment, in particular, is very similar to Frank's song. It isn't anyone's fault, this is just part of life's cycle, but he will miss them and wish they were with him.
Today nothing remains but to wait
To see something happen
And a new day to come
This also seems like it could be a very close comparison, and it makes me wonder if "Bug-a-Bye" is based on this song in a more apples to apples, creating the same mood and experience of longing, sadness, and becoming aware of the reality around you.
But yeah, Frank ends the song as lonely as the narrator, both waiting for some change in the world that could bring them back together. This new day would presumably bring a change that creates hope where there was none before.
I think it would be interesting to do a more side by side comparison when I have 2 monitors and go full detective mode, but my thanks to @pencileyed-crow for the tip.
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sewatari · 4 months
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They put Sewaddle on the logo for tthe Bug Out line ♡♡♡♡♡
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ryuseitai · 1 month
im lowkey nonbinary in tthe sense that like im a guy but i wanna be seen the way someone would see a dog as a boy/. or any creature really. like a bug even. probably a bug.
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maximillien · 2 years
Hcs for Alberu
Because I'm parched from the lack of fics for this fine, fine man.
- so caring. Towards his partner at the very least. He's very much in his crown prince/rude man persona with Cale and usually quite formal with the rest of the group.
- like caring? Attentive? Idk let's say you forget to have your lunch, or you're suddenly chilly. He's either 1) going to have lunch with you 2) ask the maids/butler to make lunch for you. Then for the latter he'll give you his coat, give you a warm mana stone, close the windows, or light a fire with his cool sexy magic.
- like literally, you couldn't ask for any better. He's the height of the height
- though he's very very VERY busy. You know, he's crown prince and all, he doesn't really have much time.
- but the moment he does have time, he is definitely using it with you.
- I hc him as being really curious and adventurous.
- as crown prince, he's never really had the opportunity to learn cooking for example, he was busy doing his duties (and surviving as a royal child)
- definitely into little cooking/baking dates. Would love to paint with you (will absolutely tap your shoulder to get your attention and then smudge a bit of paint on your nose).
- cooking, painting, walking together (hand in hand, pointing out different fauna and flora gOd wHEN???), definitely a cuddle bug
- he'll put a flower in your head or give you some
- definitely tthe type of guy to have a bouquet of flowers sent every day (he tries to give it in person in the morning, but if he can't he'll leave it with a note of the flowers meaning. So far you've gotten 'unconditional love' 'my everything' and stuff like that)
- haha, a little and big spoon. Pretty flexible though he definitely has a penchant for being held. Spoon him from the front, stroke his hair and whisper your love for him and he's Gone.
- and he's definitely touch starved.
- probably flinches away from touching in tte beginning on the relationship, cuz he's not really used to it (except from Tasha, but she's not always around), so it's something to gradually work into. But once he's used to it, honey you are not leaving his arms or his lips
- he's using any and I mean ANY excuse to kiss or hug you
- kiss/hug in the morning, in the evening, before and after dinner, before bath, if you're/he's leaving (even for like thirty minutes), on his breaks... you get the idea.
- he'll flash you a quick smile or he'll pout (yes, yes he will) and damn, yeah, you're a goner
- definitely runs warmer, a walking heating pack.
- he literally wears layers, my man has to be warm. So yes, you're hugging a warm (muscly, very nice muscles) bear.
- yes. Muscles. Hmmmmm his are sooo nice. Shall I rant about his muscles? I want to. Nice and firm. Really comfy though. If you watch him work out/spar, he'll fluster you on purpose, his sparring partner feels like a third wheel (except if you're the sparring partner, then honey, you are becoming a tomato)
- how tall is he?? Gimme a sec.* googles *He's 179cm. Honestly I'm pretty close to his height, but wether you're taller or shorter or the same height he'll love you anyways. If you're shorter, god you're so cute, he loves it so much. He will tease you no matter the height. Same height? Not much, but he definitely likes how he doesn't need to lean down/up. Taller? My god he is flustered. He lives for it. He LIVES for it. Will intentionally tease you.
- tease him. Yes. Do it. Even if you're shy. Do it. If he's been teasing you a while and you get a good one on him, oh man, he's a field of tomato's. Speechless, sweating, you've got him. Enjoy your tomatoberu.
- he'll love anybody no matter what they look like. Weight, height, hair or no hair, skin colour, nose, eyes, ears, piercings or tattoos, he does not CARE.
- sure, he'll have preconceived judgements when you first meet, but it's mostly based on your personality.
- once he gets to know you and actually fall in love, he'll love your everything
- interests, habits, favourite food, intolerances, health, what kind of person you are, what you think about.
- he wants to know it all. I bet that during his breaks, if he's not with you he's doing research on your hobbies to try them out himself.
- okay I want to try and talk about his type because Ely and I were talking about this (author-nim WHENNNNN)
- as aforementioned, whatever you look like or what your hobbies are, he does not careeee
- I'm talking about the type of people he'd be attracted to and the type of people he'd avoid.
- let's start
- I think if we're talking about a near love at first sight, it would be somebody calm and with a cool aura, who also isn't as 'crazy' as Cale and his group. he's got a lot of chaos in his life, so to have somebody calm and cool would definitely be a first attraction.
- if it's somebody more fun and outgoing, it'd take more time to trust you, but since it's a first meeting he'd come to slowly love that aspect of your personality. If you're chaotic like Cale and his group, he'd probably struggle at first but he'd come to love that outgoing, extravagant side of you.
- if you're really timid he won't trust you at first. To him it might be fake and you might be trying to get to him. But again, as he gets to know you, what actions you take, decisions you take, thoughts and plans, he'll come to love you and try to help you/protect you when he can. He loves it btw.
- he'd definitely fall in love with an open minded partner. I think that's an important quality to him, since dark elves are oppressed in TCF a partner who doesn't give the slightest fuck about his lineage is somebody he'd want to keep close. Like if you're racist and shit, nah my man, he won't like you at all lmao. He'll defo dislike you more than any pesky noble.
- wether you're politically inclined or not doesn't matter. Sure, he'd love to have a politically inclined partner, it'd be really helpful, but if politics aren't your forte, he's not gonna not fall in love with you. If you want to be a co-ruler by his side, you'll have to study politics though. He'll be your teacher if you want ;) (oh he'd be such a good teacher. Choose your rewards ladies, gents and fellow pirates).
- he'd go for somebody generous. Definitely. Somebody who thinks a lot about others, somebody who's thankful for what they have
- somebody who isn't really all that materialistic. Like yeah, maybe they like having stuff and buying a lot or being luxurious, but material things aren't the most important thing in their life.
- I don't think he gives a fuck about religious/spiritual inclination (or none if you're atheist) Same as your hobbies really, he'll be pretty interested and ask for more information.
-seriously, he loves learning new things. The more he gets the opportunity to learn, the more he'll take
- I think he'd be more inclined to a person with a positive outlook on life, though if you're trying to see the good in every situation he'll wonder if you've got a screw loose. If you're pretty pessimistic he won't not love you, but it won't be a first time attraction compared to the positive outlook person
- somebody caring. Not an empath to the max, though that's cool, but somebody who can try and see his point of view and care about him. He'll never admit it, I don't think he's even aware of his love for that trait, but once he realises you do care, his heart warms up. If you struggle with empathy, it won't be love at first sight, but over time he'll come to love you for it.
- somebody who'll step up to protect their loved ones. Though, if you struggle to do that, he'll totally understand (once you're in a relationship.) again, he'll be more inclined to fall I love faster with a person who's protective.
- he's also more inclined to fall in love faster with somebody who's not scared to share or voice their opinion. If you struggle, as a couple he'll hold your hand a stroke it. He'll be your rock if you struggle. And if you don't, then you have a husband In the background who's holding your drink and happily thinking 'that's my spouse' as you verbally beat people up.
- strength isn't something he's firstly attracted to, but dear god, if you're strong, that will be such a fluster for him as he slowly realises he's in love.
- somebody who remembers the little things. His favourite drink, the time he goes to bed, fav colour, food etc etc. He'll always return the favour and remember things about you.
- I think he'd love receiving acts of service and verbal love (ugh I forgot), and physical touch
- his is gift giving, quality time and physical touch.
- if you're a fellow period haver, I already have hcs
Anyways, the sweetest, coolest, sexiest man alive, I need him, I want him.
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kiwioala · 10 months
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popculturebuffet · 4 months
You should because it's a weird ass title. I accidently quoted it as Best of space jam" instaed of "stars of space jam" and I bought it on impulse, but it was something I did need as for some ungodly weird reason, Hot Cross Bunny was never on any of the gold or platinum collections and since I rarely get to talk looney tunes let's talk about these.
So these were VHS collections released around Space Jam, likely to fill in gaps and thus the title makes sense: it's weird but your getting kids fresh off your hit movie into the franchise or fans already into it new collections.
For some mystifying reason, likely to fill gaps in the dvd releases or have cheaper budget relases for kids, all of these four collections got relreased and then piled into one collection called "Stars of space jam Volume 1". There is no volume 2 nor any more vhs' to base it on. But there's one for Bugs , Daffy, Taz, Coyote and Roadrunner, and Sylvester and Tweety. Honestly for 6 bucks on ebay it's not a bad deal and whil eit was just for that one short, there does seem to be some decent ones on there.. and tweety but hey it also gives me another dvd with taz asking why you bury him in the cold cold ground.
I'll also say this since htis is a response to the mr duck steps out review: Warner IS better about putting their shorts on dvd. Not by a lot, i've heard the golden collection versions aren' tthe best quality (they are the cheapest hence why I have them), but as much as they seem to hate looney tunes these days... they do keep the dvds a comin and in decent quality while Disney really dosen't seem to be arsed with it. They DO restore shorts for D+ but they do it slowly. Which is fair, it takes a while, but they seem to only do so for anniversaries. It is what made me a fan but I've had to go to youtube and other sources for more and dvds are rare. As pain in the ass as it is to buy stars of space jam to get what should be a grossly avaliable bugs short. It IS on max, which is nice, but I don't trust max because well.. duh. I buy more physical media these days because you really can't trust digital.
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marcygoo · 5 months
ok everryone who thinks im cool or is intimidated by me on tthe internet listen to me. im a scared anxious prey animal. im like the bug that people say is more afraid of you than you are of it. im some guy who makes images and then when i have to post them i shake and cry for 10 minutes before i hit post and then shake and cry 10 minutes afterward. i get scared thinking people hate me and want me dead and gone for saying something annoying when the thing i said wasnt even remotely annoying. and i am painfully aware of all of this
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megabuild · 1 year
The story is as follows
a few days ago maybe a week or so ago, i had a dream where me and my friend bug were playing minecraft (Which was a little strange because out of all of my friends who play mc we’re like the two who do it the least. Why was i not playing it with scott megabuild? Who knows) well anyways
We were mining in some ravine-like thing and all of a sudden he dies out of nowhere and hes like oh shit what killed me and i jokingly say, “An angel” (Why did i say this?) i look at the text that says what he was killed by or whatever and it just says he was slain by The Vil
And i’m like What the fuck is the vil and i turn around and there’s this little blue floating glowinng skeleton with like angel wings. And it only had 1 eye like a cyclops. It wasn’t an allay btw this was like a skeleton. And it had a little bow and arrow like cupid or something. Well anyways i’m like what tthe fuck is this thing.
The special thing about the vil is that it didn’t drop an item when it died or had certain spawn conditions or anything. It was just there sometimes and it killed you and then fucked off whenever it felt like it and youd have to just live with that. But i feel like it was rare though. But i dont know
I then woke up for unrelated reasons at like 4am and then fell back asleep and had this strange series of dreams one of which i was trying to convince like my irl friends and my parents of what the vil was and i kept trying to draw it but nothing looked like how it looked. And i tried drawing it irl too to no avail. Well anyways thats my vil dream
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caracello · 2 years
alright dei what got u to think of s76 for the first time.
SNFFLES. ok technically ive known abt him since overwatch , like , came out , but i wsa never rly into ovw so i didnt care but like 3-4 days ago my bf was playing overwatch on call for one of our friends (bug cameo our good friend bug( and he went thru s76's interactions aand the um. tthe heart emote kind of got to me. the heart emote and the. the. the. g. the gri. the grillm. i cant even say it
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i love the weird little girl that clings to tthe bottom of your wagon like a bug or beetle
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dad-of-the-yr · 1 year
i went out today.. the bugs stopped tasting decent and uh. there was. a person who made me feel weird. like the weird she made me feel and i just. i think that was her she must have been watching me which would mean she knows where i am and could report mer tno tthe polsiceand id nevet ysee teth kids again It had to be her. My hearts only felt like that with her.
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dialphone-archived · 1 year
tthe fact that there are people in the t.f.2 workshop devoting their time to fix mistakes or bugs in games that have gone by for max of 16 years is absolutely insane to me.like how are you going to let the fanbase of your game series fix the shit that you were too lazy to do. you are already making them run the game by having them create maps and cosmetics. not to mention the only official merch is by fans for fans.
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pink-glitches · 2 months
talkking about minecrraft and tthe life seriies to myself has maade me feel so muuch better but itt's not enouugh. i need tto bug someeone abouut life serries mechaniics
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nek-ros · 4 months
notts cool replacement peanus. from tthe bugs
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