#ttte Derek
edwards-exploit · 6 months
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it's still april even if its not 4/4, so here's four of them!
(derek being d4 was inspired by @.mean-scarlet-deceiver's fic, which you should totally read if you like gordon having character development but still being fundamentally Gordon and derek existing)
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baldwin-10-12-d · 5 months
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An underrated duo?
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thechaddyengine · 19 days
Edward caused a canon event
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Edward: I don't know how I do it, but I just do it, heh.
(I ain't showing them kissing btw cos i'm lazy, and I don't think people would want that lol, It's just to show that Derek and Neville love on another very much)
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ask-sentient-vehicles · 4 months
Who do the diesels think are best pony?
(Unrelated but you are a really kind and admirable person and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend)
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That was a lot 0_0
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brick-boats · 1 year
*various sea-shanties being sung*
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bladexjester · 1 year
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(I always have this feeling that the other diesels don’t like Dennis because he brings shame to them)
Honestly, I feel that many of the engines on Sodor would not be big on Dennis due to his slothful nature. They would most likely feel that he just slows down any work being done due to not doing anything. I do feel some would have pity on him, but most just are annoyed by him, especially if they are paired up with him for a task. That’s why Norman makes more appearances than Dennis, because, while Norman has engine issues, he at least tries. Hell even Derek tried harder than Dennis did, and Derek’s engine is in terrible shape.
(Btw, I personally don’t hate Dennis, but can see why the engines on Sodor wouldn’t like him. No one likes a slacker)
(Even the wiki on Dennis says that he isn’t popular. It says, “As a result of his laziness, he is very unpopular with other engines,”. I have the screenshot to prove it.)
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So, what I’m saying is your right, he is not popular among the diesels, or any of the engines for that matter.
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steam-beasts · 10 months
To: DJ
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Do any mainland diesels come and help?
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Sincerely:LMS Productions!
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DJ; "Well, yeah. I have seen a few of those guys around. I met this diesel named Derek once and he told me he was on trial here at one point! Though he broke down during a freight run to Brendam and was sent back. There's a couple other diesels I've seen, but I haven't talked to them much since I can only ever go on miniature tracks unless my big brother picks me up"
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the-time-lord-oracle · 2 months
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Derek and his real-life basis; the Clayton/Paxman class 17 Bo-Bo.
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number1spongebobfan · 7 months
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Duncan is getting a tattoo on his back by Derek. Derek is the tattoo artist. Rusty is . . . wondering what's going on. She's kind of worried.
(I think Duncan would love getting tattoos, because he is a rock and roll engine. Rock and Roll artists tend to get body modifications. I don't know what kind he's getting tho)
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arthursisland · 9 months
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The Works Station…
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topplingdomino · 2 years
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Character opinion bingo on my favorite ttte character... who only appeared once and never again...
Headcanons because YES!!
- He is located at Crovans Gate! He works near there in case his engine ever fails he has easy access to the works. Hence why you never really see him after his appearance.
- He does odd jobs and runs maintenance trains along the East side of the island.
- His engine caught on fire at least 2 times since arriving on Sodor; this has earned him the nickname "Pyro Paxman" from some engines (mainly Gordon and James). He does not like the name.
- Was the one sent to rescue Gordon when he had his infamous Kirk Ronan crash, he found it kind of amusing.
- Found it even MORE amusing when he heard of James' train catching fire.
- If he delivers goods to Brendam, he tries to visit Bill and Ben if he is able to, they've grown to have a sturdy friendship!
- Likes to chat with the engines that make stops at Crovans Gate, especially the Skarloey engines.
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pistonsandgearsinc · 1 year
Traintober: Day 10 "Happiest"
"Nobody's ever happy being around Killdane."
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[Killdane Iron & Smelting Co, East Sodor]
Derek trundled into the yard with a long train of scrap from The Mainland in tow. He glanced about the yards watching the workers going about their work. Truth be told he wasn't at his happiest here, for good reason, naturally. He himself had been in danger of being scrapped not long ago, still work had to get done, and he had a job to do.
As he approached the smelting sheds, he noticed something odd. The Ironworks was. . .staffed with different engines. Drake, a small great western shunter stopped ahead of Derek. "Good work, if you need the fuel pumps they're on the siding nearest the sheds.", Derek looked the engine over, and against better judgement asked, "Are you new to the ironworks?" The engine, stared at Derek, grumbled something indiscernible, before bluntly stating "No, I've been here for quite a while."
Derek thought for a moment, and asked.
"Weren't there two diesel shunters who ran this yard?".
Drake stared, a difficult to determine expression with hints of tiredness fell upon their face. "No." they said quite plainly. "Are you quite sure?" Derek ventured again, Drake pondered for a moment. "Over there." they said, Derek looked over and watched an unfamiliar diesel shunter, grumble past with a train of slag wagons and what appeared to be a rusty tender in front.
Derek didn't quite know what to say.
Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, CJ The Creator, Amelheronemus, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]
Happy Traintober!
Sorry for the absence, college is a lot of work.
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lovable-chica · 3 months
Yap X Derek
Dog and Diesel Love Pug X Cutie Diesel
🤎Yap And Derek First Met Each Other After Derek returned to Sodor From His Teething Problems
💚Yap Knows About His Teething Problems Because Bill and Ben Told Her So, She wants to know why Derek Had Teething Problems Before.
🤎Derek is Much Taller Then Zippy and Much Older Then Her.
💚Derek is Worried About Zippy Getting The Same Teething Problem Like Him, So He’ll Sometimes Follow Her as A Diesel without her noticing.
🤎Zippy Enjoys Working With Derek Once awhile when not working with Rosie and Her Cousin.
💚Zippy Is Still Concerned About Derek Having A Breakdown Again, So She Might Just Do The Same Thing, Watching Over The Jolly Diesel
🤎They Do Actives Together, Playing In Mud, Rock Sliding and Watching The Stars In The Skies
💚 🎶Kirby’s Gourmet Race🎶
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Hope You Guys Like This :3
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thechaddyengine · 10 days
*At Tidmouth sheds*
Gordon: So i've called you all here because of one thing....
James: And the fucks that?
Gordon: Derek and Nevillie are a gay couple!
*It was silent*
Henry: Ok and? Like that's normal, engines can be gay Gordon.
Thomas: But he's nice and kind tho, he would not hurt a fly!
James: If you mess with Derek now, it's a whole different story Thomas.
Thomas: Well, ik that.
Gordon: What are we gonna do with them!?
Edward: Nothing, Neville maybe an infected, but he's like any other engine on this island, we'll not disturb them with rude attitudes.
Gordon: Say's the one who started this mess....
*Edward gave him a death glare, shutting him up*
Henry: yea, this indignation meeting was pointless...
James: Agreed, just to talk about a gay couple, that sounds homophobic tbh.
Thomas: Let's just go, I'm already late for my passenger run.
*They all agreed and left to do their jobs*
Gordon: Fuck....
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howardduck1490 · 4 months
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Derek (Teen Titans Go! Style)
This drawing is this time Derek
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brick-boats · 1 year
"Careful, he's got a toothache!"
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I like to think Derek's part of the Brendam gang 🤙
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