#tua s4 the final season
fiveisthedaddyhere · 2 years
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Who am I kidding? I'm depressed
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starcloud-nova · 1 year
the thing i’m most afraid about for tua season 4 is that they’ll undo the power loss immediately and the plot will be about something else entirely
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shadowandbones · 2 years
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I’m honestly fine with this as long as they end it well I’m good. Umbrella Academy doesn’t need to go on a billion adventures it’s always been a story focus show and I feel like the story is at the end.
I just hope all the siblings find what they are looking for and are happy.
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dxntloseurhead · 2 years
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anyways how are we feeling rn !! i’m not okay
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gggoldfinch · 3 months
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The final ride, brellies 🥺
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ourgoddessathena · 2 years
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islanddboyy · 2 years
did anyone else find tua s3 finale a sort of a let down. like after the last two seasons it feels like there should be something more. but not really. most things are resolved. there’s no more apocalypses. which is good and all, but now it means that these guys who’ve had powers their whole lives no longer have them. i get it’s all they saved the universe, their no longer needed, their powers are not needed and all. but like. it just feels so bleak. like it just wasn’t the ending i had thought we’d get after all this time
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diegoshargrieves · 2 years
now that s4 has been announced as the last season of tua i think true poetic cinema would be if there was an alone now dance scene again in the series finale but instead of dancing in separate rooms with varying degrees of mutual resentment the whole family and everyone it’s expanded to include are dancing together and there's so much love and laughter you can feel it through the screen
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dreadfulgirls · 20 days
Predictions/Things I’d like to happen in S4 of TUA
• In every season, there’s a main villain, such as the apocalypse in S1, the Commission in S2, and the Sparrows in S3. It’s kinda obvious that Reggie is the villain in this upcoming season, but I’m curious if Abigail(Reginald’s wife) will be a big deal. Like, will she be as bad as Reggie or a sweeter version?
• Like I said above, there are different villains, but there are also different locations. The Academy in S1, Elliott’s house in S2, and Hotel Obsidian in S3. My guess is that the main location will be an apartment. Like, I know that sounds basic and obvious, but in every season, the main location is always a homelike place. (Mansion, House, Hotel, Apartment?) It doesn’t seem super far off, and it could maybe be one of the Brellies apartment.
• Their powers!!!!! I’m so curious about their powers and stuff. So, at the end of S4, we see that the universe is reset(I think???) and so are their bodies. They have no tattoos, powers, and Luther’s body isn’t that of an ape anymore. I think that they’ll maybe find their powers somehow. Maybe there will be a fight, or Reginald has their powers with him? Idrk.
• Ever since I first watched the show, I’ve been super curious about the 43 children with powers. Like, we’ve seen 14 of them (The Umbrellas and Sparrows) but that still leaves 29 of them. It’d be so cool if they involved them. Like, maybe they get important in the timeline bc the Hargreeves seek them out for help? We don’t know if other super powered people are there, but it’d be really interesting if there was.
• I’ve seen a fee people on here say that there is a 6 year time jump in S4, and if it is true, how will they explain what happened to everyone? Will Luther be looking for Sloane all the time? How has he adapted to have a regular body? Diego and Lila’s kid will be born and 6 years old and they’ll be together(I hope, I love them so much). Allison has Ray and Claire, but how will she react to this? We know that she was an actor/celebrity, so maybe she’ll be in the spotlight. I have ZERO clue what Klaus will be doing. He’s so unpredictable, he started a CULT in S2, for gods sake. I’m genuine curious what Five will be doing bc he’s an actual genius. I feel like he’ll have gone to some bigwig college and will be actually successful in life. I’ve seen some sources say that the Ben we saw at the end of S3 was Sparrow Ben, and I love that idea. Sparrow Ben is such an asshole, but he’s so hilarious I can’t be mad at him. I feel like he’ll try and live a normal life, but it’d be hard since well…he’s Ben. I NEED Viktor to lead a nice life, poor boy. I think everyone collectively agrees that we need Viktor to play violin this season without blowing the moon up.
• That paragraph was… a lot, but here’s the final one. It is official that S4 will have only 6 episodes, which is so sad, but that just means that things will happen quicker. I really hope that we’ll have longer episodes. Regularly, the TUA episodes are 40-45 minutes long, but I’d love if we could get episodes that are an hour or more long.
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The final season is almost here y'all!!!!
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fiveisthedaddyhere · 2 years
I had the worst nightmare ever where tua didn't get a happy ending and now I'm scared as hell, help
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laniiilouu · 28 days
Tua post again!!
This time about season 4!!!
Ok so,
I was in the Underground yesterday and if you didn’t know, trains happen to frequent the underground along with crowds of people!!
Anyways I was stood there being squished like the butter in an uncomfy sandwich (obviously feeling a little panicked) when a train came bounding along it’s tracks and my Jesus Christ and the Lord beyond, the noise!!! The crowd!!! It was all very panic inducing and my mind wandered off to Klaus! (I’m getting to the point, please hold on for a moment)
So Klaus obvs has PTSD (surprise!!) and we see it triggered (NOT ENOUGH) by loud noises that resemble guns (including gunfire), helicopters, shouts etc etc etc!
Now “How is this to do with s4???” I hear you desperately screeching for my link to finally attach to the rest of the chain!
End of S4 was a version of Ben (any theories on what Ben it is??? Personally I feel it’s Umbrella Ben if he’s never died/been adopted at all. Similarity it could be a frog who’s wearing a human suit disguised as Ben for the funzies) IN A TRAIN!!! Big scary underground train!!! We also have heard that some filming had begun at a subway station (I believe? Forgive my non-American knowledge!! Subway is a tasty sandwich place with cool cookies, not a place of travel!) and so there is a small possibility that somewhere along the line we could see Klaus in an underground and if so, there’s a slight chance he would have a PTSD episode!!
Personally I feel we haven’t touched on his PTSD enough for someone who fought at the front lines for 10 months and lost the love of his life. Like sure, he has his unhealthy ways of coping that we somewhat see but that breakdown in s1 after getting off the bus was the most grief we see him in and the worst his PTSD is would have to be around the same time! (I do not know much about PTSD at all but I’m pretty sure it effects you a hell of a lot longer than we’ve seen on Klaus?)
Anywho’s, I’m just here hoping we get a more realistic and vulnerable side of Klaus after -what appears to me - his repression of negative feelings catches up to him!! His struggles need to be addressed and not in a comedic stunt anymore!! #NumberFourHasFeelingsToo:(
Here’s to hoping!!
And ty for sticking with me xoxo
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sharkneto · 10 months
I’m convinced you’re the only person with a correct view on tua season 3. Even though it wasn’t as good as s1 some people have no reading comprehension and it drive s me crazy
Ah, Season 3. Like, I get it, I think, where people who don't like it are coming from. It's got some wack choices (...just like s2. And s1 but we didn't have anything to compare it to so it's my Beloved Golden Season). I'm not going to force anyone to change their minds on it - if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. People like what they like.
But, because you're asking me so my opinion is most important in this instance - it's not bad! I do like it! It's got fantastic character moments (Five and Lila, Five and Klaus, Luther and Viktor, Diego and Lila, Allison and Viktor, Klaus and Sparrow Ben...). It's got Reggie being a lil weirdo. It's got Sparrow Ben. I love the wedding at the end of the world with my whole heart - it's such a human thing to do it makes me ache. I love that Five's song choice when facing the actual end of the world is to sing "I've Had the Time of My Life" because he's with his family! I actually really like Allison's spiral, I think it makes perfect sense for her as a character and where she was at and my only regret for it is the backlash Allison and Emmy got from it. The characters are what I'm here for, and I can be very forgiving as long as I get to hang out with my guys more. And I don't even think I need to be that forgiving to S3!
There are like... four specific things I don't like in S3 (Founder Five plot, Sloane, Lila pregnant, Oblivion Guardians). Aidan is so fucking good in the Founder plot that I'm happy to logic my way into an interpretation of it that I like better. Sloane is... there. She's rather two-dimensional so that makes it also easy to not be that bothered by her. She's there! Luther likes her! I don't need more! Which is good, because they don't really give more! The last two are just things I wish they hadn't done, or had done differently, but they did and so that's just how it is. I can focus on that and be mad or I can look at the stuff I liked and have fun.
I think my biggest strength coming into S3 was I didn't have too much for expectations, good or bad, which is a thing I'm trying to repeat for S4 by avoiding spoilers. I think the maddest I got about S3 coming in was finding out Diego was a dad - I hated that Stan was his kid. It didn't make any fucking sense. And! Look what good being mad about that did for me! Stan wasn't even his kid! I got mad over nothing! Like, still mad Lila is pregnant so Diego will be dad, but that at least will make sense - I don't dislike Dad!Diego, I dislike SuddenDad!Diego with a teen. But, what I'm trying to get at with that example, is I did that to myself. I made myself mad based on info promos gave me and I extrapolated to a conclusion rather than actually waiting to see what the show was going to do, and it did color my enjoyment watching until the Stan Reveal.
You cannot extrapolate what the fuck TUA is going to do. It's too bonkers, the writing isn't consistent enough. It's gonna do its own thing. I think trying to dig into the promos and BTS content for S4 to predict what it will be is setting yourself up for failure. If that's your jam, do not stop! You do you! I, however, am combating this by actively just Not Thinking About It. I love this show and its characters and I want to give myself the fairest chance to enjoy and love what its finale will be.
Like S3, S4 is going to be what it's going to be. I might love it, I might hate it. I'm probably going to love some of it and hate some of it. All I can hope is I love more than I hate and me coming in with concrete ideas of what it's going to be only gives me more things to hate when what actually happens inevitably doesn't align. Why do that to myself?
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umbrella-five-academy · 7 months
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“tua s1 is unrivaled by the other seasons and it’s valid to say that s2 and s3 ruined a lot of the mood, story, and characterization of the characters it depicted” and “s2 and s3 added amazing characters and intriguing ideas and storylines to the plot” are two opinions that can and should coexist.
i think that the combination of the fact that covid was prevalent while all this was going on, the fact that like so much time passed between the seasons, and the fact that after the success of the first season the writers tried to go in a different direction made it so in the end, the whole show kind of fell apart in certain ways.
i have an allison s3 analysis post in drafts somewhere talking abt how the disconnect between seasons 1 and 3 was too wide. they were trying to do the same things in s3 as s1, but the mood was just :|
if they had managed to have that poignant first season, fun shenanigans in the 60s to set up a good finale season and add more characters (because while the focus on viktor in s1 was great, it left some of the other characters a little out of the spotlight NOT THAT IT WASNT THE RIGHT CHOICE for the story they were trying to tell and how, i think it worked really well, but still) and then FINISH the series with a third season that brings everyone together and is the climax of all of the trauma and conflict that has transpired since the beginning, then the series would’ve worked.
and maybe that’s what they were trying to do? but it didn’t end up that way at all. if they had circled back around and adresses a lot of things in a better way, i.e. not just have allison’s shit from s1 brought up bc it makes her look not so good bc NO ONE ELSE IS REACTING OR MENTIONING ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED S1 OR EVEN S2, not really.
like lila is one of my favorite characters and i think the kind of storylines she was having s2 and s3 were very compelling and the type of thing that fit more of s1’s style.
her learning that her mother ordered her parents to be assassinated, she’s only been a weapon the whole time, then she’s pregnant but she has abandonment issues fr so she has this ridiculous fake son set up that actually works, MM GOOD SOUP. more lila analysis pls bc i am not home at words lmao. there are some damn good writers for dielila that touch on these things, and THANK YOU!! slay.
like there are a lot of good things abt the seasons after s1, but overall it’s kinda mid ngl. still gonna watch s4 tho, not like i have anything else to do.
but idk what the moral of the story is here?? ig look at the part at the top (so long ago lol). if anyone even reads this, hi! thanks for reading <3 i am losing my mind. have a ☂️🌂⛱️ omg that’s actually so many umbrellas why r there so many umbrella emojis lmaooo anyways. byeeeee! :))
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