#tuamre s1e10
bluesyjean · 2 months
Still on my TUA-rewatch marathon, bear with me and my scattered commentary. I'll just throw this out there for s1x10:
We don't talk enough about the phone booth conversation with Luther and Allison, when she can't say goodbye to Claire and has him speak for her. When she drops her notepad and has a breakdown, so Luther improvises:
"Your mom says... she says I miss you. I miss you every day that I'm not with you. I know that I let you down, but I would do anything for you. You make me wanna wake up each day. And you're in my dreams every night. You're the most important person in the world to me. That's uh... that's what your mom says."
Real tears. Emmy's acting when she can't speak is stellar, and not easy to do. She's amazing here and makes the entire finale work.
Also Grace blowing a kiss to Diego while the Academy collapses around her.... We'll always miss you, best-Grace.
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
viktor experiencing the Agonies, becoming Evil, impaling a monkey man on a pair of antlers in some sort of sick animal allegory, reducing his childhood home/prison to rubble with his mind, flipping a douchebag driver's car through the air with a thought, and THEN paying his fare and riding the bus so extremely normally to his concert is the funniest fucking sequence of events this entire season
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nirby-wirby · 1 year
“Assuming it’s ok with your two dads.”
“I would rather chew off my own foot.”
ASHEHDHDHSHSSB The fact that Kenny’s mom assumed that Klaus and Diego were Five’s dads is hilarious. She took one look at them and went, yeah sure ok.
“If I was going to date a man, you'd be the last man I would date.”
“You'd be lucky to get me.”
Diego and Klaus’ argument in the background lmaooooo
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elliot page in a tuxedo + barracuda = fabulous
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goldenhourfishbowl · 1 year
"I understand how upset you are." Do you? Do you Pogo? Because you lived in that house for decades and saw the way Reginald treated the kids and did nothing. Sure he may have been your master but at least you had free will unlike Grace
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tua ALGAMATION post for the mass rewatch extravaganza s1e10 THE FINALE WOAGH
i spent WAY too much time making a very self indulgent art thing (posting soon once i edit) … so here’s a lil treat cus i won’t be able to actually write anything cus i’m going fucjing insane rn so ✨instead ✨ here’s my liveblog notes. this is the shit i write down to make into posts, in its raw form. enjoy <3
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omg handwriting reveal???? i’m so sleeby
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someominousecho · 1 year
Viktor really living up to the "emo" comment from season 3 with this look this evening
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nirby-wirby · 1 year
“You just saved my life, man.” Then Ben’s offended face when Klaus didn’t correct Diego lmaooo
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
luther throwing bowling balls, diego throwing knives, and klaus throwing kenny's bday cake is like. yeah, that's exactly what you're supposed to be doing 🙏
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
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they think they're sooooo clever framing the moon right there above the rubble of the mansion. and they are
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
godddd the way the camera pans to show allison pointing the gun at the back of viktor's head as the music swells ominously gets me every time. goosebumps, man. hats off to jeff russo
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The characters treat Viktor’s, uh, destructive behaviour as a “loss of control” after it happens but I don’t think that’s right. He is very aware of what he is doing, very calm, it is very intentional. Is he angry? Sure. But this isn’t his powers getting away from him like it was with Allison. He is in control.
You can see it in the interaction with Pogo. He stops briefly to have the conversation with him, and he can do that. He could have stopped this at any time. You can also see it in the flashbacks of his siblings - he blows up the rooms one by one as he leaves them rather than causing mass chaos.
Well, the moon part was out of control and he was unconscious at the time. But everything up to that point, was entirely him. The show treats it like if Viktor killed someone during this it would be manslaughter. But it wouldn’t be manslaughter it would be second degree murder.
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nirby-wirby · 1 year
“Maybe they’re here for Kenny’s birthday?!”
I love Klaus’ remarks.
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
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Sayonara, season 1! You will be missed. But let's enjoy one last day first <3
As always, use #tuamre or #tua mass rewatch extravaganza for your posts
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I watched the scene with Abigail and I have so many questions.
When does the scene with Abigail take place? Pre-home world apocalypse, presumably; looks like this isn’t Earth. The way it cuts to the 1920s makes me think it wasn’t that long between them, but an entire apocalypse must have happened in that time?
If that world is full of superpower dust does Reggie have powers? What are they? What about Abigail, does she have powers?
If it’s his home world why is he in a skin suit, surely they all are aliens too?
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