#kenny’s mom tua
nirby-wirby · 11 months
“Assuming it’s ok with your two dads.”
“I would rather chew off my own foot.”
ASHEHDHDHSHSSB The fact that Kenny’s mom assumed that Klaus and Diego were Five’s dads is hilarious. She took one look at them and went, yeah sure ok.
“If I was going to date a man, you'd be the last man I would date.”
“You'd be lucky to get me.”
Diego and Klaus’ argument in the background lmaooooo
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jellybeanium124 · 2 years
I think season 3 had a very big structural/foundational problem that I haven’t seen anyone else touch on yet.
In OSP’s “Trope Talk: Mary Sue” video, Red says “And that’s what a Mary Sue is, not just the center of the universe, but the only real thing in the universe.” Now, I’m not about to argue that any of the Hargreeves are a Mary Sue, or that all of them are as a group- I just think that the last bit is really applicable to them. This season, the Sparrows, Umbrellas, Harlan, and Reg feel like the only real things in the universe (Stan, I guess too, for the first half, but then he gets snapped and it’s like he wasn’t real).
In seasons 1 and 2, you had memorable side characters, both major and minor, to help the setting feel like a real place. There were other people with other missions going on. This season, who did we have? Chet? Memory!Ray? We have Harlan, I suppose, but he’s dead by the end of episode 6, and there aren’t any other side characters to continue making the world feel bigger than the Hargreeves and their issues (versus when Eudora died in S1, you still had Hazel, Cha Cha, Agnes, the Handler, Herb, Dot, and the forever beloved Kenny’s Mom).
Now, maybe this was on purpose. By episode 8, the rest of the world was actually gone. But, even if it was on purpose, it gave this season a kind of cramped, insular feeling.
Why weren’t the police/government at the Sparrow’s doors demanding their help? You could’ve brought back Eudora and Beaman. How come there weren’t any randos getting excited to see Jayme and Alphonso at the pharmacy (BRING BACK KENNY’S MOM TO BE A SPARROW FANGIRL, COWARDS)? Why didn’t the Mothers of Agony and Pogo get a bigger role? Where was Klaus’s cult??
I don’t really know how to end this other than to say that the world of s3 felt very, very small. Did any of y’all feel this way?
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#diegowealreadyhaveachildyoucantadoptanotheronewithoutaskingme #fiveslikeaferalcatwegottaintroducethemslowlysotheydontmurdereachother #whyareyouhandingmefullysignedadoptionpapersdiegodidyoufakemysignatureonsomethingohmygod #imtellingfivetomurderyoufirst #itwasyourstupididea #alsohihonwelcometothefamily
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ancientstone · 2 years
I like to headcanon that the person who’s “idea of heaven” is a brightly coloured birthday party with a bouncy castle is Kenny from s1 😊
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merrilark · 1 year
I cannot believe @ollie0ops is out here making me legitimately start to ship Klaus Hargreeves and Kenny's mom.
It was a joke but now I'm completely unironic about it. I would love to see Klaus and Kenny's mom date. They should. It would be good. They would be adorable. This is one TUA romance I would be able to get behind.
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apocalypse-gang · 2 years
top 5 tua characters
I took this ranking 100% seriously trust me. It's not that idk how to rank the siblings, and that there are too many iconic secondary characters so here I just did this list instead noooo what are you talking about.
1. Christopher the Cube
2. Mr. Pennycrumb
3. Dolores 
4. Mr. Briefcase
5. Kenny’s Mom
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theseancekid · 2 years
i’m just saying tua peaked when kenny’s mom mistook klaus and diego as being five’s gay dads
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thesevenumbrellas · 2 years
We’re back in the 2020s! BRING BACK KENNY’S MOM!
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deadfruity · 4 years
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iridescentides · 4 years
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Excuse me, it’s my son Kenny’s birthday, and wouldn’t your son be happier playing with kids his own age?
tua countdown to season two → favorite side character
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Me at 4AM like
Perspective: You are Kenny and your birthday party just got crashed by armed mercenaries trying to kill that gay couple a few lanes over
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hottunasandwiches · 3 years
I sure hope Kenny's mom comes back in season 3 of TUA
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jellybeanium124 · 2 years
they should replace all the music in TUA with weird al. Here’s an example.
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Diego, entering the kitchen with bedhead: What’s wrong?
Five, curled up in the armchair in one of Diego’s hoodies: Hm.
Diego: Period?
Five, unscrunching the hood from over his face: Yeah.
Diego: *leans in over Five’s stomach*
Diego, being a good dad: LEAVE HIM ALONE. FUCK. YOU.
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ancientstone · 2 years
Forget everything else. All I want in s3 is the return of Kenny's mother!
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mynumberfivethings · 4 years
i dont ask for a lot in life, just that season 3 of TUA provide me w five finally getting to dance w his siblings (preferably while intoxicated and it somehow plays a variable in saving the world, thanks) 
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