#tucker carlson putin interview
lasseling · 4 months
Tucker Carlson’s 5 Key Takeaways from the Putin Interview:
#1 - Putin is “very wounded” by the rejection of the West. • “That’s the whole point of NATO, I guess, is to contain Russia. And Putin is wounded by this.”
#2 - “Russia is not an expansionist power.” • “You have to be an idiot to think that. Russia is too big already. It’s the biggest landmass in the world. They only have 150,000,000 people.” • They’ve Got more than enough natural resources. They’re swimming in natural resources. They don’t have enough people, in their view. So, the idea that they want to take over Poland, why would you want to do that? They just want secure borders.”
#3 - Putin likely wants peace in Ukraine • “He was willing to admit that he wants a peace deal in Ukraine and sort of give it away and just say that out loud. He said it a couple of different times. Again, maybe he’s lying in ways I didn’t perceive, but he kept saying it, and I don’t know why he would say it if he didn’t mean it.” • “As a matter of fact, there is evidence, overwhelming, that there was a peace deal, or part of a peace deal with the beginning of peace talks, a settlement of some sort on the table a year and a half ago that the former prime minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, scuttled on behalf of the Biden administration and convinced Zelensky and the Ukrainian government not to enter into these talks. I mean, that’s kind of an established fact. The Israelis were there. They revealed this. That happened.”
#4 - Demands for Russia to relinquish Crimea are insane. • “U.S. officials have said on the record and have said to me and are telling a bunch of people that part of the terms have to be Russia giving up Crimea!” • “Putin would go to war, nuclear war, if it came down to Crimea.” • “If you really think that a condition of peace is that Putin is going to give up Crimea, then you’re like a lunatic!”
#5 - The U.S. has a poor track record with regime change. • “We are run by nutcases. The President and that poisonous moron Victoria Nuland. ‘Oh, we’re going to depose Putin.’ Well, then what happens?” • “What happened in Libya when we deposed and allowed, you know, Qaddafi to be murdered? What happened in Iraq when we brought Saddam to justice? Those countries fell apart, and they never been rebuilt again.”
• “In Afghanistan, we took out the central government, and they came back. It’s still run by the Taliban. So, our track record of knocking out the leader, which is very easy to do, is spotty at best. Things don’t always get better. And to do that to Russia, the largest landmass in the world with the largest nuclear arsenal, you’re on drugs if you think that’s a good idea.”
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tabileaks · 4 months
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ms-boogie-man · 4 months
Ola kala! So… Tucker Carlson sits down with, and interviews Vladimir Putin
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… how is that not doing journalism? … and how is it he can be called not a real journalist?… by people who have been proven to put out fake news
Just answer me that yo!
…and too, I am not siding with Tucker — I do not watch FOX News, and I am not siding with Putin either … and this has naught to do with President Trump
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davidaugust · 3 months
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ketrindoll · 4 months
If Tucker Carlson was an actual journalist and had balls (rather than being a slightly confused listener to putin's rants), he would've asked the following questions:
1. So you think that Molotov-Ribbentrop pact upon which Soviet Union and Nazi Germany agreed to split up Eastern Europe and together invade Poland had nothing to do with the start of the WW2?
2. The United States once belonged to Britain, but the United Kingdom makes no claims to own it or invade it on the pretense of the many problems that the US face, so why does russia think it is entitled to the Baltic States, Poland, Ukraine, and others? Those countries showed clearly that they want nothing to do with russia and just want to be left alone, so why is russia willing to murder their civilians over, objectively false, historic pretenses?
3. What are your personal goals for Ukraine and do their match your former Prime Minister's, former President's, and current security advisor's thoughts about, quote, "erradicating all Ukrainians"?
But Tucker has no regional or historic knowledge, nor a spine to have asked these things.
And putin is a weak old man whose frail ego would've never picked a person to talk to who could've asked those questions.
So, what we ended up with was a delusional story time of an insecure dictator and his dumb entertainer.
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tautittology · 4 months
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emperornorton47 · 4 months
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ivovynckier · 4 months
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What about Navalny, Tucker?
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perseuspixl · 4 months
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lasseling · 4 months
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Tucker Carlson & Putin interview so far:
𝕏: 200 million views
Youtube: 13 million
Facebook: 0.1 million (126k)
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tabileaks · 4 months
As Exhaust Carlson prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin, the world anticipates the outcome of this encounter and its potential implications for international relations. While it remains to be seen how the meeting will unfold, one thing is certain: the dialogue between these two influential figures has the potential to shape perceptions, influence policy debates, and contribute to the evolving dynamics of global politics.
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galapagosvagrant · 4 months
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Journalists covering a demonstration in Moscow by wives of Russian soldiers were arrested by Putin's police.
Some 20 journalists were detained by police in central Moscow on Saturday at a rally of Russian soldiers' wives calling for their men to be returned from the front in Ukraine. Independent Russian news outlet SOTA reported that 27 people were taken from the demonstration and transported to the nearest police station. Reuters news agency said one of its journalists was among those detained while filming women laying red carnations at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the shadow of the Kremlin's walls in central Moscow. Moscow police did not comment on the raid. "Journalists should be free to report the news without fear of harassment or harm, wherever they are. We are committed to covering world events in an independent, unbiased, and reliable way, in keeping with the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles," a Reuters spokesperson said in a statement. The demonstration was organized by a group called The Way Home, which urged "wives, mothers, sisters and children" of reservists from across Russia to come to Moscow to "demonstrate (their) unity." The Moscow prosecutor's office said Saturday that the rally had not been coordinated with the authorities. Authorities warned against calling for and participating in unauthorized demonstrations. For several weeks, wives of currently mobilized Russian men have been campaigning for their husbands' return from the front, as well as opposing further mobilization. 
In Russia, an "unauthorized demonstration" is one which does not support Putin and his fascist policies.
Speaking of fascists, Tucker Carlson is apparently in Moscow.
Tucker Carlson Being Spotted in Moscow Sparks Frenzied Speculation
The reported appearance of former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in the Russian capital has sparked intense speculation over the purpose of the conservative media personality's visit to Moscow. Carlson arrived in Moscow on February 1, and was spotted attending the Bolshoi Theater in the capital, according to Russian outlet, Mash. Questions quickly swirled over why the TV anchor would have traveled to Moscow, and whether he intended to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin during the visit.
A Tucker interview with dictator Vladimir Putin would probably be as incisive as his interview with Trump. 😝 Perhaps Putin will let him see the famous Trump pee tapes.
Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll decide to defect while in Russia. His views are much more in tune with a totalitarian state than with the United States.
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ketrindoll · 4 months
For anyone getting ready for Tucker-the-agent interview with putin, here's a handy summary:
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If you have nothing better to do, see if you can get a Bingo:
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screwcharms · 4 months
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