#vladimir putin tucker carlson
tabileaks · 8 months
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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Tucker in real time obviously not realising Vladimir frigging Putin of all people would do an intensive background check on him was truly hilarious, tho.
Bro, it’s Putin. You’re going to interview him? Guarantee you he will have an entire dossier on your life by the time he’s hung up the phone and agreeing to meet with you.
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republikkkanorcs · 8 months
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odinsblog · 8 months
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For someone who supposedly wants to “denazify”Ukraine, Putin sure does a lot of Hitler apologia.
This isn't the first time Vladimir Putin has been repeating this Nazi propaganda that Poland somehow forced Hitler to invade other countries. Putin has been regurgitating this same old Nazi rhetoric for years, but thanks to one of history's biggest useful idiots, Tucker Carlson, an untold number of tankies + other assorted ignoramuses will believe Putin’s revisionist Hitler apologia.
SN: Strangely enough, Benjamin Netanyahu also engages in the same Holocaust revisionism and Nazi apologia
Anyway, if you’re still dumb + gullible enough to believe that Putin invaded Ukraine to denazify it, or because of NATO, then please send me your full name, phone number, email address, home address, birthdate, ssn, credit card numbers and all of your bank details and social media passwords. I just want to help you out with something. Believe me. The same way you believe Putin :)
👉🏿 https://www.dispropaganda.com/single-post/2020/06/20/putin-blames-poland-for-the-invasion-of-poland
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madame-helen · 7 months
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slavicgerman · 8 months
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rejectingrepublicans · 8 months
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i-merani · 8 months
I want to write a whole article fact checking every lie Putin told in that interview… historical revisionism isn't new for Putin and Russia, it's just now a clown has finally found its circus and Tucker, as he always been unprofessional, just proved once again why he can't be taken seriously as a journalist
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ekman · 8 months
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Environ 18 heures après la diffusion de l’interview de Vladimir Poutine par Tucker Carlson, Twitter annonçait autour de 125 millions de vues. Je ne sais pas si ce missile-là est supersonique, ou s’il s’est déguisé en torpille au plasma, mais autant vous dire que c’est un brin la panique dans l’Occident collectif – pour ne pas dire “collecteur”. On m’a montré les réactions sur LCI (ou était-ce BFM ?) de chroniqueurs confus, d’experts délirants et de traine-sabres hystériques n’hésitant pas à se noyer dans leur logique de loser intégral : Poutine ment, alors mentons plus que lui encore. Fascinant ! Plus loin, c’est le chargé de communication du “National Security Council” des États-Unis, l’amiral John Kirby, qui ne parvient pas à dissimuler son agacement et son désarroi face au tsunami d’audience réalisé par cette longue séquence. “Les Américains savent qui est Poutine et ce qu’il a fait.” Oui, bien sûr John. Ils savent aussi que quelques heures plus tôt, Joe “Alzy” Biden affirmait que tout allait bien dedans sa boule d’escalier – deux jours après s’être entretenu avec Mitterrand. Les États-Unis fabriquent des mensonges comme ils impriment des dollars. C’est à dire sans vouloir comprendre qu’ils sont dans une fuite en avant qui un jour va cesser, Brics obligent. L’empire de la freedomerie s’écroule à son tour, emporté par cette méchante fièvre apparue un soir de novembre 1989. La liberté tue l’espérance et seuls ceux qui doivent lutter pour elle ont l’énergie pour se tenir debout. Je sais, c’est un poil sisyphien, mais c’est ce que j’ai observé tout au long des cinquante dernières années. Les combattants marxistes d’hier sont devenus des entrepreneurs libéraux et les porteurs de sacs de riz face caméra sont devenus des porteurs de parts anonymes. Mozambique et Amazon réunis dans la même équation fatale. Vladimir sourit. Il s’amuse à dérouler sa démonstration sans appel. Il aime bien Carlson, ça se voit, même s’il le rattache fatalement à cette nation de clowns psychopathes que sont devenus les États-Unis. Enfin “Unis”... pour quelques temps encore.
J.-M. M.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Team Putin - Working for the Evil Empire
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ms-boogie-man · 8 months
Ola kala! So… Tucker Carlson sits down with, and interviews Vladimir Putin
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… how is that not doing journalism? … and how is it he can be called not a real journalist?… by people who have been proven to put out fake news
Just answer me that yo!
…and too, I am not siding with Tucker — I do not watch FOX News, and I am not siding with Putin either … and this has naught to do with President Trump
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tabileaks · 8 months
As Exhaust Carlson prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin, the world anticipates the outcome of this encounter and its potential implications for international relations. While it remains to be seen how the meeting will unfold, one thing is certain: the dialogue between these two influential figures has the potential to shape perceptions, influence policy debates, and contribute to the evolving dynamics of global politics.
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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nando161mando · 8 months
This is what a traitor to the world looks like in 2024.
His name is Tucker Carlson.
He took a large amount of money from Vladimir Putin to interview him, give him a hyped up positive spin, and then blamed Biden for the war in Ukraine.
Nazi Putin paid nazi Trump to block US aid to Ukraine and now he's paying Tucker Carlson to shine his image and throw dirt on Biden when Biden has dirt on himself from his zionist fascist choices as a fascist rightwing nazi zionist president.
There are no words...
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odinsblog · 8 months
Abby Philip very plainly and publicly called Tucker Carlson a liar on an internationally televised media outlet. Ask yourself why Tucker Carlson didn’t immediately file a defamation lawsuit against Ms. Philip and CNN. And if he does file a flimsy, face saving, “for show” lawsuit, ask yourself why he will lose.
Donald Trump, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party, the NRA, Fox News and Tucker Carlson have been purchased by the Kremlin. They are all Russian assets spreading Russian talking points, disinformation and pro-Putin propaganda directly from their bosses in the Kremlin. (sources)
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madame-helen · 8 months
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