#tuesday 13
fizpup · 2 months
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what year is it
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solarockk · 7 months
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13 year old tea
designs // first meeting
shiny duo pokemon au "Pokémon’s Shiny Jewels Sun&Moonstone" by @wyvernspirit and I
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dailydccomics · 4 months
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Nat is trying her best and looking good doing it DC Pride 2024 art by ONeillJones
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Burmese Peacock Softshell (Nilssonia formosa)
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(Photo by Joel Sartore)
Conservation Status- Critically Endangered
Habitat- Southeastern Asia; India; Southern China
Size (Weight/Length)- 60 cm
Diet- Insects; Fish eggs; Fish; Small amphibians; Aquatic plants
Cool Facts- Not only does the Burmese peacock softshell turtle look like a wet pile of mud but its face is one for the history books. Instead of pulling its head back into its shell like other species of turtle, these softshells can retract its head into the skin rolls of its neck in a frankly terrifying display. Their long nose allows the majority of the Burmese peacock softshell to stay underwater while taking a breath with only their snoot poking out. Very little is known about these turtles due to their rarity. They are mostly threatened by overhunting for their meat and water pollution from gold mining along river banks.
Rating- 14/10 (Soft shell = speedy boy.)
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arcanarix · 1 month
Fated Divergence, Ch. 3 // Yandere! Suguru Geto X Non-Sorcerer Darling
AO3 (+ prev. chapter)
When Satoru examined the parking deck, he sensed a surge of overactivity from low grade curses. Many which he could exorcise himself in practically nanoseconds. He recognized a few—and he knew that Geto had visited here, after all.
Hospitals were already a breeding ground for curses, but there had to be some other trick of Geto’s sleeve. There needn’t any reason to add more chaos here.
When he saw him with you, he wondered what Suguru could want, because on the surface, you didn’t seem like anyone who stood out.
Until he met you the other day, of course, because even he couldn’t deny, he sensed some kind of power dormant within you. Not cursed energy, or anything of the sort… in fact he didn’t have a word for it. The power coming from you felt like a purity, something untouched, untainted even from the horrors you must face as a nurse here and in general as a human being. Perhaps Geto sensed that as well, because above all nothing got the guy’s dick harder than a powerful tool.
Somehow he doubted Geto wanted you for a tool, though; it didn’t seem so.
Maybe not in the traditional sense.
“What’s your game, Suguru?” he mused out loud as he exorcised a demon just before him, one that Geto unleashed himself. He paused, glancing over at a car that he recognized had severe damage to the rear-end of it. Tilting his head, he inched closer.
That didn’t look like damage from a typical accident…  upon further inspection, the bumper had some indentations, like something bit it.
…and then he noticed a cursed spirit attached to the roof of the car, inside.
Grumbling, he managed to absorb that one as well.
He turned on his heel, and found you, with a dumbfounded expression on your face.
“Uh, yeah, we still don’t know who did that.” You gestured to the damage to your car. “I’m taking it to the shop tomorrow to get it repaired.”
So, it was your car then.
“Ah. Sorry, I guess I let curiosity get the better of me,” Satoru replied, adjusting his blindfold. “You already done for the day?”
You shook your head. “Nah, I’m just on break.”
Satoru grinned, resting his hand against your car like he owned it. “Oh, yeah? So, what do you do on break? Surely not to chat it up with beautiful men like me?”
Oh, he hoped you bought into the act. He knew how to play it cool when necessary.  
You eyed him with a hint of confusion before glancing down at what you held in your hands.
“Hide in my car from people and eat my lunch…”
He glanced at your bento box, and then back at the car, and then back at you, who looked drained as hell from a tough shift that wasn’t even over yet for you. His face fell.
He could take a hint!
Sort of…
“Oh, well then pardon me for intruding on your alone time. I was just exploring.”
“Right,” you remarked, your tone incredulous while taking out a slip of paper and scribbling something down. “If you wanted my number, you could just ask instead of doing all of this extra shit.”
He stared for a moment, a little befuddled. Did he expect more resistance? Maybe a tad.
Well, he did need your number, but not for the reasons you were possibly thinking.
Even if you were beautiful. He knew better than to do anything. Even now, he wasn’t about to meddle in his ex best friend’s love life.
Not unless he had to save you from a gruesome fate—being in Suguru’s radar was already a prescription (heh, he couldn’t help it) for disaster.
He felt a certain responsibility toward you, just like he still felt a responsibility for Suguru. Suguru wasn’t himself anymore by a longshot—even what he preached now didn’t align with what he believed in once before.
It was almost like putting young teenagers on the front lines to do an adult’s job was damaging to a young brain. Now Suguru became a shell of himself, a slave to the negative emotions he consumed from humans.
Realizing he was still staring at you, he adjusted himself. No need to make this situation more awkward for either you or him than it already became.
“Sorry,” he replied with a bashful smile, rubbing the back of his head as he accepted the slip with his free hand. “Well, that was easier than I thought it was going to be. You don’t seem like the type of lovely lady who impresses easy.”
You snorted. “You thought correct. I was half expecting you to reject me because you were taking so long to say something.”
“No! Of course not. Who could pass someone like you up?” He waved as he gave you some space. “Well, stay safe, alright?”
Stay safe? Seriously? He berated himself in his mind as he retreated, refraining from wanting to smash his head into something. Wouldn’t that just spike her anxiety up even more…?  
-- -- -- -- --
Peaceful sleep didn’t come to you that night.
You woke up in cold sweats, panting as you tried to remember you were safe then. Whatever you dreamed about, it couldn’t hurt you. But what you saw… it felt too real, yet you didn’t want to believe in this spiritual whoo-whoo shit. Not until you had enough evidence, because you weren’t about to fall for this shit.
It felt like numerous eyes from a monster glared back at you, and while you tried to sleep, it felt like hands roamed all over your body, exploring your most intimate parts.
Sleep paralysis? This didn’t feel like sleep paralysis at all.
But somehow you still didn’t believe in whatever horse shit Suguru Geto and the sort of people he attracted believed in.
You sighed, laying back in bed, pondering your options.
Then incessant buzzing of your phone had you jump in your spot.
At this hour? You glanced at the time on your lock screen. It’s 3AM…
Gojo: Hey. It’s Satoru Gojo. 😎
Oh, right. You’d given him his number. Maybe you were hoping for something to come out of this, but you doubted anything would. You idly wondered what he looked like without his blindfold on—he seemed full of it when it came to his appearance, so he better be able to back up those claims.
Smiling in spite of everything, you texted him back.
You: Hey, Gojo. Can’t sleep?
Gojo: eh, my bedtime’s not for another hour
You did a double take at the time.
You: you sleep at 4AM?
Gojo: and get up at 7 🫡
You: you in the military or something?
Gojo: in a way, but no
Gojo: hey listen, be careful around suguru
You quirked an eyebrow at that. Again with the cryptic bullshit? You had little patience for it but decided not to pry.
You: I don’t really trust the guy anyway?
Gojo: good. He’s more dangerous than you think, alright? If you need anything, call me
You: thanks, gojo
You eventually managed to get some sleep.
You decided you’d endure those nightmarish ghouls for now.
-- -- -- -- --
“Your patient died,” Mei announced as you entered the clinic the next day. The toll last night’s broken sleep took on you was evident—deeper set bags under your eyes, your face looked pale, like you’d just seen explicit horrors you couldn’t describe. Which wasn’t far off.
You glanced up at her, perking an eyebrow.
“Which one? I treat every patient on this floor,” you reminded her.
She froze, unsure of how to approach the matter, clearly.
“The young girl, Asuka Tanaka. The one who was supposed to be discharged today.”
Your eyes widened as the realization dawned on you, and you wanted to deny it.
“She was perfectly healthy!” you reasoned, and you tried to shake off the emotion from your tone, but you couldn’t. Why that little girl and not any of your patients on the verge of dying, anyway? That would have been at least easier news to break to their families, but how would their parents react to their perfectly healthy daughter dying when she was suppsoed to go home?
“We know,” she sighed. “We don’t understand what happened. One of our other nurses found her… and it was…”
“What happened to her?” you demanded.
“We don’t understand. Not fully,” she replied, tone steady and careful. “But it looked like someone came to…”
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, unable to listen or even make out what Mei was telling you, but you knew better than to get too emotional in the workplace. You had no choice. You always delivered this type of news to patients and patients’ familiies every damn day, but why did this feel so sudden to you?
“Do her parents already know?” you found yourself asking, as your lower liip quivered. That poor girl was barely 6 years old.
“Yes, they came in this morning to pick her up…”
“Oh God,” you sighed, trying to steel yourself from these emotions. You had a shift to finish first before you could fully process what happened. This was just part of it all, unfortunately.
“We’ll have dinner soon this week, yeah? On me.”
You smiled, having turned off your emotions for now. Came with the profession. “Sounds good. Thanks.”
“So wait,” Mei began, and you paused, becknoning her to continue. “Who was that guy you spoke to the other day?”
“Still so invested in my love life? At a time like this?”
Mei couldn’t help but sigh.
“Listen! Mine is nonexistent so I’m living vicariously through yours. Forgive the abrupt change of topic, but I just wanted to know, and perhaps it’ll serve as a distraction for you too.”
You pursed your lips. Typical Mei, all about the gossip.
“He was just asking me about Crazy Cult Man.”
“Is he a wanted man, or something? Well… in some cases, that’s true,” Mei hummed, “Lots of people joined that cult just because he’s hot.”
You shrugged. “Like Hell if I know. That guy just kept warning me away from him, but it’s not like I’m interested.”
“Damn, if you’re not, do you mind sharing with me?”
You groaned at her antics, rubbing your temples. Way too early for this shit!
“Can you blame a girl for trying?” she pouted those pretty red lips of hers. If Mei had a little more confidence, she could get any guy she ever wanted.  
“You’re impossible.”
She shrugged. “You love me anyway.”
“Alright, you doofus. I’ll see you later.”
You had to put on your big girl pants and finish the rest of this goddamn shift. You had some new patients come in from last night, something about a lot of vomitting and nausea and a whole other plethora of symptoms that didn’t point to anything untreatable, at the very least.
What you didn’t expect to find as some new patients was two twin girls sharing a room, having fallen ill. Those two girls whose caretaker happened to be—
“—Suguru? What a…surprise to see you here.” No, you weren’t all that surprised. But you were surprised to find that he really did take care of twin girls, and it wasn’t just an act.
“Ah, I didn’t think I’d run into you again so soon,” Suguru replied. “It seems that my girls got some food poisoning from that bakery, so we had to take them here.”
Those two girls didn’t look too pleased to be here from their expressions. They looked fearful, but you figured that was expected. Nobody liked being in the hospital, even for something as typical as food poisoning. That and they still seemed young, teenagers at most, and everything about the hospital seemed scary.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” you replied, surprised that you could keep an even tone. “The doctor will be here soon, but judging by the severity of the food poisoning, it looks like your girls are going to be here for a few days.”
The twin with the brown hair glanced at Suguru. “That bites…”
“I told you not to eat too many of those Danishes,” he chastisted like a stressed out father would. You would smile at the scene if you didn’t know what sort of person Suguru was. Which you only had an idea, but that was enough to go off of for you.
“They were too good to pass up, Geto!” The other twin, who had blonde hair, replied.
“We’re sorry, Geto,” the blonde twin added.
“It’s alright, Nanako. I just hope you’ve learned your lesson this time around. We can’t keep losing money to things like this.”
Hospital bills definitely aren’t a joke, you mused to yourself. Even for someone as rich as Geto.
“So you already know this person, Geto?”
“Yes, Mimiko. She’s also fond of those Dansihes you both like so much.” It sounded like he was trying to sell them on the idea of you. Suguru glanced at you while he was speaking to his twins, and you felt something churn in your stomach. You swore you wanted to vomit yourself right then; something about his presence overwhelmed you, overstimulated you in the worst way.
He frowned, sensing your discomfort. With an all knowing glint in his eyes, he spoke up.
“Having nightmares lately, my dear?”
You froze.
“How did…?” you trailed off, feearing the answer.
“You look exhausted fighting it off,” he explained. He observed what was around you, the same way Gojo did when you met him. So there were things going on around you? You didn’t believe in this stuff, but if it was going to help you…
“You felt like numerous eyes were looking upon you. You woke up in cold sweats. Do you want me to help?”
You stared blankly at him. “Are you saying you can do something about this?”
“I can put it all to rest. Just leave it to me.” He glanced at the twins. “Watch closely, my loves.”
Within seconds, you felt your exhaustion vanish into thin air as he acted as though he absorbed something from you.
“Let me know if you sleep better tonight.”
You didn’t know how to react.
 “Alright. Well, let’s focus on your twins’ recovery.”
You glanced out the door to find the doctor down the hall.
“She’s almost here,” you continued. “I’ll step out for her.”
“I must get going, my loves,” Suguru announced, planting a kiss to the crowns of both of their heads. “Be nice to those treating you. Should everything go well, you’ll be back home by tomorrow at the earliest.”
He followed you out the door as the doctor stepped into that room.
You turned around. “Yes?”
“I’d very much enjoy if you stopped by the temple sometime. The girls are eager to get to know you. I saw it on their faces.”
“Th-that’s very kind of you to offer, Suguru, but—!”
He raised a hand to stop you, and you knew better than to test his patience.
“I insist, darling. I’d love for you to come after the girls feel all better from your clinic’s top-notch treatment. Them getting sick felt like the perfect opportunity to take them here even if I could treat them at home.”
“I don’t recommend that at all. If it was a mild case of food poisoning, then perhaps, but—!”
“—I believe you’re just the nurse here, darling. We’ll see what the doctor orders.”
No man alive was ever allowed to talk to you like that. You swore you felt a nerve snap, but you refrained from showing too much emotion. You doubted you could do much to deter or intimdate him, anyway.
“Might I have your phone for a moment?”
You knew better than to reject him. You offered your phone with a new contact page open for him to enter.
“Thank you, my dear. I sent a text to myself so I got yours as well.” He flashed his own phone.
Fantastic… you thought, biting back a sigh.
“We'll see you tomorrow, then."
“Very well. Until tomorrow, darling.
-- -- -- -- --
The night fell silent. You relaxed in your bed, focusing on your breath work. It was part of a therapy exercise you learned some time ago, something to help calm your nerves and help you sleep.
Something you so desperately needed.
Unfortunately, your quiet time was interrupted by your text message notification.
Groaning, you swiped your phone from the nightstand and saw who it was from.
Gojo: hey, just checking in
You: hey. I could be better for sure
Gojo: what’s up?
You: we lost a young patient today. No more than 6 years old.
Gojo: god, that’s terrible. What happened?
You: no one really knows, honestly.
Gojo began to call. You answered with a defeated sigh.
“Hey. Figured hearing a voice would be better than measly text,” he greeted over the line.
You giggled, your voice dripping in sarcasm. “My hero.”
“Feel free to call me that all you want!”
You giggled again. He was actually kind of funny.
“Are you going to be okay?” His tone seemed genuinely concerned.
“I will be. I’m just so sad for her.”
“You never get used to it, huh? The loss.”
“Not at all,” you replied. “Doesn’t matter what anyone says about professions like these.”
“I can definitely understand. Hey, like I said, I’m a call away.”
“Hey, wait, Gojo…” You bit your lip. Should you say anything at all?
“What’s up?”
“Geto came by the hospital today too.”
A pause. A long, uncomfortable pause. That same churning feeling in your stomach returned. Weren’t you supposed to say something?
“He did?”
“Yeah, his twins got sick with food poisoning,” you explained. “They’re still there.”
“Thanks for telling me.”
Should you keep going?
“He… he kept inviting me to his temple.”
“Don’t go,” he replied a little too quickly. You paused this time. Of course not. Why the hell would you ever want to go there?  
“I know,” you assured him, sighing. “But… if he really is as dangerous as you say, what if he tries something?”
“I’m here,” he told you, tone gentle and confident—like he appeared to be. “Don’t worry.”
“You’re laying it on real thick, Gojo,” you found yourself saying while chuckling.
“Hey, I’m just happy to help those in need.”
You couldn’t help the smile on your face.
“Thanks for checking on me, Gojo. But enough about me. How are you?”
You spoke on the phone for a bit, before Gojo had to hang up—something urgent with his job came up, he mentioned, and that he would check up on you later in the week. You fell back in your bed, staring up at the ceiling. He seemed like a genuine guy, but you doubted anything would escalate.
That night, in spite of the terrible day, you slept like a baby. Completely out like a light. No nightmares, no eyes, no creatures, no cold sweats… nothing. It still didn’t mean you believed in any of this; perhaps it was just coincidence. Nothing beyond that.
You weren’t going to seek Geto’s help for anything.
You knew much, much better than that.
-- -- -- --
“Hello, Nanako, Mimiko,” you greeted the next day when it was time to check their vitals.
“Hello,” Mimiko responded in a robotic tone.
“Are we set to go home yet?” Nanako asked, “Hospital stays are so boring!”
You chuckled, “We’ll see if the doctor says you’re ready to go.”
“Awwww,” Nanako huffed.
“You’re so dramatic, Nanako,” Mimiko quipped, “Geto influences you too much with those theatrics of his.”
“Speaking of, did he come to see you today?”
“He’s on his way,” Mimiko responded with a nod. “Geto looks like he really likes you, ma’am.”
“If Geto likes you then we have to like you,” Nanako piped in with an animated expression. “He has great judge of character.”
“Does he now?” you inquired, but you didn’t expect anyone to answer that—mostly talking to yourself.
“Ah! Hello, my loves,” Suguru waltzed in with some bouquets of flowers. “I have bought these for my girls, and a bouquet for you, my love. You seemed like the daisy type?”
Of course he was right about that.
You accepted the bouquet graciously, never mind the tightness you felt in your chest. “That’s kind of you, Suguru.”
You were definitely planning on tossing those straight in the trash.
You set them aside.
“Have you considered my offer, my dear?” Suguru asked, and you froze. You weren’t looking forward to answering this because you weren’t sure how he would handle rejection. You had to do this… smoothly.
As delicately as possible, like you were handling some fine China.
“I’m afraid there’s no room in my schedule right now to visit any time soon.”
“Ah, that is a shame,” Suguru replied with a click of his tongue. “We’ll work things out, I’m sure. The girls are eager to know you more after you treated them. Isn’t that right, my loves?”
The two twins nodded.
“She’s nice,” Mimiko stated. Suguru petted her head.
Using his twins as leverage over you? Oh, that was just diabolical.
Once you took the twin’s vitals, you stepped out of their room with your new bouquet in hand, taking it to your office to dump it into the trash. Your heart pounded out of your chest. At the very least, it didn’t seem likely that Suguru would cause any havoc in this setting. But now he had other means to torment you, and he hadn’t tried just yet.
You feared for the worst—and a part of you feared for your life.
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sapphire-drawings · 20 days
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I just like him a lot, he's so tall~ The tentacles are a welcomed extra
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my boyyy
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bk-179 · 7 months
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(this is in-universe too, let my man discover Ms paint and happiness. Strawberry has a fursona too and they do art trades with eachother)
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uwmspeccoll · 9 months
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Typography Tuesday
Before the holidays on December 16, the Milwaukee Public Library held its third Art Book Club session, a informal art book appreciation gathering that meets once a month in the Art, Music, and Recreation Department of the Central Library. The theme for this meeting was "Technology" and there were all manner of beautifully-designed technology books to peruse and ogle over. It was an immersive experience, and of course I was particularly pleased to spend time with the type specimen books.
This week I highlight one of those books, Specimen Book Linotype Faces, published in Brooklyn, New York by the Mergenthaler Linotype Company in 1939. The typefaces displayed here are:
Century Bold, designed by Milwaukee-born Morris Fuller Benton in 1900.
Gothic No. 13, by Morris Fuller Benton ca. 1900.
Franklin Gothic, designed by Benton in 1903.
Metro Light, designed by W. A. Dwiggins in the early 1930s.
Garamond No. 3, originally designed for American Type Founders by Morris Fuller Benton in the late 1910s and licensed to Linotype's American branch around 1936.
Memphis, originally designed for the Stempel Type Foundry by Rudolf Wolf in 1929.
View other type specimen books.
View more Typography Tuesday posts.
-- MAX, Head, Special Collections
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namitha · 1 month
We’re meant to connect, to find each other and lose ourselves in that connection, to endure together and create a home within one another. We live to love and dance through the moments we share!✨
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phantangled · 2 years
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or get a plane to the town it’s worth it 😭
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shinigami-striker · 7 months
Kelly Hu | Tuesday, 02.13.24
Same voice actress, different TV show characters - featuring Kelly Hu.
Happy birthday! 🎂
Stacy Hirano - Phineas & Ferb (TV series & movies) (2007-present)
Jade Nguyen (Cheshire) - Young Justice (TV series & video games) (2011-2022)
Hamato Miwa/Karai - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) (TV series & video games) (2013-2017)
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anotherlifeofmine · 1 month
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desperatecheesecubes · 3 months
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Can’t believe Emiko’s hair grew that much in one issue 🙄
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mini-leafster · 3 months
man, yesterday was crazy out in yoyleland
anyways, how's it going now
It's good now. We don't have to run from Pin anymore. That's nice. I don't like worrying about it.
I'd say it's going normal. We've been through so much recently that this might as well be a normal tuesday.
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tanevcolton28 · 9 months
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Love it when he’s in a suit hard fucking smash
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