#tumblr!!! why did it take a million photos for you to finally approve!! why do u make my life hardddd!!
superxnovae · 7 months
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Catnap doodleeee
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tillywhim · 2 years
Well, That Didn't Last Long
Ok, first things first, I'm playing serious catch up here so you'll have to bear with me if I'm covering things that are in the dim and distant past for you all now. As you know I had one heck of a time trying to regain access to my account then, when I finally did get it back, I caught the flu so have been laid up with that for the past few days. I'm just going to go over the things that have happened as they occur to me and give you my take on them. Here goes:
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Yes, no sooner had they landed back in sunny Montecito and heard the news and seen the subsequent portrait of the royal quartet, Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood shot back with an image of herself and husband Saint Henry of the Wounded Ego taken during their soiree into Manchester for her appearance as the keynote speaker at the One Young World Charity. I'm not a computer whizz but the doctored images doing the rounds are a hoot and well worth a look. I'm sure their "friend" photographer Misan Harriman who took this and other heavily photoshopped (tree of life anyone?) images of the couple would approve. Since the release of the above portrait, it seems that the "charity" which calls itself a "global forum for young leaders" is being investigated for paying Kate Robertson and her daughter Ella McKay almost £2 million in 5 years, some of it during the lockdown periods of Covid when no summits were being held. The Charity Commission is investigating remuneration packages for senior management personnel at One Young World and, although I may be allowing bias to take precedence, looking at the pair in charge, I can only say, why didn't happen sooner. I should point out, there is no suggestion of any impropriety from the Harkles or any celebrities associated with the "charity". One Young World, Markled it would seem. However, back to the point of the photo, it was a knee-jerk reaction to release it when and how she did. It was a fuck you, we're still royal or at least one of us is and we're not going to let you forget it. What it has served to do, is to remind everyone just how bitter Ms Markle can be.
Katie "I saw Him First" Nicholl has a new book out, "The New Royals" and is desperate to plug it and get as many sales as possible. To that end, and with no context whatsoever, she "let slip" a story about Prince George supposedly telling another child at school during a bit of toing and froing "watch out, my dad's going to be king". This opines Katie, makes young George a bit of a brat. The twittersphere went crazy, tumblr went mental, social medias everywhere went into meltdown and poor old Katiekins felt the need to defend herself saying her words had been "taken out of context". Yah think Katie? Would that be because you didn't give them any context? As many of you know, Katie works for Vanity Fair, she very often seems to be a fair minded, even handed, intelligent human being. However, when her mask slips as it did in this instance, you see her for what she is, a mean girl interested only in fame and making money using someone else's name. Remind you of anyone?
Archetypes with Meghan is back *shudder* after a short break following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. This time round, our girl was discussing the stereotyping (someone really should explain the meaning of both words and the differences between the 2 to her) of Asian women in film. By Asian women, Meghan was referring solely to Chinese, Korean and Japanese and possibly Thai, completely ignoring Indian, Pakistani, Israeli, Iranian, Turkish, Lebanese, Sri Lankan, Syrian, Bahrainian and Cambodian to name just some of the 48 countries not including dependencies which make up the continent of Asia. Is her racism showing again? Anyway, this time round, before her guests, Margaret Cho ( Korean-American Comedienne, Actress and Activist) and Lisa Ling (Taiwanese-American journalist, author and television presenter) were given the chance to talk about themselves (and Margaret has had a pretty interesting life, she's a survivor of familial sexual abuse, dated Quentin Tarantino and was openly bi-sexual at a time when it was frowned upon by everyone!) everyone had to endure the thrilling installment of how Doria used to take Flower to the Korean Spa and all these naked women from 9 to 90 would be wandering round waiting for their treatments. Now, all you internet detectives worked out that she had lifted this from a kids cartoon show called Big Mouth (plagiarism is as plagiarism does) but what interested me was did she say what year this was because we know that Doria dropped out of her life for at least 10 years. She did say she was hitting puberty so if our maths is correct, she was definitely with Thomas then and if rumours are to be believed, Doria was incarcerated. Even if she hadn't copied the story from a show she's probably caught one morning, things just don't add up. One minute they're saving up to go eat at a Sizzler and the next Doria is taking them both to a Korean Spa for the works? It's like Judge Judy says "if you tell the truth, you don't need to have a good memory". The best thing about all of this, they've employed a fact checker. On her show. This really tickles me. That girl is going to be so busy, she won't know if she is coming or going and I think she will have a very hard time separating the truth from fiction when it comes to Ms Markle because she has told that many different versions of "her truth" over the years.
Harry has a new Law Suit. It must be Thursday. Yep, Harry, Elton John, David Furnish, Elizabeth Hurley, Sadie Frost and, most notably, Baroness Lawrence have all filed suit against ANL with allegations including the planting of listening devices, paying officials and accessing bank accounts. The accusations listed by the Duke's solicitor's Hamlins LLP alleges the following: The hiring of private investigators to secretly place listening devices inside people’s cars and homes’; ‘The commissioning of individuals to surreptitiously listen into and record people’s live, private telephone calls whilst they were taking place’; ‘The payment of police officials, with corrupt links to private investigators, for inside, sensitive information’; ‘The impersonation of individuals to obtain medical information from private hospitals, clinics, and treatment centres by deception’; and ‘The accessing of bank accounts, credit histories and financial transactions through illicit means and manipulation.
As we all know, Harry does not handle the press well at the best of times and unlike his brother, has been unable to build any sort of working relationship with them (unlike his wife). To him, they will always be the enemy, they will always be the reason his beloved mother died. He and William were both "hacked" by the Sun newspaper group back in the day and what is happening now has echoes of that. Even if ANL is innocent of everything they are being accused of, in Harry's eyes they will always be guilty. I think this is one of the main reasons he has them in his sights as often as he does. I doubt winning the cases matters to him, he just wants to cause them as much upset and distress as he can.
On a lighter and brighter note, after their visit to Wales where they were a resounding success, the new Prince and Princess of Wales made a surprise visit to Northern Ireland.
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Catherine seemed to be gifted ALL the flowers, she deserves them, she does, I just hope she had enough people on hand to help her carry them. The pair had fun competing to see who made the best cocktail in the quickest time, Catherine won (natch), I hope they got to drink them, especially Catherine after being accosted by the lady in the crowd telling her it would have been nicer if she was visiting when Ireland belonged to the Irish. Didn't she handle it well, a quick smile and then on to the next person, my message to the lady in question, wait until the politicians are in town and take it up with them. I should say they started their day at PIPS which provides crisis support for people at risk of suicide or self-harm (think they definitely earned those cocktails).
William got accosted by a pair of cocker spaniels who really, really, really wanted him to know what good boys and girls they were.
The last visit of the day was to Carrick Connect and Catherine got to hold another baby (William was smiling but was he also looking a bit worried at that gleam in her eye?)..
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That's it from me. I will try to post more. I'm still battling the flu and trying to catch up with everything I've missed from everyone's blogs. Oodles of love, Tilly
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Hello, Is This Thing On?
Hi! (as mentioned above). Do people still use this thing? I have no idea. Years ago, and I do mean YEARS ago, I had one of these. I didn’t use it for much, just reposting things, following humans I’d met in online communities, a ‘celebrity’ here or there, sometimes screaming about shit I couldn’t control into the void that is the endless scrolling interweb, and being pointless in wasting my time between classes, work, and twenty-something. Regardless, my previous tumblr had minimal followers, made minimal impact, and that was okay. It was honestly just a nice place to sort of hide in plain sight. Still be part of a social world without actually having to do much. This was also pre a billion other apps and social media outlets to express yourself or scroll mindlessly at a million other pointless things that people were posting to make you giggle or even just stop for a second and think.  
Clearly, the point of this, back then, felt like something I would use to help propel my writing career. Turns out, it did not. I did not write much, if at all. And most of the time I think it was because I was scared nothing was as good as any of the other stuff I was reading from people I liked, and thought were so much cooler and smarter than me; I still feel this way all of the time, but I do realize this was me being nervous, small minded about myself, and completely unconfident.  
Unfortunately, I am still most of these things a lot of the time, but recently, after getting fired from a job, having my heart broken by pretty much everyone on the planet, especially a few specific people, cancelled by all of my friends (?) - this is a thing btw. (It’s not as awful as being cancelled publicly, but it does still ruin your life, mindset, confidence, and overall physical and mental wellbeing) Getting a new job, hating it and feeling like I was going no where, and missing out on living a life I felt proud of and that I was actively participating in, I decided maybe I should just try to write it all out and see what happens. 
To be frank, I expect nothing of this. I can’t fathom a world where anything I have to say truly matters to people because lets be real - everyone has this own shit and everyone is going through so much all of the time.  And we all think we have something new, quirky, interesting, and important to say.  And in a world that constantly shoves perfection down our throats and works so hard to make each of us feel completely inadequate to every Kardashian, Beyonce, Grande, etc., it’s hard to really think that anything I have to say will matter to anyone; at all. 
(I also hate that all of my ‘perfectionist’ people were female, but maybe it’s harder to compare to Golden Boys when you are a female. Either way, there are many boys/men/theys/thems that are put on a pedestal and made out to be perfect out there, as well, and they deserve that notation as well. I just have no points of reference off the top of my head, so please forgive me; I am trying to do this in a stream of consciousness type thing.)
I mean, the truth is, I’m a fucking mess. I’m 33, single, living at home, afraid of my own shadow most of the time, and spend about 98% of my time alone. I pay for a phone plan that I literally only use to send memes to my two sisters, and that’s about it. I rarely receive texts, invites out, or even calls to make plans for something.  And while a lot of this is my own doing - again, I did cut off most of the world after I realized I was sort of the joke to a lot of people - it’s still kind of pathetic, and entirely uncool.  I am not a socialite, or someone cool and trendy, and to be honest, I kind of never want to be.  
Which is a semi-false statement, because years ago, when I had one of these previously, I sort of hoped it would work out and that I could write and be ‘cool.’ Whatever the fuck that means.  But now, years later, I’m honestly beyond glad I am not cool; not in the slightest. Maybe that’s making it to your 30s? Maybe the trade for having to create a daily routine of lathering up my body with like 9 different versions of FDA-Approved-Vampire-Juice on my skin to prevent me from looking any older than I already do, you in turn get to have a brain that finally realizes... having a ‘normal’ life is honestly pretty cool? Normal is clearly subjective here as everyone is normal, famous, notoriety, or not; They’re all still humans and people with feelings, thoughts, and emotions. This is a hard thing to realize when you see stadiums full of people screaming at Harry Styles (Boom! found a male perfect in this scatterbrain) or hundreds of paparazzi lined up to take photos of every person on a red carpet wearing clothing that costs as much as my student loan debt (Which sidenote, is VERYYYYYY much). It’s hard to fully realize that maybe some of those people who became ‘icons’ never really knew what they were getting into when they signed that deal with the Devil to make them seemingly immortal; especially in a world with the internet where everything can exist forever (or until the world explodes, clearly).  But maybe getting into my 30s and removing myself from most social media outlets, even listening to the news, or caring about whatever fucking popular haircut was in this season (it’s always bangs, and I’ve already made that mistake. No thanks), that I learned to realize - the truly most important people in your life are the ones that stick with you when it’s tough. When getting out of bed is so hard your limbs ache and you cry every morning on your way to work, at your desk behind your computer screen hidden in a corner, or in a bathroom stall during your lunch break. The normalcy that comes with realizing your prayers to ‘just make it to five o’clock,’ are heard and that you are just so thankful for that that you don’t even desire the innate feeling in most of our egos to stand out, be seen, ‘Make it’ in a way that lets people notice we ‘succeeded.’ Maybe this only comes with the realization of how nice it is to go to a grocery store braless and unnoticed. 
Maybe this is also something I, and so many of us in this point and shoot viral world, are trying to still learn. 
Sure, a lot of days I still crave being able to make a perfect Pintrest project, practice my Late Night interview with Letterman where I sound funny, charming, and likeable to all walks of life, or recreate a recipe from the New York Times website so great that The Barefoot Contessa finds out through word of mouth, and comes to my basement hide out, and offers to give me, a fellow barefoot loving bitch, her title and crown along with a glass of wine and a kiss from her husband, Jeffery. We’ll both laugh at how lovely it feels to be Barefoot ladies who understand that wanting ‘fame’ or ‘recognition’ in your twenties is only really a pathway to destruction by your 30s. 
And this is not exactly something that I learned easy.  In fact, I spent most of my twenties destroying my body with drugs - plenty of hard ones - and alcohol - various kinds of the same things - in order to numb my brain from the sadness that is just... being young, lonely, scared, unsure of yourself, and nervous that all of your hopes and expectations for yourself in your ‘dream life’ are too much for what you and your actual self will ever be capable of ever becoming. That I would never become the comedian I dreamed of being, or sing the perfect song in front of a crowd of admirers, or write that best selling book to tell everyone who thought I was nothing they could go fuck themselves. It’s something I still have to remind myself, and my brain and ego, that are most likely things I will never do because those are lottery dreams.  And people you know don’t actually win the lottery. And at the end of the day, I am people you know. And sometimes it breaks my own heart to realize I may never feel that rush of making a crowd laugh, or creating a piece of art that makes someone feel seen, but as Pam, from The Office said, and I am paraphrasing, ‘there is beauty in ordinary things.’ And I think reminding myself of that as I sat on the beach this summer and watched a dad teach his son to surf, and how happy they both were when he got up, gave me that brief feeling of... being okay. I won’t lie, I did cry a little at this realization at that moment, and I am slightly teary now as I write it, but I think I’m not ashamed of that because being normal means I get to feel things as I do, in that moment, and that is something I think I lacked in my desiring-bigger-flashier- twenties; actually being present in the world and your place in it. Even if that is just as small as being kind to a random person on the street.
I think that is why everything I felt I wanted to write never came out correct.  It never came out ‘Perfect.’ And that was my problem for most of my life, even up until today, I’m afraid that I am a perfectionist in the ways that are preventing me from becoming... me. I’m still fearful that I am too late in ever ‘accomplishing’ anything I ever dreamed. I doubt I will ever actually write a book. I’m unsure I’ll ever make a decent living. I am beyond doubtful I am ever going to be loveable to someone whom I also want to love back. And maybe I’m a little scared that I’ll never have a kid, or that if I do have a kid, I’ll never be a decent parent. And I’m still working on breaking the cycle of thinking something has to ‘sound’ or ‘be seen as important’ to be meaningful. There is beauty in the ordinary. I’ve started to make it my mantra. Spoken in my head every time I see a teenage couple holding hands walking in town, a father holding their baby close to his chest, a woman dressed in a power suit striding through an office building or city on their way to make their own careers or push equality further. I’ve started to dream of how actual normalcy makes the real changes. How every 4th grade teacher has a chance to change some kids life.
Clearly, a lot of these personal fears I have about myself not being ‘enough,’ or doing something good enough to become successful at it and build a life out of it, are monotonous fears and privileged middle-class complaints. I’m aware they may not resonate with anyone, anything, or mean much more than just being an online public diary entry to my own meandering thoughts, but, still - I finally felt like I had to try.  
So here it is, the whole truth on how I let myself become a ghost for years. 
I hope someone will stick around while I just... try to explain it all, figure it all out, and hopefully make sense out of even being whatever a human who is hoping to grow even means. Hopefully, something here will resonate with someone else and we can create our own little weirdo corner of the world where we’re not seeking more than just trying to be honest with ourselves and what it means to be human.  Even if that means just posting a recipe for banana bread (thank you Gwen Steffani for keeping me able to spell Banana), reposting random memes about how we all want to scream for 30 seconds and feel better, or sad-girl diary entry posts about how I ruined my own life a million times over.  Oh, and maybe I’ll give you tips on how to stain your wood deck, because I spent my day doing that yesterday and basically, Home Depot is calling me to be in their ADs. 
But at the core of it all, lets be very real, it’s hard to be human in so many ways. And I’m just hoping this connects with anyone. Especially any of us who wished we were different - in any way.
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pigtailedgirl · 5 years
Tony Stark Ends My MCU in Endgame
Just sharing some stuff I did on dreamwidth with a few updates. I’m new to tumblr, give me patience.
Here is why I'm never watching another MCU film or giving money to them or Marvel if I can help it. Tony Fucking Stark. The capitulation to and adoration of both RDJ and that character shows me that their brand of heroism is nothing I want to do with. Endgame validated his worldview and I can't reconcile. Look. I'm no big fan of Tony or Iron Man. Been tolerating since Avengers. Been outright thinking he deserved a tell off and comeuppance since Civil War. Did not believe he'd get it, but thought, well, thought at the least he'd still be not outright unchallenged or proven right. Basically, I was wrong in that I thought the films were conscious of his flaws they were highlighting, and that even if they could never be confirmed or explored while RDJ was onboard, because I think RDJ would never consent to looking bad because he's a narcissist and he has star power, they were there, canon, and recognized with subtlety. And I had other models of heroes in Steve and Thor to say Tony is not the only version of hero to emulate. Iron Man as a character through his movies and the Avengers film is a hero born of guilt and mired in a complex selfishness. I thought this always but especially with repeat viewings. He's fascinating because he does help people, and commit good acts, but it is born not from a desire to care for others. It's often a side-affect of his overwhelming ego. That is the kind of hero Tony is. A selfishly, not selflessly motivated one.
I eventually got very tired of Tony not seeing others around him that were hurt instead of helped by his brand of heroism. A replacement for his brand of weapons at Stark Industries or his rock-star persona. Or seeing others at all. It's something that regardless of results, I think society needs to re-examine the strength of. The ego. The self. An American world doesn't need more internal selfishness to admire. It should wear Tony down in a very different way than the MCU reflects. It should have a foil and a cost. Endgame has erased and ignored this, validated and lionized Tony as a hero role-model, to an awful degree. To start Tony is made weak in the opening and given his monologue goodbye to Pepper to garner sympathy. For him. Not for Pepper. Not for Nebula do they have kindly interaction together; we are squarely with and in Tony POV. It's re-occurring, this sainted POV of Tony in this film. You'll notice it especially in his funeral, when he’s already dead, as on-lookers who have no connection or tenuous relation to him gather and mourn because to the film he's the icon of the MCU and the hero.
This POV is not extended to others, say Natasha’s loss. The film has a central character it is focusing and idenitfying with, and it’s Tony Stark.
The main thrust of argument in the film is also weighted in Tony's favor. Tony gets off the ship on Earth. To be hugged and comforted by his foil Steve. He is fragile and we linger on his emaciated frame in his argument with Steve and the others. We linger on him in bed after, surrounded by caring loved ones. Held back by Rhodey. Our sympathy is supposed to be centered squarely on him. Yet his argument itself is devoid of logic or reason or compassion for others that are not himself. 1) Ultron was evil and the Iron Legion was causing civil unrest even before and is gone through no others decision. Tony never rebuilt it. 2) The reason the Avengers were not working together in Civil War and after was entirely because of Tony. It's Tony who got the olive branch of a phone Steve sent and hasn't used it. Indeed Steve came as soon as Bruce and Rhodey phoned. It's Tony who went to space and left the others behind. It's Tony who lost trust and therefore tracking of Vision causing him to go off-grid. It's Tony who agreed with the accords, has since broken the accords, and has since not done anything to demolish them. Accords which Ross wanted to use to stay hands in Infinity War as well. 3)Tony is in a room playing photos of the dusted, came with a woman who's sister is murdered, and can only focus on his hurt about the Snap. On losing Peter, because of what it means to him. Of the others not being with him to comfort him in his time of battle and loss. His priority is his pain alone. It's supremely selfish. It's given no rebuttal because the narrative agrees his pain is what matters. So characters feel sad for him instead of anger or their own hurt. If they don’t agree with him, no time is devoted to seeing that.This is where you expect an argument. A reflection by everyone. A hash-out on the priority of one's personal pain versus the whole universe's losses. None ever comes. The film avoids another interesting conflict on selfishness vs selflessness to approve of onlyTony when in the five year gap it celebrates in Tony's family, at the expense of everyone else refusing to move on. Only Tony gets happiness in time through his not thinking about others. Now Tony does regret Peter. So Tony decides to help reverse the Snap. But he is given zero push back on the decision to do so entirely for his benefit, that it is his alleviation of feeling Peter's loss, and not for the world's losses, or Peter's loss independant of Tony. Again it’s a selfish and self-motivatied choice. 
That Tony refuses to give up his 5 year family, which will come at the expense of 5 years lost to the returned, of the collateral we saw take place in Infinity War, at the deaths and changes since is not examined because the narrative doesn’t care to disagree with Tony. I'm not saying erasing Tony's family is right, heroic, or a choice he or the film should advocate for. But there is zero thought or discussion to the idea that Tony's family or pain is not all there is to consider in this plan. Where is Thor, saying how dare you value your happiness over all the dead of Asgard? Where's Natasha mad at her effort to keep everyone together, including world crisis prevention? Where is Carol with the universe as a whole perspective? Where is Banner saying help me at least not kill ourselves trying? Where is Clint not wanting to be a killer when his family comes back? Where is any nuance that just because Tony wants this in this way, it's not the only way everyone would feel. This film never puts anything above Tony's feelings. This extends to his heroic sacrifice at the end. The final two ways the film absolutely prides Tony's view versus anything else are his death and mourning. Tony is treated as the ultimate hero. Out of 14 million scenarios, it takes him alone to win. Him using the stones barehanded when all others couldn't. Him saving the world. His ultimate sacrifice and entirely his choice. All about him. It's not selfless that way. It's killing yourself yes, it’s saving others, but you are the ultimate universe saver. The ultimate avenger. You defeat the bad guy. Not bring people back in an act of return, but in an act of rightfulness you fix what you've been complaining others wouldn't let you and defeat evil all by yourself. Your entire motivation is rewarded, because you protect the universe by killing all your bad guy enemies. Rooted in how you feel and what you want. His final line "And I am Iron Man" a rebuke to anyone who doubts the greatness of him. Tony was right and perfect everyone. Listen up.  But there is no self-sacrifice here, because it's not about him losing. Oh, fans will mourn him. Lament Tony's lost family and happiness. Rally against his pain in dying. But Tony doesn't. There is no reflection in the film from him on the potential cost or the reality in the moment. No care is extended to the daughter's feelings or Pepper's or his friends. Nothing is about the impact or loss he'd feel of leaving them. Instead he's, like always, the focus. The film is entirely about losing him and how it's the worst for you and the world. That is what the film wants you to be sad about in these moments. Every character props him. Steve's tears. Peter's "Mr. Stark we won", and Pepper's "You can rest now." It's all about making Tony look good. This continues with the funeral. Morgan talking to Happy being about a callback to cheeseburgers Tony loved. Tony Stark 's first reactor is “Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart” floating away, wreathed in flowers. It's all tribute to the man and only about him. That's not selfless, it's self-aggrandizing. The character has gained no humility or grace. Just more fame. I'm not interested in that. In fact I'm angry. The overarching message of his rightness also destroys his foil, Steve. Who stands behind Pepper at the funeral? Steve. Who stands with Tony throughout the film? Steve. As his character's end, Steve adopts Tony's mindset of not being a selfless hero and chooses to do as Tony did and think only of what Steve currently wants. Peggy. In the past. At others expense. Steve chooses to be a selfish hero. As does Thor going off the rails in film and off with the guardians and abandoning his people. Marvel thinks that's the right way. A summation of all their films and a thing to look back on and celebrate as Tony hologram's monologue tells us. All heroes are reduced to the Tony Stark role model. It tells me they never thought Tony's world-view was a problem. And I disagree. Or they wanted to honor him so they warped everything else to work it. If they do it once, twice, always...well, what next? So I'm done.
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chicago-images · 6 years
Reply to Who would like to be a moderator for this group?
The Brutal Regime / Joseph Dunphy posted a reply:
            Over two years later, that last post looks amusing. I had hoped that this group would become a community, but I guess I was the only one who did. I'm going to try to polish away the over 7000 high mountain of submissions some of you dropped on me during that period when Flickr allowed for unlimited crossposting, but I'm not sure why. As I said before, your photos weren't complimenting each other by chance. I consciously chose the order in which they were approved in order to make them do so. Given that Flickr is going to be discarding the vast bulk of the photos on its site, destroying that carefully crafted composition, in just a few months, I'm done doing that. I'm more than a little sorry that I ever bothered. Long hours of work, not just spend putting all of this in order, but vetting photos, both those submitted to this group and those I saw outside of the group, as I looked for photos and people to invite - by now, I've literally gone through millions of photos over the last ten years, and now all of that is going to get thrown into the dumpster so that the aptly named Smugmug can complete what would appear to have been what I was fearing it would be at the time I first heard of the purchase - an aquihire in all but name. All so that a third rate businessman can try something that I've absolutely never seen work - boost his own business by buying out and shutting down his main competitor. People aren't going to flee Flickr for Smugmug, or buy pro memberships if (as will often be the case) their content gets discarded before they get the news. They'll free to Tumblr, Typepad or Livejournal (without controversial content in the case of the last of the three, one hopes) if they get the news in time to save their photos, or very likely leave the Internet altogether if they lose so much of their creative work to yet another suit's inflated ego. Narcissism truly is the gift that keeps on giving. So, that's how it goes, ten years of work, wiped out, as a major cultural resource (the photography that has accumulated on Flickr over the years) is casually destroyed. But the problem always was that it was a resource that Flickr, itself, never valued, because neither its owners nor its employees did the work to create it, nor did they pay for it. Other people took those photos. Other people spent all of that time sifting through the bad work of others to find the good. So, when all of that work is thrown away, management gets its narcissistic fix, while those unpaid others bear the expense. Sure, the company bears an opportunity cost, but people who've just been handed things seldom appreciate what they have until it's gone, and often, not even then. There are lessons to be learned in this. One of them is "don't ever trust the social networking sites." If some of you were thinking of jumping over to DeviantArt in light of recent developments, don't. If you think that the troll problem has been bad here, you haven't seen anything, yet. But a more important lesson is - don't be so darned generous. Yes, as provoked as I am, I'm going to keep this group clean to the end. Don't give people so much of yourself that they end up getting spoiled, because, past a certain point, the more they are given, the less they'll think they've gotten. They won't appreciate it, at all, and in this, I'm not just talking about the suits. I've been moderating groups for a little over ten years. I've seen a lot of "excrement" over this time, including that magical moment when a pair of users starting planning my murder, brilliantly choosing to do so in the comments section of one of their photos. Endless backbiting, which I got to deal with, attempts to get me thrown off the site, racial abuse ... it's been special. As I went through that, for over a decade, how many times do you think I heard the words "thank you"? ONCE Just once. It was such a remarkable event, that I remember exactly where and when it was. I was at the last "Around the Coyote." I'd name the member, but if I did, I'm afraid he's get harassed. So it goes. Flickr refuses to appreciate the photographers who provide it with content, and the photographers refused to appreciate the admins who find them, pull them together into communities and promote their work for free. No, we end up as scapegoats. I've lost track of how many times I've explained Flickr's insane position that nude statues are the same thing as nude people to members, who then refused to understand that I didn't work for Flickr and had played no role in the creation of that company policy. Even providing a link to Heather's infamous comment in the Help Forum, in which she laid out that police and wrote those immortal words "What is common sense?" did no good. People would go on abusing me over the bizarre decisions Flickr chose to make, as if there was anything I could do about them. The group will stick around as long as Flickr allows it to, albeit probably in mangled form, given how much of its content will be deleted. But, after I process those last 7000 photos, which should take a few weeks, I'm going to lock the photo and discussion section and wait until the great content purge of 2018 happens, before deciding what to do next. Which, to be honest, probably will be nothing. I've given myself vacations and put this group on hiatus, before, but this is different. On previous occasions, I'd have a headache because, say, somebody who turned out to have a criminal record and have talked about gouging people's eyes out found support as he created drama over the fact that I wouldn't invite him along on a photowalk. Yes, that really happened. I'd go away, and give you guys some time to think about what you had done. But when I got back, for the most part, what I had assembled was still there and I could resume. This time, that isn't likely to be true, so continuing might not make a lot of sense. What's the point of laboriously putting together that which others will smash to pieces, just for giggles? There is a much better than 50% chance that when I come back and take a look, that the losses will be so great that I'll never open the group back up, because I'll never be willing to put in the time, again. Which raises the question - if this group is done, here, where will it be moving to, next? Just look at all of the dead links to companion groups and sites that used to be, think about it, and I think you'll get your answer - nowhere. If I'm going to get put back to square one, I'm not going through this, again. I have no plans to establish any new groups, anywhere. Moderation has been a largely unrewarding experience that has taken time away from other, more valuable pursuits and in the end, done nothing for me. Most of those more valuable pursuits have nothing to do with the Internet, but there is one that does - my own blogging. The time I've spent promoting the creative efforts of others, only one of whom ever thanked me for that, is time I haven't been able to spend on my own. No more of that. In the unlikely case that I open this group up, again, I'll expect some of you to finally step forward and take some of the weight from my shoulders. If, as I suspect will be the case, nobody will be willing to do so at that time, then we'll be closing up for good, and this group will be an archive. Period. Even the blogging will be limited. I'll put out some samples of my work as a sort of personal introduction for people who do searches under my name, but as for putting out vast amounts of creative work on the Internet and sharing it for free? We just saw where that leads. No, the bulk of the writing I do is probably going to be submitted to small literary journals and other magazines. The photography I do will be shown to friends, or maybe displayed on the walls of a certain coffeehouse, if my own work is ever good enough to be seen there. But as for spending a lot more time on the Internet? Why would I want to do that?                
from Chicago Photography https://ift.tt/2zTuV9j via IFTTT
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disfira · 7 years
Steps Closer to Oppa: A South Korea Traveling Yarn Revealed
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A 5-day journey finding another home.
Annyeong! After several-month-hiatus, I come back! Just in case someone’s missing my writing, anyway.
For those who are still curious and haven’t read any of my (almost covering the whole) stories during my trip in South Korea, worry not, sweetheart. I’ll serve it for ya!
Actually, the story had been posted in bwamgosh’s blog entitled as Traveling to South Korea & Being A Temporary Seoulite Starter Pack by Disfira. Yup, I joined the giveaway as the participants needed to share the South Korean experience with BWAM Trip as the organizer. I reposted my original story in this precious blog as well.
I know you would be inconvenient reading with the unproper-loaded page since Tumblr is being blocked in Indonesia, hope you find the story as an enjoyable stuff. :)
Traveling to South Korea & Being A Temporary Seoulite Starter Pack
Annyeong yeorobun! To begin with, I would like to give a brief introduction about me. Disfira Ika Amelia who succeed being a Seoulite even though it only lasted for a few days. A Yogyakarta-based online media worker. 25 years old. Life motto: Seoul is where both my heart and home is supposed to be. Through the motto, I bet you can guess what this article is going to talk about. South Korea! In case you don’t know, Soulite is a phrase to call someone who from or pertaining to Seoul. Kekekeke.
As we hear “South Korea” is mentioned, there would be 3 kinds of response that will follow. First, that would be, “Oh my goodness! That is where my home is!” The second, “Meh.” like they are not giving even a slight of their attention. Or even these “What? Where is that?” who knows nothing about this country. Undoubtedly, put me as the first responder. Hahahaha.
I was introduced to K-pop since 2009, specifically when Boys Over Flower drama made the girls in my class deeply excited all day long. After that, I am still not able to completely go out of this addicting world. Around 2015, South Korea has been pinpointed by myself.
“I should be there once in a lifetime.”
Yep, that was my self-promise and became the strong motivation for me to save more each month. People around me sometimes seemed like underestimating me for keeping it as a motivation. Well, it happened, didn’t it?
Let me commemorate the day when I fulfilled this dream at last. November 4th, 2017 around 9 am was the very first time I stepped in the land of Daehan Minguk. Sound impossible but I did. It was all thanks to BWAMTRIP. The journey of being a first-timer traveler started here. Please bear yourself while reading this later. I will mix the language into Bahasa and English. Probably a little of Korean as well!
Intinya sih, di sini akan dikupas tuntas tentang perjalanan “naik haji” ala K-popers yang pertama kali jelong-jelong ke luar negeri bersama Nadia dan Lina. That’s the shortest summary, actually.
Reasons why I chose BWAMTRIP are…..
Your mutual would ask about what travel agent did you choose for traveling to South Korea. For me, I decide to choose @bwamtrip. The reason is as simple as this: BWAMTRIP offers the most affordable price (for me)! Buat budak start-up yang uang jajan bulanannya segitu-gitu aja, yang terpenting adalah cari yang hemat bebeb dan ramah buat rekening tabungan. Karena liburan pake duit sendiri itu sebuah perjuangan keras.
Before joining, along with my friends, Nadia and Frylia, did a small survey to several Korean travel agents that based in Indonesia through Instagram. We found about 4 travels to be compared based on their packages, price, and itinerary. In the end, we agreed to choose BWAMTRIP. For a 5-day trip, we could afford it by around 8 Mio Rupiah. 8 million Rupiah! 8 juta rupiah! Who would believe we could travel there with that (super) cheap package? I screamed too. Okay, you can thank me later. Nadia, Lina, and I ended up registered in March for Autumn Backpacker Package. Sadly, Frylia couldn’t join us.
What makes BWAM Trip cheaper or cheapest than other, they NOT travel agent. They are trip organizer! They organize the round ticket plane, guest house, T-money, and visa. The itinerary and the rest are up to you. You can roam around anywhere without feeling rushed by the tour guide’s schedule and curfew.
“Will you go somewhere alone? Aren’t you afraid being kidnaped or lost there?”
The answer is, being lost in Seoul is fun and addicting. We three were excited making the itinerary and exploring the places we were curious about. As a first-timer abroad traveler, we were naïve and idealist. We wanted all places got to be visited! Hahahaha.
It was departure time from CGK! Woohoo!
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Shortly, our visas were all approved in September 2017. For you who are wondering the step-by-step of South Korean visa application, you can kindly check my previous post.
I did purchase a round trip plane tickets from and to CGK-JOG as well.
November 3rd, 2017 finally came. By the time waiting for Nadia and Lina arrived at Soekarno Hatta International Airport, I installed important apps that will be needed exceptionally in South Korea. Including the maps, subway-thingy, and others, you can find more here! Be prepared, the subway will be your new best friend in South Korea!
Around 8 PM, we were finally together and waiting for the appointed meeting point. After having dinner and chit-chatting all things, we met Kak Cindy, the Founder of BWAM Trip that would be our trip leader. Then, we met the other participants, probably around 20 people in totals. Please meet the 155 cm-ish squads!
Around 10 PM, we headed to the terminal did the check-in and so forth. At 11:55 PM, the autumn groups took-off to Incheon International Airport. Julbal!
Day 1
November 4th, 2017
Our itinerary for day 1 is quite simple. Arrived then be at Epik High’s We’ve Done Something Wonderful concert hall in time. It just… happened. Since the concert date was clicked with our trip, why not? Again, we asked to help BWAM Trip to purchase our tickets and succeed!
Before going to the concert, we needed to head to some places and I was overwhelmed. Would we really make it there?
We arrived at Incheon International Airport around 9 AM. After the customs, baggage thingy, and hearing the “bad news” around 10 AM, all of the participants headed downstairs catching the subway!
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We transferred twice and take the baggage of both the escalators and stairs back and forth. You could imagine how we struggled back then. Even a local woman helped me lifting my 28-inch trunk! We arrived at Sangsu Station at last and walked 5 minutes to Mamas and Papas Guest House! Reading this would make you tired already.
After took shower and well-prepared, we went to Sukmyung Women’s University at 1 PM. There were things for friends of my friends who studied at that uni. After the barter was succeeded, we finally ate something! Streetfood at its best!
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We muched it all till exploding. Our stomach was fully prepared, then we head to Ewha Womans University Station to meet Danny oppa (who helped BWAM Trip) and took our Epik High tickets. He was so nice and thank God, he can speak English! Hahaha.
The transactions went well, we headed to Itaewon Station! Finally, please wait for us, Epik High ahjussi!
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At 3:30 PM, it took around 15 minutes walking from Itaewon yeok (station) to the venue. Some people were queueing. It was pretty crowded but acceptable since the queues were neat and not chaos. Thank you for the staffs, they could speak English and so much cooperative. At last, we could gig together with one of my favorite K-hip-hop musician ever with their new-released album! Bonus watching IU and Kim Jong Wan as a plus! I was so touched but couldn’t even cry! We ended the day 1 with the ear-to-ear smile until sleeping.
Day 2
November 5th, 2017
The theme of day 2 trips was K-pop! Our first destination was YG Entertainment and started at 10 AM! We had breakfast in Sevel and bought kimbab, samgak kimbab, and milk! Eat like locals! The good news was, it was placed near to our guesthouse!
Since we also needed cash to live for the next 4 days, walking was the best option to find bank as well. We needed 30 minutes to reach YG Entertainment building where our oppas worked and signed! It didn’t make me tired at all. All places over there in Seoul were so much photostable-you-cannot-resist-I-swear. Jinjja, I don’t lie!
Anyway, if you are wondering where our guesthouse is, these photos are the sneak-peak. 5 minutes away walking from Hongdae, convenience stores, and cafes everywhere! What a perfect neighborhood!
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The next places, we headed to Gangnam where K-Star Road is. From Hapjeong Station to Apgujeong Rodeo Station, it took around 30 minutes by subway and taraaa! We were welcomed by the statues! Taking photos with some of theme was an obligatory! Lolz!
Not wasting time, we put our strength back and walking to find SM Entertainment. While went there, we were distracted by the watery thing afar. Yep, Hangang Park and we didn’t regret going there. The peacefulness was what I found there. If I were given a chance going to South Korea again, I will definitely revisit Hangang Park just for sitting on the grass and daydreaming.
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After being amazed by one of the longest rivers in Daehan Minguk, we continued our journey going to SM Entertainment. 5 minutes taking photos, we walked again to look for JYP Entertainment building. Again, 5 minutes spent taking photos, we head again to the Gangnam main road.
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What makes three of us clicked besides K-pop honestly, we love “doing research” in secondhand goods. In Gangnam, there is Vinprime that sells secondhand goods! After crossing 4 or 5 zebra cross, the Vinprime is spotted! Jajjan!
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What we can summarize about secondhand goods in Korea is the price is quite expensive. Better buying the new ones there.
The clock ticked at 3 PM, we decided to eat at a dakgalbi restaurant near to Vinprime. The ahjummas greeted us with their humble smiles even though we just order chicken for 2 person portions. Here is the dakgalbi! We mixed it with rice and ramyun as well. It made us so much full! What makes chicken in Korea is different to in Indonesia, it is more chewy and juicy. Nggak alot sama sekali lah ya pokoknya. Tinggal ditelen aja bisa. Hahahaha.
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The journey had not ended, yeorobun! Ewha Shopping Street waited for us! No one could stop us shopping wildly there! Two words only: ALL CHEAP! Anything like socks, clothings, headbands, beauty product stands, all of them were on discount we could even decide where to stop by. We went back to the guesthouse surely happily like it would last ever after.
Day 3
November 6th, 2017
The theme of that day was: strolling around! After getting ready and had our morning kimbab and milk from GS-25, we moved our bodies to Haneul Park! This place is a must to visit when Autumn comes. You can google it and surely eager to be there! From Sangsu Station we headed to World Cup Stadium Station. We still (again) needed to walk around 30 minutes. Passing ahjussi-clothing tent made us stop for a while. Boys will be boys. Either toys or clothes, boy-to-man’s goods can never be cheaps as womans’. The price made us going to walk further. The parking lot, parks, yellowish trees took away our minds, indeed. It was beyond beautiful, I swear! And then this is Haneul Park we had been waiting for!
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Taking photos made us hungry. We could not wait any longer, therefore World Cup Mall became our culinary destination! Lina and Nadia cannot eat pork, the menus in food court is mostly pork. This made us wait longer to decide. In the end, KFC was the safe choice! There was egg tart yeorobun, endues banget sumpah! If we compared the price with in Indonesia, it was all the same. We ate, the happy pills were being recharged! The next destination was Gyeongbokgung Palace since Kak Cindy, our tour leader waited there and would did photoshoot for us.
Actually, we insisted wearing hanbok and visiting Gyeongbokgung Palace.
“Males ah pake hanbok. Turis banget nggak, sih?”
However, we ended up going to Gyeongbokgung in hanbok. Don’t imagine we would look like princess with its elegant hanbok. We wore the hanbok for proletariat. HAHAHAHA.
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The princess time was over. We were back to who we are and heading to Namdaemun Market! We only stopped by in Myeongdong, and walking to this market. Yep, we were hunting souvenirs for family and friends! From chopsticks, chocolates even through kim or dried seaweeds were all there. Bring cash, that’s all. Bringing 2 extra tote bags were not enough to put our goods. Lol!
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The shopping-thingy didn’t stop there, guys! After taking our goods in the guesthouse, we roam around in Hongdae. It is just 5 minutes away by walking from the guesthouse. Sure, it was that close! After Ewha Shopping Street, Hongdae is the place you will have to visit for shopping. Where could you find the high-quality sweater and its other overload cuteness in clothing for 10.000 won?! Please, bear yourself or bring cash as much as possible!
That day’s journey was over, we found a small restaurant that serves its traditional menu. Bibimbap and Naengmyeong were chosen along with soju! I couldn’t finish a bottle, I was afraid couldn’t get up early for the next morning. Hahahaha.
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Day 4
November 7th, 2017
The journey’s theme was going far at its best! Nami Island and Petite France were our destinations! Pssst, we got the free ticket for Nami Island and Petite France entrance from BWAM! We were surprised and happy!
These two places were pretty far, actually. It takes 1 hour and 3 times transfer by subway from Sangsu Station to Gapyeong Station. After that, we took a tour bus and stopped in Nami Island. For you who don’t know, Nami Island is a must-visited place for travelers. The scenery is no joke! After arrived in the Nami Island’s bus, we still needed the walk and went to the island by ferry. The hunger attacked we couldn’t hold it anymore. Thank you kkuldak ahjussi, you save our life! The chicken was surely delicious! Happy tummy every time!
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Autumn is one of the best seasons to visit Nami Island! That’s what people recommend. Please take a glimpse of this romantic island and you are welcome.
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We didn’t spend much time in Nami. After an hour, we headed back to the bus stop going to Petite France. Have you watched “You Who Come From The Star” drama with Jun Jihyun and Kim Sohyun as the lead character? That is one of their shooting locations! After exploring the whole place, we felt satisfied with its France classical concept in mini-me. It is pretty! Jinjja! Here are some pictures were taken there.
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Ah, the journey of these two places were about to end. We took the tour bus again to reach Gapyeong Station. The zigzag road made me dizzy, seemed like the driver wanting to end his shift soon. It was better to sleep for a while. After touching down to Gapyeong Station, we head back to Hongdae (Hongik University Station) as our last stop. We wanted to explore Hongdae from another starting point. This was the best way for us finding a delicious chicken restaurant! Aaaak, making myself happy was as simple as eating Seoul’s chicken! We want more! We want more!
Do you think yesterday’s shopping was enough? Nope, not at all! Our legs automatically stopped by the beauty brand, cute clothing, and sort of. Again and again, our eyes could be easily distracted by things that we wouldn’t find in Indonesia. Hahahaha. We also finally found the way to ALAND, a shopping center that sells Benton and COSRX, if you need the info anyway!
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Lina told us that she really wanted to visit 87MM, a clothing brand, and distro owned by his favorite model. Tons of Korean celebrities wear this brand, therefore people would really curious. It was so much near to our guesthouse, actually! We made it coming to MMLG on its operating hours! The shopkeeper, who was actually a model and spending time there, greet us warmly. I was so shy I couldn’t even look at his eyes and decided to wait outside. Hahahaha. Photo-time in front of its famous spot is a must! That was how they day be well-spent.
Day 5
November 8th, 2017
Beginning exists, farewell too. One of the binary opposition that makes me sad. It was the last day in Seoul. Kak Cindy told us that the 5-day group participants would leave to Incheon International Airport at 12 PM sharp. Three of us only wanted to buy uyu or milk. It was said the milk were much cheaper if we buy in Lotte Mart. We could purchase them in convenience stores actually. Hmmm, this made us confused whether to go or not, since it is in Seoul Station. The answer was yes, we went to Lotte Mart at 10:30 AM. Walking from Seoul Station to Lotte Mart made us think that this station is so huge. “Could me back to the guesthouse on time at 12 PM?” That was what we wondering.
Taking milk from the racks and paying in chasier only needed 15 minutes. Going back to Seoul Station to Sangsu took ages longer than when we first arrived. We were even lost and took the other way. How. Could. We. Lost. On. The. Last. Day. Minutes. Before. We. Had. To. Back?
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Kak Cindy and the other participants asking where we were in LINE group. The limousine buses had arrived and it was nearly 12 PM. What we could do were to make them calm and told them that we would arrived at guesthouse in 10 minutes. After arrived in Sangsu Station, we ran as fast as we can while handling boxes of milk that actually heavy, yeorobun. Three of us couldn’t even talk while running. What was inside our head: arrived at guesthouse! Finally, we got back safely to the guesthouse. After apologizing to the other participants, we went to Incheon International Airport at 12:30 PM, in silence. I know they were angry since we made them wait. Lesson learned: if it’s available in a convenience store, why choose the far ones? Noted!
Probably after 45 minutes, we arrived in the airport. Checking the luggage weight back and forth making sure there would be not overload did take time. We checked-in and saying goodbyes to our strong tour leader Kak Cindy! It was both sad yet memorable trip for me meeting Kak Cindy in this occasion. Huhuhu.
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We went in and searched for something to eat. The mood of getting tax refund was faded away! Hahahaha. We spent last moment before leaving Seoul by sitting, talking, and contemplating in the waiting room. “Ah, the dream was over. Really? Can I start another chance to daydreaming again, walking around in Seoul again?”
As I walked into the plane, I promised to myself that coming to Seoul again is a must. A MUST. Thank you BWAM Trip for granting my lost-awaited wish do come true. I don’t mind coming back then sitting and daydreaming on the top of grass near to Hangang Park. Hehehehe. There are tons of places in Seoul I still eagerly to visit and living like a Soulite again!
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In the end, Annyeong means both hi and goodbye. This is going to be my next hello to Seoul, hopefully!
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paulringg · 4 years
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Economical Digital Color Copy Printing – Benefits and Types
Digital Printing is a form of printing technique that comes from a concept that is digitally structured straight to many media forms. Generally, it is the term used for specialist type of publishing in which small run color copies printing jobs via desktop posting and other types of digital options happen to be printed with big format or / and inkjet or laser printers.
Digital printing differs from regular methods that include letterpress, gravure, flexography or lithography in which there is no use of any printing plate. Thus, the recovery time is faster and the process is less expensive. The most commonly used solutions include laser or inkjet printers that add toner or pigment to many substrates such as marble, metal, glass, canvas, photo paper, paper and others. Professional as well as consumer printers include laser or ink jet printers in digital printing. If you are in search of economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV, this is a type of printing technique that you can go for.
map location for Parkersburg WV and nearby states
Why Go For Digital Printing?
There are many advantages of the same:
No minimum order
It is perfect when you simply require a few pieces of marketing materials. At one time, there was a need to get the minimum amount that is needed by the printing agency so that your materials are printed. Thus, the materials you did not actually require went directly to trash. This was a big waste of resources and money.
The digital printing process, however, takes care of this issue. When you use it, you need to have as less number of materials as required. This is due to the fact that printing agencies do not need to use plates to carry out tasks. Your files would now be directly printed to the digital printer from the computer.
Color Copy Machine – Parkersburg WV
Cost-efficient low volume printing
The color copies expenses are significantly less in this case. The per-unit cost might be higher than in case of offset printing. However, when you take the setup costs into account as well, you can get reduced per-unit expenses with digital printing technology for smaller number of prints.
Often, Variable Data Printing is a technique to have digital printing customized easily. Taking data from an external file or database, graphics and text can be improved easily on every item with no delays or stopping down the press. For example, you may imprint individualized letters with a singular address or a unique label during each correspondence. Generally, one uses Variable data printing for promotion, customer relationship development and primary marketing.
Quicker turnaround time
This type of printing can also solve your immediate requirement for props or materials that you would like to take along with you during important presentations and meetings. It can ensure that you will be capable of satisfying your own printing needs as per predetermined schedule.
Personalized ads
With this kind of color copies printing method, advertisers can also personalize their own printing materials. Variable data printing makes this easy. It can let you print your materials in such a way that you can change specific elements in every copy, as per the taste of recipients.
When your marketing ventures are concerned, decision making can be very easy with full color digital printing. If you need printing for personalization, this can be a perfect option for you. Every print in this case is identical. There are quite less variations, less waste and more accurate counts, due to an inability to balance water and ink while operating press.
Types of Digital Printing to Go For
Know about the major forms of digital printing that you can opt for.
Digital Image Printing
Technical innovation is thanked for the change to digital from film, especially the evolution of high speed internet access that makes it very fast to upload images. The print production is experiencing continued rise with digital imaging printing, and there is as much as 49% drop in the sales of standard film cameras while there is a rise in the sales of digital cameras. Today, about 90% of digital cameras can offer resolutions higher than 6 million megapixels.
Digital Graphic Printing
In marketing, the trend is advancing towards the high-end segment of technology. Superior digital graphic printing is able to raise the perceptions of customers towards your business. It is a good idea to show high quality graphics that are appealing and have a nice impression. Digital graphic printing eliminates things that are too commonplace and add make your marketing more dynamic with adhesive vinyl, artist canvas, static cling and vinyl banners, which can aid you to make a strong statement.
Online Digital Printing
Online Digital Printing can help you to save money and time, when your files are directly printed to digital presses. With online economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV printing services, you can also get the advantage of immediate quotes for online printing as well as web-based proofing and approval.
Digital 4-Color Printing
This is a type of industrial / commercial printing where 4 color printing technique is used for printing out full-color images. It is due to the fact that 4 different types of inks are used for the printing process:
Professional Digital Printing
This is what gave marketers the confidence to make unique ads. Today, Professional digital printing lets advertisers compete with confidence with the contemporaries regardless of how big or small they might be. There is very wide range of choices. Technology is making it easy for people to fit any amount of printing materials needed for all kinds of marketing jobs.
While digital printing is an affordable way to get copies printed, the rates vary across printing agencies. Thus, you have to look around and get quotes and past project samples from quite a few agencies to make a decent comparison and make an informative selection. As a marketer, it is always in your best interests to find an affordable but high quality digital economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV agency that you can have a long-term business relationship with.
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Information for Parkersburg WV
West Virginia was admitted towards the Union on June 20, 1863, by proclamation finalized by President Abraham Lincoln.
Tourism is the state’s leading industry. For many years, coal had been the industry that is leading.
Marshall University, based in Huntington, was named for Chief Justice John Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. Justice Marshall served as Chief Justice from 1801- 1835 and served because the justice that is presiding the Aaron Burr treason trial in 1807.
West Virginia University, positioned in Morgantown, has had 26 students to get Rhodes Scholarships to study at Oxford University in England.
Charles Town, in Jefferson County, had been where servant abolitionist John Brown was convicted of treason, conspiracy and murder after his raid on Harpers Ferry, also in Jefferson County.
The world famous Greenbrier Hotel and Resort, in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, was used as an Army Hospital during World War II.
The Greenbrier Hotel is also the house of this famous springs which were rumored to cure various ailments.
The New River Gorge Bridge, in Fayetteville, may be the steel-arch bridge that is longest in the us spanning 1, 815 feet throughout the New River Canyon.
Ironic to its title, the brand new River is truly one of the earliest rivers in the global world and flows south to north, opposite from many streams because it was formed before the mountains.
At 4, 861 foot above sea level, Spruce Knob, located in Pendleton County, is the point that is highest in the Mountain State. Dropping down to 247 feet above ocean level, Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, marks point that is lowest in the state.
The post Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV appeared first on Cheap Printing Deals.
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Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV published first on https://www.55printing.com
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paulringg · 4 years
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Economical Digital Color Copy Printing – Benefits and Types
Digital Printing is a form of printing technique that comes from a concept that is digitally structured straight to many media forms. Generally, it is the term used for specialist type of publishing in which small run color copies printing jobs via desktop posting and other types of digital options happen to be printed with big format or / and inkjet or laser printers.
Digital printing differs from regular methods that include letterpress, gravure, flexography or lithography in which there is no use of any printing plate. Thus, the recovery time is faster and the process is less expensive. The most commonly used solutions include laser or inkjet printers that add toner or pigment to many substrates such as marble, metal, glass, canvas, photo paper, paper and others. Professional as well as consumer printers include laser or ink jet printers in digital printing. If you are in search of economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV, this is a type of printing technique that you can go for.
map location for Parkersburg WV and nearby states
Why Go For Digital Printing?
There are many advantages of the same:
No minimum order
It is perfect when you simply require a few pieces of marketing materials. At one time, there was a need to get the minimum amount that is needed by the printing agency so that your materials are printed. Thus, the materials you did not actually require went directly to trash. This was a big waste of resources and money.
The digital printing process, however, takes care of this issue. When you use it, you need to have as less number of materials as required. This is due to the fact that printing agencies do not need to use plates to carry out tasks. Your files would now be directly printed to the digital printer from the computer.
Color Copy Machine – Parkersburg WV
Cost-efficient low volume printing
The color copies expenses are significantly less in this case. The per-unit cost might be higher than in case of offset printing. However, when you take the setup costs into account as well, you can get reduced per-unit expenses with digital printing technology for smaller number of prints.
Often, Variable Data Printing is a technique to have digital printing customized easily. Taking data from an external file or database, graphics and text can be improved easily on every item with no delays or stopping down the press. For example, you may imprint individualized letters with a singular address or a unique label during each correspondence. Generally, one uses Variable data printing for promotion, customer relationship development and primary marketing.
Quicker turnaround time
This type of printing can also solve your immediate requirement for props or materials that you would like to take along with you during important presentations and meetings. It can ensure that you will be capable of satisfying your own printing needs as per predetermined schedule.
Personalized ads
With this kind of color copies printing method, advertisers can also personalize their own printing materials. Variable data printing makes this easy. It can let you print your materials in such a way that you can change specific elements in every copy, as per the taste of recipients.
When your marketing ventures are concerned, decision making can be very easy with full color digital printing. If you need printing for personalization, this can be a perfect option for you. Every print in this case is identical. There are quite less variations, less waste and more accurate counts, due to an inability to balance water and ink while operating press.
Types of Digital Printing to Go For
Know about the major forms of digital printing that you can opt for.
Digital Image Printing
Technical innovation is thanked for the change to digital from film, especially the evolution of high speed internet access that makes it very fast to upload images. The print production is experiencing continued rise with digital imaging printing, and there is as much as 49% drop in the sales of standard film cameras while there is a rise in the sales of digital cameras. Today, about 90% of digital cameras can offer resolutions higher than 6 million megapixels.
Digital Graphic Printing
In marketing, the trend is advancing towards the high-end segment of technology. Superior digital graphic printing is able to raise the perceptions of customers towards your business. It is a good idea to show high quality graphics that are appealing and have a nice impression. Digital graphic printing eliminates things that are too commonplace and add make your marketing more dynamic with adhesive vinyl, artist canvas, static cling and vinyl banners, which can aid you to make a strong statement.
Online Digital Printing
Online Digital Printing can help you to save money and time, when your files are directly printed to digital presses. With online economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV printing services, you can also get the advantage of immediate quotes for online printing as well as web-based proofing and approval.
Digital 4-Color Printing
This is a type of industrial / commercial printing where 4 color printing technique is used for printing out full-color images. It is due to the fact that 4 different types of inks are used for the printing process:
Professional Digital Printing
This is what gave marketers the confidence to make unique ads. Today, Professional digital printing lets advertisers compete with confidence with the contemporaries regardless of how big or small they might be. There is very wide range of choices. Technology is making it easy for people to fit any amount of printing materials needed for all kinds of marketing jobs.
While digital printing is an affordable way to get copies printed, the rates vary across printing agencies. Thus, you have to look around and get quotes and past project samples from quite a few agencies to make a decent comparison and make an informative selection. As a marketer, it is always in your best interests to find an affordable but high quality digital economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV agency that you can have a long-term business relationship with.
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Information for Parkersburg WV
West Virginia was admitted towards the Union on June 20, 1863, by proclamation finalized by President Abraham Lincoln.
Tourism is the state’s leading industry. For many years, coal had been the industry that is leading.
Marshall University, based in Huntington, was named for Chief Justice John Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. Justice Marshall served as Chief Justice from 1801- 1835 and served because the justice that is presiding the Aaron Burr treason trial in 1807.
West Virginia University, positioned in Morgantown, has had 26 students to get Rhodes Scholarships to study at Oxford University in England.
Charles Town, in Jefferson County, had been where servant abolitionist John Brown was convicted of treason, conspiracy and murder after his raid on Harpers Ferry, also in Jefferson County.
The world famous Greenbrier Hotel and Resort, in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, was used as an Army Hospital during World War II.
The Greenbrier Hotel is also the house of this famous springs which were rumored to cure various ailments.
The New River Gorge Bridge, in Fayetteville, may be the steel-arch bridge that is longest in the us spanning 1, 815 feet throughout the New River Canyon.
Ironic to its title, the brand new River is truly one of the earliest rivers in the global world and flows south to north, opposite from many streams because it was formed before the mountains.
At 4, 861 foot above sea level, Spruce Knob, located in Pendleton County, is the point that is highest in the Mountain State. Dropping down to 247 feet above ocean level, Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, marks point that is lowest in the state.
The post Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV appeared first on Cheap Printing Deals.
via Tumblr Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV published first on https://www.55printing.com
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paulringg · 5 years
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Economical Digital Color Copy Printing – Benefits and Types
Digital Printing is a form of printing technique that comes from a concept that is digitally structured straight to many media forms. Generally, it is the term used for specialist type of publishing in which small run color copies printing jobs via desktop posting and other types of digital options happen to be printed with big format or / and inkjet or laser printers.
Digital printing differs from regular methods that include letterpress, gravure, flexography or lithography in which there is no use of any printing plate. Thus, the recovery time is faster and the process is less expensive. The most commonly used solutions include laser or inkjet printers that add toner or pigment to many substrates such as marble, metal, glass, canvas, photo paper, paper and others. Professional as well as consumer printers include laser or ink jet printers in digital printing. If you are in search of economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV, this is a type of printing technique that you can go for.
map location for Parkersburg WV and nearby states
Why Go For Digital Printing?
There are many advantages of the same:
No minimum order
It is perfect when you simply require a few pieces of marketing materials. At one time, there was a need to get the minimum amount that is needed by the printing agency so that your materials are printed. Thus, the materials you did not actually require went directly to trash. This was a big waste of resources and money.
The digital printing process, however, takes care of this issue. When you use it, you need to have as less number of materials as required. This is due to the fact that printing agencies do not need to use plates to carry out tasks. Your files would now be directly printed to the digital printer from the computer.
Color Copy Machine – Parkersburg WV
Cost-efficient low volume printing
The color copies expenses are significantly less in this case. The per-unit cost might be higher than in case of offset printing. However, when you take the setup costs into account as well, you can get reduced per-unit expenses with digital printing technology for smaller number of prints.
Often, Variable Data Printing is a technique to have digital printing customized easily. Taking data from an external file or database, graphics and text can be improved easily on every item with no delays or stopping down the press. For example, you may imprint individualized letters with a singular address or a unique label during each correspondence. Generally, one uses Variable data printing for promotion, customer relationship development and primary marketing.
Quicker turnaround time
This type of printing can also solve your immediate requirement for props or materials that you would like to take along with you during important presentations and meetings. It can ensure that you will be capable of satisfying your own printing needs as per predetermined schedule.
Personalized ads
With this kind of color copies printing method, advertisers can also personalize their own printing materials. Variable data printing makes this easy. It can let you print your materials in such a way that you can change specific elements in every copy, as per the taste of recipients.
When your marketing ventures are concerned, decision making can be very easy with full color digital printing. If you need printing for personalization, this can be a perfect option for you. Every print in this case is identical. There are quite less variations, less waste and more accurate counts, due to an inability to balance water and ink while operating press.
Types of Digital Printing to Go For
Know about the major forms of digital printing that you can opt for.
Digital Image Printing
Technical innovation is thanked for the change to digital from film, especially the evolution of high speed internet access that makes it very fast to upload images. The print production is experiencing continued rise with digital imaging printing, and there is as much as 49% drop in the sales of standard film cameras while there is a rise in the sales of digital cameras. Today, about 90% of digital cameras can offer resolutions higher than 6 million megapixels.
Digital Graphic Printing
In marketing, the trend is advancing towards the high-end segment of technology. Superior digital graphic printing is able to raise the perceptions of customers towards your business. It is a good idea to show high quality graphics that are appealing and have a nice impression. Digital graphic printing eliminates things that are too commonplace and add make your marketing more dynamic with adhesive vinyl, artist canvas, static cling and vinyl banners, which can aid you to make a strong statement.
Online Digital Printing
Online Digital Printing can help you to save money and time, when your files are directly printed to digital presses. With online economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV printing services, you can also get the advantage of immediate quotes for online printing as well as web-based proofing and approval.
Digital 4-Color Printing
This is a type of industrial / commercial printing where 4 color printing technique is used for printing out full-color images. It is due to the fact that 4 different types of inks are used for the printing process:
Professional Digital Printing
This is what gave marketers the confidence to make unique ads. Today, Professional digital printing lets advertisers compete with confidence with the contemporaries regardless of how big or small they might be. There is very wide range of choices. Technology is making it easy for people to fit any amount of printing materials needed for all kinds of marketing jobs.
While digital printing is an affordable way to get copies printed, the rates vary across printing agencies. Thus, you have to look around and get quotes and past project samples from quite a few agencies to make a decent comparison and make an informative selection. As a marketer, it is always in your best interests to find an affordable but high quality digital economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV agency that you can have a long-term business relationship with.
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Information for Parkersburg WV
West Virginia was admitted towards the Union on June 20, 1863, by proclamation finalized by President Abraham Lincoln.
Tourism is the state’s leading industry. For many years, coal had been the industry that is leading.
Marshall University, based in Huntington, was named for Chief Justice John Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. Justice Marshall served as Chief Justice from 1801- 1835 and served because the justice that is presiding the Aaron Burr treason trial in 1807.
West Virginia University, positioned in Morgantown, has had 26 students to get Rhodes Scholarships to study at Oxford University in England.
Charles Town, in Jefferson County, had been where servant abolitionist John Brown was convicted of treason, conspiracy and murder after his raid on Harpers Ferry, also in Jefferson County.
The world famous Greenbrier Hotel and Resort, in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, was used as an Army Hospital during World War II.
The Greenbrier Hotel is also the house of this famous springs which were rumored to cure various ailments.
The New River Gorge Bridge, in Fayetteville, may be the steel-arch bridge that is longest in the us spanning 1, 815 feet throughout the New River Canyon.
Ironic to its title, the brand new River is truly one of the earliest rivers in the global world and flows south to north, opposite from many streams because it was formed before the mountains.
At 4, 861 foot above sea level, Spruce Knob, located in Pendleton County, is the point that is highest in the Mountain State. Dropping down to 247 feet above ocean level, Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, marks point that is lowest in the state.
The post Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV appeared first on Cheap Printing Deals.
via Tumblr Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV
Economic color copy prints near where I am Parkersburg WV published first on https://www.55printing.com
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