#tunas first con! success!
tunabesimpin · 1 year
lolol baby steps people!!! lets gooooo!!!
Con was super fun first day! I got to dress up! but by god i had a panic attack after i entered LMAO- but after i stopped n took a good breather I was able to walk around and enjoy it more!
warning tuna irl cosplay at the end
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I also got a cool Anya sweatshirt! The lady i bought it from was actually the one who helped me calm down too ToT <3 She complimented my bird bag and chatted with me a bit which helped me gain more confidence and feel better!
Sadly I didn't spot anyone else twist theme, but lots of genshin cosplayers! It was so cool seeing so many different characters! I even saw a Kaveh cosplay with his suitcase and all!! Very cool! And a sweet Barbara cosplayer stopped me and recognized Lilia!!! I was so happy someone knew!!! She was super sweet I wish i asked for a photo together! Then a few others recognized me after that and i wasn't as scared as i was before! Finally I got in line for the autographs but JESUS- I KNEW THE LINE WOULD BE LONG BUT BRO IT MOVED SO SLOW COMPARED TO THER OTHER LINES- I was in heels and my feet started aching so i left ;v; maybe tomorrow when im more comfy!
And thats it for my first day! it was pretty fun and im excited for tomorrow! Now here are some pics i took of my cos! I was too shy to take any at the actual con;; but hey better some then none!
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Alright now i go clean my face cuz gottdamn my eyes r runnin LOLOL Thanks for reading !!!
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softeeyoongi · 5 years
Boys With Luv
OT7 X Black!Reader
Here’s chapter 2 of this fic!! I also post of AO3 but it would be nice if you all could reblog :D!! Thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!
Y/N grunted as she struggled to open her apartment door with her hands occupied with a box full of cats. As soon as she shut the door behind her, she scurried into the living room and gently set down the box to not wake up the cats.
It was already quite warm in the apartment but since the cats seemed to have been in the cold for so long, she grabbed a heating pad and some blankets from her closet in the hallway to wrap the small felines in. As she came back into the living room, she noticed that some of the cats were starting to move around in their sleep.
'They'll probably be hungry when they wake up..' Y/N thought and rushed to the cupboard to see if there was anything she could feed them.
'There's canned mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna... I guess I'll put a little bit of everything. They're probably starving.'
Y/N grabbed a can of each type of fish and carefully scooped half of the can into separate bowls.
"Oh, and cats like milk!" She spoke to herself before running to the fridge,  grabbing a carton of milk and pouring it into another bowl.
Y/N then slowly walked to the living room with the bowls of assorted fish and milk, careful not to spill anything on the floor. Most of the cats seemed to still be sleeping, but they weren't shivering anymore, which was a plus.
'That heating pad sure does come in handy in situations like this.' She thought to herself while placing the food for the cats near their makeshift bed.
Now that the layer of snow had melted of their fur, you could see the coat of dirt and what looked like maybe blood that was underneath. They would definitely need a thorough shower when they woke up. But since they weren't, Y/N decided to turn on the television and watch the news until the cats woke up or fell asleep.
"-hybrids, turn them in immediately or report your siting to the police. Those who do, will be rewarded with up to 100.000 won. Those harboring them in any facility, whether public or private, will be arrested and punished severely."
Y/N scoffed and changed the channel.
"-The uprising and riots of the hybrids continue to intensify each day. The police have arrested and detained over 100 hybrids and humans that have participated in these-"
She turned off the television and let out a groan, throwing her head back.
Hybrids and humans have always coexisted for over 50 years. They were first created in a lab in the United States during the 1940's as a use for a weapon during World War 2. The original idea was to create a mix between animal and human — a combination that could cause chaos and destruction, could kill without mercy and were 10 times stronger and faster than humans. To do so, they would use enlisted soldiers or volunteers from allies. It took months and months and thousands upon thousands of failed experiments. There was either no effect, the volunteers would die or developed deadly diseases and viruses.
Then they succeeded.
The hybrids were stronger and faster than normal humans. They were able to change between their animal and human form with ease. They were even more easier to train for combat than the human soldiers.
But their success can with many flaws.
There were many biological problems that didn't make them suitable enough for battle.
The type of animal DNA that infused with the human DNA would affect their strength and the way they acted. For example, if someone was a dog hybrid, they would always look forward to praise and affection. If not received, it would affect their performance. Many hybrids were common animals like dogs, cats, mice, bunnies, and birds. They were the easiest to create in the lab which is why there were so many. Other hybrids that were animals like bears, lions, and wolves were a lot harder to create and because of the lack of funding and resources, the experimenters mostly stuck to small and common animals.
Heats also affected their performance. All hybrids had a sort of... mating season. Some more than others. A major problem was that all hybrids had to mate within a certain period of time, or else it could lead to depression or anxiety within hybrids. The hybrids also seemed to become attached to other humans easily after mating which  could cause complications if they joined the army.
In the end, there were more cons than pros and so the project was shut down after a few years. That didn't stop people from becoming curious and creating their own hybrids. As technology advanced, it became easier and cheaper to create hybrids. 
The hybrids that survived the experiment were quickly released to integrate into society. Most went back to their original countries and some stayed in the states, hoping for a better future and greater opportunities. 
Because of their differences in physical appearance and behavior, they became the outcasts of societies of all countries. And because they were dangerous and a threat to humans, terrible atrocities would be done against them. As their population increased, they were tortured, kidnapped and sold to the black market as pets and slaves for sexual pleasures. 
Of course, many people, humans and hybrids protested against such things that were occurring and not being reported on the news. Around the 2000s, hybrids started to obtain more rights through activism and peaceful protests, although it was mostly the Americas, that became more progressive in rights for hybrids.
In many countries however, South Korea being one of those countries, getting more freedom for hybrids was slow and they were still treated like garbage. They see them as a threat to human society and there have been... purges going on to decrease the population of hybrids in Korea, especially the more rare ones. They were either sending them out of the country or just outright murdering them. Any hybrid without an owner were at risk of being sent out of the country or even killed. There have been protests and even riots against the Korean government and their mistreatment towards hybrids but it just seems like there have been more humans and hybrids dying at the hands of the law...
It was all too much to think about. It was depressing. 
Y/N's head jerked up from her deep thoughts when she heard a shrill hissing sound. She looked around frantically before noticing that one of cats, the black tabby with blue eyes, was in a defensive stance. It's tail was puffed out and it was crouched low to the ground, teeth being bared.
"Hey there little guy.." Y/N slid of her space on the couch and approached the cat slowly, reaching out her hand towards it "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt-"
Apparently, Y/N moved too fast because the black cat swiped quickly at her hand with his claws out before getting back into its defensive stance. It was standing in front of the other cats, who seemed to be waking up with all the noise going on.
"Ack! Hey, that hurt..." Y/N whined before looking at the hand that the cat injured.
The scratch was bad and deep enough to leave a scar and it was starting to relieve small drop lets of blood. You always hated getting cuts that would scar.
"I won't hurt you. I- I promise." Y/N put her hands up and spoke to the raven colored cat that stared at her, as if it could understand her
"Look, I got you guys some fish and some milk that should be warm enough to drink. See — there's salmon,  mackerel, tuna and sardines." Y/N pushed the bowls closer to the cats
The black cat stared at you for a few seconds and Y/N stared back. It then strut it's way over to the farthest corner of the room and decided to sleep there.
'What a strange cat...' Y/N thought before turning around and noticing the other cats were staring at you.
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yanderefangirl · 4 years
Non Con Warning no minors allowed
(Y/n) was holding her small daughter Jolyne close to her chest as she carefully climbed out of the bathroom window. Their bags were packed and outside in the car. She had planning this escape from her insane inhuman husband Jotaro Kujo. They had met a few years ago. He had seemed normal at first a2nf they were good friends but then one night she had discovered he was one of those creatures a vampire. She was horrified and felt betrayed by this revelation. He haven't noticed her at first, too busy with sucking the blood of his victim, a guy who had asked her out today, he was being completely drained by Jotaro. She after quickly getting over her shock tried to help him by jumping onto Jotaro's back and attempting to pull him away from the poor guy. Jotaro temporarily stopped draining the poor guy and turned his head towards her. 
She never forgot that sinister look on his face when he saw that it was her.  He smiled at her with blood dripping down from the corner of his lips, he swallowed the blood in his blood and carefully and slowly placed her next to him. He didn't say a single word, she looked at the poor guy he was already on the verge of death. He turned back to the poor guy and resumed draining him. She upon realizing that it was too late to save the poor guy,  ran away and hided from Jotaro Kujo. But for whatever reason, fate had dealt her a unlucky hand and Jotaro had managed to find her no matter where she went or how hard she tried to hide her identify eventually Jotaro straight up threatened to kill everyone she ever cared about unless she married him.
She tearfully agreed and then they were married and nine months later she had Jolyne who was a hybrid half vampire half human and all adorableness. Jotaro loved Jolyne and spoiled her, letting Jolyne get her way with almost everything. Jotaro was extremely possessive of (Y/n) and took many precautions on the off chance she might escape, lately however he was getting more lenient with (Y/n), allowing her more freedom and privacy.  Jotaro would often leave during the night to go off hunting and not come back until crazy late in the night or early in the morning. (Y/n) knew that she had plan her escape with her precious baby girl, timing it perfectly and making that the cameras were all distabled, (Y/n) would slowly and carefully pack their bags over the course of a few weeks. Finally tonight the bags were all packed and they were all ready to go, Jotaro had left a couple of hours and had told her that he wouldn't be back until at least 2:30 am. It was 9pm they had a plane booked at 12am and needed to leave now. (Y/n) quietly and quickly ran to the car and buckled Jolyne into her carseat then got into the car herself. She drove off to the airport, arriving at 9:45pm. Jolyne woke up upon feeling the car stop and looked around. "Mama where are we?" She asked with a worried expression across her face and her voice shaking.  (Y/n) despite being terrified that Jotaro would appear out of nowhere and took them back to his house and her gilded cage, took a deep breathe and replied while forcing a smile on her face "Its okay JoJo we are at the airport. Remember what Mama said? We are going on a special trip together." Jolyne thought for a moment then smiled and nodded her head. "Oh I remember now Mama. Our special Mama daughter trip." Jolyne clapped her hands excitedly and giggled. (Y/n) smiled again this time not having to force herself. She unblucked herself, gathered up their bags and suitcases and then got Jolyne out of her carseat. She pushed the tollery inside, making sure that Jolyne was close by every five seconds. They managed to make it the ticket counter and security without much trouble and now they were currently waiting at the gate. 
Their plane had delayed by an hour, (Y/n) was tense and looked around her, paranoid that someone could be working for Jotaro. Jolyne was taking a small nap curled up in her seat and her head on (Y/n)'s lap. (Y/n) had made sure to purchase lots of snacks, gum, sucking sweets, water and a few books at a nearby gift shop. The flight was a 12 non-stop flight to New Zealand, the one place Jotaro would never think to look for her and Jolyne. It was the perfect place for the two of them to live safe and vampire free. She dozed off, exhausted from all the stress and panic.
Soon she was awaken hear an announcement that the plane would be boarding soon and wake up Jolyne and they together gathered up their belongings and get ready to board. After they boarded the plane, the plane soon took off and they were given a light snack then they both promptly fall asleep waking up when the early morning sunlight shined onto their faces. Jolyne was rather cranky about being woken up this early. "Mama make the light go away." Jolyne grumbled as she covered her face with one of her hands while grabbing her blanket with her other hand to pull it over her face
"JoJo it's morning time and I can't make the light go away. You wanna watch a movie or a show on your screen?" (Y/n) asked while comforting her small daughter. Jolyne upon she could watch a movie or a show peeked her tiny face out of her blanket and with (Y/n)'s help used her screen to put on her favourite movie 'All Dogs go to heaven'. Jolyne settled down and watched the movie happily.  Soon they were served breakfast which was sandwiches tube or ham and cheese and ethier juice, water, tea or coffee to drink. Jolyne choose tuna and juice while (Y/n) had her (choice of sandwich) and (choice of drink) and choose something to watch. She settled on (favorite show) and gave Jolyne some snacks to tide her over until lunch.
She was shaking slightly, she can't believe that her plan had actually worked, she kept on expecting something bad to happen to prevent them from reaching New Zealand.  (Y/n) was terrified of what Jotaro would do if they get caught. She was inwardly panicking and freaking out about every little thing. 
Hours later they arrived in New Zealand and after collecting their bags from bag claim. (Y/n) and Jolyne got into a taxi and went to a hotel that was a good distance from the airport. As soon as they got into their hotel room, Jolyne, exhausted from the all traveling they had done, collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately. She was spread out like a starfish laying on her front with her face turned to the left side. (Y/n) smiled and tucked Jolyne under the covers being careful not to wake her up. Jolyne sleepily snuggled under the covers and snored softly and peacefully. (Y/n) rubbed her head and kissed the top of her head. "Sleep well my sweet Jolyne, have pleasant dreams and know that I will always love you my little precious JoJo." (Y/n) whispered softly. 
(Y/n), while feeling extremely tired from traveling herself, went through all the bags and suitcases to make sure she haven't forgotten anything considering that they wouldn't be returning back to Jotaro's house. After triple checking all the bags and suitcases, she let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding and got onto the bed and put on the tv, turning down the volume to 10 and leaned back against the soft and comfortable pillows. She put on some random show and ended up falling asleep ten minutes later. They had a lot to do after all.
The next few weeks were rather exhausting and quite stressful, not that Jolyne noticed, she was busy enjoying everything because it was all new and exciting which (Y/n) was extremely thankful for, the last thing she wanted was for Jolyne to figure what was really going on. It was far more difficult than she had originally thought to get a place to live , a lot of places ethier didn't have the space, was in a shady and dangerous neighborhood or were way out of her budget. But thankfully she had found a house that wasn't too far from the beach and she had already appiled and been accepted for a teaching job at a nearby primary school. However, she was still on egde that Jotaro would just pop up in her and Jolyne's new house. That bastard would never let go of her or Jolyne, he claimed that he loved them but (Y/n) didn't think that someone like Jotaro was even capable of actually loving anyone. He was aggressive, possessive, obsessive, dangerous, unpredictable and very much capable of pretending to be something he wasn't. (Y/n) at times wondered what was happening with Jotaro and what he was doing now. Not out of concern but mainly out of curiosity.
(Four months later)
Jotaro appeared calm and collected at first glance but when one looked again and more closely, they would soon notice his eyes were filled with of pure rage and fury, that his fists were clenched and shaking and that it was clear that something was very wrong.
 Jotaro can't believe that his darling (Y/n) had actually left him and had taken their adorable, precious Jolyne with her. He had no idea about where they had gone or why they had left. Wasn't his (Y/n) happy with him? He had given her and Jolyne almost everything they could every want and need. He had thought and thought and he can't think of any logical reason why (Y/n) would want to leave him. 
And he deciced that it didn't matter, what was important was that his darling (Y/n) and Jolyne were gone and he didn't have any clue about where they were or where they could have gone. His beloved (Y/n) had been extremely clever and had made sure to cover up her and Jolyne's tracks. He had always loved how clever and determined his darling (Y/n) but right now he cursed her cleverness and determination. Not that he would change anything about his darling (Y/n), he adored everything about her, flaws, imperfections and all.  It was extremely annoying in this situation. His family and friends were kind enough to offer him assistance in searching for his darling (Y/n) and Jolyne.
So far, they had little to no success in locating the two but they were all stubborn and determined and refused to give up on the search for (Y/n) and Jolyne.  Jotaro was currently on the phone with his mother, Holly Kakyion Kujo, she had been extremely upset when she had found out about (Y/n)'s and Jolyne's disappearance. She still was rather sad about it, which just made Jotaro even more furious despite how he treated his mother when he was younger, he did love his mother and hated it when she was hurt, sick or upset. He can't believe that his darling (Y/n) had hurt him, his mother and the rest of his family like this. He would make sure to punish his darling (Y/n) thoroughly for doing this to them. 
"Oh Jotaro, I do hope that nothing bad had happened to them. It would break my heart if something horrible happened to ethier of them." His mother said worry, anxiety and fear filling her voice. It was clear to Jotaro that the longer Jolyne and (Y/n) were missing, the greater it would affect his mother and him. 
"Mom if anything did happen to them, which knowing my lovely (Y/n) is very unlikely, I would personally tear whoever was responsible apart." Jotaro buntally repiled his voice shaking with rage at the mere thought of someone hurting his lovely (Y/n) and his adorable little girl.
His mother sighed then answered with "I suppose you have a point Jotaro. Well it was nice to catch up with you. Hopefully (Y/n) and little Jolyne are found soon. I love you Jotaro. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye." "Love you too mom. Bye." They hanged up at the same time. It was always nice to talk to his mother. 
Later, Jotaro was about to head out for his nightly hunting, when he heard the phone ringing again. He was curious about who was ringing and picked up. "Hello?" "Jotaro its me your stepfather." Came the voice of his best friend and stepfather Noriaki Kakyoin. "Hey Noriaki, what is it?" Jotaro repiled slightly annoyed at being reminded about his mother's recent remarriage. He was happy for her cause his sperm donor was a shit father and husband but it was really weird that his stepfather was the same age as him.
"I found them Jotaro. They are alive and healthy." Noriaki responded. Jotaro nearly collapsed onto the floor, he can't believe what he was hearing. He had only one question.
(Two days later)
After Jotaro had gathered all the necessary information, he had the SPW Foundation help him with the boring stuff of travel and was currently on a private jet heading straight for New Zealand. He can't believe that this whole time his darling (Y/n) and Jolyne had been there. It was the last place he would have thought to look. 
He was excited to see his darling (Y/n) and his adorable Jolyne. But he was also angry because of what his (Y/n) had done, it was completely unacceptable and dangerous. Anything could happen to her or Jolyne, they had been extremely lucky this time. He had place hidden cameras in the house and installed a security system that had a code that only he and his family knew. (Y/n) wouldn't be allowed to access to the code at all and would keep under a tight leash from now on.
After the jet had landed, Jotaro took a taxi to his lovely (Y/n)'s temporarily home. When he had arrived, he immediately look all around the outside of the house and found a basement door that didn't seem able to lock. He went inside and went into the basement. Jotaro could hear his (Y/n)'s breathing and her heart beating. She seemed to be sleeping. Jolyne was also sleeping judging by the sounds of her familiar snoring. Jotaro creeped upstairs being very careful not to make a sound, as to not alert (Y/n) or Jolyne. He then sneaked through the house, checking it out.
It wasn't at suitable for perement living but maybe it could as a holiday home?
 After he finished inspecting the house, Jotaro went to his beloved (Y/n)'s room and peeked inside. Her blankets were scattered all over the bed, her legs peeking out. She looked as sexy as always. Jotaro could feel himself getting turned on and immediately creeped into the room and started getting undressed, carefully placing his clothes on her desk. They had been apart for too long and he needed this so bad.
After Jotaro finished stripping, he quietly and quickly walked over to bed, carefully pulled the blankets off his beloved (Y/n)'s body. She was sleeping in a t shirt and panties. He slowly and carefully pulled her panties off and fingered her pussy to prepare her, not that she deserved it. (Y/n) was letting out soft moans as her pussy get wet. Jotaro smiled smugly at this, only he could see and hear his beloved (Y/n) in this state. 
After he had gotten her pussy wet enough, removed his fingers from her pussy which he promptly sucked her juices off his fingers. Sweet as always, he then crawled over to his (Y/n) and spread her legs and rubbed his cock against her entrance. He kissed (Y/n) on the lips and pushed his cock inside her right and wet pussy which caused (Y/n) to wake up. Her screams were muffled under his lips, after he stopped kissing her, he covered her mouth with his left hand.
He thrusted into her, starting off slow and gentle, gradually speeding up. He sucked on her neck leaving dark marks on her skin. Jotaro pulled her t shirt over her breasts and played with her breasts with his right hand while licking and sucking her breasts. God he missed this, he missed her. (Y/n) had made a few futile attempts to get away from him which he quickly stopped. 
"I missed you so much my love. I don't understand why you would ever want to leave. I am going to fuck another baby into you and when we get back home. You aren't going ever leave me again. And rest assured you will be punished." Jotaro growled as he sped up, going harder and deeper into her, hitting her womb with each thrust.
God this felt so good, making love to (Y/n) was so addicting and every time they made love, he became more and more addicted to her body. All too soon Jotaro could feel himself on the verge of cumming. While it was annoying, there was always when they get back home. Jotaro groaned as he came inside of his beloved (Y/n)'s pussy, filling her pussy with his cum, impregnating her again. He removed his left hand from her mouth. She had been crying for some time now. Probably upset that she didn't get to cum. "I love you my (Y/n)." Jotaro wrapped his arms around, keeping his cock inside of her, plugging her up.
(One year later)
(Y/n) was breastfeeding her son Jonah who had born a month prematurely and was only a few weeks old and unlike Jolyne constantly demanded attention from her and seemed to be always hungry. Jolyne was downstairs with her dad who was helping her with her homework. Jotaro had punished her by cutting her Achilles tendons, she still can't walk properly. Jotaro refused to allow to be left alone which was his mother was in the nuersy with her cleaning up. 
(Y/n) had to be an act to pretend to be Jotaro's adoring wife to applease him and his family but inwardly hated Jotaro even more then she did before. Maybe one day she could escape with both of her children. Maybe.
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diceforanaltmode · 5 years
Team Horse Adventure 1: [Title Needed]
The Cast
Crankcase (orc fighter) by  Bex Fulcrum (changeling ranger) by Frosty  Misfire (aasimar bard) by Tuna Spinister (centaur cleric) by Space
The Story
Krok is sick and the scavs are out of money. He received a letter a few weeks ago from someone called “the curator”. She promised great wealth in exchange for “a small favor”. The team meets her at a tavern. She offers for them to sit down, but implies Spinister is incapable of sitting, which I think we can all agree is horse racist. She offers 50k gold for the magnificence, which none of the party have heard of. It was last seen in a decepticon outpost that was abandoned 10 years ago. The party discusses whether or not they should take this job for several minutes in front of her. Ultimately, they agree.
At some point in here, Spin makes the comment that "all you bipeds look the same to me." The irony of this is presumably lost on him.
The party sleeps. Spinister sleeps in the room, not the stables, and gets his muddy hooves all over the place. In the morning, the scavs set out.
It takes about 3 hours of hiking to get to the abandoned fort.
The door is locked but Crankcase easily breaks it.
There is an entryway with 2 doors and 2 staircases
The party enters the first room, which contains tables and a large pit full of spiderwebs from a giant spider. They take one quick estimate of the size of the spider and immediately leave.
They go back through the entryway into a room full of cots. From there they go into a storage room with sticky walls and floors. The door is locked, but the lock is weak and Crankcase smashes it. They take some potions and platemail.
"I'm not a dog who smashes things on command. I walk over to smash it" -Crankcase
They go through the storage room into an office, where they fight a large spider. The spider hates Fulcrum. After defeating it they find some letters, in common, and a notebook, in abyssal. The notebook is about failed attempts at making tree-cons, 'Cons made of trees. It's weird.
Back through the sickbay to the surgery, they find a stack of files with names they’ve never heard before on them. Spinister is stuck on the other side of the door thanks to a huge pile of rubble his big dumb horsebutt can't get over, so he has to shout through the door for the party to pick up the dang bonesaw so he can have a bonesaw. The bonesaw is a little melted, but they manage to pry it up mostly intact. Fulcrum, who is completely terrified of giving Spinister a bonesaw for some reason even though Spinister INSISTS "It's not malpractice if….. it's not malpractice", dubs himself keeper of the bonesaw, to hang onto the bonesaw except in cases of medical emergencies.
"You need to give me a bone saw, Fulcrum! I promise I'll only use it on you for medical purposes"-Spinister
Upstairs dining room -> communal living area, find some money, a letter they don’t care about, a paperweight, and some books on poisons. Spinister takes one. Fulcrum hastily tosses the bonesaw into one of the foot lockers, but Spinister doesn’t notice. Misfire notices. Misfire disapproves.
Back through the dining room to kitchen. It smells bad. Misfire finds a cookbook ("Book of Recipe") and Spinister detects poison (really fucking bad food) on the other side of a cabinet door the party does not go through. Spinister looks through the cookbook for a chicken soup recipe for Krok, and finds one, which calls for among other things one whole chicken, plucked and deboned. Spinister informs Fulcrum he needs a chicken and the bonesaw. Fulcrum successfully stalls.
Back through the dining room to hallway -> private bedrooms
1st room has been cleaned out and has a very large bed with purple sheets. Fulcrum finds a sketchy note.
2nd room has some clothes but nothing especially valuable or useful. Misfire hides under the bed with the dust bunnies and pretends to be a ghost. The rest of the scavs leave him there.
3rd room has some giant beetles, but they’re easily dispatched. The party takes a silver bowl from a shrine of Epistemus. Spinister takes a scalpel in weirdly good condition from the shrine, but Fulcrum again thinks it's a good idea to deprive Spinister of high-quality medical supplies. Spinister holds the scalpel above his head in the classic big brother keep-away play because he's seven fucking feet tall, to which Fulcrum responds by kicking Spin in his horse knees. His weak and flimsy elf feet bounce like wayward bugs off a slow-moving vehicle. Spinister gives him a Look, and then turns around and puts Fulcrum in the "oh my god seriously do not ever stand directly behind a horse they will FUCK YOU UP" zone, but he gets a 2 on his intimidation check so he just kinda spins around like a dumbass. Fulcrum stands on the shrine, which isn't going to piss off any gods at ALL, and gets a much more successful intimidate check by channeling Krok and wordlessly holding out his hand for the scalpel. Spinister caves and hands it over, and Fulcrum immediately tosses it out the window. You will be mourned, cool scalpel. You will be mourned.
The party goes back to the library and Misfire finds a hole in the side of the pit. Misfire, Fulcrum and Crankcase find a hidden room attached to the storage room with tanks of green goo and motionless wooden men. Except like, they aren't motionless, because they kinda sway weirdly when the party asks if the Magnificence is in here? I dunno man Spin wasn't there for that part.
The party collects all the documents in the fortress for the curator, whose name they never got, and leaves.
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Tamarindo is the district of Santa Cruz Canton, Guanacaste province of Costa Rica, located on the Nicoya Peninsula. It is the largest developed beach town within Guanacaste. Covering an area of 125.86 KM and an elevation of 27 meters. The main attractions sought within Tamarindo is surfing and eco tourism. 
On our late arrival to Tamarindo, we chose to stay on the outskirts, we found a locals home, were they allowed campers to camp on their drive way. They were so friendly, they had a big old dog and spoke some English, we even had a beer with them outside. It was cheap and cheerful. The next day we bumped into a couple of Europeans, who had bought a big camper van that they were getting around in. They had to bump us off the following morning, with a dead battery from leaving the air con on all night.
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Tamarindo has many cool spots to stay, we found a small camp known as Camp Tamarindo, a lazy chilled spot, with beach huts, tents and hammocks. We paid to park the camper van in their small car park. The camp had a great vibe about it, the chill out area was made up with bean bags, pool table, slack lines and hammocks, perfect spot to chill in the shade away from the midday heat. The heat was much more intense nearer to the coast with less rain compared to inland.
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 We had showers and toilet facilities to use, when showering you were never alone. You would be joined with giant grasshoppers native to Centro and South America. With their razor sharp legs. At any time they could attack, It made showering a task. No joke i have never seen insects so big. They are known to be mistaken for a bird in flight. 
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It seemed this camp site was home to many wild animals, at night when cooking our evening meals. We would be greeted by one of the local raccoons, searching for food scraps. These nocturnal creatures, although cute are very annoying rustling around when your trying to sleep. Their big eyes glowing in the dark. 
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We met a couple of people at the camp, a South American guy doing some travel. One morning we see him in the chill out area, smoking herb from a papaya plant pipe he had self made, it was a cool little invention and everyone in the chill out area had a blaze. 
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Tamarindo’s main beach is known as Playa Tamarindo, a long rocky beach with great waves. There were several areas for different intensity of surfing, one particular area the waves are known to reach 12ft, in the months of June, July and August. The area we choose to surf was ideal for both of us, clean medium sized waves, making a great place for even me to get up on the board and ride a wave or two. 
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Our main activity in Tamarindo was deep sea fishing, Tom had prebooked this trip, in the hope he would catch a Mahi Mahi. An Iredescent blue coloured fish, yellow in places. These fish are known to change colours, several different hues, when they are close to death they turn a yellowy/ grey colour. They are known to live a life of up to 5 years. They are common dolphin fish, surface dwellers, ray finned fish, they can be found in tropical waters and excellent tasting. The day started with me trying to tell the locals my name, its always a task to tell even English people, so to tell someone with broken English, it never ends up the correct pronunciation. Anyway I was Maggie for the rest of the day, as telling them several times was too much, so I just went with Maggie. We was on an open plan boat, with nowhere to hide in the shade. It was a full day planned, I already had sunburn to so I had to hide under a towel most the day. For the first couple of hours of the trip, we had caught nothing it was not looking hopeful. When we did start catching it was mainly Tom catching, Snapper and Tuna. On the way back, with a bit of woman's luck, the lines started spinning out, we were on, to a big sized fish, Tom was thrilled but also pissed that it was me and not him. Its a bit of a running pattern for me to get the biggest catch of the day. When it got closer to the boat with a fight and a very achey arm later. We could see clearly it was a Mahi Mahi, making it a successful trip. We got to take some of the fish back with us, to cook for tea at the van, with rice and black refried beans. It was succulent, one of the better fishes we have tried. 
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After several days in Tamarindo, we decided to start heading towards the Caribbean Coast, after a pit stop in Marbella and back to San Jose before hand.
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elisehboyleblogs · 4 years
Prompts for creative writing enjoy a trendiness nowadays, especially on blogs that offer ever-expanding lists (Prompt #452: The color blue -Write about something blue!). While there’s definitely some value in these lists, it’s an approach to prompts that aligns with the idea of “giving a person a fish” – or in some cases hundreds of fish at a time. In this article we’ll explore another approach: “Teaching a person to fish,” as the old adage advises, so that you can create your own prompts for a lifetime of creative writing.
How to Create Your Own Writing Prompts
(Not 365, not 700+, but an infinite number of writing prompts)
This approach to creative writing prompts works by asking the aspiring author to engage with their environment and imagination. It takes practice (like becoming a successful fisherman also does), but once you learn how it works and make it part of your writing life, the dividends pay off over and over again.
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A combination of prompt lists and self-prompts can help you write a better book.
By category, with additional tools for self-prompting
Fiction writing prompts
Create a fictional explanation for a current event
Imagine another (secret) side of a former president
Describe the journey of a young boy/girl from Europe to America in the 19th Century
Self-prompt: The best fiction comes from truth. Think about a true story. What about it can be fictionalized? Maybe ALL of it! What characters and details in the true story inspire wonder in you. Feel it and write it.
Creative writing prompts for adults
Unusual dynamics in a romantic relationship
The effects of varying amounts of alcohol on a household
How parenthood/grandparenthood changes people
Self-prompt: Presumably you are an adult. Do you always feel like one?Act like one? Why or why not? Think and feel about what it means to be an adult. Freedom? Responsibility? Ask other adults. Write it all down.
Science fiction writing prompts
What if aliens lived among us?
What would the ideal spaceship for humans be like?
What if pollution created a new species of mutant “Bigfoot” creatures?
Self-prompt: Do you own a telescope or binoculars? Take a closer look at the world around you. You can even do this without any equipment. Meditate on the millions of stars and planets in the universe. What thoughts come to mind? Where do your feelings lead you? What fictional ideas resonate with you? Write it all down.
Creative nonfiction writing prompts
Write about a true story in reverse chronological order
Tell a true story as seen through several people’s perspectives
Add a vivid dream sequence to a biographical story
Self-prompt: Think of a true story that fascinates you. In what way(s) could you write it to make the telling equally fascinating? Let your imagination run wild.
Realistic fiction writing prompts
What if our election system completely failed?
How would a priest or pastor deal with his/her own disease of alcoholism?
What would it be like for a boxer if he never won a professional bout?
Self-prompt: In the previous prompts, you’ll notice that conflict is essential to a good story. How can your fiction writing elucidate a real conflict in the world today? The conflict(s) can be major or minor; it’s HOW you write about them that matters. Put your deepest thoughts and feelings about fictional (and real) conflicts down on paper.
Historical fiction writing prompts
What if one of the framers of the Constitution had been a communist?
What if Julius Caesar had not been assassinated?
What if President Lincoln visited ghosts at a cemetery? (By the way, in the mid-2010s, author George Saunders wrote an acclaimed book of historical fiction on exactly that. The book is Lincoln in the Bardo.)
Self-prompt: Generally speaking, great writers are great readers. Writers historical fiction, as a rule, should know their history. Books on historical events and figures are readily available at any public library, as are copies of historical films. Travel, reading, and movies make for excellent prompts in this genre.
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Most great writers are/were avid readers. Don’t skimp on this important element of good book-writing.
Fiction writing prompts for adults
Raising children diagnosed on the autism spectrum
Your first foray into entrepreneurship
A relationship that just keeps getting better and better
Self-prompt: What makes the adult writer different from the youth writer? Adult writers seek writing prompts that are not for children for the same reason they can trust themselves with self-prompting: greater life experience. Use your experience in your writing. Want more prompting than that? Go out and gain MORE experiences.
Weird writing prompts
Net-fishing the high seas for canned tuna
A day in the life of Tiny Tim
The land of talking backwards
Self-prompt: This category of prompts puzzled me a bit when I first encountered it. Do we REALLY need prompts for WEIRD? In THIS world?? Just look out your window! Take a walk on ANY street in America! Well, of course I’m partially joking here, but the point I want to make is that, as writers – as artists – we don’t need prompts for EVERYTHING. Weird is everywhere. We only have to open our eyes, ears, minds… and notebooks.
Inspirational writing prompts
Your earliest memory of your family’s faith
How could Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies benefit us today?
Moments of everyday grace
Self-prompt: One might look at this prompt category and think, “Well, isn’t this really searching for inspiration to write about inspiration?” In a way, yes, but is that such a bad thing? I think of the humble person of faith who wants to serve but perhaps doesn’t know exactly how to do it. Whether a kindhearted person is looking for creative writing prompts on line or self-prompting by searching the soul or talking with a faith leader, the virtue of their search can be admired.
Book writing prompts
An issue in your life that has been unresolved for a long time
Settings and characters from a vivid dream
Thoughts and feelings on a person you have long admired
Self-prompt: Though the idea of writing a book might seem daunting, your choices in taking the first step – as you see above – are nearly endless. Stephen King goes so far as to suggest deciding on what your book is about when you begin your second draft. So where you start, or what prompts you to start, is not as important as where your writing takes you.
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Your personal experiences are of utmost importance in writing a great book. Share them generously, in your own way, and always be open for more.
Book prompts for writing
A history book to inspire historical fiction
Works of Charles Dickens to inspire young adult (YA) fiction
A book of the Bible to prompt inspirational writing
Self-prompt: Looking for writing prompts for a book? Look no further than… a book! Some of the best writing prompts for books can be found in existing books. Going a step further, books in public domain offer stories, characters, and concepts you can use in your own work – all free of charge!
Video Transcript:
Hello to all aspiring authors and entrepreneurs out there. I’m Robert Nahas, Founder and CEO of Writer Services. Today we examine the popular practice of using creative writing prompts to generate ideas. The concept behind prompts is that writers who want to practice their craft every day will inevitably run out of ideas on what to write about. In this video, we won’t go into the pros and cons of writing every day, but I will take you through two distinct approaches to prompts for creative writing.
First is the process you might have seen online, where somebody makes a list of scenarios, characters, places, or even primary colors, and the writer is then supposed to practice their daily writing using one or more of those ideas, or prompts.
The second is a more organic approach. One where the writer takes a little time and effort to create their own prompts. This might involve taking a pen and paper and going outdoors for an hour; visiting the local coffee shop and discreetly observing your surroundings: the cafe workers and other patrons as they come and go. Even just picking up and going into a different room in your home can really get your ideas flowing. It’s about changing your environment and really EXPERIENCING things in the world, instead of just on a computer with a list of prompts that someone thought up for you. Experience life and let yourself really THINK and FEEL. Write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The world itself is out there waiting to prompt you in unexpected and wonderful ways.
And as always, I’d love to hear your comments and questions, so please take a moment to leave a reply below. You might also enjoy subscribing to our RSS feed, so you’ll be alerted as soon as our articles and videos are posted each week. Thanks for watching. I’m Robert Nahas. See you again soon.
The post CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS appeared first on Writer Services.
CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS published first on https://writerservicesblogs.blogspot.com
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writerservicesblogs · 4 years
Prompts for creative writing enjoy a trendiness nowadays, especially on blogs that offer ever-expanding lists (Prompt #452: The color blue -Write about something blue!). While there’s definitely some value in these lists, it’s an approach to prompts that aligns with the idea of “giving a person a fish” – or in some cases hundreds of fish at a time. In this article we’ll explore another approach: “Teaching a person to fish,” as the old adage advises, so that you can create your own prompts for a lifetime of creative writing.
How to Create Your Own Writing Prompts
(Not 365, not 700+, but an infinite number of writing prompts)
This approach to creative writing prompts works by asking the aspiring author to engage with their environment and imagination. It takes practice (like becoming a successful fisherman also does), but once you learn how it works and make it part of your writing life, the dividends pay off over and over again.
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A combination of prompt lists and self-prompts can help you write a better book.
By category, with additional tools for self-prompting
Fiction writing prompts
Create a fictional explanation for a current event
Imagine another (secret) side of a former president
Describe the journey of a young boy/girl from Europe to America in the 19th Century
Self-prompt: The best fiction comes from truth. Think about a true story. What about it can be fictionalized? Maybe ALL of it! What characters and details in the true story inspire wonder in you. Feel it and write it.
Creative writing prompts for adults
Unusual dynamics in a romantic relationship
The effects of varying amounts of alcohol on a household
How parenthood/grandparenthood changes people
Self-prompt: Presumably you are an adult. Do you always feel like one?Act like one? Why or why not? Think and feel about what it means to be an adult. Freedom? Responsibility? Ask other adults. Write it all down.
Science fiction writing prompts
What if aliens lived among us?
What would the ideal spaceship for humans be like?
What if pollution created a new species of mutant “Bigfoot” creatures?
Self-prompt: Do you own a telescope or binoculars? Take a closer look at the world around you. You can even do this without any equipment. Meditate on the millions of stars and planets in the universe. What thoughts come to mind? Where do your feelings lead you? What fictional ideas resonate with you? Write it all down.
Creative nonfiction writing prompts
Write about a true story in reverse chronological order
Tell a true story as seen through several people’s perspectives
Add a vivid dream sequence to a biographical story
Self-prompt: Think of a true story that fascinates you. In what way(s) could you write it to make the telling equally fascinating? Let your imagination run wild.
Realistic fiction writing prompts
What if our election system completely failed?
How would a priest or pastor deal with his/her own disease of alcoholism?
What would it be like for a boxer if he never won a professional bout?
Self-prompt: In the previous prompts, you’ll notice that conflict is essential to a good story. How can your fiction writing elucidate a real conflict in the world today? The conflict(s) can be major or minor; it’s HOW you write about them that matters. Put your deepest thoughts and feelings about fictional (and real) conflicts down on paper.
Historical fiction writing prompts
What if one of the framers of the Constitution had been a communist?
What if Julius Caesar had not been assassinated?
What if President Lincoln visited ghosts at a cemetery? (By the way, in the mid-2010s, author George Saunders wrote an acclaimed book of historical fiction on exactly that. The book is Lincoln in the Bardo.)
Self-prompt: Generally speaking, great writers are great readers. Writers historical fiction, as a rule, should know their history. Books on historical events and figures are readily available at any public library, as are copies of historical films. Travel, reading, and movies make for excellent prompts in this genre.
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Most great writers are/were avid readers. Don’t skimp on this important element of good book-writing.
Fiction writing prompts for adults
Raising children diagnosed on the autism spectrum
Your first foray into entrepreneurship
A relationship that just keeps getting better and better
Self-prompt: What makes the adult writer different from the youth writer? Adult writers seek writing prompts that are not for children for the same reason they can trust themselves with self-prompting: greater life experience. Use your experience in your writing. Want more prompting than that? Go out and gain MORE experiences.
Weird writing prompts
Net-fishing the high seas for canned tuna
A day in the life of Tiny Tim
The land of talking backwards
Self-prompt: This category of prompts puzzled me a bit when I first encountered it. Do we REALLY need prompts for WEIRD? In THIS world?? Just look out your window! Take a walk on ANY street in America! Well, of course I’m partially joking here, but the point I want to make is that, as writers – as artists – we don’t need prompts for EVERYTHING. Weird is everywhere. We only have to open our eyes, ears, minds… and notebooks.
Inspirational writing prompts
Your earliest memory of your family’s faith
How could Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies benefit us today?
Moments of everyday grace
Self-prompt: One might look at this prompt category and think, “Well, isn’t this really searching for inspiration to write about inspiration?” In a way, yes, but is that such a bad thing? I think of the humble person of faith who wants to serve but perhaps doesn’t know exactly how to do it. Whether a kindhearted person is looking for creative writing prompts on line or self-prompting by searching the soul or talking with a faith leader, the virtue of their search can be admired.
Book writing prompts
An issue in your life that has been unresolved for a long time
Settings and characters from a vivid dream
Thoughts and feelings on a person you have long admired
Self-prompt: Though the idea of writing a book might seem daunting, your choices in taking the first step – as you see above – are nearly endless. Stephen King goes so far as to suggest deciding on what your book is about when you begin your second draft. So where you start, or what prompts you to start, is not as important as where your writing takes you.
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Your personal experiences are of utmost importance in writing a great book. Share them generously, in your own way, and always be open for more.
Book prompts for writing
A history book to inspire historical fiction
Works of Charles Dickens to inspire young adult (YA) fiction
A book of the Bible to prompt inspirational writing
Self-prompt: Looking for writing prompts for a book? Look no further than… a book! Some of the best writing prompts for books can be found in existing books. Going a step further, books in public domain offer stories, characters, and concepts you can use in your own work – all free of charge!
Video Transcript:
Hello to all aspiring authors and entrepreneurs out there. I’m Robert Nahas, Founder and CEO of Writer Services. Today we examine the popular practice of using creative writing prompts to generate ideas. The concept behind prompts is that writers who want to practice their craft every day will inevitably run out of ideas on what to write about. In this video, we won’t go into the pros and cons of writing every day, but I will take you through two distinct approaches to prompts for creative writing.
First is the process you might have seen online, where somebody makes a list of scenarios, characters, places, or even primary colors, and the writer is then supposed to practice their daily writing using one or more of those ideas, or prompts.
The second is a more organic approach. One where the writer takes a little time and effort to create their own prompts. This might involve taking a pen and paper and going outdoors for an hour; visiting the local coffee shop and discreetly observing your surroundings: the cafe workers and other patrons as they come and go. Even just picking up and going into a different room in your home can really get your ideas flowing. It’s about changing your environment and really EXPERIENCING things in the world, instead of just on a computer with a list of prompts that someone thought up for you. Experience life and let yourself really THINK and FEEL. Write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The world itself is out there waiting to prompt you in unexpected and wonderful ways.
And as always, I’d love to hear your comments and questions, so please take a moment to leave a reply below. You might also enjoy subscribing to our RSS feed, so you’ll be alerted as soon as our articles and videos are posted each week. Thanks for watching. I’m Robert Nahas. See you again soon.
The post CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS appeared first on Writer Services.
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5 Christmas Family Classics that Could Very Easily be Turned Into Horror Films
New Post has been published on https://nofspodcast.com/5-christmas-family-classics-easily-turned-horror-films/
5 Christmas Family Classics that Could Very Easily be Turned Into Horror Films
Ah, the Holidays. ‘Tis a time for over-priced and under-valued presents, pretending it still snows in December, angry drivers, and repetitive music. I’m complaining, but it’s totally to add the edge factor to this article. In reality, I’ve already caught the Christmas bug. There is no cure for this ailment… apart from watching cheesy Christmas movies on repeat until the last drop of egg nog has been consumed and society returns to hating winter.
But, it is with the eyes of a Horror fan that I watch Tim Allen don a furry red coat. A macabre mind when Kevin thwarts the Wet Bandits. A morbid thought when Clarke has the hap-happiest Christmas this side of the nuthouse.
What would it take for a Christmas movie to become a Horror movie?
As you’ll learn over the 5 films in this list… not much.
  5. The Santa Clause (1994)
In this Christmas staple, divorcee Scott (Tim Allen) has temporary custody of his son (Eric Lloyd) on Christmas Eve. After he accidentally kills a man in a Santa suit, they are magically transported to the North Pole, where an elf explains that Scott must take Santa’s place before the next Christmas arrives. Scott thinks he’s dreaming, but over the next several months he gains weight and grows an inexplicably white beard. Maybe that night at the North Pole wasn’t a dream after all — and maybe Scott has a lot of work to do.
How to Horrorify it
This one doesn’t take much. The inciting incident of this story is that Scott kills a man. We’d keep it the same as the film; in that, the dead dude in the snow would indeed be the genuine article known as Santa Clause. In our Body Horror flick, Scott begins to change. His ear falls off in favor of one with a pointed tip. The skin on his cheeks and nose shed until a rosier, shinier version is revealed underneath..
Time is running out. The Holiday cheer is slowly infecting his brain until the transformation completes on nightfall of the next Christmas eve.. But Scott doesn’t want to become the Santa Clause. So he decides to kill the spirit of Christmas. By slaying and slaughtering every single Santa in sight. You better watch out. 
  4. Home Alone (1990)
In the John Hughes/ Chris Columbus classic, 8-year-old Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) acts out the night before a family trip to Paris, and his  mother (Catherine O’Hara), makes him sleep in the attic. After the McCallisters mistakenly leave for the airport without Kevin, he awakens to an empty house. But his excitement sours when he realizes that two con men (Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern) plan to rob the McCallister residence, and that he alone must protect the family home.
How to Horrorify it
This film doesn’t need our help to become a horror film. Sure, Kevin is supernaturally successful at thwarting his foes.. but if you take off your rose colored glasses, you’ll soon realise: The Wet Bandits are out to kill Kevin. At first, the heist was about scoring the silver tuna, but after a few incidents with a flamethrower and a nail gun – the objective changes.
Also, there’s a nice old man down the street who murders people and mummifies their bodies in snow salt. Let’s do something with that.
  3. Miracle on 34th Street (1994)
In this remake of the Christmas classic, an old man aptly named Kris Kringle fills in for an intoxicated Santa in the Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day parade. Kringle proves to be such a hit with the kiddies that he is soon appearing regularly at Macy’s main store in midtown Manhattan. When Kringle surprises customers and employees alike by claiming that he really is Santa Claus, it leads to a court case to determine his mental health and, more importantly, his authenticity.
How to Horrorify it
Kris Kringle is the disguise adopted by none other than the calm, charismatic cannibal Hannibal Lector. After breaking out from maximum security prison, there is no better way for Lector to hide than in plain site. Playing Santa does have its perks; a kiddie buffet of any and every flavor you desire.  ‘I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice candy cane.’
  2.  Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (2000 Animated Film)
The cartoon feature is inspired by the 1979 Novelty Christmas Carol of the same name. In the lyrics, a grandmother gets drunk on spiked eggnog at a family Christmas Eve party and, having forgotten to take her medication and despite pleas and warnings from her family, staggers outside into a snowstorm. While on her walk home, she is trampled to death by Santa Claus and his reindeer pulled sleigh.
How to Horrorify it
Not even death can stop Grandma from her Christmas Eve tradition of baking peppermint shortbread cookies. Only, Grandma doesn’t have a taste for peppermint anymore..
“Grandma got run-over by a reindeer, Eatin’ all our neighbors, Christmas Eve. You could say you don’t believe in Zombies, But as for me and grandpa, we believe.”
  1. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989)
As the holidays approach, Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) wants to have a perfect family Christmas. Roping in his wife Ellen (Beverly D’Angelo), and children, as he tries to make sure everything is perfect including the tree and house decorations. However, things take a sharp decline when the in-laws starts to arrive. His hick cousin, Eddie (Randy Quaid), and his family show up unplanned and start living in their camper on the Griswold property. Even worse, Clark’s employer secretly cancels the holiday bonus he’s been counting on.
How to Horrorify it
Clarke Griswold has always been two screws short of the nuthouse. As his perfect Christmas starts to unravel, Griswold disappears briefly from the festivities, entering a murderous fugue state. His first victims; Margo and Todd, the snooty neighbours. Clarke disembowels the pair, using their intestines as ribbons on a Christmas package. He leaves behind a perfect vignette; them sitting lovingly on their couch in their tinfoil workout wear, the putrid present resting between them. They are there for days.
Clarke slowly works through those standing in the way of his perfect Christmas. Cousin Eddie gets drowned in his camper toilet. Uncle Lewis gets his stogie dipped in arsenic.  As the Christmas family film slowly dissolves into a slasher worthy rampage, Clarke’s escapades are preceded by a creepy rendition of Mele Kalikimaka in the style of Friday the 13th’s Ki Ki Ki Ma Ma Ma.
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worldtravelah-blog · 5 years
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Oh Mexico how I love you!  In honor of Cinco de Mayo I present to you my most recent culinary journey I took to Playa del Carmen and Tulum Mexico. Fun fact of the day - Cinco de Mayo is only celebrated in the east central state of Puebla, Mexico to commemorate their win over the French in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.  It was exactly one year ago today that I embarked on my fifth trip to Mexico. I have a fondness and special place in my heart for Mexico.  I decided on Playa del Carmen this time around because a friend of mine who used to live in Boston now lives in Playa.  He and his wife own a small restaurant with 5-6 tables that is out of the tourist area and is a favorite with the locals.  I HAD to try it and they did not disappoint!  They started off by serving a tomato and chile based soup drizzled with crema and garnished with avocado.  It was followed by chicken enchiladas topped with green sauce and a side of rice.  The food was fresh, flavorful and delicious but their hospitality and love for cooking is what made the experience so special. They pour their hearts and souls into their restaurant and it showed in more ways than one.
Despite the fact that we were in a pretty touristy area of Mexico we tried to make it as “un-touristy” as possible.  We stayed in a quaint typically Mexican style AirBnb run by a local that was off the beat in path and scoped out at as many of the local hot spots as we could.  With the advice of our host and my friend David we were wildly successful.  I had the best torta I’ve ever tasted!  It was filled with grilled chorizo, veggies, and cheese and it was served on a fresh baked cloud like bread roll.  Since I love spice I topped it off with pickled jalapenos and a homemade chile sauce. O.M.G.  Delicious!  Our favorite restaurant is called El Fogon and luckily it was a block from our apartment. We knew it was the real deal when all of the customers and staff only spoke Spanish.  Thankfully my friend and I do too so we were good to go.  I ordered a mixed grilled meat plate but it didn’t end there. We were served pozole a traditionally Mexican hominy soup, nopales (cactus) which I admittedly wasn’t a fan of, and a bunch of different toppings to customize our meals to our liking.  It was incredible.  I also tried mezcal for the first time when I was in Mexico.  It is a liquor made from the agave plant.  It is an aperitif with a smoky flavor that is served after a meal with slices of orange sprinkled with Tajin.  I’m not a big fan of liquor but was very pleasantly surprised by the complex flavor and appealing visual presentation.  As you can probably tell I love Mexico, I love Mexican cuisine and I love Mexican people.  My next destination is the culinary capital of Oaxaca.  Cheers to you Mexico!
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Here We Go Again chapter 1
If there had ever been a time when Michael had been happier, it was when Alex was still alive. Ever since his death, Michael had found happiness and purpose in raising their daughter, making sure Amanda didn’t want for anything. And he had been mostly successful in that. Amanda was a happy, rebellious, artistic, well-adjusted teenager. Everything he did was for her. He had worked overtime as a financial adviser so he could afford to buy her the fancy photography equipment she needed to achieve her goals. He took time off so he wouldn’t be an absentee father.
Then they downsized. Then they moved into a neighborhood where, miraculously, his best friend from college, Craig Cahn, lived. Then his life became a special kind of fitness hell. His exercise habits were pretty much nonexistent and suddenly he was flying off treadmills, voluntarily getting up early to run until he was bent over a trash can dry heaving, running through the park, and doing hill climbs, all for Craig. Not to say that he didn’t like hanging out with Craig, but man that guy was a demon! What happened after college? This was the same guy who filled his body with the worst kind of junk food the human mind could comprehend. If he had been in college these days, he would definitely have been the sort of person to stuff a duck inside a chicken and stuff that inside a turkey and wrap that in bacon. And now he was running laps around everyone and lifting weights that would make Michael fear for his life.
 Then they went on the camping trip and Michael was finally able to get Craig to let his hair down (so to speak) and relax for a weekend. It was one of the most amazing weekends he could remember. They jumped from the top of a waterfall, Craig cooked and it was amazing, and then they lay together. He still remembered the feeling of Craig going down on him, making him wet and hot with lust, driving him mad until he came. He remembered the feeling of Craig as he entered him, slowly, sensually, a decade long stretch of abstinence finally come to an end with his bro, his best friend, becoming his lover.
 Amanda spent the months before she left for college making fun of that time he went camping and came home covered in hickeys. Craig had taken some perverse pleasure in marking him. It probably had something to do with the fact that he found the sounds he made hugely arousing. Of course, Craig had returned home with just as many, so it was only fair.
 About couple weeks after Amanda started college, Craig invited Michael to move in with him so that he didn’t have to deal with empty nest syndrome. His girls quickly got used to Michael’s presence in the home.
 One morning in mid-October, Michael launched himself out of bed and ran to the master bathroom vomiting his guts out. He sat there for several minutes, hunched over the toilet waiting for his stomach to settle. He felt Craig gather his hair up and hold it for him as he bent over the toilet and retched again.
 “Thanks, bro,” he rasped when he finally felt like he was done.
 “No problem,” Craig said, kissing his head and rubbing soothing circles on his back. “You should take the day off.”
 “I can’t, I need to—” he began he went to the sink to wash his mouth out and get the taste of vomit out of his mouth. He looked down at the digital clock. 6:23. He had about an hour and a half to get ready.
 “Bro,” Craig interrupted, taking his arms in his hands and rubbing up and down, “you’re not a single dad anymore. You got me. You can afford to call in sick. I got you.”
 Michael finished rinsing his mouth and sighed. He’s right, he thought as he leaned back against Craig’s chest, feeling and treasuring his bro, his boyfriend, as he wrapped his arms around him.
 It was around noon when Michael woke up again, feeling completely fine. His stomach growled audibly. Scratch that, he thought, I’m starving. He got out of bed and threw on a binder and a shirt. For some bizarre reason, he was craving seafood. Mussels, specifically. And tuna. I hate tuna, he thought. Actually I hate seafood in general, why do I want tuna?
 Tossing it up to his body playing tricks on him, he texted Craig. Do you know how to make mussels?
 About 15 minutes later Craig replied, Why? You not happy with mine? ;)
 Michael rolled his eyes. Ha ha, very funny.
 I do my best, Craig texted. But yeah, I do. I love mussels. Why?
 I’m feeling seafood tonight, Michael said. What about tuna?
 Bro are you okay? Craig asked. You hate seafood.
 I don’t hate seafood, he replied. I just like selectively. About twice a decade.
 Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have soup or something a little lighter, bro?
 No, I’m definitely craving seafood for some reason.
 Okay bro, if you say so, Craig said. I gotta get back to work, take it easy today, okay?
 Dude, I’m the king of taking it easy, Michael replied. He got up, walked to the kitchen, made himself a sandwich and walked into the living room and popped the first disc of Firefly. It’s a good day for Firefly, he thought.
  A few hours later, Michael looked at the clock. 3:30. The girls would get off from school soon. He texted Craig that he would pick them up, changed out of his pajama pants, and headed out the door. The school was packed by the time he got there, the line of cars full of parents picking up their kids winding through the parking lot. Finally he got to the front of the school and the twins piled into the back seat.
 “How was school, today?” he asked.
 “Boring,” Hazel said.
 “Not all boring,” Briar objected. “We learned about bees! We’re going on a field trip to a honeybee farm in a couple weeks.”
 “That’s exciting,” he said. “Make sure to con the workers there into giving you free honey.”
 “You got it, Mike!” Hazel said, grinning. He could already see the wheels turning in her evil little mind.
 They stopped at the pharmacy on the way home to pick up some milk. The twins stayed in because the store was boring. They did, however, request chocolate ice cream. Which worked just as well for Michael, since as soon as he got the groceries in the basket, he made his way over to the over the counter section.
 It’s not likely… he thought. I’m 39, though, so it’s not impossible. And my period was supposed to start a few days ago. His hands shook as he grabbed three pregnancy test kits and put them in the basket.
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richardkhaynes · 4 years
Prompts for creative writing enjoy a trendiness nowadays, especially on blogs that offer ever-expanding lists (Prompt #452: The color blue -Write about something blue!). While there’s definitely some value in these lists, it’s an approach to prompts that aligns with the idea of “giving a person a fish” – or in some cases hundreds of fish at a time. In this article we’ll explore another approach: “Teaching a person to fish,” as the old adage advises, so that you can create your own prompts for a lifetime of creative writing.
How to Create Your Own Writing Prompts
(Not 365, not 700+, but an infinite number of writing prompts)
This approach to creative writing prompts works by asking the aspiring author to engage with their environment and imagination. It takes practice (like becoming a successful fisherman also does), but once you learn how it works and make it part of your writing life, the dividends pay off over and over again.
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A combination of prompt lists and self-prompts can help you write a better book.
By category, with additional tools for self-prompting
Fiction writing prompts
Create a fictional explanation for a current event
Imagine another (secret) side of a former president
Describe the journey of a young boy/girl from Europe to America in the 19th Century
Self-prompt: The best fiction comes from truth. Think about a true story. What about it can be fictionalized? Maybe ALL of it! What characters and details in the true story inspire wonder in you. Feel it and write it.
Creative writing prompts for adults
Unusual dynamics in a romantic relationship
The effects of varying amounts of alcohol on a household
How parenthood/grandparenthood changes people
Self-prompt: Presumably you are an adult. Do you always feel like one?Act like one? Why or why not? Think and feel about what it means to be an adult. Freedom? Responsibility? Ask other adults. Write it all down.
Science fiction writing prompts
What if aliens lived among us?
What would the ideal spaceship for humans be like?
What if pollution created a new species of mutant “Bigfoot” creatures?
Self-prompt: Do you own a telescope or binoculars? Take a closer look at the world around you. You can even do this without any equipment. Meditate on the millions of stars and planets in the universe. What thoughts come to mind? Where do your feelings lead you? What fictional ideas resonate with you? Write it all down.
Creative nonfiction writing prompts
Write about a true story in reverse chronological order
Tell a true story as seen through several people’s perspectives
Add a vivid dream sequence to a biographical story
Self-prompt: Think of a true story that fascinates you. In what way(s) could you write it to make the telling equally fascinating? Let your imagination run wild.
Realistic fiction writing prompts
What if our election system completely failed?
How would a priest or pastor deal with his/her own disease of alcoholism?
What would it be like for a boxer if he never won a professional bout?
Self-prompt: In the previous prompts, you’ll notice that conflict is essential to a good story. How can your fiction writing elucidate a real conflict in the world today? The conflict(s) can be major or minor; it’s HOW you write about them that matters. Put your deepest thoughts and feelings about fictional (and real) conflicts down on paper.
Historical fiction writing prompts
What if one of the framers of the Constitution had been a communist?
What if Julius Caesar had not been assassinated?
What if President Lincoln visited ghosts at a cemetery? (By the way, in the mid-2010s, author George Saunders wrote an acclaimed book of historical fiction on exactly that. The book is Lincoln in the Bardo.)
Self-prompt: Generally speaking, great writers are great readers. Writers historical fiction, as a rule, should know their history. Books on historical events and figures are readily available at any public library, as are copies of historical films. Travel, reading, and movies make for excellent prompts in this genre.
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Most great writers are/were avid readers. Don’t skimp on this important element of good book-writing.
Fiction writing prompts for adults
Raising children diagnosed on the autism spectrum
Your first foray into entrepreneurship
A relationship that just keeps getting better and better
Self-prompt: What makes the adult writer different from the youth writer? Adult writers seek writing prompts that are not for children for the same reason they can trust themselves with self-prompting: greater life experience. Use your experience in your writing. Want more prompting than that? Go out and gain MORE experiences.
Weird writing prompts
Net-fishing the high seas for canned tuna
A day in the life of Tiny Tim
The land of talking backwards
Self-prompt: This category of prompts puzzled me a bit when I first encountered it. Do we REALLY need prompts for WEIRD? In THIS world?? Just look out your window! Take a walk on ANY street in America! Well, of course I’m partially joking here, but the point I want to make is that, as writers – as artists – we don’t need prompts for EVERYTHING. Weird is everywhere. We only have to open our eyes, ears, minds… and notebooks.
Inspirational writing prompts
Your earliest memory of your family’s faith
How could Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies benefit us today?
Moments of everyday grace
Self-prompt: One might look at this prompt category and think, “Well, isn’t this really searching for inspiration to write about inspiration?” In a way, yes, but is that such a bad thing? I think of the humble person of faith who wants to serve but perhaps doesn’t know exactly how to do it. Whether a kindhearted person is looking for creative writing prompts on line or self-prompting by searching the soul or talking with a faith leader, the virtue of their search can be admired.
Book writing prompts
An issue in your life that has been unresolved for a long time
Settings and characters from a vivid dream
Thoughts and feelings on a person you have long admired
Self-prompt: Though the idea of writing a book might seem daunting, your choices in taking the first step – as you see above – are nearly endless. Stephen King goes so far as to suggest deciding on what your book is about when you begin your second draft. So where you start, or what prompts you to start, is not as important as where your writing takes you.
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Your personal experiences are of utmost importance in writing a great book. Share them generously, in your own way, and always be open for more.
Book prompts for writing
A history book to inspire historical fiction
Works of Charles Dickens to inspire young adult (YA) fiction
A book of the Bible to prompt inspirational writing
Self-prompt: Looking for writing prompts for a book? Look no further than… a book! Some of the best writing prompts for books can be found in existing books. Going a step further, books in public domain offer stories, characters, and concepts you can use in your own work – all free of charge!
Video Transcript:
Hello to all aspiring authors and entrepreneurs out there. I’m Robert Nahas, Founder and CEO of Writer Services. Today we examine the popular practice of using creative writing prompts to generate ideas. The concept behind prompts is that writers who want to practice their craft every day will inevitably run out of ideas on what to write about. In this video, we won’t go into the pros and cons of writing every day, but I will take you through two distinct approaches to prompts for creative writing.
First is the process you might have seen online, where somebody makes a list of scenarios, characters, places, or even primary colors, and the writer is then supposed to practice their daily writing using one or more of those ideas, or prompts.
The second is a more organic approach. One where the writer takes a little time and effort to create their own prompts. This might involve taking a pen and paper and going outdoors for an hour; visiting the local coffee shop and discreetly observing your surroundings: the cafe workers and other patrons as they come and go. Even just picking up and going into a different room in your home can really get your ideas flowing. It’s about changing your environment and really EXPERIENCING things in the world, instead of just on a computer with a list of prompts that someone thought up for you. Experience life and let yourself really THINK and FEEL. Write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The world itself is out there waiting to prompt you in unexpected and wonderful ways.
And as always, I’d love to hear your comments and questions, so please take a moment to leave a reply below. You might also enjoy subscribing to our RSS feed, so you’ll be alerted as soon as our articles and videos are posted each week. Thanks for watching. I’m Robert Nahas. See you again soon.
The post CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS appeared first on Writer Services.
CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS published first on https://writerservicesblogs.tumblr.com
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iamsalve · 5 years
Do you prefer hiking with a specific group of people or do you like seeing new faces? At its core, mountain climbing is not just about reaching the top. Most often, what matters most are the experiences and memories we shared along the trail. And admit it, when you look at those instagrammable photos, your mind travels back to the conversations, big or small. Those candid laughter, comfortable jokes and banters, little slips, unguarded expressions, and many more.
This is why WHO you go in the mountains with counts. Friends or strangers, each has its pros and cons that can make or break the success of any climb.
If this was two years ago, I would avoid any chance of meeting new faces. But the mountains had taught me the beauty of building connections… in nature and in people. So now I don’t mind — at least not much.
Where expectation meets reality
Mt. Talinis peeps!
What started in Alto Peak was followed by the Tres Marias climb. And now, we found ourselves reunited for another adventure. Hiking with me are familiar faces — Shiela, Jovy, Chiarra, Kevin, James, An Jurvel, Shandy, Shiekina, Ate Sherlyn, Hardi, Renson, Phil, Sir La Yell — with the addition of Maurice, Idas (Laag Sparkles) and CJ Estrada. Our destination? Mt. Talinis.
Towering at 1,903 meters above sea level, Mt. Talinis, also known as Cuernos de Negros (Horns of Negros), is the second highest mountain in Negros Island after Mt. Kanlaon. This complex volcano located in the province of Negros Oriental was given a 6/9 difficulty level.
Among its many routes, we followed the Apolong-Apolong trail, which is the second longest course going to the peak. From blogs and firsthand experiences, we set our expectation that the climb will be challenging. And indeed it was.
Hello, gorgeous ❤
We were blessed with a sunny day and it was quarter to 8:00 am when we started the hike. Since most of us are climbing Mt. Talinis for the first time, there was extra excitement among the group. The tall trees and rich biodiversity are nature’s natural cooling system, making it bearable for us to walk through the unlimited steep ascend.
Into the deep.
Happy faces. 🙂
We trekked towards the ranger’s station (the first water source) where we met our first setback. Shiekina, due to her excitement at the sight of the water (or was it the bebeboys), sprained her ankle. Gladly, we have two PTs, An Jurvel and Shandy, to the rescue.
The lead group proceeded with the hike, leaving Shiekina, An Jurvel and Shandy, to wait for the sweeper group so Shik can rest for a while.
We reached Rancho, an established campsite by the Cuernos De Negros Mountaineers, where we had our lunch. But since the team decided on a same-day summit, our pacing was slightly brisk with less rest in between. We passed by Kaipuhan Sulfur River then continued to the monkey trail. Unlike Alto Peak, there were no ropes to hold on to and you only have to trust the roots to help you up.
Unsaon jud jovy, shiela? Haha
Trees, trees
Shiela, the #antigravitywarrior, was one of the first to arrive
It was past 1:00 pm when we got a glimpse of Lake Nailig and just when we got too close to our camping ground, James injured his knee. It was a mix of excitement and anxiety. Excitement for a guaranteed “clearing” at the summit and anxiety for our injured friends and those left behind.
Nacolon Peak
From Lake Nailig, the peak is accessible by a 30 to 40-minute trek through a forested trail. At the top waits a panoramic view of Negros Oriental’s natural forests.
No wonder why it is dubbed as the province’s “last frontier.” All of us were in awe at the sight of the lake from above.
It was almost sundown when the rest of our friends headed to the summit. As we descended back to the campsite, we passed by Shiekina and James — sprained ankle and injured knee — lagging behind the second group. Despite the threat of the rolling dusk and their injuries, these two braved the trials of the trails.
Team injured, Shik and James.
The night and its terror Night time and the two groups started cooking our meals. However, five of us have not gone down from the summit. Later on, Hardi and Renson arrived with faint headlamp. The two said that they lost track of Phil, James, and Shik. It was already dark and most of us started to worry. After what seemed like a lifetime, James came rushing into the campsite telling us to send people to assist Shik who met an accident. Our head guide, Sir Chris, along with Shandy, went and look for the two. With that mishap, plus the strong gust of wind, our socials during the night turned into a slumber party. We were too tired to stay up and decided to conclude the day.
Lake Nailig
Lake Nailig greeted us with a dramatic backdrop. The morning was cold and we were surrounded by thick fog. Personally, I regret that I did not give this Crater Lake a second look the day before when it was clear.
A cup of coffee on a cold morning is ❤
But despite our “bondpaper” background, the groups was still in high spirit enjoying the breakfast (except for the lost tuna patty) and selfies!
Where’s the tuna patty? lol
Ganito pala sa Massachusetts!
Team Buwad 😀
It was past 10:00 am when we decided to trace back our trail. Another day of experiencing the straggle and struggle of Apolong trail — only this time, it’s the opposite. Yesterday’s unlimited ascent is today’s unlimited descent. And from arid forest path, we are faced with muddy track. *insert heavy breathing*
It started drizzling when we reached Kaipuhan Sulfur River but this did not stop us from enjoying its one-of-a-kind view. The sulfur vents, the dead trees, the bleached rocks — it was like being transported into a barren realm.
Kaipuhan and its melodrama.
Living among the dead.
As time passed, the drizzle turned into a heavy rain and we hurried our way back to the jump off. Hiking in the rain comes with extra threats: the trail is dark and slippery with a chance of landslide and getting sick. Gladly, we all reached the jump-off safe and sound. How was the experience? UNLIMITED. Unlimited ascent, unlimited descent, unlimited HAHA! Mt. Talinis is one of the places where your expectation meets reality. Definitely a place worth coming back to. 🙂
Rain or shine, all was fine 🙂
Also, check out CJ’s VLog in two parts: The Revenge & The Stormy Descent
If you ever go and do it for the Gram, take your trash with you — every piece, every gram.
Mt. Talinis: Where expectation meets reality Do you prefer hiking with a specific group of people or do you like seeing new faces?
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badmuslim-blog1 · 5 years
Day 16 of Hunger Strike
December 19 
The past few nights I’ve spent in this room with my sister alone. Zainab and my mom went to Hay, her side of the family’s hometown, for a funeral. We’ve talked a lot about home, about her worries over missing her final year of grade School, her last year to spend with her friends before everyone goes off to different high schools. I can relate since a similar thing happened to me when we moved from Ottawa to Toronto at the end of my grade 7 year, I missed graduating with the friends that I’d had since kindergarten. It’s different for her because it’s already halfway through the year and she’s not in any school, she’s just sitting in this room day in and day out, watching tv and movies. The girls talk about how they miss school, miss their mean teachers, and short breaks and not being allowed to go to the washroom during class. They miss our home, their beds, their lives, and without fail overnight we talk about all the food we miss. This country is definitely lacking in cultural variety when it comes to food. Of course, it doesn’t help that we’re living in the countryside, the only thing you’ll find in stores are ingredients for staple Iraqi foods. We talk about Tuna subs, pizza from all the different pizza places you can find back home and all their pros and cons. Pizza Hut has stuffed crust but it’s excessively expensive, pizza pizza is cheap but it tastes like cardboard. Pizza Nova is good but it has chunks of tomatoes in the sauce. Little Caesars is good and cheap but sometimes it feels a little too much like you’re getting what you pay for. Nonetheless, we’d happy to get a slice of any one of them. We talk about lasagna and pasta, and fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits from Popeyes, that halal Italian restaurant, Caramia, we went to for a birthday and it’s delicious overly cheesy poutine and Alfredo pasta. Or the mall foods, Cinnabon, New York fries, freshly squeezed smoothies. Of course, we can’t forget the bread, toast is definitely not something you can find here, nor pita bread. Lebanese pita bread that splits into two so perfectly, whole wheat bread, sliced into squares for spreading butter, Philadelphia, peanut butter and hazelnut spread. Croissants, Bologne, salami, turkey, burgers.
After all that I always remember to mention to my sister that we won’t get out of here by hiding in this room, sleeping all day and starving ourselves alone. We need to take some kind of action, and I’ve already learned from experience that my mother's heart is unmoving towards me. Cold and stubborn, she treats me like a diseased black sheep that needs to be contained and ignored in a box so as to not affect any of her other sheep. No, I needed my sister to speak up, to speak for herself, to fight for herself. I considered my actions, I did not want to turn her into a tool, I would not use her the way I’ve seen my mother and other people use others for their own gain. This, however, was not that. Today my sister yelled at my mom about forcing us to stay here. She replied saying, “we can’t leave, your father wants you to live here with him, so we’re staying.” When I considered what life my sisters would have here if they ended up moving here and living here like my mother had planned, would that ultimately benefit them, what kind of quality of life would they have? I made a mental pros and cons list. Pro: They would likely not want for anything, their living would be assured by bio-dad’s fat wad and his rented properties, my mother would make sure of that. Also, as I’m sure this is apart of her plan, they would be left an inheritance, bio-dad has another family so my guess is part of my mother's motivation is to ensure we are in the will and will get what’s rightfully ours as his “first family”. Cons: They will be raised in an Iraqi family dynamic, bio-dad is extremely close-minded and traditional, a total misogynist and patriarch. I already can see that he has reverted back to how he was back when I was a kid, he expects my mother to be a dutiful and obedient wife that does as he commands, providing him with all the services the male head of a household would expect. I also know that my hand has already been promised to my cousin here, and no one could have arranged that but him, so he’s already sold me off to the highest bidder in an attempt to rid himself of the “responsibility” of his eldest and aging daughter of 21, all of this without consulting me, without my consent, without any concern or respect for what I thought or want or expect. Essentially he has added me to his collection of women on his trophy shelf, beside my mother. All of this is an indication of him viewing me as his property to do with as he wishes. I can only speculate when he will see my sisters fit as ripe young mouldable marriage aged girls to marry off for a nice dowry. Clearly, it’s of no consequence to him that I’ve left my studies behind and haven’t been allowed to complete my bachelors, which tells me he may want to marry off grade school educated girls for a heftier dowry but college isn’t a must. When I say dowry, yes I’m referring to the sum that is paid by a man to the family of which he is “taking” a girl to marry, but far more than any fiscal sum, there is a status boost in it for the father. Marrying off expensive educated well mannered and obedient girls definitely earns him brownie points, respect in the community. So, how do the scales tip? Is financial stability a fair price to pay to be enslaved by men in a society where men are people and women are property? A place where more and more girls are made to drop out and quit school, are married against their will, are forced to abide by traditions and principles that further weigh them down into a pit that’s meant to remind them that their survival is dependent on a man, that their success as a woman is dependent on a man, that there is no glass ceiling, only bars on windows that can be broken only by the grace and mercy of a man, or the release of her soul from that enslaved body? No. It’s not true that everyone or everything has a price, there is no amount in this world or any other world that would cause me to give up my freedom, that would make me a docile willing slave to this or any other society. My creator is my only master. Justice is my lord. The universe will see to it that karma has it’s a field day, whether in this life or the next.
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albertcaldwellne · 5 years
The Paleo Diet vs. Keto Diet: 3 Lessons Learned
What’s that? You wanna know how the popular Keto Diet compares to the Paleo Diet?
Oh Paleo, you were so 2014. Right there with “Let it Go” and the Ice Bucket Challenge.
I kid, I kid. I do want to build a snowman.
The question “how does Keto compare to Paleo” will dive into some interesting concepts, worth discussing. There’s the normal answer, you’ll read on every other site out there. We’ll talk about that too, to cover our bases, just in case you’re unfamiliar with either diet. Knowledge is power and an overview of Keto and Paleo will be helpful for the remainder of the article.
However, here at Nerd Fitness, we keeps it real.
So I’ll give you the honest, “real” answer on how Keto and Paleo compare. And no, it’s not just eating Brussel sprouts (although it’s not-not eating Brussel sprouts). You’re smart, and I think you can handle some real talk on the benefits of Keto and Paleo.
So strap in and get ready for the following:
The textbook, basic answer on how Paleo and Keto compare
The Nerd Fitness straight talk on Keto vs. Paleo
What you can learn from both diets to Level Up your eating strategy
The “Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet” is to Nerd Fitness what The Lord of the Rings is to Elijah Wood. While far from the first article I ever wrote, our post on Paleo became SUPER popular and is perhaps what Nerd Fitness is best known for.
If you’ve never heard the term “Paleo” until today, go check out that article and get caught up. It is long tho, sort of like the Extended Editions. So I’ll give you a quick recap in case you don’t have much time, or need a general refresher.
The Paleo Diet, in theory, is a way of eating that attempts to mimic how our ancestors would have eaten hundreds of thousands of years ago. The gist is that agriculture is a recent phenomenon in the story of humans. Eating as our ancestors did before this current chapter is more in line with how we evolved, which has health benefits. By ignoring the agricultural revolution, Paleo attempts to align ourselves with a more primal and primitive eating pattern. It’s why people joke about cavemen and all that when discussing Paleo.  
Which I am not above.
What did our genetic ancestors eat, prior to agriculture?
In the Paleo Diet, you eat the following:
Meat. Paleo recommends grass-fed meat whenever possible, which is more in line with how animals exist in nature.
Fowl. Chicken, duck, hen, turkey…things with wings that (try to) fly.
Fish. Things you catch with a hook or spear.
Eggs. Things that come from birds.
Vegetables. YES.
Oils. Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil – the less refined the better.
Fruits. Apples, oranges, berries, etc. Although because of their high sugar content (fructose), the Paleo community will recommend limiting these to a few servings a day. I have a somewhat more lenient stance.
Nuts. Almonds, macadamias, and cashews are quite common on a Paleo Diet.
Tubers. Foods like sweet potatoes and yams.
That’s a list comprised of REAL food, which I discuss heavily in our Guide to Healthy Eating. In my opinion, REAL food is the key to a successful eating strategy. That’s why  I’m a fan of Paleo and/or Paleo-ish.
What’s missing from that list of approved food above?
Processed things (junk food)
Again, the thought is we didn’t evolve eating massive amounts of these foods, so they should be avoided or limited. Granted, with the exception of the last bullet (junk food), this might be overkill. Personally, I eat a little bit of rice regularly, but we’ll talk more about that later.
Okay, that’s the super quick, textbook answer to “What is the Paleo Diet.” If you want more info, make sure to download the PDF of our Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet. If you enter your email below, we’ll route it to you.
Get the FREE eBook! The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Paleo!
Discover if Paleo is for you
The one simple trick to know if your food is Paleo-friendly
Easy Paleo recipes for beginners to get you started
I identify as a:
Next up!
In fitness trends, if the Paleo Diet is old and busted, the Keto Diet is the new hotness.
This isn’t the first time we’ve brought up the Keto Diet on this site. If you’re interested in eating low-carb, you should check out our HUMONGOUS article on the subject.
Plus, there are GIFs of a Ninja Turtle and an ACTUAL turtle in there!
What’s that? You don’t like turtles? What about otters?
There are otters in there too! Alright, enough “cute animal” bribes.
For the sake of keeping this article as one resource, let’s chat about Keto.
To understand the Keto Diet, you need to understand that your body can burn both ketones and glucose for energy. Your body obtains and makes glucose, a simple sugar, from most of the food you eat.
That’s one way to fuel yourself.
The other is ketones. Your body can produce ketones from dietary fat, as well as your own fat reserves. The strategy behind the Keto Diet is to limit carbohydrates (which turns to glucose) to such a point that your body is forced to rely on ketones for sustenance. This could include your own fat stores.
That’s why the Keto Diet is all the rage these days because tons of folks want to burn through their stored fat.
To get into this state of ketosis, where your body is relying on fat for fuel, you need to calculate your macronutrient ratio intake. You’ll drastically reduce carbs (5-10% of total diet), eat a moderate amount of protein (15-30%), and round out the rest with tons of healthy fat (60-75%).
You may be asking yourself, “That’s all well and good Steve, but what do I actually eat on a Keto Diet? No one looks at food and says ‘that’s 60% fat.’”
Great point. Here are your low-carb food groups:
Meat. Red meat (like steak), pork products (sausage and bacon and ham), and white meat (like chicken and turkey).
Fish. High-fat fish like tuna and salmon are the go-to for Keto.
Eggs and dairy. White, yellowish, fats and protein for the win.
Healthy fats. Nuts, seeds, and avocados should be your staples. Although the later, avocados, contains decent carbs. Be careful.
Dressings and oils. Greek dressing, Caesar dressing (check the ingredients first!), ranch, aioli. When you need an oil, stick to extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil.
Veggies. Prioritize the less starchy, green ones like spinach, kale, broccoli, and cauliflower (ok, it’s white).
Meatless proteins. Tempeh, tofu, and seitan can take the place of meats in a vegetarian or vegan Keto Diet. Gotta get that protein from somewhere, right?
The above list consists of foods low in carbohydrates, key if you want to drive your body into ketosis.
Alright, that’s the short and gist of the Keto Diet.
Now, it should be noted that not everyone does well on a low-carb high-fat diet. For example, me! I’ve found that I perform and feel better when eating whole, unprocessed carbohydrates. It’s why I eat a little bit of rice… which isn’t Paleo or Keto! The horror.
Speaking of Paleo vs Keto…
The textbook answer on “Paleo vs Keto” will take a Venn diagram like look at both diets. Showing which foods are both low in carbs, and something our great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother would have eaten.
Is that enough “greats” to get us to the Paleolithic era? Probably.
Such a Venn diagram would look like this, as demonstrated by Paleohacks.
That’s a textbook graph if I’ve ever seen one. But Venn diagrams are nifty, and an easy way for us to visualize concepts.
For example, we can quickly see that Paleo and Keto overlap on:
High-quality meats. Both diets encourage protein coming from high-quality meat sources.
Lots of non-starchy vegetables. Whether Keto or Paleo, both include nutrient-dense vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and Brussel sprouts.
Plenty of healthy fats. What do coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil all have in common? They’re all part of both an ancestral and low-carb way of eating.  
Of course, not all parts of the circles overlap. Such is the nature of a Venn diagram.
For Paleo, you cut out most dairy, because it’s a more modern dietary food group that causes some people problems. This differs from Keto, where you rely on yogurt and cheeses for fat intake.
For Keto, you cut out fruit and starchy vegetables (potatoes) because the high carb content is an easy way to knock you out of ketosis. This differs from Paleo because fruits and potatoes are whole foods that have been eaten for thousands of generations.
Is there anything stopping you from trying both diets? Nope!
When you combine both strategies, for a Keto-Paleo Diet, you’re left eating low-carb foods that our ancestors had access to.
It should be noted, there are some studies proclaiming the benefits of a paleolithic ketogenic diet.[1] Which is logical, because there are studies galore on the benefits of Paleo and Keto, independent of each other.
However, both diets are SUPER restrictive, which is why a lot of folks have trouble maintaining the lifestyle of Paleo or Keto. The adherence rate for either diet is terrible. Both our posts on Paleo and Keto stress this point as an overall con of either diet. When you COMBINE these two very restrictive ways of eating, you could end up creating a nightmare scenario of food limitations.
Alright, you can pack up your bags. Our official answer comparing the Paleo and Keto Diet is over. The lesson is technically finished. Don’t forget to turn in next week’s assignment at the start of class.
Okay, they’ve taken off. Now lean in close. We’re turning off the PowerPoint presentation. It’s time for Professor Steve to give you the after-hours honest truth on Paleo vs. Keto.
The reason Keto and Paleo can often work for people centers on the idea of “Mental Models.”
It’s a concept I’ve graciously borrowed from my friend Shane over at Farnam Street Blog. A Mental Model provides a framework for how we understand the world. A way for us to interpret facts and make sense of what we are experiencing.
Shane describes three different Mental Models for looking at the same data:
“When a botanist looks at a forest they may focus on the ecosystem, an environmentalist sees the impact of climate change, a forestry engineer the state of the tree growth, a business person the value of the land. None are wrong, but neither are any of them able to describe the full scope of the forest.”
Bringing it back to nutrition, Paleo and Keto both provide us with a model for understanding food.
“That Twinkie is something that came from a factory, that my ancestors would never have touched. It’s unhealthy for me,” says the Paleo follower.
“That Twinkie is pumped full of sugar and processed carbs, that’ll kick me right out of ketosis. It’s unhealthy for me,” says the Keto follower.
Two different ways to come to the same conclusion: a Twinkie probably isn’t the healthiest thing you can eat.
We are in a food landscape that almost seems designed to make us sick and fat. Full of candy, soda, and junk food. Food that is easy to overeat, and when you eat too much consistently for weeks/months/years, you end up overweight and staying overweight.
So think of Paleo and Keto as blueprints designed to help you avoid these calorie dense and addictive foods. That’s why they can work for people.
By eliminating large swaths of food groups, especially those that have tons of calories, insulin-spiking sugar, and no nutritional satiating value, you’re more likely than not to eat a caloric deficit consistently. Which can indeed lead to weight loss.
For some evidence of REAL food containing way fewer calories than processed junk, check out this post from wiseGEEK. They do a great job of demonstrating the caloric density of different foods.
That’s why a Mental Model centered on REAL food is the true benefit and overlap of Keto and Paleo, because focusing on REAL food is the easiest way to obtain and maintain a caloric deficit.  
A plan, or Mental Model, to navigate these food choices will be critical for healthy eating. A clear “yes” or “no” for every meal choice you’ll encounter.
It doesn’t matter if cavemen ate grains, or if the metabolic state of ketosis is desirable. That’s not the true advantage of either diet.
Said again: the reason Keto and Paleo can be great for people is that it provides them with rules on exactly what to eat.
Is this plate of chicken and broccoli something a caveman could eat? Yep!
Is this plate of fish and asparagus low in carbohydrates? You betcha!
Eating plenty of vegetables and high-quality meat is great. Most health professionals would agree. However, a Mental Model on how to go about this can help make food choices automatic, like a robot.
And robots rule.
I want to create such an autopilot for you. A system you can depend on to navigate all the meal decisions you will face.
Let’s find you a Mental Model. Something both reliable and sustainable.
Paleo and Keto are two ways to go about this. But if you’ve tried one, the other, or both and found them too restrictive, don’t give up! There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
I don’t give a sh*t if your Mental Model is low-carb, or if Neanderthals ate that way. There are many different strategies for how to eat. Pick one that works for you and try it out! Adjust and learn as you go. A lot of them will work if you’re consistent, as long as it’s not some “crash diet” designed as a quick fix.
Small, sustainable changes for the win.
If you want help developing a Mental Model, we offer two ways to get you there. If you can hold yourself accountable, the Nerd Fitness Academy will teach you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about a proper relationship with food. You can follow many like-minded nerds and set yourself on a path through our self-guided course.
If you want an accountability buddy, we got you there too! We offer a 1-on-1 private coaching program that can do just that. We’ll work with you to find a Mental Model that works perfect for your situation, and provide direction and accountability until these changes become normal and routine. If you want guidance from a trained professional, schedule a call by clicking on the image below and see if we’re a good fit for each other!
We talk a lot about life as a real-life RFG here at Nerd Fitness. Completing quests and goals to gain experience points so you can take it to the next level in life.
That’s where the “Level Up Your Life” tagline comes from. Almost as if you yourself were a character to be upgraded.
And YES, that DOES also happen to also be the name of my best selling book, available online and in bookstores nationwide, thank you for noticing!
There are all sorts of ways to go about leveling up. Things like lifting weights, sleeping better and, playing with friends will advance you in the game of life, leading to castles raided, dragons slain, and fireworks enjoyed.
If you want to advance onto the next level, one sure fire way to do it would be a Mental Model on how to eat. Paleo and Keto are both great options that have helped a lot of people learn better dietary habits for life improvement.
As I said above though, they are far from the only options. You can go vegan, try the Slow Carb Diet, experiment with intermittent fasting, or act like a Mediterranean.
Or do what I do and invent your own.
With a Mental Model on nutrition under your belt, you can consider your life leveled up.
Then we can worry about equipping you with a flaming sword.
PS: For those who were expecting some kind of epic showdown between Paleo and Keto, a battle between two popular diets, here’s a gif for you:
0 notes
poetyca · 4 years
Jefferson Airplane – Surrealistic pillow
I Jefferson Airplane sono un gruppo rock statunitense di San Francisco formatosi nel 1965, “bandiera” della fiorente scena musicale psichedelica che si sviluppò a San Francisco verso la metà degli anni sessanta.[3][4]
Tra i gruppi locali di quel periodo, i Jefferson Airplane furono i primi a esibirsi in uno dei “concerti dance” organizzati dal grafico Alton Kelley alla Longshoreman’s Hall nell’ottobre 1965; furono i primi inoltre a firmare un contratto discografico con un’importante etichetta[5], i primi ad apparire in una trasmissione televisiva in onda su scala nazionale, i primi a raggiungere record di vendite e i primi ad andare in tour nella costa atlantica degli Stati Uniti e in Europa.[3]
Durante i tardi anni sessanta i concerti dei Jefferson Airplane furono tra quelli più seguiti (e più costosi) al mondo, i loro album ebbero vendite considerevoli, entrarono due volte nella Top 10 Hits per i singoli e in altre occasioni nella Top 20 per gli album, e il loro LP Surrealistic Pillow del 1967 è considerato uno degli album chiave delmovimento psichedelico e della cosiddetta “Summer of Love“[6]. Suonarono ai tre principali festival rock di fine anni sessanta – Monterey (1967), Woodstock (1969) eAltamont (1969) – oltre ad essere presenti ai primi due festival dell’isola di Wight.
I Jefferson Airplane furono caratterizzati da diversi cambiamenti e defezioni nel corso degli anni nella formazione del gruppo. Dopo lo scioglimento si formarono iJefferson Starship, divenuti successivamente solo “Starship”, prima di diventare i “Jefferson Starship – The Next Generation” nel 1991. Ma i Jefferson Airplane, così come si erano configurati e avevano raggiunto il successo, se si esclude una momentanea riunione nel 1989, cessarono la loro attività nel 1973. Sono stati inseriti nella Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nel 1996[7].
  Jefferson Airplane was an American rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1965. A pioneer of counterculture-era psychedelic rock, the group was the first band from the San Francisco scene to achieve international mainstream success. They performed at the three most famous American rock festivals of the 1960s—Monterey (1967), Woodstock (1969) and Altamont (1969)[1]—as well as headlined the first Isle of Wight Festival (1968). Their 1967 record Surrealistic Pillow is regarded as one of the key recordings of the “Summer of Love“.[2][3][4] Two hits from that album, “Somebody to Love” and “White Rabbit“, are listed in Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Songs of All Time”.
The membership of Jefferson Airplane remained stable from 1967 to early 1970. During that period, they enjoyed success as “album” artists. Between 1967 and 1972 they scored a run of eight consecutive Top 20 albums in the USA, with both Surrealistic Pillow and Crown of Creation making the Top 10. Despite a lack of top ten singles following their initial success, many of their singles still managed to make minor chart positions in the singles chart due in part to the growing influence of FM radio, which played many rock songs that AM radio did not. Successor bands to Jefferson Airplane include Jefferson Starship and Starship; spinoffs include Hot Tuna and KBC Band. Jefferson Airplane was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996.
  from WordPress https://ift.tt/2OGtov7 via IFTTT
0 notes
johnclapperne · 5 years
The Paleo Diet vs. Keto Diet: 3 Lessons Learned
What’s that? You wanna know how the popular Keto Diet compares to the Paleo Diet?
Oh Paleo, you were so 2014. Right there with “Let it Go” and the Ice Bucket Challenge.
I kid, I kid. I do want to build a snowman.
The question “how does Keto compare to Paleo” will dive into some interesting concepts, worth discussing. There’s the normal answer, you’ll read on every other site out there. We’ll talk about that too, to cover our bases, just in case you’re unfamiliar with either diet. Knowledge is power and an overview of Keto and Paleo will be helpful for the remainder of the article.
However, here at Nerd Fitness, we keeps it real.
So I’ll give you the honest, “real” answer on how Keto and Paleo compare. And no, it’s not just eating Brussel sprouts (although it’s not-not eating Brussel sprouts). You’re smart, and I think you can handle some real talk on the benefits of Keto and Paleo.
So strap in and get ready for the following:
The textbook, basic answer on how Paleo and Keto compare
The Nerd Fitness straight talk on Keto vs. Paleo
What you can learn from both diets to Level Up your eating strategy
The “Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet” is to Nerd Fitness what The Lord of the Rings is to Elijah Wood. While far from the first article I ever wrote, our post on Paleo became SUPER popular and is perhaps what Nerd Fitness is best known for.
If you’ve never heard the term “Paleo” until today, go check out that article and get caught up. It is long tho, sort of like the Extended Editions. So I’ll give you a quick recap in case you don’t have much time, or need a general refresher.
The Paleo Diet, in theory, is a way of eating that attempts to mimic how our ancestors would have eaten hundreds of thousands of years ago. The gist is that agriculture is a recent phenomenon in the story of humans. Eating as our ancestors did before this current chapter is more in line with how we evolved, which has health benefits. By ignoring the agricultural revolution, Paleo attempts to align ourselves with a more primal and primitive eating pattern. It’s why people joke about cavemen and all that when discussing Paleo.  
Which I am not above.
What did our genetic ancestors eat, prior to agriculture?
In the Paleo Diet, you eat the following:
Meat. Paleo recommends grass-fed meat whenever possible, which is more in line with how animals exist in nature.
Fowl. Chicken, duck, hen, turkey…things with wings that (try to) fly.
Fish. Things you catch with a hook or spear.
Eggs. Things that come from birds.
Vegetables. YES.
Oils. Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil – the less refined the better.
Fruits. Apples, oranges, berries, etc. Although because of their high sugar content (fructose), the Paleo community will recommend limiting these to a few servings a day. I have a somewhat more lenient stance.
Nuts. Almonds, macadamias, and cashews are quite common on a Paleo Diet.
Tubers. Foods like sweet potatoes and yams.
That’s a list comprised of REAL food, which I discuss heavily in our Guide to Healthy Eating. In my opinion, REAL food is the key to a successful eating strategy. That’s why  I’m a fan of Paleo and/or Paleo-ish.
What’s missing from that list of approved food above?
Processed things (junk food)
Again, the thought is we didn’t evolve eating massive amounts of these foods, so they should be avoided or limited. Granted, with the exception of the last bullet (junk food), this might be overkill. Personally, I eat a little bit of rice regularly, but we’ll talk more about that later.
Okay, that’s the super quick, textbook answer to “What is the Paleo Diet.” If you want more info, make sure to download the PDF of our Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet. If you enter your email below, we’ll route it to you.
Get the FREE eBook! The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Paleo!
Discover if Paleo is for you
The one simple trick to know if your food is Paleo-friendly
Easy Paleo recipes for beginners to get you started
I identify as a:
Next up!
In fitness trends, if the Paleo Diet is old and busted, the Keto Diet is the new hotness.
This isn’t the first time we’ve brought up the Keto Diet on this site. If you’re interested in eating low-carb, you should check out our HUMONGOUS article on the subject.
Plus, there are GIFs of a Ninja Turtle and an ACTUAL turtle in there!
What’s that? You don’t like turtles? What about otters?
There are otters in there too! Alright, enough “cute animal” bribes.
For the sake of keeping this article as one resource, let’s chat about Keto.
To understand the Keto Diet, you need to understand that your body can burn both ketones and glucose for energy. Your body obtains and makes glucose, a simple sugar, from most of the food you eat.
That’s one way to fuel yourself.
The other is ketones. Your body can produce ketones from dietary fat, as well as your own fat reserves. The strategy behind the Keto Diet is to limit carbohydrates (which turns to glucose) to such a point that your body is forced to rely on ketones for sustenance. This could include your own fat stores.
That’s why the Keto Diet is all the rage these days because tons of folks want to burn through their stored fat.
To get into this state of ketosis, where your body is relying on fat for fuel, you need to calculate your macronutrient ratio intake. You’ll drastically reduce carbs (5-10% of total diet), eat a moderate amount of protein (15-30%), and round out the rest with tons of healthy fat (60-75%).
You may be asking yourself, “That’s all well and good Steve, but what do I actually eat on a Keto Diet? No one looks at food and says ‘that’s 60% fat.’”
Great point. Here are your low-carb food groups:
Meat. Red meat (like steak), pork products (sausage and bacon and ham), and white meat (like chicken and turkey).
Fish. High-fat fish like tuna and salmon are the go-to for Keto.
Eggs and dairy. White, yellowish, fats and protein for the win.
Healthy fats. Nuts, seeds, and avocados should be your staples. Although the later, avocados, contains decent carbs. Be careful.
Dressings and oils. Greek dressing, Caesar dressing (check the ingredients first!), ranch, aioli. When you need an oil, stick to extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil.
Veggies. Prioritize the less starchy, green ones like spinach, kale, broccoli, and cauliflower (ok, it’s white).
Meatless proteins. Tempeh, tofu, and seitan can take the place of meats in a vegetarian or vegan Keto Diet. Gotta get that protein from somewhere, right?
The above list consists of foods low in carbohydrates, key if you want to drive your body into ketosis.
Alright, that’s the short and gist of the Keto Diet.
Now, it should be noted that not everyone does well on a low-carb high-fat diet. For example, me! I’ve found that I perform and feel better when eating whole, unprocessed carbohydrates. It’s why I eat a little bit of rice… which isn’t Paleo or Keto! The horror.
Speaking of Paleo vs Keto…
The textbook answer on “Paleo vs Keto” will take a Venn diagram like look at both diets. Showing which foods are both low in carbs, and something our great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother would have eaten.
Is that enough “greats” to get us to the Paleolithic era? Probably.
Such a Venn diagram would look like this, as demonstrated by Paleohacks.
That’s a textbook graph if I’ve ever seen one. But Venn diagrams are nifty, and an easy way for us to visualize concepts.
For example, we can quickly see that Paleo and Keto overlap on:
High-quality meats. Both diets encourage protein coming from high-quality meat sources.
Lots of non-starchy vegetables. Whether Keto or Paleo, both include nutrient-dense vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and Brussel sprouts.
Plenty of healthy fats. What do coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil all have in common? They’re all part of both an ancestral and low-carb way of eating.  
Of course, not all parts of the circles overlap. Such is the nature of a Venn diagram.
For Paleo, you cut out most dairy, because it’s a more modern dietary food group that causes some people problems. This differs from Keto, where you rely on yogurt and cheeses for fat intake.
For Keto, you cut out fruit and starchy vegetables (potatoes) because the high carb content is an easy way to knock you out of ketosis. This differs from Paleo because fruits and potatoes are whole foods that have been eaten for thousands of generations.
Is there anything stopping you from trying both diets? Nope!
When you combine both strategies, for a Keto-Paleo Diet, you’re left eating low-carb foods that our ancestors had access to.
It should be noted, there are some studies proclaiming the benefits of a paleolithic ketogenic diet.[1] Which is logical, because there are studies galore on the benefits of Paleo and Keto, independent of each other.
However, both diets are SUPER restrictive, which is why a lot of folks have trouble maintaining the lifestyle of Paleo or Keto. The adherence rate for either diet is terrible. Both our posts on Paleo and Keto stress this point as an overall con of either diet. When you COMBINE these two very restrictive ways of eating, you could end up creating a nightmare scenario of food limitations.
Alright, you can pack up your bags. Our official answer comparing the Paleo and Keto Diet is over. The lesson is technically finished. Don’t forget to turn in next week’s assignment at the start of class.
Okay, they’ve taken off. Now lean in close. We’re turning off the PowerPoint presentation. It’s time for Professor Steve to give you the after-hours honest truth on Paleo vs. Keto.
The reason Keto and Paleo can often work for people centers on the idea of “Mental Models.”
It’s a concept I’ve graciously borrowed from my friend Shane over at Farnam Street Blog. A Mental Model provides a framework for how we understand the world. A way for us to interpret facts and make sense of what we are experiencing.
Shane describes three different Mental Models for looking at the same data:
“When a botanist looks at a forest they may focus on the ecosystem, an environmentalist sees the impact of climate change, a forestry engineer the state of the tree growth, a business person the value of the land. None are wrong, but neither are any of them able to describe the full scope of the forest.”
Bringing it back to nutrition, Paleo and Keto both provide us with a model for understanding food.
“That Twinkie is something that came from a factory, that my ancestors would never have touched. It’s unhealthy for me,” says the Paleo follower.
“That Twinkie is pumped full of sugar and processed carbs, that’ll kick me right out of ketosis. It’s unhealthy for me,” says the Keto follower.
Two different ways to come to the same conclusion: a Twinkie probably isn’t the healthiest thing you can eat.
We are in a food landscape that almost seems designed to make us sick and fat. Full of candy, soda, and junk food. Food that is easy to overeat, and when you eat too much consistently for weeks/months/years, you end up overweight and staying overweight.
So think of Paleo and Keto as blueprints designed to help you avoid these calorie dense and addictive foods. That’s why they can work for people.
By eliminating large swaths of food groups, especially those that have tons of calories, insulin-spiking sugar, and no nutritional satiating value, you’re more likely than not to eat a caloric deficit consistently. Which can indeed lead to weight loss.
For some evidence of REAL food containing way fewer calories than processed junk, check out this post from wiseGEEK. They do a great job of demonstrating the caloric density of different foods.
That’s why a Mental Model centered on REAL food is the true benefit and overlap of Keto and Paleo, because focusing on REAL food is the easiest way to obtain and maintain a caloric deficit.  
A plan, or Mental Model, to navigate these food choices will be critical for healthy eating. A clear “yes” or “no” for every meal choice you’ll encounter.
It doesn’t matter if cavemen ate grains, or if the metabolic state of ketosis is desirable. That’s not the true advantage of either diet.
Said again: the reason Keto and Paleo can be great for people is that it provides them with rules on exactly what to eat.
Is this plate of chicken and broccoli something a caveman could eat? Yep!
Is this plate of fish and asparagus low in carbohydrates? You betcha!
Eating plenty of vegetables and high-quality meat is great. Most health professionals would agree. However, a Mental Model on how to go about this can help make food choices automatic, like a robot.
And robots rule.
I want to create such an autopilot for you. A system you can depend on to navigate all the meal decisions you will face.
Let’s find you a Mental Model. Something both reliable and sustainable.
Paleo and Keto are two ways to go about this. But if you’ve tried one, the other, or both and found them too restrictive, don’t give up! There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
I don’t give a sh*t if your Mental Model is low-carb, or if Neanderthals ate that way. There are many different strategies for how to eat. Pick one that works for you and try it out! Adjust and learn as you go. A lot of them will work if you’re consistent, as long as it’s not some “crash diet” designed as a quick fix.
Small, sustainable changes for the win.
If you want help developing a Mental Model, we offer two ways to get you there. If you can hold yourself accountable, the Nerd Fitness Academy will teach you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about a proper relationship with food. You can follow many like-minded nerds and set yourself on a path through our self-guided course.
If you want an accountability buddy, we got you there too! We offer a 1-on-1 private coaching program that can do just that. We’ll work with you to find a Mental Model that works perfect for your situation, and provide direction and accountability until these changes become normal and routine. If you want guidance from a trained professional, schedule a call by clicking on the image below and see if we’re a good fit for each other!
We talk a lot about life as a real-life RFG here at Nerd Fitness. Completing quests and goals to gain experience points so you can take it to the next level in life.
That’s where the “Level Up Your Life” tagline comes from. Almost as if you yourself were a character to be upgraded.
And YES, that DOES also happen to also be the name of my best selling book, available online and in bookstores nationwide, thank you for noticing!
There are all sorts of ways to go about leveling up. Things like lifting weights, sleeping better and, playing with friends will advance you in the game of life, leading to castles raided, dragons slain, and fireworks enjoyed.
If you want to advance onto the next level, one sure fire way to do it would be a Mental Model on how to eat. Paleo and Keto are both great options that have helped a lot of people learn better dietary habits for life improvement.
As I said above though, they are far from the only options. You can go vegan, try the Slow Carb Diet, experiment with intermittent fasting, or act like a Mediterranean.
Or do what I do and invent your own.
With a Mental Model on nutrition under your belt, you can consider your life leveled up.
Then we can worry about equipping you with a flaming sword.
PS: For those who were expecting some kind of epic showdown between Paleo and Keto, a battle between two popular diets, here’s a gif for you:
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