askvectorprime · 1 month
Dear Vector Prime
Is there a Cybertronian named "Magnum Boost" or "Steam Hopper"?
Dear Roamin' Rider,
I can't say I'm familiar with Cybertronians by those exact names, no, but I have encountered some with similar designations. Magnaboost was a Maximal scout who transformed into a Transmetal red fox—or, in some universes, an Autobot with a turbofox alternate mode. Incredibly swift and an excellent marksman, Magnaboost was near-untouchable on the battlefield, unloading a volley from her arm-mounted laser blasters—formed from her fox-mode's front legs—then dashing away before her enemies knew what had hit them. Unfortunately, Magnaboost's undeniable skill also made her incredibly arrogant, and her constant boasting would invariably grate on her teammates' nerves.
As for "Steam Hopper"… well, I know of a number of Transformers named "Smokejumper", if that's at all helpful. You may know of the Decepticon analyst who can combine with his partner Dreadwind, but another Smokejumper I don't believe you would have heard of is an Autobot rescue worker stationed in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, who transformed into a fire-fighting train. A kind and empathetic spark, Smokejumper's isolated posting meant that he could go for months or years without contact with other Cybertronians, and he spent much of his time contemplating the beauty of his natural surroundings; he was even inspired to compose poetry, though few would speak to its quality. Regardless, Smokejumper was a courageous sort, never hesitating to dive into harm's way to help others—even if doing so risked blowing his cover.
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I hope that learning about these two has been of interest, even if they weren't quite the Cybertronians you were hoping to hear of!
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Okay but shenanigans involving turbofoxes. They're called turbofoxes, yes, but they're explicitly faster and dumber than earth foxes and many earth fauna.
This has gotta lead to fun stuff. I imagine having a pet turbofox is a lot like having a pet snake rather than a doggo, because they are merely Aware and I don't think they can be domesticated in quite the same way as Canis lupus familiaris.
I just wanna set up an enclosure for one or two of them and watch them interact with all the little stuff in it. I wanna hug one even though they look like they have a lot of pointy bits and that they'd have a fairly nasty bite.
Imagine them getting in your trash or your backyard and just. Being goofs. Like you know how birds always end up in Lowes? I wonder if turbofoxes do the equivalent of that for certain cybertronian stores. Imagine seeing a turbofox den for the first time in your life. Them just. Fucking laying on your front door to sun themselves.
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myrmyr21 · 7 months
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Minimus and Ravage are everything to me
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rizzybizzy · 2 months
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So happy to reveal my pieces for the Transformers Reverse Mini Bang 2024 ! I got to work with the amazing @neonhoneycomb who ran with my idea, put in SO MUCH work and made SUCH A WONDERFUL FIC go check it out HERE !
I also drew a few page breaks for the fic, but you'll have to read Neon's work to see those ;)
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absoluteminimum · 2 months
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Ravage's opinion on Minimus at the beginning of my 'honorary cassette Minimus AU' versus Ravage towards the middle-end of it
As for Minimus...
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He basically has a crush on Ravage from day one (though he doesn't realize it for a bit)
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dinoserious · 1 year
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doggy mode
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triplechangermvf · 4 months
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I may be fashionably late posting my full piece for @turbofox-zines but here it is!
Overnight security check in the "Best Left Forgotten" hall becomes a movie night when the team discovers an old and still-working CRTV.
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turbofox-zines · 3 months
The time has come
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Applications are now open for the Villains Zine!
Get ready to show off your evil side, while also showing your love for the villains of Rescue Bots!
Applications will be open until June 30th!
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keklordkaotic · 6 months
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Horsimus Prime. Drawing this was Hell and I refuse to take the blame. It’s Optimus Prime but a horse. I have nothing else to say.
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spacealienrobot · 1 year
Yeah the things in transformers are insane, but we need to move past the mpreg and talk about the heavily implied heat cycles
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singingcicadas · 7 months
Am I reading too much into this or does Rewind have a very... possessive attitude towards Dominus?
Like he's mad at Minimus because he didn't tell him that he's related to Dominus. And then basically questioned Minimus' love for his own brother. I keep feeling that there's a sneaky undertone of 'I love him more than you do because you gave him up for dead and got on with your life without mentioning him again while I kept searching' being insinuated in there somewhere.
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(Minimus is playing with a little Ten figurine it's cute)
And then his reaction to learning that Dominus kept a secret from him. First, denial: no he wasn't a loadbearer. Then he brushed it off: no don't be silly. Then assertion: I knew everything about him!
And then he was incredulous/angry/determined and immediately demanded Minimus to show him what exactly Dominus was hiding under his armour. Look at his tone.
I know they were conjux but Dominus is still his own person. Why does Rewind think he's entitled to know everything about him? With what Minimus said up till that point it's clearly implied that the secret is something very personal. And also likely involves Minimus. What right does Rewind have to make that demand, much less with such an attitude?
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First screenshot Rewind gets mad because how could Dominus' brother keep something from him. Second screenshot he gets mad because how could Dominus keep something from him tell me what it is right now.
Coupled with his downright fanatical obsession with looking for him it's questionable how much of Rewind's zeal actually has to do with Dominus and how much is just an expression of Rewind's own need, since he apparantly can't stand the thought of not knowing something about Dominus. Which includes what happened to him.
Then in the end it's Rewind who makes the choice to let Dominus die by cutting Chromedome's arm off, and while it's an understandable reaction to an emergency situation and he's doing it to save Chromedome, the way he said "It's not your choice to make" after he did it sort of seems to suggest that it's his choice and... idk, feels vaguely uncomfortable.
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dimorphodon-x · 1 year
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Phone doodle of a Calamathian turbofox.
Their ancestors (and possibly a few other cybertronian critters) were brought to Calamathos by the titans millions of years ago, most likely to be kept as pets.
Since the landing of the titans, the turbofoxes have adapted to the hot, dry planet, shrinking down in size, minus their enormous ears, and becoming small, lightweight and quick-footed counterparts to their larger cybertronian ancestors.
Amplunaris’ city has a decent population of domestic turbofoxes. These pampered pets can be trained for a variety of different tasks, and can come in a small variety of unique colors and ‘fur’ textures. The more fancy turbofoxes are kept by the rich, as they can afford the resources needed to keep their unique pets healthy.
There is a small feral population of turbofoxes in Magnoheli’s ruins. Unlike the domestic population, this group do not have a variety of color, sticking to more natural sandy shades, and have kept a more wild personality. They are very shy and skittish creatures, and have gotten very good at hiding.
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myrmyr21 · 1 year
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the day I stop drawing Minimus Ambus in turbofox mode is the day I die
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maelemonium · 1 year
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Drawing the Irreducible Minimus, I took some artistic liberties from his design in the comics.
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absoluteminimum · 2 months
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Throwing this one into my 'honorary cassette Minimus AU'tur
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dinoserious · 1 year
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turbofox. mostly based on that pre-djd drawing of agent 113 w my own thoughts. i think theyre neat. wish we got to see more native cybertronian fauna
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