lesbiansforboromir · 10 months
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Canonically queer characters within - Lord of the Rings Online
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hobbitweed · 9 days
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This is when Aragorn lost my respect!
The dead dudes in the cave had problematic histories and problematic beliefs. Yet Aragorn ignored that in order to focus on the goal of defeating Sauron.
A true hero would not have compromised his morals. Aragorn should have flipped the problematic ghosts the finger and just let Sauron take over.
The affects this would have on his friends and family, the environment, and himself aren't important. At least Aragorn would be able to say "Hey I didn't vote for either of them!" when Sauron scorched the earth and enslaved everyone.
Accepting help from the problematic ghosts to defeat Sauron would be like voting for an imperfect candidate like Kamala Harris to defeat Trump.
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vinnybox · 9 months
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Turith the bard jester!
Adopt originally designed by @soupcifer but now with a whole ref✍️(◔◡◔)✨
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444names · 2 years
scandinavian names + american and german forenames
Aabel Aagar Aandt Abill Ablund Acreyr Adogren Aeva Agne Albren Alin Alla Almfrit Alvar Amunda Anfina Ansgard Arilla Arnade Arnka Arnot Artina Arvi Arwig Asgar Ashorn Asmund Astr Atlesen Audbjörk Audni Auth Aðalster Bald Ball Bast Basteind Beate Becca Bekke Beng Bengsen Bentz Bergh Bert Berthe Berthr Bertjof Bertson Bessen Birgh Birke Bjarna Bjerg Bjoe Bjorgen Blegerdr Bogene Bony Borkeby Boroline Bost Bred Brekt Breth Breve Brie Brielson Brik Bryndin Calvi Camily Camineta Carlstad Cassen Chele Chris Chriskar Christ Claud Claug Coranca Corieder Curtine Dagberg Dagman Danie Dary Daryan Deleah Dellst Dian Didrich Dolborge Dolph Dore Doren Dori Dottsson Earls Edmar Edwig Egel Eirid Eithildr Ekvaldr Elia Ellian Ellin Ellison Elstremy Elvirger Emelby Emilla Emilynur Emme Englan Enstracy Erica Eritt Erlen Erlin Erman Ermine Eskelle Eskilli Estur Eunild Evans Evar Evard Eystrom Filippa Finsson Flore Floren Florene Fold Ford Forsen Frand Frit Fritsen Fulker Gabrian Gabrith Gens Gerdi Gierson Ginn Gonner Greg Gren Gudman Gudricky Gudro Gund Gunilde Gunna Gunneth Gust Gustad Gustan Gutto Guðjon Göranch Haala Hage Halbria Halmberg Halve Hann Hannove Hara Hegstrom Heido Hein Heith Helen Helger Helgrete Hellson Helma Helmin Henne Hennie Herlen Herma Hermaine Heth Hild Hildrin Hildson Hillias Holmluna Holstad Hrun Hunthony Hyerd Hylda Ingerdr Ingja Ingmari Ingvild Jacob Jacque Jamilo Janesen Jarlberg Jena Joanner Johann Johannet Johannie Johnni Jonsen Jonssen Jose Josen Juane Kardis Karius Karolaf Katrid Katrín Kender Kittlest Kjeldr Kjellie Klaug Korend Kris Krist Kristi Kronda Kronnie Kyler Kylerina Kysten Laer Lage Lambert Lando Larstina Leka Leonatal Lient Lindborg Lindis Lindo Line Lisby Liskette Lode Loree Lovia Lovis Lundsen Manssen Marcelie Marilyn Marilyne Marin Marta Martina Matha Mathi Mattir Medal Megare Melie Melin Merek Metten Mich Mine Minn Mollene Mone Monicolt Morkman Morte Nanne Neil Neilson Nice Nicolan Niel Nilsea Niva Njorg Norbjorn Norder Nordi Nordo Norlidi Nygar Oakenson Olene Ollert Ollice Orance Oscarry Otheleah Otherea Othy Ottosse Overa Patt Pede Pederly Perner Peterwig Phild Phylling Prister Pristeve Pustian Ragne Ragnús Ramberg Ramonly Rasminar Reid Rhond Rich Ringren Rithr Roberg Rosally Rose Rosen Rost Rudo Rustie Rúnard Sand Sander Saralp Seansson Seas Sebonya Selin Selleroy Selmedar Seven Sevenson Sheil Sheleah Sheritta Shersen Shora Sigefrid Sinn Sissen Siversen Sjody Sjold Sjurhuus Skaas Skadhaug Skjalte Skjolf Snaeva Snar Snofritt Soling Sorence Sten Storlen Stram Streen Sude Sundsen Sungrene Svensen Sverson Sylvig Tabin Tamie Tanborg Tedt Terra Ther Thew Thorela Thorian Thorlin Thorm Thorn Thorsson Thorum Throna Tobin Torberg Torgeni Torke Torken Tranz Tren Turik Turith Tycholge Tyrbjörg Tyrvid Unnun Utney Utte Vadet Valde Valte Vand Vanhvit Vermak Vetles Victordi Vira Vithryn Vithur Völund Völundin Walbert Wallcup Wence Wench Westahl Westhir Wideborg Widem Widhugh Wilmarl Wiltrud Wulla Yggenson Ylways Yngve Árnar Åradley Órarren Óska
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Halligan Bar time Duke Nukem Blockbuster.
Zues Hera
We roll. We do this same deal flows uphill though we prepped it
And are ready. We clear it. We rolled in last night spread them out no pushed up and out all cordoned off.
We raise it now all green lighted
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
Thor Freya
Steam applying now
Salazaar and Goddess Wife
Now means now we need it but want it only
Zues Hera
Well said and finally
We raise now. It's going noises heard the key temporarily missing from Minus Turith
Will return after its clear
Thor Freya
Joy today joy. Cream yes allcream wonderful statement...and hey cork like MacDonald coffee creak on top you get the cream moustache Macs hate it
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