#turns out he’s a slightly more feral version of Tim
dclovesdanny · 4 months
DcxDp prompt
Danny is an inventor for hire for supervillains.
Let’s back up.
Danny needed a job that allowed anonymity (you decide if bad reveal or GIW being little shits). He had just moved out from Mom, and was doing his best to avoid asking his parents for help.
Then he remembered that his parents had talked about how back in college, they had their inventions whenever they were in tight spots financially. So he gets to work.
Tucker help him with the online aspect of cloaking actually, and after a while, he has a steady business building more and more devices. He doesn’t know who his customers are, but he doesn’t really care at the minute. He’s having fun inventing! Not really paying attention to things like eating, or sleeping, or who’s getting him the money.
Batman has been trying to figure out why almost all leaks super villains have been much more destructive weapons the only one who isn’t getting any new weapons is the Joker, who is getting increasingly upset.(When Tucker created the program, he made sure that the Joker would be blocked.)
He asked Jason to try and find out how everyone’s getting more powerful weapons.
Jason finally managed to track the inventor down, and is surprised to find a malnourished, more feral version of Tim slumped over workbench, working on a new version of Mr. Freeze’s gun.
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void-writing · 1 year
If you want to share, I'd love to hear more of your Rise TMNT and DCU crossover, please!
I am so so glad you asked : D
I've been trying so hard for so long to think of how the Rise boys misadventures would align with DCU, mostly because I was thinking about post-movie JL investigations into the Kraang Invasion. HOWEVER, I was rewatching the series with a friend semi-recently and we hit the "Battle Nexus: New York" episode and it abruptly hit me that Superman--who is in the state of New York (bc in my version of canon, Metropolis is in New York and Gotham's in New Jersey, as god intended)--would probably be high-key alarmed about the City That Never Sleeps going completely silent except for four teens and five adults, one of which being clearly the one behind it all (that one being Big Mama).
That line of thought honestly made me entertain the idea of Superman being like...the Turtles' weird uncle figure who checks in occasionally like "you good?" but I don't know all of where I'd want to take a story like that.
This honestly kind of spun around in my head for a while until I was hit with a lightning bolt of genius in the form of a very vivid daydream about Daily Planet Intern April O'Neil absolutely tearing into Lex Luthor because he had the sheer audacity to compare Superman to the Kraang in her presence, and a befuddled (and slightly flattered) Clark Kent holding her back from bodily attacking Lex like:
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The fic that I'm writing is going to be a mega long one-shot of April being an absolute menace to the supervillain population of Metropolis. She's basically going to be a mini-Lois Lane but like five times more feral because this girl won't so much as flinch at the nonsense Supes deals with on the regular.
On the hero side, April kind of Tim Drakes her way into becoming Superman's unofficial-official sidekick on account of how she just forcibly inserts herself into dangerous situations and refuses to leave.
Hilariously, April doesn't put together that Clark is Superman for a while because her threshold for what constitutes as weird is so messed up that anything that Clark does that might flag as suspicious doesn't even ping for April. Lois and Jimmy have a bet in the background over how long it will take for April to figure out Clark is Superman.
Some other highlights knocking around in my head include:
April babysitting Jon for Clark and Lois so they can go on a date night. April cements herself as the coolest babysitter ever in helping Jon defend the Kent House from an incursion viscous tiny alien critters that Jon brought home from space on accident. Both are trying their hardest to not use powers in front of the other with mixed success.
On a similar note, April cultivating a big-sister relationship with Conner because you cannot tell me that he wouldn't fit right in with her collection of genetically engineered super-soldier brothers born from unethical experiments by a man convinced doing this will save his people, using DNA stolen from a powerful warrior he has homoerotic tension with (from a certain perspective regarding Lex and Clark, lol). Like seriously, Conner's backstory fits the Rise boys' so well. I can't not make April adopt him as little brother #5. Maybe for the hell of it I'll turn Conner into a turtle mutant and have him dick around with the Hamato boys, mostly in making Splinter question if he's been miscounting how many sons he has this entire time. Ah. Fic for another day.
The triumphant return of April's crane license (with bonus forklift certification)
Clark being a living jungle gym for this 4'10" menace to his confusion and everyone else's delight.
The Hamato boys making a surprise visit to the Daily Planet as April works with Lois on an article (because she missed their weekly call and the boys immediately assumed the worst) and April trying desperately to keep her dum-dum little brothers out of Lois's sight as they scamper around the office like it's a playground.
April unknowingly endearing herself to Wonder Woman when she stops by in civilian form to meet up with Clark for JL business.
April getting herself in way over her head trying to do a bit of investigative journalism alone and the Supers coming to bail her out (as a reminder to everyone--including myself--that April is not invincible).
And, of course, the reference to the Batman vs. TMNT movie that I mentioned in the last ask I did on this where the boys break into the Bat Cave and Donnie calls April to gloat that he was right about Batman's secret identity and meanwhile Clark gets a call from Bruce about the four teenage mutant menaces running around his lair and how they're connected to a specific Daily Planet intern Clark knows.
It's just really funny to me to imagine Rise!April being unleashed on Metropolis because Ninpo or no, I don't think anyone there would be prepared to handle the powerhouse that is April O'Neil. The villains of Metropolis quickly come to know and fear her because she will more often than not charge them with the nearest blunt object and somehow--despite not having a meta gene (they have checked)--she hits like a freight train and can keep up decently well with Supers (writing this out now makes me realize that it would be plausible that a conspiracy theory starts floating around Metropolis' criminal underground that April O'Neil is secretly Kryptonian in some capacity, only for it to be swiftly disproved when she grand-slams a chunk of Kryptonite into the Atlantic. Somehow this makes her more terrifying).
But yeah, April is just having the time of her life at this internship, blissfully unaware of how many minds she's breaking just being herself.
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cat-vase · 5 years
Tim has DID 2.0
This is a better version of this post
Before I start I want to say that I do not have DID!! However! I try to do my research and I do not want to promote stereotypes/misinformation about DID! But!! If I say something that’s otherwise wrong or offensive please please PLEASE tell me!!!! I will fix it!!!
There would be fictives because they’re incredibly valid but I don’t watch many things, so... I can’t do that. I’m so scared about posting this, the only reason it’s under a cut is because it’s long, tell me if I need to add any warnings or anything because I’m kind of blind to that sort of stuff, okay here it goes!
I don’t think they would have a system name because they don’t feel the need for one and they have awful communication (they only communicate through notebooks. Any progress they made was wiped out due to Marble Hornets happening), but it would be The Crescendo System if they did because music is important to them!
Timothy (Tim/(Patient)1621/MDCXXI): 
The core and a host! 
Is the same age as and looks like the body
Sad lumberjack aesthetic 
Has DID (obviously), Schizophrenia, Insomnia, Depression, and PTSD 
Used to have Trichotillomania as a kid but has since gotten over it, he still tugs at his hair a lot though
Majored in music in college! He likes string instruments the best!
Is the main alter who went through Marble Hornets 
Is very good at hiding things 
Panics at loud/unexpected noises 
Forgets to take care of himself a lot (either that or he doesn’t care enough to)
Scared of the dark 
Counting calms him down, he likes routine 
Gay, in love with, and in a relationship with Brian!
Has a cat! Her name is Quark! She’s a brown Maine Coon!
Knows Latin due to learning it in Jemison Center (the mental hospital he was in as a kid)
He’s trying his best, but his best isn’t enough apparently :(
Arcane (Ark/Masky/MDCXXI): 
Used to be a host, but isn’t anymore due to being negatively affected by The Operator
Has always been a protector, but now goes to the extreme and attacks anyone he sees as a threat (which is almost everyone) 
Static eyes!!
Likes his face to be covered, hence the mask and Tim covering his face whenever he gets nervous/scared 
The tan jacket is a comfort object for him
Also went through Marble Hornets. Even though he wasn’t fronting for the majority of it, he was affected the most by it (which is why he doesn’t speak much anymore and is so violent, hence being repressed now and force fronting a lot)
Gives off a very angry, feral forest cryptid/animal energy 
Used to be a couple years older than Tim, but now doesn’t seem to have an age (ageless)
Oliver (Oli/Ollie/Olly):
A little (around 7) and a memory holder! 
Is the only alter that remembers positive things Janet Wright (their mom) did
His favorite colors are green and orange, but he will throw up if you give him an actual orange (the fruit). He’s not allergic, the smell is just… bad
His actual favorite fruit is strawberries!
Very extroverted! Loves meeting new people! Incredibly optimistic and only sees the good in people!
Tries his best to be nice and please people, but this leads to him getting frustrated a lot whenever people don’t get what he’s doing 
Hoards stuffed animals!
Scribbles on the walls a lot 
Overalls and sweaters are comfy!! He also has glasses 
Scared of thunderstorms (not just because of the loud thunder, but because of the lightning too)
Also scared of the dark 
A teenager, probably around 13
Another protector 
His name is incredibly ironic because all he does is yell at and fight back against authority (unless he’s brooding because silence is nice sometimes but the world is still awful)
Can and will throw down and stab you if you yell at him 
Would rather die than take their prescription medication 
Lowkey an alcoholic and smokes because Tim does (bad influence!)
Very sneaky! He’s able to steal things incredibly easily and never gets caught!
Likes fire a little too much 
Likes to climb and carve things into trees
Knows Latin like Tim does!
Likes to write down everything in journals he hides in the ceiling 
Has a passion for music/instruments like Tim does 
Is able to survive alone in the middle of the woods (and has before)
Would probably own a black leather jacket and chains if they weren’t poor
Went dormant after they got into college, but came back after Marble Hornets (once they were in the mansion). Knows absolutely nothing about what happened during that time 
A persecutor, and possibly an introject of their abuser (Lee)
Doesn’t care enough to give his age, but is an adult  
If it wasn’t Tim or generally being reckless, it was him who caused a scar 
100% an alcoholic, and it’s incredibly bad due to the fact that they shouldn’t drink because they’re on a bunch of prescription medication
Will flirt with anyone (hypersexual)
Reckless, chaotic, self-destructive. That’s… about it  
Cis girl (she/her) and a caretaker! 
Same age as Tim, probably 
Very motherly to other people 
Has wavy, long, brown hair 
She likes to play the piano and likes photography!
Exudes a very calming/soothing aura 
Her favorite season is fall because of the pretty leaves and the steady rainfall and how it slowly starts to get dark out earlier 
Loves Tim’s cat!
Favorite colors are pink and light blue 
Has an interest in witchcraft/the Wiccan religion 
When their nails are painted (besides black), it’s a clear sign she fronted 
Likes to be outside and get flowers for indoors!
Tries to organize their living space when she fronts, and also tries to help with anything they need to do (take medication, take a shower, eat, clean or bandage any wounds)
Did front during Marble Hornets a bit. Mainly in the hotels whenever things were especially rough. She tried to make things a little bit better, even if she didn’t actually know who the man in the room with her (Jay) was 
Agender (they/them), ageless, no one knew they existed until now 
Their name means “lurks” in Latin 
They found out Latet existed due to camera footage in the mansion (they stared into the camera for hours with emotionless eyes, not speaking and writing down codes, before turning it off) 
Likes their face to be covered with masks. Preferably black ones, but occasionally steals Ark’s and Ann’s 
Unknown if they are mute, or just don’t choose to speak/hasn’t spoken yet 
Unknown if they are the one who appeared in the ToTheArk footage instead of it being Ark
Eli (Bug):
Another little! Around 8 or 9!
Likes to be called Bug as well as his real name Eli because he likes the outdoors and mud and trees and gross insects 
Will be found more outdoors than in
Has definitely tried to eat things he’s not supposed to (dead animals or just… things that are inedible like crayons)
Likes to be around people too, but less so than Oli 
Rain boots, maybe a raincoat, and… probably overalls like Eli too, honestly, just a lot dirtier 
Likes to learn about animals!! The more slimy and dangerous the better!! Weird, freaky, smelly plants are ok too!
Does not listen when people tell him to do things, and will throw a fit if he’s not allowed to do something he wants to do 
 Emily (Em):
Demigirl/nonbinary (she/they), a teenager (around 16)
Punk/scene, probably wears a jean jacket and definitely has a neon green pixie cut 
Lots of bracelets!! Maybe Kandi ones?
Rebellious/doesn’t care, yet at the same time is productive? 
More accurate description: is productive when she wants to be 
Because she does want to help! I swear! But other times it’s just… too much work. No. She’s not doing that. 
Follows her own agenda, which is either apathy or slightly chaotic, but hey, she’s more productive than almost everyone else, give her credit where credit is due 
Also kind of likes to play with fire
Black nail polish is a clear sign she fronted 
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