#turtles turtles everywhere
iztarshi · 1 month
I love the way TMNT is retold and rearranged with each iteration like a modern day folktale, but I do think Mirage and 87 have a certain charm that comes with being the first. Technically 87 was the second, but it came so early and was aimed at such a different demographic that I don't feel like it was ever really limited by what Mirage had chosen to do.
Everything since has been dealing with a legacy - with two separate legacies. With questions of what the fans will expect and be angry to not get as well as questions of which things they want to use and which they want to discard.
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palipunk · 8 months
The dehumanization of Palestinians in mainstream media and news is massive, I have never seen it this bad in my entire life and it has been abhorrent long before this. It terrifies me to know how widespread it has become especially throughout the imperial core - however - I have also never seen this many people talk about Palestine, either. Palestinian liberation is something on a lot of people's minds now, solidarity efforts are global and I've seen people from all corners of the globe voicing their support. It's astounding
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tapakah0 · 1 year
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Two in a row because I can. pt. 1 | pt. 3
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He's following me.💀💀💀
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tei-to-tei · 6 months
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December 5 - Solidarity
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ...
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cokoweee · 4 months
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These brushes are saving my ass to the max. I gotta find more. more nature brushes
Designing outfits is hard.
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brizie-doodles · 2 years
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Raphie in pink💗💌💖💞💌💗💖
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cuddlebugmonster · 6 months
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A blood moon and his little star
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skylarbee · 8 months
😤 he wanted to have it! 😤 give that plushie back to him! 😤
(via eterwin's IG story, 18.10.2023)
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mr-doodles · 7 months
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I swear. This pop it has taken over my every waking moment.
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iztarshi · 3 months
I am curious besides rise what’s your opinion other on the other iterations of Raph? Since he’s my fav
87 Raphael is my favourite turtle of all, but it's hard to know where to start describing him. I just want to hold him out to people like "see?"
He's an outlier among Raphaels so people who usually like Raphaels don't always like him. He's the wise guy of the group and would always rather say something clever than something useful, but when he does say something useful it's usually a suggestion they don't run headlong into danger. He's verbally prickly, but physically affectionate, and although he's not the protector like some Raphs he does get latched onto by Donatello and Michelangelo sometimes just because he doesn't push people off. Michelangelo jumps into his arms when scared a few times and Raphael just stands there holding him for the rest of the scene.
I think Raphael vs the Volcano is a good episode for getting to know him. Raphael thinking he's dying due to a silly misunderstanding is a standard 90s TV plot, but the show takes it unexpectedly seriously once the set up is done. We see his cynicism as he tries to convince himself that the world is good and his life has been worth living only to fail due to New York's typical disregard for a loitering pedestrian. We see how his cynicism doesn't stop him wanting to save people when he decides that the world is terrible but he's at least going to make it better before he goes. We see his tendency to run from things, in this case from the emotional scene saying goodbye would be, since the misunderstanding continues due to him leaving notes instead of using his turtle comm. He's a little guy, he cares a lot, he's scared of a lot and doing his best anyway. Like other Raphaels he has more emotions than he knows how to handle.
03 Raphael is so nice. He wouldn't understand me saying that, which breaks my heart, but he is honestly such a sweet, polite teenager. He spends an episode doing chores for an old lady and is suprised and touched when she wants to see him again. When we see his worst nightmare it's his own face being behind Shredder's helmet. More than any Raph he seems to genuinely think he's bad. His temper is a lot for him to control and the part where he nearly hit Mikey with a pipe came off as if it might be a dissociative episode but he gets very little help with it. Despite his prickly reputation he's more often acting as emotional support for the others, especially when Leo's in an anxiety spiral.
He does have fun though! He's a Raph who really enjoys a fight and his "irritation" with Mikey is just a game.
My favourite bit of the Christmas episode was him and Angel pranking Casey with mistletoe because it's not often he really gets to act his age.
2012 Raph is maybe the prickliest Raph of all, combining 03's aggression with 87's sarcasm. He still manages to have the biggest, saddest green eyes when his brothers are upset and he can't do anything about it, though.
He comes off like an asshole in season one when he genuinely does seem to not like the other characters very much. Later this mellows a lot, to the point when I'm told he still regularly threatens to quit the team and storms off I'm not sure I believe it. Especially when it's never happened on screen before.
I don't think I have much to say about the movie Raphs. 90s Raph is good. 07 Raph needed to apologise to Donatello and not to Splinter, but that is a plot problem more than a problem with him. Batman Raph should not get to lecture Batman about being open with his family. I swear, of all the turtles XD
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soupforsoup · 30 days
Soooo late on this but I love how much robby and sam genuinely like demetri and enjoy being friends with him in s2??? like they're all hanging out outside of miyagi-do, they find his neuroticisms funny but they're not laughing at him? They're not just tolerating his company and rolling their eyes when he says something nerdy or complains you can tell they genuinely like being around him they really do just like him as he is and don't make him feel like he has to change I just ughhhhhh
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kittynomore · 1 year
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Ghost and his fake ass origins
@rottmntpeepawpolls @amevello-blue ame the kids are selling these stuff like hotcakes. Who knew foam booty shorts are comfy for sentient mutant turtle butt
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missowo · 8 months
for my tmnt crossover cute au <3333 happy ending :33333
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kathaynesart · 2 years
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Everyturtle Everywhere All At Once.
Time for more silliness. I give you the absolute weakest version of the Mad Dogs. Below average boys who are just trying to get by working at their dad’s laundromat. They have to borrow the abilities and memories from their canon counterparts and other AU’s just to put up a decent fight. And now they have to save the multiverse from Mikey.
Note: none of this will make any sense unless you’ve seen Everything Everywhere All At Once. Highly recommend it.
2nd Note: nothing else will make sense after seeing Everything Everywhere All At Once.
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sleepis4theweak · 3 months
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This has also been finished for literal months... I just got frustrated trying to do the lighting and gave up on it for a bit whoops :)
@3mutantsinatrenchcoat AND @mikebeanz ITS OUR CHILDREN
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