tutuly · 7 months
Cosmetics are supposed to make you look more beautiful and healthy, but do you know what ingredients are in them? Some cosmetics contain fragrances, preservatives, and hormones that can have harmful effects on your skin and body. In this blog post, I will introduce you to some of the most common and dangerous ingredients found in cosmetics, and explain why you should avoid them. You will also learn how to identify and choose safer alternatives for your beauty needs.
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dekuscheripop · 1 year
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags:
Comedy, Romantic, Comedy, Drama, Slapstick, Single Parent Bakugou Katsuki, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Stealing of body fluids, Out of Character, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Not Mpreg but with child, there is no cheating.
Single father Katsuki.
His son is 5 and a rascal that thinks he should have a lover because "Dada looks lonely."
His son ran off one day at the mall and after a panicked search the boy came back dragging someone in his tiny hands.
"Dada this one! This one, I found you a love love."
Katsuki sees shining emerald eyes and dusting of cocoa on cheeks
Katsuki sees Deku and wants to faint.
Deku was his first love, a love since kindergarten that never came to be. Especially since Deku migrated to America after they graduated college.
So back then Katsuki took whatever he could since he couldn't have Deku's love.
His sperm.
Katsuki had so secretly stolen sperm from Deku and brought it to a surrogate to have Deku's child.
Now here was Deku back after 5 years.
He was fucked for three good reasons, so so fucked because,
1 - his child looked so happy holding Deku's hand.
2 - Seeing Deku again after a long time made him realize he was still so in love with the damn nerd.
3 - Deku is already married.
He was standing behind the ice cream booth that had 201 flavors while in his hand was the god forsaken flavor of spicy chocolate mint cream that his son loves so much. The stuffed rabbit backpack that was too small and too tight over his shoulder looked so out of place along with the ice cream on him. There were the toilet papers on his other hand too.
To be fair Katsuki did not look his best today. It's supposed to be just a trip to the mall to buy toilet paper and some ice cream as per his son's request. Just an ordinary day, supposed to be an ordinary day.
So he wore his comfortable off white t-shirt that was already baconed on the collar and sleeves and his faded khaki cargo shorts, and the finale was the gift from Kirishima, red crocs shoes on his sock feet.
In short he looked like a disaster. At least his son looked cute in his black shirt under an orange overall.
Of all the days that he isn't in his suit and tie and leather shoes it had to be the day his son dragged his wet dream back into his life.
Deku. fucking Midoriya Izuku is hand in hand with his son. Fucking Midoriya Izuku at 5’11, in a tight black turtle neck long sleeve shirt and equally tight denim jeans. His wavy green hair in an undercut.
If Katsuki thought of him as a wet dream back in college then today it's a raging flood of a fantasy!
But his libido wasn't the main problem as of now. It's the fact that his son is with his biological dad! The one who Katsuki stole his sperm from!
Plus he looks like shit infront of his long time crush for fucks sake!
Katsuki is sweating buckets.
“Dada, I found you a love love!” His son, Kiyoshi, repeated, large red eyes shining and his freckled cheeks in a light blush on how happy he is.
“Love love? Well, aren't you cute for a kidnapper?”
Katsuki's knees buckled at the sweet yet deep voice, like smooth honey whiskey going down his throat and going right down his whole body. It's been so long since he heard that voice. Why the fuck is he salivating?
“You shouldn't be giving your dada any problems, little guy.” Deku kneels in front of Kiyoshi, patting his head with his big scarred hands.
Deku hasn't seen him yet.
Maybe if he grabs his son and runs like mad he can save himself.
“Let's go say sorry to your dad now.” Deku stood up and faced him and those emerald eyes grew wide.
It was too late.
Deku saw him in all his ugly glory.
Fuck. Great tutuly dudally fuck.
“Deku.” The name slips out of his mouth easily.
“Hi. It's been so long.” Still holding Kiyohi's hand, Deku walks towards him, it was a picture scene. Green wavy hair with blonde wavy hair, green doe eyes with red doe eyes and the same flock of freckles on fair skin, hand and hand walking towards him.
It was overwhelming.
Deku was in front of him now, Katsuki felt giddy. He likes to deny the fact that he is thrilled that he was still taller than Deku by half a head.
“How have you been?” He asked, looking up at Katsuki with the happiest smile.
“I'm good.” He could only reply courtly, scared that he might blurt out something wrong. He hopes his expression was giving him away.
“Yeah I can see that.” Deku says, still not removing eye contact.
Katsuki winces at his comment. What part of him looked good damn it. If anyone looks good here it's Deku and damn does he look way too fine.
Their eyes are stuck on each other, drawn in as if they were the only ones in the world.
Time seemed to have stopped as he stared into those deep pools of liquid emerald eyes.
The small voice cut them off whatever trance they had.
Deku looks down at the small hand tugging at him. Katsuki could have sworn there was a flicker in his eyes. On edge and muscles tense, Katsuki becomes nervous. Did Deku notice? Did he figure it out?
“So this is your son?” Deku asked, bending down and lifting up the small child into his arms. Katsuki felt his heart constrict painfully just looking at them. There was something growing inside, something heavy and bitter, guilt.
“Yeah! I’m Dada’s but with no Mama! So Dada is lonely, so mister needs to be with dada so he won't be lonely!” Kiyoshi lifts his hands up in declaration in a loud voice.
“Oi brat!” Katsuki reprimanded his son, his face was burning red from embarrassment.
He takes him from Deku’s arms and scolds him but the small child just huffed.
“But it's true. Dada is lonely.”
“Where did you learn to talk back?”
The two bickered back and forth like both were like small children.
There was a melodious sound of laughter coming just beside him. Deku was laughing hard, almost hunched over holding his stomach.
“He’s definitely your son Kacchan. He’s just like you.” Straightening himself up and wiping the tears from laughter from his eyes;
Deku pats Kiyoshi’s fluffy head. Kiyoshi preens at the attention.
The weird flicker in Deku's eyes was gone, he seems to be more happy after all that laughter.
“Mister mister I like you! I think Dada will like you too so you need to-mmph.” Katsuki stops his sons from talking,
muffling his mouth gently as he could but god damn it why is his child such a loud mouth?
"Ok." He says with a drawn out voice. "It was nice seeing yah but we gotta go. This guy needs to poop. So bye." Katsuki hurriedly turns around, not caring for Kiyoshi's muffled protest
and not even looking at Deku's eyes as he tries to speed walk away from his biggest problem.
"Kacchan wait!"
Katsuki does not. He walks faster.
It should be fine. Deku would probably go back to the US soon and they won't meet up every again.
It hurts to think about it but it would be a disaster if he stayed.
"I've transferred back here for work. So I hope I'll be seeing you often, Kacchan!"
Oh fuck. Great tutuly dudally fuck.
She just wanted to enjoy her fresh hot Takoyaki. Delicious Takoyaki. Just what she wanted and just what she craved. It was the last piece.
Picking it up with her chopsticks towards her awaiting mouth. A perfect treat.
Her door flew open with a bang.
Bang went to the door and bang went over her nerves from too much coffee this morning. Up her Tokoyaki went to the ceiling and stayed there like a half disco ball of carbs and octopus meat.
The two people stare at the new decor impassively then stare at each other.
"You owe me."
"Whatever! I have a bigger problem!"
What could be more of a bigger problem than her food!
"You owe me an order of Takoyaki!"
"Alright alright! I'll buy you one later. Just listen to me!"
"No later. Now!" She was really pissed. That was her last ball with the biggest piece of octopus and the most sauce!
"Oh my god, fine. It's just at the corner anyway. Just listen, yah."
They walked out of her house. Ochaco was still angry and puffed her cheeks.
She really wanted that last price but instantly felt better at the prospect of a new batch.
"So what's this all about barging into my place?" He asked as they were about to make a turn at a corner.
There was a deep exhale and that's when Ochaco knew this wasn't just something trivial.
"He's back."
"Deku's back!" Her best friend Bakugou Katsuki almost screamed.
Stopped, frozen and wide eyed.
"Oh my god. You are fucked! And I don't mean it in the oohh ahhhh kind!"
"Shut up!"
Ohhh but how could she shut up? Katsuki was having a life crisis while Ochako… Ochaco was having the time of her life!
"I told you this was gonna bite you back in the ass!"
She had long warned him way back after Katsuki suddenly barged into her home with an ice box and eyes crazy wide.
///"I stole his sperm!"///
Damn if that didn't traumatize her. Thank heavens she vehemently refused to be the surrogate mom for his craziness.
The surrogate was someone abroad that this crazy ass rich bastard paid millions on.
But don't get her wrong, she loves Kiyoshi with all her heart but damn if she hadn't been waiting for this moment to arrive.
"I told you so."
Oh how it felt good to finally say those words. She is having a blast.
"Shut up. I thought this was never going to happen!"
Ochaco beckoned Katsuki to start walking again. He still owes Takoyaki after a.
"Pfft. Now what are you going to do? He's married already isn't he?"
"That's what I heard. Ochako I-"
Ochaco sees Katsuki turn deathly pale then to a light pink, pink, darker pink to a deep blush.
She looked straight ahead and just before the Takoyaki booth was a man so fine she wanted to sing a damn gravy tik tok song out loud.
Wait, did Katsuki just say Deku?
Her round eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets. This guy was Midoriya Izuku a.k.a. Deku.
No wonder he stole sperm from this guy! He's hot as fuck. Ochaco would too if she wasn't a full out lesbian.
"You're here for Takoyaki too? The booth is still here after all these years huh. Just like back in highschool we used to eat here often."
The Deku guy passed by Ochaco and went straight for Katsuki. It was like he didn't see him at all.
"Deku." Was all Katsuki said. Ochaco stared hard at the wobbly expression her best friend had. She wished she could take a photo but she left her phone at home. Damn.
"I didn't get to ask earlier but I was wondering if you would have dinner with me this Friday? Just to catch up on everything."
She saw how Katsuki's normal mean eyes were wide like saucers.
"You can bring Kiyoshi with you. He is so adorable."
How his brows shut up and how the normal loud and rude Katsuki was silent with his long term crush being so near. It was a disaster.
Ochaco was living for it. Her smile was so self satisfied.
"Can we Kacchan? For old times sake?"
Katsuki was about to faint. Deku grabbed his hands with his own.
"Please." And gave him the puppy dog eyes.
He was doomed.
He nodded.
He was so fucking doomed.
"Thank you Kacchan." Deku still hasn't let go of Katsuki's hand, instead he gave him a brightest purest smile.
Ochaco and Katsuki were blinded. Damn gravy so clean and delicious! Oh but this one does have a missus. Too bad.
Ochaco will just have to appreciate the disaster truck of her best friend as it is.
"Oh you have someone with you."
Deku finally notices her and all she could do was smile even though she was completely ignored just earlier.
"I'm Midoriya Izuku and you are?" Deku raised his hand to shake in introduction.
"Ah I am-"
"She's Uraraka Ochaco!"
Ochaco had pulled away and was now in front of Katsuki as he had grabbed her arms. Showing her off to Deku like some kind of livestock.
"She's Kiyoshi's mom! So she has to come with us to dinner with Kiyoshi!"
The Takoyaki vendor dropped a ball on the pavement. So did Ochako's jaw.
She was frozen but slowly her head turned behind Katsuki, her soon to be ex best friend
The guy just mouthed sorry at her.
"Oh. I see."
She turns back to the sound of Deku and froze up like a rock during winter.
His bright green eyes have turned dark all the while looking at her. What is that?!
Oh great tutuly dudally fuck.
She is going to kill Katsuki.
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atonki · 2 years
Recetas de gallina pinta
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Recetas de gallina pinta how to#
Recetas de gallina pinta skin#
Recetas de gallina pinta plus#
Es curioso que no contiene este ingrediente. Despus ya que se coci bien la colita, se ponen el maz ya. Desde Tijuan, han solicitado conocer la receta del caldo de gallina pinta. Grab 1 tortilla add it to the sauce put it in a plate add some queso fresco and repeat again as many layers as you want. Alimento Base: Res, Se pone en un sartn agua hirviendo y se pone la colita de res, los frijoles, el ajo, el chile california o chilaca y sal al gusto. Este plato es originario del norte de México de la región de Sonora y a pesar de su nombre, la receta original se elabora con carne de res, generalmente chambarete, cola y aldilla, frijoles pintos y maíz pozolero. Then I add this tortillas between the first ones so they can get some of the oil.(you can fry them if you want) Uno de las comidas más ricas y tradicionales de la cocina mexicana, es la sopa de gallina pinta. Warm up the tortillas, something that I like to do is put some of the oil in the pan ad my tortillas warm them from both sides then the next set of tortillas I don't put any oil I just warm them up. 15K views, 1.3K likes, 95 loves, 140 comments, 156 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cocina Tutuli: Gallina pinta, sin Gallina. In a small pan add 1 tbsp of oil, turn on the stove and we are going to add the sauce passing it through a strainer.Īnd let it there for 2 min, turn of the stove. Then after 5 min, we are going to blend the tomatoes the piece of onion the garlic salt the chile guajillo and the 1/3 or so of cup of the chile water. Add water (according to the instructions on your slow cooker). chicken recetas Para Fiestas, dona Aranha, galinha Pintadinha E Sua Turma. Place the beans, hominy, garlic, onion, Anaheim pepper, and coriander seeds in the slow-cooker. Galinha Pintadinha 3, GALLINA, borboletinha, Galinha Pintadinha, Kifaranga. Place the hominy in a strainer and rinse until the water is clear. Turn of the stove put the lid and let them rest there for 5 min. Clean the beans and soak them for 8 12 hours, discard the soaking water and rinse the beans.
Recetas de gallina pinta skin#
In a small pan add some water and take it to the stove add the tomatoes, once the water is boiling and the skin of the tomatoes are coming off, its time to add the chile guajillo already seedless and with out the tail. Como cada semana el Chef Juan Ángel Vásquez nos comparte una de sus recetas deliciosas, en esta ocasión le tocó el turno a un platillo muy regional, sencillo y sabroso, la gallina pinta.
Recetas de gallina pinta how to#
MEXICAN WHITE RICE CHECK THE VIDEO ABOUT HOW TO MAKE QUESO FRESCO AT HOME let me share with you some amazing recipes. Just add a little bit at the time mix it up. Once the foam has been removed, add the beans, the whole onion, green chile, garlic head, bay leaves and cilantro. Adems, se dice que una vez servido el plato, a primera vista, pareciera una gallina pinta. Bring it to a boil and with a spoon remove all of the foam that forms on top of the pot. Esta receta de sopa tpica de Sonora es conocida como Gallina Pinta, aunque en su preparacin no lleva ni pollo ni gallina su nombre refiere ms al uso de los frijoles pintos. (this is my favorite trick of all, when my food is either spicy or salty, this works amazing. Place the beef in a large stockpot and pour in about 16 cups (4 liters) hot water. WHAT CAN I DO IF THE SAUCE IS SPICY FOR MY FAMILY? Yes, this sauce you could even freeze it with no problem for up to a month. GARLIC: as every Mexican meal onion and garlic never can be left out.Se puede usar chambarete o chamorro frijol pinto (se puede usar más para que rinda) nixtamal o maíz precocido ajo cebolla blanca grande mazo de cilantro. so the rule is that for every 3 chiles guajillos that you use, you need 1 tomato. agua cola de res (o 1 cola entera) cortada en trozos de 5 cm pecho de res cortado en trozos de 3 cm.
Recetas de gallina pinta plus#
TOMATOES: i love using Roma tomatoes, they have a good flavor plus they are inexpensive.
but you can half the recipe if you have a smaller family.
CHILE GUAJILLO: this chile you can find it on the aisle where the spices are.I feed a family of 6 so I use 6 chiles.
SOURCREAM: this is an optional ingredient BUT they taste delicious. Como hacer Gallina Pinta facil y deliciosa para disfrutar con toda la familiaINGREDIENTES:-cola de res unas 3 piezas-costilla de res (4 a 5 piezas)-chamorro.
but the traditional enchiladas Montadas are made in a small tortillas.
TORTILLAS: you can use the normal standar sizeif you would like.
This enchiladas montada recipes are so easy to make, is one of those recipes that you can make in minutes and it a very frugal recipe, INGREDIENTS: Calienta la manteca y fríe en ella la carne, una vez que esté dorada añade abundante agua para que la puedas cocer. Saca la cebolla, las hojas de laurel y la cabeza de ajo. Retira la espuma que se forma en los bordes. Aade los frijoles, las hojas de laurel, la pimienta negra, la cebolla y la cabeza de ajo. Are you looking for a frugal easy yummy recipe? this enchiladas montadas recipe is the best recipe for it. VIERTE el agua en una olla express, agrega la cola y el chamberete de res.
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stephaniegwen · 2 years
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Tutuli @altmark_bronze #bronzeage #costumerlife #laurelgirl #meridianlaurels #preachain #mysca #regramscaoficial #naturaldyes https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJJsXorYAJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tuliblu · 4 years
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trollsona art 
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dnxsstuff · 4 years
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eyetrirandomph · 5 years
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Hetalia characters ranked from 1-10 based on who I find attractive
North Italy and South Italy(tie)
Germany and Germania(they look the same????)
Portugal (its the long hair for me sir)
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rorikoa-xiv · 4 years
Training Drums
A Lalafellin boy roared as he hurled himself at his middle-aged opponent, recklessly swinging a tree branch. His weapon clacked against a training sword before a shoulder-bash sent him rump-first into the grass. "Oh-- falstaf henzigi!" 
He felt a wooden tip jab him in the chin, knocking him flat. With a frown, the elder chastised him. "First off, watch yer bleedin' mouth, son. Second, if'n yer gon'ta cuss me out, least put yer ma's Eorzean lessons ta use, aye?"
"Ungh… aye. Sorry, da." The youth propped himself back up, taking a moment to tighten the knot on his bandana.
"Let's 'ave ourselves another go, lad. Daylight's burnin'." The man readied himself and beckoned his son.
The young lad sprang forward, carving a wide swath with his frenzied swings. Each was handily parried, filling the summer air with clatter. Growing irritated, he put all his strength into a sweep that his father avoided with ease. He then felt a strike upon his leg, and tumbled over. Hacking up a mouthful of grass, he whined, "Fie, how'm I s'posed ta hitcha?" 
The man relaxed his stance and scoffed. "Maybe if'n ye tried bein' a pinch less predictable? Could see yer moves comin' wif a blindfold on, lad. Hmm… let's switch fings up. I'll come at ye, an' ye try keepin' me at bay."
The boy wiped the sweat from his forehead, then gave his father the meanest glare he could muster. "Alright! C'mere, ol' man!"
Each swing came swifter and harder than the last, but the boy refused to give an ilm. He knocked away an overhead strike, and noticed an opening to counter-attack. "Eat shite, bugger!" he shouted as threw himself forward in a tackle, only to find his target missing.
The youth staggered forward, turning to see his father's scornful expression in double-vision. 
"I said watch yer mouth! Foul-speakin' wee gobsh--" He huffed, folding his arms. "If'n yer ma heard ye swearin' so, she'd string us both up in a heartbeat."
"Oh, c'mon, da! Least I said it in Eorzean!" The lad gripped his head, stumbling about as he waited for the pain to fade.
The man retorted, "I dun' care if it's in bleedin' dragon-talk! No child o' mine is gon'ta go about with a sailor-mouth! Now quit yer blubberin' an' get yer weapon up!"
Another flurry rained down upon the lad. What started as a smooth series of parries quickly turned into a frantic dance. Amid the downpour of strikes, he saw another opportunity to hit back.
He lunged forward, knowing how the elder would respond. He then jerked his weapon back, reveling in the sound of a telltale thump.
"Ooouugh! Hah! Got me!" Now sporting a black eye, the elder gave his child a proud grin. "Guess 'at means it's time t'get serious, 'uh?"
"Yer damned skippy, I did!" The boy gave his own boastful smile before widening his eyes. "Wait, wha--" 
The man charged forward with an onslaught. The youth barely managed to block the first few blows before being overwhelmed. Moments later, he lay face-down in the grass.
The elder dropped his weapon and keeled over, breathing heavily. "Oooh, merry mother Tutuli, I ent what I used t’be. Ye alright there, lad?"
The bruise-laden boy lifted his head an ilm from the ground and hissed, "Yer… a bleedin' tyrant." The man let out a chuckle, then shambled over to help his son. "Shoulda seen me in me prime. Now, on yer feet. Jus' cause ye got a bruise or two dinnae mean yer off the hook for yer chores."
"I-- I can keep goin'!" The boy tried to give a tough look, but pain made his face twitch.
"Son, no one climbs the mountain on broken legs. See ta yer tasks for now, an' as soon as these marks're all healed up, we'll 'ave another go. Deal?" Without saying a word, the youth stomped away.
Watching his child leave, the man put a hand to his injury. He knew that, in time, his beloved son would set out to seek his dreams… and likely only find regrets. A phrase the elder had repeated many times emerged in a whisper. "The venturin' life's not what ye crack it up t'be, lad. Dinnae set yer heart on leavin'..."
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tutuly · 5 months
Material: 925 Sterling Silver; Natural Pear; Black agate; Zircon Color: Platinum plated; 18k Vintage Gold plated Product Size: 16cm chain with a 4 cm adjustable chain Pear Size: 4.3mm*5.5mm Black Agate Size: 4.3mm
0 notes
serararku · 4 years
Rime and Reason Pt 2
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They had to make their way on foot from Falcon’s Nest. Before the last rays of sunlight gleamed on the snow dunes, before the giant ravenous polar bears rose from their caves to begin their night hunts, they ventured out into the bitter cold in single file; how anyone could live beyond the safety of Ishgard and settle down in this unforgiving frozen hellscape- or why- remained a mystery. 
Osric was first in line. As the tallest of the group and the only one who knew where he was going, it was only natural he led the party forward. The torch in his grasp was triple-wrapped with linen and triple-dipped in tar, a blazing orange beacon that remained their only source of light and warmth out here in the Coerthas Western Highlands. S’mira followed closely behind, blinded by the howling wind and snowfall and guided only by clinging to Osric’s belt. Then came Dawn and S’era, who both shuffled to push as much snow out of the way for the final member of the party; Conobharo would have been buried alive if it weren’t for his taller companions paving the way for him.
"This b-b-benighted bauble'd better be worth it!" The Lalafell groaned through chattering teeth as he hectically analyzed the rear front. He could handle wild animals, but the thought of a wyvern swooping down on the party for an easy snack had him on edge. "Any sign o' Bleakpoint, twin-spear?"
A scoff came from the front of the group - though given Conor’s size and location, he probably wouldn’t have been able to hear it. “There’s not much of a sign of anything, excluding snow. With this weather we probably won’t see anything until we’re there.” Osric tightened his cloak around his shoulders before turning briefly to make sure everyone was still there. “But we’re moving in the right direction, and if we keep this pace we’ll make it before dark.” Gaze scanning the seemingly endless expanse of white out in front of them, he scowled, his grip on the torch tightening. “And we need to get there before dark.”
"R-r-reason bein'?" He pried his eyes from the horizon to shoot a glare at the Dragoon; if S’era wasn’t busy stomping down fresh fallen snow so Conobharo wouldn’t vanish in the cold dying light, she would have bopped him on the head for asking such a silly question.
There was another quick glance cast over the Dragoon’s shoulder. “I can hear your teeth chattering from up here, Conor. Do you really want to be caught out here, in the middle of a snowstorm, with no shelter and no viable source of heat - excluding those traveling with you, overnight? Unless you want to be a Lalafellin popsicle, it’s best that we reach Bleakpoint before dark.”
The presence of conversation seemed to soothe the lad. "Hah. I was f-figgerin' 'is place after sundown'd be all 'at c-cold an' darkness, plus some nocturnal beasties what eat yetis an' shite voidsent. As ye were, t-t-torch-bearer." Bringing his overactive imagination to heel, he returned his eyes to the wasteland, one gauntleted hand ready at his greatsword's hilt.
Dawn, arms around S'mira looked back as she rebutted, “S-some sh-shelter is better than n-none! Even a b-battered building would be b-better than being out in the open like this!” 
S'mira silently obliged as she led Dawn on in the strain as the group trudged on until she finally said something, breaking herself from that quiet set of self mantras and self motivating to address Dawn, “Best to keep moving, if we stop we might not get back up and moving.” the Miqo’te chattered.
S'era lifted her straw hat and took in a deep breath; she almost suffered a brain freeze, but the rich aroma of salted meat sizzling in an oven was unmistakable. "Gods… do you smell that?! We must be close! We have to be!"
Hard-packed snow gave way to loose rocks and solid stone, with the sudden steep incline taking them out of the snow entirely; before they knew it they were back on the road like it had been under their feet this entire time, the freshly-fallen snow turning to steam when they neared the enchanted cobblestone pathway. With nowhere else to walk, they followed the crevasse with six feet of snow on either side, until they took a sharp turn between some withered trees and under naked branches to find themselves staring down the familiar- and welcome- sight of a village.
Bleakpoint was larger than any of them anticipated. Two dozen buildings were visible at first glance, with possibly twice that many further along the path that cut the village straight down the middle. Chimneys were billowing smoke from lit fireplaces, lanterns swung and shook in the frigid wind, and the aroma of cooking meat wafted along their noses, beckoning them closer to the tavern near the start of the village. Yet there was something off about Bleakpoint; the fires were lit, the lights were on, but… “Where is everyone?” S’era blurted out, squinting her eyes to see through the fogged windows. All five of them stood on the edge of the perimeter- in a relatively safe distance.
"May'ap they're all gathered in the pub for a town feast?" Conobharo found it difficult to focus on anything other than the aroma of food, yet the icy bite of the climate kept him lucid. "But… 'ow's a town like 'is get a reputation for bein' poxed by the damned? Summat ent addin' up 'ere. Fink we should 'ead in an' investigate?"
“I’d suggest approaching with caution. The village didn’t get its reputation by being hospitable.” Osric’s eyes narrowed as he looked over the village - loosening his cloak before handing it back towards Dawn. “You need this more than I do - and it’ll only get in the way if fighting breaks out. I suggest everyone stay close and keep an eye out - there’s...more to this town than may meet the eye.” The healer welcomed the additional warmth, clutching the edges of the cloak near her neck.
The Plainsfolk nodded with a grunt, retrieving his weapon from its rime-coated sheathe. Immediately S’era placed her hand on Conobharo’s shoulder to stop him. “Whoa-ho-ho-ho, buddy. Easy there… five foreigners walking into a village with their weapons drawn isn’t exactly a good look.” She gave everyone else a glance for confirmation. “Let’s be careful… but let’s not jump the gun, okay?”
Dawn arched a brow, “Look, it’s freezing outside so it makes sense no one is about, let’s not all get suspicious at everything…” she commented flatly. Everyone aside from her seemed to be a seasoned adventurer, perhaps she was wrong, or perhaps they had dealt with too many worst-case-scenarios. Regardless, in the moment, she felt that there was some level of overreaction without having assessed the situation further. “Maybe we should knock on some doors and ask around if we don’t see anyone else as we get to the center of the village. But… either way… we should probably find a place to stay at least...”
"Ugh...fine, fine, I'll keep me steel at me back… fer now. But keep yer 'eads on swivels. I ent hesitatin' if'n the locals try anythin' fecky." Conor's gaze fell upon the inn. "What say we pop in an' see who's cookin'?"
While the lot had been busy chatting and debating, little-ol'-S'mira had already wandered up to one of the doors and gave the cold wood three loud knocks, tucking her hands under her arms for warmth as she awaited a reply, perhaps some motion within. The tension was palpable and even S'mira found herself readying to draw chakram at a moments’ notice. Dawn considered perhaps it was this very intuition they all held that separated her from the rest of the group- they were wary and on guard; she just wanted to get out of the cold.
The door slowly swung open with a loud whine, hanging off one hinge and just about ready to fall off. A burst of that succulent aroma and the warmth of a fireplace rushed out to caress their faces, but it was uncomfortably dark inside. S’mira and S’era naturally went in first, the Miqo’te deciding it was best to put their sharpened senses of sight and hearing to good use; slowly but surely they checked their corners and stepped over the threshold, finding themselves before an untouched banquet. As S’mira kept along the walls to keep herself from getting ambushed from behind in the dark, or from above on the rafters, S’era cast her mudra on her uchigatana and set the blade aflame. Both Miqo’te almost had a heart attack when they saw the twinkling eyes of the Elezen barkeep standing behind the counter and cleaning a glass like it was a slow Tuesday.
“Come in, come in!” He gave them a wide grin, setting the glass he was cleaning down and beckoning them closer. “Feast! You must be hungry after traveling so far? Have your fill! It’s on the house!”
Osric, Dawn, and Conobharo hurried in once they heard the stranger’s voice. They gawked at the giant polar bear gutted and roasted on the long table, surrounded by apples, melons, and other unrecognizable fruit. There were already plates set for a party of two dozen, and the rich scent of salted meat was almost too tempting to ignore.
"Sweet mother Tutuli, I ent seen a feast like 'is in years!" Conor caught his enthusiasm by the tail, remembering that he was still in an allegedly blighted town.
“You… made all this?” S’era asked, dipping the edge of her sword in a nearby oil lantern to illuminate the tavern better. “Are you expecting company?”
“Weary travelers like yourselves must be exhausted.” He continued, turning to grab five mugs to set on the counter. “And thirsty. Can I get you something to drink? Ale? Rum? Wine? Scotch?”
Dawn giddily bounced ahead of the others, her voice laced with hopeful optimism, “Oh! Do you have hot chocolate?”
“Of course! Hot chocolate, and ice cream, and coffee, and tea! Anything your heart desires!” He began to shuffle into the back of the tavern. “I’ll be right back with some!” He called out, vanishing into the darkness.
S’era eyed the banquet with suspicion. “How many taverns do you know that just… give food and drink away like this for free? Especially when they had no idea we were coming…”
"The right bleedin' odd kind. I advise ye lot against eatin' a scrap 'at bizarre bugger gives ye." Conor had watched the barkeep until he was no longer in view, then ambled over to the fireplace.
The healer tapped her cheek, “Isn’t this a blessing? We were cold, I’m sure some of us were hungry…” she could hear S'era’s stomach growling. “I mean… it was weird that it was so dark inside but maybe they didn’t want to burn extra oil or attract anything dangerous, especially since there were no customers inside there would be no reason to keep all the lamps lit, right?”
“Mmmn… I suppose that makes sense…” S’era slowly slid her sword back into her scabbard and warily approached the table. “... but he was just… standing there in the dark. He didn’t even say anything until we spotted him…” It smelled good, real good, and the thought of feasting on exotic bear was making her salivate. Gingerly she reached over with the carving knife and sliced herself off a piece, taking another sniff of her plate before glancing over her shoulder at the group. “We should ask him about the missing travelers to this place. He might know something.”
“I mean… did you want him to startle you in the darkness first? Oh! Yes. That’s a good idea.” 
S’era was still suspicious, but by the third deep growl of her stomach, she couldn’t resist the free meal any longer. She pulled out a chair and sat down, helping herself to the juicy bear flanks and all the fruit she could fit on her plate. She took another sniff of her meal before biting down, causing her ears to flatten along her head and a low purr rolled from her throat. “Godsh… sho good…!”
Conor stared daggers at the Miqo'te. "Godsdamned fool…" he muttered beneath his breath. He had half a mind to smack S'era one good, but elected to watch things play out, folding his arms.
Watching S’era was enough to make her stomach churn as S’mira witnessed the other Miqo’te woman chow down. She hadn’t forgotten the conversation on the way here. Conor speaking about the ‘some void-touched shire’, S’era and the others suggesting curses and it being haunted. Stilling at the back of the room S’mira seemed to observe where she could even against the small rumble in her stomach that begged for a nibble.
“Ah, you like it?” The barkeep returned with a long glass of chocolate milk. He scooped whip cream from a bucket beneath the counter and spiraled it out on top before setting it down next to Dawn. “Dig in, everyone! Enjoy! Can I get you something to drink, ma’am?”
“Wine pleash!” S’era joyfully raised her hand, her cheeks puffed out with food.
Osric kept his lance firmly in his grasp, along with the torch. “People have ventured out here only to disappear.” He watched the barkeep like a hawk. “Do you know anything about it?” The hot chocolate almost reached Dawn’s lips before she heard the Dragoon, pausing to listen at his somber tone.
“No one’s come by in a few weeks. Maybe they got lost out in the blizzards that have been going on and off all year.” He popped open a bottle and poured crimson wine into another tall glass. “Come, eat! Don’t you want to join your lovely companion? I know you must be hungry, eh? Don’t be shy- have your fill!”
He smiled across the room at the Lalafell, who glowered at him a moment before stating, "I ent got much of an appetite."
The Dragoon rubbed at his chin thoughtfully; it would be rather unlikely to find any corpses frozen in the snow with how much they had to dig through, but not a single person made it to the village? “Can I get you some wine as well, friend?”
“Aye.” His scowl never left his face, but the barkeep was clearly unarmed, so he didn’t have to worry about getting attacked- not by this man at least. He gave another glance in S’era’s direction, who was purring loudly as she stuffed her face. Keeping his gaze locked on her, he leaned his lance against the counter, reached out, and firmly took the offered cup. “My than-” His eyes drifted down to the crimson wine; it was murky and thick, more like watery ketchup than the wine he was expecting. “What kind of wine is this?”
“A-ah, an old vintage.” He gestured for Osric to drink it. “Won’t you try it? I assure you it’s the smoothest wine you will ever taste!” He raised the glass up to his lips while he stared at the barkeep, and held it there for a few seconds before extending his arm as an offering. 
“You first.”
“What? Me?” The barkeep pointed at himself. “No thank you, I… swore off the stuff myself. B-besides, it’s bad business to drink your own wares, don’t you agree?”
“You said this feast was on the house.” Osric gestured for him to take the glass again. “Isn’t that bad for business too? Go on, tell me how it tastes.”
“I-is everything alright Osric?” His grim countenance and tone concerned Dawn as she watched the tense interaction. He didn’t answer, instead the Dragoon stared at the man in a chilling silence. Even in the dim light from the lit lanterns he could see small beads of sweat glistening on the Elezen’s forehead. The Lalafell's hand drifted toward his weapon.
“Drink.” He repeated, pushing the cup into his hand.
A horrid realization came over the healer as her eyes widened, turning to look back at S’era. Slowly the Miqo’te stopped chewing, her eyes darting between the exchange before settling on Dawn.
Slowly the barkeep opened his mouth to speak, but his face grew paler each passing moment, and he was trembling in his boots. “Y-you look h-hungry… g-go on… eat the f-f-f-food…” Conor's fist clenched upon his hilt.
Without hesitation Osric snatched his lance from the countertop and stormed straight to Dawn; with a raised gauntlet he slapped the drink out of her hands and tossed her plate across the room away from her, before turning to S’era, his eyes flashing in the lantern’s light. “SPIT IT OUT! IT’S POISONED!” She gawked at Osric in a stunned stupor, her eyes growing wide with fear. He didn’t waste any more time- he quickly stepped around the table and yanked the glass of ‘wine’ from her hand before tossing its contents onto the floor. S’era spit out everything that was in her mouth, but Osric still grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved his finger into the back of her throat; everything she ate since waking up this morning came spewing out onto the table, splashing on the roasted bear and dripping down the tablecloth. 
“No…!” The barkeep let the cup slip from his hand as he slowly made his retreat into the back. “No no no…! You could have been taken painlessly in your sleep… now you will feel every tooth and talon…"
Dawn snapped out of her shock and stupor, reaching for some vials inside her pouch, she started talking to herself, symptoms and treatments for different ailments aloud to focus and calm her nerves. She finally clacked a vial into an injection device she kept on her person and without warning stabbed the generic antidote into S’era’s neck. “Twelve… I hope this works.” She uttered an incantation in an attempt to increase efficacy. She held onto the injector and S'era, “Beneficent wind, please bless this unworthy child with a sliver of your healing grace, Esuna!” The grind of a blade being loosed hummed from beside the fireplace. 
“After him!” Osric commanded, but by the time he looked back, the man had vanished. S’era slumped over on Dawn, coughing and gagging on spit and vomit as she desperately tried to catch her breath. “Where did he go?! We have to go after-!"
The floorboards shook from a deep guttural roar below. Something huge in the basement stirred from the dark and began slamming against the floor beneath their feet. The party exchanged wary glances, but the following silence only lasted a moment.
The floor beneath the feast swelled and cracked, sending splintering wood and dust into the air as the table slid down toward S’era and Dawn to smash them between the back of the tavern and the banquet. The Miqo’te had just enough reaction time to sweep Dawn’s legs out from under her and flatten them against the floor, letting the table slide over them harmlessly. Then just as the bulge reached its peak, it collapsed into itself, causing a sinkhole to form in the center of the tavern. “Go! Go go go!” Osric shouted over the rolling growls coming from below. Conobharo cleaved through a sliding table and leapt out of the nearest window while Dawn carried S’era toward the window closest to them as well, allowing the Miqo’te to smash it open with her blade as they hobbled out into the dark. S’mira took a few calculated steps back, before dashing forward to launch herself clear over the sinkhole and into Osric’s outstretched embrace; the Dragoon wasn’t about to wait around and find out what was making that ungodly noise, and with a heavy kick to the old door, he ripped it out of its hinges and dove into the snow outside.
Collaborated with: @hadriel-ffxiv​ @osric-slater-ffxiv​ @smira-asah-xiv​ @conobharo-cobharo-xiv​
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freersounds · 5 years
Freer Sounds March 2020
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Weird sounds for weird times. NZ DIY meets Sakamoto. Brannten Schnure and Shells. A few Weatherall indebted tunes. Noor’s off centre post-rock shenanigans (thanks to Dynamite Hemorrhage for the tip). A long lost Nick Holder record that mimics the state of being drunk. Delectable newness from Pedro Vian, Matthias Meyer and Linkwood & Foat. A track about fruit shaped asses. Curtis and Gil at their most reliable.    
The Strange Girls - George Martin
Ryuichi Sakamoto - The Staggering Girl
Brannten Schnure - Flieg Nur Aus In Stadt Und Heide!
Etnografinis Ansamblis – Tutulis
Shells – Beginning
Linkwood & Foat - Sa Talaia
Aswad - Warrior Charge
Steve Miller Band - Macho City
Noor - Synapse Fusion Refusal
Primal Scream - Uptown (Weatherall Mix)
Curtis Mayfield - Right On For The Darkness
Quando Quango – Genius
Linkwood & Foat - Push It
Matthias Meyer - Strangely Enough
Gil Scott Heron - The Bottle
Nick Holder - Latin Thing
Pedro Vian - The Night Dancer
Alan Fitzpatrick Vs Patrice Rushen - Haven't You Heard
Hherb - Peachy!
Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up
Gil Scott Heron - We Almost Lost Detroit
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Fuegovision #3: Horonkylä, Finland
Spain: Averno - Tanxugueiras & Rayden (93pts)
USA: Girl in Blue - Animal Sun (73pts)
US Virgin Islands: Message in a Bottle - Taylor Swift (71pts)
France: Goliath - Woodkid (65pts)
Netherlands: Adem je in - S10 (62pts)
Poland: Wielki tutuly - Ochman (60pts)
Ukraine: Ейфорія - Tayanna (59pts)
Indonesia: Every Summertime - NIKI (53pts)
Guernsey: You to You - Maisie Peters (46pts)
England: Opinion - Willow Kayne (45pts)
Turkey: Yanmaz Agzin - Funda (36pts)
Belgium: Ella Is My Name - Ella (36pts)
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greatbigpaper · 3 years
Kaya ka may malaking mga tutuli kasi di ka marunong makinig. Kaya ka maraming sakit kasi payback yan ng mundo sayo. Sakit. Dibdib at laman. Ang hirap rin pa pag marerealize mo yung magulang mo ay hindi perpekto. Na limitado ang pagintindi dahil ang pagintindi nila ay dinidikta lamang ng panahon nila at sariling karanasan. 
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ansungit-blog · 6 years
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Tutuli pose
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dyoanne · 4 years
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Bagong karamay ng pusong nalulumbay. Basag eardrums na naman eto at tanggal tutuli sessions. 🤟😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4qn29nSgwKmhkZZENfKSXOjMZHxpXAU89gjw0/?igshid=cdbxdtesrxch
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