#tw grief mention
yonderghostshistories · 2 months
@thesuetyouforgot I think it would be nice if you wrote a fanfic based on my idea of a concept exploring the depressing and tragic AU, where John Cleese and Michael Palin were suddenly killed/assassinated on the day of the "Friday Night, Saturday Morning" interview by a religious extremist who really hated the film "Life of Brian" (1979) that much, with the rest of the fanfic's focus being about the Pythons, in the following days after the event, having to deal with and grieve the fact that their closest friends died in an act of truly senseless violence, with some of the Pythons developing survivors guilt during the whole thing, with the other Pythons trying their best to comfort John and Michael's families since they were the most affected by the whole event, all whilst the news/press continuingly harasses them for thoughts on the whole event and bombards them with almost bordering on insensitive questions, when they just want to grieve in peace. The other Pythons also develop a fear instilled in them, in that they fear that one of them might be killed next, even though the killer is in jail and is currently awaiting trial.
I personally feel like you'd do a better job at writing a fanfic version of this (albeit very morbid) idea than me since I'm afraid I might fuck up the idea in the execution and I don't really want to see it go to waste in that way, ya'know? Incase you are comfortable with writing it of course! Thank you!
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jonathanbyersphd · 8 months
Every year I think the anniversary of my dad's death will hurt less and every year I'm upset when it doesn't
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wildcstdrcams · 10 months
Tessa and Nathaniel ( @lcvenderhcze )
Ever since she'd stumbled upon him, and found out that he didn't remember her, Tessa had done her best to avoid him. It hurt too much knowing that someone she cared about and trusted barely even knew who she was. Luckily, they didn't seem to cross paths all that much and she had been able to continue to grieve the friend she'd lost. Tessa was scanning the store's aisle when she heard a familiar voice in the aisle beside her. Should she run to dodge him completely or had it been long enough that she could smile politely and continue on? Deciding on the latter, she grabbed what she needed and then turned to start down the next aisle. Maybe he wouldn't even recognize her. The girl who had seen a ghost.
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it's hard to be happy
it's easy to be sad
with the comfort of my tears
and my quickening breaths
this silence i can speak to
walls i built as a nest
happiness feels empty
part of it is always left
if i feel I'm getting better
i wish to retreat
if I'm ever fixed,
then what is left for me?
if I'm fixed,
what hope do i have in this life?
what will keep me going
what war will i fight?
what hearts will be turned towards a seemingly happy smile
if I'm okay who will ask me if I'm doing fine?
am i happy? am i fixed? am i doing alright?
this thought troubles me and occupies my mind
my grief isn't away, isn't sleeping, isn't gone
it's sitting there in silent, watching, alone
what does it have to say?
what words does it hold?
i wanna hold onto it
i don't wanna let it go
it's too soon, it's too wrong
why can't it come back?
and when it does I'm too fragile to manage to even stand
sigh i guess that's life
confusing, perplexing
my mind is a maze
a weird friend, a blessing
my feelings all gave up
on trying to get their turn
i don't even know what to feel?
i guess we're all just hurt
it's nice in my brain
despite the awful mess
despite the wars, and the grays
at least it's mine to have
you see, my brain is too complex for anyone to comprehend
i get it, it gets me, things no one can understand
it's an old childhood friend I've been fighting with for years
swords on floor, open doors, embrace filled with tears
welcome home, you've always been here, what's new is the first word
i love you, I'm sorry, we're both just very hurt
I'm you, you're me, i guess i finally like myself
my mind is so confusing, but at least it's mine to have
claire k - stars
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dcybrck · 1 year
closed starter for @faebanes ! | set after all the nonsense deron goes through during the fight.
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the dust had seemingly began to settle, or maybe that was just the fog that settled over deron's brain to disguise the pain that was blossoming across his chest. unsteady feet carried him, more stumbled, without him even having to think about it. as if his body refused to rest until he had returned home once more. there'd been a concerned look in the guards that came to their rescue, but he'd brushed them off - knew that their attention was better spent on caring for sibusisiwe. that the fae mattered more in the moment than deron ever would. handed her off to them and shambled up like a shaky skeleton walking a death march. pressed a reassuring, promising kiss to her forehead that he'd return this time. most likely.
     how many times had deron promised that to someone? enough times that he'd never swear it, less the cauldron or mother tear him apart over it - again and again. 
  deron hadn't dared to shout the words to zora when the violence tore them apart, as if his soul knew that voicing them would bind the pair together. tainted her beautiful soul with lies that she'd carry until the day he actually drifted away into the wind. or worse, forge a pact that neither of them could take back once it'd set into the air of the universe.  yet even without the oath, the promise, the old magic bind, his feet still carry him in her direction. they use any energy that remains within his exhausted, torn body to make certain that deron returns to her. to fulfill the unspoken vow that he cannot remember making, but knows will haunt him no matter where he may stray on the continent. like the ocean returning to kiss the shoreline. 
   she appears suddenly, as if the cauldron heard the devotions he was whispering and answered the prayer. her eyes landed on him, the bloody mess of a being that deron feels, and he cannot help the way his mouth forms a smile. the pain matters so little now, lurching forward till he is falling into her arms, chin hanging over her shoulder. " zora," he breathed, trembling arms weakly raise to embrace her. " i found you."
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systemshoutouts · 2 years
Shout-out to Grian and Tango for helping me with being frontstuck while grieving, you guys are the literal best
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hotchley · 3 years
Thinking about someone taking Haley’s phone after she dies. Not to do anything with it. With the intention of giving it to Jessica or Hotch. Once the chaos is over. Once enough time has passed for someone to realise it’s gone.
But why do they take it?
Because when Hotch dials her number, just to hear her laugh during her voicemail message, they can drive to Gideon’s cabin.
They can find him at the house.
They can pull him away from Foyet’s grave.
They can- they can’t save him, that’s impossible when the grief is so raw- but they can be there. They can do something and that has to be better than nothing.
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dooodle-bug · 3 years
Ok but I could write an essay on how pmtok handled the themes and concepts of death and grief SO well.
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buggybestfriend · 3 years
what the FUCK did you do to me
you killed me
you killed a child
you killed YOUR child
i was 2 i was 3 i was 4 i was 5 i was 6 i was 8 i was 9 you FUCKING BASTARD
and when you finally apologized, after years, after YEARS OF ME CARRYING THE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT YOU DID
you didn't have a hint of remorse in your voice
you drowned me
you held my head underwater when i was screaming
i hate you
i have never forgiven you
and i never will
because you have made me carry too much anger, too much sadness, too much grief and trauma for me to ever forget or get over it
you killed a child, over and over again
do you know that? do you think of it when you yell? when you call yourself a terrible parent because i dont fucking praise you enough and because i asked for something? do you think of that when you reek of alcohol because youve had two glasses of wine, three of whiskey, and a beer? when you give me a headache from being around you because you smoke so much that the smell stays with you for weeks?
was it satisfying killing a child with your bare hands?
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hotchley · 3 years
hey sumayyah!
i'm back! a lot has happened within the last 2 weeks (and I'm talking m*rder in my school and all) but I'm feeling better and things are slowly getting back to normal and all, so
i wanted to check in and say hi (feels like so long since I've last seen any of your posts or interacted with you :( ), i hope you've been okay and am doing well! how have you been? what are you currently working on?
sending you love over the internet ❤️ stay safe, take care. don't hesitate to reach out if you need help. the past week or so has taught me a lot about how short life can be, and i just want you to know you mean a lot to me. love you!
Oh my goodness hello!! I saw the moon emoji and just went: eeeh, I'm so glad they're here!!
I'm glad you're back!
Oh my god that's horrible... please don't feel bad about not being here! That's such a terrible thing to happen, sending all my love and support and condolences to you and everyone there <33 I'm glad you're feeling better, but just remember that grief and trauma are not linear, so if you find yourself not being better, that's okay and you're okay and you're allowed to feel like that <3
I'm okay!! My summer holiday just started, but I was isolating so it kinda started a little early... I've mainly just been seeing family. I did go shopping yesterday!! I just got some school stuff because long story short: my sister was sad so I said we would just go then...
Ummm.... there's a lot of things I'm meant to be working on (education, the ridiculous number of WIPs, a six plus one I wanted to finish in time to publish on the anniversary of heavy is the head) but I'm not really doing that lol.
I've kinda just been reading the school for good and evil because I never read books five and six. I'm now on book four (!!) and I'm more than a little scared because I know it's aimed at more 11-14 so it will probably all work out in the end, but the blurb for the last one... so yeah
I'm sending you all the love and support and hugs that I possibly can <3 Please stay safe as well, and don't feel bad if you have days or weeks where you just feel numb or just start crying. I'll be here if you need me! I love seeing you in my inbox and I love you so much as well!!
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