#twau bigby wolf x female reader
riddle-me-ri · 7 months
a/n: don't mind me being super self indulgent again asdfgh. I just really enjoyed the dynamic I made in Zeroing In with Bigby and a singer/performing reader. I may or may not make a smutty part two we will see lol. Hope y’all enjoy!
Content Warning: Strong language, attempted sexual assault, brief mentions of sexual harrassment, some violence.
Word Count: 2.3 k
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Bigby Wolf x F!Reader - Take Me Home
As a long time performer, you know how to work the crowd with your musical numbers.
You knew you should probably be looking around and engaging with other audience members.
You just couldn't help it though.
Especially when he was around and seemed to genuinely be enjoying himself for once.
Bigby Wolf kept his word when he said he would come around and see you perform whenever he had a chance and not just show up searching for perps.
He's managed to come by at least once every other week, and needless to say, it always was the highlight of your week.
You two have tried to make plans outside of both your work schedules, but it's been difficult to manage between the long nights you both kept and Bigby occasionally dipping in and out of the picture.
Don't let him be on a case either. He stays clear of you like a bad omen. You know he's worried about getting you somehow involved in whatever the case entails, but you did wish he could share more of his worries onto you so he didn't have to carry so much.
You two managed to settle somehow with these interludes of eye contact and small knowing smiles.
At least until one night when you weren't smiling anymore.
During your act, you got close to the edge of the stage and teased those up front, just like any other night–
Until you felt a sweaty palm clamp around your ankle and almost yank you into the audience below.
You barely remember hazy glimpses of everything that happened afterward.
A shrill sound rang through the live band and filled the club.
It took hours later for you to realize that was…you…screaming in shock.
The man's other hand barely touched your inner thigh, clear intent of fully grabbing and dragging you into his lap until he instantly let go.
Before you even tried to push the man's hands away, he let go.
You saw Bigby hovering over the man.
He had slammed the man's face into the hard wood table, the cheap white linen doing nothing to comfort the assault as it started to stain with blood.
You caught a glimpse of yellow in Bigby’s eyes.
You couldn't make out any words anyone was saying. It was all a murmuring cacophony of surprised, worried, and tense patrons.
Your skin ran cold, and your breathing hitched.
The next thing you recall was getting up and darting back towards your dressing room.
Anything to get away from what just happened.
“Aww man, I think you broke my fucking nose.”
“You're lucky I don't break every bone in your goddamn body, starting with your grimy little hands.” Bigby snarled, with half a mind to slam the asshole's face again.
He did settle for twisting the guy’s arm tighter as he slapped handcuffs on him.
“Hey, hey, what the fuck man? I didn't do nothin’!” The man defended as he tried to sit back up, blood dripping down his nose and over his lips.
“You touched her inappropriately, pretty sure that files under assault.” Bigby roughly lifted the man up from his seat and dropped him to his feet, causing the man to stumble some.
“Oh please, she was teasing me! Practically asking for it!” The man spat as he got his footing before Bigby dragged him out of the club.
Bigby tried to keep his growl down but whether or not he succeeded he frankly didn't care at the time.
At least until he was out of public view.
As the two began the walk to the Woodland and the coast was clear, Bigby snatched the man by the baby hairs on the back of his neck and pulled his head back.
The man yelped in pain.
“Listen here fucker, she didn't ask you for fucking shit. She was doing her job, last thing she needs is a bunch of grabby dickheads like you that can't keep his hands to him-fucking-self.”
“Is she your’s?”
Bigby blinked. “What?”
“You fuckin’ her or somethin’, Wolf? Never seen you get all up in arms over some whore.”
Bigby dragged the man into a nearby alley and smacked the man's body and face directly against a damp cold brick wall.
“Ow! The fuck man, you-aaah?” The man winced in pain as claws began protruding from Bigby's fingers, pricking the skin of the man's neck.
“Listen here, you sorry piece of shit. Doesn't fucking matter who she's with or what she does. You don't get to fucking touch her–you don't get to do what you damn well please. Understand?” Bigby growled, his teeth slowly growing into the “what big teeth you have,” territory.
For the first time since the encounter started, the man began quivering in terror.
“Y-y-yeah, yeah, understood…just-just do what you gotta do…please don't hurt me, man, please! It was a mistake, h-honest!”
Bigby got closer to the man's face one last time and snarled. A final warning.
Usually, Bigby would feel bad about making anyone beg for him not to hurt them. He'd be disappointed that they would automatically assume he would.
For this guy however, he wanted to muster up that same level of fear you likely felt when he grabbed you and then some.
Bigby backed off once he began smelling the unmistakable hint of piss through the night air.
“Just keep your mouth shut the rest of the way, or it'll be the last mistake you ever make.”
The quicker he locked this asshole up, the quicker he could get back to check up on you.
You sat there in front of your vanity with your head hung low and the lights dimmed.
Still frazzled and stunned from the moment.
Somehow, the man's slimy touch lingered on your skin, and you wanted nothing more than to dip your leg into some kind of disinfecting acid.
You took a deep breath and admitted that the second best option besides the acid is to go home and take a long scolding shower until the hot water ran out.
You rose from your seat and began shedding your clothes that used to make you feel so confident and sexy…but in the moment you just felt disgusted.
Then you heard a knock.
You assumed it was your boss checking on you. “I'll be out in a minute, Carol…just gimme a second..”
“Uhh…it's Bigby.”
You freezed for the second time that night.
You had completely forgotten about him. Until his voice reminded you of what he did, how he saved you, how he looked when he did it.
“Bigby? Oh, uh, hang on.” You darted across your dressing room and snatched a silky maroon robe that hung over your dressing screen.
You took a deep breath, a desperate attempt to calm your shot nerves.
Suddenly, a comforting warmth draped over your body as you laid eyes on Bigby. Like somehow, he could protect you from this lingering fear that resonated in you like he did before when it happened.
“Hey,” he responded. “I wanted to check in on ya…how are you holding up?”
You gulped. “F-Fine I suppose, all things considered…I know it could have been worse, and I always knew I was at risk, but nothing prepares you for when it happens, you know?”
“Yeah, but you shouldn't feel at risk for something you do for a living.”
You exhaled a chuckle. “Says the sheriff who's at risk quite literally all the time.”
Bigby shook his head. “You know what I mean. That asshole had no right to be touching you…”
He sighed. “What happened tonight was not your fault…I hope you know that at the very least.”
You hugged your arms around yourself, your hands sliding up and down your upper arms as you gazed at the floor. “Yeah, I know…”
There was a beat of silence before you felt a warm hand lightly squeeze your shoulder. You followed the hand with bruised knuckles back to Bigby's face.
One of your hands came up and rested on top of his hand that was on your shoulder.
“Thank you, Bigby…” You squeezed his hand back gratefully. “At the end of the day…I'm just grateful that you were there.”
Bigby can't recall the last time anyone ever said those words about him or his help. He always made things worse, more difficult, or made Fables regretful for getting him involved.
It felt nice to be appreciated, and it felt even more sweet and genuine coming from you.
“I'm glad I was there too…”
He allowed you to drag your soft thumb along his knuckles for a moment. Both of you enjoyed the soothing silence and close proximity. You found yourself feeling more at ease each second he was there.
Until a question popped into your mind. “C-Can I ask what happened to him? Like where he is now?” Suddenly, the thought of trekking home became cumbersome.
“I've got him in a holding cell for now. I'll be presenting the case to the Business Office tomorrow morning some time…”
Bigby reluctantly pulled his hand back, you already missing its warmth and soothing weight.
“Although, full disclosure, even if he is found guilty… the time and punishment for sexual harassment is ridiculously short and sweet…”
You nodded. “I had a feeling, but Carol told me he won't be coming around anymore. She has started a banned list and is trying to invest in more security.”
“If you need me to…”
“Bigby, I can't ask you to do that. You already have every other Fable to worry about…”
“I do, but you come first….or at least that's how I wish it could be, if I can help it.”
You blinked, your mind racing with countless meanings to what he was implying.
“Besides, I think you're the only one that really appreciates my help anyhow.” Bigby muttered into his shoulder, but still clear enough for you to hear.
“I'll always appreciate you Bigby…like how I appreciate your offer, but I still can't ask you to do that…I know you will protect me when you can and that I can rely on you and honestly in the world we live in now, that's more than enough.”
Your heart swelled at the soft smile that stretched across his face.
“I guess I can accept that.” He reluctantly conceded. “Is there at least anything I can do for you now? Anything at all before we both call it a night?”
After talking to him, you have begun to feel much calmer, like you could shake off tonight's events. You know you could have gotten to that point yourself, but Bigby made it a whole lot easier and quicker.
You almost felt childish and selfish for this request, but you didn't want the opportunity to have him to yourself longer pass.
“I, uh, still have to walk home….if you don't mind walking with me? It's not far from the Woodland, just one block before it…”
“You don't have to convince me, and I did say anything. Just let me know when you're ready.” He offered a sincere smile.
“You wanna wait inside? I didn't even realize I didn't invite you in.” You giggled as you realized he was still standing in the hallway across the threshold of your dressing room door.
“Uhh…sure, if you're fine with it.” Bigby walked in and took a slow glance over your dressing room.
“More than fine. Here, you can have a seat on the sofa over there. I just gotta change real quick.” You explained as you rounded the corner and went behind your dressing screen.
You couldn't fight the pep in your step, having him back in your vicinity. You didn't feel on edge or uncomfortable to be yourself. You felt safe.
Bigby kept looking around. He was observant to a fault, especially thanks to his senses that don't let him miss anything.
He noticed the Polaroids of you and likely your co-workers and friends bordered along your vanity mirror.
He took note of a couple empty bottles that were in your trash can, he deduced it must be a favorite of yours.
He also caught an almost empty container of your body spray that was the source of your sweet scent.
Not that he'd say it out loud, but if you asked him you didn't need the spray, your own scent was intoxicating on its own.
Bigby shuffled a bit in his seat as your own smell became more prominent once he saw your robe hanging over the screen folds you hid behind.
He kept darting his eyes around the room, trying to distract himself from thinking of you so intimately despite the close quarters and the small distance between him and your naked form.
Bigby shook his head to try and shake the thoughts out. He doesn't want to screw this up, not like how he always does. You've been through enough as it is.
Thankfully, you came out soon from behind the screen. You wore a long sleeve sweater of your favorite color that revealed your shoulders and some pants.
“All right, I'm ready…thanks again, Bigby.” You stood in front of him and rubbed your hand up and down your arm, playing with the sleeve.
“Hey, like I said.” He stood up at his full height, and you had to look up instead of down at him. “Not a problem.”
He walked over to the door and swiftly opened the door. “After you…”
“Why thank you, sir.” You giggled bemused before walking out the door with Bigby walking beside you.
Carol waved to both of you and told you to take the next couple of days off to recover and not worry about anything.
You sighed. Another small weight taken off your shoulder, you weren't sure if you would be able to get back on stage, so it was relieving to hear you had the next couple of days off.
As you and Bigby exited the building, the cold night air hit both of you. Almost instinctively, you grabbed for Bigby's hand, who didn't seem to mind, and gently returned the grasp.
Bigby gave you a supportive nudge.
“Well, lead the way…”
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emperor-palpaminty · 2 years
Can you write a cute Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us) x Wife! Fairy! Reader oneshot?
I know nothing about fairy lore in TWAU but i am always here for husbando bigby!!! Female fairy and bigby yay! Only TW is for language and mentions of drinking, and also kissing but nothing smutty if neither one of those are your thing please skip this
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Of course it was fucking raining. Bigby yanked his coat tighter and picked up his pace a bit- the rain made the neon lights around him hazy and dreamy.
Strange how, in the home land, rain was a good thing. Rain was cleansing and fresh, and watered the land and greedy crops. Rain meant life. But here in cement walls and hard grounds, rain meant puddles and dampness and misery. All he wanted was a cigarette, his couch, and a glass of whiskey.
And, of course...
Bigby stomped his feet on the mat by the entry door. He didn't want to go tracking mud everywhere. He stepped in, ignoring the obviously snoring guard. Bigby heard himself grunt as his steps lengthened, the elevator door opening when he pressed the button. The doors closed around him, and Bigby Wolf closed his eyes, exhaling softly.
He enjoyed these little moments. In a little elevator space, with a soft whirring of gears and humming of machine, the world was only five-by-seven-feet wide. "Thank God." He muttered. The day was done. Finished.
The door dinged opened. Bigby's head snapped up, and he blinked. Had he almost fallen asleep? Bigby shook his head and hurried out of the doors, rushing down the hall. When his door was in sight warmth filled his chest.
A scent of sweetness. Sugar. Flowers.
A breath left his chest as he rushed to his door and unlocked it, fumbling with his keys.
Bigby was welcomed by a warm apartment. He gave a huff of relief and looked towards the kitchen, the familiar and tender sensation swelling in his chest as the fae turned. She blinked at him, and smiled brightly.
"Welcome home." She smiled, her head tilting with the words. Bright white teeth shone as she spoke. She smelled good- sweet. Home.
Bigby felt the stress drop from his shoulders. "Come here." He said, already halfway across the room. Urgency filled every step.
She took the oven mitt (which he honestly didn't know he had) from her elegant hand and met him around the counter. Bigby grasped the fairy by her hips and caught her mouth, a gruff noise of relief leaving his mouth. Gentle and cool hands touched his jaw, coaxing him closer. She tasted soft. Better than anything he had tasted in his centuries of living. Maybe it was her, maybe it was the whole fairy thing... Whatever it was, he was glad to be kissing her.
She giggled against him, fingers wrapping in the collar on his shirt. "Bigby," She sighed happily as she tugged away. "I knew you had a long day."
He turned his head, nuzzling into her neck. Whiskey wasn't enough to intoxicate him any more. "Yeah." He managed. "Understatement of the year."
She pursed her lips against his ear, pecking it gently. "I don't like the rain either." The fairy ran a hand over his back. "I thought we could wait the storm out together."
He smiled against the soft shirt she wore. The knit fabric was soft against his mouth as he kissed it, turning his head back up to her. "Sounds like a plan." He smiled, standing back up fully and running a hand over her chin. "Sit here, listen to the rain... Drink some of the best whiskey-"
"Ah-ah." The fairy pressed a long finger to his lips, brow creasing and her lips twitched. "You need a shower, big wolf." She smiled up at him, the finger moving from his mouth to tap his nose. "I'll pour you a glass of it. Go take a good shower."
Bigby sighed. His hands were kneading into her waist. "Stay the night?"
She giggled and gently pushed against his chest. "If you're good. Promise."
"No tricks."
"Oh, Bigby." She winked at him, leaning up close. Her lips hovered inches from his. "I cannot tell a lie." She pecked him, once, too quickly, and stepped away. "Faster you shower, faster we can relax."
Bigby nodded. His arms, empty, felt heavy. He turned and hurried towards the bathroom, already unbuttoning his shirt. Damn fae and the spell that this one had on him.
He smiled to himself as she hummed across the room. Even if there was some spell, he didn't want it to break any time soon.
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Halloween, before Bigby met you the wolf had hated the holiday. Watching the many faces of the happy children reminded him of his painful past. He would always wondered what his mother might do during this silly holiday, she would love it.
Then as he grew another thought would run through his mind. Would he ever get the chance to take his own children out but then the reality would hit him. ‘Of course not, who would want to be with a monster…the big bad Wolf.
But all those thoughts seemed to have vanish when he ran into you again. Little Red Ridding Hood. Except you weren’t so little anymore, you were a woman now and that crush from when he was a boy flooded back.
And now you were his wife, something he thought he would never have but you proved him wrong and now this Halloween was going to be the first of many as a married couple.
Bigby was still trying to get used to the new house. It was much bigger than his tiny apartment.
“It will be worth it Bigby…besides the little ones will need the space.” You had teased him while shopping for Halloween decorations and now the home didn’t seem so bad.
And here he was, sitting out on the porch trying not to grumble as fabled children would come to get candy. He doubted anyone would venture up if it weren’t for you wearing some knock of outfit of your old dress from your childhood.
“This is idiotic. I can almost feel Colin laughing at me.”
Turing your gaze you face your husband you let out a snort spotting a pair of Wolf ears sprouting from the man’s auburn hair, his golden eyes narrowed and you could have sworn you spotted his fangs glinting under the porch light.
“I think you look good Bigby…like a real big bad Wolf.” You teased stepping closer, the bowl of candy resting on your hip.
“I am the real big bad Wolf.”
Rolling your eyes you did your best to suppress a grin. “If you’re good, I might just give you a treat tonight.”
Ears twitching Bigby wrapped his arms around your waist careful not to hit the bowel as he gave you a kiss. “Promise?”
Letting you go the Fabled sighed leaning back in the chair. “Here comes more kids..”
“Which fable you think they belong too-“
Though you were cut off seeing Bigbys face. “Mundys?”
Shaking your head you ruffled the man’s hair, it wasn’t that out of the ordinary.Your home was closer to the mundys border than the Fables.
“Oh! How cute.!”
You nearly squealed as the group of children rushed up the driveway. A few of them were from Disney and superhero movies though it was the red Ridding hood and big bad Wolf ones that caught your attention.
One boy wore a full Wolf suit while the girl wore a ripped dress, face with fake wounds. That made Bigby laugh but your favorite were the ones that were similar to you and Bigby. The little boy wore a pair of fake ears, a fake tail while the little girls dress looked similar to yours, the red hood was your favorite. You thought it was cute how the two kids were holding hands.
“Your dress is so PRETTY!” The little girls voice rang out as her parents apologized. Laughing you waved them off kneeling down in front of the two children.
“Why thank you. I happen to think your dress is very pretty too!”
Beaming, the little girl held a basket in the air. “Little Red Ridding Hood is my favorite story!”
Nodding to Bigby you felt like you couldn’t stop smiling. “It’s mine too.”
“I just wish it had a happier ending…it’s not fair for what happens to the Wolf.”she commented reaching into the bowl of candy though the little boy was to fascinated by Bigbys ears.
“Oh…you didn’t know?” Giving the girl a wink you grabbed at handful of candy giving it to the boy as his gaze stayed focused on your husband. The man making his ears twitch.
“Know what?”
“That’s not the real story? Not the full truth anyway. The Wolf was protecting the little girl from a bad man, the people got it wrong and as the two got older they fell in love. You see the Big Bad Wolf got his happy ending.”
The little girls eyes went wide as a smile formed on her face, her little hands grasping on to the little boys. “MOMMY! MOMMY! DID YOU HEAR! HE DID GET HIS HAPPY ENDING!”
Smiling you watched the children walk off as Bigby wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt the man nuzzle his nose against your neck, his teeth gazing the mark. “I love you.”
“I love you too Bigby…You know you’re amazing right?”
Giving you a lopsided grin Bigby smiled for a moment. “I wouldn’t go that far.” He teased.
Nodding your head you grabbed his hand, weaving your fingers through his.
“I’ll admit they were cute.”
Grinning you stood on your toes kissing his cheek. “I know…also I’m pregnant.”
“Wait what?!”
Seems that next year will be another first for the Wolfe family.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 12: Witches and Bloody Who?
1284 White Plains Ave
2:14 AM
14 minutes late
“Bigby! Sonya!”, Snow shouted, catching up with the two as they walked down the hall. “We’re late.” Snow said.
“Yeah, we know.”, Bigby said as they walked up to a door with the number 23. “This is it.”, he said as the three of them stood in front of the door. “Alright. How do you want to do this?”, Snow asked them. “We’re not storming inside, that’s for sure. We have no idea who this A.G. person is.”, Sonya said.
Bigby puts his ear on the door to listen for anything. “Anything?”, Snow asked him. “If anyone’s in there, they’re being awfully quiet….”, he says and knocks on the door. Right after, the door opens to reveal a little girl in a yellow dress and her black hair in pigtails. “Hello?”, she greets, drowsily.
Sonya covered her mouth at the sight of the little girl as the other two stared in shock. “Hi…” Snow greeted. “You woke me up.” The girl said. “Uh, sorry about that.”, Sonya said, kneeling to her height. The little girl rubs her eyes. “Sorry, there. Wasn’t aware this was a munchkin’s house.”, Bigby says, making the little girl make a confused face.
“Well, Dorothy, it isn’t.”, she responded with a smile, making Sonya snort. “She got you.”, Sonya says, making Bigby give her heel a nudge. “If I wasn’t so secure in my manhood, I’d have taken that as an insult.”, he says, smiling. The little girl giggled.
“What’s your name?”, Sonya asked. “Rachel. Who are you?”, the little girl responded.
“Well, I’m the Sheriff. And this is my partner,” Bigby started but Snow cut him off. “Uh, boss.” Snow said, annoyed. Bigby frowned at her, “I was referring to Sonya.”, he said, hushed. “Pleased to meet you. How do you do? Is there….Is there anything you need?", Rachel says.
"Is anyone at home? Does your mom live here?”, she asked her. “Does she ever…you know, make the nightstand levitate? Turn frogs into cats, that kind of thing?”, Bigby asked her.
“Is she a witch, dear?” Snow corrected. “Oh no, I would never call my mommy that. She treats me alright.”, Rachel says with a head nod. “Rachel, do you mind if we take just a quick peek around?”, Bigby asked.
“What are we looking for, specifically?”, Snow asked Bigby. “Crane. He could still be here.”, Bigby says, sniffing around the room. Sonya looked at the huge tree in the room. “This is ginormous for a house plant…”
“We’ll be super quick, and we won’t touch anything.”, Sonya said to Rachel and walked past her, looking around the cramped living area. “I’ve been here all night! Nobody’s been here!”, Rachel shouts at the three adults.
Bigby glances at her with a raised eyebrow. “Ok, Sheriff, I’m gonna trust you not to break anything…don’t get me in trouble.”, she huffs.
She glances at the record player and looks at Rachel. “Lemme guess, big band or...classical?” Rachel smiles, “Honky Tonk.”
“No accounting for taste….”, Bigby mutters, making Sonya gape at him and tap his arm a bit, earning a smile from him. He looks at a picture. “That your mom?”, he asked. “Uh huh.”, Rachel said, proudly.
“It’s pretty rare to see a burner like this.”, Sonya says, crouching down with a content smile. “Dowdy. That’s how we like it.”, Rachel grins.
Bigby sniffs around again. “Not here.”
“Your mom a hunter?”, Bigby asked as he looked at the deer skull. “Oh, no, she’d never…that was found in the woods around Dix Mountain. I think.”, Rachel responds.
“Why does she have such a huge tree?”, Sonya asked as Bigby turned to look at the tree. “Mommy uses that to carve her trinkets. It’s from the old world.”, Rachel says excitedly. “Trinkets? Like glamours?” Snow asked her, making her shrug.
“There’s no one here but me.”, Rachel repeats.
Bigby walks back over to the divider and looks behind it but sees nothing. “There’s nothing that looks like Crane was here, either.”, Bigby said.
“Great...”, Sonya mutters. “See?” Rachel said, smirking.
Sonya goes to the back of the room and sees a closet door. She opens it and sees a box with a label.
Deliver to Aunty Greenleaf
Return Address The Butcher
“A.G….”, Sonya steps back to look at Rachel. “Your mom’s Aunty Greenleaf?” She nods.
Bigby walks over to her. “The Butcher.”, Sonya muttered. “What?”, Bigby asked. “A package having to do with someone called The Butcher.”, she says, closing the door.
“Damn it.” Bigby mutters, shaking his head as if he was trying to get something off his face. “I keep getting whiffs of that aftershave of his.”
“Is that a glamour tube?”, Bigby asked, making Sonya and Snow stop. “Mommy really doesn’t let anyone play with that. Trust me, I’ve tried.”, Rachel warned.
Sonya sniffed in the air, frowning a bit. “I do, too.” Snow nods, “Me too.” Rachel rubs her eyes. “Can I go to bed now? Please?”
Sonya yawned. “It is pretty late…”, she said and started to follow Snow, who walked towards the door. Rachel follows, along with Bigby, but he stops once he notices a glamour tube on the work table.
Bigby walks up to the table and picks up the tube. “Oh, no no no no no, please please please just put that back exactly where you found it. No one is allowed to play with that.”, Rachel said, her eyes widening. “It’s alright, honey, Bigby’s not going to break it.”, Snow reassured her.
“No, you don’t understand. She will freak out if she discovers I’ve let people in here and let them touch her stuff, okay? She checks all the time to see if things move. I don’t wanna get in trouble.”, Rachel said, fearfully.
“I’m not gonna break it, I just want to open it.”, Bigby said, and started messing with the tube. “No! Put it down!”, Rachel shouted. Her fearful scream caused the room to shake which made Sonya and Snow look at her then at Bigby. “You’re pissing her off.”, Sonya mouths to Bigby. Snow holds Rachel back. “Please! Don’t! This isn’t what you think! You’ve gotta believe me, that guy isn’t here! I promise!”
“It’s gonna to be okay, Rachel.”, Sonya reassures her as Bigby starts to mess with the tube again, curious this time. “Please. I’m begging you. I don’t wanna…I don’t wanna get in trouble.”, Rachel begged sadly.
Bigby opens the tube, causing Rachel to scream in pain and transform into an old woman, “Auntie Greenleaf.”, Snow says in shock.
“It hurts…when you do it that fast.”, Greenleaf said, irritated as she rolled her shoulders. “You think we have time to waste on this shit?” Bigby asked, angrily, storming up to the woman. “You think this is some kind of game?”
“No. I don’t. But congratulations on winning it…if that matters to you.”, Greenleaf says, sarcastically.
“Look, now. We don’t have time. Start explaining! And from the beginning. ” Sonya says, crossing her arms as the old woman walks over to her couch and sits down. “I was born in the woods to a jackal and a deer….” Greenleaf started to explain but Sonya cuts her off, looking at Snow. “She thinks we’re joking around. You better get her.”
“Please, Greenleaf. Just help us catch Crane. That’s all we care about.” Bigby said, exasperated. “That’s not all we care about.”, Snow tells him, angrily. “I ain’t a fortune teller, Wolf. I have no heavenly idea where he went.” Greenleaf shrugs.
“You have to know something.” Snow said.
“You’re an accomplice to a goddamn murder, do you not realize that?”, Sonya fussed. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t help you. I have no interest in being turned into a skink and crushed under boot heels. There’s powers at work here beyond your pathetic authority.”, Greenleaf says.
“Whatever it is, Greenleaf….whatever it is that’s keeping you from saying something?” Snow said.
“We can protect you, okay? Whatever it is you’re afraid of….we can make sure that it won’t come to pass.” Bigby says, reassuring her. “You have no idea what’s going on, do you?” Greenleaf asked, making Sonya sigh harshly. “Y'all keep saying the exact same shit. We’re asking questions so we can know. We want to help.”
“Okay, you know what I think? I think we’ve been more than patient with you.” Snow said, angrily, storms up to Sonya and Bigby. “This witch has been selling illegal glamours that continue to undermine everything we’ve built….she’s harboring a fugitive that took advantage of it, and now she’s resisting every attempt to make things right. I frankly don’t give a crap if she’s afraid for her life, we can at least make sure she never hurts us again.”
She walks up to the tree and looks at it before she says. “We’re destroying the tree.” Sonya’s eyes widened. “Now, hold on-”
Greenleaf abruptly stands up and shouts. “No!”, she yells, causing the room to shake. Sonya stumbles to a knee, looking up at Greenleaf as she looks between the other three in anger.
“How dare you come in here and threaten to take from me the one thing that-” She takes a breath. “That tree is ancient, it’s part of the family, and it’s the only thing paying for this shithole apartment! And the Fables who can’t afford the glamours from you come to me for help. Without them, where do you think they could go?”
“Don’t give me that! You’re making money off of other peoples’ misery. Two Fables are dead because of this crap!”, Snow shouts, turning to Bigby and Sonya. “It’s too dangerous leaving this stuff with her.”
“You think I like being the old woman in these stories? The men are heroes, the ladies are whores…and the old hags like me get to watch everyone they love die!”, Greenleaf growls
Snow was about to say something but Sonya cuts her off. “Hear me out. You aren’t exactly in any position to want to destroy someone’s work, okay? Hell, I’m the one who should want her tree to burn but I won’t.”, she says, looking at Greenleaf. “There’s a better way to handle this.”
“We have very different ways of handling our fate.”, Snow said. “Very different means to handle it, too.” Greenleafs retorts.
“We’re not burning the damn tree.”, Sonya says, making Snow and Bigby turn to her.
Snow looked at her in shock. “You want this to continue?” Sonya hardened her look. “Don’t put words in my mouth. I said there is a different way to handle this.”
Bigby walked up to the tree. “Sonya’s right. Isn’t there another way? She’s a witch, can’t she just….work for us? That way she’d be official….”
“You want to reward her for criminal behavior? We can’t trust this woman on the Thirteenth floor.”, Snow said.
“It doesn’t matter cause I’d never do it. I’m not a house cat and I don’t play well with others.” Greenleaf said. “Oh, trust me, no one would confuse you for a cuddly animal.” Snow sneered at the witch. Greenleaf glares at her, making Snow turn to the other two. “Bigby, Sonya….this is an order. Burn the tree.”
Greenleaf runs in front of the tree and confesses. “No! Look, look, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you…Crane was here, he was here and he left. He went to the Pudding n’ Pie to try to use my ring on the girls over there to get information.”
“What does the ring do?”, Sonya asked her.
“He thinks it’s the Ring of Dispel….you know, that it will pierce the protection around the girls’ speech. He says pulling the truth out of them will prove his innocence. It won’t, though….damned thing lost its power decades ago.”, Greenleaf informed.
“I’m sorry, but….we still can’t let you keep the tree. It wouldn’t be right after what’s happened.” Snow said. “Guys?”
“Please, Sheriff...Deputy….”, Greenleaf begs, looking at them sadly. “We’re not burning the tree.”, Sonya says.
“Today is your lucky day, Greenleaf. I’m hiring you as the Business Office’s newest witch in residence.” Bigby said.
“Bigby!”, Snow shouted in disbelief.
“The witches over there will keep her out of trouble, and–and we have a glamour shortage as it is. It makes the most sense, Snow.”, Bigby explained.
“Snow, people are out there without glamours. If anything, she can help us since apparently giving glamours aren’t working without her help. Because Toad still hasn’t gotten his, right?”, Sonya asked Bigby. “Just because you’re disappointed with Crane’s actions, doesn’t mean we have to punish her for his bullshit.”
She turns to Greenleaf. “You’re working with the other witches.”, she says, finally and walks to the door. “Don’t expect me to bow down to your queen over here.”, Greenleaf said to her. Bigby sighs, walking next to Sonya. “Don’t think for a second that this is over.” Snow threatened, following the other two.
“So what, are moving trucks gonna show up here or something?”, Greenleaf asked. “Something like that.”, Snow said. “We’ll call you.”, Bigby says and opens the door and lets Sonya and Snow out first before he leaves.
The cab pulls up to the curb of the Pudding n’ Pie, and hurriedly, Sonya and Bigby climb out. “I suppose you two can handle this. Get Crane and bring him back to the Woodlands.” Snow ordered before rolling the window up and letting the cab drive off.
“For fuck’s sake…”, Sonya grumbles. Bigby looked over and saw a familiar car. “That’s Crane’s car.”, he said, catching her attention. “Let’s go.”, she says, rushing to the door.
“No, it’s nothin’ you need to concern yourself with. I don’t think so, at least.”, they hear Georgie say pacing and talking on the phone. Georgie sees the two and rolls his eyes.
“Shit. Hold on.” He said to the phone and he removed the phone from his ear. “What do you want, Sheriff? Decided you wanted a taste of the wares?"
He glanced at Sonya with a smirk. "Oh, I see…come to audition your bitch.” Before Bigby could retaliate, Sonya socked him square in his nose. “We don’t have time for bullshit, Georgie.”, she growled.
“Tell me what you know! Now!” Crane’s voice shouts from the dressing room. Sonya and Bigby glare at Georgie, who gives a wavering shrug.
Sonya shoulder checks him as they rush to the door. “Hey! You can’t just go in there!” Georgie shouts after them, getting ignored.
They see Crane shaking Nerissa by her shoulders as he shouts. “Tell me who did it! Just tell me who did it, I know you know!”
“Mr. Crane, please, she can’t help–”
“I know you know what the plan is.”, Crane yells at Nerissa. Bigby glares at Crane, his teeth bared. “I won’t be held accountable for this!” Crane shouts. “I can’t-I can’t–I’m sorry, I-” Nerissa said, panicking.
Bigby storms up to Crane, spins him around and grasps the front of his shirt, raising his right hand into a fist. “Oh my God! Bigby!”, Crane exclaims, surprised to see him. “Wait!!”, Sonya yelled at Bigby. He looks over at her then lets Crane go.
Crane steps back, his hands raised. “I-I didn’t do anything! I promise you, I didn’t do anything! These girls— th-th-the girls, they’ll back me up, I j-just have to get this stupid ring working, that’s all!”, Crane explained, shaking his right hand that had a ring on his ring finger. “They can’t talk because of that spell, but once this ring gets through, I’ll know what’s going on and this whole thing will be over.”
“Th-That’s all, please. I’m innocent, completely, completely innocent!”, Crane exclaims. Bigby rolled his eyes and slapped Crane, leaving a large, red handprint on his face.
Crane cowers back and yells, “W-Wait, I’ll show you!” He raises his arm while Bigby holds him back, effortlessly. “Damn you, c'mon! Please! Tell me who killed her!”, Crane shouts as he points his arm towards Nerissa.
“My lips are sealed.”, Nerissa replied as Vivian held her. Crane crumbles to the ground and begins to weep in sadness and fear. “How long?”, Sonya asked Crane. “W-what?”, Crane asked, looking up at her. “How long has this been going on?”, she growled out her question. “Far too long...” Crane replied, looking away.
“But–I didn’t kill those women, Bigby, please, I had nothing, nothing to do with that. I just—I-I just….Oh God…”, Crane cries. “We found the photos of you and Lily.” Bigby said, crossing his arms with a glare. “I know, I know, but that’s—that was–I just…” Crane whimpers then he looks up at Sonya.
“I just love you, Sonya! I love you, I love you, and—and I’m sorry I’m not a mundy, okay!?”, Crane grovels as she stepped back. “I’m sorry I don’t do things that Mundies do! Its just- You’re so different and innocent! To know you were a half fable excited me, and I-”
Sonya had to stop herself from gagging. “I’m gonna stop you right there. What made you think that I’d ever get with an old creep like you!? And secondly, you’re not so different from Mundy men. This stalking, the pretending, they do that too. You’re fucking disgusting.” Her words made her lower his head.
She squatted down to glare at him. He looks her in the eyes for a moment then turns away to weep silently, making her eyes widen. She stood back up. “Bigby…I don’t think he did it."
"You’re shitting me, right?”, Bigby asked, shocked and confused. “The guy’s a complete coward. Look at him. Do you really think this man-" She paused. "Lemme rephrase that. Do you really think this child murdered these women?”, she asked him as she pointed at the sad man.
“He’s not…he wouldn’t be brave enough….”, she said, glaring at Crane.
“We’ve been chasing this guy ….why now?”, Bigby asked. “That’s my point. He sent us on this wild goose chase, pretended not to know anything, and cowered away the entire time. If he really was a stone cold murderer, he wouldn’t be here freaking out.”, she said.
“I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Did you see how he was acting when you showed up?” Vivian asked her.
“Yeah, I get it–”
“Why would he even come here if he wasn’t covering his tracks?” Vivian asked.
“He thought he was being framed. And maybe he is.”, Sonya replied.
“This fuck-up knows more than he’s saying.”, Bigby said. “I don’t! I don’t!” Crane shouts. “Yes, okay, he probably does. But there’s a difference between being involved and being the guy who did it.”, Sonya says, shaking her head.
“Okay, but if Crane didn’t kill Faith and Lily, I’m sorry, but who the hell did?”, Vivian asked. “This whole thing is bigger than Crane. He wouldn’t have the stones to send the Tweedles after us. Somebody else is involved.”, Bigby said. “Well, shit.”, Vivian mutters.
“I didn’t intend for any of this to get so–”
She took a deep breath. “Ichabod Crane. You are under arrest for disrupting Fabletown's funds and the suspicion of murder. You’ll have the right to counsel and the right to depose witnesses. But as of right now, you’re coming with us."
“I don’t wanna hear your weak ass apologies. You’ve done so much screwed shit, you’re lucky you’re not down that damn well!”, Sonya yelled.
He looks at her fearfully then lowers his gaze to the floor. “We’re not going to kill you. So quit your shivering.”, she growled.
Sonya glanced at her boss. “Easy, Bigby. We don’t need the princess to have another thing to hold above our heads.”, Sonya rolls her eyes, making Bigby glance at her with a softened frown.
"You are extraordinarily lucky Miss Blaze was here to save your ass. Because if it was up to me….I’d have your head swinging from the Washington Bridge.”, Bigby snarled.
“You think…she has what it takes…to run that office? You think I didn’t make sacrifices? I made sacrifices! And Miss Snow won’t be in that chair one minute before she has to give up something she cares about just so the wheels don’t fall off the goddamn wagon.” Crane stands up and continues to fuss. “I did the best that I could with what I had. And the town took everything it could out of me. If I maybe took a little something back in return…then so be it. I have no regrets.”
Sonya frowned. "You took more than just a little. You went to a man who now gives you no choice but to pay him back or people get killed. That's not a little thing." Crane's eyes widened. "But-"
“Yeah, and see, the thing of it is….” Bigby starts, and grabs Crane’s collar, pulling him closer to him. “We’re also better at this than you are.” He turns Crane towards the door and pushes him forward.
They went through the side door, out to the alley. Sonya sighs, pulling her hood over her head as it was raining again. Crane walks out after her until Bigby shoves him off the stairs. Crane falls on the ground. He stood up and dusted himself off and muttered. “Stupid girls and their preposterous schemes….”
Sonya paused to glare at him over her shoulder. “You got something you wanna share?” Crane cowers and walks in front of her and Bigby. Suddenly, a car drives up and blocks their way out. The three of them looked at the cars in shock and stopped as the car started to slowly drive towards them.
“Back. Now.”, Bigby says as he holds his arm out, pushing her behind him. She walked around the other way with the two men only for two more cars to come up and block them.
They stop as the Tweedles climb out of one car while a woman, with short black hair with red highlights, climbs out of another car.
“Hi. Whatcha got there?”, The woman asked in a childish tone. Sonya's eyes began to glow a scarlet hue as the Tweedles pulled out their shotguns. Bigby growled lowly, watching them intently.
The woman pulls out a gun and loads it. “Look, it’s recently come under our attention that you’re, how shall I put it, attempting to claim what is the personal property of the Crooked Man.” She gives them a slight smile. “He’s about yea high, a hundred and twenty odd pounds, pissed his sheets until he was fourteen….sound familiar?”
“I haven’t told them anything!”, Crane cried in fear. “Not now, not now, shhhhh, the grown ups are talking.”, the woman says, mockingly.
“Who are you?”, Bigby asked her.
“No, no, no, no, no, that’s not how this works.”, The woman said, mockingly as if she were talking to children. “How this works is you are going to walk Crane over here….like a good doggie.”
“It wasn’t my fault!”, Crane exclaims. Sonya growled and punched him in the stomach. “You shut your fuckin’ mouth.” She steps up to Bigby’s side. “You’re interfering with official Fabletown business. Step aside.”
“Tweedle Dee, what’s the, uh, y'know, that thing the mundies call me?”, she hummed. “Wh–What?”, Dee asked in fear. “My nickname. You know what I’m talking about.” The woman said as she gave a side glance at Dee.
“Uh…Bloody Ma–”
“Bloody Mary, that’s it. Thank you.” Mary said, making Sonya’s eyes widen.
“And do you know why they call me that? Because some of them, they think it’s funny to have their little sleepovers and go into their little bathrooms and say my name five times in the mirror." She frowns.
"They find it less funny when I actually show up and feed their lungs to the family dog.” She lets out a small bark and smirks evilly at Sonya and Bigby.
Sonya gritted her teeth, “This night just can’t get any better.”, she muttered.
“And I do that for a hobby. Like golf, to relax. This is my job, I like my job. So think about what I’m gonna do to you, your girl, your princess and the rest of your friends if you don’t hand over the sockpuppet now!”, Mary said to Bigby.
“This was really the wrong day to try and pull this shit.”, Bigby growled.
“I told you he’d never just give him up.”, Dee smiled at Mary. Mary glared at him then looked back at the other three and shrugs. “Fuck it.” She walks away while the Tweedles step forward and raise their guns.
“Oh boy…”, Sonya muttered and was suddenly pushed out of the way once the Tweedles started shooting, missing Bigby purposefully before loading him with buckshots.
Bigby was pushed back until his back hit the wall and he slumped down. The Tweedles stopped to smirk at each other much to Sonya’s horror. She teared up. “B-Bigby?”, she whispered.
Bigby moves his head as he lets out a groan. He opens his eyes which were now red as he slowly gets up on his feet, shocking the twins. Bigby begins walking towards the Tweedles as they fire multiple bullets at him until one bullet hits Bigby's side, making him lean against a box as he regains his composure.
He falls to his knees only to get up, now transformed as a gray wolf. Bigby reaches to his left and grabs the dumpster and throws it at the twins. They fall and dodge the dumpster and get back up while Bigby goes to the right and grabs the high voltage container and throws it at them.
They dodge that as well and Bigby uses that as a chance to charge at them and jumps on Dum. He shoves his clawed hand into Dum’s chest and slams him in the air conditioner box multiple times. Dee shoots Bigby in the back, making him slowly turn to him and drop Dum.
Bigby back hands him hard and grabs him to look over at Mary, who was leaning against one of the cars with a smirk. Bigby throws Dee at her but she moves, causing Dee to hit his car. Mary stands there unfazed.
Dum goes to hit Bigby with his gun but Bigby grabs the gun, throwing it away. He grabs Dum and slams him against the wall and holds him up.
“Fuck….you….Wolf….”, Dum gargled as Bigby pondered about killing him. He lowers the Tweedle harshly and looks over at Sonya with a solemn expression. She looked at him, shocked that he stopped.
He opened his mouth but a shocked look crossed his face as he was shot. He felt a searing pain on his side. Sonya whimpered to see him stumble to the ground, glancing over the attacker. It was Mary who shot him, wearing a large grin on her face. “Bigby!”, Sonya yelled, in a panic.
“It was a good show, but, you know. It just didn’t know when to end.”, Mary shrugs as she puts her gun away then walks to the limo, opens the back door and pulls out Woody’s axe.
Sonya’s eyes widened and illuminated brighter as Bloody Mary walked over to Bigby. She pulled out a chain to whip at her, only for Mary to dodge the end that hit the limo behind her.
She rushed to stop her from getting close to him. Bloody Mary smiles wildly, clashing her forearm with Sonya’s. “Look at you, protecting your poor little puppy.”
Sonya growled as her face melted into a skull, the rain peppering her flamed engulfed head into steam. “You’re not touching him.” Bigby’s eyes widened to see his deputy shielding him. “S-Sonya…”
Sonya pushed her and sent a punch towards her face. Mary dodged and pulled out her gun and shot Sonya in her thigh, hardly fazing her at the time. Mary tried shooting her again, but Sonya caught her hand, preventing her from shooting at all. She tried swinging the axe to her side but Sonya caught her hand a little late, causing the axe to gash her side a bit.
Sonya winces before she kicks Mary’s knee, making her drop to the ground in pain for a moment before tackling Sonya and breaking her arm, causing her to let out a yell of pain.
She growled in pain, not wanting to move her bent arm, watching as Bloody Mary picked up the axe and walked over to Bigby.
“You know, you wouldn’t think silver bullets would work on anything but a pure werewolf, but…as it turns out….that’s just not the case. Right. Wolfie?”, Mary says, laughing as she places the axe on her shoulder.
Sonya looked into Bigby distant but pained eyes and turned over to grab Mary’s ankle, heating her hand up to burn the woman’s skin. Anything to stop her from killing him...
She looked down at her kicking her over on her back and stomped Sonya’s face, breaking her nose. Sonya chokes on her blood, coughing some out to breathe as much as she could.
“I mean….hey, look, I know it sounds ridiculous, but….really guys….Can you argue with these results?”, she asked as she kicked Bigby to lay him on his back. “Cause I know I can’t.” She aimed the axe at Bigby’s neck then raised the axe high over her head.
“WAIT! STOP!”, Sonya yells and coughs. “Fuck…” Mary looks over at her as Sonya glares at her. “Just….take him, okay? Take Crane.”, she coughed out. “Just stop. Please.”
“Mmmm….yeah. I don’t know.”, Mary said as she pretended to think, before placing the axe on her shoulder again. “Sonya….mmph–don’t….”, Bigby groans, stretching his arm a little to reach her.
Mary notices a certain hand motioning her to come. “It’s your lucky day, kid. The Crooked Man says it’s okay with him.”, Mary said, smiling. “Bigby.”, Sonya whispered, looking at him. “I’m sorry…”
“Hello, Ichabod. Got a stomach ache?”, Mary asked Crane as he tried to sneak away. He stops, turns around and walks towards Mary. “Oh, and just between us girls….Crane ain’t no killer.”. Mary says as Crane walks up to her.
“I mean, look at this face. Couldn’t stick a pig if his life depended on it.” She grabs Crane’s ear, pulls his face close to hers to give him a grin then lets him go. Crane begins to walk to the limo as Mary watches him.
Before she leaves, she turns to face Sonya and Bigby. “Kinda like your boyfriend here. Too pussy to ruin a Tweedle’s day.”, she says, walking up to Bigby and stomps her foot down on his left arm.
Bigby lets out a roar of pain, making Sonya glare at Mary for causing him more pain. She looks to see a bone sticking out of his arm and bares her bloody teeth at Mary.
“Well, this is gonna be….a beautiful relationship we have with you guys. Really. I mean it. I’m jazzed about it.” Mary bows.
“Out with the old….in with the new. Long live the Queen.”, she said as she walked away from the broken duo.
She turned her head to look over her shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll be in touch. See you around.” She salutes and gets inside of the limo and the two cars drive away.
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elaboratedbee · 4 years
Bigby x Reader
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Request For: @problematiic (hey u were one of my first followers so thanks!!)
Pairing: Bigby Wolf x Reader (gender mentioned once i think!)
Summary: Bigby’s never been on a date before, but something about you makes him want to change that.
Rating: E
Word count: 3862
Next Time
Bigby took a deep drag of his cigarette before exhaling, letting the smoke curl into the air before his face. The dark grey smoke mingled with his frosty breath in the cool night air, as the New York traffic flew by in front of him. The somewhat acrid scent of the smoke washed over him, blocking out some of the many others that were constantly berating his nose and distracting his attention. He was thinking about you again, and the day had been rough enough that he didn’t have the energy to expend in an effort to school his thoughts. 
The Sheriff could hardly handle seeing you as often as he did, and now that he was consulting you on a case, it had only gotten worse. You were the owner and bartender at a bar downtown that had recently become Bigby’s favourite place to drink, for completely unrelated reasons, of course. Before he had met you, at the end of a long day, he preferred to drink alone in his apartment and luxuriate in the silence, in the solace. Now, however, it always seemed to be worth putting up with the noise and the interaction with numerous other Fables just to sit at the bar and steal quiet conversations with you whenever the bar died down just a little. If he closed his eyes, he could see your face perfectly. You were beautiful, he didn’t know how anyone managed to keep their eyes off of you. 
There was a cold wind assaulting him, and even the wolf was beginning to feel the chill. Still, he didn’t know if he could face turning around and going into the Woodlands. He knew that you were inside, talking to Snow about the financial reparations to your bar that would be made now that it had been used for a drug set-up, and essentially ripped to pieces by Bigby and the guilty Fables in the ensuing fight and arrest. When you had entered and seen the damage, he remembered how the guilty feeling had twisted his stomach. You had only been flustered at his apology, waving your hands frantically and insisting that it was fine. The Sheriff had wanted to kiss you right then, wrap you in his arms and take you as far away from this dirty town as possible. It didn’t deserve you. 
“Sheriff.” He was jerked out of his thoughts by his address, and he turned on his heel sharply to be confronted by you standing there. Your hair fluttered in the wind as you turned up the collar on your coat to protect yourself from the chill, and Bigby tried to lock all of his inappropriate thoughts down as fast as possible. It was a fruitless task when the sight of you had been sprung on him without so much warning, and he was hopelessly drowning in fantasies of pulling you close, using his large frame to protect you. You were so much smaller than him, he couldn’t help but be acutely aware of the size difference. 
“You get what you wanted out of Snow?” Bigby asked, dropping his cigarette and crushing it into the concrete below. It was a mistake, because then he was able to take in your scent fully, but he was a masochist and unable to resist the temptation. The guilt was gnawing at him again at the mention of the damage, but he had to put his mind at rest. 
It was as if you could read his mind, and you gave him a placating smile, nodding quickly. “Yep, it’s all sorted!” Your voice was rushed when you reassured him, always just a little nervous. Bigby wasn’t surprised, you had every right to be scared of him, even more so after you had directly witnessed the destruction he was capable of. Hell, he was surprised that you hadn’t already added him to the list of thugs and assholes that were banned from your bar. He could hear your heartbeat, too, strong but rapid, beating fast like a hummingbird when the two of you spoke. 
“Alright,” Bigby didn’t pursue the matter, sensing that the feeling wouldn’t go away until the bar was fully restored no matter what. Instead, he stuck his hand out to hail down a taxi that would take you safely back to the bar, as you lived in the apartment right above the place. To his immense surprise, he quickly felt two hands on his, tugging it down toward his side again. Bewildered, his eyes met yours and a blush broke out across your face, causing you to quickly jump back from him. 
“Sorry!” You apologised to him quickly, “I was just planning to walk! I don’t need a cab, it’s just a few blocks.” Bigby was desperately trying to kickstart his brain into working again, while it was hyper focused on the fact that both of your hands had just been on him. 
“No,” he managed to get out, before realising how aggressive and rude that had come out. The Sheriff often needed to check his tone around you, remembering that the way he addressed most of the Fables he interacted with wasn’t exactly going to help him make you less afraid. “It’s late and dangerous. I’ll walk you home,” Bigby added, avoiding meeting your eyes. A moment of silence, and then another, softer correction followed, “let me walk you home.” The lack of imperatives made it sound much more like an offer than a command, and he was satisfied with that. 
To his annoyance, despite his considerable effort, you still shook your head rather frantically.  “No, no, no! Sheriff, please, I know how busy you are. I couldn’t possibly -” 
“I’ve got time,” Bigby stopped you mid-sentence, certain that he was not going to let you walk through Fabletown alone at the late hour, especially in light of everything that had just occurred. He watched as another pink flush broke out across your face, a feature that he often witnessed on your features. It suited you, but he couldn’t explain why. Every time he saw it, his heart pounded a little harder in his chest, as if he’d accomplished something by being the one who had put it there. 
Silently, you nodded your assent and Bigby fell into step beside you, having to slow his walking pace considerably so that his long strides didn’t quickly outpace your smaller ones. Internally, he felt a sense of gratitude as the walk would be prolonged, giving him more time in your presence. The two of you weren’t the most talkative of people, as Bigby spent the most of his day in a brooding silence and you were introverted and shy. Every so often, if Bigby stayed at the bar for long enough, and it was quiet enough that he could sequester your attention, you would relax a little more around him, and let yourself talk. He adored nothing more than to watch you speak, whatever the subject was. The wolf always felt like you had bestowed a gift upon him, as he got to see a side of you that not many others knew. Your laughter was music to his ears, and he collected them like treasures on the rare occasions that he witnessed them.
“You think you’ll open tomorrow?” Bigby asked, wanting to hear your voice even if it was a mundane question. 
“Sure, the bar is still standing. Besides, I wouldn’t want your business going elsewhere, Sheriff.” There was a cheeky undertone to your voice, and Bigby looked at you to catch a glimpse of your shy grin. You refused to make eye contact with him as you teased him, which the wolf counted as a blessing because he couldn’t hold back his smile. It was a wonder how you run the bar, sometimes. He couldn’t help but worry about your safety, considering that the general rude and violent population of Fabletown coupled with your quiet and kind disposition was a recipe for disaster. Still, nothing aside from the occasional scrap had occurred in your establishment, and Bigby  assumed that it was due to you being so sweet and innocent that even the assholes would have felt bad making trouble in your bar. There wasn’t a person in town that didn’t have a good word to say about you, making you the complete opposite of the Sheriff himself. 
“I wouldn’t dare,” was Bigby’s sarcastic response, which earned him one of those sought after giggles from beside him. When the two of you talked, Bigby could almost swear that there was a fondness in your eyes, when he managed to meet them. He could imagine that your hands lingered on him for just a moment or two longer than they needed to whenever the two of you touched, and that you laughed a little more easily at his jokes than anyone else’s. It was delusional, and he knew it, but it didn’t stop his mind from playing tricks on him. 
The two of them arrived at the bar, and Bigby watched as you opened up the place, flicking on the lights. Your outline in the doorway was angelic as he lingered on the street, not wanting to say goodnight. “Thanks for walking me back, Sheriff.” Your smile was so sweet, and your tone was so soft, the wolf couldn’t help but step closer. 
“Call me Bigby,” as much as his title sounded perfect in your mouth, he wanted to hear you say his name in your gentle voice, “if I can do anything to make up for the mess, let me know.” His voice was low, and it sounded more like a plea than an offering of kindness. Bigby could hear your heart rate spike, and he cursed himself for frightening you with his intensity, but he couldn’t bear to pull his eyes away from yours. 
“Thank you, Bigby.” The wolf practically shivered at the sound. He watched you hesitate for a long moment, clearly debating whether or not to say something, and he waited anxiously, willing you silently to let him in on your thoughts. “Tomorrow night, after the bar closes I’ll probably fix the hole in the wall. I completely understand if you’re too busy, but if you’re free, I could always use an extra pair of hands.” 
Without even hesitating, Bigby nodded, “Of course. I’ll be there.” The stupid, primal voice in the back of his head was positively ecstatic, over the moon about the fact that you needed him and he was going to be able to help you, to care for you in some way. The more human part of his brain was pointing out that it was only because he had put the hole in the wall in the first place that she was asking for his help, but the wolf in him was stronger. He felt victorious. With all this going on, he barely had time to react when you were suddenly close, stepping forward and standing on the tips of your toes in order to be tall enough to press a soft kiss to his rough cheek. 
“Goodnight, Sheriff!” When you pulled away, your tone was high in pitch and your cheeks a bright pink, clearly embarrassed. Bigby was starstruck, vaguely managing to choke out some sort of reverse greeting before the door shut between the both of you. For a long moment, he stayed frozen on the doorstep of the bar, before he touched his cheek gently where your mouth had just been. He felt like his whole head was on fire, as his mind raced to process the little sign of affection that he was completely unused to. Eventually, he managed to get himself together enough to turn around and begin walking home. 
Silently grateful that it was a quiet night, Bigby didn’t have to worry about someone seeing smile that settled on his face the whole way home. 
The next day was thankfully slow. It always was on the day after Bigby had to arrest a Fable forcefully. For a short while, the destruction, the injuries and the fearful retellings of the event would remind everyone in Fabletown exactly why the big bad wolf had been made the Sheriff so long ago. The peace, or cloak of fear, wouldn’t last for very long, he knew, but he would take the respite gratefully while it was being offered. Time crawled by, as it always did whenever he wanted it to go fast, but eventually night fell. 
All day, Bigby had ignored Snow and Collin’s teasing that he was about as romantic as a brick wall if this was his idea of a first date, but the teasing alone was enough to make him wonder if that’s what it was. He couldn’t help but hope so. Before heading over to the bar, Bigby made his best attempt to clean himself up, shaving his face carefully with a razor, although the act was mainly pointless. He showered and attempted to pick his least creased white shirt, tying his knot tightly and straightening his tie. Catching sight of himself in the mirror, he scowled, feeling a sense of embarrassment coil in his gut. It was ridiculous to act the way he was, but he couldn’t help it. After what he had done to your bar, he wanted so desperately for you to see him as anything other than a monster.
The bar had already quietened when the Sheriff arrived, but whether that was due to the state of disrepair the place was in, or the late hour, he wasn’t sure. He watched your face light up when you saw him, which made a sense of warmth spread through his chest. He couldn’t help but smile back, even if it was only slightly. Your smile was infectious. By the time he reached the bar, you had already poured him a drink of whiskey and pulled an ashtray from further up the bar down toward Bigby’s favourite seat. 
He loved the way that the actions you probably performed mindlessly spoke volumes about you.  The way that you knew him so well even through the relatively brief interactions the two of you had expressed your quiet intelligence, and the care you put into the service you provided showed your thoughtfulness and kindness. He couldn’t help but fall for you, when everything about you just begged him to. “Busy night, Sheriff?” You voice broke him out of his thoughts as you inquired about his day, sliding the drink toward him with a smile.
“I’ve had a lot worse,” Bigby curled his hand around the drink, feeling a spark of electricity when his fingers brushed against yours.
“Oh,” he watched your eyes glint as you looked up at him, “I know.” He scowled playfully as you gestured to the huge hole that was currently in your wall and took a long drink before setting the empty glass back down on the bar.
“Ha, ha,” his sarcastic laugh earned him a real one from you, and Bigby was hit with the fact that he had all evening to hear it again and again. He waited patiently as the last few of regulars finished their drinks and left the bar, wishing you a good night as they did so. Bigby was pleased to see everyone minding their manners, but whether that was affected by his presence or not he had no real way of knowing. After all, he couldn’t exactly imagine you defending yourself if someone was being rude or something bad were to happen, which only strengthened his desire to be here more often.
Once the bar was empty, Bigby became acutely aware of the fact that the two of you were finally alone. The scent of whiskey, warm and comforting, mingling with yours was a combination that he adored, and he inhaled deeply. He watched as you wiped the bar down, cleaning the last few glasses. When you returned the alcohol to the top shelf, he couldn’t help but smile watching you stand as tall as possible, struggling to reach. It was adorable. 
Turning back around, he watched you shift nervously, and he wondered if it was strange for you, too, to finally be alone with him. Standing from the bar, he walked over to the dent he’d made in the wall and surveyed it, from the crack itself to the mess of plaster on the floor below. You had already placed the necessary materials for fixing the mess against the wall, and he admired your preparedness, noting that you were capable in so many other ways than physical ability. He felt your presence appear at his side a moment before you grabbed a broom and started sweeping away the plaster and dust on the hardwood. “I am really sorry, for the damage.” Bigby expressed as he leaned forward and set about correcting the damage. 
“You know, I didn’t expect the big bad wolf to be so apologetic.” You pointed out shyly, and the Sheriff shrugged his shoulders. He knew what the other Fables said about him, and he could only imagine the contents of the drunken rants that you must have heard on a daily basis while doing your job. It was as if you could sense that what you had said stirred up bad thoughts in Bigby’s head, because he felt a hand on his shoulder after that, which made him tense up. Immediately, he wished he hadn’t, because you mistook that for discomfort and stopped touching him in a hurry. 
“You know, I think everyone is wrong about you.” Bigby finally forced himself to turn away from the wall and meet your eyes, overcome with the desire to see them, properly. Your cheeks coloured pink again, but for the first time, you didn’t turn your gaze away either. 
“Yeah?” His voice was rough and he failed to sound as disbelieving and sarcastic as he meant. 
“Yeah. The ‘big bad wolf thing’? I don’t think it suits you as much as you want everyone to believe.” Bigby was drawn to you, unable to resist stepping closer. Your cheeks were a bright pink, but you had a determined look in your eyes, as if you had resolved to tell him this very thing if it was the last thing you did. He could hear your heartbeat going at a thousand miles an hour, and the sound was echoed in his own chest. 
“Are you sure about that?” He towered over you, trying to make you understand that he would undoubtedly be a threat if he chose to be. The wolf couldn’t believe that you weren’t moving away from him, that you weren’t afraid. His voice was almost a growl, as if he wanted you to be. Maybe he was just so used to everyone thinking the same way about him that he wanted you to, as well. Bigby had become comfortable with being feared, being hated, even. It was pretty much all he had ever known. Despite his feelings for you, he had never really believed that it was possible that you could think of him as anything else than the Sheriff at best, and a monster at worst. Now that you were in front of him, speaking the words he had never expected to hear outside of his own mind, it was overwhelming and he wasn’t sure that he could bear it.
Bigby could tell that you were nervous, but your eyes never left his. “I’m sure,” there was a slight tremor in your voice, but the determined look in your eyes never wavered. The wolf couldn’t control himself any longer, and he was so tired of pushing you away when it so clearly wasn’t working. You saw right past his pretences and the way you were looking up at him made Bigby feel like he was laid bare before you, that there was nothing he could say that would surprise you. No, he couldn’t resist; not when you were so close, staring at up at him with those eyes. His hand came up to cradle your face as his lips crashed onto yours. A small noise of surprise escaped your lips, before your mind cold process everything that was happening and you reciprocated.
In that moment, Bigby felt that for the first time in his life, everything was exactly perfect. You rose up on your tip toes to be able to kiss him properly, and he was again struck by how small and delicate you were. His other arm reached down to wrap around your waist, pulling you close and tight against him, and he felt you relax against his chest. His kiss was a promise, to care for you, to protect you. It was a realisation of the primal instinct that he was constantly battling as his kissed turned more rough, more passionate. When he finally pulled away, it was only because he needed to prove to himself that he was capable of it.
“Oh,” you breathed out, looking completely shell-shocked and still totally enveloped in his arms. Bigby didn’t think that he would ever be truly at peace again if you left them. He didn’t know what he could say; the Sheriff would have apologised again, but he couldn’t say that he was truly sorry. He didn’t think he would ever be sorry that he had kissed you. You were blushing harder than he had ever witnessed - even the tips of your ears were pink and Bigby didn’t think that you had ever looked so cute, but at the same time he was worried you were about to faint. Shakily, you extracted yourself from his arms and the wolf mourned the loss immediately. 
Relief flooded his mind when he watched a smile slowly break out over your face, the colour in your cheeks starting to fade. “Now I’m really sure,” you flashed him a bright smile, and he ached with how beautiful he found you. To his disappointment, he couldn’t kiss you again right away due to you turning to face the wall and picking up a paintbrush, ready to repaint over the wall Bigby had filled. 
“We still have to do this?” He raised his eyebrows and folded his arms in protest. He couldn’t say mad for long however, cracking a smile when you simply handed him a paintbrush in response. 
“I can’t just have a hole in my wall, Bigby. And if you recall, we’re only doing this because someone threw a drug dealer into it.” You glanced at him pointedly, and Bigby realised that the guilt about the situation had finally eased up enough for him to be amused by the teasing. 
“You could just hang a picture over it,” he suggested, even as he picked up the other paintbrush and got to work. You flicked paint at him in response and he turned to look at you incredulously at the childish behaviour, unable to resist the temptation to get revenge, tapping you on the nose with his paintbrush. Another soft giggle escaped your lips, and he knew that you were exactly what he needed. When he was with you, it was like he finally remembered what life was. What it was beyond surviving another fight and waking up the next day. Your child-like innocence was a treasure that he vowed to preserve and never let fall victim to the violence and danger of Fabletown. 
Bigby reached up to paint up where you wouldn’t be able to reach, much to your annoyance. “Next time,” Bigby glanced at you, as the two of you worked away, beginning to fix up the bar at last, “I’m just taking you to dinner.” 
Next time. The words felt right in his mouth. Next time. There was going to be a next time, he was sure of it. Now that you had given him a chance, he was going to prove to you that he was worth it. Leaning down, he pressed another kiss to your forehead, just to watch you turn pink and stutter. 
Yeah, he could get used to this. 
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can you write a summer themed oneshot for bigby & mermaid! reader with the prompt- hiking?
A/n: -happy sobbs- I love all these Bigby requests.
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" I hate this."
"You hate everything Bigby."
"Thats not true...I don't hate meat and I certainly don't hate you."
Letting out a soft laugh you turned to face the man, he was still wearing his jeans and white shirt though thankfully his tie was gone and instead of the normal shoes he wore, instead he had on a pair of boots.
"I stand corrected." Glancing back you gave him a teasing smile you fiddled with the charm around your neck.
"You know." Bigby took a deep breath in, his hand resting against a tree. "I guess this hike...isn't too bad...I mean the view is pretty great."
"We're not even at the to-" Turning around you scowled crossing your arms over your chest. You were starting to regret the pair of shorts you were, not to mention the tank top. The clothing seeming to show off your assets more. "Perv."
"Can you really blame me y/n."
Waving off you started to jog ahead, the man letting out a groan. "I'm not answering that."
Huffing, Bigby bent down trying to catch his breath. He was starting to regret suggesting this. Back when he lived in Fabletown he used to love running around in the woods but not he wanted nothing more than to be back in the apartment in the woods and you....you were enjoying this far to much. Something that he couldn't wrap his head around.
Weren't you a mermaid! You should hate walking in the woods! Shaking his head he scratched his cheek, he supposed he couldn't blame you.
Finally reaching the top he took a deep breath in nearly tripping on a rock to reach you. He should really get used to walking up inclines so he wouldn't feel so winded. Blinking the gold out of his eyes he wrapped his arms around your waist placing a small kiss to your head. "What a sight...okay, I'll admit...it was worth nearly dying."
Laughing you lent back into his arms closing your eyes, your hand placing over his. You wished people could see this side of Bigby, the caring man, the one that would make you smile whenever you were feeling down but people were to see in their ways to remember his past. You couldn't help but get upset over that, everyone held a horrid past back in Fabletown.
"So..wanna head back to the apartment." Placing a kiss to your neck, you could feel his grin.
"Sure but that means we gotta walk down first."
Blinking, Bigby let out a groan throwing his head back. "You know, the beautiful sight made me forget how much of a pain in the ass it was to get up here."
Shaking your head you grasped his hand, weaving your fingers through his own. "Come on you big baby, it will be fun...besides we don't have to rush each other and maybe we can even have a little fun on the way down."
"Fun? I love fun."
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Bigby Dating Red Ridding Hood{Reader} Headcanons
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🔹: You've known each other since your were kids.Though as you grew older you started to develop feelings for him.
🔹: The man you were supposed to marry was not happy, so he framed Bigby.
🔹:You tried to remain in contact with the man though he broke off all ties.
🔹:You both got acquainted with each again in the Mundy world.
🔹:Bigby often goes to you and your grandmothers bakery. While he likes the sweets, he enjoys seeing you more.
🔹: Is always calling you Red, know matter how many times you insist on him calling you by your name.
🔹: Finally asks you out on a date when your grandmother finally tells him to do it.
"She's not gonna bite you Wolf! I know y/n has feelings for you so grow some balls and ask her out already."
🔹: People talking about how strange it is for the Big Bad Wolf to be dating Red Ridding Hood. But you don't care at all.
🔹: You showing up to Bigbys office when he's had a hard day wearing a short white dress, red heels and your red cloak carrying a basket full of sweets.
🔹: Bigby wanting nothing more than to tear the dress off of you.
🔹: When you find out you're pregnant Bigby is over the moon happy, the woman he loves is having his children
🔹: is always kissing your stomach, rubbing it gently or even singing to them.
🔹: You find out you're having 6 children. A bit of a shock though seeing how happy Bigby is you come around to it .
🔹: After you give birth, Bigby makes sure you're getting plenty of rest while he looks after the babies.
🔹:is an amazing dad, loves all his children, gives them plenty of kisses, loves reading them bed time stories.
🔹: Carries tons of pictures of his children and you . Shows them off to everyone.
{{ NSFW Content below }}
🔹: Teasing you, that the Big Bad Wolf will really eat you.
🔹: Snow asking why Bigby
"I don't want a Prince Charming Snow.
I want the Big Bad Wolf, someone who can see me better, hear me better... and best of all. Someone who can eat me better."
"What does that mean!?"
"Christ Snow I'm saying that Bigby is amazing at Oral."
🔹: Tends to shift in his second form whenever he is having sex with you, he loves gripping your hips and you love seeing his golden eyes.
🔹: is all for some public sex, the man doesn't care if he's Sheriff.
🔹:The elevator in his shitty apartment complex. He loves getting behind you pushing those panties aside then fingering your warmth until he feels your juices only to pull his fingers out when someone steps into the elevator.
🔹: Bigby tends to bite during sex, he likes to leave his mark on you. The neck and chest are his favorite places.
🔹: It all to that soft and passionate sex, Bigby loves to hold you when ever you two are making love.
🔹: Favorite position would 110% be doggie style. He can't really explain it. It might be the wolf in him but oh does he love watching you on your hands and knees as he fucks you from behind.
🔹: Please wear red heels during sex.
🔹: Enjoys knotting you, he rather likes keeping his dick in you, keeping you snuggled against his chest.
🔹: would totally have a pregnancy kink when it comes to you .
🔹: Really loves pregnant sex
🔹: Or any kind of sex when it comes to you.
🔹: Sex in his office is a must, though that doesn't mean he won't take the sex to Cranes off and against his desk. Rather enjoys knowing the desk that the man works is the same place where you two fucked.
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emperor-palpaminty · 2 years
Slow Calling
When the sheriff is assigned to protect you, the feelings and exhaustion build up into one precious moment- at least, to you.
(nice) bigby x female reader, cuddling in a bed, fluffy, pillow fights, sorry lads
i have been binge playing TWAU again send help 911. Points if you get ANY references sksksk, also is Bigby out of character? yes. do I care? no. goodbye
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The rain hit your window pane in a rather aggressive manner as you paced in time. Each drop that hit the window made you flinch as you walked, tugging the robe tighter over your pajamas. The shower water was almost as cold as the rain outside, so the warmth of the robe was somewhat of a relief. Even as you leaned back on the window to watch the rain, you heard Bigby cursing in the bathroom, the shower faucet shutting off.
“This water’s too fuckin’ cold,” He grunted from behind the door. 
Your lips curved to a smile as you pushed off the wall, leaning in the doorway of the bathroom as Bigby opened the door up. "You wanna pay the bill?"
He snorted, turning towards the mirror, shaking out the red bush of hair on his head. "Hey. I'm your guest, host pays for all the guest... Shit." Bigby waved a hand, adjusting the old band shirt you had given him for the night. "Plus, it's a thank you, I think, for my presence." The words lilted in a gentle tease, and his eyes darted to you in the mirror.
You only grinned and shook your head, turning and walking away. "Oh, please. You're here for your job. I can only make a few mistakes before Jadis makes her move." The mattress squeaked under you as you plunked down, heavy, exhaustion only adding to your weight.
Bigby's steps were muffled, and he was quiet. The words hung in the air for a moment.
You sat up, glancing back at the bathroom, watching as he leaned on the doorway, eyes skimming over you. "You too, huh?" His smile was half-weak as he pushed himself off the doorway. Even in the dim yellowed lighting of your room, he didn't look warm, welcoming. You sat up more, a question in your movements, but he spoke again. "You know I care about all Fables."
"I didn't mean anything by it, Bigby." You tucked your legs under you, tapping the mattress next to you, softly. His brows raised slightly, hesitating, and then he slowly walked towards the invitation. "You look weird in anything other than that raggedy old button up."
"I like that raggedy old button up." Bigby sunk down on the bed next to you, leaning forward on his knees, exhaling slightly with all the tiredness in that breath.
You watched him. His finger twitched for a cigarette that wasn't there. His eyes looked hallowed, and the big bad wolf didn't look so sad. He just looked-
"Tired." Bigby said, quietly.
You blinked out of your thoughts, eyes drawing up to his face. "What?"
"I'm tired of people thinking I'm- I'm still what I was." He sighed quietly and pressed his face in his hands and raked it through. Even his shadow on the floor sagged, weighted. "Not anymore. I mean, I can be. But overall, mostly..."
The words trailed off. The bed squeaked as you scooted a little closer to him, crossing your arms. The silence that settled was drowned out by the rain. You watched him, elbows settled on his thighs. After a moment, you said softly, “I like your boxers.” You pointed with pursed lips. “You know something?”
“It’s hard to believe the big bad wolf is really that bad, especially when he wears Bon Jovi shirts and boxers.” 
“One- the shirt was free. Two-” Bigby’s lips pressed into a tight grin as he leaned back, elbows now pressing on the mattress as he plopped back. “You saying I should run around like this?”
You turned, grasping the pillow nearby. “May help your case. You and those hairy legs.” The pillow landed on his face, softly, but earned a shocked noise from him. “Very hairy everything, actually.” You leaned over him, giggling as you pulled the pillow off his face.
Bigby’s smile had grown, red hair fanned out on the comforter, the golden flecks a little more prominant than usual. “That bad, huh? I don’t-” 
The pillow dropped on his face again, the protests muffled as you leaned back, laughing. “Aw, come on. It’s just a little pillow-” You reached down to remove the pillow from his face, but he reached up, snatched it, and his lip twitched, sideways, into a grin. “Oh, Bigby. I’m just messing-”
The words were met with a wall of fluff, and you landed back on the bed, Bigby leaning over you, laughing. “Messing!” The large hand reached over, grabbing the pillow with the yellow case on it, and he began a double assault on you, the pillows hitting you. “Still messing with me, huh? You gonna mess with me?”
You giggled, reaching up to stop the fluffy assault. your hands grapsed on his wrists and you seized them, laughing. “Okay! You win! I surrender!” You thrashed, cackling under him, squeezing his hands.
“You won’t talk about my hairy legs? Or-” His hands grappled with yours and he dropped the pillows long enough to press your arms down, the breath of a laugh escaping his chest. “Or my...” He paused over you, the eyes hesitating to scrape over your face. “My shorts?”
You giggled, reaching out of his grasp and lightly pressing his chest. “What in the world has gotten into you? Yes, I’ll stop.” You laughed again, quietly, unaware at how closely he was drawing in.
His voice had dropped low as he spoke, honeyed and growling. “Maybe I like it when you talk about me.”
You blinked up at him, watching as his eyes skimmed your face, which you felt warming considerably under the gaze. You turned your face away, laughing quietly, rolling to your side. “Weirdo.” You managed, staring hard at the wall, counting the cracks in the wallpaper and trying to sooth your heart to normal cadence. 
Quietly, Bigby laid down behind you, arms still draping over you, lips nuzzling your hair and ear as he held you- it was chaste but made you hot all over anyway. Only when you relaxed, he tightened his grip and leaned in closer, exhaling quietly. Your body, despite the sudden rush of endorphins and energy and exhaustion at the same time, relaxed against him and your breathing slowed- you were safe here, of all places. 
You decided you could use being safe more, at last if it was being safe here.
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