#twdg Conrad
thecrusadercomrade · 20 days
Season 3 really was a fever dream of bad writing
I think that there were a lot of good ideas in season three, like the conflict between David and Javi, but there just wasn't very good execution for most of it.
The romance subplot with Kate is incredibly annoying if you don't play along. Characters are absurdly and unnecessarily belligerent, which can make it hard to like them. Eleanor's betrayal feels completely out of nowhere, and so does Conrad's whole situation with Clementine. Mariana, a really interesting character, is killed off in the first episode for shock value. I don't really mind Clementine not being the playable character, but making her a part of important decisions pretty much ruins those choices because most people will blindly side with her on everything.
There's a good story hidden beneath everything, but all the issues and flaws make it hard to see most of the time. I would've much preferred if Kate was the one to die at the junkyard. That way we get to see more of Mariana's character, and we get to focus on the conflict between Javi and David as brothers without any romance plots getting in the way.
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the-delta-42 · 2 months
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if all of the Ericson’s survivors were captured?
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What if all of the Ericson’s survivors were captured? TW: Implied/Referenced Torture and Rape/Non-Con.
Clementine ran her hand down her face. She heard Mitch let out a groan, before he sat up.
“What happened?” Asked Mitch, looking around.
The group was split in two, the older boys in one cell and the girls and younger boys in the other.
“Well, Tenn got caught, you tried to save him, got knocked out, Willy, Omar and Aasim got caught, Louis, Violet and Ruby got knocked out, AJ was captured, and I got shot.” Said Clementine, looking at the guard, “What?”
“Minnie.” Gasped Violet, hurrying forwards.
Clementine sighed, of course Lilly would send Violet’s girlfriend.
“Lilly wants to talk to you.” Said Minerva, getting a huff from Clementine, “Hey!”
“Hmm, what?” Clementine looked up, “Wait, you’re talking to me?”
Minerva glared at Clementine, “Who else would Lilly want to talk to?”
“I dunno,” Snarked Clementine, “you look like you have the intelligence of a goldfish.”
Minerva flushed, her face curling into a sneer.
“Minerva.” A dark-skinned woman stepped in, “Get her to Lilly.”
Minerva huffed, before wrenching the cell door open, grabbed Clementine and hauled her out of the cell.
“Where are you taking her?!” Yelled Louis, rushing towards his cell’s door, only to get the butt of a rifle to the face.
“She’s alive.” Everyone looked at Violet, “Minnie’s alive.”
“Violet.” Mitch got to his feet, “I think we have more important things to worry about.”
The group sat up, hearing someone approaching, all sat up. They saw Minerva shove someone into the girl’s cell. Ruby gasped, rushing towards the person.
“Clementine!” Ruby helped her up, “What happened?”
“I,” Clementine coughed, “I ran my mouth, I think.”
“You think?!” Ruby glared at Clementine, “What did they want?”
“They,” Clementine coughed, “they wanted information on the New Frontier, the group they’re at ‘war’ with. Lilly heard I used to be part of them, wanted me to,” Clementine let out a throaty cough, “to get them to lower their defences.”
“Why didn’t you?” Asked Violet, “We could get killed.”
“I’m not really open to people choking me for information.” Spat Clementine, wincing as she shifted.
“What’d they do?” Asked Mitch, frowning.
“Oh, the usual.” Clementine winced as Ruby prodded a bruise, “Beatings, cuts, the of threat of rape.”
Everyone looked at her, “What?”
“How the hell are you so casual about this?”
“Well,” Clementine scowled, “threats become a lot less frightening when you’ve already experienced them.”
Clementine opted to ignore the horrified looks from the others.
They watched Clementine get hauled off again, with AJ attempting to bite one of the guards, and get backhanded for his efforts. As soon as they were gone, Mitch looked at Louis, “We need to find a way out of here.”
“How?” Asked Louis, frustrated, “We don’t have any way to get the lock open.”
“Minnie can help us.” Said Violet, getting a scowl from Aasim.
“Violet, I know you’re excited to see her,” Said Aasim, “but if she wanted to help us, she would’ve done it by now!”
“You don’t know that!” Snapped Violet.
“Then why hasn’t she!” Demanded Aasim, “Why didn’t she escape? Why is she alone?”
“What’s going on?” They heard Minerva’s voice.
“Minnie.” Everyone heard Violet’s tone change.
“Where’s Clementine?!” Demanded Louis, banging on the cell’s door.
Minerva ignored him, instead focusing on Violet, “Lilly said I can take you out of here.”
Violet looked conflicted, glancing around, “W-what about the others?”
“They’ll get out too, when they stop fighting back.” Answered Minerva, opening the cell door, “Tenn can come out too.”
Eleanor frowned, Javi had sent her and Conrad with Clint and a group to meet representatives of the Delta. They’d unexpectedly gotten in contact with them, requesting a meeting. Javi suspected it might be a trap, so the small group was secretly reinforced by a larger group hidden in the surrounding area.
“Hello?!” They heard a voice.
Eleanor was vaguely aware of Max aiming his rifle in the direction of the voice.
“Hello?!” The voice repeated, as a ratty looking man appeared, “The name’s Abel. I’m here representing the Delta.”
“What do you want?” Demanded Conrad, glaring at Abel.
“A trade.” Said Abel, “You’ve got one of ours, Raphael, and we’ve got one of yours.”
As he said that, Abel threw something at Conrad’s feet. Frowning, Eleanor picked the object. She froze, recognising Clementine’s hat.
“She’s alive,” Promised Abel, “for now.”
“She left.” Dismissed Max, “She’s not one of ours.”
“Neither are the people we caught her with,” Said Abel, “but, I doubt you’d want her boy to suffer like she has.”
“AJ’s alive?” Max looked at Eleanor.
“For now.” Said Abel, “You’ve got other prisoners we want back.”
Eleanor sighed, before looking down, “We’ll see.”
Javi looked at Clementine’s hat, frowning.
“Are you sure it’s Clem’s?” Asked Kate, looking at him.
“Positive.” Answered Eleanor, “They mentioned that they had AJ too.”
“Did they say what they were doing to her?” Asked Javi, looking at Max.
“No.” Max shook his head, “You don’t think they’ll hurt AJ?”
“I wouldn’t put it past them.” Sighed Javi, looking around, “So, what do we do?”
“What do you mean?” Asked Kate, frowning.
“We might like Clem, but can we really justify letting people go, just to save someone who left us?” Asked Javi.
Everyone was silent.
“If we don’t,” Said Eleanor, “they might kill her and AJ.”
“But, if we let Raphael and his friends loose,” Said Max, “dozens more could die.”
The group fell into an uneasy silence.
Clementine grunted as the guard threw her back into her shared cell.
“Clem!” Louis rushed forwards, “Are you alright?”
“What’d they do?” Asked Ruby, helping Clementine up.
“I,” Clementine swallowed, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
She let out another groan as Ruby helped her into a sitting position, “They,” she coughed, “they said the contacted the New Frontier.”
“S-so, we’re getting out of here?” Willy sounded hopeful.
Clementine ran a hand down her face, “No. Even with their new management, they wouldn’t risk losing their people to get one person.”
The sound of someone approaching the cells drew their attention. They saw Violet and Minerva walking behind Delta member.
“Remember your instructions.” Said the Delta member, before walking away.
Clementine straightened up, “Vio-” Clementine was cut off by Violet punching her. Clementine grunted as she hit the floor, with one of the girls landing a kick in her side.
“What the fuck?!” Screamed Louis, “Stop!”
Minerva took a step back, allowing Violet to take fully control of Clementine’s…interrogation. Minerva watched as Violet broke Clementine’s leg, hand and arm. After landing more kicks in Clementine’s side, Violet stepped back.
“That,” Clementine coughed, before glaring up at Violet and snarling, “was pathetic.”
Violet landed a kick to Clementine’s face, as Minerva spoke, “Michael said she isn’t going to need clothes for the next part.”
Violet hesitated, before grabbing Clementine’s jacket and pulling it off.
Clementine groaned as they left, leaving her and the rest of the Ericson’s group alone.
“Clem?” Ruby hesitantly approached hr, “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t wake up and expect to be raped in front of everyone.” Clementine voice was tired and hoarse, “Did anyone see where they put my clothes?”
“You’re…” Ruby trailed off, “You’re remarkably calm about this.”
“I’ve seen and experienced it all before.” Clementine winced as she shrugged, “I really hope my arm and leg aren’t screwed.”
Clementine looked over at the other cell, James had been caught shortly after them, “How’s James?”
“He still out.” Said Aasim, looking away from Clementine, “He’s still alive though.”
Louis managed to hook Clementine’s clothes with his foot, before bundling them up and tossing them towards Ruby, “Here.”
Ruby nodded, before helping Clementine get dressed, before resetting her broken bones.
“Clem,” Mitch got her attention, “when there were moving you, did you see anything that could help us escape?”
“No,” Clementine winced, “they’ve got all obvious escapes blocked off, I heard from one of them that they’re near Richmond, but, other than that, there’s no way off this boat.”
“Do you think Rosie’s okay?” Asked Tenn, speaking for the first time since he’d been thrown back into the cells.
“Hopefully.” Said Aasim, letting his mind wander back to the dog.
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” Javi decided to ignore Max, they’d made a rudimentary blockade around the ship, as well as massed a massive group to seize it.
“I didn’t hear you complaining when we were planning it.” Javi smirked at Ava’s voice, she limped up to Richmond’s gate shortly after Clementine left, having survived her fall.
Conrad slinking towards them got them to go silent, “They’ve got a dog chained up in that Lilly person’s office. Clementine and her group are down in the cells.”
“Javi,” Eleanor murmured, “they, they said that Clementine had been… ‘passed around’. They said they planned on doing the same to her boy.”
Javi felt a wave of disgust run through him, “Okay,” he unhooked his bat from his back, “let’s go.”
Clementine winced as Ruby reset her fingers.
“What’s that noise?” Asked Omar, looking around.
“It sounds like…gun fire?” Louis frowned, “What’s going on out there?”
They received their answer when the door to the brig burst open and Minerva was being held at gunpoint.
“Max, get those doors open.” Clementine froze, she recognised the voice, but found she couldn’t remember the name. She spotted Max rushing to open the doors, with Louis surging past him and wrenching Clementine’s cell door open. Before he could reach her, Clementine saw Eleanor push past him.
“What are her injuries?” Eleanor looked at a heavyset red-haired girl.
“B-broken arm, leg and right hand, bruising and some fractures, I think.” The girl stuttered, as Ava joined them and helped Clementine up, getting her to release a groan.
“Dislocated shoulder.” Hissed Clementine, as Ava helped her walk.
“Ha!” Everyone looked at Louis, before he proudly held up ‘Chair-les’, “I thought they got rid of it.”
“Charming.” Said the owner of the familiar yet unfamiliar voice, “Clem, where’d you find these guys?”
Clementine winced, before looking at the woman, trying to put a name to the face, “…Christa?”
Christa let out a huffing laugh, “Nice of you to remember me, I only looked after you for two years.”
“…I thought you were dead.”
Christa sighed, “That’s fair.”
“We need to get them out of here.” Said Eleanor, interrupting the reunion, “I want to get her some proper medical treatment.”
The others silently agreed, “Javi and the others are rounding up prisoners now.” Said Ava, as she moved past the group.
“Yeah,” Called a man, “That guard dog Conrad saw was harmless.”
“Rosie!” Gasped Tenn, as the dog ran up to them.
Clementine winced, the painkillers Lingard had given her had worn off, they’d put her broken limbs in casts. Javi had told them that Lilly had killed Gabe when they captured her, part of her was heartbroken, she supposed that she still held some feelings for the dork. Louis had dropped by, mentioning that the group had decided to stay in Richmond, Clementine had suggested to Javi that some people go out and establish a foothold in the school.
“How’re you feeling, Clem?” Asked Eleanor, checking in on her.
“I’m alright,” Clementine shrugged, “still feeling a bit sick, but the dizziness has gone.”
“That’s good.” Eleanor nodded, “Look, Clem, I know you might not take this well, but we’re going to do a pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side.”
Clementine felt a surge of panic fill her, before she swallowed, “Okay.”
Eleanor sighed, before leaving the room. Meanwhile, down in the makeshift prison Richmond had, Violet sat quietly, despondent to her surroundings. Louis had given her grief for ‘betraying’ them; Violet couldn’t think of an excuse. They knew Minne longer? Minnie had murdered Sophie. Everything fell apart because of Clementine? The raiders were coming for them anyway. Louis had brought up that she was one of the three that wanted to keep Clementine and AJ around, Clementine had gotten shot while trying to save her, and Violet had turned on her like it was nothing.
Part of Violet wanted Minnie, she always knew the right thing to say, to do. AJ didn’t want to see her; Louis only came to talk to her because Clementine asked him. She remembered Clementine’s promise, when they tried to take AJ, promising to kill her if she touched him. Violet wanted to say she didn’t know what made her stop, but she did. She stopped because she knew Clementine wasn’t bluffing. She stopped because she knew that if she took AJ, she would’ve lost her friend. She stopped because she still cared. Clementine had made herself AJ’s shield, and while that didn’t excuse how Violet had aided in the beatings and, in a miniscule way, the rapes, Clementine placed herself as a barrier for her boy and, after they’d been captured, the rest of their group.
Clementine heard them talking about cutting out Louis’s tongue, so she ran her mouth, insulted them, called them weak for targeting someone’s voice. Violet remembered seeing the bite mark on Minnie’s arm, finding out Clementine had bitten her when they mentioned targeting Tenn.
“Hey.” Violet looked up when someone banged on her cell door, seeing Clementine being supported by Louis, “I could hear you grinding your teeth from the hospital.”
“Why are you here?” Asked Violet, trying to make herself angry.
“To talk to you, dumbass.” Answered Clementine, “I’ve spoken to Javi about getting you and Minerva some help.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Demanded Violet, glaring up at them.
“The two of you were brainwashed.” Shrugged Clementine, “I’ve seen it before, met a guy who was full on drinking the Saviours Kool-Aid. They used someone you loved to get you to see things their way.”
“I’m not brainwashed!” Yelled Violet, jumping up, “Whatever plan you came up with would’ve gotten us killed!”
Clementine gave her a flat look, “You do realise you’ve just proved my point, right?”
Violet glared at her, making Clementine sigh and gesture for Louis to help her out of the prison. Leaving Violet alone with her thoughts.
Next Story: What if Carver attacked Clementine at the Cabin? (TW: Violence against a child)
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I owe Conrad a huge apology, I can't believe I spent years on team "shoot 'em" before deciding to do a playthrough where I tried to keep him alive. I thought clem would hate me but she didn't and Conrad is such an underrated character I live in repentance
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madsipie · 3 months
i miss javier garcia. like what is up with that. where did he go. come home please.
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bourbonificould · 7 months
If there's one thing I like about A New Frontier, it's the memorial wall in Richmond at the end of the season. Some of the pictures actually look really cool and aren't just game screenshots, I wish we had these for other seasons. And of course, the pictures back at the Garcia household.
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To put it into perspective, imagine the Ericson's kids hanging up pictures of all who died for us to see at first arrival. Or taking a group pic.
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thecanadianowl · 7 months
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Like yeah, in terms of romance options goes, Louis/Violet are much better but he just seems like your average edgy teen that just wants to do what he thinks is right.
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willemdafinky · 6 months
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adoredmarigold · 7 months
I have a headcanon that Gabe would do well academically if the apocalypse didn't happen. He'd excel in math and science and get put in advanced classes. He'd also join the chess club and be one of the best players. He tutors other kids after class.
Meanwhile, I imagine Mariana to be the more artsy and sporty one. She loves music and would want to learn how to play an instrument, she would wanna learn how to play the drums (much to David's dismay cause now the house is always loud af cause Mari's always practicing.) She'd also want to do a sport for her after-school club, I wanna say she might go for volleyball or tennis (Javi tried to get her into baseball but she wasn't into it).
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juno-box · 11 months
If you were to do that reaction fic you mentioned, with TWDG characters either playing the games or reacting to them, what characters would you go with for the reaction, at least to start out? And if it's not too much trouble, why would you choose those particular characters?
I've always liked the idea of reaction fics that give every character a chance to react, most especially antagonists that can possibly be redeemed (like Minnie, Marlon, S4!Lilly if you choose to spare her). I’d pick nearly every character per season, I believe. Such as:
Season 1 – Lee, S1!Clem, Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Carley, Doug, Lilly, Larry, Mark, Ben, Christa, Omid
Season 2 – S2!Clem, Luke, Pete, Nick, Alvin, Rebecca, Sarah, Carlos, S2!Kenny, Sarita, Bonnie, Mike, Jane
Season 3 – S3!Clem, Javier, Kate, Mariana, Gabe, Tripp, Eleanor, Conrad, Dr. Lingard, David, Jesus, Ava
Season 4 – S4!Clem, AJ, Marlon, Brody, Louis, Violet, Aasim, Ruby, Mitch, Willy, Omar, Tenn, James, Minerva, S4!Lilly
My inspiration for those picks stem from reaction fics I used to read from other fandoms I was/am in, where even characters that die in the future have an opportunity to react and comment on the events to come. And characters that do wrong by others, but have some way of redemption whether it be canon or not can have the chance to see the consequences of their choices and actions, and mayhaps have a moment of reflection.
On top of that, I’ve always liked reactions to characters in the future witnessing pass events surrounding someone they’ve met way after the fact. Like, what would the Ericsons kids reaction be to a small Clementine? Or The New Frontier’s reaction to Clem having always been able to make the tough decisions from a young age?
Another part of me wants to make 2 versions of this, one for canon and a another one in the future for DoTWD, but I’m primarily focused on the canon version at the moment.
Then there's the decision on how to go about doing the reaction. Have each MC per-game play their respective seasons? Or make it like a movie? What choices would I put in each fanfic? Since we're not working with a directly linear story like the comic or the TV series, but a choice-based game, y'know?
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twdg-textposts · 3 years
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TWDG + Textposts (653/?)
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Rank all the character's freckles using tiermaker 👀
This ask resulted in me booting up the definitive edition so that I could look through a bunch of models because some characters have freckles that I totally forgot about.... and then there were moments where I was like "...I can't tell if those are freckles or dirt??" so I just assumed, y'know? Also, I don't think I missed anyone, but y'know... if I did, oh well.
but here ya go, my twdg freckles tier list--
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thecrusadercomrade · 21 days
Re: Conrad in the og script apparently the new frontier went to Prescott demanding clementine and you had the option to give her up, and that was why Conrad was like let's trade her. clearly at some point they realized it was crazy for a community to pull up on another community in pursuit of a tween so they changed it to javi instead, so shouldn't he have targeted javi? Lol
Ah, really? That would've made a lot more sense for Conrad's motivations if they'd been looking for Clementine specifically, though at the same time I recognize how it could come across as a little silly for this militant group to be gunning so hard for a 13/14 year old girl. Perhaps if they'd done more to establish how Clementine had been causing trouble for the New Frontier, but even then it'd be a bit ridiculous.
It would've made a lot more sense to go after Javi, but then of course there wouldn't be the big choice to betray Clem or kill Conrad. I honestly can't even think of a better way to do things right now without drastically rewriting a lot of the story. Very tricky.
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the-delta-42 · 2 months
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if the New Frontier stole from the Saviors?
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Settle the Score
What if the New Frontier stole from the Saviors? (TW: Violence and Negan)
Clementine swallowed, Javi was at the base of the gallows, while Tripp, Ava and David were being held hostage. She hadn’t been at her best, especially since she saw the Saviors mark on some of the supplies in the warehouse.
Then, without warning, a flare went up, cutting Joan off and making everyone go silent. Then she heard it. The whistle. That fucking whistle. As if everyone knew who it was, the crowd parted and he casually strolled up to the stage.
“Hello.” Drawled Negan, looking around the group, “Now, I usually wouldn’t just, invite myself in.”
More people started to appear, with Clementine freezing, recognising some of the faces.
“But,” Negan grinned up at Joan, “a little fruit told me that you,” he pointed Lucielle at Joan, “had your people stealing.”
Clementine looked down, ashamed of how fast she told Negan.
“Clementine,” Sighed Joan, before Negan cut her off.
“Oh no, she’s smart.” Negan looked around, “I mean, your surrounded by a bucha guys and you just happen to have stabbed their leader? Ooh, she was in a really bad position.”
Negan looked around, “Alright, round ‘em up.”
Everyone in the square soon found themselves on their knees, with one Savior roughly shoving Kate down next to Javi.
“You okay?” Whispered Javi, getting a brief nod from Kate.
He pointed his bat at someone, “Eeny.” He pointed his bat as he counted them off at random, walking up and down the line up, leaving a word for each person, “Meeny. Miny. Mo. Catch. A tiger. By. His toe. If he hollers. Let him go. My Mother. Told me. To pick. The very. Best one. And. You. Are. It.”
Negan looked down at his victim, “If anybody moves, anybody starts something,” he pointed at Clementine, “cut her hand off and feed it to that prick next to her.” He looked back at his victim, “It’s okay, you can breathe, you can blink you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that.”
Gabe sat in the church; Clementine had fallen into an uneasy sleep. He saw the council sitting towards the front. Clementine’s hand was in bandages, Lingard managed to sew up most of the damage, so with some hope, it would heal, even if it would take the better part of a year and it wouldn’t be as strong as it had been.
“Their definition of half isn’t half,” Said Eleanor, “it’s most of what we have.”
“David?” Lingard looked at Gabe’s father, “Anything to add?”
David didn’t respond, instead getting up and walking out of the building.
“Does he usually do that?” Asked Eleanor, getting a scoff from Clint.
“No, but Joan did get people killed.” Clint glared at her, “We should’ve listened to him.”
“I was going what I thought was best.” Sighed Joan, trying to ignore the blood on her clothes.
Clint glared at her, before leaving after David. Lingard sighed, “Clint has a point. Your…greater good got people killed, and, if what Clem told us is true, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill the rest of the community if we fought him.”
Joan sighed, before she looked over at Clementine, “Why did she tell them where to find us?”
“Who knows.” Eleanor glared at Clementine, getting a snort from a guy lounging in a pew at the back of the church.
“He probably already had this place cased out,” The man sat up, “he wouldn’t have a force this big if someone squealed to him. He was coming already, he just wanted to play mind games with someone who managed to get away from him.” The man glanced at Clementine, “She’s probably scared out of her mind, given she’s just a child.”
Tripp scowled, getting up and walking off as Eleanor approached him, while Gabe helped a limping Clementine to the truck.
“Dr. Lingard told us that AJ’s at a place called McCarroll Ranch.” Said Gabe, as Kate looked on from the truck, “He’s given us some supplies, but we’re going to need to scavenge for stuff.”
“You’re leaving?” Eleanor spoke up, walking up to them.
“Er…” Gabe looked around, “Yeah, I mean, look at this place, it’s not safe.”
“That’s because—” Conrad cut her off, “People got killed? Yeah, that’s why we’re going.”
“Javi got them killed.”
“And you sold us out.”
“Because the plan was going to get all of us killed,” Eleanor looked around them, “I was trying—”
“To save your own neck.” Kate snapped, glaring at Eleanor, “You might like living in a prison, but some of us prefer to live freely.”
“Richmond isn’t a prison.” Protested Eleanor, as the group joined Gabe and Clementine in the truck.
“Maybe,” Kate looked around, “but, from what we’ve been told about…them, it’ll soon be.”
Kate got back in the truck, before they drove off, leaving Eleanor staring after them.
Clementine winced as AJ tugged on her hand, collecting AJ had gone more or less smoothly, she supposed having David with them helped.
“Clem.” Babbled the toddler, prompting Clementine to readjust him.
“Hey goofball.” Clementine’s response got a giggle from AJ.
To the group, the change in Clementine’s demeanour was like whiplash, especially since they hadn’t actually heard her laugh before.
“So,” David looked back at them, “about…what happened back there…”
“At the ranch or Richmond?” Asked Tripp, returning David’s look.
“At… at Richmond.” Clarified David, “I…I know that I should’ve done more.”
“Negan’s a psychopath.” Said Clementine, “He’s the type of crazy that keeps everyone afraid.”
“He’s not gonna chase us, is he?” Asked Conrad, looking at Clementine.
“No.” Clementine shook her head, “He chases large groups, not small ones or individuals. I ran into him a couple of years ago, the woman I was with got hurt, so I took some of his group’s medical supplies. He caught me and, in a panic, I stabbed him. It was almost funny, he seemed more amused than angry and had me sit down and tell him what I was taking them for. It was like a teacher finding you taking crayons or something.”
STS *Three Years Later*
“So,” Clementine looked over at Kate, “about… Gabe.”
Clementine noticed the others stiffen up, “I’m not going to break every time he’s brought up.”
“You get angry though.” Said AJ, getting a flat look from Clementine.
“Seriously, I’m fine.” Clementine stood up, before looking around, “Where’s David?”
“He’s watching Mari.” Answered Kate, “He’s… going through losing Gabe.”
“You don’t have to speak like I’m going to go crazy.” Said David, returning to the group, gently cradling the new born, “There’re signs for a school nearby, hopefully, we can have separate rooms to sleep in soon.”
“If it’s clear.” Said Clementine, giving him a look as she took the baby from him, “I don’t think Tripp want to deal with another Walker while he’s…”
“Taking a shit.” Finished AJ.
The group stared at the toddler, before Tripp sighed, “Why’re children like sponges?”
Clementine looked around the school grounds, they, somehow, managed to get the people to let them in. Apparently, they survived since the outbreak, with the help of the school Nurse, Clarissa Martin. Unsurprisingly, she and Conrad hit it off and the residents slowly came around to them, especially since they managed to drive off those raiders that’s started giving them grief.
“So,” Louis leaned against a wall next to her, as the group sat around a fire, “Do you want to talk about that day?”
“It’s pretty sickening.” Warned Clementine, “But, we might as well. You see, David and I we were part of this group, called the New Frontier. I was kicked out for taking some medicine for AJ and David found out that the New Frontier was raiding and stealing from other communities, one of which being the Saviors.”
Clementine swallowed, “They were led by this man, Negan. He followed the who ‘eye for an eye’ approach. So, when he found out that the New Frontier had stolen from him and killed some of his men, he decided to settle the score.”
STS *Flashback*
He raised his bat, as Clementine tried to move to stop him. As he brought his bat down on Ava’s head, Clementine was shoved to the ground and had her left hand struck by a Savior’s machete.
Negan continued to beat Ava over the head, until she collapsed forwards and Negan smashed her head into a bloody pulp of shattered bone, brains and teeth. Clementine grasped at her bloody wrist, with one of Negan’s followers making sure she watched the beating, tears running down her face.
“Whoo!” Yelled Negan, stepping away, “Now that—”
David rushed forwards and punched him, making Negan stumble back and laugh.
“Ooh,” Negan touched his face, “that was uncalled for.” Negan looked down, “Now, I’ve got to show you that there are consequences to your actions.”
Without any warning, Negan brought Lucielle down on Javi’s head. Kate let out a short scream, as Negan gave another blow, making one of Javi’s eyes pop out of its socket.
“Oh, god!” Negan laughed, “Look at this gross shit!”
Javi tried to speak, turning to Kate, getting a laugh from Negan, before he brought Lucielle down on Javi’s head again. Kate screamed and cried and pleaded, as Javi’s skull split open and Lucielle pulled his brain out, killing him.
Negan looked around, as Kate started screaming herself hoarse, “You know what, I don’t think that does it. Kill half of ‘em.”
Almost immediately, the Saviors gunned down half of the residents of Richmond, leaving the remaining line up member in steadily growing puddles of blood, with Kate trying to get Javi to speak to her, despite his head being destroyed.
“He didn’t kill any children,” Said Kate, “but, he made his mark.”
“We had a friend, Eleanor, she seemed to think that Richmond could be saved.” Tripp continued, “We left her behind and haven’t looked back since.”
“What about that Gabe guy AJ mentioned?” Asked Tenn, making Clementine look down.
“He was David’s son and…” Kate glanced at Clementine, “and Clementine’s boyfriend. He got bit on the back of the next while looking for supplies about three or four weeks ago and…had to be put down.”
“Whoa.” Muttered Louis, “So…It was a horrible few days for you?”
“That’s the understatement of the century.” Muttered Clementine, as Mari started fussing.
“Are you still thinking of moving on or…” Violet looked around, “because it’d be nice to have all of you around.”
Clementine and her group shared a look.
“Yeah,” David spoke, “We’ll stay.”
Next Story: What if the Bandits captured the Motel group? (TW: Rape/Non-Con, somewhat Graphic Violence and homophobic language)
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sir-silly · 4 years
TWDG S3 First Playthrough
So, here’s my main problem with season 3. I like the story and I like a lot of the characters, but what I don’t like is how it makes me feel. I’m not inclined to make the choices that I actually want to make. I want to defend Clementine to the death and shoot Conrad (i love his character, i just hate how he treated Clem there) and stay behind to fight with her, but as Javier, it just doesn’t make sense.
He just met this girl and has no idea who she is, rather than us who have known her for so much longer. And personally, I don’t ship him with Kate. But it feels so forced that I feel like I have to go along with it. It’s so ugh. So, this first playthrough, I’m going to be acting as Javier, not as me, and I’m going to hate it and be salty so be prepared for that.
I'm already angry and we haven't even started yet. Kate was going to have a katana???? And Gabe was gonna get a fucking AXE??????? WHY DID WE NOT GET THESE THINGS??!?!?!?!! Also, JAVIER IS SO FUCKING SLOW. I also played all of season 3 in one day lmao.
E1 - I’ll never not find the opening amazing. It’s so well done and just that, “No, Yaya. Pipo’s awake.” with the cut is so damn good. They did a really good job with that. However, I do have to complain when we get to present day because Mariana looks just as old as Clem and Gabe. She’s supposed to be 10 while they’re 13 and 14, which I don’t buy just from looking at her. Like, I thought she and Gabe were twins the first time I saw them. ALSO Mariana has an eyebrow slit and cuffs her pants. Bisexual confirmed.
I love the reintroduction to Clementine. She’s such a badass and her, “How about I shoot you and take the van anyway?” is just YASS QUEEN. She’s such a baddie and I love it. I think it’s kind of dumb that you get locked up if you tell a believable lie, but you’re allowed to roam free if you tell the questionable truth. It just doesn’t make sense. As Tripp, I would have done it the other way around.
I’ll always be so mad about Mari’s death. I wish they would have kept her alive because it would have been totally doable. Have that moment of shock come from Kate getting shot in the stomach and make us question if she’s alive until we run over to her. That way, we still get the anger and the reason to go to Richmond, but this sweet little child gets to come along. I would have loved to see her reaction with seeing David again because she would see how bad he was immediately, unlike Gabe.
E2 - I didn't get into Kate and David's fight because I don't care and it has no impact. The only time we see Gabe with his axe is him just using it on an already dead walker, which is bull. Calling him pudding boy makes the game much more enjoyable, 10/10 would recommend (I’m literally Louis, I had to use spellcheck for that word). Thanks CallMeKevin.
Conrad annoys the hell out of me this episode just because of how pissy he is with Clem. I know he just lost his wife or girlfriend or something, but no one shall mess with Clemmy without feeling the full force of my anger. I hate giving her up to Richmond. This episode is pretty boring, tbh. I wish they would have just combined 1 and 2 (I know it was originally all one episode) and just given us 4 because not a whole lot interesting happened. Definitely ranked last out of my favorite episodes for season 3.
E3 - The flashbacks from Javi just annoy me after the first one. They just have no impact and don't add anything since we know how it ends up anyway. The blowing out the candle and closing the door transitions were beautiful though. Tripp is all like "I didn't even know you had a brother" like bruh you met Javi two days ago and you've hardly talked to each other about anything other than what's been going on.
I think episode 3 is one of my favorites because it has a lot of good moments and hard choices in it. I'm really surprised that only 56% of people chose to bring Max back to Richmond, like, I thought a lot of people would go for that. I really don't understand Clint still backing Joan after they all learn she was behind the raids. From the little bit we get from his character, he seems to prefer peace and negotiation rather than violence so I don't understand how he lets this all happen. Lingard makes sense because how else would his addiction get fed, but Clint siding with her, I just don't understand. However, the cliffhanger if you don't bring Max is like a million times better.
E4 - Clem getting her period is always such a thing for me. Like, this girl has never had a constant in her life, so here she is asking a total stranger what periods are because she doesn't understand. I always have Javi explain to her because he totally realizes that she has no parental figure and thus never learned anything or that menstrual cycles used to be a "taboo" subject for a lot of people.
David is so GRRRR. Like, bruh, I just took a good ass deal and you have the aUDACITY TO SHOOT THE MAN???!?!!? THEN YOU BLAME ME?!?!!?!?! WTF!?!!! Also, I love how Javi is literally like “let me just hide behind these civilians” while he’s getting shot at lmao.
I did such a bad, y'all. When Kate was driving to the square, I was jokingly saying "what if I just let her hit me" because I thought it would be funny because I have such a hard time playing season 3 seriously just because it's my least favorite. But I was like "nah I don't wanna have to replay a section" so I pushed the dodge button bUT APPARENTLY I WASN'T FAST ENOUGH AND CONRAD PUSHED ME OUT OF THE WAY AND GOT HIT!!?!?!?!! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT COULD HAPPEN!!! I THOUGHT HE LIVED FOR GOOD IF YOU GOT HIM THROUGH EPISODE 3?!?!?!! I'M SO UPSET ASDFGHJKL
E5 - I’m so fuckingn mad about Conrad. I’d rather Kate have died than him lol. I’m so angry. I told her that she killed him because I’m still so damn salty about it. I’m never getting over that shit. Fucking BULL.
I have such mixed feelings about David during this episode. Like, he loses his shit a lot during episode 5 with the whole Fern/Rufus thing then again when Kate fuckin outs y’all at the worst possible time. But the reason I get so conflicted about him is because of that scene on the roof. I think he’s a shitty person for thinking a soldier can’t also be a husband or a father because that’s wrong on so many levels.
But I also really feel sympathy for him when he talks about if he hasn’t changed because he doesn’t know how or if it’s impossible to change who you really are. Because, in my opinion, people can change - but he brings up a really interesting point here. People can change, but to what extent? Are they happy about the change or do they miss the way things were? Did they change because it was something they wanted or was it for someone else? He just really makes me think here and the way he questions himself like that makes me feel very connected with him in a strange way, simply because I ask myself a lot of the same things.
I was so freaking worried when it came to everyone splitting up, you have no damn idea lmao. Even though I don’t like Kate, I still wanted to get the “happy ending” so I was so fucking thankful when Clem said she’d go with whoever I didn’t since that’s the only way to get both her and Gabe. Speaking of which, he’s fucking adorable. I know a lot of people find him annoying, and I did too at first, but he’s just a really sweet kid.
I’m excited to go back through the game and actually make the choices I want to make lol.
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bourbonificould · 22 days
While we're on the subject justice for gabe, the emotional intelligence KING who stood up for clem in the tunnels moments after finding out she used to be a part of the group that killed his sister
Agreed! I think that part is one of the most irrational moments of the entire game. Conrad doing what he did never really made sense to me, especially when he drags Gabe into the confrontation.
I think Gabe handles it very well, it's pretty obvious that Clementine has no idea what the New Frontier are doing, so I was proud of Gabe for standing up for her... until he snitches on you but we won't talk about that :D
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pi-creates · 4 years
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Anon... I don’t know why this is something you wanted to see, but here you go.
Also, Conrad’s eyes keep moving after he’s shot... legitimately creepy thing to see.
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