#twdg character tier list
I did a TWDG character tier list because it’s been a while
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Back in July 2019, I posted a tier list ranking TWDG characters from all four seasons with explanations for why I placed each character where I did. It’s now 2023, and I’ve mostly stepped away from TWDG and the fandom. I pop in occasionally to answer asks or give updates about the Clementine comics. Sometimes I get the itch to do an analysis post. Or something like this.
Distancing myself and then revisiting the series has changed a lot of my opinions of these characters and my ranking is quite different, so I thought it’d be interesting to discuss.
Just a note about how I’m ranking this: This ranking is solely based on my feelings about the characters. Last time I ranked some characters higher than I wanted to because I acknowledged their good writing and popularity. I’m not doing that this time. Well-written/popular or not, if I don’t like them, they’re ranking low. If I like them, then that’s the only reason I need to rank them high. That’s probably going to cause disagreements and that’s fine. Agree to disagree, y’know?
Each character is limited to a 3-4 sentence explanation. I can’t write a heavy analysis for every character, otherwise we’ll be here forever.
Also, I didn’t include characters from the Michonne mini-series since they weren’t included in my original and the mini-series is separate from the main series. All you really need to know is Michonne and Pete would’ve made A-tier.  
Starting from F-tier and working our way up to S-tier:
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Troy Surprise, Troy’s my least favorite character in the entire series. He’s an asshole and I find nothing compelling about him other than his death scene. He’s insignificant, I hate him, and he can suck an egg.
Vernon Vernon has some sympathetic qualities to his character but as far as characters in S1 go, I can’t say he’s all that great. Sure, he patched Omid up but that doesn’t mean he gets to fuck us over in the end. Screw him, y’know?
The Stranger I feel like I like the idea around The Stranger more than the Stranger himself. I get it, he’s supposed to be just some dude and it’s a neat reveal that he’s the guy we stole food from, but I liked him better when he was just a voice over a walkie. He’s just kinda here to guilt you over your choices no matter what you did and use it as an excuse for kidnapping Clementine, but I need a little bit more from my antagonists.
Joan Joan has one of the coolest villain moments in TWDG when she asks you who you want to save, then orders who you picked to be executed, and honestly? I respect that. It just sucks that Joan as a character is boring as sin. I can’t forgive boring antagonists, she sucks.
Larry Not going to lie—Larry is the biggest asshole and I kinda live for it. I still absolutely hate him, but I can respect him as a character for being such a piece of shit. He has some depth to him when you bother to try out different choices, and his death is so ingrained in my brain, but he’s in F-tier for a reason. I hate him, but he’s a damn good antagonist within the group.
Abel I think Abel is a great antagonist and he’s well-written, but I also think he’s garbage and I hate him. They really captured how crusty, creepy, and cruel he can be while also giving him a moment of vulnerability when he realizes he’s dying.
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Kenny Yes, I’m ranking Kenny this low. He’s one of my least favorite characters in all of TWDG, but at least he’s an interesting character study despite just being such a piece of shit. I’m sorry, I know he’s a fan favorite and he’s a broken man with a sad backstory, I understand that he’s a complex and well-written character. But I can’t stand him; he’s manipulative, violent, possessive, you can’t disagree with him without him throwing a tantrum, and I just don’t like him.
Andy, Danny, Brenda I’m clumping these three together because I might as well, my opinion of them individually doesn’t differ much. These guys are cannibals who lead people to their farm to butcher, eat, and trade the meat with bandits. They fed Mark’s leg meat to the group like…. It’s so fucked. They’re great antagonists, the best in S1 for sure, but fuck these guys.
Walter I’m kinda meh on Walter. He’s where he is on this tier list not because I hate him or anything, he’s mostly just here to guilt Nick and then be executed by Carver, and eh.
Arvo I don’t like Arvo. I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. I feel bad about everything he went through and Kenny was absolutely in the wrong for abusing him the way he did, but I can’t say Arvo himself is compelling. I think that’s a common theme with me—boring is usually worse than bad, and Arvo isn’t all that interesting. Then he shoots Clementine and we never hear from him again sooo…. Cool.
Omar Oh no, poor Omar ranking so low. But again, for me boring is worse than bad, and Omar is boring. I’m sorry, I know that’s wild coming from me given my past with TFS but it’s true. Omar is a character who exists, he cooks, he gets shot, he survives, and that’s about it.
Mark The only cool thing about Mark is how he died. But as an actual character? Meh.
Sarita Sarita is barely her own character. She exists to serve Kenny’s character development, and I hate that for her. She’s nice, and unfortunately that’s it.
Willy Willy is okay. He definitely has the most depth in this tier, save Kenny. But he’s still a minor character who I can’t justify putting any higher when I don’t love him.
Mari Oh, poor Mari. She’s sweet, but her death is more impactful than her actual character.
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Carver Carver’s a pretty good antagonist. I like him well enough. He’s a piece of shit, he’s intimidating, and he’s dangerous. Not the best, not the worst antagonist.
Carlos Carlos is hilarious, which I don’t think was the intention behind his character but if not, then they shouldn’t have made him so funny. I’m not saying funny as in “haha,” I’m saying it in a “you are an incompetent man, why are you doing this” way.
Duck I feel kinda bad for putting Duck so low, but he has the same problems as Sarita and Mari, though he does have a bit more personality going for him. His character serves Kenny’s character development, and his death is more impactful than he actually is.
Bonnie Bonnie’s fine. I liked her more in 400 Days. In S2, she’s just kinda meh.
Rebecca I like Rebecca well enough. Her going from being a complete asshole to wanting to be friends with Clementine between episodes kind of gives me whiplash but I can’t help but sympathize with her. She’s a pregnant woman in the zombie apocalypse who lost her husband because Carver’s a piece of shit and then she dies shortly after giving birth... it’s sad.  
Shel and Becca I like Shel and Becca a lot more than I did before. Their situation in 400 Days is rough, and I feel a lot for Shel wanting to give Becca a good life despite the state of the world. Becca’s also just a kid who tries to act tough and like she has a thick skin but c’mon, she’s still just a kid. 
Mike Mike was super chill until he betrayed us at the end. I would’ve ranked him higher but frankly, I’m still a bit bitter about him wanting to run off with Bonnie and Arvo, completely fine with taking all the food and resources so that Clementine and baby AJ starve. We were bros, Mike, then you had to go a do that. 
Brody Once again: Her death is more memorable than her character. But, in this case, I will say Brody stands out given the fact that she’s lying to everyone about the twins and dealing with the guilt gnawing at her in ep1. I find her interesting within the context of “who is telling the truth? what really happened?” because unfortunately, both she and Marlon end up dead so we’ll never know the full story from either perspective. 
Mitch Oh, my boy, there was a time where you ranked waaaay higher, but I can’t do it. Mitch is a good character and serves his purpose, and his death is still pretty bullshit. I still like him, just not nearly as much as I used to. 
Eleanor I’m still pissy about Eleanor snitching on us to Joan which results in either Ava or Tripp being executed, and then having the balls to yell at us about it. But prior to that, Eleanor’s a character with great medical knowledge and skills who wanted to help people. She just ends up being a victim to ANF’s less than stellar writing. 
Kate I still have a lot of issues with Kate, like I still hate the romance between her and Javi and how bitter she becomes after being rejected, but I don’t hate her. She’s a flawed character but I understand her perspective on things when it comes to David and Richmond. She’s also resourceful and charming at times, I like her well enough. 
Violet Yeeeeeah, remember how I said this is 100% my biased opinion on all of these characters? Violet is a mid C-tier character for me, she’s just okay. I don’t hate Violet, I don’t love her. She has some really endearing moments just as she has infuriating ones. I talked a bunch about her in my revisiting TFS post, if you want a full explanation on my feelings about her, then you can read that. 
Chuck I like Chuck, he’s chill. I appreciate the reality check he gave Lee about Clementine and their plan, and I’m sad that he died. Not much else to say. 
Vince I really like Vince. I talked a lot more about his character in my 400 Days post, so to summarize, he’s another interesting protagonist in that dlc and I liked his story a lot. 
Molly Might be an unpopular opinion to put Molly this low, but even though I like her, I can’t justify putting her higher. Molly’s story is heartbreaking though, and incredibly traumatic when you sit with it... like, she traded sex for medicine so her sister wouldn’t be thrown out, and given that we don’t meet her sister and dipshit doctor said he couldn’t keep helping her out... yeah. Molly brings a lot of charm and humor while she’s around but she’s also just so sad, y’know?
Jesus Jesus is cool. I don’t really have much else to say about him other than that. 
Christa I feel like a lot of these C-tier characters can be summed up with, “I like them, they’re cool... yeah.” because that’s how I feel about Christa. She shines more as a character when paired with Omid, and like with Rebecca, I really feel for her as a pregnant woman in the apocalypse who then lost both Omid and their baby and had to remain strong to care for Clementine... even though her resentment and bitterness are clearly present. 
Conrad My boy Conrad... I still really like him, though my love has definitely toned down. I enjoy his story and still stand by keeping him alive to the end, even though he makes it difficult sometimes. He’s hurting and that makes him stupid, and if you keep him alive long enough, he genuinely apologizes then tries to be better and I respect that. 
Ben Ben didn’t quite make it to B-tier, but know that he was close. Ben is such a screw up and he does so much damage, but I can’t bring myself to hate him. Most of us don’t wanna admit that if the apocalypse actually happened, we wouldn’t be a Lee or a Clementine, we’d be a Ben. 
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Aasim Aasim is definitely one of my favorite side characters in TFS and I’m always going to be bitter that he wasn’t used to his full potential. He’s the perfect middle ground between Louis and Violet, I love that he keeps a journal to record everything that happens, and that he’s the only one willing to push back at Marlon. Aasim’s great. 
Ruby I adore Ruby, she’s great. She’s small and fiery yet she’s the group nurse and takes pride in patching people up. Again, one of my favorite side characters in TFS. 
Alvin I have a lot of feelings about Alvin. Most are sad. This man loves his wife and their baby. I love the exchange between him and Clementine where she tells him he’s nice, she can tell, and Alvin’s just like, “I ain’t nice!” and Clementine goes, “...Yes, you are.” with a smile, it’s great. He didn’t deserve his fate, I’m still hurt by it. 
Nick Speaking of not deserving their fate: Nick. I like Nick a lot and will never be over his off screen death and how no one really cared. 
Eddie and Wyatt Lumping these two together since I couldn’t decide who I liked more. The two are amazing, their story in 400 Days is so damn enjoyable, and the chemistry between them is off the charts. Both interesting characters with great personalities. 
Katjaa I’ll never not be sad about Katjaa. Woman deserved the world and yet that’s what she got. She’s so interesting given her career as a vet which made her the group doctor, the fact that she married Kenny, and how she straight up tells you that she has her limits and she would’ve left Lilly behind if it was her choice. 
Doug Doug’s pretty great, but there just wasn’t enough time devoted to him in S1, especially if you don’t save him in ep1. When you do save him, though, he’s one of the more enjoyable characters to be around and I appreciate the efforts he makes to help the group despite his talents lying else where. 
Luke Luke is great for two episodes, then his character slowly went down the shitter. He had the makings to be great, to be an A-tier character, no questions asked... but honestly, putting him in B due to my personal feelings is being generous. When you’re only great for 2/5 episodes, then maybe you’re not an overall great character, hmm? But I’m biased and I like him. 
Minerva Okay look, I love Minerva as a tragic antagonist. I take back every mean thing I’ve ever said about her. 
Tripp Man, I love Tripp. He’s my bro, y’know?  
Gabe Gabe is a brat and I love him. I understand the criticism, but I also understand a lot of that criticism is rooted in “any child character who isn’t exactly like Clementine is deemed annoying.” He's one of the better parts of ANF in my opinion. 
Tenn I’ve done a lot of thinking about Tenn since I wrote my retrospective on TFS and like... Tenn is a great character. He’s interesting to have within the story of TFS, and I know, it’s so easy to just hate him because he keeps making the same mistakes. It’s when you look at the full picture that you understand why he keeps doing it and it’s just... sad. He always dies in my playthroughs, it’s heartbreaking. 
Sarah Sarah should get a shirt that says “I was wasted potential in S2 and all I got was this lousy shirt.” Because yeah, the set up for Sarah is executed so damn well, then the game fumbled, and then she was killed off. My girl deserved better than that. 
Carley I adore Carley. That’s my girl, I love her. Just.... I love her. Not much else to say. 
Ava Ava is so fucking cool, why is it that ANF killed her off in the most comical way possible when she survives execution? How could you do that to one of the most badass characters in TWDG? She fucking knocked TRIPP on his ass. I love her so much. 
Marlon Marlon is the perfect antagonist for ep1 of TFS. I have an entire character analysis about him, and again, I covered his character again in my retrospective of the game. 
Lilly Yeah, yeah, laugh it up-- I love Lilly, she’s an asshole and she’s great in both S1 and TFS. She’s a woman under so much damn pressure in S1 due to looking after her abusive father as he’s all the family she has left, she’s leading the group which Kenny continually gives her hell for, and she just wants to survive. Then she comes back in TFS as a great antagonist and we see just how far she’s fallen due to everything that’s happened to her. I talked more in-depth about her in my TFS retrospective post so if you want more details, you can go there. 
David Okay listen, this is my tier list and I say David is on the verge of being A tier for being such an interesting bitch. David is such a bitch, a real bastard, I could punch him in his damn nose, but damn it, he’s fascinating and I won’t apologize for being invested in the Garcia brother dynamic. I hate him but also I think he’s great. 
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Pete I feel like Pete being this high is just purely my bias showing. He has no business being this high and above so many other characters, but I don’t care. I love this man. He’s only in two episodes [assuming you ran to him instead of Nick] and he’s still one of my favorite characters in S2. 
Russell Russell is my favorite protagonist in 400 Days and I will be forever salty that he wasn’t more important in S2. 
James I could talk and talk about James until I’m blue in the face. I adore James, he’s such a compelling and often misunderstood character. 
Omid I mean, c’mon.... who here doesn’t think Omid is an A-tier character? He’s just so charismatic and charming, it’s hard to dislike him even a little. All these years later, and I’m still hurt that he died the way he did. 
Jane Yeah that’s right, Jane ranks this high. Jane is a fucking great character and I’m tired of pretending she’s not. I want to give you an in-depth analysis that elaborates on that, but unfortunately, I’ve limited myself on this post. That’s what asks are for, I suppose. 
Javier Javier Garcia is the best thing about ANF. Listen, ANF is the worst installment in the series, I feel like I can confidently say that, but Javi makes it all worth it. That, and his dynamics with Gabe and David, and Clementine, too. I love this man. 
AJ I debated on if I should put AJ here or S-tier, but ultimately, S-tier is for my absolutely favorites. While I love AJ and his development over TFS, he just barely misses the mark. But I think his spot here is well-deserved, love that little goofball. 
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Rosie Rosie is best girl. That’s it. She’s best girl. 
Lee It’s been how many years and I’m still not over Lee. He deserved the world. I love him so much. 
Clementine What’s there to even say about Clementine throughout all four seasons? She’s S-tier. She’s incredibly well written throughout the series, her growth is amazing, and her ending in TFS is definitely deserved. I love her so much. 
Louis Coming as a shock to literally no one, Louis is my favorite character in all of TWDG and he deserves the top spot in the top tier. What can I possibly say? I have written countless posts about how much I love him. He’s my favorite and I fucking love him. 
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And for a fun comparison, my 2019 tier list:
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plamglam · 7 months
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I'm jumping on this trend a little late. Here's my list:
Please keep in mind, this is NOT a list ranking characters based on their personalities. I've ranked some genuinely bad characters quite high and some moraly lawful characters quite low. This list reflects my appreciation for a character's premise, design, and how much I enjoyed their screen time, rather than their moral qualities. It may differ significantly from your own tier list and perception of the characters, but that's perfectly fine.
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adoredmarigold · 6 months
twdg characters ranked by how much you should trust them to pick up a cake for you
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Stole this idea from a total drama tier list I saw awhile ago and saved onto my phone, I can't find the original post sorry
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zz0mbiex · 7 months
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i finished it!1!1!1!1 this is my twdg tier list (all seasons)
i didnt add some characters because they either didnt live long enough for me to have an opinion on them or i just forgot them lmao
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t-bird510 · 2 months
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My TWDG S1 TV Show character status chart!
1 - Glenn wont be in this series and will be replace by Mark because this Show is set in the TV universe and Glenn is with Ricks group in the Shows timeline.
2 - Lee still has his arm chopped off in the TV show version, But is saved by the commonwealth group before he dies and stuff like that.
3 - Kenny will appear in S2 like in the game.
4 - Katjaa will be bitten instead of Duck
5 - Chuck/Charles will be killed by the stranger while Chuck/Charles is protecting Lee and Clementine from him. (Chuck/Charles is the old guy in episode 3 on the Train.)
6 - Carly and Doug both survive the Drug store and Doug is shot by Lily and Carly is depressed.
7 - Ben goes though a character Arc so he isn't completely useless in this Rewrite TV concept.
(I might make a remake with a different Tier list.)
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thecrusadercomrade · 6 months
Have you ever done a twdg character tierlist? Just wanted to see yours since a lot of my moots have done them
Right here! Feel free to let me know what you think!
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Here's my TWDG tier list based on how much I liked a character (I already know this is gonna be controversial)
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gemharvest · 2 years
I should redo the TWDG character tier list thing.....
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pi-creates · 4 years
Do you think you would ever do those tier list thingies with you favorite and least favorite twdg characters?
Hmm... probably not. 
I'm not sure it’d be that interesting since I don’t really think of the characters as better or worse than others. And I tend to like or feel mostly neutral about most characters. The only standout thing that actually makes me actively dislike a character is when they are blatantly hypocritical, or their actions are bad without adequate reason behind it. Like... I can still enjoy villainous or morally grey characters so long as they are consistent and have motivations to be that way.
And I will openly say that Kenny would be quite low on my list, and putting a visual to that feels like giving ammunition to his die-hard fans. I’m happy to talk about my issues with him, but just putting his image low on a tier list seems more... iffy.
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clementineviolet · 5 years
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I made a tier list for some reason
God - All-time favorites and/or Godly Figures in TWDG lore
S - Close favorites, I love them to death and/or they were written really well
A - Written very well and/or just some of my favorite characters 
B - The writing starts to get shaky here and/or they’re not in the upper tiers but I still like em
C - Writing could have been better and/or they can fuck off but at least they are memorable to me
D - Who the fuck are these people and/or characters I dislike
E - Literally fuck off
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Tier List
The person who asked me about making a Tier List for all of the TWDG characters didn't respond yet, but I've decided that I'll make 2 versions.
The first will be the basic "Favourite /Least Favourite Characters" kind of tier list (which they may have meant).
But I really want to do another as well based on how well written each character in the series is - to which characters had lost potential - to ultimately which characters were just straight up done dirty by Telltale.
I think it will be a fun little project to help me relax and also get me back into my usual swing on here.
It seems like no one has made any yet, so I'll make my own version of all of the characters in the game series myself and then post it with my lists so other people can make their own tier lists of twdg using my template if they want.
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Rank all the character's freckles using tiermaker 👀
This ask resulted in me booting up the definitive edition so that I could look through a bunch of models because some characters have freckles that I totally forgot about.... and then there were moments where I was like "...I can't tell if those are freckles or dirt??" so I just assumed, y'know? Also, I don't think I missed anyone, but y'know... if I did, oh well.
but here ya go, my twdg freckles tier list--
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I Need to Talk About “Problematic Faves” within TWDG [1/?]
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You know what I love about TWDG and its characters...? 
How flawed they all are.
I’m not talking that they’re flawed in the stupid “My biggest problem is that I love too gosh darn much!” or “My defining character flaw is that I’m super clumsy lolz!” I mean that practically every single character we’ve met across these games has done at least one terribly awful thing. 
That includes all of our favorite characters. 
It doesn’t matter who your favorite character is. They have done at least one terrible thing within these games, if not many. 
This can include theft, murder, assault, using racist slurs/being racist in general, different acts of violence using weapons, verbal abuse, lying, sacrificing others for themselves, property damage, assisting in suicide, abandonment, and many other things that potentially result in the harm of others or themselves. 
We don’t like to think that our favorite character could ever do any of these things, or if they did, they have an excuse for why they did it.
Take Clementine for example. We all love Clementine. We’ve all been with her since the beginning, we’ve all watched her grow, and we’ve all morphed her into the person she is by the time s4 ends. 
But when you look at Clementine, as well as some of her actions and behaviors across the series, through a completely unbiased lens, it’s not hard to throw a certain overused word at her. 
Clementine has killed several people. Most of them were in defense, but there are certain kills that are hard to defend or justify. 
My favorite example to use is when she shot the asshole who traded her bad bullets then asked Javi to lie for her. It’s easy to say, “Well, she didn’t mean to do it! She thought the bullets wouldn’t fire! Besides, that guy WAS the asshole who sold her the bad batteries and attacked her!”
Okay, fine. But that doesn’t mean diddly squat. 
Clementine knows better than to point a gun at someone she doesn’t have any intention of shooting. That was one of the first lessons Lee taught her, and it’s even a lesson she taught Sarah in s2. Clementine pointed the gun at him and fired anyway, which is WHY he got up and ended up attacking Javi. Then, Clementine shot the gun again, but this time it actually fired and killed him. She knew she fucked up, but the deed was done and she murdered that man. 
Clementine is just one of many characters who we could throw that phrase “Problematic Fave” at. At the end of the day, I could argue that every single favorite character within TWDG would fall into this category at some level, whether it be low or high. 
Even characters who we baby like “Oh precious child who has never done anything wrong in their life!” have an argument that can be made against them. 
Well, okay, except Rosie.
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Rosie is the one exception I’ll allow. Even though she’s not a person, she’s a dog, but I still consider her a character. 
But, Clementine’s different. She’s our protagonist, therefore, it’s much easier to explain her actions or make excuses for what she does. Hell, a good chunk of her actions are made by us, so if she does something “wrong,” then we’re to blame for making that choice as her, further developing her character with the use of that choice. 
What about the characters who aren’t our playable protagonists? 
What about the major and side characters who have made poor decisions? The characters that we’ve thrown this label of “Problematic Fave” at more than others? The characters we’d consider “villains,” or in the very least “antagonistic.” 
What about the characters under those labels that we end up loving, and even defending, despite the terrible things they’ve done or said? Despite groups of others in the community saying that it’s wrong to like these characters?
Today I want to talk about those characters who are higher on the “Problematic Fave” tier list, and get to the bottom of WHY we love them. 
It’s not wrong for us to like these characters. 
Let’s get that out of the way right off the bat.
It’s not wrong to enjoy or love an antagonist, or a morally complex/gray character. I argue that everyone has an antagonist that they love, whether it be within the twdg universe or otherwise. 
I’m not here to shame anyone for liking a character who happened to be labeled under this “Problematic Fave” term by others who like to throw it around to start fights. 
If anything, I’m letting know that it’s totally okay to love these characters as long as you’re being safe about it. As in, you’re not excusing these bad behaviors while acting like these unhealthy things are okay when they’re clearly not.
Now... maybe you’re wondering WHY this is something that I feel I NEED to talk about. What brought this up and whatnot. 
I need to talk about this because I have a problematic fave and it’s bothered me for a long time. 
Before I get started, we should all be on the same page of what defines a “Problematic Fave,” since it’s a phrase that I’ll use throughout this whole thing.
 If you go to Google and search this term, this is the definition it’ll bring up: 
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Very vague. And when I asked you guys:
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It’s an easy enough term to understand. We all get the general idea. 
The problem is, like I mentioned before, every single character within this TWDG universe is problematic at some point. They’ve all said hurtful things, they’ve done hurtful things.... it’s the apocalypse! 
But there are a handful of characters who end up getting this thrown at them WAY more than any other characters. Not just “villain” characters either, like the St. Johns or Lilly, but characters who seem to have more gray coloring to them, those who are more antagonistic, who make more poor decisions, who get others killed or hurt, who display unhealthy behaviors. Those who we can’t quite put our fingers on if they are “good” or “bad.”
I’m sure that at least one character has popped in your brain as you’ve read thus far.
Let’s talk about the popular ones:
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In my opinion, Kenny is... well, he's problematic. Whether you love or hate him, you have to admit that a lot of his actions over the course of seasons 1 and 2, though mostly 2, are harmful. 
I’m one of those people who don’t love or hate him. I’m more on the dislike side when it comes to s2 Kenny, but I can see why someone would love or hate him overall. 
On one hand, he IS an interesting character to take the time to study. His character tells us a lot about what happens to a normal, nice family man thrown into the apocalypse who loses everyone he’s ever loved, including his only child, his wife, and what happens when that family man has to keep going with the world trying to beat him down. 
He has his kind moments. He clearly cares about Clementine and AJ, but his behavior and actions, if not kept under control, could lead to disaster. They DO lead to disaster, since no one can stand to be around him, leading to everyone abandoning him, and in turn, abandoning Clementine and AJ. 
All of the weight of what’s happened to him has left him angry and violent. He lashes out at Clementine after Sarita’s death, going as far as to BLAME Clementine for it regardless of her choices. He isolates her from the group, becomes possessive the moment they meet back up again, and picks fights when he shouldn’t, which result in harm to her and others. He beats the shit out of Arvo in front of everyone as if he’s right in physically harming this disabled kid because of the situation they all find themselves in. 
In the end, if you actually have Clementine shoot him, he tells her and the player that “you made the right choice,” as if he knows he’s been such an antagonistic character that it’s only right that he die. 
The end to every good story has the so-called “bad guy” die... right?
Kenny is an obvious example of a favorite character being problematic, if not THE most obvious. He has so many people who love him, and just as many who hate him. 
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard or witnessed arguments about Kenny and this phrase was thrown around with other words like “toxic” and “abusive” yada yada. 
It makes sense to me that someone would question why Kenny would be another’s favorite character just as it makes sense that someone would love him. 
It all depends on how you see him and if you’re mature enough to accept and understand his trauma, unhealthy behaviors, and overall character [the good and the bad] for what it is. He’s a broken man, but it doesn’t give him an excuse to lash out at those he’s supposed to love and protect. 
What really gets me is that Kenny is loved by so many people and they’re vocal about it, probably even more vocal than those who hate him. And I’m not shaming you. 
The kind, mature Kenny stans of our community aren’t afraid to express their love for this character. They know who he is, and they’re willing to discuss him with others who love him, as well as with those who don’t in a calm manner. This is something I highly respect and thought deserved acknowledgment.
I have a point to mentioning this, because with my problematic fave, I have never openly admitted to how much I like this character because I was always scared of the potential hate that could be thrown my way. I mean, whenever I search this character, there’s a lot of shade being thrown around. 
Then times changed, my blog grew bigger and I became more confident in sharing my opinions and views, as well as discussing several positive and negative aspects of TWDG with all of you. 
Now, this isn’t just applicable to Kenny, either.
Of the characters who fall higher on this “Problematic Fave” tier list we’ve somehow acquired, there are a lot of people who absolutely adore Minerva. 
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Even Lilly has people who love her-
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Hell, there are people who SWEAR by 400 Days’ Nate. 
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^THIS crazy bastard! 
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I was even shocked to see there are a handful of people who really like Arvo, too!
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Before we continue, I do want to reiterate that I’m not coming for anyone who likes Kenny, Minerva, or any of the other characters mentioned above. I want to make that clear in case I say something pertaining to these characters that you take offense to. Well all know how easy it is to be offended on here. Besides, I’m not one to judge given that I have my own problem character that I love and y’all are gonna judge me anyway, so let’s just chill. 
This whole idea of why we love these characters is fascinating. 
If we ever met these people in real life, we wouldn’t be so quick to love them and we know it. But, because they’re fictional and put out there for us to analyze and talk about with one another, we find ourselves attached to them.
I simply want to understand why. 
Now that we have a list of the more popular characters who fall into this tier, I’ll be using them as examples throughout the rest of these posts. 
However... before we get into that, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I haven’t told you who MY problematic fave is and why. 
Well, allow me to enlighten you because, even though I’m using Kenny, Minerva, ect. as examples, this character will be my MAIN example. 
Time to come out and admit it. 
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It’s David.
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I really like David.
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I even dare admit that I.... kind of love him?
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Why, you ask....?
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David is a character I’ve rarely talked about.
The only time he ever seems to come up is when we’re talking about Livid, and we all know how that one goes. 
Even when we talk about ANF as a whole, it’s usually a discussion about Emo Clementine or how Gabe should’ve had a better character arc or just how gosh darn gorgeous Javi is or how Conrad is actually the best character and totally should’ve been a romance option because Javrad is the true OTP of ANF.
But that’s a topic y’all aren’t ready for.
I know that there are those out there who, like me, like David for what he is and his character development throughout ANF. I’m not going to act like I’m the one person in the world who likes him because I can’t be. 
However, it seems like every time I get an ask that involves David [and isn’t Livid] is hateful or otherwise negative a good 95% of the time.
That, on top of being a predominantly s4 blog, is why I haven’t talked much about David or admitted that I like him as much as I do.
But now the cat’s out of the bag.
CJ has a hidden love for David Garcia.
It’s true. This jerk is my big problematic fave.
And I can already hear it now: 
“CJ, how can you actually like David after he treated everyone so poorly and took AJ away from Clem?”
Oh, I don’t know... how can anyone love Kenny after the way he treated everyone so poorly and was a real prick to Clementine after Sarita’s death? 
Why does anyone love Minerva after she got Tenn/Louis/Violet KILLED and Clementine bit? 
Why does anyone like Nate, who literally murders an old, wounded couple and is overall an insane son of a bitch?
That’s why we’re here, ya dingus.
To figure this out. 
In preparation for this, I actually went and did some digging on what people think of David. I thought, “Maybe I’ll find some character analysis’ or posts that share my thoughts.” 
After reading a bunch of threads about him on various websites, I concluded that 99% of them look the same:
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[ Also, where are these people who support David against Clementine? Because I did not find them, random person on wikipedia. I must not be looking in the right places. All I found were Kenny defense posts on your David thread. Riddle me that, random person on wikipedia whose name I scribbled out but just realized I missed the “edited by” rendering the scribble pointless!]
This did nothing but increase my anxiety about making this whole post because I’d rather not have paragraphs like this sent to my inbox for the next twenty years. 
But, I’m doing it anyway. Obviously. 
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I have a real love-hate relationship with David, in case you couldn’t tell.
I should hate David. I really should.
I mean, I don’t like Kenny, and I fucking loathe Lilly. They’re two characters that have a lot in common with David, so logically, you’d think that I’d group him in with them and hate his dumb face. 
But I don’t. 
Even though David is an asshole. 
He likes to do things that really piss me off, then turn around like “I can’t change because I’m a soldier” as if changing and not doing bad things is completely impossible for him!
David breaks a grieving woman’s arm after her husband dies, takes AJ away from Clementine after kicking her [a 13-year-old] out of their group by herself, gets more upset over how his glass got broken than over his wife’s cut hand, constantly fights with and puts Javi down, barely mourns Mari’s death, and a number of other things.
I know change is hard, David, and you have a lot of trauma from being a soldier, but that’s not an excuse to do bad things! I firmly believe that with enough effort, love, and support, you can slowly get better! I really hate you, you infuriating man!
But I also love him.
....But I also really hate him.
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Do you see my dilemma?
And y’know what? I got plenty to say about all the things he’s done. 
David is a fascinating character. 
Even now, going back up and rereading what I wrote, I have to urge to jump in and be like “Well, okay, I actually have a theory on why he did that...” as if I’m ready to defend him from myself. How does that work?! 
Well, okay, not necessary defend him in the way of justifying why he’d break that woman’s arm or anything, but instead show that he’s a gray character who is much more complex than people give him credit for. I have the urge to explain David’s character as a matter of character analysis and discussion, not pretend he didn’t do anything wrong or make excuses for his unhealthy and problematic behaviors.
Does that sound familiar?
David Garcia is to me what Kenny is to a lot of people.
I have a theory on why he married Kate in the first place when they clearly weren’t compatible as a couple! I have theories on why he was quick to boot Clementine out but look the other way when Lingard got high on their meds! Explanations of why having him and Gabe alive in the end is the better ending!
oh god everyone is going to hate me haha-
I have it all, and maybe one day I’ll sit down and write an entire in-depth character analysis of David if anyone is actually interested, but right now I just want to understand why I like to him in the first place because it makes no sense.
Since day one, it’s boggled my mind as to WHY I’ve always found myself leaning in favor of David. 
With every episode that came out after e2, David was the character who always piqued my interest and I found myself wanting to side with him just to see what would happen. Why did I still like him even though he kept doing things that I knew were wrong? Or that pissed me off?
Why was I furious when I reached my ending only to have David end up dead?
Why was I so pissed that this character, who drove me INSANE for most of the game, died?
Is it because I see a part of myself in him? Is it because of his character design, the performance of his voice acting, and his overall writing? Does it have anything to do with his backstory and relationship with Javi? Is it because I’m actually one of those people who see someone like this and think “hey I can fix you!” but don’t know it? What is it?
Why is David Garcia my “Problematic Fave” of TWDG?
Continued in [2/?]
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You should do a tier list of the ericson kiddos! :3
Oh boy hahaha
Y’know, I got a request to do a tier list with ALL the characters from s4 back in, like, May? Around then? 
I did it and as I was looking at the placements of the Ericson crew, I was like “Hmmmm..... this could either end in an interesting discussion or a lot of hate messages. Am I prepared to deal with either today?” 
Well, the answer was no. So I deleted it and moved on. 
Didn’t think about it until I read this. I mean, I could go back and do it. It just takes time to put it together and then write up all the different reasons why who is where. 
Plus, I found it interesting that I was ranking people differently when it was just s4 rather than everyone in twdg. Like, when you don’t have all these shittier characters to throw in, it’s harder to try and rank everyone high above each other...? Does that make sense? 
Either way, I wouldn’t mind doing one in the near future.
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I remember you made a tier list awhile ago of all TWDG characters! Can you reblog it so we can see it again? :) Or update it if opinions have changed
I finally found the post where I went into depth about all my choices. I’ll post it after this.
I actually went through and read everything I wrote and it turns out that some of my opinions have changed. I’d be willing to make an updated version, but like... are tier lists still a thing? Do people still make them anymore? They were super popular a while ago but now I feel like haven’t seen one for anything more recently. 
Regardless, I’ll still do one, except I think it’s only fair that I include characters from the entire series, and that means characters from Michonne, too. 
Which means I actually have to play it. 
So I’m gonna. 
I’m actually thinking that I’ll try to livestream it tonight. This is the one installment in the series that I haven’t fully played so 99% of my playthrough will be my first reaction to everything. 
I played the first episode when it first came out but I honestly couldn’t tell you what even happened. The only thing I remember is the part where Michonne is having a flashback or something? And her apartment’s on fire and she’s looking for her daughters? But that’s it. I don’t remember any of the characters or what the plot’s about. 
It’ll be exciting to play a game in this series blind, especially since all three episodes are readily available and I won’t have to wait in between, though that has plenty of perks...
So yeah, I’ll stream it tonight if anyone’s interested. Probably around 7:00 [mountain time] and I’ll make a post announcing it. 
Once I’m finished playing through the three episodes, I’ll make y’all a new tier list with updated explanations.
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I’ve gotten a lot of asks the past month to make one of these tier lists of my favorite characters across TWDG series. So I did. 
And remember friends, this is all my personal opinion and it’s all in good fun. 
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