#twdg russell
madsipie · 3 months
playing 400 days and can somebody tell me why the hell Russell always looks so damn HATEFUL. like LOOK AT HIS FACE
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even Nate is flabbergasted and that says a lot because he's never flabbergasted
Russell either always looks insanely irritated or insanely 'head empty.' there's either pure hatred and anger going on through this boy's head or he's completely blank. completely absent. absolutely nothing. or terror, but that comes with the free Nate he got
asswipe ain't got any manners. mom of asswipe didn't teach him any manners. istg everytime i look up and see this kid's face there's a vine boom that plays throughout my head
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400 Days is simultaneously brilliant and disappointing
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I’m currently working on another essay about S2 that’s taking me longer than I expected... which I should have expected but y’know, I’m me. I have no idea when it’ll be finished, but I figured that in the meantime I could write about something that came up while working: 400 Days.
400 Days is the stand-alone DLC episode that was released July 2, 2013, and tells the stories of Vince, Bonnie, Wyatt, Russell, and Shel in the same Georgia area that S1 takes place. While the story doesn’t feature Lee or Clementine, it acts as a bridge between S1 and S2. 
I’ve talked about it in the past, even doing a T5F on the Top 5 Missed Opportunities in 400 Days. My past opinions can be summarized in an ask I answered for anon: “Wasted potential. I remember enjoying it when it first came out before s2 released, and the reason I enjoyed it was because I thought it’d be way more important for s2′s story than it ended up being. Bonnie was the only character that mattered while the others made brief, useless cameos if they chose to go with Tavia. Like… it could’ve been so good and it fell flat on its face.”
While not entirely inaccurate to how I feel now, I do believe I wasn’t giving 400 Days a proper chance. 
A major thing I’m noticing as I revisit many of my past posts from when TWDG consumed my life is that nitpicking and overanalyzing for the sake of pumping out content on this blog is the big contributor to why I experienced extreme burnout for the series to the point where I started actively disliking it at one point. While I did genuinely enjoy the creating the content, and obviously still do, there’s a lot I take issue with now.
Looking back on everything, I’m starting to see things differently and appreciate aspects that I previously despised. That level of nitpicking I did was mostly negative and infected a lot of my judgment when it came to games I loved. I knew certain points in the series were disappointing, therefore I should showcase everything wrong with them, and anything positive I have to say comes with a footnote of, “it’s good, but I think this would’ve made it better,” as if nothing was ever good enough. While I’m not ruling out discussions of “what could’ve been,” I want to appreciate what we were given.
Case in point: 400 Days. I adore it. 
I replayed this dlc not only because it somewhat ties into what my larger essay is about, but also I started playing the Mass Effect games and I’m having a mini-crisis about lowkey hating ME1 more and more as I play... dropping it to play 400 Days and write this sounded sooooo more appealing. 
Uh, there’s a freebie update on what I’ve been up to. I’m desperately trying to make ME1 work and then it made me drive the damn Mako and I’m upset about that.....
 400 Days is brilliant. 
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I didn’t expect to have as much fun playing this as I did.
400 Days is a quick yet compelling experience right from the beginning, and if I’m completely honest, I haven’t had this much fun playing a TWDG episode for a long time. While I adore TFS, I have a lot more history with that game that changes the overall experience, but this? The whole thing was a blast! Sure, it’s not quite a masterpiece, but it’s way better than I remember. It deserves more credit than I initially gave it and I’m here to rectify that. 
Personally, I love mini-stories that all tie together in the end to create one big story. I'm always going to love the idea, and when it’s executed well, it’s brilliant. Because it’s a single episode that tells five mini-stories, it’s easier to pack in so much detail and make things coherent. While we don’t have as much time with our protagonists, we still get a clear picture of who they are and how they’re handling the apocalypse, how they ended up where they are now, and how they handle each dilemma thrown their way. 
These stories take place at different times of the outbreak, starting before the outbreak and going all the way to 400 days in where all the characters are together and discovered by Tavia. Three of the five stories center around this gas station/diner called Gil’s Pitstop, with the other two being in that area, but all five have elements that weave them together beautifully. A character may show up in one story alive, then show up in the next as a walker, and it’s all dependent on the order you play and the choices you make. 
Each story has a “moral dilemma,” usually a major choice you have to make that affects whether or not a character will agree to go with Tavia, the only exception to this being Bonnie. 
And honestly? All of them are great. They fit in so well with the world of TWD. I’d say that Shel’s story has not only one, but two of the best moral dilemmas, whereas Wyatt’s dilemma is the weakest given it’s decided by a game of rock, paper, scissors. 
I can’t get into the meat of why I think this DLC episode is great without going through each story, so-
Vince: Day 2
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Chronologically, Vince’s story takes place first in the timeline, giving us a peak into his life before the outbreak where we see him in a dark room pointing a gun at someone who is pleading for their life. 
“Damn it, I told you! I already told you it wasn't me, man! Man, come on, I told you like...like twenty times... I don't even...I don't even KNOW your brother!”
Vince then shoots him and flees. You get to decide how he’ll try to ditch the gun, but no matter what, he’ll always get caught and we see him on the prison bus, convicted of murder. 
Right away, this tells us so much about Vince yet leaves us wanting more. What happened to Vince’s brother that made him murder a man? We never actually get to know, all Vince says about it is that "I helped my little brother,” which could mean a number of things. 
So Vince is the kind of man willing to take things that far for family, or those he loves, even if he ends up with a prison sentence. His moral compass is already twisting and turning in a different way compared to the others. 
Similar to Lee, he was convicted of murder before the apocalypse, but Vince seems to feel less remorse or guilt for it than Lee does. Lee killed a man in a fight after he caught him with his wife, a heat of the moment thing... but we don’t actually witness it happen. We get to see Vince shoot someone and later claim it was to help his brother out. I find this comparison interesting since this small chapter never tries to set up a, “This is the beginning of Vince’s redemption arc,” like it does for Lee. It more so leans into the fact that yeah, Vince and the other prisoners are here for a reason and right now, redemption isn’t on the table. 
Lee feels bad for what he did and who it hurt. Vince feels bad that he got caught but doesn’t feel bad about helping his brother. The only thing bringing them together is that pre-apocalypse, they accepted that this was their life now only to have a curve ball thrown at them and they find themselves free again. 
Well, first they have to gain their freedom by getting outta those cuffs, I suppose. 
The set up for this story is that Vince is on a prison bus that’s stuck in traffic. You can actually see Gil’s Pitstop through the windows, too. It’s hot as hell outside, and two other prisoners, Jerry and Marcus, up at the front keep arguing while Vince is stuck between Justin and Danny.
Justin is here after years of stealing money from people with “a really good pyramid scheme,” then lied about it on the stand, and Danny is a convicted rapist. The three of them have good chemistry with their banter, it’s enjoyable to watch. You learn more of why they’re here and how they view their guilt, and have the opportunity to tell them the truth about Vince or lie. In doing so will affect how they view you, either you boast about killing a man and become Tough Guy Vince, or lie and say you didn’t do it only to be labeled a coward.
It’s a pretty good time considering the circumstances, but that’s due to how well written and performed this banter is... until Jerry and Marcus become hostile, and one of them chokes the other out. 
But don’t worry, Officer Dipshit [his name is Clyde] is here to help! He starts by yelling at them to stop and then just shooting Marcus in the head before panicking and threatening Vince, Danny, and Justin with the shotgun. 
Honestly, I think Justin says it best: “THIS is what happens when you give guns to ASSHOLES.”
It’s super intense, and you know what’s going to happen the moment this incompetent cop refuses to get in between the fight and break it up properly, choosing to instead point his shotgun at them and yell. But Officer Dipshit gets his comeuppance when Jerry, who was choked to death, becomes a walker and attacks him. Then all hell breaks loose as the other officer [Bennett] flees, leaving you and the other two chained together with a walker that wants to eat your face. 
Vince manages to get Officer Dipshit’s gun and shoot the walker, but the noise only brings more of them onto the bus where they begin trying to get through the gate. 
Now the moral dilemma- Vince has the shotgun. The only way you can escape is to shoot off one of the cuffs, but in doing so will shoot off someone’s foot and they’ll need to be left behind. Whose cuff do you shoot? Danny or Justin’s?
By the way, I love that this whole scene was set up with Danny yanking on the chains that bind you all together as foreshadowing for the solution to this new problem, it’s great.
But here’s the thing about this dilemma... the end percentages still baffle me after all this time. According to The Definitive Edition, 70% of players shot Justin, and 30% of players shot Danny, and I just have to ask why that is?
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Because to me, shooting Danny feels like the obvious choice and is what I did. 
Justin is more about keeping his head down. He’s willing to lie if it benefits him. He says that he doesn’t feel bad for his victims, claiming that they knew what they were getting into and he still carried them for years. He’s pretty upfront with his guilt, he never denies it. Hell, he even shrugs and confesses that he lied on the stand, fake crying to try and get a lesser sentence. He’ll joke around, even if he’s mostly annoyed by Danny’s bullshit. Given that he was involved with a scheme that allowed him to make off with millions, he’s also incredibly intelligent. Plus, he’s voiced by the same guy who voiced Ben in s1. I wouldn’t say he’s annoying or anything, he just comes off as more self-serving. 
Danny, on the other hand, is the more charismatic of the two. He’s the one cracking the jokes and yanking on the chains, but he’s also the one who wants to help break up the fight between the other prisoners and stands up to the cop as he’s threatening all of you to shut up. This shows a lot of courage and willingness to intervene when he sees something wrong. He claims he’s innocent, insisting that he’s a morally good man and was falsely accused. Oh, and he misses his girlfriend. He’s a real bro, y’know? 
Here’s the thing: yeah, Danny’s a “bro,” but he’s also a convicted rapist.
Justin: I wasn't stealing from guys like that. Anyway, better than stealing his virginity.
Danny: Hey, how many times I gotta tell you?
Justin: Here we go.
Danny: Seriously! I was falsely accused!
Justin: How old was she? Fifteen?
Danny: Damn it, it ain't like that.
Justin: You're tellin' me there wasn't a star witness waiting around in your white van? I'm shocked.
Vince: You WERE convicted, Danny. Gotta admit that much.
Danny: Aw, come on, Vince. That don't mean I did it.
“It ain’t like that.” Then what’s it like, Danny?
Because when Justin tells him that he “probably ruined that poor girl’s life, you piece of shit,” all Danny has to say is, “Big talk from White Collar over there. How many lives you ruin, kid?” 
As if Danny’s logic is that Justin ruined more lives where he only ruined one, so Justin’s the worse criminal here so let’s shift to him... and I dunno about you, but that makes me feel real icky inside.
I have a feeling it’s because Danny is more of a “bro” and he actively stands up to Officer Dipshit that more people went with him. Or they just weren’t paying attention to what he was convicted of, or they believed him when he said he was falsely accused. Personally, I have a hard time believing him based on his dialogue when you point the gun at him multiple times during the final decision:
Danny: Come on, you know I'm a good guy, man!
Danny: Okay, I know I'm a fuck-up, but Jesus! 
Danny: Come on! I did some bad shit, but I'm a good guy, Vince...
And he says that last one AFTER Justin says, “You're gonna do me and not this rapist fuck?”
Also if you DO save him over Justin, he dies later off screen and Russell will make a comment about how it’s a good thing he did before Shel and Becca joined the group... if anyone can spot a creep/pervert, it’s Russell! 
Vince: Guys, look...if I learned one thing from Danny, it's that we have to stick together and protect ourselves!
Russell: What?! That guy was an asshole! You should be happy he got killed before Shel and Becca joined us.
Becca: Why?
Russell: Don't worry about it.
Justin is upfront that he’s a criminal and I believe him, I believe he’s a self-serving liar... but Danny doth protest too much, me thinks, y’know? Between the two, I'm gonna take my chances with Justin over Danny. I don’t care that Justin’s a liar and eventually ditches Vince, Vince doesn’t seem to heartbroken about it anyway. 
By the way, shooting Danny is the way to get Vince to go with Tavia so make note of that if you’re trying to get everyone to go with her and appear in S2. Actually, it’s interesting that Vince is less trusting of strangers if you go with Danny over Justin, as if he got burned by that choice in the end, hmm? 
Anyway, that was my spiel about Danny vs Justin, and I would be interested to know what y’all picked. I’ve read a lot of discussions about this choice and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way about the percentages. I’ve read a lot of responses to why people picked who they picked, all very interesting. 
Back on track, this is a solid chunk of the story. I enjoy the dilemma presented here. You’re chained to these two guys and if you don’t shoot one of their ankles off, then all three of you are going to die. What gets me about this is it’s not like the Doug vs Carley choice. Doug and Carley were both in trouble but you only had enough time to save one of them. You weren’t actively shooting them. 
Here? You have to pull the trigger more than once. You have to pick one, shoot their ankle off, and then leave them there in order to escape. It’s super fucked and going off the way Vince hesitates and looks back at the one you shot, I’d say it’s something that’s gonna sit with him for the rest of his life. 
The pacing of this episode is great, it’s intense, the escalation in hostility between the two other prisoners only for it to end in blood is well executed, and overall the set up is damn good. 
Wyatt: Day 41
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Dude. Wyatt’s story. I love Wyatt’s story. Of all five stories, it’s the one that made me laugh the most. It’s absolutely hilarious despite taking place in a very tense and panicked situation. 
Wyatt in on the run with his companion, Eddie. They’re driving away after an encounter with group of guys that ended in Eddie shooting one of them, and now they’re being chased and shot at by someone in a truck. 
Eddie: God, this is so fucked!
Wyatt: Why the hell did you shoot that guy, man? What the hell WAS that?
Eddie: I didn't mean to do it! It just happened, okay? Where the fuck were you with a warning?
Wyatt: Me? You're putting that on me now? I didn't see the guy, either! I was too worried those dudes were going to pull guns on us or--
Intense right off the bat, a complete panic as you’re trying to shoot at the truck chasing you while Wyatt and Eddie argue about what happened. Eventually the truck swerves off the road and you seem to be in the clear.
From what I gather, Wyatt and Eddie had a run in with Nate, the guy from Russell’s story, an unknown man who Eddie shot and killed in the encounter, and possibly some others given how Wyatt says he was worried about the “dudes” [plural] but he didn’t see the guy Eddie shot. Given that Nate’s alone in Russell’s story and the lone one chasing them down, it’s likely he’s the only survivor from that side. It’s unknown if Wyatt and Eddie were in a bigger group or not, so I’m going to assume it was just the two of them. 
Wyatt: Did you mean to pull the trigger?
Eddie: I don't know. I was so keyed up... I just... damn it. Look, Wyatt. All I know is those guys had me all... jacked up like I was on speed or something. I was just on edge, you know? Then I was, like, watching that guy's brains come out the back of his head. I'm sorry, man. I...
The core of why Wyatt’s story is possibly my favorite is the electric chemistry between him and Eddie. The dialogue, the voice acting, it’s all just dripping with personality and you feel like you’re watching two friends who’ve known each other for a long time, just *chef kiss*  
Eddie: See? It's fine. Road's straight as my dick.... You think we're in the clear?
Wyatt: Don’t talk about your dick.
Eddie: ...... Why not?
[or alternatively, if Wyatt says nothing, Eddie will just : “... Are you still thinking about my dick?” sksks it’s so stupid, I can’t help but love it.]
They talk like typical stoners, which they indeed are because Eddie’s got some “sticky” in the glovebox and wants it after they believe they’re in the clear. Y’know, the perfect time for some weed. Kate Garcia would greatly approve. 
So they’re driving along and we get more context for what happened, more great banter... and then they hit someone. 
The dilemma in this chapter is the fact that they hit someone and they don’t think it’s a walker, it’s a person. Even though they’re on the run from Nate and it’s foggy as hell outside, Eddie insists that they help whoever was hit. 
I believe Eddie is such a fan favorite not just because he’s funny or a charming character, but because of his compassion. In this moment you feel his frustration and guilt in having hit someone. He isn’t about to perform a hit and run even in this new apocalyptic world even though it would be easier to just assume it’s a walker and keep driving. 
Eddie: What if that was you, man?! After all the shit that's happened in the past couple months? Where's your compassion, motherfucker?
Eddie: If that guy back there is alive, we HAVE to help him, Wyatt. There ain't a lot of live dudes left these days.
Eddie showed a lot of shock and guilt over shooting a guy before, but now he’s sure he’s hit an innocent person and he refuses to leave them. His humanity does him credit and that’s why he’s one of my favorite characters in this DLC. 
But then comes the choice: One of you has to go find this person you hit, and one of you has to stay in the car. Who should do what? 
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The end stats for this are 50/50, and it’s decided either by you refusing to go out yourself, or agreeing to a game of rock, paper, scissors. 
No, really, that’s how they decide who gets to go out there, best two outta three. That’s why I say this is one of the weaker portrayals of the dilemma, you don’t necessarily get to decide what Wyatt’s going to do, therefore shaping his personality and morals... it’s all up to luck. 
Though you can outright refuse, and Eddie will go out anyway so that’s one way to shape Wyatt if you’re playing him as less compassionate, or more cautious, or even as a coward. While there is an option for Wyatt to volunteer, you still have to rock, paper, scissors for it which I’m kinda meh on. Personally, I think if you’re brave enough to volunteer, you should be able to double down with Eddie and make the choice yourself rather than leaving it up to fate decided by a couple hand gestures. 
My advice to anyone playing this is try to lose the game. If Wyatt loses the game, he will go out there with a gun to find the person you hit, otherwise Eddie will go and Wyatt will be left in the car. Wyatt remaining in the car is the weaker option, far less exciting and results in you being attacked by Nate and forced to leave Eddie behind. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad by any means and getting to see that it’s Nate is neat when going into Russell’s story, but I think Wyatt being left behind is more impactful because it opens up a new dilemma.
I managed to lose the game by picking scissors every time. I find that Eddie tends to pick mostly rock, at least every time I’ve played before I’ve beaten him with paper, but rock beats scissors sooo pick scissors. 
Wyatt takes the gun and goes out into the fog to find the guy, who is revealed to be Bennett, the cop who fled the prison bus in Vince’s story. Wyatt tries talking to him, but Bennett is too injured and out of it to respond. Wyatt starts to help him, but because nothing is ever smooth sailing... walkers begin to groan and you realize that they’re coming through the fog. 
The reason I think this path’s better is because now you have a new choice to make: Do you try to help Bennett, or do you abandon him?
Wyatt wasn’t the one driving, and he’s out here due to a lost game of rock, paper, scissors... but is he willing to leave this man out here to be eaten to save himself, or is he going to try and do his best to help the man at the risk of getting them both killed. 
I chose to try and save Bennett, which meant I had to to drag him back to the car while stopping to shoot walkers... and the noise only brings more of them and uh oh, Eddie’s screaming for Wyatt to hurry up because he’s being attacked! If Eddie remains in the car, Nate attacks him and no matter how fast you go, Wyatt never makes it in time... Eddie drives off without Wyatt, who is now left in a misty forest with more walkers on the way, and Nate.
It’s rough, but more compelling, in my opinion. 
The highlight of this story is Wyatt and Eddie’s relationship, and there’s something about them getting separated that just stings, y’know? I found myself dreading getting out of the car not because of the dangers held within the fog, but because I knew Wyatt and Eddie would be separated after this only to never be reunited. 
Well, we assume they never reunite and that... the best way I can describe this is I feel like Sarah from Labyrinth, just throwing myself onto my bed and beating my fists against the wall and exclaiming, “IT’S NOT FAIR!!” at everyone... because it’s not fair that Wyatt and Eddie get separated and it makes me emotional, I’m not happy about it. 
But that also proves how effective Wyatt’s story is. Wyatt by himself also has the vibe of your sarcastic stoner friend who’s into indie bands and video games, but that’s part of his charm. 
Overall, a damn good story and execution. 
Russell: Day 184
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I have a lot of feelings about Russell. 
As far as the playable protagonists go, I can say with confidence that he’s my favorite. I love them all, but Russell sticks out to me by how much younger he seems to be, his interesting backstory, and by his jaded behavior. 
His story starts with him walking down a long yet familiar road. He has his backpack and a map, and tells us he’s trying to get to his grandmother’s house. However, as he’s walking along, the truck from Wyatt’s story is coming up the road and Russell’s gotta decide if he should hide or stand his ground. 
If you hide, you’ll quickly remember why you know this road. Russell will hide down next to a corpse, but not just any corpse- the body of either Carley or Doug, depending on who you saved in S1. A neat inclusion, if not a little sad... and annoying because then I’m forced to remember Lilly shooting Carley outta spite and me leaving her ass on the road... wasn’t S1 so fun??
Anyway, Nate pulls up and talks to Russell no matter what, and you have no choice but to hitch a ride with him. You can try and refuse, and Nate’ll drive away... only for a dozen walkers to appear out of thin air and surround you so Nate will come back for you... I see you, Telltale, I see through your nonsense. 
The rest of Russell’s story has him and Nate... bonding? I don’t even want to call it that, but they talk as they drive, we get more insight into Russell’s last group that left him with some trauma.  
Russell: There was seven of us. I didn't have any family there or nothing; they were all at my Gram's down in Statesboro. There was a dad who had a daughter 'bout my age. One guy said he used to be a cop, but nobody really believed him; then a teacher and his wife. Leader was this guy, Steve.
Nate: Go back to the daughter.
Russell: Steve was a bad dude, but everybody was with him, you know? He said seven was the magic number, so we didn't add nobody to the group. If we found survivors, it was the same every time. He...he...
Nate: Let it out, Paco.
Russell: Just... "We gonna kill these folks and take their stuff or what?" And then bang, they'd be dead. Anyway... I couldn't handle that. After weeks of it, I packed my shit up and figured I can make for Gran's alone and try to find my family. I slipped outta there. I couldn't live like that.
Super interesting, and I wanted to learn more about this group but Nate ruins it by continuing to be a creep. 
By the way, Nate? Crusty. Stinky. He is repulsive and I hate him... but he’s also the best antagonist in this DLC, go figure. I’m pretty sure the writers had a lot of fun making him as slimy as possible. He’s dangerous and a huge creep, he makes my guts feel icky, I just-
Russell: Why you gotta be like that?
Nate: Like what?
Russell: Always talking about women like that.
Nate: WOMEN? Ha, okay. Let me see if I can answer your question. Because...because the hunger a man's got for a woman is all we got left now. No laws, no jobs, ain't nothin' that make us men. But they ain't eaten all the women yet.
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Nate, you’re gross and I hate you.
Unfortunately, Russell is stuck with this man for the time being until the two end up at Gil’s Pitstop only to be shot at by someone inside. Together, they avoid being shot and break in to find an older man is responsible for shooting at them, and his wife is injured, bleeding out in the booth beside him. 
The man, Walt, yells at them to get out and accuses Nate of coming back to finish them off. Alarming, to say the least, but Nate casually denies the accusations that he’s been here before and calls Walt crazy.
Given this is Nate we’re talking about and he’s been in this area awhile, I’m inclined to believe that he was here at one point and could’ve attacked the couple, possibly with his group that Wyatt and Eddie encountered. 
But here’s where things get interesting, and where Russell’s story becomes more unique when it comes to the dilemma. You’ve got this older couple here, one of them injured, and the other shot at you. They’re accusing your crusty companion of coming back to finish them off, and said crusty man decides to manipulate you by echoing the story from earlier: 
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Nate: What do you say, Russ? Should we just kill these folks and take all their stuff?
Super fucked up, and it has an immediate effect on Russell. Nate gives him the crazy eyes and casually points the gun at Russell... so what do you do? Do you comply, or do you stand up to Nate?
Unfortunately, no matter what you do, Nate will always kill the old couple. If you comply with Nate, whether by saying nothing out of shock or hesitantly agreeing, you witness the murders and Nate gloating about how all their stuff is there’s now. Then you get an eerie line from Nate as he looks back at Russell with a smile:
Nate: Relax. You're my boy, Russell. Things are going to be a-okay.
All while Russell stands there in absolute horror and shock, probably reliving the trauma he escaped from his previous group and realizing he’s now stuck in it again. 
This ending to the story is awful... not awful as in it’s written poorly. No, no, quite the opposite. It’s awful because of what it does to Russell. By complying, Russell is now stuck with this man who “kept you around,” according to the little choice notification in the corner. Who killed with no compassion, no guilt, and is gleefully admiring the “rewards” he got for doing it. Russell just stood there while two innocent people were murdered and he does nothing to stop it. He looks at Nate and sees Steve, a man he earlier described as a bad person, but everyone was with him, everyone complied. Russell couldn’t take it anymore and he had to leave, only to find himself at the mercy of another Steve and that’s tragic. 
Luckily, Russell manages to get away somehow given he’s with the rest of the group in the epilogue, though we never find out how. 
As for the alternative, Russell can stand up to Nate and call him out in one of my favorite moments:
Russell: Are you serious?
Nate: Maybe. Why not?
Russell: That's fucked up! There are real fucking monsters out there!
Nate: No shit.
Russell: And you're just going to joke about the shit I seen? Fuck you, Nate!
Nate: I saved your ass!
Russell: You didn't do shit.
Nate: Easy, Russ.
Russell: I ain't hurtin' no one. And don't you hurt these people either.
Nate: COME ON! Can we still be friends?
Russell: No.
Russell leaves Nate behind, and as he’s walking outside, he hears two gunshots from inside. At first, the player’s probably thinking how Russell should’ve done more to help the couple, but what could he do? Nate had the gun, and wrestling it from him would’ve gotten Russell killed. It’s fucked, but there was nothing he could do with Nate holding as much power as he did. Russell had no choice but to stand up to him in hopes of convincing him to leave the couple alone, and then leave. 
Unfortunately, Nate isn’t easily swayed. Russell’s lucky he got away when he did. 
Russell standing up to Nate, avoiding the road he’s desperately tried not to walk again, is compelling as hell. By walking away, he’s saying that no, that’s not who he will become. He won’t be Steve, he won’t be Nate, he won’t be a man who causes hurt and death in order to reap the “rewards.” 
In the end, Russell is more bitter, wary to trust and I don’t blame him. This moral dilemma is so powerful because it’s a choice between remaining strong, brave enough to look at what you could become and say, “no,” and giving in, becoming the thing you feared and ran from. 
Not to mention Russell’s story all started because he left to go find his grandmother, to reunite with his family. If Russell were to reunite with her, would he be proud of how he got there? Or would be feel like yet another monster who hurt others to get there? 
All in all, so damn good. 
Fuck Nate, though. Hope he choked. 
Bonnie: Day 220
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Bonnie, everyone’s favorite.... CJ wrote sarcastically, knowing full well that a lot of people don’t actually like her. 
It’s a shame that S2 has tainted Bonnie’s character for a lot of people, but this post isn’t about S2 so I’m going to focus solely on what we see of her in this story. 
What we get is a woman struggling with addiction, clinging to a life preserver the best she can in a world where the dead walk but people are more dangerous, a preserver that can be ripped out of her hands depending on your choices. Bonnie is recovering from a drug problem when we meet her out in the rain with a man named, Leland, and the two are playing a cute little game of “would you rather.” 
She has a deep southern drawl, and easily teases Leland even without player input. 
Leland: You've been a lot more fun lately. Feelin' better?
Bonnie: I guess I am.
Leland: Well, you sure do look better. Though you gotta admit, anything is an improvement. That came out wrong... what I mean is... I mean... You were... you were, uh... you know.
Bonnie: Take a hike, big ears.
Leland: I resemble that remark.
Bonnie: You resemble a satellite.
Leland: Ya know, you weren't so damn sassy before. Guess that's a good sign. I mean it, though. After we found ya, you were still so hooked on that stuff. I never thought you'd make it. You ain't outta the woods yet, I know, but you've come a long way, Bonnie. I'm proud of you.
At first, you pick up on a little romantic tension between the two and think, “Oh, I see~” There’s some definite chemistry there. Leland even goes as far as to caress her cheek and say her name softly. 
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Then Dee shows up, and you realize rather quickly that she’s Leland’s wife, and then you go, “Oh... I see.” 
Dee sees it, too, and calls the two of them out on their flirting. 
Dee: I got you a present.
Leland: Aw, you shouldn't have! What did you find?
Dee: I'll tell ya later. I don't mean to interrupt your "chat" with your "girlfriend", but we gotta get movin'.
So that’s not great.
But it appears that Dee found a bag and avoids saying where she got it. Leland keeps pushing on about the bag, and this causes a fight to break out with Dee getting more defensive until she tells then to run. Turns out, Dee stole the bag from a nearby group that is now hunting them down, so the three of them have to get out of there. 
Bonnie falls behind, and ends up shot. Leland calls out to her, but we see Dee holding him back before disappearing, leaving Bonnie on her own. This segment is super good, she falls down a hill and a zombified Clyde- you remember Clyde? Officer Dipshit? Yeah, he shows up as a walker here to attack Bonnie if you don’t kill him in Russell’s story. After killing the walker, Bonnie’s forced to navigate a corn maze while avoiding the flashlights of the group chasing her. It’s a well done scene, and the moment Bonnie makes it out is just heart breaking. 
She’s wounded, all alone, and she’s slipping all over in the mud, desperate to take cover behind a tractor. Plus her little, “Mama watch over me,” gets me, y’know? 
The dialogue that follows is raw. Eerie. Just-
Bonnie: Dee, oh, God, Dee... I'm so sorry, oh, God...
Dee: Wh... why? You... Why? Do... d-- do I look... How bad is it? Bonnie?
Bonnie: It was dark, it's so dark, I couldn't see you! I didn't know it was you! How was I supposed to know it was you?!
Dee: There was no... I thought I...saw you... You did this...? You... killed me. You killed me... I sh-- should never have... tr-- trusted you... just... just a junkie... Leland, she... she did this to me...
Bonnie: I... God, I'm so sorry, so... I can't... Oh, God, God...
Dee: I knew you'd fuck up again... take him...
Bonnie: I... I... no, God, I'm sorry. I need him; I need you both...
Dee: You... bitch... I knew you wanted him... didn't think you had the stones... Goddamn you...
-and then Dee dies. Dee repeatedly calling Bonnie a junkie and a fuck up is painful. Bonnie’s clearly in distress, apologizing and trying to comfort Dee as she’s dying, and all Dee can do is call her a fucking junkie while damning her, telling her they should’ve never trusted her. I cannot imagine the toll that takes on Bonnie going forward. 
Now the dilemma here isn’t that Bonnie killed her. You have no choice on whether or not to hit her with the piece of rebar. If you don’t, Dee will kill Bonnie and you get a nice ol’ YOU ARE DEAD. You have to hit Dee, Dee will always die, it’s more up to you how Bonnie reacts and handles it. 
The dilemma here is Leland finds them and is horrified that Dee is dead. He then asks Bonnie what happened. Do you tell him the truth or do you lie? 
This is rough, to say the least. Because it was an accident. You had no choice, you didn’t know it was Dee and now you have to decide if being honest is the best choice in this moment. Are you willing to take responsibility for something you did even if it hurts you, or hurts Leland? Or are you going to lie to the grieving husband of the woman you killed to save your own ass? 
And remember, that group is still chasing you down, it’s only a matter of time before they find you so whatever you do, you have to do it fast or else that group is going to kill you.
Fun fact, according to the stats, 75% of people lied to Leland, and 25% of people told him the truth. Which I find fascinating yet unsurprising that players wouldn’t tell the truth in order to cover their asses. 
To be fair, a new player might think that telling the truth could cause Leland to lash out and you’ll get hurt, and that takes priority over doing the “morally good thing” of being honest. Or they don’t want to admit they did a bad thing. Players never like doing that unless it was on purpose. 
Not only that, but if Leland knows that truth and you can convince him to leave with you, the fact that Bonnie killed her [accident or no] will always hang heavy in the air. If Leland doesn’t know the truth, then y’know- ignorance is bliss and Bonnie won’t have to face the repercussions from him... she’ll just have to deal with her guilt and trauma internally. 
You also have to remember that Bonnie is a recovering addict. Leland and Dee were her life preservers that kept her afloat this whole time. She just accidentally killed half of her support, and now she’s staring at the other half and has to judge if she’s willing to risk losing him, as well. If both Dee and Leland are gone, Bonnie is alone, and that could be far worse than anything else for her.
For me, this dilemma is fairly similar to Russell’s- who are you shaping Bonnie to be with this choice? Can Bonnie live with herself if she lies? 
If you lie, it’s easy to convince him to come along with you, but you can still do so if you tell the truth, which is what I did. It all depends on your approach and if you can convince him that it was a genuine accident on Bonnie’s part. Which it was so again, not hard. If you can’t convince him, he’ll stay by Dee’s side while Bonnie runs away and you’ll hear a gunshot. 
If Leland leaves with Bonnie, they don’t stay together since he’s not with the group in the epilogue. As far as I can tell, we never find out what happened to him, Bonnie never says. 
Bonnie’s story is solid, super enjoyable, I love it. Again, you might be noticing a pattern but every story so far has been excellent, not a single bad one in the bunch. 
And that doesn’t change with Shel’s story.
Shel: Days 236 & 259
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Shel’s story is the final event on the timeline, and while I said that Wyatt’s story made me laugh the most and Russell’s my favorite protagonist, Shel’s story is my favorite overall. It’s not funny like Wyatt’s, and I wouldn’t even say Shel is as compelling as Russell, but it more than makes up for that with the story it tells. 
It’s funny to think back on this because had you asked me years ago about Shel’s story, I probably would’ve told you it’s my least favorite and that Shel and Becca weren’t great. Again, another example of me not giving them a proper chance.
This time around I was surprisingly invested in Shel as a character. She’s a lot more... how do I put this? Softer? She’s softer than the other playable protagonists in the way she acts, speaking, and views the situation. She has a little sister to look after in this world, a young, impressionable girl that Shel sees getting colder and colder with every terrible thing she sees. It’s understandable that Shel wants to protect Becca, or even shelter her from the reality of their situation. 
I liked Becca a lot, too. She wasn’t annoying like I remembered her being. Her behavior is understandable when you pay attention. She’s young, she doesn’t fully understand the weight of the things she may do, and she’s easily influenced, which becomes scary later on. 
Shel’s story takes place in Gil’s Pitstop where she and Becca are staying with a group of familiar faces. Yep, the cancer patients from S1 are back. Turns out Vernon was more of a bastard than we initially thought as we learn he planned to steal the boat from the moment we found it... and given that he’s no longer with the group, I’d say that didn’t work out for him in the end. 
Aside from them, we have Stephanie and Roman. These two are key to this story, both having ideas about how Becca should be raised, and Roman becomes a more antagonistic character in the end. 
This story is about Shel’s conflicted feelings about the world and what it’s doing to her and Becca. They have to keep inventory of guns and supplies and hey, remember how Dee stole that bag? Surprise, Shel’s group were the ones chasing you down when you were playing as Bonnie, and they make comments depending on if Leland stayed with Bonnie or was caught. 
Shel meets Roman outside where we see “guard dogs,” which are just walkers they’d tied up to keep people away. Depending on if you stayed with Nate or stood up to him, you may encounter Walt as a walker, or Bennett. They’re feeding the walkers when Roman makes a comment about how Becca wouldn’t mind doing this, and that Shel can’t keep sheltering her, something Shel struggles with. 
Shel also discovered the old woman walker is eating a puppy and the affect on her is instant, nearly bringing her to tears. Which is completely understandable. When I say that Shel is softer, it’s because of a moment like this where she sees something that’s sad and she doesn’t just shrug it off. She feels it deeply, and that’s further proven when she goes back inside only for Becca to scare her as a little prank. 
Shel lashes out at her, and I love their conversation once she’s calmed down. 
Shel: It's the walkers...I guess they got ahold of a puppy.
Becca: A puppy?
Shel: Yeah. I guess it just...it got to me, ya know. It was so little. You don't think about babies anymore, but... After a while, you just kind of accept...this is it.
Becca: Yeah. I guess you kinda forget.
Shel: Right? But then...you know...there it is. You see it and you want to protect it... And now it's gone.
Becca: That sucks.
I feel like this is obvious, but Shel seeing a dead puppy being eaten by walkers probably brought Becca to mind. While Becca isn’t a baby, she is still a kid, and we know how TWDG works. Children and teens aren’t safe from death in this series. In S1 we dealt with Duck’s tragic death, and we found the walker child in the attic. S1 is all about Lee doing everything in his power to not let that happen to Clementine, and it cost him his life. 
Becca could die just as easily as that puppy. All it takes is one moment, no matter how hard Shel tries to protect or shelter her, and she’s gone. 
Also, this whole “you don’t think about babies anymore” is clever, given what happens in S2 with Rebecca and AJ, I wonder if that was intentional or not. 
But the moment is interrupted when Stephanie barges in to bring us our first major moral dilemma.
A man was caught trying to steal supplies from the group. He’s beaten up, and Roman claims he was already like that, and all he did was tie him up and put a blindfold on. The man doesn’t speak English. He isn’t bit, and he didn’t hurt anyone. This is the second break in the group’s had. The group is arguing among themselves when Roman gives us the dilemma:
Roman: Look, we all know what we're talking about here, so let's stop dancing around it. We either let this guy go and take our chances...or we kill him.
This is... fucked? How else do you describe it? This man can’t defend himself since he doesn’t speak English, no one can understand him, he can’t stay with the group but letting him go is risky. What do you do?
There isn’t a right answer to this, even when you know both outcomes. 
On one hand, you let him go. You can’t just execute a man, that would be wrong, so you send him away and maybe he won’t come back. You’ll be in the clear and you’ll feel like you did the right thing.
Shel: He's not even armed! We can't just kill him! This isn't in self-defense.
Becca: Isn't it, though? If it means he can't come back to hurt us?
Shel: That isn't the same thing.
Joyce: But last time...
Shel: Joyce, that was a long time ago. If we kill this man, then we are giving up a part of ourselves that we can NEVER get back! I'm not ready to let that go.
But that doesn’t happen. The man does come back and he brings his group, we’re attacked, and Boyd dies in the fight. Roman becomes obsessed with securing the place by any means necessary. 
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On the other hand, you kill him. You make the choice as a collective group to execute a man and you get to live with that. 
Shel: We can't take the risk. We kill him.
Stephanie: There's gotta be another way...
Shel: Tell me. What if he comes back? With weapons, or...or a gang? Is it worth losing any one of us?
Stephanie: Jesus. There really is no other choice, is there?
Roman: We can't keep him here and we can't let him go. If there's even a chance of him coming back or telling folks who might try to hurt us, we can't risk it. I won't ask you to watch, but if we do this, we're all in it together. If this ever happens again, it's gonna be one of you pulling that trigger.
And in doing so, the group’s morale plummets, and Roman still becomes obsessed with securing the place by any means. 
But you also have to consider what this will do to Becca. Shel just had to face a hard reality when she saw that dead puppy, and now she’s left as the swing vote that decides a man’s fate. That’s a lot for any person and there are so many factors at play here. 
No matter your choice, there’s a time skip and we see Shel and Becca in an RV playing Go Fish. Becca admits that she’s been sneaking out, something that’s horrifying to hear when you realize what Roman would do to her if he ever found that out, or if Becca was spotted and led someone back that wanted to hurt them. 
Speaking of Roman, he comes knocking on the door to ask Shel to come talk to him about something important. It’s not long before you learn what happened: Stephanie stole supplies and tried to escape. 
Roman: We caught her trying to escape.
Shel: Maybe she wasn't. Maybe she just wanted to get outside these walls for a while. Ever since the...incident, you've made this place feel...I dunno...oppressive.
Roman: We've made it safe. And she was definitely trying to escape; she had most of our ammo and medicine with her. She screwed us, Shel. All of us. And now were' in that position again where we can't keep her here and we can't let her go. You do know why I'm telling you this, right?
Roman’s telling Shel this because he wants her to shoot Stephanie, and she can’t say no. 
As if this wasn’t enough of a gut punch, Shel goes back to the RV and tells Becca what’s going on. 
Y’know that feeling you got when you heard AJ say he liked killing Lilly for the first time in TFS? I got a similar feeling when Becca said this:
Becca: Oh, my god. The hell did she do that for?!
Shel: Roman says we have to-
Becca: Kill her? Yeah! Why would she do this to us?!
Shel: She's just scared. She made a mistake.
Becca: Well, that'll be her last mistake!
Shel: Becca! Stephanie is your friend!
Becca: WAS my friend.
Shel’s fear that this world is changing Becca isn’t misplaced, and now she’s forced to face that reality head on once again. 
Also, I’m pretty sure this is the moment that causes people to dislike Becca or think she’s annoying, but again, given what she’s been through no matter what choice you made, her reaction makes sense. If you let him go, she saw her group attacked and Boyd killed, and that showed her that it was a mistake to let that guy go. If you killed him, then she watched her older sister decide the fate of a man and then watched him be executed. 
A lot of the TWDG fandom tend to intensely dislike child characters for the mere fact that they’re not Clementine, and ironically, they end up behaving in ways that make them more annoying than any child character they dislike. So I wouldn’t take their word for it when they say Becca’s a bad character. Play the story, pay attention, and make the judgement yourself. 
As for the second moral dilemma in this story, Shel can either take her gun and shoot Stephanie, or she can take the RV keys and drive away. Do you agree to kill Stephanie or run away? 
For me, this is an easier decision than the first one. I grabbed those keys and we got the hell outta there. 
But for this choice, Shel can either give in and allow this to be who they are now in order to protect Becca, or she can prove that there are other ways, that they don’t have to stay under Roman’s thumb and kill whoever he tells them to. There’s no saving Stephanie at this point, you have no choice in that, but you do have a choice in how Shel raises Becca from now on. 
Oh, and if you’re looking to get everyone to go with Tavia, you have to drive away. If you shoot Stephanie, then she and Becca will refuse to go with Tavia. 
Shel’s episode is my favorite, and the perfect way to end the main story if you’re playing in chronological order. She’s another great character who I didn’t expect to make me feel the way she did. 
Epilogue: Day 400
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Once all five stories are finished, we’re introduced to Tavia. She’s a scout looking for survivors to bring back to her community. She talks with someone over the radio about finding all the photos and a note near Gil’s Pitstop that gives the group’s location.
Turns out that Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Bonnie, Shel and Becca all found each other and are surviving together in their campsite. Tavia approaches the group and it’s up to us to convince as many of them as we can to come with her. 
For Vince, you have to shoot Danny, and with Shel you have to escape. Bonnie will agree to go no matter what. Wyatt and Russell can be convinced to join regardless of your choices. The best option is to tell them that you find people from everywhere, and Wyatt will agree to go in hopes of finding Eddie while Russell wants to find his family. 
Most of the dialogue is determined by your choices, as well. 
Once you have your group, the DLC ends with the group burning the photos and note, before asking Tavia how she knows if this will work out. 
Honestly? Great ending, great execution of consequences brought on by your choices. 
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The 400 Days DLC is fantastic. It’s brilliant. I love it to pieces, and I highly encourage anyone reading this to replay it. 
Don’t play S1 first, and don’t plan on jumping into S2. Play the DLC by itself, let it be a story contained to an hour of your time. That’s what I did, and I had so much fun! These characters and their stories are wonderful, the writing is phenomenal, I love it!
But... Now that I’ve spent all this time praising this DLC, calling it brilliant and encouraging everyone to revisit it... it all comes with an asterisk* attached:
*As a single experience, 400 Days is brilliant and I love it.... but when played together with S1 and S2.......
400 Days is disappointing.
That’s the glaring issue here. 
I can praise this DLC all I want, and I did. That doesn’t negate the big picture, or the big problem fans tend to have with it. 
400 Days acts as a bridge between the two seasons but let’s be real, the only story that actually matters here is Bonnie’s. She will always leave with Tavia no matter what, and she plays a major role in the group’s capture and eventual escape. The others make brief, meaningless cameos that only exist to make the player go-
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-every time one of them shows up. We never hear from them, or about them, again after that.... so what was the point? 
What was the point of 400 Days in the grand scheme of things? 
400 Days becomes worse when you get your hopes up that it’s just a teaser, a little taste, of what’s to come in S2. You think these writers took the opportunity to introduce you to these important characters, tell you their backstories, so that they could be incorporated into S2′s plot as major characters. 
But no, only Bonnie. 
And even Bonnie’s character becomes muddled by ep5 depending on how you tried to help Luke. 
The thing is, 400 Days isn’t terrible because of this. Obviously. It’s disappointing, but why it’s disappointing and the way people claim it could’ve been fixed is... well...
It’s not simple. It’s so easy to just be like, “400 Days is bad because our choices didn’t matter! It’s pointless! Why didn’t they do something else?? I know exactly how this could be fixed!”
I know what everyone always says whenever 400 Days is brought up: “The 400 Days cast should’ve been the cabin group.”
Great idea in theory, or headcanon/AU.
In execution, it would’ve been too complicated and I think we all know that, but a fandom’s hubris knows no limit when it comes to them believing they know better than the developers. 
Not to say we can’t criticize issues with the writing, but it helps to at least be understanding of how things actually work, i.e. video games are hard to make and long posts on tumblr “fixing” video games are fun to read but wouldn’t actually work in practice because that’s not how video games work so maybe stop insulting the developers while acting like you know better about a field you don’t even work in. 
Trust me, I know. Don’t think I’m not one of those people, I’m literally here writing you a long post on tumblr. I’m not innocent here. Have you read any of my Violet posts? You don’t think there was a long period of time where I thought *I* knew better?? I wish I could say you’re right but you’re not, I’m just as bad. I’ve said some unkind things about certain developers that I look back on and just face palm as I slowly sink back in my chair shamefully. I still agree with my criticisms but not the way I said them, and I’m trying to not be like that anymore. 
All that to say it would be too complicated for the 400 Days cast to be the cabin group due to the different combinations of characters who can stay or go with Tavia. What happens to players who had only Bonnie go with Tavia? Or had all but one go? The only solution would be to have a set ending for 400 Days, removing the consequences of choice and having a more linear ending.
Y’know this would’ve gotten them the “my choices never actually matter >:[” criticism which I believe is a fair criticism of games that make these big claims about choice and consequence only to give you the illusion of it. But, there needs to be some common understanding of what can realistically be implemented in a game like that. You can’t expect them to have a thousand different outcomes and have it be a smooth, functioning game, especially when you take into account the release dates and the things going on behind the scenes at Telltale and how that affects development. These studios have deadlines, they have higher ups working them overtime so they can push as much product out as possible, they have a budget that’s never enough, and frankly, shit just happens sometimes.  
I’m not saying that we can’t be disappointed. I’m disappointed that I’ll never get to know if Wyatt and Eddie reunited, or what happened to Russell. I have no idea if Shel and Becca are still alive, and I don’t know where Vince is. I don’t even know what happened to Bonnie after S2. 
When thrown into the entire series, 400 Days is disappointing due to the high expectations it brings for S2, but I argue that it isn’t as terrible as people claim it is. 
I literally just spent several paragraphs explaining why it’s brilliant and why you should go replay it by itself, I think it’s far from terrible and deserves praise for its characters and the moral dilemmas it presents. Don’t think about S2 while you’re playing it, that’s not the point. The point is to experience it for what it is, a series of stories set in the zombie apocalypse that all lie together in the end. 
I would love to hear more thoughts about this, whether it be about the characters or what choices you made and why. Even if you disagree and think 400 Days is trash, tell me why, I’m interested to know. 
In conclusion: 400 Days good. In other news: Happy New Year
As I’m writing this, it’s New Year’s Eve and I’ve got a little over an hour before midnight, sooo here’s a happy new year to everyone. I hope you’re all doing well, staying safe and healthy the best you can. 
As I said at the start of this, I have another essay I’m working on related to S2.... it’s taking forever because there’s a lot to cover, it’s about some polarizing characters and choices, and I have no idea when I’ll be finished. If it takes even longer than I’d like, I’ll probably put it down and work on a smaller post in the meantime. Maybe something about the Michonne mini-series or a character analysis.
I guess my new thing is disappearing for weeks at a time only to pop in whenever there’s news about the Clementine comic or to throw down a long ass essay about something no one asked for hahaha. I can live with that, I think. I will be around for the rest of the weekend, though, so any asks about 400 Days will get answered, I’d love to hear from y’all. 
Uhhh any other news... Oh, @pi-creates​ and I are making a new Dragon Age server on discord that we’re gonna open up soon for anyone interested in that. Right now it’s mostly just discussions about the games and lamenting about the apostates who broke our hearts... well, Pi’s lamenting, I’m mostly just spewing bitter salt about the sewer rat bastard that is my apostate boyfriend >:[ We’ll post a link once it’s ready to go, though I dunno when that’ll be. We’re pretty proud of the set up, and I made a bunch of DA emojis. It’ll be a fun time. 
Think that’s everything. I wish y’all a happy, healthy new year! 
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thecrusadercomrade · 4 months
What-Ifs of Telltale's the Walking Dead Chapter 14: What If the 400 Days Characters Joined Lee's Group?
Summary: When more characters find their way to the motor inn in this alternate timeline, the St. Johns quickly realize they may have bitten off more than they can chew...
Read on AO3!
Read from the beginning!
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Walking Dead Tales
If there is a new TWDG season, it should be this.
It's an anthology season that ties in pretty much all the loose ends of the story. Episode about Molly, episode about Christa, about Kenny(if you chose Wellington or left Kenny behind) episode about Jane(if you left her behind after shooting Kenny) episode about the remaining 400 days characters, episode about Mike, Arvo and Bonnie, episode about Javier and his family, episode about either Lilly or James depending on the choices you made and one final episode about Clem AJ and the Ericson school kids just living their live in school.(yeah fuck you, the comic is not canon) It's a nice way to finish up the last loose ends and a sweet send off to clem and the others. Not perfect but it's what i would like instead of a full season that continues the story after the final season.
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saintfourr · 1 year
What if... The 400 day group replaced the cabin group (my version).
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Father of the group, he who makes the tough decisions. He takes the place of Luke/Pete.
He's kind of skeptical when Clementine appears bitten until it is confirmed that it was a dog.
He usually jokes about being arrested but tells Clementine not to worry.
At the end of the chapter, you are between Wyatt and Vince but neither of them die.
Unlike Kenny, he doesn't say that Clementine is guilty of something without having done anything. He knows how much she must have blamed herself for putting Lee through all that when she disappeared.
Unfortunately because everyone goes against Clem, she is put in the shed for the night.
In the final fight it's him against Kenny. You can choose to kill Kenny or Shel kills Kenny.
Clementine can say goodbye to Kenny affectionately, harshly, or not at all.
It's not your fault, kid. You just wanted to find your parents.
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He takes the big brother's place, Nick's place.
He is understanding with Clementine and understands how she feels about losing her best friend.
He's very protective of the group and Clementine, he's already lost Eddie and he doesn't want to lose any more people.
Sometimes he lets out a few curse words and apologizes if anyone complains.
He didn't want to let Clementine stay with them at first.
Unlike Nick, he didn't shoot the bridge guy. So there wasn't as much drama in the ski hut.
He accompanies Clementine to help Becca and Vince.
You lost your friend, so did I. I know how it hurts, I'm sorry about that.
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Mother of the group, Carlos' place but more intelligent and more maternal.
She knows the difference between a zombie bite and a dog bite. So she can tell that it was actually a dog bite and that a zombie wouldn't take a bite that big.
She is more accepting of Clementine.
She is shocked to learn that her old group betrayed Clem's group and apologizes for them. But she explains that the group fell apart.
She takes Jane's place in a way but she's more emotionally good than Jane. She isn't that tough and is willing to take care of Clem and Becca.
She tries to be a motherly figure to Clem.
Everything will be fine Clem, we'll help you find Christa.
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Sarah with more guts and willpower.
Teach Clem to play the guitar.
There was no way she wanted to let Clementine into the cabin because of the bite.
She says some bad words and scary things sometimes and doesn't care.
Clementine's romantic interest in future seasons.
She is trapped with Vince inside the trailer however, she is not the reason for calling zombies. What caught the horde's attention was an alarm.
Clem controls the things she says, like censorship. So she doesn't get hurt by Carver's hands.
Rebel chaotic sister energy.
Carver is just a piece of shit, huh?
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Same with Becca, he didn't want her to go in there.
It took him a while to trust her, he closed himself off after what happened with Nate.
Clementine's future romantic interest as well.
He enjoys listening to Clementine's stories of what she's been through.
He helps steal the radio with Clementine.
He wants to find a trailer, because of Clem's history, he thinks it might be a good vehicle for traveling.
He likes to talk about his family, especially his grandmother.
He manages to relate to Clem and the Stranger, he also thought Nate was trustworthy or something.
He found it quite awkward to tell Clem that he had laid down next to Carley/Doug's body.
He hands Clementine the medicine when she shows up at the cabin with an injured arm. Even though he was against her, he felt sorry for her arm.
I will never forgive him for what he did.
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This time she doesn't pull the bitch card and betray the group.
Guilty about killing Dee and Leland leaving.
Rebecca's place, however she is more welcoming with Clem but she was still worried.
She has a motherly and sisterly energy, a kind of aunt to Clementine.
She shoots Arvo when he shoots Clementine.
I really don't know what to say about her, she already appears halfway through the game.
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mynameisave · 1 year
"Okay, Russ. Just grab my hand." - Vince
"I'm scared! What if you drop me?!" - Russell
"You're a little too light for that, buddy." - Vince
"You know what?" - Russell
"What are—" - Vince
Russell falls out of the tree.
"Russell! What the fuck, bro?!" - Vince
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illusivesoulgaming · 1 year
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*Nate kept you around*
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mydogchicosolos · 1 year
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xd i made more
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littlesugarwords · 1 year
i would love to see that 400 days analysis thing you were talking about!!!! the characters actually deserved so much better than what they got. i’m still salty about it to this day bc russell is honestly probably my favorite character from the whole series and they just gave my boy nothing :(( and like i still genuinely want to know what happened when the hardware store was overrun. like did they make it out?? are they still together?? it bugs me that i’ll never know but anyways, they deserved so much better. i always make the effort to at least let them have a cameo in s2 when i’m playing.
OMG I can’t believe you guys like reading my little ramblings omg
SO this is referring to this post where I mention I should rant about how the 400 days characters got shafted, so here it is!!
First, I want to start by saying I think it was intended for the 400 days characters to have a bigger role in season 2, and I think that can be one of the bigger problems in episode-based games.
If you don’t have the entire season - hell, even the entire franchise - planned from the start, it can lead to problems like this. A lot of people commented on how twdg seasons/episodes could feel disjointed from the previous ones, and I think that’s a result of not having a complete, full-vision before the production on the season starts.
Personally, whether it was planned out entirely or not, the first season flows like it was panned out from the start. Every plot beat, character, situation, location, and enemy plays a role in the overarching story (for the most part). In comparison, season 2 felt a little more disjointed. Some of the characters felt like throwaways, and some felt like their character motives shifted suddenly or they acted wildly out of character (see: Kenny, Jane, and Luke, to name a few). Of course, this isn’t inherently bad - media changes character dynamics all the time - but it did leave many wondering ‘why’?
In reality, this could be a sign of writers not having the entire story planned from the start of production, leading them to scramble with how to get characters from point A to point B. This could also be why a lot of the decisions in twdg could f4eel like they didn’t hold much weight. Because the story wasn’t planned from the get-go, it would make sense that many decisions didn’t have long-term consequences. The game wasn’t scripted out to have those decisions matter down the line.
ANYWAYS LOL that’s what I think at least.
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ontwikkiiisland · 3 years
immediately thought of this when i heard the audio, anyways i’m gonna go feed my dogs now, they barking and shit.. happy pride month BTW:)
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ronnieandtwdg · 3 years
- Coin was a farming vet at the St. John's. She bailed after the foreman disappeared and she nearly got nailed by a trap. Just packed up in the middle of the night, stole their truck, and got out.
- Coin does really well on her own and prefers her own company and is generally an asshole (in the way the horrible goose is an asshole) which is why the universe conspires to throw her into groups of people.
- Went to Crawford and bailed after a week. Decided that if she ended up in groups that were bad she'd leave and fuck some things up for them. So she stole every single spark plug they had over the course of a month and threw them into the harbor.
- Met Negan one time, took a good look around, said "Nope" and left. Set a fire as a distraction. Used a bat she mistook for Lucille but it was just a bat.
- Coin gets captured by Howe's. She openly resents this.
- Carver sees her as a trusted friend. Coin treats him with barely concealed hatred and steals his things to destroy or leave in odd places.
- Sarah once witnessed Coin drop a pen of Carvers into a walker heads mouth and toss it off the ledge, killing a bird.
- Likes the children, Russell, Wyatt, and Vince. Tolerates everyone else, except for Troy.
- Carver is not dumb enough to trust Coim with a rifle or to put her in charge of anything life changing, so she mostly fixes electronics and does repair work on the trucks with Nick.
- Not very squeamish about Walkers. Has a healthy fear around their mouths but isn't terrified because she lived mostly alone for years and knows how to not get bit. Mostly, Coin sees them as annoying pest animals.
- Sees the Cabin Group leave and is just like, "Okay" and goes on with her night.
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I read your post about 400 days and it was great. But I have one problem I think you went a to hard on Nate everything he does is understandable to some extent. Hunting down and trying to kill eddie is completely reasonable considering he just murdered his friend and nate has no idea it was an accident, killing the old couple is also understandable because they tried to kill him and they have supplies which can help nate out. Sure it seems messed up but in the apocalypse you kill to survive
Oooooh this is interesting because I think you're being too soft on Nate, anon.
I agree that him chasing down Eddie and Wyatt is understandable given even Eddie doesn't know if he meant to shoot that guy, and to Nate it probably looked like his buddy/companion was murdered. Given how Nate is, it's definitely in character that he'd chase them down for revenge. Really, the only reason we see him as the antagonist in that story is perspective because we're Wyatt, who is running away. If we were playing as Nate, we would see Eddie and Wyatt as the baddies who murdered our friend and feel justified in hunting them down.
Where I have to disagree with you is when it comes to Russell's story. He didn't kill that old couple because he had to in order to survive. Walt explains why he shot at them, Nate and Russell are the armed ones now. If they wanted some sort of revenge on the old couple for shooting at them they could've just taken the guns and food and left the old couple to fend for themselves. The woman was already wounded, there's no reason to believe that couple would be in any condition to chase us down.
Nate killed the couple because he wanted to. This is the face he makes after he asks if they should just shoot these folks and take all their stuff-
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That's not the face of a man who's forced to kill because "it's the apocalypse and you do what you have to survive," that's the face of a man who is having fun and wants to kill to take their stuff. I'm sorry, there were other ways to handle this situation. There was no reason for anyone to die here... Also, if you believe Walt when he accuses Nate of being there before, then this is possibly him backtracking to finish them off and take everything.
Nate is shown to be an asshole early in the story when he opens the window and lets a walker grab Russell. He doesn't care if Russell could get bit and he doesn't even really panic when he realizes he's outta bullets- again, he's just having fun. That's how his character's established.
Also, what makes me actually hate him is how he listened to Russell's story and then throws that trauma back in his face, like nope. I don't feel bad for saying I hope he chokes sksks. He's crusty and an asshole, and I don't subscribe to the idea that it's fine to kill whoever, whenever, no matter the circumstances just because it's the apocalypse. By that logic, Lilly kidnapping and murdering children in TFS was reasonable and understandable because she was just trying to survive with her group in the apocalypse.
If that's being too hard on him, then I can live with that. We can agree to disagree 👍
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thecrusadercomrade · 1 month
What-Ifs of Telltale's the Walking Dead Chapter 23: What If the Group Took Over Howe's?
Summary: After the group is forced to bide their time and remain in Howe's when Kenny is beaten by Carver, Vince approaches Luke with an offer that might just save all of them from Carver's madness.
Read on AO3!
Read from the beginning!
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
If you could've had your way with TWDG season 2 with Christa and Omid's baby and the 400 days gang, how do you think it could've gone?
First. Clem never finds Christa and Omid.
The beginning of season 2 would be about Clem finding Christa and Omid.
Christa is still pregnant and Christa is under the care of the 400 Days crew, everyone but Bonnie left Carver and are on the run. They are all suspicious of Clem when she arrives at their cabin, but when Christa tells them who she is, they let Clem go to Christa.
We'd find out Omid and Christa got separated when they were looking for Clem. More on that later.
Vince takes the role of Luke/Carlos in the game. Russell and Becca are wary around Clem but come around, Wyatt is the chill older brother and Shel is the mom friend. Kenny of course returns and when Kenny sees both Clem and Christa, there is a big reunion of them together.
Episode 2, instead of meeting Carver, we meet Troy(as was teased) same situation but he says “my boss needs me to find them”
When we get to the ski lodge, instead of meeting Kenny, we would meet Omid. Happy reunion between Clem, Omid and Christa
Kenny would take the role of Carver. Now before ya’ll come at me with pitchforks and torches, Kenny was supposedly planned to be the antagonist character for the second season. Gavin Hammon revealed this during his OMG!Con 2015 Q&A Panel alongside Melissa Hutchinson. He said that Kenny was supposed to be the leader of the community Luke and the cabin survivors fled from, so Kenny would be in the Carver role. I think it could’ve worked. Losing his family, losing Lee and nearly dying to save Ben or Christa could’ve pushed him over the edge.
Episode 3, you are tempted in choosing between your new friends or our old friend Kenny. But Clem realizes the Kenny she knew is long gone
Kenny blames Clem for everything. In Kenny’s POV, if Clem didn’t listen to The Stranger, Lee wouldn’t have gotten bitten, he wouldn’t have had to risk his life to try to save an already dying Ben or save Christa and they wouldn’t have lost the boat, they all would’ve gotten away. But due to Clem’s foolish childish desire to see her parents, everything fell apart. Again, this is Kenny’s perspective in this version
When the walkie-talkie plan goes down south, Vince is caught and as Clem prepares to turn herself in, Omid takes the blame is the one who is beat to a pulp
Seeing as Kenny has no attachment like Carver had for Rebecca, he does not catch them in the act(you’ll see why later) they are able to free themselves. Troy still gets shot in the dick but this time, it's Clem who shoots him.
In place of Carlos, Shel is the one who gets shot and eaten. Becca runs
Episode 4. They all make it to the meet up spot. The deal to get ready for the baby happens as planned. Clem and Russell find Shel and Wyatt. While Becca was not sheltered like Sarah, she finds apart of herself died with Shel, but Clem is able to get her to snap out. I like to think Clem, Becca and Russell would begin to have a close friendship rather than Clem and Jane. Before giving birth, Clem and Christa are picking out names and Clem suggests "Lee Jr" both Christa and Omid like that. In place of Arvo, it’s Eddie. Christa gives birth, but she dies. Before dying, Christa tells Clem to promise that she will take care of LJ no matter what, Clem promises. Near the end Eddie would bring back survivors from Kenny’s camp. Kenny has them surrounded. Bonnie tries to talk Kenny out of this and telling him they can all work together to survive. Kenny looks like he’s come to his senses, but raises the gun and shoots Bonnie. Episode 5. Kenny is hunting everyone down. He wants to kill Clem and Omid and take the baby for himself. The last survivors are Clem, LJ, Becca and Russell. Omid sacrifices himself to save Clem. Clem shoots Kenny and for a brief moment, the old Kenny resurfaces and realizes the horrible things he’s done and apologizes. We would have a choice to forgive him, say Kenny will see Duck and Katja or to condemn Kenny
TNF and The Final season. Ideally I would just mix both seasons together. It would just be Clem, Russell and Becca protecting LJ in Wellington and LJ coming into his own. Lilly returns as the villain to attack and raid Wellington and we have to protect our home. We can choose between Russell or Becca to romance. I would honestly have us go to The Delta and face the leader. The only person who makes sense to be the leader for The Delta is Nate from 400 Days. Nate will try to kill our love interest and Clem kills Nate. The Delta falls apart and after freeing Wellington's people and our friends, we escape. Lilly takes Minnie's place. Clem gets bit and LJ chops her foot off. Clem shares a tender moment with her love interest and a cutsey moment with LJ and end with Chloe looking at peace.
That way we have a season that actually gives us answers about Christa, Omid isn't killed instantly, we take care of Omid and Christa's baby instead of AJ and does something for Vince, Wyatt, Shel, Becca and Russell instead of minor cameos and never doing anything for them again. While it's sad that this version doesn't have Javi, Kate, Gabe or the Ericson school. I think it's more important to have the final season be about Clem and co living in Wellington and defending their new home.
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septickrab · 5 years
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Context is everything lmao I’ve been using the hunger game simulator and its fuckin hilarious
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wickedcinnamonroll · 5 years
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Made this last night lmao
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