demonstars · 1 year
least favorite dnf moments
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wickedangels on tumblr // dream's stream // george's 8 hour stream // Trisha Mateer, This Is What Baggage Looks Like // Richard Siken, Crush // monomoss on tumblr
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downthetubes · 15 days
Sector 13 Comics launch Trio of Titles to Benefit “NHS Charities Together”
Belfast-based Sector 13 Comics will launch three new comics - Whapp!, Splank! and Yow! - at Enniskillen Comicsfest this coming weekend, 8th – 9th June, 2024
Inspired by the legendary Odhams “Power Comics” titles, Wham!, Smash! and Pow!, Belfast-based Sector 13 Comics will launch Whapp!, Splank! and Yow! at Enniskillen Comicsfest this coming weekend, 8th – 9th June, 2024. Sector 13 Comics’ Whapp!, Splank! and Yow! are inspired by the 1960s Odhams titles, Wham! Smash! and Pow, above Created to benefit NHS Charities Together, all proceeds after…
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frostluvrs · 2 years
ricky fully realizing (or realizing they never left if he already knew he had them before) his feelings for gina makes perfect sense. especially this season with them getting as close as they were in s1 again. if you didn’t see them as more than friends in s1 you had your rini blinders on and purposely weren’t seeing it so i’m not even going to explain that just go rewatch s1 without them on.
but they never left. his feelings were unresolved and he just wanted to go and make it work with nini (which was needed for their characters to realize that aren’t right for each other so that was needed). in s2 he had a girlfriend who he was loyal to and was trying to make his failing relationship work so badly that he couldn’t focus on anything else. but there was enough to understand ricky pushed down or put those feelings to the side (just like gina is doing now btw). in the first 3 eps there was more than enough to show it was still there for him (the glances in 2x01 and the conversation in 2x03 and the look on his face when she left) and then his and nini’s relationship took a turn for the worse and he stopped focusing on anything and anyone but making their relationship work (which was bad and he acknowledged in their breakup). and then gina (rightfully on her part) iced him out so we got nothing while ricky tries to make his relationship work and gina tries moving on. and by the time ricky was out of that relationship and working on himself more he and gina weren’t on speaking terms and he was respecting her wishes. he’s not going to think about his feelings for her.
ricky and gina’s timing has never been right but now here they are, both overcoming the reasons they couldn’t be together and now that they’re getting close again and ricky is not in a relationship and is embracing change and new things his feelings are obviously going to hit him like a brick. the fact it’s after they had so much fun in the woods says it all too. and now he’s also seeing her in a relationship for the first time (this is prob the first time he’s seen them be really coupley too) which can easily start bringing out jealousy. i wouldn’t be surprised if that moment when ashlyn talks about there always being new things to learn and the look ricky gave gina was the start of his (currently but not for long) unconscious feelings coming to play.
and it seems like there’s more to the story that we don’t even know yet so i’m waiting for richard to tell us.
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bittwitchy · 2 months
cw anti st*ggy and st*cky joke:
its funny how much i hate st*ggy considering i also dont like st*cky romantically
#but funnily enough i AM a steve/sam and b*cky/sam girl#but thats the one poly i wont approve of#for me u do u friends#how many tags do i have to do before it no longer shows up in tags brw#bc the fandoms for both of those ships are vile#esp when u admit to preferring sam w both of them they just get plain r*cist sometimes#i know its 20 to stay out of the tags but#will 20 also stop the flaggings from picking it up bc i dont wanna do that either#i wanna make sure your tag blocks work yknow#wtf even is sam and b/uckys pairing name#like im a b/uckyn/at aka w/interwi/dow girlie as well and they have both#is it like… w/interfa/lcon????#why is b/uckys name first it should be sams#honestly that fandom is wild if you talk abt ships nnur ships arent the popular ones like#i woll dully admit i ship wild stuff too#not rly wild if m*rv*l cared enough to actually build the rels peoperly but like#as a comic reader im a st*ron fan and im forever mad at how they#royally fucked up sh/arons story just bc they wanted to fuck w h/ayley a/twell a known woman hater posing as a f/eminist#i do like st*ny but only when done right bc lbr… they couldnt even do theirn#friendship right enough to make cw actually impactful#and i dont understand why ‘literally was earning almost a billion per movie at the time even before they all were’ m*rv*l#chose to fuck w what cap 3 was to ‘compete w b/atman v s/uperman’ like#they had zero to worry abt ppl wont even pay attention to zacks films and pick apart anything to hate they can#ppl hate subtle storytelling which is how he storytells he hates shoving the plot in your face he wants you to overthink it#and they were launching the universe then like it was NEVER going to be a competition they just freaked tf out for no reason#losers#ima tag them now hopefully i dont end up int he tags if u have those antis blacklisted lmk if it works#anti steggy#anti stucky
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gootube · 1 year
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my dnd characters as these things
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bucksangel · 1 year
first and foremost this is a peggy carter hate blog
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sleepypuffpastry · 2 years
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dismie · 2 months
goodness gracious where are all your horrifying horror fans when you need a sounding board (taps feet impatiently)
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e-lisard-archive · 4 months
The Day It All Changed
Original post March 4th, 2022 (x)
“Come on, Davy, we’ve got to hurry!” Desmond glances at the trees surrounding them, impatiently waiting for Davy to finish gathering mushrooms.
“Relax, we’ll be fine!” Davy laughs, tucking his hair behind his ear. “It’s not even nearing dark yet. Besides, remember what mom said?” He straightens, leaving his basket on the ground, and takes a deep breath. “And don’t you dare return with an empty basket, David!” he says, his voice high in a poor imitation of their mother.
“I know, I know.” Desmond flaps his hand at his twin, silently telling him to hurry it up. “You’ve got plenty of mushrooms, though, and what… what about them.” His voice drops to a whisper, eyes darting around as if ‘they’ would pop right out of the shadows.
“Desmond,” Davy’s voice is calm, reassuring. “They’re not real, just made-up monsters to scare children into leaving the forest alone. And even if they were real, I promised to protect you, right?” He smiles, eyes kind as ever. “I’ve got your back.”
Rustling leaves catch Desmond’s attention, but as he looks, he spots nothing. Just a bird or something like that, then. “I’m done now, though, so we just have to walk back.” Davy stands with the basket, pulling Desmond’s sleeve. “C'mon.”
They walk, at first in comfortable silence, but the further they go, the more ominous it seems.
“Hey… Davy?” Desmond glances around, his hand holding onto Davy’s sleeve, who just hums in reply. “This silence… Where are all the animals?”
As if having waited for the moment, something shoots out at them from the shadows, and Desmond feels weightless for a second before he hits the ground.
Davy cries out in pain, collapsing to his knees as he clutches at a wound on his arm that wasn’t there mere seconds ago.
“Oh my,” a soothing voice says, a white-haired stranger appearing from the same direction as the attack. “I didn’t expect that, for sure. But, well, Blake did say it was okay if I only hit one.” He giggles, looking them both up and down, his gaze freezing Desmond on the spot.
“I sure hope you’re the Tweedledum, then, kid.” Another giggle as he looks at Davy, kicking him to the ground. “Or you’ll die within the day. I wonder if it was worth it?” Before either of them can say anything, although a hysterical voice in Desmond’s head doubts Davy would be able to anyway, he disappears into the shadows again, the stiffness leaving Desmond’s limbs immediately.
“Davy!” He rushes to his twin, tears of worry streaming down his face.
A voice just a bit away, familiar and safe, echoes his panicked cry in confusion before steps come rushing over, another white-haired boy, although much younger this time, bursting onto their path.
“What’s wrong, what happened to him?” Wyatt falls to his knees next to them, pocket watch tumbling out of his pocket.
How could Desmond ever explain, though, that the monsters were real, and one of them did this to Davy?
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itsjaketwell · 1 year
(Jake Twell)
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downthetubes · 1 month
Sector 13 Comics announces new anthology, launching at Enniskillen Comic Fest
Independent comic publishers Sector 13 Comics have announced that their new anthology title, appropriately titled S13, will be launched at Enniskillen Comic Fest in June – and is available for pre-order now
Independent comic publishers Sector 13 Comics have announced that their new anthology title, appropriately titled S13, will be launched at Enniskillen Comic Fest in June – and is available for pre-order now. S13 will the umbrella title for a series of themed anthologies, each exploring different themes or genres. The first is Anno Domini, 1900, a 68-page, A4 magazine which imagines what might…
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yourbleedingh3art · 2 years
i needed the sleep
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thatlovinfeelin · 10 months
Flightless Bird | eighteen | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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“Mommy! Hurry up!” Wren said, dragging Jose behind her, “Auntie Nat twell her!” 
Natasha only laughed and walked next to Jose. They were on their way from the parking lot to the tarmac for the airshow. Jake was set to be flying and Wren was begging to go see it. Although, Jose tried to normally stay away from Airshows in general just in case someone certain was there. 
“So, I have some news,” Nat whispered to Jose. 
Natasha just smiled and twisted her wedding ring, something Jose noticed the female pilot did when she was a little anxious. Her and Jake got married two years prior in a small ceremony on the beach. Not to big and fussy, as both of them wanted simple friends and family. A certain Blue Angels pilot was not able to attend, so Coyote was Jake’s best man while Jose was the maid of honor, with little baby Wren as a little flower girl. It was beautiful and simple and perfect. 
“You can’t tell anyone yet,” Phoenix stated, “But I’m pregnant.”
Jose stopped in her tracks, much to Wren’s dismay who let out a little wail and tried with all of her might to pull her mom forward. 
“Oh my god, Nat!”
“Are you mad? I know you-”
“Mad? Oh my god no, I’m so happy for you!” Jose exclaimed, hugging the other woman, “Does Jake know yet?”
Natasha shook her head, “No I haven’t found the time to tell him yet.”
“How far along?”
“Six weeks? I think? I have a doctors appointment next week to confirm,” She explained, “But I’m so scared to tell Jake. We’ve talked about kids, but not yet.”
“Well, I’m assuming you weren’t using anything?” Jose asked carefully. 
“We weren’t trying,” Nat swore, “But we weren’t not trying.”
Jose couldn’t help but laugh. That sounded like the most Jake and Natasha thing. 
“I want Gampa Mav and Nenny,” Wren whined, snapping the two women out of their hug. 
“Okay, let’s go munchkin.”
Wren was dressed in little combat boots, one of the flight jackets that Jose bought for her before she was born, and a pink tutu. She looked like a little combat princess as she strutted in front of Jose and Nat. 
For a nearly four year old, she had a lot of personality. Maybe too much for her own good. But Jose loved her daughter with all of her heart. There wasn’t a thing in this world that she wouldn’t do for her.  
“Thank you for coming today,” Nat nudged Jose with her shoulder, “I know it means a lot to Jake to have you guys here for this.”
Jake was set to be a part of a super important Legacy flight, one of the only f-18 pilots chosen. He couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks prior. Jose wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen him so excited for something related to work before. 
“We couldn’t miss it,” Jose shrugged, “Wren wouldn’t let me.”
“Mama we see Unca Yake?” Wren asked. 
Jose couldn’t help but smile at the way that Wren said Uncle Jake. They were still working on her speech, but the little munchkin was getting better and better every day. 
“Yeah sweetheart, we’ll see him soon, I promise,” Jose replied, “But let’s find Gampa Mav and Nenny first, okay?” 
She nodded enthusiastically and wiggled a little in Jose’s arms. Little Florence loved Maverick and Penny, now lovingly known and Gampa Mav and Nenny. They stepped right into the role of grandparents to Wren without a second thought. They were there to support Wren and Jose with no questions asked, even after Jose forced Braldey to leave. 
They never once asked what happened between the two of them. Instead they just loved Jose and her little daughter with all of their hearts. 
“Gampa Mav!” Wren wiggled out of Jose’s arms and took off running towards the older pilot, “Nenny! Auntie ‘Melia!”
“Shit,” Jose cursed, chasing after her little girl. 
Wren jumped into Mav’s arms, hugging the older man as tightly as she could. Mav laughed and hugged her back, not seeming to notice the fact that the little girl ran off without her mother. Penny was a little more attentive and scowled at the little girl as best as she could. 
“Wren, what have I told you?” Jose was out of breath as soon as she reached them, “You need to stay with me!” 
“But I saw Gampa Mav and Nenny.” The little girl blinked up at her mother, not seeming to understand. 
“You can’t run off-”
“Mav! There you are!” 
Jose froze. She didn’t dare turn to look at the source of the voice. A noise escaped her, sounding like a small wounded animal. She didn’t even check to see if they were going to be here today. Normally she checked every air show, but Jake was so excited that she was going to come and bring Wren.
“Bradley,” Mav said, handing Wren over to Phoenix who finally caught up, “Didn’t expect to see you until later.”
“I had a second and saw you guys over here.”
Wren looked at Bradley with wide eyes. He was in his blue and gold flight suit, looking like a hero in his own way. Wren was mesmerized by any pilots. She loved planes, and the people that flew them. 
“You fwy pwanes?” 
Bradley was stunned for a second. He finally realized who was standing next to Mav and Penny. She looked so different, and yet exactly the same. Her hair was longer, and she was thinner than he’d ever seen her. So much so it made him wonder if she was eating enough. But he didn’t have the right to worry about Josephine Wilson anymore, not when she kicked him out of her life. 
“I uh-” He cleared his throat and directed his attention to the little girl in Phoenix’s arms. 
Somehow it hadn’t occurred to him that this was the little baby he once loved with all of his heart. She was so much bigger, with wide eyes that mirrored her mother’s. She looked just like Jose. There’s no way that wasn’t her daughter. It made him want to cry. He loved her like a daughter and he missed out on so much of her life. 
“Yeah, I do,” Bradley smiled at the little girl, forcing down the emotions. He leaned down so he was eye level with her, “See that blue and yellow plane over there?” he pointed down the way a little to where all of the Blue Angels were lined up, “That one is mine.”
“Woah,” She replied, “Auntie Nat can we go see?”
Nat carefully looked over at Jose, who still hadn’t allowed herself to look over at Bradley. Jose nodded quickly, watching as Nat along with Mav, Penny, and Amelia made their way towards the row of planes. 
Jose swallowed the thick lump in her throat. She felt like she could cry. She always did her best to avoid Bradley at any event that the Blue Angels could be at. Jake always understood. He hated it, but he understood. She wanted to be mad at him for not warning her that he would be here today. She felt tricked and like her heart was going to explode.
She closed her eyes and licked her dry lips before opening her eyes and turning to face him, “Hi Bradley.”
“It’s good to see you,” He said slowly, carefully even. 
“Yeah, um, you too,” She replied, “You look good.”
“I am. Pensacola has been good for me,” He replied, voice sounding like gravel. 
She nodded. She wasn’t sure what she expected him to say. What do you even say in a situation like this? How is she supposed to do this? How was she supposed to face Bradley, when all she wanted to do was be held by him again? She wanted to feel his lips on hers again. She wanted him more than she could dare to put into words. 
“You look…nice,” Bradley had to force the words out. He wanted nothing more than to hold her. 
“Try keeping up with a three year old, see how you look,” She responded quickly. 
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I genuinely meant you look nice.”
She looked down at her little sundress and sighed. She hated this feeling between them. This rift, the distance…whatever it was. She wanted to feel close to him again. But she didn’t know how she could ever feel close like she used to. 
“She’s gotten so big,” Bradley was looking over his shoulder now, looking towards Wren, “She was so tiny when I left.”
“Bradley about what I-”
“Bradshaw! Time to get ready.”
His eyes closed as he took a deep breath. His shoulders squared before his eyes opened again and he was back to being Rooster. He forced a smile and held out his hand for Jose to shake. How do you even shake hands with the man you’re still madly in love with?
“Nice to see you again, Josephine. Look for me in the skies.”
She wanted to say more. Wanted to beg for his forgiveness. Wanted to beg for him…just for him to give her a second chance. But he was gone before she had the chance. He disappeared into the crowd of people like a leaf disappears in the wind. 
Jose was still holding her breath when Natasha came back to stand next to her, “Mav has Wren. Are you okay?”
Jose’s eyes started to water, “I didn’t realize how much I missed him. And then he’s right here and I can’t say any of the things that I want.”
“You’ll get your chance,” Natasha assured her, “Now c’mon, Jake is up next. Don’t want to miss him.”
Later that night, Jose was sitting in her bed alone. Wren was staying with Jake and Natasha tonight, so the house was silent. Jose didn’t quite know what to do with herself. So she poured a big glass of wine and settled in. What she didn’t expect was her phone pinging at eleven, with a text from a number she never expected to see again. 
She found herself scurrying out of the bed and fumbling her way to the front door. Her breath was ragged as she threw the door open to reveal Bradley standing there. He looked too good to be true. 
“Hey,” She said stupidly. 
Bradley was on her in an instant, hands cradling her face, “Tell me you don’t want this.”
“I-” She took a second, “I want you. I always have.”
Then he was kissing her like she was the only thing that mattered in the whole world.
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thebabyradiodemon · 2 months
Gwo ahead.
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Twell mwe I cwute.
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lilbabykoe · 5 months
Jus wan.....
Wan somone oo babwy me an twell me dat it be otay..
Wan somone oo hwold me an lwet me fwall a-eep in der lwap..
Wan somone on hwold me in der lwap whil dey giv me a botwl befwor bwed..
Wan somone oo cwall me honwy, an witl one, an awl thwos sweet witl nwames..
Wan somone oo mwak me feew specwial..
Wan somone oo mwak me feew wantwed..
Wan somone oo mwak me feew witl..
Jus wan.....
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 months
Hewo twell me abwt bwyonicwl pwetty pwease
Warning! I might get some stuff wrong, and also I'm only covering the surface-level stuff.
Ok so once upon a time a planet blew up into three parts, so a bunch of misogynistic scientists made a big robot powered by Magical Mercury and sent it to space so it could learn how to fix their planet.
Meanwhile, inside the robot there was a massive civilisation of li'l guys, superheroes and old people. One little guy was a scientist who GLaDOS'd himself and accidentally made li'l guys sentient. One time a kaiju attacked the big li'l guy city, so the mayor summoned The Avengers to fight it, and they got to stick around for a bit, until most of them either died or went off to do their own things, leaving only Hoverboard Superman, Green Man and Murdery Ghost Lady. Green Man got mutated and turned into Green Crab Man because he fell in love with a sexy lizard he was training. Green Crab Man and his accomplice The Amazing One-Eyed Bear went back to the big city and decided to help the mayor (who was actually Satan in disguise as the actual mayor) take over the world or something. Hoverboard Superman, knowing that shit was about to get real, gave some magic rocks to six li'l guys (Angsty Blacksmith, Some Random Teacher, SCP Employee, Crash Test Himbo, Smug Carver and Astrology Twink) to turn them into the New Avengers. Also there are, like, Xenomorph Robocops I guess. After a quest to gather magic frisbees so Angsty Blacksmith could forge a face-mounted time-machine (during which it was revealed that Hoverboard Superman got turned into an old person), Satan decided to vore Green Crab Man, One-Eyed Bear and his pet bird, oneshotted Hoverboard Superman, and then got sealed in a glass bubble by the New Avengers.
You'd think this would deal with Satan forever, but then that sexy lizard and her husband (*canned audience gasping*) and also an army of spiders showed up and took over the city, and the former was, like, super hot for Satan, so she scraped a bit off his glass bubble and put it in her cleavage (I am only slightly exaggerating). The New Avengers came back to get all the li'l guys, but the spiders captured them and brought them to sexy lizard's house, where the spiders then turned them into furries. After the team met some scalies (who used to be Satan's own personal praetorian guard before he turned evil) and trekked all the way to Some Temple to meet The Key To Nongu (who can reverse mutations), Angsty Blacksmith turned evil and became the sexy lizard's catboy sub (again, only slightly exaggerating). He then turned good, the sexy lizard's husband was killed so hard that he canonically couldn't even go to the Dead Space nightmare space-station that functions as the Bonkle afterlife, and the New Avengers went to The Beach That Doesn't Make You Old and became old people the old-fashioned way; by sacrificing their power to wake up the li'l guys. But Satan was also freed...
Way-too-long later, everyone lived on a nice island. But there is... a prophecy. Namely, that 6 special superheroes will show up and kick Satan's ass. Angsty Blacksmith - who Has Visions™ - sends a weird kid (whose colours don't seem to match everyone else's) on a quest to summon the special superheroes. He does that, but loses his memory and goes on a fun adventure. Meanwhile, the special superheroes have shown up, and are fighting off Satan's possessed animals. They go to a cool temple thing and fight Satan, but then that weird kid wakes up some evil armadillos that start CLEANing IT ALL, so the special superheroes fight them, but after putting their queens in a cage, they get dunked into some Magical Mercury that turns them into super-special superheroes. But there is... another prophecy, namely that someone will become the seventh super-special superhero, so that weird kid goes on a quest with this guy and a giant crab, and surprise! Turns out that the weird kid - who I haven't linked an article about up until now because it would be a spoiler - is actually the Seventh Superhero! But boo hiss etc., Satan has sent his evil prawn-man underlings to attack the island, so Seventh Superhero beats Satan up by playing hockey at him, and everyone goes back to the big city.
A few months later, the special superheroes sail off into the west (actually the south), but no-one knows why, so six li'l guys (accompanied by Seventh Superhero) follow them and (with the exception of Seventh Superhero, who couldn't go all the way for Reasons™) they all end up on Frankenstein's Island, where Frankenstein tries to commit body-horror on them until they get saved by an insane li'l guy, who shoves them into tubes and sends them to Scary Island.
On Scary Island it was born to the collective of the dawn there are some messed-up shark dudes who have been pretending to be superheroes, but really they want The Macguffin for Reasons. Also one of them is extra messed-up, because he was split off the blue shark dude, and is chained to a giant spider in a cave. The six li'l guys (who are now Electric Superheroes because the Dead Space Space-Station Afterlife shot them with lightning) fight the shark dudes, fight the extra messed-up one and get The Macguffin, but then they go underwater and do some stuff down there (including meeting a li'l guy who turns into a duplicate of a prison warden who died millenia ago), and quite frankly I know very little about the story from 2007 to the end of 2008, so I'll just say that they get the Macguffin, but one of the six Electric Superheroes realises he needs to sacrifice himself to wake up God (no really). He does that, everyone goes back to the big city, and the six special superheroes (and the Seventh Superhero) go to some electric caves and get split up, with half of them fighting three vampire dudes and half of them fighting three bug mutants. They wake up God, but uh-oh, Satan takes over, puts God into the Macguffin, and shoots him out onto the broken up planet.
So anyway God incarnates, meets some guys, fights some guys, and takes control of a smaller giant robot, then kills Satan with the moon. A moon.
Anyway that's Bionicle, I'm going downstairs to watch Breaking Bad.
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