#twenty one pilots fics
twenty-one-fics · 7 months
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Hello! My name is Anesha , I’m twenty seven years old and a huge TØP fan. I love writing and I’m here to write fics about the boys! I’ll write anything except “Joshler” stuff I’m sorry lol but if you have a request of a fic you’d like me to write please drop your request in my ask box!
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sarcasmcloud · 5 months
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"Kinda wishin' that I never did Saturday" - Backslide (twenty one pilots)
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vetomos · 4 months
twenty one pilots really did create a whole ass narrative just to make a joshler fanfic canon
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kickedin17 · 25 days
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Who up ler-ing their josh
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nemotakeit · 4 months
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please tell me he's not lying down in an inferno he created to destroy the world he built and himself with it
please just tell me i belong in an asylum
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yes we all know you read it
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So we all agree that the forest fic also did imparable damage to Tyler's brain like the rest of us right because that video
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rainbowhoodlumart · 12 days
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𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒚 𝑭𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒂
Navigating + Forest + Hometown = 🤧😫
This is based on the painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 'Orpheus leading Eurydice from the Underworld' (1861)
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teeentyonepilots · 7 months
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Why is Josh blurry in every photo? Why has he been pretty quiet in the promo of the new single and era? Are there lore implications for this? Is Josh real?
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intheskatepark · 2 months
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horrible meme i made. i make many horrible memes. maybe one day i’ll post them all.
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dasloddl · 4 months
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a cultural reset
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twenty-one-fics · 6 months
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Cobwebs and flies
Tyler Joseph x reader // requested
(No warnings)
Sundays are your favorite days, for multiple reasons. However, mostly because you don’t have to work and you never make plans on Sundays so you have a wide open 24 hours to do whatever you want with. Whether that be baking, gardening, drawing, or reading, or perhaps all of the above.
Today you started your morning with a lovely hot mug of coffee made your favorite way. You smiled to yourself as you carried your ceramic baby blue cup of goodness to the living room where you planned to watch YouTube and rot until it was time for bed.
With a sigh you grabbed your remote and took a sip of coffee as you settled in on the plush, inviting couch. It was a beautiful suede wrap around that your parents got you for Christmas that year. You scrolled through suggested videos on YouTube until you found something of interest. ‘A day in the life of a medieval peasant’ you hummed to yourself with amusement and pressed play.
Knock knock knock
Your eyes shot to your door. Who the heck is that? You’re certain you made no plans today. You never did, it was a personal rule. you set down your coffee and reluctantly made your way to the door. It couldn’t be your parents they’re out of town until next week. None of your friends would even be awake yet , let alone standing at your front door. Your heart rate began to quicken at the prospect of something being wrong or someone you loved in trouble.
You gripped the door knob , sent up a quick prayer and pulled the door open. your jaw dropped. A mix of emotions pooled In your chest and you felt a lump form in your throat.
Your voice was nothing More than a light whisper , you weren’t even sure what you said had been audible.
Tyler smiled shyly with a small wave of his hand. His grin grew wider as a yell escaped your lips
You ran out the door and flew in to his arms, your tense shoulders relaxed at the warmth of his body flush with yours. His chest rising and falling with his quickened breaths. His fingers digging in to your sides like he was afraid if he let go you might float away. You felt like you might.
“What are you doing here?? I thought you guys were on tour”
You smiled into his neck , inhaling his familiar scent. You haven’t seen him in almost a year and you missed him everyday. Tyler was one of your oldest and best friends, he was your partner in crime all through highschool. He was there for everything , your first boyfriend , your first failed test, your first soccer tournament, your first job , first highschool dance … everything. the memories flooded back to you as you looked into his chocolate brown eyes. They shimmered with…. What was that? Happiness? Adoration? Perhaps just relief , sometimes it’s just nice to see an old friend.
You pulled away from the hug first , holding Tyler at an arms length, his gleaming teeth bared as he smiled down at you , eyes searching every inch of your face.
“We are still on tour but we have a week or so in between shows and we’re in town and … I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see you… so surprise!”
He laughed as he did jazz hands
You just stood there smiling at him , you were in awe. Your Ty guy was home and took time out of his ,what you could only imagine is an insanely busy schedule, to come see you.
“Oh my gosh this is my favorite day , come on come in I’ll get you something to drink”
You all but squealed with excitement as you gestured for him to follow you inside , and he did so with a small chuckle. He was happy to see you and it was written all over his wonderful face.
“Do you have any-“
Tyler began to ask as you led him to the kitchen
“Red Bull?”
You finished with a smile , he returned the gesture with a nod
“Yes redbull”
He smiled coyly leaning against the marbled white and gray counter top , his head cocked slightly to one side as he took in his surroundings. He’d been here many times before of course , but you’d made a few small changes to the place since he’d seen it last.
“No I don’t , that stuff is literally poison for your body”
You replied with a grimace
“Still on your health kick?”
He asked , now stepping towards you as you stood in front of your refrigerator.
“Itsssss not a health kick Ty , just called taking care of yourself”
You giggled, he always picked at you about your constant strive to live a healthy lifestyle, but you knew he didn’t mean any of it , he actually admired the care and attention you put in to taking care of your body and your self.
“Always such an inspiration aren’t you?”
He chimed reaching in the fridge and grabbing a cold pressed juice
“I’ll bet you made this yourself”
He added holding up the bottle of red liquid.
You scrunched your nose at him
“So what if I did”
You retorted grabbing a water for yourself and closing the refrigerator door.
“It’s beet juice by the way , you’ve been warned”
Tyler chuckled
“I knew it”
You rolled your eyes and nudged his ribs with your elbow gently.
“Come on let’s go outside and enjoy the nice morning “
You perked up at the prospect of a cozy morning on the porch with your dearest friend. You had so many questions and wanted to know absolutely everything about all the wonderful places he’s been in the last year. You grabbed his hand without even thinking about it. You felt his fingers twitch like he was going to pull away but then he gripped your hand tightly and allowed you to pull him outside.
You both sat on a chair and just took a second to look at eachother
“You look so good Ty!”
You smiled letting your eyes fall down his figure and back up , his face reddened slightly and he waved off your comment with a small laugh that barely bubbled over his mauve lips.
“So do you (y/n). You really do”
He replied looking In to your eyes, his tongue flicked over his lips and your eyes flew to his mouth and then away again. You felt your cheeks heat and shifted your position to play off the fact that you were flustered.
“I wish you would have given me a twenty minute warning or something, I just woke up, I look like hell”
You gestures to your outfit: grey sweats and a white t shirt from highschool that had a few holes in it and splashes of paint here and there. Your hair was in a high bun and it was far too early for makeup.
“You look beautiful, wouldn’t have you any other way than you are right now. This is my favorite version of you”
He chimed, his voice was quiet but his eyes never left yours as the words left his mouth. For a moment you were speechless , for some reason this felt different. Tyler had complimented you before , tons of times but it felt heavier this time , like there was more behind it.
was it due to the fact that you hadn’t seen him in so long ? You know what they say , absence makes the heart grow fonder.
“Tell me everything”
You demanded with an excited smile as you leaned back in your chair. Tyler beamed at you and shook his head.
“But I want to hear about you (y/n) how are you? What have you been doing? How’s Max?”
Tyler’s fired off questions, leaning toward you his elbows rested
on the tops of his thighs. For the first time since he’d been here , your smile fell.
How does he not know? Had you really not spoken to him about it?
“What’s wrong?”
Tyler asked , immediately picking up on the change in your demeanor.
You blinked and shook your head slightly
“Oh nothing , max and I aren’t together anymore”
You let out a sigh , like the words were heavy on your heart and saying this out loud to Tyler lifted their weight off of your shoulders.
His face fell with concern
“What happened?”
He questioned , syrupy sympathy dripping from his words.
You waved a hand in the air as if to play down the statement that was about to leave your lips
“I found him with another girl.. it was stupid..”
Your voice broke on the last word and you cursed yourself for getting emotional. This wasn’t what you wanted , you didn’t want this to still hurt you, it had been a few months now and for the most part you’ve been okay. You’ve learned how to be alone again, but saying this to Tyler, finally talking with him about it , made your heart ache and realize how much you’ve truly missed him.
You didn’t look at Tyler , you couldn’t bring yourself to do it because you felt so stupid. Tyler had had his reservations about Max when the two of you first got together, but of course you brushed his concerns off. You didn’t want to go in to your relationship with Max on negative thinking.
But Tyler’s intuition was right and you felt so so stupid.
Tyler didn’t say anything just looked at you, he didn’t know what he could say and he wasn’t the type of person to say ‘I told you so’
“I feel so stupid”
Was all you managed to get out. Your voice was hoarse and you were trying with all your might not to cry.
“Hey… no”
Tyler said standing and moving to you, he crouched in front of you and grabbed your hands , resting them in your lap.
“You’re not stupid. He’s stupid. This isn’t your fault (y/n) none of this is your fault”
He stroked your hand with his thumb , it was consistent and gentle. Tears raced down your hot cheeks, you hadn’t cried about this in a while , but Tyler always made you more emotional, he just had that affect on you. He made you feel things so intensely when he was around.
“How come my relationships never go right? Is something wrong with me?”
The question was rhetorical but Tyler held your hands tighter , he had a broken despondent look in his eyes as he gazed at you.
“Of course not, you’re perfect… I’m so sorry he did this to you (y/n) I’m so sorry, you’re the last person on this planet that deserves that. You’re such a warm and compassionate person, you’re living sunshine and the kindest, most selfless person I know , and you’re painfully beautiful. Inside and out you are absolutely beautiful”
He soothed , his voice was low and Earnest. His hands moved up to your arms as he stood and pulled you up to him wrapping you in another time stopping hug.
You let yourself cry, you let yourself be an absolute mess on Tyler’s shoulder because this is exactly what you needed to finally let go of the pain that max instilled on you.
Tyler was what you needed.
His hand moved up and down your spine with purpose , his touch was gentle and warm. You shook lightly as you sniffled wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
“Oh … I’m a mess”
You sighed , before letting out a pathetic self deprecating chuckle.
Tyler didn’t let you go , his lips brushed your ear as he spoke sending a jolt of hot awareness down your spine
“You are too good for him (y/n)”
He looked down at you as you swiped more tears from your eyes, trying to clean yourself up and stop all this nonsense crying. Max was done and over with , this had happened months ago and you didn’t even have feelings for him anymore. The tears were more or less therapeutic, especially here with Tyler. You needed this, this was the nail in the coffin of yours and Max’s relationship.
You lifted your head , giving Tyler a watery smile
“I needed that”
You admitted as his hand caressed your back.
“I think I did too, It’s been too long since I’ve seen you, I don’t want to wait that long ever again.”
Tyler stated as he eyed you carefully. His eyes narrowed and his brows creased slightly. You knew him long enough to know that was his thinking face.
“What are you thinking about?”
You asked poking his chest. neither of you had made a move to step away from each other. You just stood there in his arms , letting him soothe you.
“I’m here for a week, and then we’re leaving for Europe..”
Tyler began, watching you as each word left his lips. You nodded your understanding, waiting for him to continue. A slow smile curled his lips , brightening his eyes before he spoke again
“Come with us”
A/N: hello! I hope everyone enjoyed this short one shot, I’m actually considering doing a part two but I haven’t decided yet! Please let me know if you liked it or not I love any feedback anyone has. The person who requested this was anonymous but whoever you are thank you for the great prompt.
If you would like to send in a request for me to write a fic for you please send it to my ask box
Thank you again for reading!
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anyaisop · 29 days
this is me everywhere in the fandom
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I can’t escape it 😭💀
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vialism · 1 month
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moodboard for @re-discover-communication's fic woodwork
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Damn those pilots can sure twenty one!
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kickedin17 · 2 months
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Sunday funday vibes
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