#twf boozoo x reader
kiki213 · 7 months
I really need me some Boozoo x reader 😔 I need my husband and I can’t find any anywhere 😭 😭
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Might I request the Walter Files Crew with a ready who’s job it is to clean them?
"Really? Blood again, Bon? I don't get paid enough to clean you all the time."
The fact you're not even remotely concerned about where the blood on his claws came from leaves Bon puzzled.
But he decides to keep you alive since 1) you're not a target, and 2) any other caretaker would've ran off to tell someone, and he couldn't have that.
You just clean away. Jack's spirit can't help but be a little appreciative of you looking after his animatronics.
She's always eager when you come in to clean her, considering you've been helping her look "beautiful".
While you can't make her absolutely spotless, you put some extra effort into making her wool dirt-free and her collar shiny.
Anytime she asks you if she's still beautiful, you tell her "yes".
Even if you think she needs a major upgrade if Felix ever decided to bring back the gang.
Usually never holds still when you're trying to clean him.
"No not there!" "Ack! Don't spray those vile chemicals into my eyes!"
He's more whiny and childish than Banny, but you just sigh and do the best you can, reminding him you didn't need to do this for him if he hated it so much.
That usually shuts him up long enough for you to finish the job.
For reasons unknown you were told to never clean her endoskeleton. But hey, it's less work for you.
Banny usually has endless things to blabber about while you were working so...your shift wasn't all that boring.
"You're so good to us, [y/n]! Bon especially likes you! He might have a crush on you...or not..he's kinda mean to us but thinks you're pretty cool! Speaking of "cool", how's the weather out there?"
Going on tangents is her specialty, that's for sure.
His rubber face gets dirty the most, but you have no trouble cleaning it.
Unlike the others he's mute, only being able to speak through tapes. So cleaning him is kinda boring.
Though whenever you say something funny to yourself, you swore you saw the corners of his smile twitch a bit.
Probably just your imagination.
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Part three of all of The Walten Files characters reacting to being pet.
(Finale/might add more parts if new characters come out)
Holly had been helping out with all of the animals on Pete's farm when you decided you wanted to pet her.
Once you had found her and reached out to pet her she twirled around and grabbed your hand.
She then proceeded to pet you instead
So uh yeah good luck with that-
Duckie (Platonic)
You had been babysitting Duckie and Tammy on Halloween and ended up taking them out for trick or treating.
However, after a while you began to notice that Duckie seemed a little anxious.
In an attempt to comfort him you gently pet him.
This really helped him and he felt a little safer ^w^
Tammy (Platonic)
You were once again babysitting both Duckie and Tammy and had took them to the park.
After a little while you decided to join them over by the swings.
You eventually had to tell them it was time to go.
Tammy ended up getting a you to let them stay for a few more minutes after a bit of bargaining.
In the end all you could do was pet her and shake your head.
Pumpkin Rabbit
You had been helping him cook dinner when the opportunity had revealed itself to you.
Due to how tall he is you ended up having to climb onto one of the counters to get an ingredient he had on the top shelf as he stirred the mixture on the stove.
He paused his stirring when you had pet him; however, his grin never left his face. Once you got down he chuckled at your antics.
I mean if you want to do it again he's not gonna stop you 👀
Witch Sheep
You had woken up quite late one night to the the song of humming and the sensation of someone messing with you hair.
When you had turned over to ask why Witch was still up she apologized for waking you up.
You only smiled and pet her as of to say you didn't mind.
Please pet her at night as she's trying to go to sleep-
He had been in his box as usual when you decided to see what would happen if you were to pet him.
Sad greeted you with a small 'hello' as you walked up to him.
Your actions heavily confused him. He wasn't used to things like this and didn't know how to react.
Once you had explained it to him he smiled softly and pet you back.
She had been playing with one of her many toys when the realization had hit you.
You haven't tried petting her yet.
The moment you had pet her she practically picked you up and kissed you.
It's not even because of the petting she just thinks you're that adorable.
After dealing with a rather greedy and rude old man he decided to pay you a little visit.
It was then that you had decided to put your plan into action and try and pet him.
You had to climb on a chair to reach the top of his head but once you did you got halfway through a pet when you slipped.
He caught you with his head cocked to the side.
"You could have just asked."
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drc00l4tt4 · 3 years
I want to do Boozoo requests again AAAAAAAAA
I'm gonna try and do some of the ones I never got around to but please PLEASE don't hesitate to send in asks. You can even do one of the other fandoms listed in my pinned post, I just wanna write stuff /gen
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
So, Bon, Banny, Boozoo, Sha, Billie(all /p for these) and Sophie(/r or /p depending on what you're comfy with) with a animatronic marionette reader, and they came from a different company as a promo, and like, they're not hostile to anyone they're just there to vibe and give out gifts to everyone(even the other animatronics)
- Mask anon
Introduced you to the gang, but he got a little jealous seeing all the kids flock over to you, thinking you were trying to steal the spotlight.
You never meant to steal the attention, gifting him a farmer hat as an apology.
He's just like "?????" though he appreciates the gift and starts being nicer to you.
You've taken up the habit of calling him "Mr. B" out of respect.
New friend?? New friend!
She's curious about the restaurant you came from and will ask you about it whenever she's not performing.
Sadly you're only at Bon's Burgers as promo material so when you do have to return to your restaurant she might cry a little.
But to cheer her up, you'll give her a glittery bow. Just a simple parting gift.
Finally another humanoid animatronic like him.
You'll often perform gigs with him, such as popping out of your box and "magically" manifesting gifts for him and the kids in the audience.
After one show you gift Boozoo something and he says "but [y/n] it's not showtime ye-"
Though when he sees it's for him personally and not an act, he's pretty humble. You got him a plush white rabbit for his next trick.
She saw you gifting children stuff and she walks up to you, wondering if you had anything that'll make her "more beautiful".
While you insist she's already beautiful enough, you present a sparkly new collar and a bow for her hair.
But you're acutely aware that the soul trapped in her has a desperation to be more beautiful, craving your validation. So you try to appease both her and Sha.
You didn't really talk to him much, but he seemed like a funny guy.
You gifted him some circus-themed stuff like a fake flower for the water prank, juggling balls, etc. Just so he's not always singing for kids and can actually perform some acts.
He climbed the popularity ladder quick and appreciates you helping him (even if he can't say it himself).
Ngl she thought you were creepy when she was younger, which is understandable.
One day you coax her over to you, sensing her unease and sadness at the party. And you gift her a small white and blue bear plushie.
"It's my good pal Showbear." You tell her. "If you're ever lonely..he'll always be with you. Remember that."
Who knew that old doll would have such an impact on her life later on?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
This is a random 4am thought but.. how would bon, Sha, boozoo, billy , and banny react to waking in on y/n making a long furby.. that's yeah I'm.. yeah 🧍 - 🍪 anon
It's actually more terrifying than him
If it comes to life he's booking it bc it's too creepy even for him.
Would be the mom who's like "oh that's..nice, sweetie" whenever her kid shows her a violent/messy drawing.
She doesn't wanna be mean but internally she's like "I'm sorry for my language but what the f is this?????"
She might praise the colorful fur/patterns but that's it.
"Wha,,is this what you kids are making nowadays???"
He doesn't know whether to be impressed or scared.
But hey, you do you.
Walks in
Only to walk out in confusion
He might ask you about it later tho, he was just lost at the time.
Is the only one who actually adores the long furbies.
Would commission you for a purple bunnylike one (but then how tf would an animatronic get money).
You make one for free bc why not and she LOVES it.
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Part two of all of The Walten Files characters reacting to being pet✨
You were watching him fix his camera when you had first gotten the idea to pet him.
He froze when he felt you petting him. However, he soon recovered from his shock and smiled at you.
Please do continue petting him. He's actually really enjoying it.
He's going to pet you back once he finishes working on his camera.
Edd (Platonic)
He had been reading when you had decided you wanted to pet him.
You had caught him by surprise as he was very invested in his book when you had done so.
He smiled shyly before quietly greeting you.
You guys ended up talking about his book for about an hour afterwards.
Molly (Platonic)
You both had been talking about space when you chose to pet her.
She giggled and pushed your hand away before trying to get back at you.
Once she eventually does she'll tell you that now you have to pet Rocket.
She now insists you pet Rocket every time you see her.
You guys had been mid conversation when you had reached out and pet him.
"What the are you doing?"
"Petting you?"
"...I never said you could stop."
She had been brushing her fur when you made the decision to pet her.
She smiled at you as you did so and shook her head.
"You are just to cute sweetheart."
She likes it and would love it if you started doing that more often.
He had been setting up some activities for the rest of the gang when you had pet him.
He chuckled in response before petting you as well.
You should probably expect him petting you a lot more often.
It's his new favorite form of affection to use.
I'm surprised you managed to get her to stand still long enough to pet her.
She had been talking to you about her latest hyperfixation when you had pet her.
She squealed before quickly wrapping her arms around you and bringing you into a tight embrace.
She pet you in return during the hug.
You guys weren't really doing anything when you had gotten the idea to pet him.
He was a bit surprised when you did but smiled at the affectionate action.
"Aw thanks."
He'll then kiss you on the cheek.
You guys had been talking about the past when you had first thought to pet him.
When you eventually did he was quite confused and it took him a second to realize why you had pet him.
He doesn't seem to understand it but he'll pet you back.
You should probably explain it lol.
He had been napping in his chair when you had gone and pet him.
Much to your surprise he had actually woken up as you did so.
Once he realized what you were doing he chuckled shaking his head.
He thinks it's a little weird but loves it none the less.
Hope you enjoyed!)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Hello! I’m sorry if you’re stockpiled on requests, but could I ask for a Walten files char’s reactions to Y/N coming out? (I think it’s best to leave what sexuality/gender they came out as/or is blank) I just saw this tiktok of Jack Walten giving Sophie this shirt that says
“Let’s get 1 thing straight... I’m not” with a lesbian flag on it and I started crying-
YO I SAW THAT SAME ONE GSHGH. And Jack singing "be who you are/don't hide your pride" or something like that to Sophie is so wholesome gjsghd Unless specified I'll include animatronics, some of the human cast, and some of the non-canon gang too ........... Animatronics
Bon: He'd be like "oh cool, whatever makes you happy." He can be a snarky and sarcastic prick, but he's not gonna judge you for who you are.
Sha: ABSOLUTELY supportive. 100%. Since then she's noticed you've been a lot happier now that you can be yourself.
Banny: You might have to explain to her what your gender/sexuality is. Afterwards she'll hug you like "as long as you're happy, I'm happy!" Similar to Bon but more enthusiastic.
Boozoo: It may take a while to explain it to him, too...but surprisingly he's chill with it (even if he doesn't understand it much). Alongside Sha he's like a supportive dad.
Billy: Just smiles and nods in understanding. If you have a different gender he'll be sure to remember your pronouns next time it's your birthday.
Sophie: Ever since she came out, it gave you the confidence to come out to her. And she's happy for you! (plus relieved that she's got both supportive friends and family).
Jack: Hell yeah he's supportive of his friend/colleague! Like he did with Sophie he wants you to know you're loved and accepted and appreciated.
Felix: Same as Jack, though with the restaurant opening he instilled a policy that Bunny Smiles Inc would not discriminate against employees or customers regardless of sexuality/gender.
Brian: Prob the best person you could tell. He's very chill and supportive (and would prob beat up anyone who was rude to you about it).
Mortality: He prob wouldn't care too much, since he only deals with death and stuff. But don't take offense. He's pleased to hear that you wanna live your life fully as your preferred identity.
Pumpkin Rabbit: Honestly thought you wanted to leave when you said you wanted to talk. But he doesn't mind it at all. As long as you're a good bunny.
Witch Sheep: You were a bit scared she'd kick you out of the house, but she's very understanding and reassures you that you're always welcomed under her roof.
Jolly: More supportive than Mortality, though she'll be like "be careful of ignorant folk who may be less-than-kind to ya about your preference" (since she'd be aware of present issues and all that)
Sad: Would cry bc he's a big ol' empath (especially after you tell him how long you've been hiding your identity until now) but he's grateful you're being honest with him.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Hello! May I request a platonic friendship with Jolly Ghost of Present Times and child reader that sees them as a parental figure and clings to them? Sorry if it’s odd at all, you’re free to decline this request! <3
"Oh my..what do we have here?"
The tall sheep could only coo at the child who was clinging to her leg, clearly entranced by the Christmas lights.
Oddly enough you weren't afraid of her appearance--or even Ignorance nor Want (who are her "kids", in a way).
Jolly didn't know where you came from but she decided right there and then she'll be your friend and guardian.
True to her name, she's very cheerful and sweet, helping you decorate for Christmas (if you celebrate it).
She knows everything about your present, though she'll ask you about your day anyway.
Whether or not you're a spoiled kid, she'll always remind you to cherish what you have now.
If Mortality comes by she'll get protective like "go away, they don't need to know of their future. Imma let 'em enjoy their present".
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Hello! A request for Sad from Boozoo's ghost with a female reader. Reader is a murder clown (a gorgeous one 😤) and gets a visit from Sad but when mortality kills her, she becomes a demon and she's just that short, funny but obnoxious person that follows him around everywhere. Like an apprentice :D!!
"Why..Why do you cause all of this terror? Do you not realize the consequences of your actions?" Blue tears rolled down the ghost clown's face as he stared down at you.
"Me? Consequences?? Pffft, I stopped caring looooong ago, Saddie." You grinned twirling the knife in your hand, stopping only to glance up at Sad.
Somehow this guy just winded up in your home, claiming that he knew every awful deed you've done. But you've never seen him before in your life, so you called his bluff.
"But long ago..y-you weren't like this. Please let me show you-"
"No thanks. I've seen my past. It's ugly and I'm happy with myself now." Shooing him away, you turned around to leave, trying to ignore the sobs that were increasingly growing in volume. They were eerily uncomfortable to listen to, but you tried not to show it.
"Y-You know..I thought you were a beautiful clown when I first watched you..p-perform in the circus. Making children smile and laugh."
You stopped in your tracks as a thought bubble-shaped cloud appeared in front of you, showing a small screen that played a movie. It was one of your performances back at the local circus. The film entranced you, and for a moment it made you reflect on how much you've changed..for the worse.
"But then they all grew up and stopped coming. Now that people found ways to entertain themselves, they didn't need you to do it for them. And that made you...angry."
As Sad spoke, the crowds turned to black and white, with you alone as the only one in bright colors. And your smile gradually turned into a frown...then a deep scowl...
Before your whole face was distorted to inhumane proportions, but only for a split second before the cloud vanished.
"You see, you were beautiful then. You've always been beautiful on the outside...but inside you've become such a hideous person. You can't bring back those you killed but..y-you can still turn your life around. It's not too late, [y/n]."
"[Y/n]? Who's that?" You scoffed yet again, shaking your head as you adjusted your clown hat. No way would you let some sentimental crap sway your decision. "She died with the circus. There was never any [y/n], only-"
"You're lying."
"...I'm not Lying, I'm-" But as you turned around to sneer at Sad, you were startled when he grew taller, his torso stretching out of the box as long spindly arms appeared on both sides of him. Looking up, you saw that his face was practically melting, a deep frown settled on his lips as he loomed over you.
"Sheesh, sheesh..calm down, Saddie. 'twas just a joke!"
"You won't be joking when you're six feet under. Make the right choice before it's too late."
"Oooooh, shiver me timbers." You rolled your eyes. "Listen I appreciate the compliments, but you ain't gonna change my mind. The name [y/n] is just as dead as all my victims..those traitors...so just leave me alone."
Sad seemed shocked that you weren't fazed by his transformation. Though seeing that he couldn't convince you to change for the better made him shrink in defeat--quite literally, for that matter. He gave you one last pout before disappearing into his box, the lid slamming shut.
"Well that was quite an act he put on." With a giggle, you knocked on the lid playfully. "Thanks for the show, Saddie. No hard feelings~!"
No response. Of course.
You made a small "hmph" noise before turning on your heel and leaving, trying to find a way out of this darkness.
A few steps later, though, you heard other voices.
"Impressive. Shall I show 'er how her actions affect the present?"
"No need..she seems well aware. That may not scare her but perhaps the future will.."
"Scare me? C'mon. Don't make me laugh again." Stopping once more, you took out your knife and tossed it playfully in the air. Just to intimidate whoever dared to insult you-
Only for it to explode into Christmas ribbons.
"H-Huh?! That was my favorite knife..."
"That's not the only thing I'd be worried about, my dear."
You were still pouting as you turned to the source of the masculine voice, finding a tall lanky rabbit approach you. His body was stitched together like a doll with matted fur and wrapping paper.
"You one of Saddie's friends?" You sneered, hands on your hips. "What're you, an elf's half-assed project?"
"I am Mortality." He stated, forming a grin that showed off his yellowing teeth. "You have no fear in taking the lives of others before their time comes...but what about you?"
"..what do you mean, Morty?"
Like before, in the blink of an eye, Mortality's form shifted into something horrific: his body melting and his eyes stretched out, glowing brighter as he looked down at you.
"What if I told you that YOUR time is already up? The way I see it...YOU HAVE NO FUTURE."
"You ain't still taking my insults to heart, are ya?"
"You're lying, Saddie...you reek of hypocrisy."
"A-Are you saying I smell, now??"
"Awh c'mon. Ya gotta learn to take a joke sometime. Clowns are good at those." You patted Sad's back in pity as he cried, handing him a colorful handkerchief.
In short, after a rather violent and gruesome death thanks to Mortality, you were basically a demonic clown now, condemned to hell or whatever. Though you already knew you were going there anyway.
But because of that, he saw that you didn't care at all. So he gave up on scaring you and allowed you to visit him, Sad, and Jolly anytime you wanted. You hung out with the one you first met mostly, tagging along in whatever he did and even learning to sing.
As for your role in the trio..you're the one who threatens mortals to be kinder and less selfish--lest they turn out like you--if they chose to ignore or mock Sad. And you were successful in getting the message across even without transforming into some melted abomination and distorting their reality.
Sad remained conflicted about his feelings for you. He felt honored to have an "apprentice." but on the other hand...he was the most sensitive clown paired with the most insensitive clown.
At the same time, your talks of the circus, your acts, and your beauty..all made him grow quite bashful in your presence.
You may have not changed at all, even in death.
But now he didn't mind it.
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(My alternate account is fnaf-fanboy)
TWF (this includes Mysterious House and Boozoo's Ghost. I will not write Ed, Molly, Tammy, or Duckie unless it's platonic)
FNAF (If I write an animatronic it is not possessed bcs that is pedophilia. The only exception being Springtrap, Scraptrap, and Glitchtrap bcs he's of age.)
MHA (All characters that are not of age will be aged up but I won't write for Eri or any other of the children unless it's platonic)
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Undertale (This includes it's AU's)
AOD (Underage characters will be aged up)
Creepypasta (I'm either going to age up characters or only write the platonically if they're underage)
Harmony and Horror
What I will do
Character x Reader
Yandere x reader
Character x Reader x Character
Platonic of all of those
Light sexual references
I will do prompts
One Shots
Pretty much anything having to do with LGBTQIAP+
Pretty much everything that I don't say I won't do
What I won't do
Character x OC
Character x Character
Lemon/Smut (please keep ur fetishes to urself)
Might add more
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